Minutes 12-12-83 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 19B) AT 7:00 P. M. PRESENT Vernon Thompson, Jr., Chairman Bert Keehr, George Ampol, Vice Chairman Deputy Building Official Robert Gordon, Secretary George Mearns 3oseph Moore Paul Slavin Harold Weinberg Lillian At,is, Alternate Leo Grossbard, Alternate Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at ?=00 P. M. He introduced the Deputy Building Official, 8card Members, and Recording Secretary. Chairman Thompson recognized the presence in the audience of Mayor James R. Warnke, Vice Mayor Carl Zimmerman, Councilman Joe deLong, Councilman Nick Cassandra, and Theodore Blum, former Board Member. Chairman Thompson passed out certificates to the Members from the City of 8oynton 8each, recognizing their service as Members of the Board of Adjustment. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 14~ 1982 Mr. Ampol moved to accept the minutes as received, seconded by Mr. Mearns. Motion carried ?-0. PUBLIC HEARING Chairman Thompson informed everyone that thie is s Board of seven Members. The Alternates will not vote but may take part in the discussion. Chairmsn Thompson read the six criteria on which the Board Members base their deci- sion. Case #45 - Lots 56 through 60 inclusive, CENTRAL PARK Recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 12 Palm Beach County Records Request - Relief from 20 ft. front setback requirement to be reduced to 10 ft. on U. S. #1 and 9 ft. on S.E. 4th Street to modernize service station site Address - 1147 South Federal Highway (U.S. #1 & S. E. 4th St.) Applicant - Amoco Oil Company Agent - James A. Wynne Secretary Gordon read the application, a letter to the City of 8oynton Beach, Building and Zoning Department, dated October 18, 1982 from Oscar Mendoza, Amoco Engineer, notifying the City that Mr. James A. Wynne will be acting as Agent for Amoco 0il Company for any variances in the City. - I MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 12, 1983 Secretary Gordon then read the letter dated October 31, 1983 from 3ames A. Wynne, President, W. F. Wynne Co., Inc., to City of Boynton Beach, which stated five reasons why the variance should be allowed. Mr. 3ames A. Wynne, President, W. F. Wynne Co., Inc., 8105 West 20th Avenue, P. O. Box 4930, HiaIeah, Fiorida 3~014, came forward to represent Amoco. Mr. Wynne told the Board Members the purpose of the variance is that they want to tear down the old canopy, which is in real bad shape, and put up the new canopy. At the same time, as ali of their tanks there are pretty old, Mr. Wynne said they want to take them out and replace ali of the tanks at the same time. Actually, Mr. Wynne added, they probably would not need a variance on the gas tanks but just on the canopy setback. Mr. Wynne informed Mr. Mearns that they did not intend to install any more gas pumps in the area. There would be the same amount of pumps that are there now. In fact, they will probably wind up using less pumps but there will be approximately the same amount of hoses. Mr. Wynne looked at the site plan and said they would be installing four pumps back there after this renovation. Mr. H. C. Brandenburg, 6348 Hypoluxo Road, Lantana, Florida, operator of the Amoco station at 1147 South Federal Highway, advised that they have seven pumps there now and will be putting back four. Mr. Wynne said there will be three products on each pump they are putting back, and they will be the newest pomps on the market. There will be no diesel. Now they have separate pumps for each product. Chairman Thompson reminded the Members that the canopy setback was the only thing in question, which will be on the south end of the station. Mr. Mearns asked if it was to protect the people and the customers from the elements. Mr. Wynne replied, "Yes," and added that they need a larger canopy there, and it would just be extending it a little wider on one end. It is selfserve, and Mr. Wynne expressed that they would like to get the canopy Iarge enough to cover the entire set of pumps. The canopy that is there now is in "fouI shape." Mr. Siavin noted Mr. Wynne said it would be a seIf-service station. Mr. Wynne stated it wiII not affect the service bays the way they are now. They wiII continue to operate, and so wili the car wash. The attendant wiIi be out in the key house, as it is now. Mr. Siavin asked if the key house wiII be enlarged. Mr. Wynne answered that they are putting in a 6x9. Mr. Brandenburg said the key house there now is not much Iarger than a 4x6. Chairman Thompson asked Mr. Keehr if there would be a probiem of visibiiity because of the canopy. Mr. Keehr replied that the canopy is high enough that there is no visibility problem. Mr. Weinberg asked if the canopy would be as high as the present one. Mr. Wynne answered that they are putting it about 14 feet. It would be no lower than the present canopy. - 2 MINUTES - BOARD OF AD3USTMENT BOYNTDN BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 12, 1983 Mr. Wynne informed Mr. Weinberg that there will be no full service pumps uniess the attendant/deaIer chooses to do so. It wili be entireIy up to the attendant/deaier. Chairman Thompson noticed that Mr. Wynne said the present canopy is in vioIation. Mr. Keehr expiained that the present canopy was constructed in I972 and aithough the setbacks at that time were even greater than they are now, Mr. Keehr believed that the Buiiding Officiai at that time used a different theory on his setback requirements. Mr. Keehr said the Buiiding Department uses the overhang, which they have used since 1975, and he beiieved the BuiIding Officiai at that time may have used the actuai upright expansions and the actuai coiumns that hoId it up for the setbacks rather than the overhang. Mr. Keehr could understand how it was permitted in the first pIace. He toId Mr. Ampol the overhang was constructed prior to the zoning change the City had in 3une of I975. Mr. Mearns noted that Mr. Wynne said they were going to repIace the tanks with new ones and asked if they wouId be the same galionage. Mr. Wynne replied that there are four tanks there now (4,000 each, or i6,000), and they wauid be putting back 30,000. Mr. Wynne informed the Members that most ali companies go into Iarger tanks so that they can bring one compIete ioad of one product, dump it, and "get the hock out of town." Mr. Mearns was just thinking there may be extra hazardous exposure from a greater quantity of gas in storage and wondered if it meets with the approvaI of the Fire Department. Chairman Thompson asked if anyone eisa wished to speak in favor of granting the variance. Mr. H. C. Brandenburg appeared before the Board and said he has been at the Amoco station on South Federal Highway since i976. They found a few probiems down there off and on and Mr. Brandenburg said they taiked to Amoco about them. Amoco agreed to go ahead and go aIi out and help with ail of these problems. Mr. Brandenburg toid the Members the canopy in question is in a dangerous condition at this time. It is trying to bow in the middle and is dangerous. Mr. Brandenburg also said it is very inadequate and too small. ~ customer does get wet on the inside of the island; the attendant gets wet; and it wouid be a great advantage to their peopie, as weii as to aii of their customsrs, to have this repIaced and enIarged. Mrs. Artis asked what the present setbacks are. Chairman Thompson answered 20 feet. The survey did not show, but Mr. Keehr said it is about 4 feet on U. S. i and he beIieved it. was about iO feet on 4th Street. Mr. Keehr thought Mr. Wynne meant making it larger north and south rather than towards the setbacks. Mr. Slavin asked if the canopy was going to be extended from the west aide of U. S. 1 to the east side. Mr. Brandenburg answered, "No." He said it would be similar to what it is now. MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER IZ, 1983 Mr. Keehr explained it will be wider north and south but actually more narrow the other way. At this time, Mr. Brandenburg said they have 11 foot of service on the east side and 18 foot on the west side. It is pro- bably 11'6" high at this time. Mr. Mearns determined the real hardship in this case primarily is for the protection of customers and the pump men {to protect them from the elements). Mrs. Artis commented that what they actually want to do is go 1 foot out towards U. S. 1 and 9 feet towards the west. Mr. Wynne confirmed that was correct. Mr. Weinberg asked if they would have the same entrances from U. S. 1 into the property and from South 4th Street into the property. Mr. Brandenburg answered that their intentions were to have the same entrances on the west side with the possibility of eliminating as many as two on the east side. 3ust now, they have four entry ways on the east side, and they are going to cut one of those out and will have three. Mr. Brandenburg told Mr. Weinberg 4th Street is on the west side of the station. The entrance to the station from Federal Highway is on the left side of Federal Highway. Mr. Wynne advised that the approach nearest to the corner on the south edd of the property will be eliminated. Mr. Weinberg remarked that it defi- nitely would not be a hindrance to traffic moving to the site either way on U. S. 1 or S. E. 4th Street. 8y eliminating that one approach there, Mr. Wynne said that will eliminate a lot of hazards. Mr. Wynne showed the Members the plan and where the existing station is. He said they are going to upgrade the landscaping as much as they possibly can and upgrade the exterior lighting. Since it will be non-conforming, Chairman Thompson wondered if the egress would create any problems with the new Code. Mr. Keehr advised that the applicant's new layout requires some variances from the City's Parking Ordinance. The applicant has applied to the Planning and Zoning Board for these variances. One of those variances is what Chairman Thompson just mentioned (the fact that these egresses are too close to 12th Avenue). In the event that the Planning and Zoning Board does not grant the variance that the applicant is requesting~ Mr. Slavin asked why this 8oard was being asked to grant or deny a variance now when there are other variances in the balance. Mr. Keehr answered that the applicant will require a variance for the canopy anyway, no matter which one is denied or approved. Mr. Keehr made the Board aware of the fact that the Technical Review Board hears variances prior to them going to the Planning and Zoning Board and gives their recommendations. The recommendation of the Technical Review 8oard was to deny the variance they are requesting on the parking lot. When they get all of these documents pertaining to the variance~ Mr. Slavin asked if Mr. Keehr did not think the Members should be notified what the MINUTES - BOARD OF AD3USTMENT DECEMBER 12~ 1983 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA other Boarda are doing. Mr. Keehr replied that the buaineae of the Technical Review Board is generally kept within the City functions, and it is still just a recommendation by that Board to help guide the Planning and Zoning Board to some extent. The Planning and Zoning Board does not have to take the Technical Review Board's feelings as solid concrete. Councilman deLong interjected that he would assure the 8oard that there will be coordination after tonight. Chairman Thompson asked if anyone else wished to speak in favor of granting the variance. There was no response. Mr. Weinberg observed that the station is proposing to move their sub- terranean tanks from their present location to the front of the station. If a large tanker comes to unioad into those subterranean tanks, Mr. Weinberg asked if that tanker would create any kind of a problem for people traveling on U. S. 1, making a right-hand turn into 12th Avenue, or down 4th Street making a left-hand turn. He said it would concern him if that tanker would be there blocking a view. Mr. Keehr agreed it was a concern, but he could not answer the question. Mr. Keehr did not believe the City would allow a private truck to utilize our streets to fill their tanks. Mr. Wynne assured everyone that a tanker dropping its load to fill the tanks where they propose to move them will not sit on any sidewalk. As no one else wished to speak in favor of granting the variance, Chairman Thompson asked if anyone wished to speak in opposition to the variance. Former Mayor Waiter "Marty" Trauger, ?02 S. W. 28th Avenue, Boynton Beach, representing the Boynton Beach Woman~s Club, Inc., appeared in opposition to the proposal for relief of the 20 foot setback requirement. It looked to Former Mayor Trauger like the canopy to put in 12 additional pumps will come within a very few feet or right to the edge of the sidewalk. Next, he questioned where the landscaping would go and said there is a problem of the pumps and of parking. Eventually, Former Mayor Trauger wondered if they planned to make this into a mini-market with increased t~affic. Right now, as far as parking, Fo~mer Mayor Trauger said the station parks a lot of their vehicles either in partial repair, semi-repair, or waiting to be repaired on the street behind the station. Former Mayor Trauger understood the viewpoint of the oil company, the lessor and iessees, who would like to maximize their capital ~eturns from their investment to the greatest extent. He thought that was admirable but not to the expense of the appearance of U. S. I and what the City is trying to do to improve this. Surely, Former Mayor Trauger said it will create a hardship for the Woman's Club across the street from it. 5 - MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 12, 1983 Formez Mayor Trauger concluded by saying he believed the applicant's interest was purely seifish. Former Mayor Trauger then presented a signed petition from the homeowners and residents of Roseview Garden Apartments, 1131 S. E. 4th Street, stating that they are opposed to any variance requested by the Amoco Oil Company to modernize its service station. The petition aisc stated that they are opposed to 24 hours' operation of the service station. As no one else wished to speak against granting the variance, Secretary Gordon read the communication received on December 8, i983 stating that the membership of the Boynton Woman's Club, Inc. voted to recommend to the Board that the variance requested by Amoco Oii Co. be denied. It is their opinion that such a variance wouId create sdditionai traffic at the corner of South Federai Highway and i2th Avenue, which wouid be a hazard for pedestrians and auto traffic. The communication was signed by Mrs. H. Lewis, President. That was the oniy communication received by the Board. Mr. Weinberg asked what the difference wouid be between the existing canopy and the proposed canopy. Mr. Wynne repIied that the south edge of the proposed canopy is going to be in the exact Iocation the existing one is in. If they widen it from north to south, the additionaI width is going to be extended north towards the present station. Mr. Wynne informed Mr. Weinberg that from i2th Avenue to the edge of the proposed canopy wiiI be the exact distance that it is today. The onIy addition wiii be on their own property from the north-end of the canopy towards their office or the repair bays. Mr. Weinberg asked how much of s difference that wouId be. Mr. Wynne answered that there is now about 26 feet existing in width from north to south. Mr. Wynne said they were providing aiI of the parking that they possibiy can, striped, and in accordance with the City. There wiii be Iandscaping between every approach, where now there is none. Mr. Wynne toId the Members they are going to upgrade the site as much as they possibiy can with what they have to work with. Mr. Weinberg noted the Roseview Garden Apartments was objecting to 24 hour service and asked if it was a 24 hour station today. Chairman Thompson interrupted to say the oniy thing that concerns the Board now is the set- back of U. S. i and 4th Street. He said the Board's oniy concern is the setbacks from the east side and the west side, not from the north and south. Mr. SIavin caiIed attention to the fact that Chairman Thompson was taiking about widening the canopy north and south, but the variance requested from west to east. Mr. Wynne said that was correct, but in the enIargement of the canopy, he questioned which side they were going to enlarge. Mr. SIavin excIaimed that they were extending the canopy. The eniargement can - 6 - MINUTES - BOARD OF ~D3USTMENT DECEMBER 12, 198} BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA be done on their own property, but they are asking for a variance of the extension of the canopy. What they want to do is cut the setback from 4th Street and from U. S. 1. Mr. Slavin told the applicant he wanted to take the canopy out further than what it is now. Mr. Wynne explained that they are only asking for a variance of two feet. Mr. Grossbard ascertained that the canopy has been up since 1972. He noticed today that the canopy is not according to law but where the exten- sion is, it is according to law. Mr. Keehr confirmed that is correct. Mr. Keehr clarified that the leading edge of the canopy at this time is 11 feet from the property line on U. S. 1. lhe applicant is asking that that be reduced to 9 feet, so he is asking that the existing canopy be extended 2 feet that way. On 4th Street, it is at the present time 18 feet from the property line. The applicant is asking that it be reduced to 10 feet, so he is asking for an 8 foot extension there, lhe applicant is asking for a 10 foot extension on the overall existing canopy, and he is also going to increase it north and south by 14 feet, which the City does not care about, because that is on his own property. As Mr. Wynne saw it, the hardship coming before the Board is they have an old canopy there that is in foul shape and could fall down. If the variance is not granted, the canopy is there, and it will not go away until it does fall down. If the present canopy has to be replaced, Mr. Mearns asked what would hap- pen under the existing conformance there. He wondered if the applicant could erect a new canopy to replace the old, existing one. Mr. Keehr replied, "No. He would have to comply with today's regulations. When you tear something down, you must put it up according to today's setback." Chairman Thompson asked if those opposed to the variance had something dif- ferent they would like to give to the Board. There was no response. Pertaining to the fact that the applicant must apply for a variance to the Planning and Zoning Board if he wants to complete his project the way he has it, Mr. Keehr wanted to make known to the Board that the applicant could replace this canopy and do nothing else to the station and stay right in business. He would not have to do any landscaping, any parking, or anything. Mr. Keehr stated that the applicant could put the canopy up, and he would not be in a position to operate his station whatsoever. Mr. Keehr advised that this was the reason the Building Department felt that this was a separate issue. However, the fact that the applicant has to go to the Planning and Zoning Board on a parking variance is a fact that the Members of the 8card of Adjustment were going to be alerted on anyway for whatever reason it would have on their decision. Mr. Slavin referred to a request by Highway Oil Company (Workmen~s Oil Company) and recalled that discussion came up at that time about tankers - ? - MINUTES - BOARD OF ADgUSTMENT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 12, 1983 coming in and being in vioiation of the egress. He noted Mr. Weinberg asked whether there was any change in the cuts from U. S. 1 into this sta- tion. Mr. Siavin pointed out that the same problem came up ali over again. He said they are looking for a variance there. Highway 0il is in viola- tion. They were not granted their variance; they took the case to the courts, and the courts upheld this 8card. Mr. $1avin toid the Members they are now faced with the same thing. Mr. Slavin said other 8cards have had this before them, and nothing was passed down to this Board to grant or deny. This Board was talking of east and west and north and south, and Mr. Slavin called attention to the fact that the Members had no site plan showing what they were discussing. When somebody wants an extension to their house, they have a site pian and know what they are discussing. Mr. Slavin admitted that he could not follow this when they were talking north and south, and he saw it was an east and west extension they were looking for. Mr. Slavin thought the Board did not have any action to take on the matter. Chairman Thompson advised that each case has its own merit, and there is no comparis6n between the two oil companies here. Highway Oil was turned down because of the egress only. In this particular case, Chairman Thompson said what would come before another 8card did not concern this 8card. Chairman Thompson said the Board was oniy concerned with one thing, which is the setback and whether they want to grant a 10 foot extension east and west. That is all the applicant is asking for. If there is something else, they will have to come before the Board again. Chairman Thompson did not think the Members should be concerned about whether tankers come in out, as he was sure that the City would take care of that and see there are no violations. Chairman Thompson said the 8card is being guided by the Building Depart- merit, who has gone over this and denied the application. They were told on the east side so many feet were being requested and on the west side so many feet were being requested. Other 8cards should have no effect on the Board's judgment of this. Mr. Slavin wanted to know how much footage is there from the present canopy end to what the applicant is asking for in relation to the City's sidewaik. On U. S. 1 to the sidewalk, which is the property line, Mr. Keehr said they want to extend that to 9 feet. In other words, Mr. Slavin pointed out that they want it to come right up to the sidewalk. Mr. Keehr clarified that they want it to come up two more feet than what they are now. On the other side, they are at the present time 18 feet away, and they want to come within 10 feet. Mr. Keehr informed Mr. Slavin that Mr. Wynne did have s site plan at the meeting, which he showed to some of the Members. The applicant generally does bring a site plan with him when he comes to a meeting. If there was any doubt on this, Mr. Keehr said the Members should have questioned - 8 - MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 12, 1983 Wynne more thoroughly because Mr, Wynne does have the sate plan and surveys with him. Mr. Slavin read #6 from the application where a certified spot survey is required and exciaimed that the Members had not seen it. Mr. Wynne showed Mr. Siavin the site pIan and said he turned in everything he was requested to turn in. (A Memorandum dated November 22, 19B3 was sent to each Member by the City Clerk's office. The last paragraph of said memo stated that the survey and site pian would be brought to the meeting by the Recording Secretary.) It was true that the Board did not have a spot survey, but Chairman Thompson did not think there was anything to stop the Board from acting on this tonight. Chairman Thompson couId not see any additionaI information that couid come before the Board that the Members did not have before them now, As far as he could see, Mr. Weinberg thought it should make very little difference to the Woman's Club and to the Condominium whether the station remains the same or whether it is updated with this extension from east to west. If they up-grade the station, Mr. Weinberg couid not see that it wouId make additionai problems for traffic. According to the PIanning and Zoning Board, they wii1 have to outiine their parking, which they do not do at the present time. Parking out in the street wili be prohibited by the Pianning and Zoning Board, and they wiI1 have to park on their own pro- party. Mr. Weinberg couId not see where it wouid be an additional hardship to the Condominium or to the Woman's CIub. The station wili be there, whether the Board changes it or not. If they do change it, Mr. Weinberg feIt the station wouid be more pleasant to view. Chairman Thompson repeated that the onIy thing the Board is concerned with right now is the request. Mr. Weinber9 moved that the request be granted, seconded by Mr. Ampol. Chairman Thompson informed everyone that it takes three negative votes to deny the request. Five votes will pass the request. Mrs. Ramseyer, Recording Secretary, took a roll cai1 vote on the motion: Mr. Moore _ Aye Mr. Slavin _ No Secretary Gordon _ Yes Chairman Thompson _ Yes Mr. Ampol _ Aye Mr. Weinberg _ Aye Mr. Mearns _ Nay - 9 - MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 12, 1983 Motion carried 5-2, with Mr. Slavin and Mr. Mearns voting against the request. THE REQUEST WAS GRANTED. Case #46 - Lot 7, BIock 24, GOLFVIEW HARBOUR, 2nd Section, Recorded in PIat 8ook 27, Page 47, Paim Beach County Records Request -ReIief from 25 ft. rear yard setback requirement to be reduced to i8.59 feet rear yard setback to construct additional bedroom with a half bath Address - 1300 S. W. 25th Way Applicant - Robert B. & Delores D. Arsenault Secretary Gordon read the application. Mrs. Delores D. Arsenault, 1300 S. W. 25th Way, 8oynton Beach, believed everything was written on the application. She stated that she would like to keep her Dad with her, as he is getting on in years, and they need an extra room for him because they have three children. It is crowded in the house. Secretary Gordon then read the applicants' response to questions 5 (a) through (f) from the application. Mr. Grossbsrd questioned whether the room would be on the existing patio that is there now. Mrs. Arsenault replied, "Yes. It will just go a little bit larger." She said it is going to the back of the house. Chairman Thompson referred the Members to the survey and said he thought the bedroom was 12 feet and the patio is 10 feet. Chairman Thompson asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of granting the request. There was no response. Chairman Thompson asked if anyone wished to speak against grantin9 the variance. There was no response. Secretary Gordon announced that there was one communication, and he read a note dated November 26, 1983 from Eugene 3. Hayes, 1360 S. W. 25th Way, stating that they have no objection to the proposed change and feel it would be done in good taste for the betterment of the neighborhood. The only setback Chairman Thompson saw was to the rear of the property. The six foot utility easement has no effect on it at ail. Mr. Ampol noticed they have hsd their property since December 4, 1972. Mr. Weinberg saw the property this afternoon and commented that there did not seem to be any reason for voting against the variance, as it is comple- tely within the applicants' property. There is plenty of room on the end of the patio, which exists st the present time. Mr. Weinberg felt it was a - iO - MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 12, 1983 hardship the way the Arsenaults are living at the present time and that the variance should be granted. Mr, Ampol moved to grant the variance, seconded by Secretary Gordon, Mrs. Ramseyer took a roi1 call vote on the motion, as follows: Mr. Slavin Aye Secretary Gordon - Aye Chairman Thompson - Aye Mr. Ampol - Aye Mr. Weinber g Aye Mr. Mearns Aye Mr. Moore - Aye Motion carried 7-0 IN FAVOR OF GRANTING THE REQUEST. Case #47 - Lot 24, Block 18, FIRST ADDITION TO ROLLING GREEN Recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 86, Palm Beach County Records Request Relief from 7,500 sq. ft. minimum lot area require- ment to be reduced to 6,582 sq. ft. iot area to construct single family structure Address 416 N. E. I4th Avenue Appiicant Thomas A. Rihn Secretary Gordon read the appiication and the appIicant'e answers to questions 5 (a) through 5(f). Mr. Thomas A. Rihn, 400 N. E. ISth Court, Boynton Beach, had nothing to add to the appiication. Mr. Keehr informed the Members that the property was pIatted in i95~ and was made non-conforming in 3une of i975. It is Iandlocked. Inasmuch as the property is Iandiocked and as the present owners intend to buiid a home there, and since a home is more preferabie than an empty iot, Mr. Weinberg reit the variance shouid be granted ac these peopIe could build their home there. Chairman Thompson asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of granting the variance. There was no response. Chairman Thompson asked if anyone wanted to speak against granting the variance. There was no response. Secretary Gordon informed Chairman Thompson no communications were received. - Ii - MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 12, 1983 Mr. Ampol noticed that the residents living within a radius of 400 feet had been notified, and not one of them objected to it. Mr. SIavin looked at the property. Around it are severai vacant iots that are eye sores. The property is iandIocked. In view of this and the appIicant's desire to create a home which wouid be far more beautifuI than an empty lot with garbage in it, Mr. Siavin moved to grant this request to the appIicant, seconded by Mr. Weinberg. A roli caiI vote was taken on the motion by Mrs. Ramseyer: Secretary Gordon _ Aye Chairman Thompson _ Aye Mr. Ampoi - Aye Mr. Weinberg Aye Mr. Mearns Mr. Moore Aye Aye Mr. Slav]n - Aye Motion carried 7-D. THE REQUEST WAS GRANTED. AD3OURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting properIy adjourned at 8:18 p. M. - 12 -