Minutes 06-14-22 Minutes of the Community Redevelopment Agency Board Meeting Held on Tuesday, June 14, 2022, at 5:30 PM via GoToWebinar Online Meeting and Commission Chambers, City Hall, 100 E. Ocean Avenue, Florida Present: Ty Penserga, Chair Thuy Shutt, Executive Director Angela Cruz, Vice Chair Tim Tack, Assistant Director Thomas Turkin, Board Member Kathryn Rossmell, Board Counsel Woodrow Hay, Board Member Aimee Kelley, Board Member 1. Call to Order Ty Penserga, Board Chair, called the meeting to order at 5:32 p.m. 2. Invocation Woodrow Hay, Board Member, gave the invocation. 3. Pledge of Allegiance Angela Cruz, Vice Chair, led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 4. Roll Call A quorum was present. 5. Agenda Approval A. Additions, Deletions, Corrections to the Agenda B. Adoption of Agenda Motion Vice Chair Cruz moved to approve the Agenda. Board Member Kelley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 6. Legal Kathryn Rossmell, Board Counsel, announced that there is legislation that will take effect in January 2023, which is the County setting up a website to post meetings online. She said this will allow the CRA to post notices online as a valid legal notice. The Board would have to take action to make it a valid reason for the Board to use it or could find that it is Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 cost effective to do so, moreso than using the newspaper. She advised that she will bring this back in the future, but she wanted to make the Board aware that it is available to the CRA and local governments. She stated that presently, the Board uses the newspaper regularly and this would provide a different option. 7. Informational Items and Disclosures by Board Members and CRA Staff: A. Disclosure of Conflicts, Contacts, and Relationships for Items Presented to the CRA Board on Agenda Chair Penserga spoke with Michael Weiner about item 12 B. Vice Chair Cruz, and Board Members Kelley, Turkin and Hay had no disclosures . 8. Announcements and Awards None 9. Public Comments Chair Penserga read a statement into the record as contained on the meeting agenda and opened Public Comments. There being no one present or online, Public Comments was closed. 10. Consent Agenda A. CRA Financial Report Period Ending May 31, 2022 B. Approval of CRA Board Workshop Minutes - April 30, 2022 and May 21, 2022. The May 10th Minutes, as well as the Special June 7th Meeting Minutes were not available. The April and May meeting minutes will come in July. C. Approval of a 6-Month Extension to the Commercial Rent Reimbursement Grant Program in the Amount of $6,798 for Studio Glo, LLC located in Flamingo Plaza at 413 S. Federal Highway.. Vice Chair Cruz pulled item 10 C. Motion Board Member Turkin moved to approve the Consent Agenda, less item 10 C. Board Member Hay seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 2 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 11. Pulled Consent Agenda Items 10. C. Approval of a 6-Month Extension to the Commercial Rent Reimbursement Grant Program in the Amount of $6,798 for Studio Glo, LLC located in Flamingo Plaza at 413 S. Federal Highway Vice Chair Cruz was aware that the CRA provided support to the business before and wanted the Board to discuss if they want to consider, at some point, whether to continue providing extensions. Thuy Shutt, CRA Executive Director, explained that there are two issues. She mentioned that this and 10 other applications were approved as part of the COVID Relief Program they had and typically, applications for rent assistance is for 12 months. She said that an additional six months was given for fiscal years 2019/2020 and there are seven applications remaining. She commented that there were no parameters about how the six-month extension should be given and two extensions were already given by the Board. Staff would like to bring the Rent Assistance and Commercial Improvement Grants back to the Board to approve every year and decide if they would grant extensions. Ms. Shutt explained that since there were two other businesses that received the extensions, staff would prefer that the Board tweak the program when it comes back to the Board in whole. She said that before issuing any kind of extensions and issuing reimbursement funds, staff request supportive data on how the applicant used the funds. She stated that in this instance, this company wants to use the funds for marketing and recruitment, so staff requires that the applicant to show that the funds were used for that, and the entire program will be reviewed in August. Vice Chair Cruz commented that she wants the funds to be used in the best way possible. Board Member Hay suggested waiting until August. Chair Penserga agreed and wanted to change the policy as a whole. Motion Board Member Hay moved to approve Item 10 C. Board Member Kelley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 12. Old Business A. Presentation by Palm Beach County Housing Authority on the Properties within the CRA District (TABLED FROM THE 05/10/2022 MEETING) Motion 3 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 Vice Chair Cruz moved to remove from the table. Board Member Kelley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Chair Penserga presented the item. Carol Jones Gilbert, Executive Director, Palm Beach County Housing Authority, was available online. Ms. Shutt reviewed that this item involves 39 lots in the CRA District, also known as the Cherry Hill residential subdivision. She explained that the lots were owned by the Palm Beach County Housing Authority (HA) and two auctions took place for these parcels, which were vacant for quite some time. She said that the CRA approached the HA numerous times to see if they could co-develop the properties. The Housing Authority felt they could dispose of the properties through HUD's regulations and auctions. She explained that since then, the property sold for a lot more than what was anticipated and the prior Board requested that the HA make a presentation, if there was any reinvestment opportunity back into the CRA District, with respect to affordable housing and any plans they have for the area. Ms. Gilbert Jones announced that Tammy McDonald, Chief Development Officer, was also on the call. Ms. Gilbert Jones announced that the HA's total public housing annual budget is used for HUD's Housing Choice Program, Assistance Payments and Administrative Fees, the Public Housing Operating Fund, and Public Housing Capital Grants, and rents. She explained the number and type of housing vouchers they have issued serving individuals, including seniors, veterans, the sick, disabled and at-risk individuals. She reviewed their developments and non-public housing sites within Boynton Beach. and stated that the HA owns land within Boynton Beach, some of which abuts vacant parcels owned by the City or County. Ms. Gilbert Jones noted that the HA was approached by the CRA and the former Mayor, about opportunities for these lots. She conveyed that public housing is underdeveloped, and that they are trying to increase its density. She mentioned that the HA is contemplating disposing of the homes to non- profits to place them under Section 8. One of the HA's properties in Boynton is 10 acres surrounded by single and multi-family units and that the adjacent parcel is another 10 acres. Ms. Gilbert Jones explained that the County will allow the maximum density of 120 units, but that there is no infrastructure and there would be a high cost to develop the land for affordable housing, but that they are open to development opportunities. The HA acknowledged that they did auction lots in the Cherry Hill area and that the HA was not looking to get back into scattered sites. She mentioned that the HA met with the Boynton Beach CRA to collaborate on housing, but it was not a good operational decision for the HA, so they disposed of the lots through a HUD public auction. Ms. Gilbert Jones announced that the $3M proceeds from the auction will be targeted towards 4 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 predevelopment costs or leveraged funding for future affordable housing and that the HA's future focus is on: • Acquisition for land assembly and approval for increased density • Dispose of underperforming assets that are not in line with goals • Create new inventory • Refinance and restructure assets, and • refine and strengthen their business model Ms. Gilbert Jones explained that the future road map will serve citizens throughout the County, generate income and expand opportunities. She stated that they also want to consider near market-rate units and that they serve persons earning between 30% and 50% of the AMI. Chair Penserga clarified that the prior Board expressed concern for auctioning and selling the lots for astronomical prices, which renders the housing to be unaffordable. Ms. Gilbert Jones responded that they did not believe they needed to put an affordable restriction on the lots, and that they wanted to dispose of the lots because they were non-performing assets. Aimee Kelley, Board Member, agreed with Chair Penserga's comments that the high prices of land would drive up the home's price and it would make it difficult to build or find buyers willing to pay that price for a home in that area. She also expressed concern that the lots will remain vacant. There were no further comments and Chair Penserga offered to partner with the HA in the future as their missions are aligned. Ms. Gilbert Jones agreed. B. Discussion and Consideration of Request from the USPS to Remain at the CRA-owned Property Located at 217 N. Seacrest Boulevard Post-Closing (TABLED FROM THE 05/10/2022 MEETING) Motion Vice Chair Cruz moved to remove the item from the table. Board Member Kelley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Ms. Shutt reviewed the current location of the post office and explained that the Purchase and Sale agreement is with Mr. Weiner and the closing is scheduled for February 28, 2023. The USPS lease with Mr. Weiner expires January 1, 2023, and Mr. Weiner will deliver the property to the CRA empty. Currently, the USPS came to the Board to ask for an extension of their lease, but the CRA does not yet own the property. Ms. Shutt informed the Board that a simple contract amendment would allow the USPS to remain as a tenant. She said the USPS wants to remain in the downtown for the retail 5 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 component with parking and they need a 3K square-feet building. They have another location for the carrier component in mind and they want to start their public notification process. She mentioned that Mr. Weiner was present, and Rich Hancock, USPS Representative, was present virtually. Mr. Hancock reiterated that they are looking to relocate, but need more time. They sought to extend the lease the space for an additional year with mutual termination rights. He stated that they want to maintain operations, pay fair market value, and have time to move. Mr. Weiner advised that recently, the building was hit by a car and they are working on repairs. The lease specifies the landlord has to fix certain things, which is mostly just the roof. They struggled with the USPS lease in the past, and this item was more difficult than others. They are attempting to fix the 66-year old building, and they give the USPS weekly updates. His partners have no interest in extending the lease, considering the USPS said in emails that they would hold rent in maintaining the Post Office open for one more month. Mr. Weiner advised that they have always been cooperative with their project in Boynton Beach. He also elaborated that the lease can be terminated in less than a year by either party. He thought that if they can get the appropriate commitment from the USPS for the other property, that something could be worked out. He noted that there is a potential RFP as to selling the land with a commitment from the Post Office, but that there are tax issues. It could be coordinated for the benefit of all parties, but they should do the work now, to make the transition seamless. He repeated they do not want a huge liability for one month's rent and would work together to ensure the Post Office is on Boynton Beach Boulevard. Chair Penserga inquired if the USPS' intends to remain in the area and learned they were, but only for their retail section. Mr. Hancock explained that they identified another location for the carriers. Attorney Rossmell explained that the CRA cannot grant an extension, as they do not own the property and that when the lease is over, they can do so. The paperwork would not be excessive to effect the change. Board Member Hay requested confirmation that Mr. Weiner was not interested in extending the lease. Mr. Weiner responded that at this point, they do not want to take on contingent liability for one month rent. Board Member Hay asked if they could move up the closing date. Mr. Weiner replied if the closing was moved earlier than January 1 st, it would be costly for him and his partners. If closing on January 2nd or 3rd, he offered that he and his partners have always been cooperative, and that he would listen. He emphasized for the record that he cannot commit without asking his partners. Board Member Hay stated that he thought they could start negotiating to release Mr. Weiner from having to worry about the 6 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 liabilities. Mr. Weiner noted that they have six months to know that the USPS will remain on Boynton Beach Boulevard and they would work with them. Vice Chair Cruz understood that the contract states there is a requirement to receive the property vacant and inquired if that could be amended. Attorney Rossmell responded that they could amend the contract to move the closing back 30 days or waive it at closing. It would not allow the Post Office to stay for another month. It would allow Mr. Weiner to deliver the building with the USPS in it and for the CRA to take possession of it early. Mr. Weiner stated if the USPS wants to be helpful it will say from the period from February 1 to February 28t", if anything should need any type of maintenance of repair or other attention, the Post Office will do it and Mr. Weiner and his partners will be held harmless. Mr. Weiner would be satisfied with that. Board Member Kelley stated that she liked what Board Member Hay said. Vice Chair Cruz asked if those two options would provide them the same opportunity as mentioned by Board Members Kelley and Board Member Hay as they are consistent. It could release them, then they could move the closing and alleviate liability concerns. Chair Penserga pointed out that there is no immediate urgency to take that action. He commented it is a quick turn-around. The greater priority is making sure the Post Office has a new home. He favored waiting until the Post Office takes the next step. After brief discussion, there was agreement staff and Legal can continue working on this, but not take any action. Mr. Weiner mentioned they have worked with the City for many years. If it had not been for the Post Office being hit by the car and a lack of collaborative effort, he said he did not think the issue would have been be as large as it was. He did not want the Board to think the issue was insignificant, because it was not. If this is the way the Board wants to go, he will see how he can ensure he will not have anything embarrassing occur in the last 30 days or cause him tax implications. C. Discussion and Consideration of Purchase and Sale Agreement for 1213 NW 4th Street, the Cherry Hill Mart Ms. Shutt recounted that at the last meeting, the Board asked staff to negotiate a contract. Ms. Bell was firm on the price of $400K, but the Board wanted the building to be vacant. There is currently a tenant onsite with an 18-year lease remaining. The draft Purchase and Sale Agreement allows the property owner to work with the tenant so they can deliver the property vacant. Ms. Shutt noted that the Board can execute the contract, but the tenant has the first right of refusal. Once executed, the tenant has 10 days to respond. Ms. Shutt reported that the appraised price of the parcel was $310K. 7 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 Ms. Bell, one of the property owners, was present virtually. She explained that the tenant situation was the same, but that they will send him a letter and will wait for a response from him. Chair Penserga asked if there is an eviction process in place when there is a nuisance. He noted that the tenant will appear before the Magistrate on July 20th to discuss the issues that occurred. Steven B Grant, Esquire, on behalf City Hall Market LLC, the operator a/k/a as the Cherry Hill Mini Mart, stated that this operator has been operating the premises since July. They have no intention of leaving and they are now accepting food stamps, working with the community for the Juneteenth event. Attorney Grant spoke with the attorneys, the Police Department and Community Standards about chronic nuisances at the premises and reported that after review, the alleged chronic nuisances did not all happen there and the Police were able to obtain arrest warrants. Attorney Grant advised that they are currently moving forward with settlement provisions and getting the surveillance to the Police Real Time Crime Center. They have installed 15-minute parking signs to prevent loitering and there are No Trespassing signs posted. Board Member Hay questioned if the solutions were from him or the Police Department. Attorney Grant responded that the Ordinance has a settlement agreement provision the property owner can apply to use. It is a one-year agreement and Attorney Grant advised they already started on the first two items. The third issue would be to have a security guard during high crime times there which were between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. on a Wednesday. so they got a Florida Licensed Security Guard for the high crime times as the cost to hire a security guard for 18 hours a day is cost prohibitive, but they want to be proactive. Board Member Kelley stated that the property has been an issue and the tenant has been there a short while. Ms. Bell approached the CRA and Board Member Kelley had asked Ms. Bell if their tenant is willing and able to be involved and present, why he has not worked with Ms. Bell to stay involved in the community. She questioned, if that was his goal, why he has not taken the steps to purchase the property himself, but now instead Ms. Bell is coming to the Board saying what good things the tenant is doing so that the Board takes no action against him. Attorney Rossmell explained that the CRA is not taking any action in any way. Attorney Grant explained that the tenant took over a lease and that cost money and they are trying to borrow money. Attorney Grant stated that he was hired about a month ago. When they found out a chronic nuisance was an issue, he intervened and spoke to the City Attorney. Not every one has the money to purchase. He purchased the business with the intent to purchase the property and he is currently applying for an SBA loan. 8 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 Vice Chair Cruz understood that this will go before the Special Magistrate and asked if they should hold off to learn the outcome and then make an educated decision. Chair Penserga agreed and reiterated that the CRA was approached by the property owner who was asking for above appraised value. The Board has an interest in buying the property above appraised value if it came without the tenant. The best thing to do is be receptive, but not commit until it comes without a tenant. If it does, he would pay the requested price. He favored waiting to see what happened. Bishop Wright, President Community Review Board, stated that as a long-term resident the Mini Mart is very important, as there is nowhere else to go to get small items and most of what happened, happened outside that property. He declared that this is about culture and history and that he may purchase the store. He thought there was scheming occurring and he sought to stop the corruption. No one else coming forward, Public Comment was closed. Board Member Hay said that he wanted to hear input from the Magistrate before making any decision because this is a strategic piece of property. Vice Chair Cruz and Board Member Turkin agreed, but were concerned about the real estate market and they are paying $90K over market value. Now there is another property they will acquire. Board Member Kelley also agreed, but wanted to wait until after the Special Magistrate hearing. Motion Vice Chair Cruz moved to table to August. Board Member Hay seconded the motion. Brief discussion followed what would occur if it was not heard at the July hearing. Motion Vice Chair Cruz moved to place Item 12 C as a Future Agenda item on the August 9, 2022, agenda. Board Member Turkin seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 13.New Business A. Consideration and Discussion of the Boynton Beach CRA Policy for Addressing Letters of Intent to Purchase or Lease Property Owned by the CRA Ms. Shutt presented the item and explained at the last meeting, the Board adopted deadlines when to submit supportive documents to have the agenda be published a week before the meeting. Staff has done so, but the Letter of Intent Policy allows people to submit the document within five days of the meeting. Legal Counsel also noted the 9 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 practice the Board follows has not been incorporated, which would allow more flexibility and recommended they include the minimum requirements in the agenda in the policy. All agreed to move forward. Chair Penserga opened Public Comment. No one coming forward, Public Comment was closed. Motion Vice Chair Cruz moved to approve the Policy Board Member Kelley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Motion Vice Chair Cruz moved to rescind the prior policy. Board Member Hay seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. B. Consideration of Alliance Residential's (d/b/a Boynton Beach Apartments Venture, LLC) Request to Lease CRA-Owned Properties for Temporary Employee Parking for the Two Georges Restaurant During Construction of the Broadstone Boynton Beach Mixed- Use Project Ms. Shutt explained that they need to relocate 20 parking spaces for Two Georges employees and patrons to use during construction. Construction will last about 20 months. The CRA can lease those properties with a 14-day notification in case they have to turn the parking over to Affiliated sooner than anticipated. Since it is a CRA public parking lot, employees can park there, but just not overnight, so they do not need a lease to park there, it is only during high-use events, such as the holiday parades. They cannot reserve those spots without an agreement with the developer. Fernando Bonilla for Alliance Residential, Developer of Boynton Beach Apartments, advised that they are starting construction in September. He informed the Board that they have 20 parking spaces allocated for Two Georges employees and he hoped to work with the City to have a provision added to the agreement to address parking during the construction period of September to May 2023. Mr. Bonilla stated that he has not spoken with Hyperion or Mr. Camalier about parking on their sites, which is closer to the Affiliated project. Given the parking is public, Mr. Bonilla explained that they wanted a lease for when there are events to ensure people can park there while the business operates. Attorney Rossmell explained that they would include a provision to terminate the lease with 14 days-notice so that the CRA can honor the agreements they made with Affiliated last month. Vice Chair Cruz expressed it would impact the 150 spaces and there would be problems. He thought that parking across the street would have been their first choice. He requested further clarification about the 150 spaces and the impact. 10 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 Attorney Rossmell explained that under the lease, the CRA owns and can control 150 public spaces, so if the CRA wanted to lease those spaces or mark them for a particular use, they could. Board Member Kelley queried how the public parking and the employee parking spaces would be marked and noted that the CRA does not enforce parking. She did not want the Board to cause complaints about parking. Mr. Bonilla responded that they will try to figure out enforcement and work with City to reserve the 20 spaces. Once the project is built, Affiliated will then reallocate the spaces to Two Georges in perpetuity. Board Member Hay further questioned that if leased out, how would they determine the cost per parking space, or if they will charge at all. Ms. Shutt replied that the Board can direct staff and Legal to develop a lease agreement. Chair Penserga requested that they approach Hyperion first to minimize impact and try to work out a deal with them because public parking spaces are very much needed by the community. C. Consideration of Changing the Start Time for the CRA Board Meetings Motion Board Member Hay moved to change the meeting time to 6 p.m. Board Member Kelley seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Chair Penserga announced the meeting time was changed to 6 p.m. to be consistent with the City Commission meetings. D. Discussion and Consideration of Direction and Assignments for CRA Advisory Board Ms. Shutt presented the item and explained that they are approaching the budget hearings. She advised that in the past, the Board has given the CRA Advisory Board items to review and there are new Board Members eager and willing to serve. She asked if the Board wanted to provide parameters regarding new assignments and if the Board wants them to look at new assignments and/or make budget recommendations for the CRA Board to review. Chair Penserga stated that he supports the Advisory Board reviewing and providing advice on the budget and reviewing terms of any major development contracts when available. Vice Chair Cruz inquired if the Advisory Board would review LOI's and learned that can be done on a case-by-case basis as many of the LOI's vary. 11 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 Chair Penserga favored, if assigning something to the Advisory Board, that it be meaningful. Board Member Turkin mentioned the CRA should use the Marina more and focus on events on the Intracoastal. Ms. Shutt replied that they are reviewing those very issues with the Dockmaster. She expounded that it would be a broader research assignment to work with City staff on bigger events, but the CRA cannot fund those events and it would be better if they work with Parks and Recreation Department and the City Commission as well as CRA promotional events. Board Member Kelley thought that they have set things and activities and wondered if they could use the CRA Advisory Board to brainstorm for potential new events, advertising ideas and thinking of creative ways to market them. Chair Penserga offered that he liked both ideas, but noted it has to do with events the CRA can actually fund. He also suggested that the Advisory Board think about new and current events to help determine which current events are effective in driving economics. Board Member Hay mentioned that he liked brainstorming, but that he did not want an extra layer for perhaps an LOI as there would be an issue with exposure and he thought the Board should avoid that. After brief discussion, there was consensus the Advisory Board can review events and brainstorm. Ms. Shutt explained that in the past, the first forum for presentation would be the CRA Board and once the terms and conditions are memorialized in an agreement, the Board usually assigns it to the CRA Advisory Board to review. The Board can direct staff that future competitive LOI's go to the Board first and then the Board can decide the level of Advisory Board involvement. Chair Penserga opened Public Comment. Susan Oyer, 140 SE 27th Way, stated that she was fine with what the Board was doing with the CRA Advisory Board, but thought that the Board was taking power away from the Advisory Boards. She stated that the Board never does what the Planning and Development Board recommends because they had dinner with a developer or hung out with them or they donated to their campaign, and the Board always does what the developer wants, not what the public wants. She asked when the Board would have members of the public on the CRA Board, which was supposed to be a public board. She complained the City Commission does the same. She suggested the Board look at all the Boards and give them their power back. No one else coming forward, Public Comments was closed. 12 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 Ms. Shutt commented that there is a standard how the agendas are done with respect to the CRA Board and Advisory Board. The City Commission adopted a resolution how the matters will be handled. Chair Penserga responded that they can address this at the appropriate time. There was sufficient consensus for staff regarding this item. E. Discussion and Consideration of Letters of Intent for the CRA-owned Property located at 401-411 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Tim Tack, Assistant Director, presented the item as contained on the meeting materials. He detailed that the CRA received a LOI from Millspring Property for the purchase of the 401-411 properties for$630K. He elaborated Stephen Miller, President, wants to use this as a commercial location for Strong Heart Foundation, whose mission is to raise awareness of undiagnosed high blood pressure and atrial fibrillation and another use, which is recycling bottles, which is coordinated with the Lord's Place Re-entry programs. Mr. Tack added that if approved, Mr. Miller would pursue acquisition of the property at 413 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, which would complete their property assemblage. Mr. Tack also conveyed that on June 3rd, the CRA received another LOI from the United States Postal Service, (USPS) since their current building was sold and they need to relocate its retail operations near its current location. Mr. Tack reviewed the terms and the Board's five options as contained in the meeting materials. Mr. Hancock gave a brief overview of their LOI and explained that their goal is to have a retail presence as near to their current location as possible. They are not looking to be part of, or tied into a larger development and this site would not be connected to the current location. He explained it is a stand-alone proposal to lease the space for a new Post Office. Mr. Hancock explained that they would take the shell building and build it out to be used as a long-term retail facility. They also have a postal carrier component to fill at another location so approvals and timelines for this project are more complicated. They would forward any interest or approvals to the USPS for their approval process once the CRA shows interest. (Vice Chair Cruz left the dais at 7:41 p.m.) Mr. Miller announced that he has been a nurse for 40 years and he has been in business for 15 years in the medical industry, which led to him expanding and strengthening the Strong Heart Foundation. He noted that many in lower income communities do not have regular medical check-ups. Strong Heart Foundation would purchase and provide barber shops and hair salons with automated blood pressure cuffs and heart rhythm monitors, which can identify atrial fibrillation, which people usually do not know they have. The building would also serve as a store front to recycle and repurpose bottles, which they coordinate with the Lord's Place. The construction side of this could be done in different buildings as the two buildings are zoned differently. The Strong Heart Foundation would 13 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 have the store front location for people to walk in and have their heart and blood pressure checked. (Vice Chair Cruz returned to the dais at 7:45 p.m.) Mr. Miller stated that since he submitted his LOI, he learned from former Mayor Grant that he had wanted a Welcome Center in Boynton Beach and he thought they could construct one on the property. Board Member Turkin asked about the square footage of the Welcome Center. Mr. Miller replied that he believes between 900 and 1,500 square feet would be appropriate. Board Member Turkin advised that he likes the idea of brainstorming, finding solutions and the Welcome Center. Board Member Kelley asked Mr. Miller if the building would be a true store front and what services they would provide daily. Mr. Miller explained that the 401 location would be the store front for displays and sales. The construction site to provide the products would take place at 313 NE Railroad Avenue. The manufacturing would be done in those buildings. Chair Penserga felt that there is a problem with finding a location for the USPS and that the Board had agreed to keep it in this area. He wanted to accept their LOI, work with them and issue an RFP so they could have a tenant and perhaps have a two or three- story structure for additional commercial businesses. Ms. Shutt commented if they go to RFP, those provisions could be included, but she commented that the lot was small. She further stated that she was unsure the Post Office would want to share a wall or a floor with another tenant and that here are a few excess parking spaces, but that there would be shared parking if there were additional tenants. Chair Penserga asked Mr. Hancock if they could have a multi-floor building and if the Post Office were to be a tenant in that area, if they would acquire the adjacent property at 413. Mr. Hancock responded that he had no problem sharing a building, but he thought if they build up, there would be parking access issues and trouble getting the mail in and out of the building as there is only a small alleyway. They would be willing to entertain additional tenants as long as the site meets their requirements. As to purchasing, Mr. Hancock explained they are only interested in leasing. They want to stay as close to their current location as possible and develop a new retail facility. Chair Penserga favored issuing the RFP and seeing if they can create additional spaces. Board Member Turkin requested clarification that when they issue the RFP that they will be selling the land, but by issuing the LOI, they will not be a landlord. Chair Penserga confirmed that the CRA would not become a landlord. Ms. Shutt advised that they will work with the Post Office to meet their specifications and bring back a draft RFP for developer qualifications most likely at the August meeting. 14 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 Board Member Hay queried what the CRA would accomplish by issuing an RFP and learned the CRA may be able to create something new. Board Member Hay asked Mr. Miller if they were receptive to sharing a facility with the Post Office. Mr. Miller responded that being on a second floor of a building would not be successful. Chair Penserga thought that it may be addressed with signage. The CRA will look for a developer and the Post Office will lease the property. Mr. Miller would look closer at purchasing and leasing to the USPS. Mr. Hancock expressed his concern about parking. He thought the highest and best use would not tie into parking and they will need access for the customers. They are only providing an initial concept. Susan Oyer, 140 SE 27th Way, complained that she has to pay higher fees for her Post Office Box than other postal locations and asked how many employee spaces were needed. She mentioned that she had been advocating for a Tourist Information Welcome Center for years and recalled one was supposed to be located in the Cultural Center. She questioned whether two stories and a Post Office would be secure as there are checks and other items of value in the mail. Attorney Grant thanked the CRA Board for considering this. He noted that they still have a Town Square with a lot of vacant land and there is vacant retail land across from it. Attorney Rossemll summarized the Board will accept the USPS LOI, work with them and direct staff to work with Legal to issue an RFP which functions as a 30-day notice. Motion Board Member Hay moved to accept the USPS LOI and to direct staff to publish an RFP on this location, including the design provided by the USPS and bring it back for approval. Board Member Kelley seconded the motion. Ms. Shutt clarified that the RFP will seek development proposals from an entity to build out the shell that includes all the specifications the USPS needs for the site, the opportunity for additional tenants and requirements the Board could like. Vice Chair Cruz questioned if the Post Office really wanted an additional tenant. There are 22 parking spaces with the USPS there now and it is congested. An additional tenant would require more parking. She did not think they should put a tenant above the Post Office. Chair Penserga explained they have to come back to the Board with their concept and thought that they should let the development community try to come up with something creative. Vote 15 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 The motion passed unanimously. F. Request by the City of Boynton Beach for a Temporary Suspension of the Neighborhood Officer Program (NOP) Ms. Shutt explained that the CRA received a letter on May 27th to suspend the program due to staffing issues. The program will resume in September. Joe DeGuilio, Interim Police Chief, advised that he inherited some staffing challenges. They are looking for resources to support a core function, which is road patrol. The two officers will work in the CRA zone. They are not taking them out of the District, just changing their responsibilities temporarily. Motion Board Member Hay moved to approve the program's temporary suspension. Vice Chair Cruz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 14. CRA Projects in Progress A. CRA Economic & Business Development Grant Program Update Vicki Curfman, Administrative Assistant, reviewed the chart. There was one extension granted over six months and she gave the fund balance and distributions as of May 2, 2022 She announced five new businesses opened in the CRA District. Staff will reach out to them and inform them about the Social Media Outreach Program that is available to them. (Board Member Kelley left the dais at 8:16 p.m.) B. Rock the Block Recap Mercedes Coppin, Business Promotions and Events Manager, reviewed the above free event which took place on May 21 s on E. Ocean Avenue. She spoke about the ive band and family-friendly activities, all to spotlight the businesses operating in the Cultural and Downtown Districts. Multiple Boynton Beach Bucks promotions were offered to encourage attendees to visit the participating businesses. Survey results showed merchants experienced a 100% increase in sales and an 80% increase in foot traffic. About 74% of the attendees were residents and about 39% heard about the event from social media. (Board Member Kelley returned to the dais at 8:19 p.m.) Board Member Kelley commented that the event was great. She noted that there are two restaurants on the street, with only one mildly catering to children and that she had to 16 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 leave to feed her kids. She thought some changes to accommodate children would be beneficial. She also stated that she wanted to add lighting as a future agenda item. Board Member Turkin commended staff on a 40% response to social media marketing. Ms. Shutt explained that a lighting retrofit project will commence in the next few weeks. She said that there is a separate project called the CRA Lighting and Streetscape Project and this would work in concert with that to light the Avenue. Dewey Park lights are meant for seasonal use and she acknowledged there is a problem when it rains When the retrofit lighting begins, they will consider having double heads to match the Town Square lighting. They are also looking at lighting along the railroad and the alley. She advised staff was aware of the current problems and is addressing them through more permanent fixtures. C. Social Media & Print Marketing Update Renee Rosario, Social Media and Communications Specialist, reviewed the CRA business posts. Photographs of the Boynton Beach CRA activities, Rock the Block posts and copies of ads in various periodicals were also viewed. D. Tree Canopy Coverage Project Update Ms. Shutt explained that there is a rollover of funds for the Tree Canopy program. There is nowhere else to plant trees in the CRA area and the funds could be reallocated for the next fiscal year. E. MLK Jr. Boulevard Corridor Mixed Use Project (d/b/a Heart of Boynton Village Apartments) Update Mr. Tack gave a presentation containing pictures of the progress made. He reported that they are doing all they can to adhere to the time frame for the project and it is still on track for early 2023. Ms. Shutt stated that they were working with Centennial and there are seven bays each having 1,000 square feet that are available. So far, Centennial signed three tenants for the Bays and all three tenants are from Boynton Beach. Board Member Hay was excited about the property as it had been idle for decades. He thanked the Board and Centennial. 15. Future Agenda Items Chair Penserga stated that an update regarding items 15 A and B, the apartment and shop components will be given in August. A. Semi-Annual Progress Report - MLK Jr. Boulevard Corridor Mixed Use Project (dba Heart of Boynton Village Apartments LLC) 17 Meeting Minutes Community Redevelopment Agency Board Boynton Beach, Florida June 14, 2022 B. Semi-Annual Progress Report - MLK Jr. Boulevard Corridor Mixed Use Project (aka Heart of Boynton Village Shops) C. Project Update on the Bride of Christ Daycare Center at NE 10th Avenue D. Discussion and Consideration of Purchase and Development Agreement for the Boynton Beach CRA-owned Properties located at 402 and 404 NW 12th Avenue E. Discussion and Consideration of Letters of Intent for the Cottage District Infill Housing Redevelopment Project F. Discussion of Hurricane Alley Lease G. Consideration and Discussion of Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Project Fund Budget 16. Adjournment Motion There being no further business before the Board, Board Member Hay moved to adjourn. Board Member Turkin seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. 6ffa�' . 0 Catherine Cherry Minutes Specialist 18