Mr. Henry l~erkel, Jr.., Chairman.
Mr. A.H.Nyqutst
Mr. L,S.Chadwell
~r. Robt. E. $~cDomald.
Mr. Eerkel called the meeting to order at 8 P.M.
Mrs. Clarence Bosworth, representing the Garden Clubl 1Ir. 0.E.
Tergesen, representing the Property Owners Mud ~anagers Associationl
Mr. George Christiansen, representing the City, and Mr. Walter Nolan,
a member of the Zoning Board, were also present.
Mr. Nyquist, seBretary, read the minutes of the last regalar meeting
of ~arch 8, 1954.
Mr. Nyquist moved that the mi~ates be accepted as read.
seconded the motion, which ~s passed.
2~r. McDonald
Mr. Tergesen asked what the Planning Board proposed to do about spot-
zoning in the City, saying that this had already caused confusion and
would lead to more in future, if not taken in har~i immediately. He said
he asked for this informatio$ in order to pass it on to POMA, of which he
is President.
Mr. Tergesen also said the City needed better street lighting, and
referred to that at Delray Beach which he stated was installed free of
charge by the Florida Po,~r & ~.fght Company. He suggested communicating
with ~r. Senior on the matter.
Mr. Christiansen suggested that the Board make suggestions to the
Council as to how such lighting should be financed.
~r. Merkel suggested that a Committee be fomed to enquire into the
possibility of the State supplying the lighting on the Highway No.1, cr
perhaps a part of it.
~fter further discussion on lighting, it was agreed that Mr. Nyquist
and Mr. McDonald should contact the City Clerk at Riviera regarding the
financing of street lighting there, and should report at the next meeting
of the Board on the information obtained.
~rs. Boswerth said that Boynton Beach is the only tox~ that does not
have special lighting at Christmas on the main high~ay.
She also said the Garden Club would always be willing to help in
beautifying the City and asked that provision be made for the ~tering of
such trees and shrabs as may be planted along the sidewalks, etc.
The question of decorative lighting, for special occasions m~s dis-
cussed at lend-th.
Mr. Ohadwell suggested that this questio~ be tabled until another
Counciil.meeting' at which time a definite plan can be made and presented to the
This w~s agreed to.
He said that another Pr~posttion which should be taken up is %hat
of the lack of lighting on Green Street.
Mr. McDonald said he had received complaints about the railway signal
system at the S,E, Bth Avenue crossing, and there followed a discussion
on the bad railway crossings in the Oity generally, another specially
bad one being that of Ocean Avenue and the F.E.O. tracks.
It was agreed that the day of the Board meetings should be changed
from ~onday to Thursday, in order to meet the convenience of the Press,
a~ ~hat the nex~ meeting wo~d be Thursday, April 8.
There being no further business, ~r. McDonald moved and Mr,
Nyquist seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried.