MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1985 AT 7:00 P. M.
Vernon Thompson, Jr., Chairman
George Ampol, Vice Chairman
Robert Gordon, Secretary
Lillian Artis
George Mearns
Ben Uleck
Raymond Eney, Alternate
Danny O'Brien, Alternate
Paul Slavin (Excused)
Edgar "Bud" Howell,
Building Official
Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M.
and recognized the presence an the audience of Mayor Nick
Cassandra, Councilman James R. Warnke, and Councilman Carl
Zimmerman. He introduced the Members of the Board, Mr.
Howell, and the Recording Secretary, Chairman Thompson
asked Mr. Eney to take Mr. Slavin's place on the Board. Mr.
O'Brien sat in the audience.
Mr. Ampol moved, seconded by Mr. Mearns, to approve the
minutes. Motion carried 5-0 with Mrs. Artis and Mr. Eney
abstaining from voting. Mrs. Artis was not present at the
meeting of January 14, and Mr. Eney was not a Member of the
Board at that time.
So the people present would understand how the Members make
their judgment, Chairman Thompson said they have guidelines
handed down from the State and the City that they must
follow. They also do on-site inspections. He read the six
criteria the Members base their judgments on and said the
Board would take them into consideration as they hear from
both sides. Chairman Thompson pointed out that it takes
five votes to approve an application for variance and only
three votes to deny a request.
Case ~74
Applicant -
Millard M. and Jessie G. Stowers
Relief from R-iA zoning requirement of 60 ft.
lot frontage to be reduced to 50 ft. lot front-
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age. Relief from 6,000 sq. ft. lot area to be
reduced to 5,850 sq. ft. lot area
Construction of single family residence
135 S. E. 12th Avenue
Lot 21, Block 5, CENTRAL PARK ANNEX, recorded
in Plat Book 12, Page 51, Palm Beach County
Secretary Gordon read the application and answers to the six
questions outlined in paragraph 5 (a-f).
Chairman Thompson asked if anyone wished to speak in favor
of granting the variance.
Mr. Millard M. Stowers, 4710 Hunting Trail, Lake Worth,
Florida 33463, told the Members they obtained the lot under
some unusual circumstances. The lot is only 50 feet wide.
According to records Mr. Stowers has seen, most of the area
is platted in 50 foot lots and most of the houses in the
area are built on 50 foot lots. He understood that in 1978,
it would not have been necessary to ask for a variance.
Mr. Stowers said they pay taxes on the lot, and he thought
it would be beneficial for them to be able to build on it.
It would increase the tax roll of the city and would be more
of an asset to the neighborhood than a vacant lot would be.
According to the deed, Vice Chairman Ampol said Mr. Stowers
acquired the property on January 10, 1983. Mr. Stowers had
a company then and transferred the property from the company
to himself, and he explained. Vice Chairman Ampol advised
that the zoning change was made in June, 1975.
Mr. Uleck asked if Mr. Stowers would build and live on the
lot or if he was going to sell the lot. Mr. Stowers intended
to build and live there after he winds up some business. Mr.
Uleck asked when he intended getting the permits from the
City. Mr. Stowers hoped it would be within the next twelve
months. If he is granted a variance, Mr. Uleck asked if Mr.
Stowers had any ideas of selling the property. Mr. Stowers
answered, "No."
Chairman Thompson pointed out that the lot was recorded in
1925. There is no available property on each side of it.
Chairman Thompson said the variance is on the property, not
on the owner. Mr. Stowers can sell the property as many
times as he wants to, and he does not have to live 'on it.
Mr. Stowers informed Vice Chairman Ampol that he is blocked
in now. There is a house on each side. Chairman Thompson
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clarified that it did conform, but the City upgraded the
entire City and made it non-conforming.
Mr. Uleck asked Mr. Stowers to explain why he wants a vari-
ance now when he would not be building for twelve months.
Mr. Stowers said he might not wait twelve months. As soon
as he clears up some business transactions, he will start
the house. It may be in the next ninety days.
Chairman Thompson asked if anyone else wished to speak in
favor or in opposition to granting the variance and received
no response.
Secretary Gordon said there were no communications and
informed Mr. Ampol that everyone within 400 feet had been
notified, but there was no response.
Mrs. Artis asked if she was right in stating that there is
no time stipulation on a variance unless it is put into the
motion. Regardless of whether the property changes hands or
not, Chairman Thompson said once the variance is granted, it
is there because it is on the property, not the owner of the
If they give a variance on this piece of property, Mr. Uleck
asked if Mr. Stowers could sell the property with the vari-
ance. Chairman Thompson replied affirmatively. When a
variance is granted on a piece of property, he said that is
it, regardless of how many times it changes hands because it
is always on the property and not on the owner of the
Councilman Zimmerman interjected that the Board of Adjust-
ment has a right to set a limit as to how many days the
variance will last. It has been a practice in the past, but
it must be reasonable. At the same time, Chairman Thompson
said the Board cannot deny an owner the use of his property.
If they place a limitation on the property, they are denying
the owner the use of it.
Mr. Uleck said this was never clarified for him. If the
only reason Mr. Stowers was here was to sell the property,
Mr. Uleck said he would not give him the variance. Chair-
man Thompson said the Board had nothing to do with whether
Mr. Stowers sells the property or not. Mr. Uleck said it
was against the Code. Chairman Thompson advised that this
Board's Code had nothing to do with Mr. Stowers selling the
property. He could give the property away if he wants to
after the variance is granted. What he does with the property
has nothing to do with the Board Members.
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Mr. Uleck still argued about the twelve months and Mr.
Stowers selling the property and referred to Councilman
Zimmerman's statement about a time limit. Chairman Thompson
said the Board has set time limits in the past.
If the variance requested is justified six months from now,
Mr. O'Brien said it was justified now, and that was what the
Board should be looking at. He said it either was or was
not justified, and the decision had to be made tonight.
Inasmuch as the lot is landlocked and knowing any empty lot
is a nuisance to everybody, Secretary Gordon moved that the
variance be granted. Mrs. Artis seconded the motion. A
roll call vote was taken by Mrs. Ramseyer, and the motion
carried 7-0 to grant the variance.
Case 975
Applicant -
Ross and Paula Lammers
Relief from R-1AAB zoning requirement of 10 ft.
side yard setback to be reduced to 0 ft. side
yard setback along the east property line
Installation of screen enclosure
937 S. W. 34th Court
Lot 5, Block 2, LAKE EDEN PLAT NO. 2,
recorded in Plat Book 29, Page 53, Palm Beach
County Records
Secretary Gordon read the application and the answers to the
six questions under paragraph 5 (a-f). He then read a
letter dated February 19, from the Lake Worth Drainage
District, 13081 Military Trail, Delray Beach, Florida 334445,
saying they had no objections to any construction, even if
it would be on their property line, and they would not
object to the City waiving any and all building setbacks
adjacent to their canal right-of-way. However, they would
object to any construction within their right-of-way unless
it were specifically permitted by the District.
Mrs. Ross (Paula) Lammers, 937 S. W. 34th Court, Boynton
Beach, had an aerial photograph taken ten years ago, which
showed how much property there was on the east side. Mrs.
Lammers said it was about 90 feet from their property line
to the canal. The canal is very wide, and houses are on the
other silde. If they build the screened patio the way they
have proposed, Mrs. Lammerslsaid they will in no way be
interferling with any neighbors to the east, as there really
are not any neighbors to the east.
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In their application, Mrs. Lammers said three letters from
their neighbors in support of the screened patio area were
included. (The letters were from Debora and Douglas R.
Chisholm, 3506 South Lake Drive; Raymond C. Pastl, 926 S. W.
34th Court; Harry J. Metz and Merle Robert Hebb, 934 S. W.
34th Court.) Mrs. Lammers also had two aerial photographs
that were taken very recently which showed their property
and how much land there is to the east.
If they had a rectangular, square lot, Mrs. Lammers said
they would not have to apply for a variance. Since the
east property line is such a diagonal, in order to build a
regular screened patio, they have to come out and meet the
diagonal line.
Mrs. Lammers presented another letter in support of the
screened patio area, which was from Jean P. DeFabrique,
3505 South Lake Drive. The Members informed Mrs. Lammers
that they had the other three letters.
Mrs. Lammers explained the photographs to the Members and
said the screened patio would come directly in back of the
house, and there was nothing it would interfere with. The
pool would be built behind the house. Mrs. Lammers clari-
fied for Mr. Mearns that they are waiting until they get a
variance before applying for a permit to build the pool.
The builder of the pool was present in the audience, and
Mrs. Lammers said they will begin to build the pool
immediately after they get a variance.
Chairman Thompson asked what the size of the proposed pool
would be. Mr. Lammers answered that it will be 40 feet
long. The widest part is 15~ feet but it will narrow down
to about 12 feet at the end. In looking at the survey sheet
and the one the Members had of the property, Chairman Thomp-
son asked why it was being backed up on the line. It seemed
there was room to the north to build the pool. Mrs. Lammers
said that was where the pool would be.
By shifting it over ten or 15 feet, Chairman Thompson said
they could go the other way. Mrs. Lammers explained that
if they shift it over, the pool will be behind the garage.
She pointed to an existing screen porch and said they want
to come out with a screened enclosure off of the end of the
existing screened porch and off the end of the house so
there would just be a rectangular screened enclosure that
would fit in back of the house. She indicated their living
area and the garage. They could step from the living room,
under the covered screened porch, to the pool, which is what
most people have.
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Mrs. Lammers said the pool itself is ten feet away from the
property line. All they need is the concrete and enclosure
area, which is the only part they are requesting a variance
for. Chairman Thompson determined that Mrs. Lammers was
just asking to square it off. Mrs. Lammers said the pool is
well within the property line. There was more discussion.
Mrs. Lammers said all they want to do is square the screened
in patio off.
Mr. Uleck asked what was non-conforming. Mr. Howell replied
the ten foot side setback. She would be encroaching in the
setback at the Lake Worth Management District's easement.
Mr. Howell said Mrs. Lammers has 90 feet of open space. Mrs.
Lammers informed the Members that there are no sidewalks or
roads, just grass.
Chairman Thompson asked if anyone wished to speak in favor
of the variance.
John A. Pagliarula, 3546 South Lake Drive, owns the property
just to the south of the subject property, is familiar with
the area, and did not see any reason why the variance should
be denied. For the record, Mr. Pagliarula was for it.
No one else wished to speak in favor of granting the
variance. Chairman Thompson asked if anyone wished to speak
against granting the variance. There was no response.
Secretary Gordon read the three communications in favor of
granting the request, the one presented by Mrs. Lammers
tonight, and the letter from the Lake Worth Drainage
Since the Lake Worth Drainage District had no objection, Mr.
Uleck commented that he had no objection. Mrs. Artis
questioned why Mrs. Lammers asked for a variance. Chairman
Thompson replied that the pool conforms to all regulations,
but Mrs. Lammers wants to keep the screen enclosure square.
Chairman Thompson did not see a hardship. He said it was a
matter of design. Mrs. Lammers could still put her screen
around the pool, but it would not be square. The pool could
be built any way Mrs. Lammers wanted to build it. It was
Chairman Thompson's personal opinion that to give Mrs.
Lammers a setback within the Drainage District's easement,
regardless of whether they agree to it or not, would not
justify a hardship to grant a variance. Mrs. Lammers inter-
jected that the screen would not even go into the Drainage
District's property. While the Drainage District would
grant permission for Mrs. Lammers to get that close to their
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APRIL 8, 1985
property, Chairman Thompson said it would violate the City
Code. To him having a square screen did not justify a
Mrs. Artis asked that the diagram be explained to her so she
could see where the screen would go without a variance.
If the pool was moved five or ten feet to the left, Chairman
Thompson said it would still be behind the patio without go-
ing behind the garage area. The pool could be moved forward
and still be exactly behind the existing patio.
Mr. Uleck moved to grant the request for variance, seconded
by Vice Chairman Ampol. Mrs. Ramseyer took a roll call vote
on the motion, and the motion carried 5-2 with Chairman
Thompson and Mr. Mearns voting against the motion. Chairman
Thompson reiterated that to have a design of a square screen
did not justify a hardship "in his book". Mr. Mearns denied
the request for the same reason as Chairman Thompson.
The request was granted.
Case #76
Applicant -
Alexander L. King, President
Qualitycraft Construction, Inc.
Relief from R-1AA zoning requirement of 75 sq.
ft. lot frontage to be reduced to 69 ft. lot
Construction of single family residence
906 N. W. 6th Avenue
Lot 226, LAUREL HILLS, 5TH ADDITION, recorded
in Plat Book 23, Page 183, Palm Beach County
Records, together with East 15.00 feet of Lots
8 & 9, GLEN ARBOR, recorded in Plat Book 25,
Page 121, Palm Beach County Records
Secretary Gordon read the application and the answers to
paragraph 5 (a-f).
Alexander L. King, President, Qualitycraft Construction,
Inc., 3555 Harlowe Avenue, Boynton Beach, said he bought
the lot awhile back, not knowing a variance was needed to
build on it. He intends to build on the lot and applied for
a permit in 1983, and it was denied. Mr. King had the
surveys done and had a set of plans drawn, but they would
not meet the present requirements so they would have to be
Mr. King thought it would enhance the value of the surround-
ing property rather than hurt anyone. Vacant lots are a
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nuisance and just a place for people to dump their trash.
Mr. King just rode by on his way to the meeting and saw
"stuff" on the lot. Mr. King thought he met all of the
Mr. Uleck asked if Mr. King intended to build the typical
home like the ones that are presently there. Mr. King
replied that he couldn't because the ones that are there are
too small. He would have to build to meet the city's
requirement of 1500 square feet. Mr. Uleck was concerned
that Mr. King's home would be protruding 10 feet beyond the
other homes. Mr. King answered that his home would probably
be towards the back of them because the houses around his
property are nowhere close to 1500 square feet.
Vice Chairman Ampol pointed out that Mr. King came before
the Board for only a six foot variance.
Chairman Thompson asked if anyone wished to speak in favor
or in opposition to granting the variance. There was no
response. Secretary Gordon reported there were no communica-
Chairman Thompson observed that the property is landlocked.
There are houses on both sides. Other than the front foot-
age, Mr. Howell said it will meet all of the requirements.
In view of the fact that the change in zoning created the
hardship, plus the fact that it is a landlocked situation
over which they have no control, Mr. Mearns moved to grant
the variance, seconded by Secretary Gordon. Mrs. Ramseyer
took a roll call vote on the motion, and the motion carried
Chairman Thompson voted in favor of granting the variance
because the property is landlocked, will meet all of the
Building Code requirements other than the front footage,
and it will be in line with all of the other properties
Discussion re Dropping Fee - Councilman James R. Warnke
Councilman Warnke wanted the opinion of the Members on a
question that has bothered him for a long time. If a person
owns property in the city which is rezoned by the City,
creating a hardship, he wondered if the Board Members thought
it was fair for the person to be charged $150. Chairman
Thompson thought everyone knew his opinion because he had
said many times. He did not think it was fair to charge the
$150 and asked why they could not grandfather all of those
lots without charging the people.
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Councilman Warnke wanted the Board's feeling because he may
bring this up before the Council. Chairman Thompson also
pointed out that $150 is a lot of money to a lot of the
people that come before the Board.
There being no further business to come before the Board,
the meeting adjourned at 8:00 P. M.
Pa t~ionCieaTaR~eyer ~
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