Vernon Thompson, Jr., Chairman
Carl Zimmerman, Vice Chairman
Robert Gordon, Secretary
Ben Ridolfi
Paul Slavin
Lillian Artis, Alternate
Anthony DiSarli, Alternate
Bert Keehr, Deputy Bldg. Official
Theodore Blum (Excused)
Marilyn Czufin (Excused)
Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M.
He introduced the members of the Board, Deputy Building Offi-
cial and Recording Secretary. He recognized the presence of
Councilman Joe deLong in the audience.
Mr. Gordon moved to accept the minutes as printed, seconded by
Mr. Slavin. No discussion. Motion carried 7-0.
Chairman Thompson explained the purpose of the Board and the
procedure for voting.
Parcel ~1 - Lot 2, Block 2, LAKE VIEW HAVEN
Recorded in Plat Book 32, Page 53 and 54
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 10 ft. side setback
requirement to be reduced to 3 ft.
side setback for installation of
swimming pool screen enclosure.
- 3718 Diane Drive
- Bruce A. Barr
Mr. Gordon read the above application and the reason requested
because the existing pool is located on property 11 ft. from
the side property line. As such, owner cannot construct screen
enclosure per code as there would only be 1 ft. of deck between
the pool edge and enclosure, if constructed 10 ft. from the
property line.
Mr. Bruce A. Barr came before the Board. Chairman Thompson
asked if he is the original owner of the property and Mr.
Barr replied affirmatively. Chairman Thompson referred to the
pool being constructed with the house and Mr. Barr agreed and
advised that it came with the house. Mr. Zimmerman referred
to the size of the lot and Mr. Barr informed him that it is
94 feet wide and the house is L shaped. Chairman Thompson re-
ferred to there being a vacant lot next to him and Mr. Barr
agreed and added that he brought with him a representative of
the owner of that lot.
Chairman Thompson stated that according to R-1AAB, the pool is
required to be 11 feet from the property line and Mr. Keehr
disagreed and clarified that the pool could be 8 feet from the
property line, but the screen enclosure must be according to
the zoning side yard setbacks, which in this case is 10 feet.
Mr. Slavin asked when the R-1AAB code was put into effect and
Mr. Keehr replied in 1975. Mr. Slavin asked when the pool was
built and Mr. Barr replied in 1978.
Mr. Zimmerman referred to pool construction taking place right
now and Mr. Barr agreed and explained that the sea wall and
pool were faulty and had to be replaced. The shape of the
pool has changed a little, but the positioning is no different.
Mr. Zimmerman asked if it would be possible to change the size
of the pool to allow for this and Mr. Barr replied negatively
as it would practically have to be in the house.
Chairman Thompson referred to the code going into effect in
1975 and asked if consideration was given when the pool was
put in to wanting it screened and Mr. Barr replied negatively
because the house was bought as a package unit with the pool.
It is only due to the fact of replacing the sea wall and pool
that he is now financially able to afford a screen enclosure.
The house did not offer the option of a screen enclosure but
only came with a wood fence. '
Chairman Thompson referred to the survey showing on the oppo-
site side of the house having over 19 feet and stated that
there is only 10 feet on this side and the house could have
been shifted to the east when being built. Mr. Barr agreed
this was correct, but advised there is only one more lot be-
tween his house and the corner and he thought at the time of
positioning the house it would be preferable to position as
far away from the house to the north to allow more room as
there would only be the one house to the south and then an
easement of 60 or 70 feet. There is a beautiful view of the
lake and this position gets it closer to the lake, Chairman
Thompson commented that if it was shifted, there would be
more room between the other house and it would not change the
view and there would be more room in the patio area.
Mr. Slavin referred to the size of the pool and Mr. Barr in-
formed him it is the standard size of 15 x 30 feet and Mrs.
Kruse submitted the pool plan.
Mr. Keehr informed the Board that this property was platted
and subdivided within the last three to four years and came
under R-1AAB. It was platted to meet those requirements.
This home was constructed with the pool at the time of the
initial certificate of occupancy. Then there was trouble with
a sea wall problem and it had to be replaced with the pool.
As far as the requirements of setbacks, they have been the
same from the initial onset of this subdivision. Chairman
Thompson clarified that the original position of the pool
would not allow a screen enclosure and Mr Keehr agreed this
was correct. '
Chairman Thompson asked if anyone else wanted to speak in
favor of granting this variance and Mr. Carl DuBois, repre-
sentative of the owner of most of the vacant lots and of the
vacant lot to the south, stated that he offers no objections
to this variance. Chairman Thompson asked if he built this
house and Mr. DuBois replied affirmatively. Chairman Thompson
asked why the house wasn't shifted to the north when it was
built and Mr. DuBois replied at the time that Mr. Barr pur-
chased it, they did not offer a screen enclosure and he felt
that was all he could afford at the time. When the problems
occurred, he probably felt it would be a good time to have
this done if he could afford it plus there were probably
problems with insects.
Chairman Thompson referred to nobody else being present in
the audience and stated he assumes there are no objections.
He ascertained no communications had ~been received.
Mr. Slavin stated if there was no problem with the sea wall,
pool and erosion, screening of the pool would not have been
considered and Mr. Barr replied tha~ he thinks screening
would have come up in the very near future if not now. He
thinks the screening will add to the value of the house.
It is very seldom that people get a second shot at a pool.
The existing fence came with the house, but it blocks the
view and they would like to convert to screening, Since a
fence can be built to the property line he assumed screen
could also. '
Chairman Thompson commented that it is possible a hardship
could be created on the property next door at a later date.
If the screen is put within 1 ft. of the property line and
the next property is a corner, it means the setbacks must be
closer. There may be a hardship placed on that future owner.
Mr. Keehr clarified that the required setbacks are 10 feet on
the sides and 25 feet in the front and rear. The next property
is not considered a corner lot since there is no street, but
only an easement.
Mr.3 feetBarrfromClarifiedthe propertythat theline.SCreen enclosure would actually be
Mr. Ridolfi made a motion to grant this variance. He referred
to visiting this area and told about other homes having some
improvements and how it is a very nice neighborhood. He agrees
there is a beautiful view from the rear of this house. He per-
sonally thinks a screen enclosure will enhance the entire area
and not only the pool and house. Mr. Slavin seconded the motion.
No discussion. As requested, Mrs. Kruse took a roll call vote
on the motion as follows:
Mrs. Artis - No
Mr. Zimmerman - No
Mr. DiSarli - No
Mr. RidOlfi - Yes
Mr. Slavin - Yes
Mr. Gordon - No
Mr. Thompson - No
Motion failed 5-2. (Variance denied.)
Parcel #2 - Lots 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70 & 72, less west
25 feet street right-of-way, C. W. COPPS
Recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 56
Palm Beach County Records
- Relief from 27,000 sq. ft. lot area
requirement to 26,322 sq. ft. lot area
to construct three duplexes
- 505 N. E. 2nd Street
- Bertha Stroshein
Mr. Gordon read the above application and the reason requested
is that the property has been owned by the same person since
1950 and in 1952, the City took 25 feet for street right-of-
way. He also read a letter from Mrs. Stroshein authorizing Mr.
Derle B. Bailey to act as her agent for this application.
Mr. Derle B. Bailey, General Contractor, 109 N. E. 2nd Avenue,
came before the Board. He pointed out that these lots stretch
from N. E. 1 Street east to N. E. 2nd Street. He has three
proposed plans for this property and will pass out each and
discuss them. He distributed a copy of Plan A and explained
how eight lots would be divided into three lots with each lot
having 8,770 square feet with each being short by 229-1/3 square
feet. He explained that by placing two buildings facing N. E.
1st Street and one facing N. E. 2nd Street, it wouldn't be
of being short the square footage This lan
require relief of the s~uare ~ ....... ~ . ~ p would
~ ~v~ ~nu ~ront ~ootage. Mr.
Keehr informed him this plan would not be acceptable because
we did not advertise for a variance on the frontage.
Mr. Bailey stated in that case, this plan is eliminated along
with Plan B and he proceeded with distributing copies of Plan
C. He explained that by dividing the frontage on N. E. 1st
Street with 75 feet on each end and the center lot having 50
feet and on 2nd Street having two end lots of 58 feet and the
center lot having 84 feet, there will be the required lot
frontage. Relief in this plan is required for the square
footage. Mr. Keehr stated he has no problem with this plan
and it would meet the requirements if a variance is granted
on the square footage. Mr. Bailey added that these lots are
exceptional with reaching from one street to another.
Mr. Ridolfi clarified that these parcels have been owned by the
same owner for several years and Mr. Bailey agreed. Mr.
Ridolfi referred to the City taking away more than 1,300 square
feet and Mr. Bailey agreed and advised that it is 25 x 200 feet
which is actually 5,000 square feet. Mr. Ridolfi clarified
that as long as it is the same owner and the City took away
land for a road, the City created the hardship on the owner.
If the City had not taken the land there would have been room.
Mr. Bailey agreed. '
Mr. Slavin clarified that Plan C as presented would be adequate
if a variance is granted and Mr. Keehr agreed. Mr. Slavin
clarified there would be two addresses with two on 1st Street
and one on 2nd Street and Mr. Keehr agreed.
Mr. Zimmerman asked where the 25 feet was located that the City
took and Mr. Bailey pointed out it was for 1st Street.
Chairman Thompson clarified that in dividing these lots in
this manner would not create any problems and Mr. Keehr agreed
this was correct and added that the City has all kinds of pie
shaped lots. Also, for a point of information, prior to 1975,
these lots would-have been conforming as less square footage
was required. Mr. Bailey added that also less frontage was
required and Mr. Keehr disagreed and advised that 75 ft. front-
age was always required for a duplex.
Mr. Zimmerman asked if these would be held for rental proper-
ties or sold to three owners and Mr. Bailey replied that he
didn't know.
Mr. Bailey then explained how two duplex units could be built
with a single family house, but they would like this variance
to build three duplex units.
Chairman Thompson referred to nobody being present in the
audience to speak and ascertained no communications had been
Mr. Zimmerman asked if this property was built to the north
and south and Chairman Thompson replied affirmatively and it
is locked in. Mr. Zimmerman clarified that this variance re-
quest is 2½% which is not a great percentage.
Mro DiSarli moved to grant this variance based on Plan C,
seconded by Mr. Gordon. Under discussion, Mr. Slavin stated
that he doesn't think Plan C should enter into this motion.
If a variance is granted, how they will work on it will be
within the confines of the Building Department and not this
Board. He thinks a motion is in order to grant a variance as
requested, but leave out Plan C. Mr. Keehr agreed. Mr.
DiSarli requested "Plan C" to be stricken from the motion
and Mr. Gordon agreed. Mr. Zimmerman suggested it might be
good to state the hardship indicated is the 25 feet which the
City took and Mr. DiSarli agreed. As requested, Mrs. Kruse
then took a roll call vote on the motion as follows:
Mrs. Artis - Yes
Mr. DiSarli - Yes
Mr. Zimmerman - Aye
Mr. Ridolfi - Aye
Mr. Slavin - Aye
Mr. Gordon - Aye
Mr. Thompson - Aye
Motion carried 7-0. (Variance granted.)
January 19 is scheduled for the next· meeting of the Board for
organizational purposes after appointments are made by the new
City Council. Mr. Zimmerman moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr.
DiSarli. Motion carried 7-0 and the meeting was properly ad-
journed at 7:50 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne M. Kruse
Recording Secretary
(One Tape)