Minutes 08-14-89MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING HELD AT BUILDING DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM C, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON MONDAY, AUGUST 14, 1989 AT 7:00 P.M. PRESENT Vernon Thompson, Jr., Chairman Lillian Artis, Vice Chairwoman Raymond Eney Thomas Newton Henrietta Solomon Ben Uleck Frank Palen, Alternate (Voting) Don Jaeger, Building Official Alfred Newbold, Chief Plans Check Inspector ABSENT James Miriana, Alternate (Excused) chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M., introduced the Members of the Board and acknowledged the presence in the audience of former Mayor Nick Cassandra and George Mearns, former member of the Board of Adjustment. Chairman Thompson noted that Jan Lewis has moved from the City and will no longer be a member of the Board of Adjustment. chairman Thompson stated he regretted the loss of such a dependable board member. MINUTES OF JULY 10, 1989 Mrs. Solomon moved, seconded by Mr. Eney, to accept the minutes as presented. Motion carried 7-0. ANNOUNCEMENTS None. COMMUNICATIONS None. NEW BUSINESS Chairman Thompson referred to the six criteria from the Boynton Beach Code the Board Members must take into con- sideration when reviewing an application for a variance. He read from Appendix A - Zoning, Section 10, B. 3. (a) through (f). He noted it is beneficial when board members can view the property in question prior to the meeting. Chairman Thompson remarked that this was not a majority Board. Any three negative votes would deny a request, but five positive votes were needed to grant a request. 1 MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 14, 1989 CASE 9 134 - Address: Legal Description: Owner: Variance Requested: 2563 S.W. 10th Street Lot 5, Block 5, GOLFVIEW HARBOUR, 1st SECTION, Recorded in Plat Book 26, Page 178, Palm Beach County Records Dr. James E. Buffan & Lee Buffan Reduction in rear setback Vice Chairwoman Artis served as Acting Secretary to the Board. She read the Application and the applicant's Response to Questions. Attorney David Centola addressed the board on behalf of his clients, Dr. James Buffan and Lee Buffan. Mr. Centola explained that his clients wish to screen the pool area for safety reasons and to help keep it clean. At the rear of the property exists a 12' utility easement. Six feet of the easement lies on the applicants' property. At the time of purchase of the home, there existed a swimming pool whose rear edge was 18" from the easement. In order to enclose the pool and maintain a safety ledge on the rear edge of the pool, the enclosure must run up to the easement, thus requiring a 2' variance in the 8' rear setback. The footing for the screen enclosure will be 6' from the rear property line. The survey of the subject property was examined and discussion took place relative to the side yard setback. It was noted the board only needed to address the rear setback, as the applicants meet the side setback requirements. Mr. Nick Cassandra, 2554 S.W. 10th Court, Boynton Beach, resides directly to the rear of the subject property. He was in favor of the variance and felt the screened enclosure would make the pool safer and would serve as a protection to youngsters in the neighborhood. As no one else wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to the application, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Motion Mrs. Solomon moved to grant the request for the 2' variance. The motion was seconded by Mr. Newton. A roll call vote was taken on the motion by the Recording Secretary: MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 14, 1989 Vice Chairwoman Artis - Aye Mr. Eney - Aye Mr. Newton - Aye Mrs. Solomon - Aye Chairman Thompson - Aye Mr. Uleck - Aye Mr. Palen - Aye The vote was 7-0. The variance request was APPROVED. CASE ~ 135 - Address: Legal Description: Owner: Variance Requested: 2400 Hypoluxo Road Being a parcel of land in the northeast quarter (N.E. ~) of Section 8, Township 45 South, Range 43 East. High Ridge Country Club Waiver of required parking spaces Vice Chairwoman Artis read the Application and responses to questions. Mr. Newbold also made available a letter from Seymour Sobei, President of High Ridge Country Club, Inc. dated August 9, 1989, which Vice Chairwoman Artis read to the board. Mr. Michael Corbett, Architect for High Ridge Country Club, explained the locker room presently has small 8" to 12" metal lockers available to members. They would like to increase the dimensions of each locker room because larger lockers are to be installed. Mr. Corbett remarked that High Ridge By-Laws have an established membership cap of 250 members. The membership presently stands at 238 and there are no plans to change that membership cap. Currently 285 parking spaces are available to members. Mr. Corbett stated they do not use all the parking spaces they currently have and there was no point to adding more. Sufficient land is available for more parking, but the applicant would prefer to leave the area as green space. Mr. Newbold commented that the parking regulations are based on square footage of floor area. By increasing the size of the locker area, square footage is being increased by 5,176 sq. ft. and that is why the 52 additional parking spaces would be required. Since there was no one present who wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to the request, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 14, 1989 Motion Mr. Uleck moved to grant the variance and waive the require- ment for the 52 parking spaces. Mr. Eney seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken on the motion by the Recording Secretary: Vice Chairwoman Artis - Aye Mr. Eney - Aye Mr. Newton - Aye Mrs. Solomon - Aye Chairman Thompson - Aye Mr. Uleck - Aye Mr. Palen - Aye The vote was 7-0. The variance request was APPROVED. Election of Secretary to the Board Chairman Thompson felt the Board should wait until the next meeting to discuss this topic and should allow time for the Commission to replace the person that had left. He wanted to wait until there was a full board. The other board mem- bers agreed. Board of Adjustment Meeting for September Mr. Newbold commented that the deadline had passed for any applications to be heard at a September meeting. Chairman Thompson stated there would not be a meeting in September. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 P,M. Shannon Burkett Recording Secretary (One Tape) 4