Minutes 04-08-54~[i'NI~ES 0P A p~tIIA~ f~-~&~IN~ OF ~t~E BOXtF~0N B~ACH pIAR~IIN~ I~LD AT CITY HALL, BOY~0~? BEACH, APRIL 8, I95~. PEESENT: Mr. Henry ~erkel Jr., Chairman. }~r. A.H,Nyquist Er. L.S. Chadwell ~ir. Robert ~cDonald~ ~Ir. Ben Sundy, County Co~L~issioner. Mr. Charles Boos. Mfs.Fred G.Koepe~k, representing the Palm Beach Post. The meeting was called to order by the Chairm~n at ?.50 P.~. M~r. Nyquist read the rain~tes of the previous meeting of ~rch ~2, 19~. ~r. '~cDonald suMgested the insertion of "street lighting" before poles and equipment. ~Ir,~ierkel suggested that }giss ~uster's na~e be included among those present as representing the Delray Beach Press. s, the minutes be ~!r. Chadwell moved tna , with the above amendment accepted- Mr. Nyquist seconded the motion which was carried. ~ ~,~r. Nyquist read a letter dated March 29 which he and, ~ir.McDonald had written to the City Clerk of Riviera Beach requesting information on the financing of street lighting in that City, and said that no redly had as yet been received. It ~as pointed out that the matter of street lighting for the HighwaY had now been taken care of by the Council, but that the ~iayor should be sho~ a coPY of the letter read by ~r.Nyquist. With reference to road widening and the setback of all new constructio~ along the new roadway, the County Commissioner said this would be the responsibility of the Cou_uty. After a discussion on the necessity of cleaning up Highway No.1, it was agreed that all merc~hants, motel owners, etc., alo-~g the Highway should be invited to the next meeting of the Board on Thursday, April 22., to give them an opport~uity to express their view on the matter. After which recom~endations ~houl~ be drawn up and presented to the City Clerk by Friday, April 30, in order to be included in the agenda for the following meeting of the Council on ~Y 3. ~r, ~terkel outlined the recommendations of the Planning Board to the Council to date, especially that regarding the desirability of non~'~nating a Clean-uP Co~L~Llt~tee for the Highway, ~ir. Sundy said no'thing much could be done about ~idening the HighwaY until it was knov~ where the setbacks ~,ould h~ve to be, and that the scheme may possibly go through v, ithin the next two yearS. He added that ~he Road Department will be responsible for ~tewalks, storm sewers, etc. -2- ~!r. Boos stressedi~the responsibility of the Planning Board, although only advisory, and said that some day some one is goin~ to have to ~rk out the industrial s~aa in relation to atomic and o~her power, ~nd that it vDuld be most important tha~ no residence should find itself in an industrial area, or vice versa. There was further discussion on the necessity for improving railroad crossings in the City limits. ~ro Sundy said he would be ~tad to cooperate ~th the Board and to be of whatever service he could. There being no fu-?~her 'business, ~!r. Nyquist moved, M.r.DIcDonald seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. ~Iotion carried. Secretary.