Minutes 09-16-96 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS MEETING HELD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1996, AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT James Miriana, Chairman Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Ben Uleck, Vice Chairman Director Marilyn Huckle Mike Pawelczyk, Assistant City Howard Rappoport Attorney Patti Hammer Agnes Hollingshead, Alternate ABSENT Herman Gold, Alternate 1. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MEMBERS AND VISITORS Chairman Miriana called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., and introduced the Assistant City Attorney, the Recording Secretary, and the board members. He acknowledged the presence in the audience of Mayor Taylor. Chairman Miriana announced that Mr. Gold was unable to attend tonight's meeting. He is out of the country. 2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mrs. Huckle moved to approve the agenda as pre~ented. Ms. Hammer seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - May 20, 1996 Mrs. Huckle moved to approve the minutes of the May 20, 1996 meeting. Mr. Rappoport seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 4. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS None 5. OLD BUSINESS None ~r 6. NEW BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 16, 1996 Case No. 222 Project: Flowers Warehouse/Distribution Center Location: Park Ridge Boulevard, Quantum Park Lots 47-A, 47-B and a portion of Lot 46-A Owner: First Eagle Development Request Variance: Request for a variance from the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 7.H.3 - Accessways - to reduce the minimum driveway spacing requirement of 150 feet to: 1. 133.48 feet between the driveways on the subject property; and 2. approximately 65 feet between the western driveway of the property immediately to the east and the eastern driveway of the subject property. Richard Bekesh, 3014 US Hi.qhwav #1, Holiday, Florida~ represented the applicant. He explained that Flowers proposes to develop a 7,000 square foot distribution center. Flowers employs over 40,000 people and has three plants through the State of Florida. The plants are in Miami, Jacksonville, and Bradenton. This proposed distribution center will serve the bakery in Miami. The bread is shipped from Miami and distributed to the centers. One thousand square feet of this distribution center will be settlement area. The remaining 6,000 square feet will be used for distribution. A 65' tractor trailer will transport the bread to this center from Miami where it will be off-loaded. In order for this facility to function safely and efficiently, it is necessary to have two points of ingress and egress. The applicant is requesting a variance to allow 138' between the two internal accessways because of the width of the property. The applicant cannot separate the driveways any further than proposed. In addition, Mr. Bekesh urged the board to support the applicant's request to allow the 65' separation between the parcels. Mr. Bekesh explained that when Quantum Park was platted, this area was platted for two lots. On the west is Alpha Drive, and on the east is Beta Drive. Packaging Concepts is to the east of this proposed facility. The only remaining parcel that could be developed in this area is to the west. That development would have access off Alpha Drive. Ms. Hammer asked Mr. Bekesh to explain the operation at this facility. Mr. Bekesh advised that the main relay tractor trailer will arrive at the facility between 4:30 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. The distribution drivers arrive, pick up the merchandise, and leave the facility by 6:30 a.m. They then return to the facility at approximately 3:30 p.m. to settle their accounts. There is no retail facility at this location. Mr. Rappoport asked if this operation would interfere with the neighbors on either side. Mr. Bekesh responded negatively. He reported that he has learned that Park Ridge Boulevard will not go through once the high school is developed. Mrs. Huckle asked if there is an occupant on the property west of Alpha Drive. Mr. Bekesh responded negatively. When the proposal was brought to Quantum, they recommended this site. The applicant was surprised, as was Quantum, that there was a problem. They met with staff to see if the problems could be overcome. However, they were already all the way through the site plan process, and staff 2 MEETING MINUTES BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 16, 1996 recommended that the applicant apply for a variance. ..... Mr. Rappoport asked where this facility is in relation to Gateway Boulevard. Mr. Bekesh explained that Gateway Boulevard is to the north. None of the roads involved in this application lead into Gateway Boulevard. Chairman Miriana asked Ms. Heyden if there are any conflicts on the 65' spread in and out on the east side next to Packaging Concepts. Ms. Heyden explained that the distance between Flowers and Packaging Concepts is 65'. Both drives are right-turn in and right-turn out. Neither Packaging '~ ' Concepts nor Flowers can make a left turn out of the driveway because of the location of the median. Mr. Bekesh added that Packaging Concepts' trailer traffic enters that facility at Beta Drive. Their entrance is not near where Flowers' trailers will enter their facility. They will not have trailer traffic at that driveway. It will be strictly for cars. In response to Mr. Rappoport's question, Mr. Bekesh advised that Packaging Concepts is aware of Flowers' request. Ms. Heyden further advised that the property owners within 400' were advised of this request, and she has not received any input from anyone in the area. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT IN THE AUDIENCE WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS APPLICATION. Ms. Hammer supports the approval of this variance. She does not believe there will be any conflict once the school is built. The City is anxious to see Quantum Park developed, and Ms. Hammer feels it would be advantageous for the board to support this request. Ms. Hollingshead said she is troubled by the 65' proximity because frequent curb cuts slow traffic. However, the intent of Quantum Park was light industrial. She cannot conceive of anyone not wanting to get a truck onto this parcel. The board's choice would either be to render this parcel useless for light industrial unless we can come up with someone who does not use trucks, or approve the variance. She feels this request is appropriate. If the neighbors had any problems with this request, they would have come to this meeting to express their concerns. In response to a question from Mrs. Huckle, Ms. Heyden advised that when Quantum was platted between Alpha and Beta Drives, it was platted for two parcels. We are now getting three parcels. That is the reason why this problem has surfaced. Chairman Miriana feels that since this development would not create any major problems for the high school, he sees no reason to deny the variance. He further realizes that this is one of the things that needs to be done to get the development of Quantum Park going. It has been laying idle for much too long. Motion Mr. Rappoport moved to vote approval for the request for Flowers Bakery Warehouse. Chairman Miriana pointed out that there are two parts of this request -- the 133.48 square feet, and the 65' foot separation. MEETING MINUTES BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 16, 1996 Mr. Rappoport moved that the board vote approval on part one and then on part two of this request from Flowers Bakery. Attorney Pawelczyk recommended that the board vote once on the entire issue because if one vote passes and the second fails, the applicant cannot proceed. Amended Motion Mr. Rapport amended his motion to treat it as one motion for one and two. Part one is 133.48 feet between the driveways on the Flowers Bakery Warehouse Distribution Center, and part two-- approximately 65' between the western driveway of the Packaging Concepts property located immediately east of the Flowers property and the eastern driveway of the Flowers Bakery Warehouse Distribution Center property. Ms. Huckle seconded the motion. A roll call vote was polled. The vote was unanimous to GRANT the variance. 7. OTHER BUSINESS None 8. COMMENTS BY MEMBERS None 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board of Zoning Appeals, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Prainito Recording Secretary (One Tape) 4 Prepared by: Michael J. Pawelczyk, Esq. Assistant City Attorney, City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ORDER GRANTING RELIEF IN RE: Case No. 222 Flowers Warehouse Distribution Center The Appellant, Flowers Warehouse Distribution Center, appeared before the Board of Zoning Appeals on September 16, 1996 and requested a variance from the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 7. H.3 - Accessways - to reduce the minimum driveway spacing requirement of 150 feet to (1) 133.48 feet between the driveways on the subject property; and (2) approximately 65 feet between the western driveway of the property immediately to the east and the eastern driveway of the subject property. Based on the testimony of Richard Bekesh, the Board finds that basis for relief has been established. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED THAT: The request for variance of Flow, e'~s Warehous~stribution Center is approved. DATED: ATTEST: // / City ~lerk Bd.ofZoning Appeal Flowers.9/16/96