Vernon Thompson, Jr., Chairman
· Carl Zimmerman, Vice Chairman
Theodore Blum
Ben Ridolfi
Paul Slavin
Lillian Artis, Alternate
Anthony DiSarli, Alternate
Bert Keehr, Deputy Bldg. Official
Marilyn Czufin
Robert Gordon
Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:09 P.M.
He introduced the members of the Board. He explained the
purpose of the Board and voting procedure.
Mr. Zimmerman referred to just receiving the minutes and
suggested delaying approval of the minutes until the end
of the meeting after having an opportunity to read them
and the members agreed.
Mr. Slavin then read the attached memo dated August 25 from
Mrs. Padgett in reference to communications for the August
11 meeting. He read the three letters in opposition to the
Boca Raton Federal application received from Stewart P.
Drummond, Jr., James E. Wurth, and Fred & Marjorie Hollub.
Mr. Slavin then read two letters in opposition to the Bethesda
Hospital application from Robert & Dorothea Wiley and Robert E.
Brierly; and four letters in favor from Dr. Frank Kucera,
Mrs. Laura Benson, Dr. Robert Raborn, and James W. Metz, Jr.
He then read a letter from John I. Avery stating opposition
to the application from Selva Ganesh, M. D. Chairman
Thompson requested these letters to be made a part of the
Parcel ~1 - Lots 1 thru 24 inclusive (entire block), Block 3,
right-of-way of Seacrest Boulevard
Recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 43
Palm Beach County Records
- Relief from 25 ft. maximum height
allowed to 35 ft. height to construct
new church
- 910 North Seacrest Boulevard
- St. John Baptist Church, Inc. of
Boynton Beach
AUGUST 25, 1980
Mr. Slavin read the above application and Chairman Thompson
not'ed that all the papers were in order. He asked if anyone
was present representing this application.
Mr. James A. Cassidy, Attorney, advised that he represents
St. John Missionary Baptist Church and the present owner, Mr.
Jean W. Reeves. They are seeking to purchase this property
and build a church. The building restriction is 25 feet and
they are seeking a 10 ft. increase to 35 feet. This is pri-
marily requested because this is going to be a church. They
need it to be large enough for the people and a balcony will
be included. A height of 35 feet is needed to maintain the
structural integrity. The plans show the roof slope is where
the additional height is needed. This is necessary as a prac-
tical matter. The height restrictiOn is imposed on churches
the same as other buildings in the R-2 zone. Churches have
been larger to provide a place of worship and meeting place
for the people. To build it smaller, the structural integrity
would be severely affected. The architect is present to dis-
cuss the effects of reducing it to 25 feet. To reduce the
height would cost additional because more concrete would be
needed to re-inforce it. He then read a petition in favor
of this request signed by 35 people living within 400 feet
and submitted it to the Board.
Mr. Patterson, the architect, then explained the plans. He
pointed out the reason the 35 ft. height is very important
because from the natural grade to the top of the truss is
exactly 35 feet. The reason for the truss being high is for
enforcing the structural part to cover the span of the church.
The building would have the tendency to cave in or push out-
ward without this height. Mr. Cassidy referred to what would
happen if it was reduced to 25 feet and Mr. Patterson explained
that it would require a different type of truss which would be
quite costly. Mr. Cassidy referred to nobody in the area being
affected by the additional height and Mr. Patterson added that
the church will take up the entire block and on the north~
there are very few dwellings and none to the south.
Mr. Zimmerman referred to there being auxiliary buildings
to the south of the church and questioned the height of
these buildings and Mr. Patterson replied they will meet
the code and the only one in question is the sanctuary.
Chairman Thompson referred to the steeple and Mr. Keehr
explained this would come under a special exception to be
granted by the City Council. Mr. Blum added that he spoke
to the reverend on Sunday and was told if the steeple would
hold this back, they could do without it. Mr. Cassidy
clarified that they are primarily concerned with the roof
height at this time.
AUGUST 25, 1980
Mr. Cassidy respectfully requested the Board to grant this
additional height. He added when the height restrictions
were imposed by the code, there were not any restrictions
and a church could be buil~ anywhere. This church is needed
in this area.
Chairman Thompson asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor of
granting this variance and the following came before the Board.
Rev. Lee referred to the growth of Boynton Beach and stated
they are desperately in need of this facility to keep up with
the growth and development of our community. They have tried
to meet all the City requirements in terms of parking, etc.
and the land is adequate for the needs. There is no other
facility in their community where they can meet to deal with
social problems.
Mrs. Artis clarified that the need for the additional 10 feet
is to insure the sound structure of the building and Rev. Lee
agreed this is correct. Chairman Thompson added that with the
25 feet height, the only thing which could be put on it would
be a flat roof.
Mr. Ron Patrick, 559 N. W. 9th Avenue, referred to the religious
growth in the community and requested the Board to consider the
beneficial things this will do. He sees no negative things
which it could bring.
Chairman Thompson ascertained nobody wanted to speak against
this request and then asked Mr. Slavin to read the correspon-
dence received. Mr. Slavin then read three letters in favor
of this application from Flagship First National Bank, Katie
Mae Wilson and Sally McRoy. He added that the petition sub-
mitted contains 35 names having no objection to the granting
of this variance.
Chairman Thompson clarified that the purchase of this property
is based on receiving this variance and Rev. Lee agreed this
was correct. Chairman Thompson asked if they are prepared to
move forward with construction at this time and Rev. Lee re-
plied affirmatively.
Mr. Zimmerman referred to this property formerly being zoned
C-1 and presently being zoned R-2 and asked if this particu-
lar zoning change occurred while this property was held by
the present owner, who has owned it s~nce 1956 and Mr. Keehr
replied affirmatively and added under the formerly zoned C-l,
it permitted a height of 75 feet prior to 1975.
AUGUST 25~ 1980
Chairman Thompson stated that he can understand the need.
As Rev. Lee pointed out, the City of Boynton Beach projects
100,000 plus people within a few years. If the church is
going to serve those who attend the church now and in the
future, he cannot think of a better place to build it than
where the people are. Mrs. Artis added that while taking the
census in this same neighborhood, she found more than enough
people to fill this church.
Mr. Blum stated that he was very impressed when he was in the
church on Sunday as to the way the services were conducted,
the cleanliness, the amount of people, and he only wishes
there were more people who would go to churches and synagogues
and we would have less trouble in this world. For that reason,
he approves.
Mr. Ridolfi added that he was at the church last Sunday with
Mr. Blum and it was very impressive. With his past experi-
ence of building churches, when he was told 500 seats were
planned, they need that height for the air to circulate. He
is in favor of granting this variance in this particular case.
Mr. DiSarli stated that he feels the same as Mr. Blum and is
in favor.
Chairman Thompson clarified that there is definitely the need.
The hardship is not the doing of the City or County, but the
need to expand to meet the present and future membership.
We must establish a need to grant a variance and the growth
places it in a needed position.
Mr. Slavin stated at times, we must think with our hearts and
not our heads and must get away from the book. In his opinion,
there is a definite need here. This is for the betterment of
man. We can bend the book a little bit and sees no reason
not to grant this variance. The need is there to serve the
Mrs. Artis clarified that there is a hardship in the structure
of the building. Mr. Zimmerman added that there is another
hardship with the change in zoning as when this was zoned C-l,
there would have been no problem in constructing this struc-
ture. Under the present zoning, there has been a hardship
Mr. Ridolfi made a motion to grant this variance to St. John
Missionary Baptist Church to proceed with 35 feet for the roof
height. Mr. Blum seconded the motion. No discussion. As re-
quested, Mrs. Kruse took a roll call vote on the motion as
AUGUST 25, 1980
Mr. DiSarli - Yes
Mrs, Artis - Yes
Mr. Zimmerman - Yes
Mr. Ridolfi - Yes
Mr. Slavin - Yes
Mr. Blum - Yes
Mr. Thompson - Yes
Motion carried 7-0. (Variance Granted,)
Parcel ~2 - The South 100.7 feet of the East 100,0 feet of the
West 200.0 feet of Lot 27, less the North 25,0 feet
thereof for road right-of-way
Recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 81
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 9,000 sq, ft, lot area
requirement to be reduced to 7,570
sq, ft. lot area for addition to
single family dwelling for conversion
to duplex
- 536 N. E. 20th Avenue
Applicant - Robert R. Orlando
Mr. Slavin read the above application.
Mr; Robert R. Orlando came before the Board and advised that
he would like to convert his home to a duplex.. He explained
that it would be for the purpose of having his daughter live
there while her husband is away in the service. Mr. Slavin
asked if by a duplex, he meant an addition to the present
building on the same level or in height and Mr, Orlando in-
formed him it would be added in length, Mr. Ridolfi clarified
that this is a single family house which he intends to convert
to a duplex and Mr. Orlando agreed and added there are duplexes
all along this street.
Mr. Zimmerman asked when he purchased this property and Mr.
Orlando replied in June, 1979. Mr. Zimmerman asked if he
owned the property when the zoning was changed from C-3 to
R-3 and Mr. Orlando replied affirmatively, Mr.. Keehr clari-
fied that the zoning was changed from C-3 to R-3 within the
last six months. Chairman Thompson asked if 7,570 square
feet would have been in violation in the C-3 zone and Mr.
Keehr replied under the C-3 zoning, only one type of residen-
tial structure is allowed and that is multiple family which
would come under the criteria of R-3 zoning which requires
certain land areas, etc. This particular area did not qualify
for any additional unit.
AUGUST 25, 1980
Mr. Slavin read the uses permitted in the C-3 zone and Mr.
Keehr clarified that 4,000 square feet is required per unit
and this site has only 7,570 square feet; it qualifies for
only one unit. Mr. Keehr clarified that under the old zon-
ing, more than one residential unit could not be built on
this property. A variance is needed because 4,000 square
feet~is needed per unit.
Mr. Zimmerman clarified that the rezoning to R-3 has not
created a hardship and Mr. Keehr agreed and added with R-3
zoning, they have a little more flexibility for setbacks.
Mr. Ridolfi Stated when he talked to Mr. Orlando last week,
he was under the impression that he was just adding a room
and it was still going to be a single family dwelling and
Mr. Orlando clarified that he plans to add a room md with the
other addition added previously, he would have the area for
the added apartment plus room for his family. Chairman
Thompson clarified that the proposed room is 16 x 24 feet
and Mr. Orlando agreed and added that it would meet the set-
backs. Also, there are only six homes on this block and
they back to the railroad and all are duplexes. Mr. Zimmerman
clarified that the lot was 1,430 square feet short of meeting
the code and Mr. Orlando agreed this was correct.
Chairman Thompson clarified that with adding a bathroom,
kitchen, etc., it would still meet the code and Mr. Keehr
replied affirmatively.
Chairman Thompson asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor
of granting this variance and Mr. Arthur Brown came before
the Board and advised that he lives next door. He told
about Mr. Orlando making improvements to this property
since purchasing it and stated anything they do will be a
further improvement. He has no objections to this addition.
Chairman Thompson ascertained that nobody wanted to speak
against granting this variance and also that no commUnica-
tiOns had been received.
Chairman Thompson clarified that the hardship stated was to
build this dwelling unit for Mr. Orlando's married daughter
and Mr. Orlando agreed and explained that his son-in-law is
in the service and will be away for three years and they need
a separate place for when he comes home on furlow and she
won't have to be alone otherwise.
Mr. Blum stated that he and Mr. Ridolfi spoke to about eight
neighbors in this area and they all felt highly of Mr.
Orlando and are in favor of having this built as it would
improve the neighborhood.
AUGUST 25, 1980
Mrs. Artis stated that she does not understand the hardship.
Mr. Zimmerman questioned how the~City enters into imposing
a hardship and requested that it be clarified since the zon-
ing change did not impose a hardship. Mr. Ridolfi clarified
that according to what w$ have heard, the City has created no
hardship. However, this man is trying to keep his family
together and is ina section Where there are all duplexes.
The home is very nice and the people seem to like Mr. Orlando.
He even talked to the people living in the trailer park and
they have no objections. He thinks consideration shoUld be
given to family life.
Mr. Zimmerman pointed out that the variance requested is for
1,430 square feet which is quite an amount and Mr. Ridolfi
agreed, but advised there ii no way to buy additional land.
Chairman Thompson clarified that it has been established that
a hardship has not been created by the City. To convert a
unit into a duplex here could possibly set a precedent with
a homeowner wanting to a~d on to acquire additional income
from a duplex. An addit%on could be built to this house
without creating a separate unit. ~
Mr. Orlando stated that he is surrounded by duplexes and he
would adhere to the setbacks. All the lots are the same size,
but the other duplexes h~ve smaller setbacks. He wanted to
convert ~his into a duplex to keep his daughter close. When
his son-mn-law comes out of the service in a few years, what
will he do with a large house? If it is a duplex, it could
be rented. If he is stuc
have to move as he couldn
since this is for a blood
just an addition to the h
that he would have no use
ter moves out. This is a
k with a large addition, he would
't afford it. Mr. Zimmerman stated
relative, she could live there with
ouse and Mr. Orlando explained again
for a larger house after his daugh-
n area where there are duplexes all
around and there have been no objectio, ns from the neighbors,
This is an independent section by itself. It backs up to the
railroad and a trailer pa~k. He is only considering the wel-
fare of his daughter as they have only lived here one year
and don't know many people.
Chairman Thompson clarified that he wasn't being denied the
right to build an additioi~, but a separate unit couldn't be
created. A one room addi
the home that much in ref.
added that by denying thi
the daughter the right to
do so. Mrs. Artis clarif
kion wouldn't increase the cost of
~rence to taxes. Mr. Zimmerman
~ variance, it would not be denying
live there as she could continue to
[ed that Mr. Orlando can add onto
the house and not make a ~eparate unit and this would con-
form and Mr. Keehr agreed this was correct.
AUGUST 25, 1980
Mr. Orlando stated if he adds on just one room, it is of no
value. The units must be independently separate. If it is
one big unit, there would be problems with sharing the cost
of electricity, water, etc. The only favorable way to do it
would be to subdivide it.
Mrs. Artis stated the Board must determine whether the hard-
ship is self-imposed. Mr. Orlando stated that he has a per-
sonal hardship. He is disabled and on a fixed income and could
not afford the cost of a larger home. If it is a duplex, he
would have that income.
Mrs. Barbara Orlando informed the Board that they applied for
a permit to build a duplex. They were told this was allowed
and took out a loan for the money to build. Now, they are
stuck with the money and that is a hardship.
Mr. Slavin questioned the statement of a variance or permit
being granted and Mr. Keehr replied that he can neither deny
or agree with that statement. It is possiblg they could have
been misinformed in respect to a duplex. Regarding an addi-
tion, permission could have always been granted for that.
The problem here is separating and making two units.
Mrs. Orlando told about her husband going to the Building De-
partment three or four times per day asking questions about
putting in wiring for a duplex, etc. They figured they had
the right to put in a duplex and took out a loan for $22,000
to do this. It is a ten year loan and if her daughter leaves,
they could not afford to pay back that loan. Having acquired
this loan is the important part of this whole variance.
Mr. Blum stated that he agrees it is a hardship as far as
their daughter is concerned. However, she could remain
living with them without two separate units. Mrs. Orlando
stressed that they have taken out the loan and now must pay
it back. If their daughter moves out after three years, it
is very frightening for them and would be difficult to pay
Mr. Zimmerman asked at what stage the loan was taken out and
Mrs. Orlando replied after the plans were drawn by an archi-
tect. Mr. Orlando added that he went to the Building Depart-
ment, submitted the plans, applied for a permit and secured
the loan. Two days later, he was called by the Building De-
partment advising there was a problem since a duplex was not
Mr. Blum referred to paying the loan back now and Chairman
Thompson stated it is not the purpose of the Board to find
a solution.
AUGUST 25, 1980
Mrs. Artis stated it must be clear whether the hardship is
self-imposed and Mr. Orlando replied that sometimes the book
has to be disregarded and the situation considered like in the
previous application. He does have a problem. He is worried
about his daughter. He does not have enough room for the
whole family in the house.
Mr. Ridolfi referred to all the lots being the same size and
Mr. Keehr pointed out according to the zoning map, all the
lots do look like they are the same size. Chairman Thompson
commented that the structures were probably built before the
change in code in 1975. Mr. Orlando added that they bought
the property last year and were told it was duplex property.
Mr. Ridolfi stated that he knows it is impossible to make a
motion to grant this variance because there is no hardship
created by any government body; therefore, he moves to deny
this variance. Mr. Zimmerman seconded the motion. No dis-
cussion. As requested, Mrs. Kruse took a roll call vote on
the motion as follows:
Mr. DiSarli - Yes
Mrs. Artis - Yes
Mr. Zimmerman - Yes
Mr. Ridolfi - Aye
Mr. Slavin - Aye
Mr. Blum - Aye
Mr. Thompson - Aye
Motion carried 7-0. (Variance denied)
At this time, Chairman Thompson acknowledged the presence of
Councilmen Joe deLong and Marty Trauger in the audience.
Chairman Thompson referred to addendums to the zoning book
being distributed before the meeting and requested the mem-
bers to insert these in the proper location in their books.
MINUTES OF AUGUST 11, 1980 (Continued)
Chairman Thompson gave the members five minutes to read the
minutes. Mr. Zimmerman ascertained that none of the members
wanted to reconsider their votes taken at the last meeting
based on the letters read. Mr. Slavin moved to adopt the
minu~es of the previous meeting, seconded by Mr. Blum. Under
discussion, Chairman Thompson clarified that the communications
read at the beginning of the meeting tonight applied to the
cases heard at the previous meeting. Mr. Slavin clarified
there were no corrections or changes of vote on any of the
matters. Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Zimmerman made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr.. Slavin.
Motion carried 7-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at
8:45 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne M. Kruse
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)
Vernon L. Thompson, Jr., Chairman
Board of Adjustment
August 25, 1980
FROM: Tereesa Padgett
City Clerk
Please be advised that the attached letters were on hand prior to the
lasf. meeting but due to a breakdown in communication were not read
at ~Said meeting.
Please review same and if any member voting on the prevailing side
feels any request should be reconsidered then action should be
taken at this meeting.
Parcel ~1 - Lots 1 & 2 LEE MANOR ISLES (Boca Raton Federal)
1200 South Federal Highway
A. Stewart P. Drummond, Jr.
B. James E. Wurth
C. Fred & Marjorie Hollub
Parcel #2 - Bethesda Hospital
E.1/2 of Lot 18 less E. 50' of N. 150' - Ac. 33-45-43
2815 South Seacrest Blvd.
A. Robert & Dorothea Wiley
B. Robert E. Brierly
C. Dr. Frank Kucera
D. Mrs. Laura Benson
E. Dr. Robert Raborn
F. James W. Metz, Jr.
Parcel ~3 - Provident Missionary Baptist Church
Lots 196 thru 201, CHERRY HILLS
1015 N.W. 4th Street
Parcel ~4- Selva Ganesh, M.D. Lot 15, COQUINA COVE
825 Ocean Inlet Drive
A. John I. Avery
Stewart P. Drummond, Jr.
659 Castilla Lane
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
July 31, 1980
Office of the City Clerk
City of Boynton Beach
P. ~0. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Fla. 33435
Re: Request for variance at
Federa.1 Savings & Loan Association
G erst 1 emen:
heldDUe tOAugustillneSS,ll, 1980oWe will be unable to attend the hearing to~ be
This is to advise that we do not feel that this cb~unge is
warranted because of the proximity of the building~ in euestion
to residential areas._
We o~au Lot 17 of LEE ~ANOR ISLES.)
(305) 272-1248 {305) 272-1~234-
August 5, 1~80
City Clerk
City of Boynton Beach
P. O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
Bethesda Ho,spitat's red,nest for a 2 foot
variance of the Boy~t'o~m Beach zoning code
building hei~ghth limit ~of 45 feet.
Attention: Boar*~ of Adj~st~mmnts
Dear Sirs:
As the owner of the largest segment of impr~d property
immediately north of Bethesda Memorial Hospital, I hm-_~e no objection to
the zoning variance requested; in fact I feel it will e~nhance the
appearance of the existing structure.
As a physician practicing at Bethesda P~Spit~ll I am imminently
aware of the critical need for increased patient beds ~during the winter
season and also appreciate that vertical growth will ~serve badly needed
parking space.
cc N. M. Weems
Frank E. Kucera~,: M.D.
2575 S. W. 2ncI St.
Boynton Beach, :Florida 33435
August 4, 1950
City Clerk
City of Boynton Beach.
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Fla.
Attn: Board Of Adjustments
Dear Sirs:
I am a property owner adjacent to the Bethesda ~emorial ~os-
pital and I support the request that a height variance be
permitted because of the need for hospital expansion.
M. Weems, M.D,
Chairman, Board of Commissioners
Bethesda Mem, Hospital
Lake Wor~; 'Florida[ ~
P;O~ Box 3787
Bo ~a of Ad3us~ment
~ii~iii?'i[~ City~of 'B°y~tq~:Beach '
'- P.O. Box 31.0 .
. Flor ida
~ never:.~ha~
g~neral'mak~ap .
codes'-a~e pa, s~'ed., for _the:~ best?interea2· ~E the
rules ~.for the:~benefit Of., the,'maj'~i~y-~
P.O. Box 122
Georges Mills, N.H. 03751
August l, 1980
'' h
City of BoyntonBeac
120 N.E. Second Avenue
Boynton Beach, Florida
Attention: Tereesa Padgett
City Clerk
Dea~Ms. Padgett~
This letter is to Voice my objectiom~to th~ con~tructt~m
of a~second story addition by Selva Canesh, M.Do as out-
lined in~ you~ Notice of Public Hea=ing~~ letter dated
J~1~'25, 1980.
I am totally against the const~uctiom for two
First, it would cut off my vie~ and seCOnd~vbecause
feel it 'would affect the air cLrculaiiom a~oumd my home.
P~esently there are no two sto~y b~ildlngs in the a~ea
and I feel very strongly against s~uch b~tldtngs-
Yours truly,