~ir. Roher~ ~cDonatd
Mr. A.H.Nyquist
Mr. L.S. Chadwell
~!r. Joseph W. Todd.
Mrs.Fred G. Koepnick, representing the Palm Beach Post.
Nr. Charles Boos, representing the Realtors' Board.
In the absence of
order at ?~B0 P.~.
~ro NYquist read the minutes of the last meeting of the Board
of April
~r. Todd moved, ~Ir. Chadwell seconded, that the minutes be accepted
as read. ~otion carried.
I,..t was stated that the information that all houses in the City
had a~ready been nu~mbered and that maps of the City were available for
distribution was incorrect. Houses have not been numbered and although
the maps have been on order from Mr. Brockway for some time, they have
not yet been received.
It was agreed that appropriate action should be expedited.
~r. Chadwell reported that the Contmittee appointed at the last
meeting for the beautification of Highway No.1 had met, but that nothing
had been accomplished.
~r. Nyquist volunteered to interview the ~,~yor with
having a key to the City Hall available for Board ~eetings.
Mr. Nyquist s~gested that re-zoning of U.S.No.! be reco~mmended
to the Zoning ~oard.
~r. Boos pointed out that Boynton is a single artery City and
needs cross roads to prevent slowing dov~ of business, and that service
stations are use~~ul as cradles of development. He thought that uniform
zoning is most necessary along Highway No.!, and said the Chamber of
Commerce will join with the Realtor~' Board in this ~0Pinion, and will
write a letter to the Council to this effect.
After further discussion, ~. Nyqui~t moved, Mr.Todd seconded, that
the Planning Board go on record as recommending to the City Commission
that Eighw~y No.1 through Boynton Beach be zoned uniformly in its
entirety for business yrithout dis~crtmin~~ti~n~'~ The reason for this
is the protection of property ov~ers and to provide for the orderly
growth of our City. Motion carried.
It was agreed that a copy of the foregoing motion should b~ given
to the Zoning Board for its information, and a copy ~o ~r. Boos for the
information of the Realtors' Board.
The location of an industrial area was discussed at length, the area
between the Canal and the Railway being suggested. It was agreed that this
question should be taken up at the next meeting of the Board.
Mro McDonald expressed the opinion Shat it would be beneficial for
one or more members of the Board to obtain permission to att'end a meeting
O~ the Plaguing Board of ~est Pmlm Beach, and alSO a meeting of the City
Council. He suggested that two members of the Board should attend, if
permission is granted.
~r. Todd said he v~u~d be away until September. He suggested that
thought be Eiven to the types~of buildings put up in the City, instead
of to the square footage onIy~'
Er. Todd moved, ~r. Nyquist seconded, that the meeting be adjourned.
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Secreta~ ~