Minutes 03-08-54~INUTES OF A REGULAR ~EETING OF TEE BOI~P~ON BEACH PLANNING BOARD HELD AT THE CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON ~ARCH 8, 19§4. PRESENT ]~r. Henry ~erkel Jr., Chairman, Er. A, H. Nyquist }¢~r. L.S .Chadv~ll. Mr. Joseph W. Todd }~r. Rober~ E.~&cDonald. }~r, l~erkel called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.I~. After discussion it was agreed that the Planning Board appointed by the City Council consider that the scope of their work is to plan for the present as well as for the future, and to this end make the following recommendations to the Council at this time: That the City be sure to include adequate sidewalks in any widening program for U.S.!. Also tha~ anything that can be done now to the present sidewalks in the way of temporary repairs, until the larger program is under way, should be done. That the Council appoint a Com~n~ittee to form an Association similar to the one used on Worth Avenue, Palm Beach, to beautify U.S.I: to eliminate some of the aggravating conditions, and to improve its appearance for ourselves and for visitors. That the plan for numbering streets and houses be prosecuSed with more vigor, as the Board considers this a matter of vital necessity, which should be looked after i~ediately so that people can number their houses. The Board believes that whatever cost is involved, the funds should be provided to complete the plan. It was agreed that the Board would cordially invite the Press and a representative from each Civic Club and Organization in the City to attend the next meeting at 8.00 P.M., Monday, ~arch 22., at the City Hall, The purpose of this meeting iE to give the clubs and organizations an opportunity to give their ~ecommendations and ideas for the betterment of the City. There being no further business, ~r, Chadwell moved that the meeting be adjourned. ~r, Nyquist seconded the motion which wa~ carried. Secretary.