Carl Zimmerman, Chairman
Vernon Thompson, Jr., Vice Chairman
Theodore Blum
Nick Cassandra
Anthony DiSarli
Paul Slavin
George Ampol, Alternate
Lillian Artis, Alternate
Robert Gordon, Secretary (Excused)
Bern Keehr,
Deputy Building Official
City of Boynton Beach
Chairman Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M.
He introduced the Members of the Board and informed everyone
that George Ampol, Alternate Member, was sitting in for Robert
Gordon, Secretary. Chairman Zimmerman said they would constitute
the voting Board this evening, and it will take four affirmative
votes to pass a motion. Chairman Zimmerman also introduced
the Deputy Building Official, who was there to supply the Board
with any technical information they may want to know, the Record-
ing Secretary, and Lillian Artis, Alternate Member. He
encouraged Lillian Artis to enter into the'discussion.
Chairman Zimmerman noted the presence of Councilman Joe deLong in
the audience.
Chairman Zimmerman referred to a memorandum dated June 24, 1982
from Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner, on Court decisions,
which all of the Members had. Chairman Zimmerman said they could
see how close some hair splitting deciSions get to be at times
when they do reach Court.
Chairman Zimmerman thanked the Planning and Zoning Dep'artment~
Carmen Annunziato, City Planner; the Building Department; and the
City Council for having the Board of Adjustment attend the work
shop meetings that were held sometime ago. He thought they had
a very good turnout from the.Board of Adjustment?~ and the~Members
of the Board got a lot of useful information from those meetings.
AUGUST 9~, 1982
other properties in the same zoning district under the terms
of the ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hard-
ship on the applicant;
That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will
make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or
That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the
general intent and purpose of this COde and that such variance
will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise
detrimental to the public ~lfare."
Chairman Zimmerman said if the applicant and the speakers can
keep their discussion on any or all of these subjects, they
would help the Board Members sort out those facts that they need
to know to make the proper decision this evening.
Vice Chairman Thompson informed everyone that the application was
received in the City Clerk's office on July 21, 1982.
Parcel #1 - The East 40' of Lot 16, together with the West 15'
of Lot 17, Block 7, CENTRAL PARK ANNEX
Lot 17, less the West 15'-, together with the West
20' of Lot 18, Block 7, CENTRAL PARK ANNEX, as
recorded in Plat Book 12, Page 51, of the Palm
Beach County Records.
Address -
Relief from 60' minimum lot frontage to be
reduced to 55' lot frontage
Relief from 7,500 square foot minimum lot area to
be reduced to 6,435 square foot lot area
125-127 S. E. 13th Avenue
Applicaats - Foy and Virgie Ward, Owners
Lester Ward, Agent
Vice Chairman Thompson read from the application that the property
is presently zoned R-lA and was formerly zoned R-1. He further
"Denial was made upon existing zc~ing requirements from which relief
is required: R-lA zoning requires minimu~ lot frontage of 60' &
7,500 square foot minimum lot area."
"Nature of exception or variance required: Owner has tw~ lots that
each have 55' frontage & 6,435 square foot lot area; therefore, a
variance of 5' lot frontage & 1,065 square foot lot area is required,"
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AUGUST 9, 1R82
"Statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the
requested exception or variance:
A. Many'hc~es in the~ssme district built on 50' lots.
B. Subdivision was platted and approved With 50' lots.
C. No special privilege ~hen other hcmes in district have 50'
lots o
D. Owner would have to build too large a home for the neighborhood
or the same size home on too much land, therefore, creating
an overbuilt situation.
E. The variance requested is the minimum.
F. This variance would ~not be detrimental to the public welfare."
Vice Chairman Thompson said a Permit was denied by Deputy Building
Official Bert Keehr.~
Mr. Lester Ward came before the Board and informed, them that his
mother and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Foy Ward, 225 N. W. 1st Avenue,
BoYnton Beach, Florida, have owned these lots since 1955, when
they built five houses 'on S. E. 13th Avenue. That left them with
two lots. At one time, Mr. Lester Ward told the Board, his
brother-in-law and sister were going to buy the lots which his
mother and dad had deeded to them and build a duplex on them.
Mr. Ward informed the Board that the street was zoned for duplexes,
and then the zoning was taken away, and no further dUplexes were
to be allowed.
Mr. Lester Ward told the Board his brother-in-law and sister then
gave the lots back to his mother and dad, Mr. and Mrs. Foy Ward.
He said his parents (Mr. and Mrs. Foy Ward) are of the age and
health now where they do not feel like going through the process of
getting construction loans to build a house on either one of the
lots, ~which are grandfathered. Mr. Ward said his parents could
build them, adhering to the present setbacks.
On a 55 foot lot with 15 foot side setbacks, ~. Ward said that
woUld leave enough room to build a 45 foot wide house, and the lot
is 117 feet deep which, with a 45 foot setback in front and a 25
foot setback in back, would still leave'.room on the lot to build a
sizeable house. Mr. Ward did not see anyone buying the lots to
build a more expensive house than what 'is already on the street
that has been there for 25 or~30 years.
Mr. Ward said his mother and dad (Mr. and Mrs. Foy Ward) would
like to sell those lots and are unable to (according to the real
estate people) because each individual abutting lot would have to
come before the City with their $150 applications. He stated
that everyone has found that out with that type of a deal. Mr.
Ward said they would like to get a variance in order to sell those
lots. Anyone that does buy the lots, naturally, would have to
adhere to the setbacks, Mr. Ward continued.
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AUGUST 9, 1982
To make the lot a 60 foot lot, which would be the minimum, Mr.
Ward pointed out that it is only 117 foot deep, so you still would
not have the 7,000 and some square foo%. Mr. Ward stated that you
would have to make a 70 or 75 foot lot, and then you would have a
piece of a lot left that could not be sold or nothing built on it
at all. He informed the Members of the Board that the majority of
houses on that street are on 50 and 55 foot lots and have been
~i~e a way,back (30 some years ago)..
Chairman Zimmerman noted that they were short 1,065 square feet on
the total requirements for the lot and 5 feet on the frontage. He
said those are the two variances Mr. Ward was asking for.
Mr. Slavin asked Mr. Ward if his parents had a buyer or buyers for
the property at the moment. He heard Mr. Ward say they had
prospective buyers. Mr. Ward replied that the property is listed
with the real estate people, and he did bring some people by until
they were told that the lots were not the proper size and they
would have to come before the Board with a $150 application. The
real estate people said the people said,"No." '.As ~a matter, of
fact, Mr. Ward continued, one of the surveyors (John Suiter's son)
inquired about buying one if he ~could build a house on it. Another
one was Mr. John Churey, who is a local businessman here in Boynton
Chairman Zimmerman told Mr. Ward he would be given a chance to speak
later on. He informed everyone that there were no communications
in favor of granting~the variance.
Chairman Zimmerman asked if anyone in the audience wished to
speak in favor of the granting of the variance on these two lots.
There was no response.
Chairman Zimmerman advised that there were no communciations
against granting the variance. He said the Board would hear any-
body in the audience who was against the granting of the variance.
There was no response.
Mr. Ward had nothing further to say unless the Board wished to ask
him some questions.
Vice Chairman Thompson pointed out that the property in question
was only two lots. If there are three or more, it would become a
different situation, which would not affect this. Vice Chairman
Thompson said if there were three, they would have to break it up.
Vice Chairman Thompson took a look at the property and, as Mr.
Ward stated, all of the houses there are on 50 or 55 foot lots,
and they are th~ only two vacant lots on the whole street° Vice
Chairman Thompson believed to combine the lots~ to make one piece of
property for a house would be exceeding the value of what houses
are on the street now, as the houses ~are the minimum size.
Mr. Ampol, Alternate Member, asked to be excused because Foy Ward
is a personal friend of his, and he did not want anyone to think
he was playing favorites. He wished to be excused from voting.
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AUGUST 9, 1982
Chairman Zimmerman advised that Members were obligated to vote
unless they have a direct conflict of interest in some way. He
asked Mr. Keehr if this would be considered a conflict of interest.
Mr. Keehr answered that it would be his interpretation that there
would have to be a direct money 'situation where Mr. Ampol would be
in favor of gaining some compensation, and he did not believe that
would be true.
Councilman deLong came forward to advise that the City Attorney has
ruled on many occasions before the Council that unless you have
a financial 'interest in it, there is no conflict of interest.
Vice Chairman Thompson stated that it was pointed out in the
Board's Workshop that once you hear a case, you have to cast a
vote. He said Mr. Ampol is on the Board and has heard the case,
so he would have to cast a vote regardless.
Chairman Zimmerman did not think it would cast any bias on the
case anyway. He said seven members would be voting.
Chairman Zimmerman wished to consider each of the five questions
separately, and read. the first question:
"a. That special conditions and circumstances exist ~qich are
peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and
which are not applicable to other lands, stoactures, or
buildings in the same zoning district;"
The applicant answered the question on the aPplication form. He.
asked if anyone on the Board Would like to express an opinion
for themselves or how they thought others might feel on the Board
concerning the question. He read the applicant's answer to the
"~3ny homes in the sam~ district .~ .built on 50~ ~16ts. ,,
Chairman Zimmerman told the Members that if they were satisfied
that answers the question, they had resolved "a". Mr. Ampol
said with regard to the answer, "That is true." Chairman Zimmerman
asked if anyone wished to dispute that.
Mr. Slavin called the Board's attention to the research done by
the Building Department. It goes back to 1925, which is almost 60
years ago, and at that time 50 foot lots were platted. Mr. Slavin
said they are grandfathered in. With conditions being what they'
are, Mr. Slavin thought the Board should take into consideration
the ages of the owners. He felt these things were valuable to
In addition to that, Chairman Zimmerman called attention to the
fact that the property has been widened by the addition of part
of another lot and increased from 50 feet to 55 feet somewhere
along the line to increase the frontage, which strengthens the
situation for the applicant to some extent.
Chairman Zimmerman began to read question (b). Before Chairman
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AUGUST 9, 1982
Zimmerman read (a) through (f), he felt that it should be noted
that because Chairman Zimmerman went through (a) and there were no
comments, it did not mean that any Of the Board Members were in
agreement or disagreement with Chairman Zimmerman,3s statement
when he said, "No discussion on (~i), so, therefore, it is OK. No
discussion on (b) so, therefore, (b) is OK." Mr. Cassandra
thought the Members should be warned not to lead to wrong
conclusions because there are no discussions on points (a) through
(f) Mr. Cassandra did not know whether the procedure or what
Chairman Zimmerman was doing was proper. He thought it kind of.
implied a conclusion before the Board Members vote.
Chairman Zimmerman said he would like for each Member, as they
go through each question, to give any disagreements they have with
what comments are made or what the applicant has said on the
application in regard to the questions. He r.eminded the Members
that all six of these conditions are to be satisfied by the appli-
cant or other speakers in the minds of the Members before they
can really legally vote to grant the variance. Chairman
Zimmerman emphasized that all six are to be satisfied.
Vice Chairman Thompson commented that if they are going to try
to satisfy all six and since there are sev~n people in the dis-
cussion, it would be possible to get 42 different results in
answers. In going through this and asking himself the question,
Vice Chairman ThOmpson said he could think entirely different
than what Mr. Cassandra feels about it. He said it might satis-
fy him but not satisfy Mr. Cassandra. Uice Chairman Thompson did
not think the Board was ever going to get an application that is
going to truly~satisfy all seven members six times in the same
respect. That was the reason Chairman Zimmerman opened it up for
discussion, so he could get different opinions.
Chairman Zimmerman wished to go back to #1 once more again and
see if anyone else on the Board had a different feeling of whether
the applicant has proven to the Board that this 'condition exists
in (a). Chairman Zimmerman said if any Member had a different
feeling than what has been expressed, now is the time to say it.
Mr. Slavin compared it with introducing people at some affair and
the toastmaster says, "Hold your applaUse until everybody has been
introduced." He said it is the same thing as Vice Chairman Thompson
said. You have seven people, six questions, and 42 answers, so it
could go on quite awhile. Mr. Slavin told Chairman Zimmerman that
the Members know what the situation is; they received their
problem, digested it, and worked it. He said Members studied it,
and now they are going down to the final lap.
Mr. Slavin suggested they go down through (a) through (f), the
six points involved, and hold any comment until they are polled
for a ballot. At that time, Mr. Slavin said any expression can be
given. Once you start voting, Mr. Slavin advised everything
finalizes. '
Chairman Zimmerman believed Members would be allowed to change
their minds.
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AUGUST 9, 1982
Mr. Slavin was not speaking out loud, that anybody would know how he
is thinking. He argued, "#1, when you say I would be allowed to
change my mind, until the vote is taken, anything could happen."
Chairman Zimmerman agreed that was right. Mr~ Slavin said he
would go along with Vice Chairman Thompson, and as Mr. Cassandra
said, the fact no comment was made it shoUl.d not be taken for
granted that it is one way or another. Mr. Slavin .said the
Board is studying the situation and it is final. When they go
through item (f), ~he said Chairman Zimmerman could aSk again or
call for a vote. This way, to ask after everything, as Vice
Chairman Thompson said, there ~could be 42 answers, Mr. Slavin
Pointed out. Chairman Zimmerman had no intention of asking each
person on the Board each particular qUestion.
Chairman Zimmerman~stated he would like to have someone express
their opinion and if anyone else disagrees, have the disagreement
made at the time they go down the list. Chairman Zimmerman
believed that would be the quickest way and a thorough way of do-
ing it.
Chairman Zimmerman read the question 'for (b):
"That the special c~.nditions and circumstances do not result from
the actions of the applicant."
Chairman Zimmerman said this has always been considered in every
one of the variances heretofore. The Board has not dwelt on all
of these six this precisely before but they had on this (b).
Chairman Zimmerman asked if anyone had a conclusion and read the
applicant's answer:
"Subdivision was .platted and approved with 50' lots."
Chairman Zimmerman noted that the applicant did not do this so
that answered the question, in his opinion. He asked if anyone
disagreed and saidl they should speak up.
Chairman Zimmerman began to read (c). To facilitate and expedite
the meeting, Mr. Cassandra thought it might be easier to go in
the converse and~ask if there is anyone who disagrees with any one
of these and let them speak. If there isn't any, that means that
by acception, everyone agrees, and they could get to the matter
at hand.
At the Workshop, Chairman Zimmerman recalled that the attorney or
professor in charge said they should make a specific fin~ing on
each of the questions. He did not know if just considering all
six in just one lump sum vote as they have done previously would
be satisfactory. Mr. Keehr, Deputy Building Official, thought it
could be handled in one question. If one person agrees or dis-
agrees that person can speak up.
- 8 -
AUGUST 9, 1982
Mr. Slavin asked if they were talking about question (b) now. Chair-
man Zimmerman wOndered if the Board Members wished to go down the
list anyway. Mr. Ampol thought Chairman zimmerman should go down
the list, and if anyone wi'shed to object, they should speak and
give their reasons as to why they object. Chairman Zimmerman
reiterated that he only brought this up to try and take the ques-
tions separately because of Dr. Bartley's insistence that this
would probably be the safer thing for the Board do in most circum-
Mr. ~iSarli did not feel there was a need to do it and they should
go ahead and take a vote. Mr. DiSarli called attention to the fact
that everyone has everything before them, and they should go ahead
and take a vote whether to grant the variance or not to grant the
variance. Mr. DiSarli said if anyone wishes to speak againS~ it,
let him do it. Chairman Zimmerman asked how many Members were of
that opinion and wanted to see them raise their hands.
Mr. Slavin suggested that Chairman Zimmerman continue reading the
answers regarding Section 10 (a) through (f). He said Chairman
Zimmerman could read-how Mr. Ward answers the questions and refresh
the Board as to what the problem is so that the Members will know
why these questions were answered in this manner.
Chairman Zimmerman agreed that would not take long. As he said
a moment ago, Mr. Slavin pointed out that everybody has studied
this, has'had time to digest these things, and now he thought they
could proceed further. Chairman Zi~merman asked if Mr. Ward should
come to the microphone. Mr. Slavin replied that Chairman Zimmerman
should read. Mr.' Slavin read: "(b~iThatthe speclalcc~di~ons~and .... circum-
stances do not result frc~the actions of the applicant." Mr. Slavin remarked,
"It's a known fact! We have no discussion for~ that!" Chairman
Zimmerman determined that was answered satisfactory. Mr. Slavin
stated that when they get down to (e) and (f), the Members will then
know where they are at. Just to take up his answers is meaningless
unless the Members know what the question is, Mr. $1avin advised.
Chairman Zimmerman agreed it would clarify it, and he asked how
many of the Members would be willing to do that. The Members were
agreeable. Chairman Zimmerman commented that there was only one
variance tonight.
Chairman Zimmerman read:
That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance
would deprive the applicant of rights cc~mon!y enj0yed by other
properties in the Same zoning diStrict under'the ~eIms of the
ordinance and ~uld work unnecessary and undue hardship on the
Mr. Blum pointed out that was (d~ and Chairman Zimmerman was read-
ing the wrong paragraph. Chairman Zimmerman thought they were
lettered wrong in the. book. Mr. Slavin was quoting from the-Board
of Adjustment's "bible", and he thought Chairman Zimmerman was
quoting from the Code Book. Chairman Zimmerman advised that there
are two different Code Books now or two different printings. He
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AUGUST 9, 1982
did not check to see if they were both the same.
Chairman Zimmerman read (c):
"That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant
any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands,
buildings, or structures in the same zoning district."
Vice Chairman Thompson read the applicant's answer to (c):
"No special privilege when other homes in district have
50' lots."
As there were no remarks, Chairman Zimmerman moved to (d~, which
he previously read in error. He again read:
"d. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance
would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other
properties in the same zoning district under the .tezms of the
ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardShip on the
Mr. Blum read the applicant's answer:
"Owner would have to build too large a home for the
neighborhood or the same size home on too much land,
therefore, creating an overbhilt situation.
As no one wished to elaborate, Chairman Zimmerman proceeded to
That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will
make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or
Mr. Slavin read the applicant,s answer:
"The variance requested is the minimum."
Vice Chairman Thompson called attention to the fact that the answer
is, "The variance requested is the minimum." Vice Chairman Thompson
said it is the minimum to pass but not the minimum. Vice Chairman
Thompson advised that t~e minimum requested could be a foot. Vice
Chairman Thompson reiterated it is the minimum requested to be
passed. He said the next person would think that 1,065 feet is the
minimum. That is not the minimum. One footis the minimum.
Mr. Bert Keehr, Deputy Building Official, added that the applicant
is asking for a minimum variance insomuch as he is asking for two
lots rather than perhaps three. In order for the two lots, which
are identical in size, to receive the same treatment, Chairman
Zimmerman advissd that there has to be a variance asked of five feet
frontage and some square footag~ allotment on each. He said there
is no argument there.
- 10 -
AUGUST 9, 1982
Chairman Zimmerman read the last question:
"f. That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general
intent and purpose of this chapter- and that such variance will not
be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the
public welfare."
Mr. Slavin read the answer:
"This variance would not be detrimental to the public
Chairman Zimmerman asked if anyone wished to make any remarks
regarding (f).
Vice Chairman Thompson personally felt that this was without ~.'a doubt
"a cut and dry" case.~ He thought Mr. Ward met all of the criterias
necessary for the granting of a variance. However, Vice Chairman
Thompson could see many problems in the future if the Board
follows the wording of some of'the criterias~ to grant a variance,
such as the one he pointed out about "e. The~variance requested is the
minimum." Vice Chairman Thompson felt that could be pretty serious
when none are requested. He pointed out that each time a person
asks for a variance, it is the minimum requested.
Vice Chairman Thompson further referred to, "f. This variance would
not bedeterimental to the public welfare., He advised that if a person
is asking for a request .of a grant of a variance, he did not know
of many cases since he has been on the Board of Adjustment where it
would be detrimental to the public welfare. Vice Chairman Thompson
explained, "A setback of five feet or whatever-." He stated that
it might be out of line of what is in the neighborhood (.2 or 3 feet)
but it would not be detrimental. -
Chairman Zimmerman believed (in a public audience situation where
the public has the right to express their opinion.and be present
since it has been advertised) if they do not express any Objection,
evidently the damage to their property is not too great. ~ Vice
Chairman Thompson would not say that, as he did not think it was
necessary for a person to be present to want a variance denied.
H.e did not think the Board shauld base it on whether a person is
present or not. Vice Chairman Thompson thought it should be based
on the facts presented before the Board.
Vice Chairman Thompson felt the Members would find that thiS is
truly a grandf~thered situation, and the-re is no problem. In his
personal opinion, Vice Chairman Thompson did not see Where they 'had
any kind of problem in this particular situation~ He pointed out
that there are some that are bordering the line, which just would
not meet all six of these criterias. Vice Chairman Thompson
commented that it is impossible.
In the years that Mr. Slavin has been on the Board, he said they
never had a request for a variance that would permit the sale of a
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AUGUST 9, 1982
lOt. Ail requests the Board had in .the past were to construct, Mr.
Slavin recalled. He asked how this would affect future requests
which grew up in this particular area an~d the original owners are
grandfathered in. Mr. Slavin pointed out that it is the only
vacant property on the Street, etc. He told Members~of the Board
to suppose that in the future somebody starts speculating in lots
and they say, "Look what you have done there." Chairman Zimmerman
advised that they have to stay within the two lot situation. He
did not see any great problem there himself. He asked if Mr. Keehr
or anybody else did.
Mr. Keehr stated that they have had other cases where people did
seek a variance just to make a piece of property salable~ He
repeated that they have had others.. Whether they stated that in
their application or not, Mr. Heehr did not know.
Mr. Cassandra recalled that the Board did have one. It was the last
piece of a plot, and he remembered that the Board did give a
variance. The realtor was here representing the applicant as the
personal representative, but it was still a~variance on a salable
lot, Mr. Cassandra continued. He thought they could also put a
time on this request. Chairman Zimmerman stated it was within the
power of the Board. Mr. Slavin thought this was something entirely
different. He said you could put a time on a building permit and
start from construction but with the present state of the real
estate market, Mr. Slavin did not know if it was a buyer's market,
a seller's market, or any market, So how could you say if you
granted the variance, "Yes. You have X number of days, weeks, or
months to dispose of the property." Mr. Slavin did not think that
was being fair should a variance be granted.
Mr. DiSarli moved to grant the variance, seconded by Vice Chairman
-Thompson. At the request of Chairman Zimmerman, a roll call vote
was taken on the mOtion by Patricia Ramseyer, Recording Secretary:
Mr. DiSarli
Mr. Blum
Vice Chairman Thompson
Chairman Zimmerman
Mr. Ampol
Mr. Slavin
Mr. Cassandra
Motion carried 7-0. The variance was granted.
Mr. Cassandra informed Members of the Board that he would not be
here during the week of September 13 (Monday through Friday), as he
would be out of the country. Chairman Zimmerman said that Lillian
Artis, Alternate Member, would be here. He asked what other. Members
might be'missing, as he miqh~ nat he here too. Mr. Slavin advised
he would not be available the end of September or the first part of
October, as he would be going away the 30th of September and will
- 12 -
AUGUST 9, 1982
not be back until the 19th of October. In other words, Mr. Slavin
said he would miss the 2nd meeting in September and the 1st meeting
in October. From what Mr. Slavin understood there would only be
one meeting. '
Bert Keehr, Deputy Building Official, asked if the Board wanted to
put a limit on the number of cases. Chairman Zimmerman thought in
one evening, they sometimes get loaded up pretty much, especially
if they want to go through the questions as they have-been advised
to do. Mr. Keehr/~advised that if the Board woUld set a number, he
would abide by it. Mr. Ampol thought· two would be enough-i. Chair-
man Zimmerman said it would mean more meetings and more likely
at least two meetings a month. Mr..Ampol commented that he would
not want to be here until 11:30 or 12:00 o'clock. He stated that
they started at 7:30 years ago. Vice Chairman Thompson was not
for two meetings. Chairman Zimmerman asked how the ~r~est felt.
Mr. Blum stated he~wasnot fortwo~mee~ingS but~woutd.besatisfi_e~with.~three
cases. Mr. Slavin said~they started at' 7:00 P. M, and this
particular action took 45 minutes, so he thought three was fair
enough. Chairman Zimmerman believed the majority was in favor of
three cases and told Mr. Keehr if he could hold them within three,
he believed the Board could concentrate on them better.
Vice Chairman Thompson.thought the Board should talk abou~ the
procedure they would follow in going through the six criterias.
He thought perhaps this would help and they would not have to discuss
it the next time. Vice Chairman Thompson knew that the Members of
the Board are to take into consideration all six of these. In his
personal opinion, Vice Chairman Thompson did not think they needed
to take each question individually. He thouqht the person should
be reminded and have it in mind that they have to decide on six
criterias and asked how they feel about ~hem. If there is any
discussion on any particular one, they could talk about i~.
If the person who makes, the motion would include a statement to
the effect tha~"having found all six conditions favorable to the
granting of the variance, his motion would be resting on that",
Chairman Zimmerman said it would show.up in the minutes. In his
estimation, Chairman Zimmerman felt that may be satisfactory. It
was rather new to him.
Chairman Zimmerman thought they should try to get it into the
minutes that they have made a determination of all six of these
and they have been met. ·
Vice Chairman Thompson had a question about meeting all six. His
question ~here are ve~3y f~w areas in Boynton today where they
would find that all lots are going to meet ~the ~required frontage.
Vice Chairman Thompson emphasized that there are very few. Some
are because of the variances that have been given to the different
isareaSasked,in the. a. CitYwhether,Of BoyntOnin thisBeach which means'that if the question
case, has it met the frontage,",
when you go to another area and the area they discussed the last
time (N. E. section of west of U. S. 'l), there are very few lots
- 13 -
AUGUST 9, 1982
that will meet this criteria. Vice Chairman Thompson remarked,
"Who knows what happened when they charted that?" He said they are
all different sizes.
Mr. Lester Ward thankedP~
on behalf of his Mom and
votes. Members of the Be
Mr. Ward said his Dad wa
up to it.
Mr. Slavin thought when
he Board for their time and consideration
Dad, Mr. and Mrs. Foy Ward, and for their
~ard inquired about Mr. Foy Ward's health.
Lted to come to the meeting but did not feel
he Building Department studies the
requests for variance, tl ey take into consideration the criterias
(a) through (f) because that is their ground for rejecting it.
When it comes before the Board, the Board knows what the criteria
is, Mr. Slavin continued,
may lie. Chairman Zimmer
aware of these at the tim
ing $150. He has to scru
Department before it gets
Mr. Slavin was not disagr
only saying that when the
denied. Otherwise, the Bi
The purpose for the denia
pointed out. He said the
they should work on that
audience present of 100 p~
thing to sway the Members
What sways the Members is~
said the Board goes by fa(
book and know what the
Chairman Zimmerman did no~
tell somebody who comes u~
says, "You are not talkin~
can only consider that paz
Mr. Slavin was saying. Th
audience in
andthe Board knows wherein the problem
man added that the applicant is made
e of filling out the application and pay-
tinize the application with the Building
on the Board's agenda.
~eing with Chairman Zimmerman. He was
Board gets the application, it is
>ard would not be getting an application.
[ is stated in the'application, Mr. Slavin
Board knows what the criteria is, and
The fact that the Board may have an
~ople (50 for and 50 against) is not any-
of the Board, Mr. Slavin told the Members.
"Is it a hardship? etc." Mr. Slavin
~ts, and the Members have to go by the
~k is.
know if the Board had the right to
to the podium from the audience and
on these fi~e~items." He said the Board
of it that does apply. That was what
fact that the Board has a public
~Slavin's opinion) sways the workings of
no way (in Mr.
the Board. Mr.. Slavin told the Members of the Board they listen,
but they have the criteria to work on. They will listen and learn,
but the people who speak in public audience are not aware of the
areas (a) through (f), Mr. Slavin continued.
Chairman Zimmerman thought
he did tonight, so the aud
about. He thought the aud.
Chairman Zimmerman pointed
he would read over the six points, as
[ence would be aware of what they can talk
[ence should restrict them to that. Often,
out, the Board has listened to people
coming up who are so far a~ield that probably the Board has felt
like saying it does not dc any good talking about that subject.
He asked the Members if they could turn the audience off by saying
it does not mean anything and they should go back and sit down.
Chairman Zimmerman did not think they should.
AUGUST 9, 1982
Chairman Zimmerman said they were trying to get on the record of
the minutes the Board's determination of the six items. As
Chairman, Vice Chairman Thompson thought it was good for Chairman
Zimmerman to read the criterias to be met. He said all six of
them should be read at the beginning of the meeting. Vice Chairman
Thompson thought it was great for the people in the audience.
Vice Chairman Thompson~said Members would know the ones that have
been denied and those would be the ones they should discuss, as
they would be the only ones in question. Members~ expressed their
agreement with Vice Chairman Thompson.
Chairman Zimmerman added %hat the maker of the motion could very
easily include in there %hat inhis opinion, all six criteria
have been met, if he is asking for 'approval of it. If he is not,
then he can state on what basis~of these six, he is denying it.
Mr. Cassandra wished to summarize, so the Members would not be
there until 9:00 o'clock. At the beginning of the meeting, when
the Chairman acknowledges the Board Members and the visiting
dignitaries, Mr. Cassandra said he could then tell the applicant
the five or six criteria. Chairman Zimmerman pointed out that the
applicant knows them. Mr. Cassandra advised he wanted to read
them out loud for the audience and the minutes the reason why the
Board will consider this particular applicant. Then, Mr. Cassandra
thought the people could discuss it and it could go for a vote. He
did not think Chairman Zimmerman should go around and ask each
Member to give a discussion. Chairman Zimmerman told Mr. Cassandra
the Board did not attempt tO do that tonight. Each question was
brought up, and that was all. Mr, DiSarli added that they had
answers for them too.
Mr. Cassandra moved, seconded by Mr. DiSarli, to adjourn~
meeting adjourned at 8:00 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
P&tricia Ramseyer /~
Recording Secretary
(One Tape) ~
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