MONDAY, MARCH 9, 1987 AT 7:00 P.M.
Vernon Thompson, Jr., Chairman
Lillian Artis
George Mearns
Paul Slavin
Ben Uleck
Raymond Eney, Alternate
Danny O'Brien, Alternate
George Ampol, Vice Chairman
Robert Gordon, Secretary
Alan Newbold,
Chief Plans Inspector
Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.
Chairman Thompson introduced the members of the Board, Mr.
Newbold, and the Recording Secretary. He then recognized
the presence in the audience of Mayor Nick Cassandra, Vice
Mayor Carl Zimmerman, and interested citizen Bob Fauser.
Mr. Slavin moved to approve the minutes as received.
motion was seconded and carried unanimously.
Non e.
Chairman Thompson explained to the audience that the Board
bases its decision upon what members see when they visit the
site in question to decide whether the hardship that exists
was caused by the City, County or State government or was
self-imposed. He read the six criteria the Board bases its
decision upon.
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Chairman Thompson pointed out that this Board is not a
majority Board. Any three negative votes will deny the
applicant, and five votes in favor are needed to grant the
Case #112
Pedro M. Diaz
Relief from Appendix A-Zoning, Section 6-C-3-B
requiring a 30 foot minimum side and/or rear
yard for commercial building abutting a resi-
dential zone. Request a 20 foot rear yard
Also, relief from Appendix A-Zoning, Section
4-L requiring a six foot solid, stucco masonry
wall where a commercial district abuts a resi-
dential district. Request that requirement
of wall be waived.
3301 West Boynton Beach Boulevard
Shopping Center
That portion of Tract 7, Palm Beach Farms
Company Plat No. 8, according to the Plat
thereof on file in the office of the Clerk
of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach
County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 5,
page 73, lying North of right-of-way of
State Road 804. Less the North 27 feet
thereof conveyed to Lake Worth Drainage
District by Official Record Book 3655, page
1979, Palm Beach County Records.
Acting Secretary Slavin read the application for Case #112
and the responses to the six questions in paragraph 5.
Pedro Diaz, 2867 Banyan Boulevard Circle, Boca Raton, Florida,
said his written statement summarized the reasons for his
request. 'He stated that the main reason for the request was
that the land behind his property is proposed to be zoned
commercially. He added that there are easements to the south
and to the north of the canal which provide a buffer between
the two properties.
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Board members looked at the surveyor,s map of the property.
Mr. Eney had a question concerning Mr. Diaz, written statement
that "the literal interpretation of this chapter would make
necessary to cut the length of the proposed stores to less
than 55', which is considered uneconomical.,, He asked if Mr.
Diaz' objective was to have a 55' store. Mr. Diaz replied
that the plans were about 60' in the architect,s drawings.
Chairman Thompson asked if the proposed plan would put his
building back less than the building next to his. Mr. Diaz
answered affirmatively and explained that the neighboring
property owner culverted the canal and was given the 27', so
his property was longer, and he was allowed to move the
building back. Mr. Diaz stated that even if the variance is
granted, his building will be forward of the other building.
Mr. Uleck asked why Mr. Diaz did not want to follow the Code
for a 30' setback. Mr. Diaz replied that the length of the
stores, because of the parking constraints, would be less than
55' long. In response to Mr. Uleck,s inquiry, Mr. Diaz said
the building would be 47' (27' + 20') from the canal. Mr.
Newbold stated that the Code calls for a 30' rear setback,
and Mr. Diaz was requesting a 20' setback.
Mr. Slavin asked Mr. Newbold if a culvert had been put in by
the property owners of the land at the Lake Worth Drainage
District canal east of Knuth Road. Mr. Newbold explained
that the LWDD will not put the culverts in; they may be put
in at the property owners, expense. Mr. Slavin asked, if the
property owners get the deed to the property, whether they
get another 27'. Mr. Newbold answered affirmatively. Mr.
Slavin wondered if Mr. Diaz would be in conformity if he put
in a culvert and got the 27' easement and the land abutting
his did not. Mr. Newbold answered that he would not be in
conformity only if he was in violation of a city ordinance.
He added that there is no ordinance mandating that the canal
be culverted. Mr- Slavin asked, if Mr. Diaz puts in a culvert
and the LWDD gives him a easement of 27', how the ordinances
would be affected. Mr. Newbold replied that if the LWDD
granted him the 20' to use as his property and maintained an
easement as they are doing on the adjacent property, then Mr.
Diaz, by Code, would be the owner of that property. In answer
to Mr. Slavin,s question, Mr. Newbold said if Mr. Diaz puts
in the culvert and gets the title to the property, he would
have 27' more. Mr. Slavin asked if Mr. Diaz' situation
would be affected if the other property owners did not put
in a culvert. Mr. Newbold advised that an easement had
already been granted and a culvert installed at the property
adjacent to Mr. Diaz' property. Chairman Thompson stated
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that getting the additional 27' is optional for all the pro-
perty owners.
Mr. Mearns believed that the LWDD was not prone to grant
approval for things like this without placing a lot of restric-
tions and limitations on it. He asked if they could come in
at any time and remove the culvert, causing Mr. Diaz' property
to become non-conforming. Mr. Diaz did not think the LWDD
would be able to remove the culvert, because they would have
deeded the property (27') to the property owner. He explained
that they would not give the property owner the land over the
culvert (25'); the property owner would not be able to build
anything on top of the culvert except a parking lot or grass.
Mr. Diaz added that once the land is culverted, the property
owner is responsible for keeping the culvert clean. Mr. Mearns
commented that liability would also fall on the property owner.
Mr. Diaz said the LWDD is apparently very eager to have the
canal east of Knuth Road culverted. However, west of Knuth
Road, the LWDD will not allow property owners to culvert.
Chairman Thompson asked if there was anyone who wished to
speak in favor of granting the variance. There was no
response. Chairman Thompson asked if anyone wished to speak
against the granting of the variance. There was no response.
Chairman Thompson announced that no communications concerning
this variance were received.
Mr. Uleck commented that if this variance was granted, other
property owners might also. request reductions in setback length.
Chairman Thompson reminded members that the variance request
was twofold; in addition to the request for reduction in
setback length, there was also a request to waive the require-
ment of a 6' wall.
Mr. O'Brien asked if commercial properties were waived from
this requirement when they have certain types of alleys between
them and residential properties. Mr. Newbold said this was
a buffer wall that was required between residential districts
and commercial districts. Mr. O'Brien asked if this wall would
be required, if he was abutting a thru-street or right-of-way,
whether it be an alley or street. Mr. Newbold answered that
it would depend on where the residential line falls.
Mr. O'Brien .then asked if the differential between the 20' and
the 30' setback requirement fell into the same classification
as the wall under those circumstances. Mr. Newbold answered
affirmatively and explained it was because the canal property
will never be developed because the Flood Control District
controls it. He said the County has zoned it AR (Agricultural/
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Residential), although no one will ever plant a garden or build
a residence there. Mr. Newbold added that if the City ever
annexes that land, it would be zoned commercially.
Mr. O'Brien said that due to a technicality, the canal right-
of-way must be considered as agricultural and residential
zoning. Mr. Newbold said he had questioned the Planner, because
he thought the City ordinances should have no bearing since
the property was under County jurisdiction. Mr. O'Brien said
that, since the property does border a right-of-way and since
the ordinance was written to protect the residential owner
and not to place a hardship on the commercial owner, it is
clear in the Code that this criteria would not hold concerning
abutting of right-of-ways. Mr. O'Brien stated that Mr Diaz
was in a Catch-22 situation. '
Chairman Thompson stated the City has no control over the
adjacent property, and he noted that, if the City gets control
over it, it would be zoned commercially. He also noted that
there would be a distance of over 70' to anything that would
be built across the canal. Chairman Thompson saw no reason
for a wall to be built.
Mr. Mearns asked if the City made the neighboring property
owner build his wall. Mr. Newbold did not think that property
owner had come before the Board. There was more discussion.
Mr. O'Brien wished to take the two requests separately, ge
moved to grant the request for the variance on construction
of the wall, because the property abuts a man-made buffer
(the LWDD canal), because the future land use plan for the
area to the north will be commercial, and because of reasons
stated earlier by Mr. O'Brien and Chairman Thompson.
Mr. Slavin believed that both requests should be included in
the same motion. Mr. O'Brien thought that since two separate
variances were being requested, the two requests should be voted
on separately. Chairman Thompson stated that only once before
had two items been requested, and he said the Board had voted
on them together, since they had been presented to the Board as
one package. Chairman Thompson explained that if the two
requests had been presented separately at the beginning, then
they could be voted on separately. Chairman Thompson recommended
voting on the requests in one motion, since they were presented
to the Board in the same package. Mr. Newbold advised that Mr.
Diaz had made application for the two requests separately; he
first applied for the setback variance and then requested a
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variance on the wall.
independent requests.
Mr. Newbold stated that there were two
Chairman Thompson stated that the Board would then vote on
the requests separately. He asked that a motion be made on
the first request regarding the setback. Mr. NeWbold asked
if the first motion made by Mr. O'Brien had been disposed
of. Chairman Thompson said that since there had been no
second, he preferred to vote on the first request first.
Mr. Slavin said he would second Mr. O'Brien's motion, but
then he withdrew his second, so the first request could be
voted on first. Mr. O'Brien's motion was withdrawn.
Mr. Slavin moved to grant the request for a variance on the
20' rear yard setback, because the hardship was not self-
imposed and because the footage involved is about 75' from
building to possible building. The motion was .seconded by
Mr. Eney. A roll call vote was taken on the motion:
Chairman Thompson _ Aye
Mrs. Artis - Aye
Mr. Mearns - Aye
Mr. Slavin - Aye
Mr. Uleck - Aye
Mr. Eney - Aye
Mr. O'Brien - Nay
Chairman Thompson stated the variance request for the setback
was APPROVED by a 6-1 vote.
Mr. O'Brien moved to grant the request for a variance on the
construction of the 6' masonry wall. The reasons for his
motion were: 1) the property abuts the LWDD canal, which is
a man-made thoroughfare, and other properties in commercial
zoning which abut right-of-ways of certain natures do not have
to install such a wall; 2) the situation was not caused by the
applicant; 3) other properties that abut certain ri~ht-of-ways
within the City are allowed to bypass the wall requirement, if
residential property is on the other side of the right-of-way.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Mearns. A roll call vote was
taken on the motion:
Chairman Thompson _ Aye
Mrs. Artis - Aye
Mr. Mearns - Aye
Mr. Slavin - Aye
Mr. Uleck - Aye
Mr. Eney - Aye
Mr. O'Brien - Aye
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Chairman Thompson stated the variance request for waiving the
requirement of the wall was APPROVED by a 7-0 vote.
Chairman Thompson noted that there was one case pending
before the Board for their April 13, 1987 meeting.
There was discussion concerning whether it was necessary for
Board members to receive information on the property and
property owners in the surrounding 400' of the property in
question. Mayor Cassandra said he could ask the City Attorney
whether this information was necessary for Board members to
have. He said those property owners did have to be notified
of the hearing. It was decided that Board members would
continue to receive this information, as the majority of the
members desired to receive it.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the
meeting was adjourned at 8:02 P.M.
Linda Warlick
Recording Secretary
(One Tape)
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