APRIL 22, 195&.
Mr. Henry ~erkel, Jr., Chair~n.
~r. A.H.Nyquist
Mr. L.S, Chadwell
Mr, Robert ~cDonald
~r. Joseph W. Todd.
~r. C.Howard Hood, City Commissioner.
~rJ Albert Deen, ~%~y ~'~O~er,
Mrj J.W. ~pes
~Ir; J.W; Treehouse
~r. ~Watter' DUt ch.
~rs. Walter ~tch,
~rs. Fred Eoepnick, representing the Palm Beach Post.
~fr. ~ferke! called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M.
~r. Nyqu!st read the minutes of the last meeti~ of April 2,
~r. McDonald moved, ~r. Todd seconded, that the minutes be accepted
as ~ad, Motion carried.
Mr, ~cDonald spoke of the deep water lying on Ocean Avenue and in
other places in the City owing to the recent heavy rains, and of the
necessity for drainage.
There was a discussion on the advisability of doing av~y with
dead end streets.
Er. ~erkel said the Board hoped that a small Committee might be
formed during the s~mmer to work on the imprevemen~ and beautification
of Highway No.1 from one limit of the City to the other. He said that
fifty-four invitations to attend the meeting had T. een sent out to
owners and occupiers of property along the Highv~y in the hope that such
a Co-~mittee could be formed,
~.fr. Pipes made several suggestions regarding cleaning up the City
sidewalks, and said'peCple~,hou~d be .made to provide a drive so that they
could get into and out of their orooerty v.~thout driving over the City
~[r,-~erkel/the Com~ittee, v~en formed, should find out who is re-
sponsible for such things and get them straightened out.
~r. Chad~ll s~gested that those present m&ke a list of the
names of the people they V~o~ld~ like on the Committee and approach
them individ~liy'tOmorrow to ~see if they would se~ve, He thought
they should be chosen from those living along the Highv~y, v~ile
people~liVin~ 8~ Other ~treets could form their o~ Co~ittees, if
only to clean up the debris°
~r. PipeS'said a few of the~ would get together tomorrow and
start the thing block by block.
~r, Ch~dwell mOved that the Planning Board appoint a Com~.ittee
of seven from among those present this evening, to meet on a certain
evening 'at City Hall, independently of the Planning Board, to discuss
the beautification of Highway No.1. Mr. ~IcDOnald seconded the
~'~ion~ which was carried.
The follow~ng were then appointed: Mr. Merkel
~r. Pipes
~r~. T reehouse
Mr. Hood
~r. DutCh
Ers. Dutch.
Mr. Fred Wilhelm,
The Co~ttee members ag~ reed to call a meeting for t6~Eorrow
~Friday) evening at 8 P.~T. at City Hall.
There v~s a discussion on the advisability of all local dogs
being inoculated a~atnst rabies, and ~r. ~erket suggested that the
best time to bring up such questions is during the first h~lf houz~
of Council meetings,
~Tr. 2~cDonald moved that the matter of the numbering of ho~ses
~nd the makir~ of such information available to residents be placed
on the agenda of the Council for its next meeting, as also the m~tter
of a supply of r~ps of the City of whic~h copies can be obtained at
City Hall. ~r. Todd seconded. D~o~tion carried.
It v~$ agreed that the nex~ meeting of the Board should be held
on Thursday, May 6, at ?.$0 P.M. ·
There beir~ no further business, Mr. Todd moved, ~r. McDonald
seco~ied, that the meeting be adjourned, ~otion carried.