Minutes 05-20-54MINUTES OF A REGULAR ~KETING OF THE BOYNTON BEACH PLA~ING BOAED HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, NAY 20, 1954. Mr, Henry Merkel Jr., Chairm~n, ~r. A.H, Nyquist Mr. L.S.0hadwell ~r. Robert McDonald. Mayor Shook. ~r, Stanley ~Veaver, Commissioner Mrs. Ered Koepenick, ~epresenting Palm Beach Post. ~Tro l~erkel called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.~T. ~r. Nyquist read the minutes of the last meeting of May 6, 1~54. ~r. ~cDonald moved, ~!r. Chadwel! seconded, that the minutes be accepted as read. ~otion carried. Mr~ Chadwell expressed the opinion that the Board should take such definite steps as it deems fit and should stahd behind them. ~r, Merkel polluted out that it is up to the Zoning Board to decide just what type of uniformity the zoning of Highway No.1 should take. There was a lengthy discussion on the advisability of arr~uging for space for future schools, parks etc., also for an area for an industrial section. ~Ta~or Shook suggested that new members be appointed to some of the City Boards as the present members have often been serving for so long that they may have lost interest. After a long discussion, ~r. Chadwell moved t~hat the Board go on record as recon~ending to the City Council that starting on U.S.1 and continuing to the West City limits the right of ~y on Lake Avenue be 100 feet. ~r, McDonald seconded. ~otion carried. · '~ It was suggested recommending to the City Council the appointment of two temporary members to, the Planning Board to be available in case of absence of some of the re~lar members during the summer months. Co~ittees v2re appointed to explore the possibilities of land for co~uercial and industrial purposes, one hosted by Mr. Chadwell to inspect land to the North of Lake Avenue to the Canal and Laurel Hills, and 2~r, ~cDonald to inspect land to the South of Lake A~enue; both to choose prominent citizens t$ go with them to a~vise them~nd~-to~eport on their findings at ~he next meeting of the Board on June 3. There being no further business, Mr. McDonald moved and Mr. Nyquist seconded ~hat the ~eeting be adjourned. Chairman.