Minutes 01-31-22Minutes of the Senior Advisory Board Regular Meeting
Held at City Hall, Commission Chamber, 100 E. Ocean Avenue
Boynton Beach, Florida, on Monday, January 31, 2022, at 2:00 P.M.
Angela Cruz, Chair Brenton Rolle, Recreation Supervisor
Judi Lyman
Alison Black
Thomas Devlin
Sandra Watson
Margaret Newton arrived 2:03 p.m.
Earl Harper, Alternate
Jennifer Gomez
Ina Truehart
I. Call to Order
Angela Cruz, Board Chair called the meeting to order at 2 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
III. Attendance – Review Renewals
Roll call was taken. A quorum was present.
IV. Approval of Agenda
1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections
2. Adoption
Ms. Lyman moved to approve the agenda as presented. Mr. Devlin seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 31, 2022
V. Approval of Minutes
Mr. Devlin moved to approve the minutes. Chair Cruz seconded the motion. The motion
passed unanimously.
VI. Unfinished Business
a) All Senior Advisory Board Openings & Alternates
Brent Rolle, Board Liaison, noted there is a full Board.
VII. New Business
a. Adding Prehab equipment to Senior Center
i. Introduction of idea – Thomas Devlin
Mr. Devlin was in a rehab situation and noted the different equipment. He hears from
others going to rehab that the facilities are expensive and insurance does not pay much
for it.
ii. Equipment to be considered
Mr. Devlin advised most rehab facilities have things like a NuStep, which provides the
ability to exercise arms and legs like a recumbent bicycle. It rebuilds the legs, hips,
thighs, upper body and helps build stamina. He explained the reason he calls this
equipment “prehab” is because if they put these items in the Senior Center, patrons will
use them and if they ever have to go to rehab because they will be familiar with it, and
when insurance runs out, they can continue to use it. He commented most people do
not have access to follow-up equipment.
Other equipment they have are treadmills, which many people cannot use due to
arthritis and other issues, but equipment used in rehab is designed for people with these
issues. They have pretty normal lives and rely less on home care. There is an upper
body bicycle. Mr. Devlin commented there are several larger pieces of equipment like it
that make it easier for people to use. Some are attached to the wall for stretching.
Patrons can use the equipment before they have a problem, and after injury. The most
common equipment for legs is the leg press which has a small footprint. The NuStep is
at all the rehab centers to build leg strength and stamina, upper body and whatever
other little things they may be able to incorporate that may be of long-term benefit.
Chair Cruz agreed with Mr. Devlin it was important to support seniors and asked about
the cost. Mr. Devlin had a video of the equipment used at Bethesda Hospital. The cost
of NuStep is about $4K to $5K. The upper body may be $700 to $1K and he has to
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 31, 2022
investigate the leg press. They are not astronomical numbers. Mr. Devlin commented
the existing equipment at the gyms are based on a universal gym, which raises blood
pressure. The items he referenced do not.
iii. Possible Funding sources
Ms. Watson pointed out the equipment is usually in rehab with trained professionals to
advise on its use. She asked if the equipment would be in a center or only a rehab
center. If at the Center someone may use it without proper training. Mr. Devlin
explained the equipment he listed has simple instructions and does not require
professional supervision. The NuStep is similar to the treadmill. At the Senior Center,
patron’s present a doctor’s note confirming it is safe for them to use the equipment.
Ms. Black inquired about liability if anyone is hurt while using the equipment. Mr. Rolle
explained the type of equipment under discussion is not any more taxing than the
equipment they have, so as far as who covers injury, patron’s sign a waiver and the City
is not liable. He cautioned to be careful about the difference between something that is
a Board issue or a Senior Center issue as they are separate He suggested if the Board
wanted to try to find a funding source to purchase the equipment, it was fine. Anything
else was a budget issue for him and they upgrade the equipment as best as they can.
Ms. Lyman commented after an individual has a problem, they are usually discharged to
a rehab center and are not released until the doctor feels they are properly maintained.
Then they will send someone to the house to evaluate them. Mr. Devlin noted he had
36 visits at the cardiac rehab and was finished. They issued a report, which was sent to
the doctor and asked how he would follow up. Insurance and Medicaid pay for a certain
number of visits and that is it. There no place to follow up. Ms. Lyman commented she
has seen people in rehab for months. Mr. Devlin understood, but stated the rest of the
patients are released and on their own. The hope with prehab is prevention.
Mr. Rolle advised the equipment under discussion is fine as it can be preventative, but
he cautioned the equipment is not something available to non-members and no one
who completed any sort of medical training would come to the Senior Center to
supervise. Members have to be cleared to use the equipment in the Center. They are
a recreation facility, not a medical facility. He suggested bringing this up at a later
meeting and sharing the video. The equipment is not an issue. Mr. Devlin commented
it is less dangerous than a treadmill.
Ms. Watson was unsure how the Board would come up with the funds, should the Board
take it as a Board issue. Someone would have to take it on as an item to pursue if they
want to help and assistance with funding. If going through the City’s channel it is a
budget issue. Mr. Devlin inquired if a facility could donate or sponsor the equipment
and learned they could as long as it goes through the City process. The Senior Center
uses sponsorships often.
Meeting Minutes
Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 31, 2022
Ms. Watson noted they are having a Health Fair, and they can inform people more
about insurance. There is rehab and then individuals go to home health and then go to
outpatient. That is three to five months they could be using the equipment The
residents may not be informed about how that process works. The Senior Advisory
Board is provided a free table at the Health Fair and could share this information. This
would apply to those on Medicaid or Medicare.
Mr. Mignoli thought it would be helpful if the public could comment after an important
issue. He agreed with Mr. Rolle. The Center is not a medical facility.
Ms. Newton explained they should not let funding deter them. Healthier Boynton Beach
has grants they can apply for as this kind of activity is above and beyond the Senior
Center. There are mentioning grants from Healthier Boynton Beach and grants
especially for the Senior Center. They will open up a round of grants in March and she
will speak more about them at the March meeting.
Mr. Harper understood Mr. Rolle’s comments, but commented between getting a grant,
the equipment and finding a home for it, they can use the Health Fair to talk about what
is currently available. Bethesda has a center at the YMCA in Boynton that people use
as people go through rehab for a period of time. He ran health care companies such as
Humana and Blue Cross, Blue Shield and was aware actuarily there is only so many
services covered of a certain type so have to look for more options. Mr. Harper also
advised he was 63 and Blue Cross Blue Shield does not cover as much as one thinks.
He is looking forward to turning 65 to be eligible for Medicare and out from under the
yolk of having to pay for his own healthcare plan. He suggested they have handouts in
the interim because the City funding process may not move quickly and they have
followed the rules. Things like helping people prevent falls and the exercise equipment
will help facilitate prevention. He noted the YMCA has trained personnel and it can be a
catchment for people who have fallen off the healthcare spectrum. Mr. Rolle agreed as
long as the Board is serving the greater good of the senior population. The Board could
put information together for the health fair and is not advocating for one resource or
vendor, as there will be a number of vendors at the health fair doing the same thing.
Mr. Devlin explained he is not looking to make the Senior Center a medical facility. He
was only looking to upgrade the equipment, as it is similar to the exercise equipment
there. The equipment is more modern and similar to what is used, but does not
increase blood pressure. It would be an exercise facility. Mr. Rolle recommended
putting it on the next agenda.
Ernest Mignoli, 710 NE 7th Street, Unit 407, commented he is 73 years old and a victim
of a violent crime, who is permanently handicapped. He commented he was interested
in the discussion, being part of New York/New Jersey senior centers, and he agreed
with the Board Liaison, individuals have to join the Center first and provide pertinent
information. They are supposed to update staff on changes and staff will usually steer
them away from anything that could be harmful. The facility is for seniors, and not to
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Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 31, 2022
use equipment medically. The Advisory Board can advise and vote and whatever the
Commission decides to do is what would occur. He thought, in general in Boynton
Beach, the City going in the opposite direction for the magnitude of seniors they have.
He thought Boynton Beach was trying to be like Delray Beach. He commented Two
Georges makes so much noise, they cannot sleep at night. The Police have boats
there and are not enforcing firecrackers, and the people who leave on motorcycles, they
are drinking. They come to City events and sell drugs. He thought the seniors were on
the last rung of the ladder. He noted the intersection of First and Ocean that was
painted for $12K and stated they took away the handicap and crosswalk lines for a flag.
The City is taking everything away from them on Federal and Ocean. He noted on
Federal or Ocean when the crosswalk changes, motorists are supposed to stop and
they don’t. He stated people need to stop at stop signs and the police need to enforce
it. Old people get caught in the middle.
Mr. Rolle recommended Mr. Mignoli attend a City Commission meeting. Mr. Mignoli
explained most seniors live in condo’s and they provide prospective homeowners
information, but they do not do anything. He stated what is good for seniors is good for
infants and children. Mr. Devlin stated he will share the video and identify equipment.
Mr. Devlin was also informed the Board members can approach and discuss funding
with potential sponsors or discuss as an individual what they want and bring it back to
the Board, but it should be delineated that Mr. Rolle in no way, shape or form, that he is
advocating for the facility.
Ms. Watson commented they have more than the one facility for seniors and suggested
tabling the matter to the next meeting to conduct more research. There may be other
venues. Mr. Rolle stated when talking about grants, they all have requirements. They
can see what funding sources are available.
Mr. Devlin moved to investigate the equipment that will be beneficial, the cost and
space it would require and bring it back to the Board to decide where that equipment
may best fit in the City.
Chair Cruz suggested there be a liability clause with any equipment. Mr. Harper
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Harper asked if the Center purchases the equipment or leases it and learned it is
purchased from a vendor and there is a separate, bid on, contract for maintenance.
b. Wireless Carrier Days
Introduction of idea – Thomas Devlin
Mr. Devlin commented Wire Carrier Days could be hosted at appropriate locations in the
City. The 3 G services in the US are ending in the next month, and many carriers in the
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Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 31, 2022
last three months have been enticing people to get new phones or swap out their
phones because their 3 G will just shut off. People were given free phones because
they did not get a new phone. He helped someone learn how to send and receive
messages and helped another to find contacts. Some older Americans are phone
savvy, but many are not. He thought they could approach ATT, Verizon and T Mobile to
see if they can make a presentation specific to people who just swapped to new devices
at a City facility or another location. Mr. Devlin thought the Library and the Senior
Center could be used. He did not know how many seniors would take advantage of it or
if they can ask phone carriers about educational videos.
Mr. Rolle asked how this becomes a Board issue and explained they set up
presentations all the time and they could set one up, but it would only be beneficial to
the Senior Center members. If the Board wanted to host something and invite seniors
in the general population to come to the Center, they could set it up. He would need to
know the number of attendees. If there is enough interest, they can set up more than
one session.
Ms. Watson pointed out the City holds events throughout the month. As an advisory
board, if they wanted to do something like that and the Center can contact the carrier,
they can ask them to have a table or to work out something to help seniors with that
information. The Senior Advisory Board is to ensure they address issues for seniors as
a whole. The Board can also collaborate with other organizations to help seniors. She
thought they could get the space. Mr. Rolle suggested contacting the City’s Marketing
Department. Chair Cruz thought a survey to ascertain how many people would be
interested would be helpful.
Mr. Rolle suggested looking at FunFare magazine which tells everything that is going
on. The activities in it are inclusive and almost always on the City marquis. They can
say the City is having an event and the Board wants you to come..
Ms. Newton advised she made a presentation to the City regarding the carriers looking
to upgrade in the City. There are several dead spots in some areas, but a connection
with three carriers already exists. She thought it would be smart to contact the
Marketing Department to contact carriers who want to make a presentation. They can
leverage that connection. Ms. Watson suggested looking at the City Commission
minutes, because they are discussing upgrading WiFi in the parks.
i. Coming changes for seniors
ii. Possible Solutions and ideas
c. Health of Senior Citizens in the Community – Brenton Rolle
i. Resources are available in the community
Mr. Rolle stated as an expansion of things available to the citizens in Boynton Beach,
there are Walk Fit programs, Walk Fit grant opportunities and things that require
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Senior Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida January 31, 2022
partnerships, so it would not completely be a City initiative, it would be through the City
and in partnership with several organizations in order to get seniors moving. He
recommended the members visit the NRPA.org and FRPA.com websites to review
different activities in other cities. Using Delray as a model, there are budgetary line
items to produce or defray costs for seniors attending trips which would not go through
their senior center. Something like that would be spearheaded by a Board.
ii. Senior Health Fair April 2022
Mr. Rolle stated at the March 7th meeting he can provide flyers to take back to the
community. There will be six weeks between the meeting and the Health Fair. They are
putting together vendors to help at the Ezell Hester Community Center. He can send
out vendor packages to the members. He believed the Fair was on April 26 th, but would
email the members the information. Mr. Devlin suggested using the Boynton Beach
app. The events should be on the calendar, but he did not see senior services or center
information on it app. Mr. Rolle responded facilities are not listed, it is only services.
Mr. Devlin asked how facilities could be included. Mr. Rolle explained he has no input
on the app. Chair Cruz asked if the Board can approach the City to include the
information and advertise senior items. Mr. Rolle commented if so, information
regarding all four facilities, not just the Senior Center should be included. Mr. Rolle
suggested they contact the Marketing Department or go to the City Commission
VIII. Next Meeting - March 7, 2022
IX. Adjournment
There being no further business, Mr. Harper moved to adjourn. Mr. Devlin seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 3:14 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist