Minutes 06-08-22 Minutes of the Library Board Meeting Held on
Wednesday, June 8, 2022, at 6:00 PM at
City Hall Commission Chambers, 100 E. Ocean Avenue
Boynton Beach, Florida
George Feldman, Chair Craig Clark, Library Director
Marcia Levine Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Director
Lindsay Karten
Ace Tilton Ratcliff, Vice Chair
Thomas Devlin
Robyn Boucard
I. Call to Order— George Feldman, Board Chair
Chair Feldman called the meeting to Order at 6 p.m.
Introduce Thomas Devlin, New Library Advisory Board Member
Chair Feldman welcomed Mr. Devlin.
Mr. Devlin stated that he served for two years on the CRA Advisory Board and then
applied and was appointed to the Senior Advisory Board, but they did not meet for two
years due to COVID. He shared that he has been a local resident since 1977. He said
that he retired a few years ago, and is an active user of the Library and its services.
II. Approval of Minutes — February 23, 2022
Lindsay Karten moved to approve the minutes. Ace Tilton Ratcliff seconded the motion.
,The motion passed unanimously.
III. Correspondence and Communications
Craig Clark, Library Director, read a resignation letter from former Board Member Dr.
Stephanie Hayden-Adeyemo, and announced that a new Board Member, Nicole Prado,
was appointed to the Board last night.
At Mr. Devlin's request, the members briefly introduced themselves.
Meeting Materials
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 8, 2022
IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute
V. Chair's Report— George Feldman, Board Chair
Chair Feldman stated that he did not have a report, but he mentioned that the Florida
Library Association Award of the Year would be discussed later
VI. Unfinished Business:
Staffing Update
Mr. Clark stated that they are recruiting for a Senior Librarian for Customer Relations.
He said that they reposted the position and he hoped to report that they have made a
job offer at the next meeting. He read the position duties and salary, and noted that it
requires a Master's Degree in Library Science.
Career Online High School Program
Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Library Director, updated the Board on the program's
participation. She said that to-date, they have had 10 graduates.
Mr. Clark further informed the members that the Governor vetoed funding for the program
for the next fiscal year, but that unused funds from this year will roll over. He stated that
staff will continue enrolling students in the program until the money runs out, and then
they will see how the Library can continue to support the program. He pointed out that the
State Librarian is supportive of the program and that she may find funds for it.
Ms. Taylor explained that, in response to Chair Feldman's question about the program's
goal and staff, the program can give one person the opportunity to earn a living and
sustain oneself, and it improves life for both the student and the community. She said that
while they do have employees who grew up and volunteered in the Library, none of the
program's graduates are on staff.
ARPA Grant — Technology Training for Entrepreneurs and Career
Mr. Clark, gave a review of the program and advised that it is excellent. He explained that
this month the Technology Trainer will offer QuickBook classes, and that a variety of work-
related classes is also planned. He stated that he is trying to get this position funded in
the budget for the next fiscal year.
Meeting Materials
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 8, 2022
Chair Feldman commented that he was at the Library yesterday and all the computers
were in use by patrons.
Mr. Clark responded that he has worked for the City for almost 18 years and he likes
seeing lives improved. He announced that this is the most exciting thing he has seen so
far. He also stated that since he did not hire the Technology Trainer until later in the fiscal
year, he submitted a change order for the grant and used some of the funds to buy a
White Board and 16 new iPads with Apple Pens and Keyboards. He mentioned that staff
also purchased 24 laptops and he was contemplating allowing the laptops to be checked
out and taken home. He noted that the equipment was grant funded, so the public should
use it. He said that the Library currently lends internet Hot Spots to patrons and that
program has worked well.
Summer Reading Club
Ms. Taylor announced that the Summer Reading Club Kick Off was rained out last
weekend and that 150 people signed up for the Club. She said that the Library also
received a lot of interest from teen volunteers, so they will help with Summer Reading Club
registrations and other tasks. She elaborated that teen volunteers were making a video
of what teens do in the Library and that the Summer Reading Club Kick Off will be
rescheduled in the near future, as it is always a big event.
VII. New Business
Florida Library Association's 2022 Library of the Year Award
Chair Feldman announced that he was proud of the Library and that he, as a Board
member, had played a small role in the Library receiving the award. He stated that he
bought a cake for the Library staff, in recognition of the award, and he encouraged all to
invite the public to visit the Library to see how the number one Library in the State
Mr. Clark stated that he has been involved in this organization for a number of years and
waited for the right time to apply. He noted that he, Ms. Taylor, and Ms. Green put the
application together and submitted it in March, and they were notified that they won a few
months later and it was publicized in May. He reported that they received the award at a
Library Conference special luncheon. He also announced that the Friends of the Library
is paying for an offsite event next month, for staff, in recognition of the award. He said
that it is a great honor to receive the award and that they personally thanked each
employee, as they were excited to receive it too.
Library Budget Request for FY2022-2023
Mr. Clark said that he had enclosed a draft budget of what they submitted to the budget
team to review, and he explained the budget process. He stated that the City Manager
wants to keep the budget flat, but he hoped to permanently hire the Public Technology
Meeting Materials
Library Board
Boynton-Beach, Florida June 8, 2022
Trainer. He mentioned that the Library is funded with monies from the General Fund
Budget and the Friends of the Library. He said that they pay for half of their Lease Book
program and they receive grant funds from State Aid and LSTA, and that this year the
LSTA funds paid for all of the equipment in the Creative Edge Studio and Makers Space.
He commented that he is constantly looking for funds and that they have received $1 M in
grants over the last 10 years.
Mx. Tilton asked what the Board can do to help.
Mr. Clark responded that there are always public comments at the budget hearings and
anyone can attend. He provided the date, time and location of the hearings.
Updated Collection Development Policy— Review, Discussion, Vote
Ms. Taylor stated that this policy needs another update and was last updated in 2007.
She explained that it contains the guidelines for when staff makes selections for the
Library, and a policy to follow that provides protection if they are faced with people wanting
items removed from the collection.
Mr. Clark discussed what is occurring throughout the country and what happened with
the school district based on the Governor's order about "Don't Say Gay." He explained
that a lot of books are being challenged in public libraries and that Citrus County has been
having a lot of issues, which started with a June Pride Month display. He informed the
members that there has been a united front across the country for individuals to try and
sit on City and County Commissions, and on Library and other Advisory Boards, to ban
things they do not like. He commented that updating the policy is in preparation for any
challenges that may or may not arise, and spoke about what is going on across the
country with this issue.
Ms. Karten explained that as a lawyer, that it is crazy they would ban books or anything
having to do with books noting the First Amendment, and asked if the City has anyone
that specializes in Constitutional Law. She further questioned why the individual even
receives a form.
Ms. Taylor explained the appeal process if there is a book that someone has an issue
with and feels that it should be taken out of their collection.
Mr. Clark stated that if the members move to approve the policy as presented, it will be
posted on their website. He announced that he would never ban a book without it being
voted on.
Ms. Levine commented that it is a subjective decision why someone would request a book
or want a book banned, as it could be based on any criteria.
Meeting Materials
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 8, 2022
Mr. Clark agreed and provided examples. He said that books are always placed in the
age appropriate sections of the Library and that they obtain books for or against items
they think the public would want to read, based on positive reviews from professional
sources. He added that Collection Development is part of the curriculum when obtaining
a Library Science Degree and that schools also need to purchase books that represent
the entire community. He stated that they follow the Library Bill of Rights and the Freedom
to Read, and it is the policy libraries live by.
Mx. Tilton moved to adopt the policy as drafted. Ms. Karten seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
Ms. Levine asked if anyone requested to have a book removed.
Mr. Clark recalled only one instance years ago, and that the book was not removed after
review. He announced that the Library promoted Banned Books Week because they
display them sometimes.
Chair Feldman noted that the reason cited for most of the banned books was that they
were sexually explicit, or contained violence or offensive language. He further inquired
who makes the determination that the book is offensive.
Mr. Clark responded that he did not know, but noted that the Governor signed a law that
certain books be removed from elementary school libraries. He explained that this has
been discussed for a year at the monthly Public Library Director's meeting, and it is a
serious issue, and that the Board should be ready to evaluate, make decisions and
recommendations, if needed.
VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics
February, March, April 2022 Monthly Reports
Mr. Clark requested that anyone with questions on the reports contact him. He said that
he thought their program choices and marketing has improved. He commented that they
have the right people in the right positions, and he announced that he has never been
happier with the current people in their current positions.
Mx. Tilton commented that one can tell people are excited to work at the Library.
IX. Announcements
June 2022 Library Programming - help them promote this program.
Next Library Board Meeting — July 27, 2022
X. Adjournment
Meeting Materials
Library Board
Boynton Beach, Florida June 8, 2022
Ms. Levine moved to adjourn. Mx. Tilton seconded the motion. The motion passed
unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:04 p.m.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist