Minutes 11-14-83 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTS~NT MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1983 at 7:00 P.M. PRESENT Vernon Thompson, Jr., Chairman Bert Keehr, George Ampol, Vice Chairman Deputy Bldg. Official George Mearns Joseph Moore Paul Slavin Lillian Artis, Alternate Leo Grossbard, Alternate ABSENT Robert Gordon, Secretary (Excused) Harold Weinberg (Excused) Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M. He introduced the Deputy Building Official, Board Members and Recording Secretary. He recognized the presence in the audi- ence of Vice Mayor Carl Zimmerman, Councilman Joe deLong and Councilman Nick Cassandra. MINUTES OF OCTOBER 10, 1983 Mr. Ampol moved to accept the minutes as received, seconded by Mr. Mearns. Motion carried 7-0. PUBLIC HEARING Case ~44 - Lot 6, Block 10, SEACREST ESTATES Recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 245 Palm Beach County Records Request - Relief from 25 ft. rear yard setback requirement to be reduced to 19'6" rear yard setback for screen room addition Address - 152 S. E. 30th Avenue Applicant - Herbert C. Wilkinson Mr. Slavin read the application and Chairman Thompson read the six criteria on which the Board bases their decision. Mr. Herbert Wilkinson came before the Board and advised that he is requesting this variance to build a screen porch which will not be any closer to the rear line than t~e existing patio. He would like to raise the present slab and enclose it. There are several in the neighborhood. MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT NOVEMBER 14, 1983 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mr. Ampol questioned if it is a 4" slab and Mr. Wilkinson ex- plained that it is a porch slab and it will be raised with 4" on top. Chairman Thompson questioned the distance from the slab to the property line and Mr. Keehr clarified that it is 19'6" from the concrete patio slab to the property line and a variance of 5'6" is required. Chairman Thompson read the six answers to the six criteria submitted by the applicant giving the reasons for requesting the variance. Mr. Slavin referred to the house being built in 1958 and asked if the slab was in order when built and Mr. Keehr informed him that a slab does not constitute a violation of a setback. Mr. Ampol asked if all the neighbors within 400 feet have been notified and Chairman Thompson replied affirmatively and ad- vised that four communications were received in response all noted as being in favor of this request. Mr. Slavin referred to surrounding neighbors enjoying screen porches and stated that Mr. Wilkinson is in a peculiar situa- tion with having a small rear yard and large front yard. Also, the neighbors are not conforming to 25 feet in the rear. The neighbors have no objections and he doesn't know whether this Board should have any objections. Chairman Thompson ascertained nobody else desired to speak either in favor or against this application. ~. Ampol made a motion to grant this variance, seconded by Mr. Moore. As requested, Mrs. Kruse took a roll call vote on the motion and it carried 7-0. OTHER Chairman Thompson referred to the Board dinner and after po~g the members, expressed their desire to sit at the same table or at tables close together. He added appreciation for the Council's selection for the dinner location. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Ampol moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded, unani- mously carried and the meeting properly adjourned at 7:20 P.M. Suzanne M. Kruse Recording Secretary (One Tape) --2--