Minutes 02-17-93 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING HELD IN CONFERENCE ROOM "C", CITY HALL, WEST WING, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 17, 1993 AT 7:00 PRESENT Vernon Thompson, Chairman James Miriana, Vice Chairman Nello Tineri, Secretary Thomas Cordie Ben Uleck Irving Sechter, Alternate Paul Slavin, Alternate Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Administrator ~SENT Barkley Garnsey (excused) Henrietta Solomon (excused) ACKNOWLEDGENENT OF* HENBERS AND VISITORS Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:07 p,m. and introduced the members of the Board, Mike Haag, and the Recording Secretary. Chairman Thompson announced that two Alternate members would be serving on the Board this evening. ~PPROVAL OF ~INUTES Paul Slavin moved to accept the minutes of the November 16, 1992 meeting without any additions, deletions or corrections. Mr. Cordie seconded the motion which carried unanimously. CONTINUED PETITIONS None NEW~ETITIONS Chairman Thompson announced that there are two cases for discussion this evening. Those cases are Case #173 and Case #174. Before beginning with the new petitions, Chairman Thompson announced that Mrs. Solomon was absent due to the recent death of her husband. Also, Hr. Garnsey notified the office that he would not be in attendance. Chairman Thompson reminded the members of a recent discussion regarding the absence policy. Any three absences can constitute dismissal from a City Board. Further, Chairman Thompson received a copy of the City's policy with regard to participation by Board Alternates. Alternates can, and should, participate in the discussion, but may not vote unless they are participating in place of a Regular Board member. ~ase #173 - 3310 Loren Road Proderty O~ne--F? - Pine Point Villas Association, Inc. Request: Appendix A Zoning Section 4.0.1: The applicant is requesting authorization to install a six {6) foot high fence around the perimeter of the property within the area described as from the build- ing line to the front property line. -1- HINUTE$ - BOARD OF ADJUSTHENT HEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1993 Secretary Tineri read certain pertinent portions of the application. It was noted that this property is presented zoned R-3 and the denial was made upon the existing zoning requirements of Appendix A Zoning Section 4.J.1. Secretary Tineri also read the applicant's Reply to the Statement of Special Conditions. It was pointed out that the applicants wish to add this fencing in an attempt to curb vandalism of the globe lights located on top of the concrete wall, to keep people from sitting and standing on the wall while waiting for public or school transportation, to keep nonresidents from having easy access to the buildings andi~ntoClUbh°use'the pool. and to ~top incidents such as egg throwing at cars, buildings and exl ~ ~ ~ FlorJde~ feels it is ~ community to have this ~e~sion on the existing wall because : would add to the comfort level of the residents. Visibility will not be hampered by the erection of this extended fencing. Mr. Haberman advised that a hedge exists on one wall which will provide screening for:this extended fencing. However, there will be one wall where there is no screening for the fencing.  of the As$oclatlon~ was also present with Mr. aberman -'~recti6n of this fence will help end the van- dalism of the globe lighting around the community. In response to Vice Chairman Miriana's question, Mr, Haberman advised that the fence will be placed on top of the existing concrete wall. The overall height will then become 6 feet. It was explained that the wall is approximately 3 to 4 feet in height at the north end, but the wall tapers down to approximately 2 feet on the south side. Mr. Slavin questioned how close the closest building is to the fence. Mr. Haag responded that the plan shows the closest building to be 25 feet from the fence. Mr. Slavin also questioned whether or not any resident has been injured during the periods of vandalism. The applicants advised that no one has been hurt to date, but residents are very concerned. Chairman Thompson explained to the applicants that this Board is not a majority Board. Any three (3) no votes will deny the request. Five (5) votes in favor are required to grant the request. Motion Mr. Uleck moved to grant the request to extend the wall to six (6) feet in height by use of cyclone fencing on top of the existing wall. Vice Chairman Mirianacarried 7-0. seconded the motion. The Recording Secretary Polled the vote which THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT TO SPEAK AGAINST THIS REQUEST. THE ONLY ATTENDEES AT THE MEETING WERE THE BOARD MEMBERS THE RECORDING SECRETARY, THE APPLICANTS AND MR. HAAG. ' MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 17, 1993 Withdrawn (See attached letter from applicant) Case #174 - 507 Industrial Wa~y Property Owner: James Rollyson Request: Appendix A Zoning Section 11.H.16.f The applicant is requesting a reduction in number of required parking spaces. The uses that presently occupy the site/structure require 100 parking spaces. The applicant wishes to provide 77 parking spaces; therefore, a reduction of 23 parking spaces is requested. Mr. Haag explained that the applicant has withdrawn the request due to the fact that during staff's investigation, discrepancies were found in the information they provided. Those discrepancies must be corrected before this application can then come back before the BOard. The same case number will apply when this reappears before the Board. OTHER ~USINESS Chairman Thompson explained to Mr. Haag that a listing of the Board members' names always appeared on the agenda in the past. He asked Mr. Haag to include that listing on future agendas. Chairman Thompson also noted the absence of the fact sheet, but was advised that the staff report is the replacement for that fact sheet. Vice Chairman Miriana questioned why the information is hand delivered at the last minute. Mr. Haag advised that the City Attorney's recommendation was that the packets be delivered to the members at the meeting; however, the Planning Departmentfour days prior is attempting to the meeting, to distribute this information approximately three to Mr. Haag advised that there will be two cases for the March meeting with the possibility of a third. That meeting will be held in Commission Chambers. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting properly adjourned at 7:45 p.m. ne~t M. Prainito Recording Secretary (One Tape) -3-