Minutes 02-22-54I~I~K~TES OF A ~ETING OF THE PLAh~ING BOARD OF BOY~0N BEACH, F~I~IDA, WHICH FOLLO~ED THE FOREGOING ~WTING ON FEB~AEY Z2, 195~, AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON B~ACH. PRESENT ~r. Henry Eerkel, Jr. Mr. L.S .Chadwell. Mr. A.H.Nyquist Mr. Robert E. 51cDcnald ~r. Joseph ~o Todd. Er. Merkel called the meeting to order at 9.45 P.~. He stated that the Planning Board members should be five appointed by the Commissioners, and that representatives of the various grgup~ and organisations would be specially invited if their recommendations are required in matters concerning their particular group. Mr, Merkel ~as unanimously elected Chairman of the Board. ]~r. ~cDonald was unanimously elected Vice Chairman. Mr. Nyquist was um~nimously elected Secretary. ~r. Todd offered to make the m~ps needed, large or small-. It was agreed that a Minute Book should be ordered. The date of the next meeting of the Board was fixed for ~Ionday, ~arch 8, at 7.30 P.E. in the City Hall. There being no further business, ~r. Eerkel adjourned the meeting. Secretary. MINUTES OF THE FIRST ~ETING OF THE PLANNING BOAED OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, HELD AT THE CITY HALL, BOYhW20N BEACH, FEB~At~Y ~2, l~J4. Pl~ESENT: Mr. Henry ~rkeI Jr., in the Chair. Mr. A. H. Nyquist Mr. L.S .Chadwell ~r. Robert E. McDonald 2~Ir. Joseph W, Todd. Mayor F.L. Purinton. 0ommissioner Alva Shook Commissioner Stanley Weaver Commissioner Albert W. Deen. ~r. R,G. Greenwood, Building Inspector. ~r. C.F.Hochmuth, Plumbing Inspector. ~r. Paul Mercer, Chairman of the Zoning Board. ~r. Homer Shelton, Member of the Zoning Board. George Christiansen, Vice Chairman, Parks & Playgrounds Co.mitt ee. Mr. Merkel called the meeting to order at 8 P.M., and introduced Mr. George J. Votaw, a member of the American Institute of Architects, who has had a great deal of planning experience in West Palm Beach and other cities, and had agreed to address the meeting. Er. Votaw advised organising a Planning Board with as small a group as possible to begin with, suggesting a Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary to attend alD~meeti~ngs, which should begin at a definite time, say ?.Z0 P.~., and adjourn at 9.~0 P.E. Invited by the Nayor and Commissioners to join the Board should be one principle and one alternate representative of big ~siness, small business, hotels, motels, City organtsations, heavy industry, light industry, realtors, etc., so that one of each should be available at all times. The Mayor and Commissioners ca~uot attend the meetings in a body as all they can do is to recommend certain things which they would like to come to pass. Good up-to-date maps of the entire City are most necessary, showing every house and every man-made object platted on it to a legend, so that the type of occupants in any area at any time can be seen. ~st necessary to assure citizens that a Planning Board is an ultimate economy to the community. -2- THe first step is to an~Iyse and make attractive the chief highway to and through the community and to have sidewalks, to gibe good first impression. Referring to the law of seven-year cycles, Mr. Votaw suggested the planning of parks and playgrounds, etc., where they would be most attractive in, say, seven years' time. Some one small improvement should be in the making all the time. Highway No.1 needs a planting plan and uniformity, which, with the help of publicity, people living on the proper~y might be wi.lltng to cooperate in achieving, In answer to a question ~[r. Votaw said the normal wa~ in Florida' is for the Planning Board to do the planning, while the Zoning Board has problems of its own and its own business. The Planning Board makes recommendations, the Zoning Board passes them on and recommends them to the Commissioners, In answer to a question about a grave-yard for autos on the highway, ~r. Votaw said West Palm Beach put such in the heavy industrial zone and thought the right approach will sometimes bring about the change quickly and easily, Asked about an audience at Planning Board meetings, ~r. Votaw said the public was not invited, but if it was, for instance, a matter for heavy industry, the representative of heavy industry would be invited and other people would be told to talk to that individual. The suggestion was made that a map of the colored section be made and given to the colored representatives, asking them to make their own recommendations to the Commissioners. To keep the maps up-to~iate is one of the functions of the Pls~uning Board, but is not to be done at meetings. In the case of a big change a special committee should be put on it. Mr. Votaw was warmly thanked for his address and said he would be willing to attend any future meetings of the Planning Board whenever requested. Mr, Merkel adjourned the meeting.