Minutes 07-11 thru 07-13 Budget Workshop Minutes of the City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Held Online Via the GoToWebinar Platform and
In-Person at the BBPD Community Room
2100 High Ridge Road, Boynton Beach, Florida
July 11 — 13, 2022
Mayor Ty Penserga James Stables, Interim City Manager
Vice Mayor Angela Cruz Mike Cirullo, City Attorney
Commissioner Woodrow L. Commissioner Hay Andrew Mack, Asst. City Manager
Commissioner Thomas Commissioner Turkin Maylee De Jesus, City Clerk
Commissioner Aimee Commissioner Kelley
1. Agenda Item
A. Welcome
Mayor Penserga Ty Penserga called the meeting to order at 10:06 a.m.
Invocation was given by Mayor Penserga, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call
City Clerk De Jesus called the roll. A quorum was present. Commissioner Hay arrived at
10:30 a.m.
Mayor Penserga asked for any amendments and added a second public comment period
at the end of today.
Commissioner Turkin moved to approve the agenda, as amended. Commissioner Kelley
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
B. Budget Overview
• Revenue & Expenses
Mara Frederiksen, Director of Financial Services, explained the budget schedule through
September. She noted the overall budget proposal for the year is $263.8M. She reviewed
the funding sources and mentioned that "all other" meant the smaller revenue funds,
totally $13.5M. She spoke about which funds are dependent on the economy and the
difference between the taxes.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked about the process for amending the budget after it has been
Ms. Frederiksen explained the amendment process.
Commissioner Turkin asked for an elaboration on the fund transfers.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Ms. Frederiksen explained what is covered in the fund transfers and what can be
transferred under the reserves. She spoke about the Proposed Expenditures of$263.8M
and the appropriation summary. She stated there is a decrease this year, particularly in
capital improvement projects.
Mayor Penserga asked about the Capital Improvement Project for the Parks and
Recreation Trust.
Ms. Frederiksen responded that they do not have any projects at the moment, which is
why the funds are significantly lower. She explained the General Fund Proposed Budget
of $106.9M and the General Fund Department Budgets.
Mayor Penserga stated that he did not see a slide on the General Fund revenues, and he
asked about the ad valorem taxes.
Ms. Frederiksen explained the ad valorem taxes and reviewed the FY 22-23 Proposed
General Fund Highlights — revenue impact and expenditure impact. She spoke about
what is included under General Capital; the General Fund Departments; and the
proposed changes for this upcoming fiscal year due to the Save Our Homes program.
Ms. Frederiksen explained what is paid out of the Commission budget, the proposed
position in the ADA& Inclusion Department that was not filled; the General Fund Balance;
and the Emergency Reserve Historical Trend.
Mayor Penserga asked about the target goal for the number of months for the Utility to
put in reserve.
Commissioner Hay arrived at 10:30 a.m.
Ms. Frederiksen explained what the typical reserve goal is; the Proposed Tax Levy vs
Rollback Rate; State Truth in Millage (TRIM); Millage rate impact on residential properties;
and the Millage Rate impact on commercial properties.
• Property Millage Rate
• Fire Assessment Rate
James Stables, Interim City Manager, explained the Millage Rate Assumptions and the
impact on residential and commercial properties.
Ms. Frederiksen explained the different millage rate options being proposed and the
impact to the budget.
Commissioner Hay asked how far above the rollback rate would bring us to break even.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Ms. Frederiksen further explained the millage rate.
Mayor Penserga stated that he would like to see the millage rate in between what we
have now and the rollback rate. He explained why he would like to see the millage rate
Commissioner Turkin agreed and explained why he would like to see us closer to the
rollback rate, in order to give a break to the taxpayers.
Interim City Manager Stables explained the Fire Assessment Fee and cautioned that a
large revenue decrease will result in services being impacted negatively.
Commissioner Turkin stated that they do not want to see services decreased, but they
would like to see a decrease in property taxes. He spoke about ARPA funds offsetting
areas of the budget.
Commissioner Hay stated that he would not like to touch the ARPA funding. He stated
that as long as they show a positive trend, it shows the public that they are trying to
maintain a positive trend to lower the millage rate. He stated that to go back to the rollback
rate is a bit drastic.
Commissioner Kelley stated that we need to find a happy medium and be responsible.
She stated that a small millage rate decrease puts us in a situation where the millage rate
is decreased but taxes are increased. She said they should be giving residents the
services that we promise them.
Vice Mayor Cruz stated that we do have to keep in mind the raises to the employees as
well, which will be a new base.
There was consensus that they would like to be responsible and bring the millage rate
Mayor Penserga summarized that the consensus is to lower the millage rate and keep
services the same. He asked for more elaboration on the Fire Assessment Fee.
Interim City Manager Stables explained the Fire Assessment Fee and mentioned that it
has not been increased in 4 years. He spoke about the funding for capital projects and
why it is a stable funding source.
Mayor Penserga asked if there is something that the Fire Assessment Fee could do that
the other fees cannot. He asked if there were no Fire Assessment Fee, could they still
achieve the same goals.
Interim City Manager Stables responded yes, but it would take longer to fund things. He
stated that if they took away the Fire Assessment Fee, it would decrease the budget by
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
$8M. He said that we have the lowest Fire Assessment Fee in the County.
Commissioner Hay asked where they stand on the Fire Assessment Fee being a finite
Interim City Manager Stables stated that it is designed to bridge a funding gap and to
sunset at some point, but there is no sunset date at the time.
City Attorney Cirullo explained that this was initially put in place in 2001 and was
supposed to be 7 years. It was sunset and was reinstated by the Commission in 2008
without a sunset year. He mentioned what it could be used for.
Vice Mayor Cruz stated that she would like to get a history of the Fire Assessment Fee
over the years. She asked what the current assessment is at this time.
Interim City Manager Stables stated that it is $120.
City Attorney Cirullo explained the percentage increases and how they are calculated.
Commissioner Turkin asked if it could be used for personnel.
Interim City Manager Stables responded yes.
City Attorney Cirullo explained what it can and cannot be used for.
Mayor Penserga stated that as of now, he is comfortable increasing the Fire Assessment
Fee, factoring in a millage rate decrease.
Commissioner Hay asked what percentage of the 39 municipalities in Palm Beach County
that have a Fire Assessment Fee.
Interim City Manager Stables stated that he can get it information. He asked for
consensus on the millage rate as well. He explained the decrease in revenue with each
tenth of a mill in rates.
Mayor Penserga stated that he is uncomfortable giving a number right now because he
has not had a chance to look at the millage rate decreases. He asked what projects might
get eliminated if they lower the millage rate.
Commissioner Kelley stated that collectively they are not in a position to do a rollback,
and stated that they can probably agree to stay within the two tenths of a reduction.
Vice Mayor Cruz stated that she would like to see staff presentations for every department
and then we can decide at the end of the day.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Interim City Manager Stables stated that he would try to figure out how we would pay for
the services within the budget that we are given.
Ms. Frederiksen explained what the Commission should consider in regard to the millage
Mayor Penserga asked about the sample decrease millage rates. He mentioned that
while the economy is doing well, he would like to see a decrease in millage rate.
Interim City Manager Stables mentioned that the cost of doing business has grown, while
the revenue has stayed flat. He stated that if we business modeled, we do not have to
change the millage rate drastically if there is an economic downturn. He explained the
savings with the Save Our Homes Program.
C. Public Comments
Ernest Mignoli, 710 NE 7th Street, Unit 407, said God Bless everyone.
Virtual Comments:
Christine Roberts was called upon but was muted and did not speak.
Mayor Penserga closed public comments.
Interim City Manager Stables stated that they are beginning with the Utilities enterprise
G. Utility Fund:
• Operating
Poonam Kalkat, Utilities Director, explained the Utilities Proposed Budget of$56M, which
is a 2.4% overall increase. She spoke about how they come up with the budget, as they
start it as a zero-based budget process. She explained what the increases are for this
budget. She commented on the need for more personnel, and the reorganization of some
full-time employees (FTEs).
Mayor Penserga stated that he agrees with the changes that are being made, and he
appreciates the opportunity for growth.
Ms. Kalkat explained the supply chain issues. She reminded the Commission that 8% of
the funds go to the General Fund. She spoke about the highlights of the Utilities Proposed
Mayor Penserga asked what the debt services is used for.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Ms. Kalkat explained the reason why they sometimes have to do projects that are high
priced. She spoke about how far out they look ahead for their needs and the current debt.
She stated that she would like to do "pay as you go" instead of getting into debt.
Mayor Penserga stated that as part of the infrastructure update, he would like to know
what our current situation is for the debt services.
Ms. Kalkat stated that she will get a presentation together for the Commission. She spoke
about the Operational Successes. She mentioned the 2nd place reward that they received
for the Southeast Florida municipalities in FSAWWA Region VI Best Tasting Water. She
continued by discussing the following: the 25% discount on the flood insurance premiums;
the successful raw water well maintenance program; the iWater software upgrade; and
the upgrade to the customer autopay. She explained the following regarding Successes-
Sustainability and Resilience: completed multijurisdictional climate change vulnerability
assessment; tree inventory in City Parks and other areas in the City; EV chargers; and
Cities Race to Zero. She spoke about the Operational Challenges.
Mayor Penserga asked if there are any other cities that are ahead of us in terms of PFAS
and PFOS and screening it out of the water system.
Ms. Kalkat explained the timeline for the monitoring. She noted that they look at other
states as examples, and that the State legislature is currently looking at this.
Mayor Penserga stated that he would like for us to be ahead of the game, putting a plan
in place ahead of time, since we know that it is coming down the pipeline.
Commissioner Kelley asked about the regulations and what the staff impact will be.
Ms. Kalkat stated that they have already started looking at that. She said that it is harder
to get the private portion, but there are some things that they can do ahead of time, but
they are evaluating as they go. She commented that they are still waiting for the State to
give them what measures are going to be acceptable. She explained the Initiatives-
Operational, what they are continuing to work on and what they are going to implement.
She spoke about the Initiatives - Sustainability and Resilience and FY23 Annual Rate
Development-Utility Management Automation (UMA). She stated that she is proposing
foregoing an increase for this year.
Commissioner Kelley asked about using the reserve, instead of doing an increase.
Ms. Kalkat explained what they would use from the reserve, if needed.
The Commissioners thanked Ms. Kalkat for the presentation.
• Capital
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Kalkat explained the FY23 Capital Improvement Program, and stated that the total CIP
(including a number of multi-year projects) is $33M.
Mayor Penserga asked if we are looking at new customer acquisitions.
Ms. Kalkat stated that she has hit the pause button on that for now, so that they can
maintain what they have at the moment. She explained the total CIP and the grant that
was received from the Department of Economic Opportunity.
Commissioner Turkin asked about a grant for the Chapel Hill neighborhood and if the
project is in this budget.
Chris Roschek, Deputy Utilities Director, stated that they were not successful in receiving
the grant, but they are looking at other grants
Commissioner Hay asked if the Gateway Boulevard neighborhood is on the list.
Ms. Kalkat responded yes.
Andrew Mack, Assistant City Manager, explained the project to expand the overpass at
1-95, and stated that it is a couple of years out.
Ms. Kalkat stated that she is trying to make sure that we do not have a flooding issue.
Commissioner Hay stated that he would like to talk to Ms. Kalkat about other projects,
Mayor Penserga asked if we have a GIS map for the projects that are being worked on.
There was discussion regarding projects in areas where it floods in the City.
Ms. Kalkat stated that she would like to prioritize projects.
Mayor Penserga spoke about the Seawall Improvement Project through the CRA.
Vice Mayor Cruz stated that she does not like to say that we are going to look at something
without having a definitive date. She said that this would have been a great time to bring
up these concerns.
Ms. Kalkat stated that we do not have a strong Water Master Plan in place, and it is
budgeted for next year, but they do not want the projects to be set aside until then. She
spoke about the FY 23 Capital Project Budget Highlights; Successes-CIP; Challenges-
CIP; and Initiatives-CIP.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Mayor Penserga stated that the projects are staggered in time, and asked how it is
determined which projects are prioritized first.
Ms. Kalkat stated that we need to have prioritization criteria, which they are developing.
She said that sometimes there are other projects that they are working on simultaneously,
and they want to maximize working on that street at the same time. She stated that they
are looking at the basins as well.
Mayor Penserga explained why we need to prioritize the projects.
Vice Mayor Cruz reiterated that these are things that need to be looked at during the
budget process, and stated that this could be helpful in figuring out the millage rate.
Commissioner Kelley stated that the Master Plan helps them in having an answer to
constituents when asked about projects.
Mayor Penserga stated that Ocean Avenue and Federal gets flooded, and asked what
we are doing about it.
Ms. Kalkat stated that they are filling a position that will be looking at those issues to make
sure that everyone complies.
Commissioner Turkin moved to recess for an hour. Vice Mayor Cruz seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Penserga reconvened the meeting at 1:30 p.m.
• Discuss Canal Assessment
Interim City Manager Stables explained the canal assessment issue and the direct billing
that was done and will have to be redone.
Mayor Penserga asked what the timeline is for the replatting project.
Assistant City Manager Mack stated that they have surveyors on a rotational contract and
said that it would be approximately 90-120 days.
Interim City Manager Stables stated that he will provide updates periodically.
D. General Fund:
• Public Works
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Mario Guzman, Director of Public Works, explained the proposed budget and the percent
increases and decreases. He spoke about personnel shifts and where they were being
billed from. He explained the highlighted changes for Public Works. He spoke about the
successes and challenges and initiatives within Public Works.
Commissioner Hay asked about the Drive Safe Boynton and the different techniques that
they are using, and what works and what does not work.
Gary Dunmyer, City Engineer, stated they have been putting in speed bumps, which are
effective, and that they do have other options, such has narrowing the road with striping.
Mr. Guzman explained the following: Fiscal Year 22/23 Fleet Maintenance proposed
budget; what their targets on replacement funds are; the highlighted changes for fleet;
successes, challenge, and initiatives for fleet; Fiscal Year 22/23 Solid Waste Fund
proposed budget; highlighted changes to solid waste; and successes, challenges,
initiatives for Solid Waste.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked about how many unfilled positions there are and how often the
positions are posted.
Mr. Guzman responded that there are about 18 vacancies in the division, but 8 that are
already in the process. He explained where the positions are posted.
Commissioner Hay asked how we are working towards being higher than 73rd in the rank.
Mr. Guzman explained the requirements and metrics that are reviewed for the list.
Commissioner Kelley thanked Mr. Guzman for his presentation and for his career
initiatives and asked what the timeline on the systems update is.
Mr. Guzman explained what the process is and stated that it might be about 8 months for
implementation. He stated that the software was implemented in 1991.
Commissioner Hay asked about the different parking signs in the different areas. He
stated that the residents are pleased with the Drive Safe initiative but asked about the
different timeframes for parking.
Assistant City Manager Mack explained the parking restrictions and stated that it is to
solve the problem with parking in certain areas. He stated that he will get back with
Commissioner Hay on specifics.
Commissioner Turkin thanked staff for getting the speed bumps in certain areas and
asked for elaboration on the carts.
Mr. Guzman stated that they are looking at repairing the garbage carts in-house or how
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
they are issued to residents.
Commissioner Turkin spoke about trash in the streets and getting that solved.
Mr. Guzman responded that they are looking at that as part of their clean street initiative.
Mayor Penserga asked about the number of vehicles in the fleet, fuel purchasing, and
electric vehicles. He asked what is done with the old vehicles and whether there are
options to give them to local schools.
Mr. Guzman responded there are 900 to 1000 vehicles in the fleet. He stated that we
have two 40,000-gallon tanks at the warehouse, and he explained the gas purchase
process. He said that for emergencies they have additional storage set aside from the
vendor and stated that we have different contracts with the County as well. He mentioned
that we do have electrical vehicles and purchased 30 electrical vehicles this year. He
explained the difference in cost of the vehicles as opposed to regular vehicles. He stated
that they have given old vehicles away before.
Assistant City Manager Mack stated that we have been doing very well in our surplus
vehicles, and that any time we are approached to donate something, we look at it.
Mayor Penserga asked about sidewalks maintenance and if we have a restoration
Mr. Guzman explained who is responsible for maintenance.
Mr. Dunmyer stated that the adjacent property owner maintains the sidewalk.
Mayor Penserga asked about Fire Station 3 and the marquee sign that is out front that
needs to be replaced. He stated that we have a program for digital signs that we should
use to replace the sign.
Assistant City Manager Mack explained where they are at on the process for Fire Station
3 and stated that they can look at replacing the sign sooner. He noted that they do not
have a lot of input from residents, but they need funding more than input on a station.
Commissioner Turkin stated that it would be great to acquire Federal and Seacrest.
Commissioner Kelley stated that she would like an update on the timeline for finding the
funding for Fire Station 3, and that she would like to see the sign replaced sooner as well.
Interim City Manager Stables stated that they are exploring grants for the Fire Station, but
there are no dedicated funding sources. He stated that he will get back to the Commission
on the sign.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Mr. Guzman stated that he will send a team out there to take a look at the sign.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked how far we are in negotiations with SEIU for raises.
Interim City Manager Stables stated that they are still negotiating.
• Capital Improvement Plan
Mr. Guzman explained the following: 303 Fund - Source of Funding; 302 Fund - Source
of Funding; 303 Fund (surtax); General Repairs, HVAC, and Roofing Projects; Recreation
and Parks Projects - Little league Park, Oyer Park, Intracoastal Park, Tennis Center; and
Public Safety Projects - Fire Station Projects, Misc. Projects.
Interim City Manager Stables stated that there is an earmark for the tower that he just
heard about.
Mr. Guzman spoke about the Information Technology Projects.
Charles Stevens, ITS Network Manager, explained what the Datrium Server is. He stated
that the system is being phased out within the year and they are replacing it before it is
Commissioner Hay asked if the security cameras are because there is a safety issue.
Mr. Guzman explained why they need security cameras at the Fire Stations.
Interim City Manager Stables further explained the reasoning why they need the security
Commissioner Turkin asked about the cost for bunk area and apparatus bays. He asked
for more details about the Intracoastal Park.
Mr. Dunmyer explained the amenity upgrades to the Intracoastal Park.
Mr. Guzman stated that this is a revenue stream because it is rented out. He spoke about
Transportation Projects.
Mayor Penserga asked which areas are being looked at for upgrading.
Mr. Dunmyer explained where they are repaving first. He stated that they do have a plan
for that.
Mr. Guzman explained the 302 Fund (General Fund): General Government Projects;
Recreation and Parks Project; and Public Safety Projects.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Mayor Penserga asked about the grant.
Kacy Young, Recreation & Parks Director, stated that they reached out to the grant
division in Tallahassee, and they are still waiting on the official announcement to be made.
Mr. Dunmyer explained the Eco Park Construction and what their part is, and said that it
will be about 3-4 months before they start.
Commissioner Turkin stated that he was supposed to be sent the conceptual design for
the park to be a dog park and asked if there is one, and if is budgeted for this year.
Assistant City Manager Mack stated that there are some conceptual drawings right now,
and he will get it to the Commission. He explained the process for funding.
Mr. Guzman spoke about the Transportation/Roadway Projects.
Commissioner Kelley asked about the updates on the ramps
Mr. Guzman stated that the kayak ramp is done, and Oyer park is going to be closed on
September 12 for the ramp to be worked on. He stated that they plan to send out
announcements, so people know of the upcoming closing.
Commissioner Turkin stated that they are receiving the calls regarding the ramp and that
we really need to get the message out.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked about the last time we evaluated the cost of park fees.
There was discussion in regard to the difference between public art fees and park impact
Mayor Penserga asked for a 10-minute recess at 3:02 p.m.
Mayor Penserga reconvened the meeting at 3:12 p.m.
• Police Department
Joe DeGiulio, Interim Police Chief, spoke about the following: Proposed Budget;
Highlighted Changes; Police Department/Uniform services; Police Department/Office of
the Chief; Police Department/Support Services; and Police Department/Red Light
Mayor Penserga asked for the rationale regarding moving the positions over.
Interim Chief DeGiulio explained the moves. He spoke about the successes, and he
explained how many Officers are being hired and are in training. He commented on the
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
challenges within the department and the initiatives within the department.
Commissioner Kelley stated they are down officers but asked how the overtime is
significantly reduced.
Sophia Stewart, Budget Manager, explained the overtime budgeting.
Commissioner Kelley asked how we are doing staffing on a shift basis, and how much
overtime is happening on each shift. She asked how we are competing with other area
Police Departments to keep our officers. She asked about National Incident-Based Report
System (NIBRS).
Interim Chief DeGiulio explained the number of Officers per shift. He stated that the
personnel increases are not being reflected right now because we will be going into
negotiations soon. He responded about NIBRS.
Commissioner Turkin asked if are still short on Officers compared to 2008.
Interim Chief DeGiulio responded yes.
Commissioner Turkin suggested allocating more funds to increase Police Officer
presence. He shared a personal experience on the campaign trail. He mentioned that we
need to change the culture of the City with more Police presence.
Commissioner Hay asked what is happening with PBSO.
Interim Chief DeGiulio stated that they haven't received a proposal. PBSO has done a
peer to peer assessment.
Vice Mayor Cruz agrees that adding more boots on the ground would be a great idea.
She spoke about the minimum requirements to become a Police Officer and asked if a
bachelor's degree is absolutely necessary.
Interim Chief DeGiulio explained the current requirements and education waivers for
Police Officers. He described how they could shift the requirements.
Commissioner Hay asked how they determine how many Officers we need.
Interim Chief DeGiulio stated that our current staffing is 156, and they have not dived into
how many Officers they really need. He noted that the 174 Officers were how many they
had in 2008.
Mayor Penserga asked about the long-term plan for staffing.
Interim Chief DeGiulio explained the number of Officers they are hiring and that are in the
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Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Deferred Retirement Option Program (DROP). He spoke about how they are planning for
staffing. He stated that they are making changes in recruiting because it is a bit slower
than he would like it to be. He described the challenges and noted that they are
developing both short-term and long-term plans. He further described NIBRS, which
provides a more detailed crime report.
Mayor Penserga asked about shift staffing levels for road patrol.
Interim Chief DeGiulio explained uniform services, how many are per shift, and how many
Police vehicles there are per shift. He stated that they were having a difficult time filling
positions, but Officers were shifted around.
Mayor Penserga asked what the future of the Neighborhood Officer Program (NOP) is
looking like and if there are plans to expand.
Interim Chief DeGiulio stated that he is hoping to unpause the program on September 1,
and further explained staffing for the NOP. He said that they focus on core functions until
they are fully staffed.
Commissioner Kelley stated that she understands wanting someone with a bachelor's
degree, but that in this career it is typically started coming out of high school or military,
she would like that requirement to be revisited. She explained the situation of someone
who was denied because of being short a few credit hours with the college requirement.
She asked for clarification on overtime for last night.
Interim Chief DeGiulio explained how many officers were called in for overtime.
Mayor Penserga stated that it may be a security concern to speak about this in a public
Commissioner Kelley mentioned the Officers in the DROP program and asked what is
being done to help bridge that gap.
Interim Chief DeGiulio stated that 30 Officers down are critical to operations. He explained
what they are doing to close the gap and maintaining as close of a gap as possible.
Commissioner Turkin asked how we pay in comparison to other area Police Departments.
Interim Chief DeGiulio stated that there has not been a study done as of recently, but that
retention is the problem.
Commissioner Hay stated that he would like to caution everyone that we do not create a
false sense of fear in our City.
Commissioner Turkin said that he believes we are in a violent crime crisis and asked how
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
many shootings there have been in the last 3 weeks.
Interim Chief DeGiulio responded approximately 4 shootings.
Commissioner Turkin stated that when it comes to this line item, we need more boots on
the ground.
Mayor Penserga summarized that they would like to see more boots on the ground and
thanked staff for the presentation.
Mayor Penserga recessed for 7 minutes at 4:03 p.m.
Mayor Penserga reconvened at 4:10 p.m.
• Fire Department Recreation
Hugh Bruder, Interim Fire Chief, spoke about the Proposed Budget; Highlighted Changes-
Emergency Management; FY 2021/2022 Accomplishments; and FY 2022/23 Goals.
Commissioner Hay asked if he feels that we have enough Fire Stations for the next ten
years and how that is determined.
Interim Chief Bruder stated that he would like to see another Fire Station out west,
because of the growth happening out there. He stated that the variable changes from
municipality to municipality. He said that the most important thing to look at is response
time, and we would need more units out in the field, but that requires a much larger
Interim City Manager Stables added that there is accreditation criteria to help you build
that for your jurisdiction.
Interim Chief Bruder stated that they will be coming back to the Commission in the future
when they have the performance analyst online.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked about the new line item. She asked about the Fire Assessment
Fee increasing and what the minimum increase would be.
Interim Chief Bruder stated that he spoke about it when they took another look at the
budget and reallocated money.
Interim City Manager Stables stated that there should be a plan on increasing the rate,
which has not been done in 4 years. He stated that the Fire Assessment Fee was crafted
to build station #3 because there is no funding for that.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked for a presentation on what specific projects are perpetuating the
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Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
fee increase and the justification.
Commissioner Turkin spoke about a Fire Assessment scenario document he had.
City Attorney Cirullo stated that Commissioner Turkin printed it out from last year's
proposed budget.
Commissioner Turkin asked about the non-operating expense on page 4 of the proposed
Interim City Manager Stables stated that it is the prefunding for fleet to purchase the
Commissioner Turkin said that he would like operating expenses elaborated.
Ms. Frederiksen stated that there is a line by line on the operating expenses in the budget
Interim Chief Bruder explained the operating expense increases.
Mayor Penserga asked about the transfer to grants match.
Interim Chief Bruder clarified that the $40K is the City's share for the Fire boat.
Commissioner Kelley stated that it was mentioned that those Fire Assessment Fees could
be used for District 4's Fire Department update. She asked if that is, realistically, what the
money will be used for or are there other items for these funds will be used for. She
inquired about what the costs would be for the renovation.
Interim City Manager Stables stated that it is approximately $8-12M dollars to build a new
Fire Station. He said that this is a cost for a rebuild and not a remodel. He stated that the
Fire Assessment Fee is designed to fund that, and that this is our way to be proactive.
Commissioner Kelley asked why we are counting on this fee towards special projects,
apparatuses, etc.
Interim City Manager Stables stated that he is not sure what it was originally created for
and explained why it is needed. He said it was not designed to build a Fire Station, rather,
to offset the budget of the Fire Department.
Mayor Penserga stated that he would like to earmark it for specific projects. He asked if
we have looked at borrowing money for a Fire Station.
Interim City Manager Stables stated that we are at debt capacity, and they do not want to
go more into debt until they have paid off debt that has already been incurred.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Commissioner Turkin asked for more of a detailed list on what can be used with the ARPA
Interim City Manager Stables stated that the rules have changed over time and that they
can look into that and get information to the Commission.
Commissioner Hay asked how they can measure mental health impact on personnel.
Interim Chief Bruder spoke about how they measure that the program is working, without
violating HIPPA.
Vice Mayor Cruz stated that many constituents live on a fixed income which is why she
is trying to be mindful of increases in fees.
• Recreation and Parks
Mr. Young spoke about the Proposed Budget; Highlighted Changes - Recreation General
fund. He commented on the increase in the Arts & Cultural Center, and stated that they
have not previously budgeted enough for it.
Assistant City Manager Mack clarified why there is an increase.
Mr. Young spoke about PayTrac; Parking Services; Recreation Program Revenue Fund;
and Successes, Challenges, and Initiatives.
Mayor Penserga asked if there was a separate presentation for the Trust Fund.
Mr. Young responded that it is the same presentation. He explained the Park System
Master Plan. He said that the Park Impact Fund will be used as one of the resources to
fund projects that will be identified in the Park System Master Plan.
Mayor Penserga asked why we are not setting aside money now instead of waiting.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked how much money is in the parks impact fee.
Ms. Frederiksen responded about $550,000 and further explained the use of the funds.
Vice Mayor Cruz stated that she would like more details from staff for the different funds,
and guidance. She stated that she would like to direct staff to look at the park impact fee.
City Attorney Cirullo responded that there are statutes to be able to increase the fees.
Mayor Penserga asked what the trust fund and impact fee fund is for.
Mr. Young explained the different funds.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Mayor Penserga asked about the options to fund a new park.
Ms. Frederiksen explained the options.
Commissioner Kelley asked about the parks plan going forward and evaluating data to
determine what residents are looking for. She asked how many residents participated in
the survey.
Mr. Young stated that they are in the initial stages of that plan and said that they are still
compiling the information. He stated that the plan is looking at being presented in
February 2023.
Mayor Penserga asked about the reorganization to transfer events to Parks and
Interim City Manager Stables stated that it probably will not happen during this budget
Commissioner Hay asked if the Park System Master Plan includes a plan to add additional
cameras in the Sara Sims park and cemetery.
Mr. Young explained that there are cameras there, but they have not had a conversation
to add additional cameras.
The Commissioners thanked staff for all of their presentations.
Mayor Penserga thanked the Commissioners for their service and stated that everyone
is watching them and if they see that the Commission is invested, more people are likely
to invest.
Public Comment:
Ernest Mignoli, 710 NE 7th Street, Unit 407, stated that he is the only public here and that
everyone is scared to come here. He commented that there are no criminal trespass signs
at the Sara Simms Park.
There were no virtual comments.
Commissioner Vice Mayor Cruz moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Turkin
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:24 p.m.
Meeting Minutes
City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
A. Welcome — Mayor Ty Penserga
Mayor Penserga called the July 12, 2022, meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.
Invocation was given by Commissioner Hay, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance lead
by Mayor Penserga.
Roll Call
City Clerk De Jesus called the roll. A quorum was present.
Interim City Manager Stables asked which departments they would like to hear from.
Commissioner Hay said that he would like to see the list of departments.
Vice Mayor Cruz wanted to hear from all departments.
Commissioner Kelley stated she did not want to hear from all departments, if they are not
Commissioner Turkin said that we need to see the list but would like to get to the priority
Mayor Penserga said that he would like to hear from major departments: Public Art Fund,
Golf Course, Economic Development, and Schoolhouse Children's Museum.
Commissioner Kelley said that she would like to hear from Marketing.
Vice Mayor Cruz wanted to come back to the Fire Assessment Fee.
Mayor Penserga stated that there are three proposed resolutions and, historically, they
have been voted on in this meeting, but we can give them direction and vote on it at the
Commission meeting next week.
Commissioner Kelley moved to approve the agenda, as amended. Commissioner Turkin
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
• Development
Adam Temple, Director of Development, spoke about the proposed budget; Highlighted
Changes in the Department- Building Division; and Successes, Challenges, and
Initiatives. He thanked Saleica Brown for her help with the budget.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Commissioner Turkin thanked staff for their presentation and stated that he would like to
see if they could get more boots on the ground on nights and weekends, because people,
like to get unpermitted work done during those times. He stated that he would like to see
what can be done for the zoning so there are not a lot of obstacles in the way. He asked
if they can get the Planning & Development (P&D) Board recommendation on height
City Attorney Cirullo stated that they can request input from the P&D Board.
Commissioner Kelley asked to hear more about the new law that has been passed and
how it will affect the budget and the City, and requested it come before the Commission
at some point.
Commissioner Hay asked if we have everything needed to get the IAS accreditation. He
asked about workforce housing and Land Development regulations.
Mr. Temple said that budget approval will assist toward the IAS accreditation, but it will
be a multi-year process. He spoke about the workforce housing and Land Development
regulations, which will be presented at a later date.
Commissioner Hay asked how soon a workshop will be held.
Mr. Temple replied quarterly and stated that they will incorporate a "how to" for the new
Mayor Penserga stated that he has been in discussion with staff to come forward to the
Commission with ideas on workforce housing. He asked if there are regulations that are
more effective.
Mr. Temple spoke about the standard operating procedures and stated that they do patrol
at night and on Saturdays.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked about the County funding that might benefit the City.
Mayor Penserga recapped which departments will be speaking today.
• Economic Development
David Scott, Director of Economic Development & Strategy, spoke about the economic
development priorities for the Commission. He stated that amplifying Boynton Beach
towards a livable economy is their goal. He spoke about the high paying jobs and
attracting those target market sectors.
John Durgan, Economic Development Manager, spoke about the Proposed Budget;
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Highlighted Changes; and Successes, Challenges, and Initiatives. He gave an update on
the FAU Incubator Space in City Hall, and the new business incentive program that they
are creating.
Mr. Scott stated that next year's cycle will allow for input to the strategic plan. He spoke
about the top targeted programs that they are working with, and about working with career
resource and getting young people into paying jobs. He stated that it is important to
beautify the gateways into the City. He mentioned entrepreneurships of people that work
out of their homes and how to help them grow their businesses.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked if it would be helpful to have another support staff within this
There was consensus from the Commission to add another staff member to the Economic
Development Department.
Mayor Penserga stated that there is no clear path to help people expand their businesses.
Commissioner Hay added that they will need two staff members since Mr. Scott is leaving.
Mr. Scott stated that they could use additional support to help communicate with
businesses. He commented that residents do not know about grants that are offered. He
stated that they really need marketing support and a prospectus.
Vice Mayor Cruz stated that the marketing department is very busy, but if they had
another person added to their team, they could be dedicated to Economic Development.
She asked about a one-stop shop and who would staff it.
Mr. Durgan explained that they considered a virtual option for businesses but feel that
they need a more formalized program that is robust and encompasses all City services
and external resources.
Vice Mayor Cruz suggested having a workshop to speak about what is offered and how
they can help residents. She also suggested offering courses to provide opportunities for
people who have businesses.
Mr. Scott stated that the Library has been a great partner, and the maker's space has
been helpful to them. He stated that the CRA is also a partner in many of their initiatives.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked for a liaison that can help coordinate workshops and work with
the department on next steps.
Commissioner Kelley stated that this is a department that is beneficial to the City and they
get overlooked. She asked about the small business grant program including how it has
been used and what are the issues with getting the word out to the community.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Mr. Durgan stated that one of the biggest issues is getting the word out. He explained
how many slots they have filled. He said that prior to Covid, part of their communication
was that they knocked on doors, and nothing beats that interaction.
Mr. Scott stated that during the pandemic, many of the businesses could not get the PPP
loan because they could not figure out the paperwork.
Commissioner Turkin asked about the small business grants and if they could be used
for marketing.
Mr. Durgan responded yes.
Commissioner Turkin asked about reaching out to the fishing community and help with
their online marketing. He mentioned that word of mouth is the best marketing.
Vice Mayor Cruz stated that she would like us to think about the purpose of why we give
the grants away. She asked how to make it sustainable.
Mr. Durgan spoke about the wraparound services.
The Commission reached consensus to add another position to this department.
Commissioner Hay asked for clarification on the programs and their funds.
Mr. Durgan clarified how much is in each fund.
Commissioner Hay asked how we plan to get the project on US-1 and Boynton Beach
Boulevard started.
Mr. Scott stated that they are already working with the CRA on one of the projects and
explained the other Public Private Partnerships that can help to take on other blocks.
He said that he will speak to other staff to work on the timeline.
Commissioner Kelley stated that she likes the Adopt-A-Highway type of program and
agreed that this has to be on the priority list.
Mayor Penserga recessed for 13 minutes at 11:35 a.m.
Mayor Penserga reconvened the meeting at 11:48 a.m.
Interim City Manager Stables stated that the Schoolhouse Children's Museum Board did
not prepare for a presentation, but can answer questions. He said that the
Communications and Marketing presentation will be presenting online after lunch.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
• Schoolhouse Children's museum
Suzanne Ross, Executive Director, stated that the museum was affected by the
pandemic, but they are moving forward with renovations and are working on being better.
She gave a history on the museum and explained what they do at the museum.
Mayor Penserga asked to talk about the finances and if we have increased or decreased
support of the organization.
Ms. Ross responded that the City increased the funding years ago, and they are down
for their request of financial support, but they will always need support from the City. She
explained the capital campaign that they have been working on since 2019.
Mayor Penserga stated that he did not know the historical context and mentioned that he
does not think that they should be funded forever.
Craig Clark, Library Director, mentioned the staff services line item and how much it has
decreased and explained the increases in the budget for the Schoolhouse Museum.
Mayor Penserga clarified that the museum is not officially the City's.
Mr. Clark stated that the City does own the building and some of the line items are within
the budget. He said that the operation is a 501(c)3 and there is a management agreement
with the City.
Mayor Penserga asked why it is not part of the City, since we own the building.
Mr. Clark stated that he was not sure why it is not part of our City, but they believe it is
the fundraising aspect of it, since it would not go over well with the Commission of Ethics.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked how the museum makes money.
Ms. Ross explained their revenue streams. She stated that they are booked throughout
the summer for birthday parties. She further explained the non-profit organization. She
listed the Board Members for the organization.
Commissioner Kelley stated that the Schoolhouse Museum should be marketed more
because many people do not know about it.
Commissioner Hay suggested immediate signage to promote the Schoolhouse Museum,
off of 1-95 or throughout the City.
• Library
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Mr. Clark spoke about the Highlighted Changes for the Library: Successes, Challenges,
and Initiatives.
Commissioner Kelley asked about the part-time position that they want to create, if it is
Mr. Clark responded that a full-time would be great, but a part-time is better than nothing
at all. He asked that we take our current part-timers and change the classification.
Commissioner Kelley asked what the gap is between the full-time and part-time position
Interim City Manager Stables explained that he asked Mr. Clark to make it work for a part-
time position, but there is potential for staff to take this back and make it work in a better
way. He stated that they will need to work with finance to make these positions full-time
and added positions work out.
Commissioner Kelley stated that the Library is successful with their adult technology, and
they do not want to lose that momentum by cutting back on resources. She said that she
would like to see the gap bridged, so that there are no positions dropped down.
Mayor Penserga stated that he is supportive of making this a full-time position.
There was consensus from the Board on making this a full-time position.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked how many positions there are in the Library.
Mr. Clark stated that there are 27.5 full-time positions.
Mayor Penserga recessed for lunch at 12:19 p.m.
Mayor Penserga reconvened the meeting at 1:20 p.m.
Interim City Manager Stables stated that IT will need time to break down the room for the
CRA Meeting tonight, so they will move through quickly with the Public Arts program.
• Public Arts Program
Glenn Weiss, Public Arts Manager, stated that most of the artwork in Boynton Beach is
from artists in Palm Beach County. He spoke about the Proposed Budget; Highlighted
Changes; Successes, Challenges, and Initiatives; and Goals in the Different Districts. He
also showed renderings of two artworks coming forward.
Commissioner Turkin asked for Riverwalk to have a nautical theme to it.
Commissioner Hay asked if the three Riverwalk sculptures are the same.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Mr. Weiss responded yes.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked if they work in conjunction with the Art Board, and if proposals
always go to the Art Board.
Mr. Weiss responded yes and noted that it is an excellent Art Board.
There was discussion regarding a welcome marquee sign. There was consensus with the
Commission to have nice welcome signs.
Commissioner Hay asked about guidelines for artwork.
Mr. Weiss explained what the guidelines are for artwork.
Mayor Penserga asked how many projects are proposed for this year.
Mr. Weiss explained the different proposed projects.
Mayor Penserga asked about the $20,000 general fund transfer.
Ms. Frederiksen responded that it is transferred each year to subsidize the Public Art
Program because sometimes the program cannot sustain itself.
There was discussion clarifying the budget for the Public Arts Program.
• Golf Course
Tommi Ylijoki, Golf Course Manager, gave a history on the Golf Course and the different
courses that they have. He presented the Proposed Budget and Highlighted Changes.
He explained the 2017 loan that they are paying back to the City, which is about half-way
paid. He talked about the maintenance for the Golf Course, and Successes, Challenges,
and Initiatives of the Golf Course.
Commissioner Kelley asked if the fertilizer is eco-friendly.
Mr. Ylijoki explained the organic fertilizer that they use and stated that they are certified
as an Audubon-certified course, which limits what they can use for fertilizer.
Vice Mayor Cruz stated that the full-time position is justified.
Mr. Ylijoki stated that they have lost some employees, and they are open every day except
Commissioner Turkin asked about the Junior Golf Program.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Mr. Ylijoki explained the program and said that he grew up in the program. He stated that
they are looking for more people to teach. He mentioned that they close at 6:00 p.m.
• Marketing & Communications
Eleanor Krusell, Director of Marketing & Events, and Chelsea Sanabia, Marketing &
Events Coordinator joined remotely to provide updates.
Ms. Krusell spoke about the Budgeted Events.
Ms. Sanabia explained the Marketing Successes, Challenges, and Initiatives and their
goals to get more boots on the ground.
Commissioner Turkin stated that he would like to see the Pirate Fest happen. He said it
usually costs about $500,000 but the CRA is limited on what they can pay.
Mayor Penserga asked if we have enough funds.
Ms. Frederiksen stated that it comes out of the General Fund. She explained where event
fees are going into and coming out of.
There was discussion regarding the Pirate Fest. There was consensus to talk about it
during the CRA meeting and bring the topic back to a Commission meeting.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked for a master calendar of events for the Commissioners.
Commissioner Turkin asked if there is a way to have the Commission in the loop on what
happens with crime within the City.
Interim City Manager Stables stated that it is feasible, and they are working on a critical
events notification, so that when something happens in the City, the Commissioners will
know about it.
Commissioner Kelley stated that she would like to see more on the calendar, to know
what is going on in the City. She said that they should not find out about something at the
same time that the media is finding out.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked that the departments reach out to Candace to let the Commission
know if there is an event that they want the Commission to come to.
Interim City Manager Stables clarified that there is communication within staff and
Commissioner Hay stated that he rides around his district quite a bit and asked if he would
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
be in violation to walk up to a Police situation or operation, identify himself, and ask what
is going on.
Interim City Manager Stables discouraged that behavior, because it could put someone
in danger. He asked how the Commission would like to proceed with the rest of the
Mayor Penserga asked for clarification on the debt service bond.
Ms. Frederiksen explained the debt service bond that is received from the State.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked for a presentation from Human Resources.
• Human Resources
Julie Oldbury, Director of Human Resources and Risk Management, explained the
number of employees in Human Resources and Risk Management; Proposed Budget;
Highlighted Changes; and Successes, Challenges, and Initiatives.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked for clarification on the positions within the department.
Ms. Oldbury stated that there are two positions that are main recruiters, and other ones
help in that effort. She stated that they are reclassifying some positions.
Commissioner Turkin explained why it is important to do surveys, and said that it is
important to give staff praise.
Interim City Manager Stables asked to speak about the Fire Assessment Fees first.
Commissioner Kelley asked to see what we pay in outsourcing Attorney's fees.
Ms. Frederiksen stated that the City Attorney has a portion that is in the budget.
Commissioner Kelley stated that she would like to not rush through things and give an
opportunity for the public to come out for public comment.
There was discussion on the timing of the meetings for budget workshops and marketing
for the meetings.
Commissioner Hay stated that the Commission should do more homework to understand
the budget and ask questions ahead of time.
I. Proposed Resolution No. R22-097- Adopt a preliminary fire assessment
rate for FY 2022-23, per the Budget Workshop discussion on July 11-13,
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Ms. Frederiksen spoke about the Fire Assessment Rate and the case law requirements.
She explained the Fair and Reasonable Apportionment; Parcel Apportionment; Service
Delivery; Cost Apportionment Based on 08/09 Calls; Exemptions; Uses of Funds; Fire
Assessment; Budget Breakdown by Year; Rate Scenarios; Fire Assessment; and Net
Revenue Budget Breakdown by Year.
Vice Mayor Cruz stated that historically it has been about a $20 increase and now a $60
increase is being proposed. She asked what the money would be used for.
Interim City Manager Stables stated that he evaluated this from a business perspective
and noted that this is a direct funding source, and that not raising this over time has put
us in this spot right now where he is requesting a large increase. He said that he cannot
set aside enough money to cover everything that is needed. He mentioned that Station
#3 is beyond its usable service life and a rebuild would be just as much as a new build.
There was discussion regarding the cost for revamping the fire station.
Commissioner Hay stated that this is a fee that will be around for a long time, and it does
not seem like it will be sunsetted. He said that we should start calling it a tax, not an
Interim City Manager Stables explained the reason why it is an assessment and not a tax.
He further explained municipal finance and what can be done with it.
City Attorney Cirullo continued explaining the difference between an assessment and a
tax and what it could be used for.
Commissioner Kelley stated that this is the highest that inflation has been, and she is
struggling with asking the taxpayers to pay more money.
Commissioner Turkin stated that if we decrease the millage but increase this fee, it's not
a savings to tax payers. He suggested that we look at the millage rate before discussing
raising this.
Mayor Penserga asked for consensus on the Fire Assessment Fee.
There was discussion regarding how many firetrucks have been purchased and where
the funds come from.
Mayor Penserga asked staff to bring back a proposal to the next Commission meeting
that had no change to the Fire Assessment.
City Attorney Cirullo clarified that the Commission is requesting a resolution on the Fire
Assessment Fee with the current rate structure.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Mayor Penserga responded yes.
H. Proposed Resolution No. R22-096 - Adopt a Proposed Millage Rate of
7.8900 mills.
Vice Mayor Cruz stated that she would like to see the millage rate go down but that they
should be mindful of a possible recession. She suggested to lower the millage rate from
7.89 to 7.85.
There was discussion on the different millage rates and the difference in revenue if with
the changes in millage rate, and the different revenue sources.
There was further discussion regarding the millage rate and the fire assessment fee.
• Mayor Penserga suggested 7.79
• Commissioner Hay suggested 7.79
• Vice Mayor Cruz suggested 7.85
• Commissioner Kelley suggested 7.85
• Commissioner Turkin suggested 7.8
City Attorney Cirullo reminded the Commission that they cannot raise the millage during
the Budget Hearing, and it can be lowered later in September.
Consensus was reached on a 7.85 millage rate and the resolution will need to be changed
for the next Commission meeting.
Public Comment:
Ernest Mignoli, 710 NE 7th Street, Unit 407, commented on the former Fire Chief being
the Interim City Manager. He spoke on Commissioners receiving contributions for their
election campaign.
Virtual Comment:
Ace Tilton Ratcliff, PO Box 696, thanked everyone and stated that she is concerned about
the suggestion that certain budgets should become self-sustaining. She encouraged them
to look at budget increases for arts and the Library, and to continue to look at the
economics for rent, income, etc.
David Katz was called upon but did not respond to speak.
City Clerk De Jesus read the virtual comment into the record by Christine Roberts.
Commissioner Vice Mayor Cruz moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Turkin
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:26 p.m.
A. Welcome — Mayor Ty Penserga
Mayor Penserga called the July 13, 2022, meeting to order at 5:42 p.m.
Invocation was given by Commissioner Hay, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance lead
by Commissioner Hay.
Roll Call
Mayor Ty Penserga James Stables, Interim City Manager
Vice Mayor Angela Cruz Mike Cirullo, City Attorney
Commissioner Woodrow L. Hay Maylee De Jesus, City Clerk
Commissioner Thomas Turkin
Commissioner Aimee Kelley
City Clerk De Jesus called the roll. A quorum was present.
Mayor Penserga noted that Legal and Legal-related expenses were the only items left to
discuss and then public comment.
Vice Mayor Cruz moved to approve the agenda, as amended. Commissioner Turkin
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
City Attorney Cirullo introduced himself and Lynn Swanson, who works in the Attorney's
Office at the City. He explained his background. He spoke about the budget that is
allocated to their office, including the retainer that pays for their general legal services.
He explained the fund that is for litigation.
Commissioner Kelley asked if these are expected costs.
City Attorney Cirullo responded yes, that it is based on history. He explained the
different budgeted litigation costs.
Vice Mayor Cruz asked if fund 3110 includes all City Commission meetings.
Attorney Cirullo confirmed that everything is covered under the retainer.
Ms. Frederiksen explained the spreadsheet for the Attorney's fees.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Mayor Penserga clarified what is included in the "Other" legal expenses, such as Risk
Commissioner Kelley stated that she wanted to have this clarified because she wanted
to see everything in its totality, and she asked for a presentation for future years.
City Attorney Cirullo stated that he would be happy to work with City staff to show
Mayor Penserga asked to see an example of one of the fiscal years, to see where the
funds are coming from.
Ms. Frederiksen explained the different funds for 2022 that are within the Attorney's fees.
There was discussion regarding the red-light ticket fees, and why legal has to get involved
Ms. Oldbury explained which firms are used for different purposes, and under what
accounts they are paid out of.
Mayor Penserga asked how they are selected.
Ms. Oldbury stated that they are on a rotational basis. She explained the expenses by
There was discussion on why there have been increases and decreases over the years,
and the trends over the years.
Mayor Penserga stated that he would like a comparison to assess if we are on par with
neighboring municipalities of similar size and the metrics that are looked at in terms of
legal services.
City Attorney Cirullo explained that there really are no metrics, but stated that they are
happy to work with Human Resources to get a review together.
Public Comment:
Ernest Mignoli, 710 NE 7th Street, Unit 407, spoke about looking at the track record of
the present law firm, how much money is being paid to them, and the settlements that the
City has.
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City Commission Budget Workshop Meeting
Boynton Beach, FL July 11-13, 2022
Virtual Comment:
There were no virtual comments.
Commissioner Kelley moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Turkin seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 6:27 p.m.
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