Vernon Thompson, Jr., Chairman
Carl Zimmerman, Vice Chairman
Robert Gordon, Secretary
Theodore Blum
Ben Ridolfi
Lillian Artis, Alternate
Anthony DiSarli, Alternate
Bert Keehr, Deputy Bldg. Official
Marilyn Czufin (Excused)
Paul Slavin (Excused)
Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M.
He introduced the members of the Board, Deputy Building
Official and Recording Secretary. He explained the purpose
of the Board and voting procedure. He told about Mrs. Czufin
and Mr. Slavin not being able to attend and noted their ab-
sences as excused.
Mr. Gordon stated that he has gone over the minutes a couple
times and finds no errors or omissions. He moves that the
minutes be accepted as received, seconded by Mr. Zimmerman.
Motion carried 7-0.
Parcel #1 -
Lot 24, Seaway Terrace
Recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 127
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 75 ft. lot frontage
requirement to 71.35 ft. lot
frontage to construct duplex resi-
Address - 315 S. E. 21st Avenue
Applicant - John & Louise Pagliarulo
Mr. Gordon read the above application and'the reason noted
for this request that this is an end street lot abutting the
railroad and the property does have the required square
footage. The property is located in the area of the duplex
project of Seaway Villas.
FEBRUARY 11, 1980
Mr. John Pagliarulo, 3546 South Lake Drive, advised that he
owns this property and it is duplex zoned. This lot is tied
in with the Seaway Villas Association as a duplex lot. It will
have the rights and privileges of the association with recrea-
tion facilities, etc. He thought it would be good to have
this part of the development because it was formerly part of
it. It is duplex zoned and really not that much under the
frontage requirement. It does have more square footage than
required. It abuts the railroad.
Mr. Blum referred to visiting the site and the road ending
at the house west of this property and asked if the road was
going to be extended to the railroad and Mr. Pagliarulo re-
plied that the developers of Seaway Villas opened this road
for work on their project and he believes it is part of their
project. It is being used for construction site work. He
believes when'the project is finished, it will be resurfaced
and completed. Mr. Blum questioned where the cars would go
to this new house and Mr. Pagliarulo informed him that this
property fronts on S. E. 21st Avenue and there would be pro-
per ingress and egress to the property. ChairmaniThompson
asked if Mr. Keehr had any information on this street and
Mr. Keehr replied that the builder will not be required to
construct the remainder of this street to occupy %his home,
but it is expected the access will probably be a Shell rock
Mrs. Artis asked if this was being built to be rented and Mr.
Pagliarulo replied negatively, but it will be owner occupied.
Mrs. Artis clarified that he was building it to sell and Mr.
Pagliarulo agreed.
Mr. Ridolfi asked where the parking area would be located
and Mr. Pagliarulo replied it would be in the front. Mr.
Ridolfi asked if he meant on the 30' frontage and Mr.
Pagliarulo informed him the house will be set back further
than normal to maintain the proper parking area. It will
meet City requirements. Mr. Ridolfi asked if it would
accommodate four cars and Mr. Pagliarulo replied aiffirma-
Mr. Zimmerman questioned where the party wall will extend,
which is part of the agreement of the restrictions imposed
on the place and Mr. Keehr clarified that this is the fire
separation wall which will be down the center of the two
Chairman Thompson asked if anyone wanted to speak in favor of
the granting of this variance and Mrs. Isabelle Perry came
before the Board. She advised that her home is located next
to this lot. S. E. 21st Avenue is not a thru street and ends
at the railroad tracks with the paved road ending at the end
of her lot. There is nothing there but sand cont~inuing to
the railroad tracks. At least every other day, someone is
stuck in the sand. If a road is not put in, it doesn't seem
feasible that a duplex should be built with having parking
for four cars. Also, she questions which direction the
duplex is going to be built and referred to the l~t being
narrow and explained that if it is built to face the street,
it will be against the railroad tracks and her house. She
referred back again to the road and stated that it is muddy
when it rains. She told about it being used for construction
traffic now and how this was a mess with sand, rubbish, etc.
blowing all over. If this can be built to the rear of the
lot with more access, it would be better. Also, this lot is
within 2'0' of the railroad and when the freight train goes
through at 4:00 A.M., everyone gets out of bed. Possibly a
single family residence could be built. She knows it is
supposed to tie in with Seaway Villas, but it is too close
to the railroad tracks and has no road. She does not know
how agreeable this is going to be.
Chairman Thompson pointed out that according to the survey,
there is 50' from the property line to the railroad and Mrs.
Perry replied that it will still be bad. Chairman Thompson
added that it will meet the setback requirements. Mrs.
Perry asked if the duplex would be of a sufficient size and
Chairman Thompson estimated it would be approximately 85'
across the front since it will be set back to the wider
portion of the lot. Mr. Keehr added that according to the
plan submitted, the units will be approximately 1,500 square
feet and the requirement is 750 square feet, so it will be
twice the size of what is required. Also, the road would
have to be shell rock for easy access and the parking areas
would have to be paved. The side setback of 10 feet is 2½
feet more than the single family requirement.
Chairman Thompson ascertained nobody else wanted to speak in
favor of granting this variance. Mr. Gordon read a letter
received from Mrs. Eleanor M. Preiditsch noting no objection
to this request.
Chairman Thompson ascertained nobody wanted to speak against
the granting of this variance. Mr. Gordon then read a
letter from Mrs. Ellis D'Avolio, 305 S.E. 21st Avenue, and
one from Mrs. Isabelle Perry, 309 S.E. 21st Avenue, in oppo-
sition to this request.
Chairman Thompson entertained discussion among the members of
the Board. Mr. R±dolfi referred to the sketch submitted and
pointed out that the southeast corner will be 10 feet from
the railroad tracks and Mr. Keehr clarified that it will be
10 feet from the property line and the railroad tracks are at
least 50 feet away. There is a 100 ft. railroad easement
with the tracks in the center. It will actually He 60 feet
from the tracks. Mr. Ridolfi asked if the house Will be
built as Shown on the survey and Mr. Keehr replie~ that it
could be changed somewhat because it is set back further
than required, but it is setting very well and wiill probably
remain as shown for the final construction.
Mr. Blum referred to new duplexes being built to the north
of this property and stated he thinks this duplex will
enhance the area. He thinks something new and different
is needed in this area. He is in favor of this request.
Chairman Thompson stated the one thing concerning the Board
is whether we are going to allow for the 3.65 feet. The
noise which is made by the passing trains is not a concern.
The lot has more than the required square footage and the
duplex will be a larger size than required. There i's plenty
of space but the frontage is short.
Mr. Zimmerman referred to this lot being purchased in January
1R80 and stated he is sure the owner was aware of the frontage
then. It has been known for people to buy property like this
and sell it after getting a variance. Possibly we should con-
sider this variance with a time limitation as to when the con-
struction should be started.
Mr. Gordon asked if he was building this to live in himself
and Mr. Pagliarulo replied negatively. Mr. Blum asked how
many homes he was building in this area and Mr. Pag~ulo
replied he was just building this one. Mr. Blum questioned
what the buildings are to the north and Mr. Pagliarulo in-
formed him that this is the Seaway Villas project,
Mr. Zimmerman clarified that this lot was included in the
Seaway Villas project, but was sold separately. It will be
an advantage to have this covered by the deed restrictions
and covenants. To have this occupied completes the project.
However, he still thinks construction should be started
within a year or the variance be negated. Chairman Thompson
agreed it would be best to have this lot occupied. He does
not think too many home owners would buy it, but making it a
part of the development is preferable.
FEBRUARY 11, 1980
Mr. Ridolfi made a motion to grant this variance, seconded by
Mr. Blum. Mr. Gordon submitted an addition to this motion to
stipulate that this house be built by the par~with no inten-
tions of selling the bare lot. Mr. Ridolfi and Mr. Blum ac-
cepted this as part of the motion. No discussion. As re-
quested, Mrs. Kruse took a roll call vote on the motion and
the motion carried 7-0 with all voting in favor.
Parcel ~2 -
The South 40 feet of Lot 9, and the North 20
feet of Lot 8, Block D, Hathaway Park
Recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 17
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 6,000 square feet lot
area requirement to be reduced to
5,932 square feet to construct
single family residence
Address - 715 S. E. 3rd Street
Applicant - Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Holm
Mr. Gordon read the above application and the reason requested
because there is no additional property available.
Mr. Robert B. Holm, 120 S.E. 2nd Avenue, informed the Board
that he has rented for the past two years and would now like
to build a home. Mr. Ridolfi clarified that he planned to
build a house on this lot to live in himself and Mr. Holm
Chairman Thompson clarified that all the setbacks will be met
if this is granted and Mr. Keehr agreed and added that this
is zoned R-2 for a duplex but when building a single home,
the R-1 requirements will be followed.
Mr. Gordon referred to the lot just being purchased a couple
months ago and Mr. Holm agreed this was correct. Mr. Bob
Constant, Commercial Associates, explained that when Mr.
Holm purchased this property, it was represented to be 60 x
100 feet, a conforming lot. However, when a survey was made,
we were surprised to find a few square feet were missing.
They were not aware of this when making the sale.
Mrs. Artis questioned what no additional property being
available meant and Mr. Holm informed her there are homes
on both sides and this lot backs up to the railroad with no
way to acquire additional property.
FEBRUARY 11, 1980
Mr. Ridolfi referred to visiting the p~operty and advised
that he talked to three families and all seem to agree if a
house is built, it will be 100% better. It is the only
empty lot in the area. Building a home on this lot will be
an improvement. It is impossible to buy additional land.
Chairman Thompson asked if anyone else wanted to speak in
favor of granting this variance and the following came be-
fore the Board.
Mr. A. P. Young, 707 S.E. 3rd Street, advised that this property
is immediately south of where he lives. He has no objections
whatsoever of a house being built. He then submitted a peti-
tion signed by a number of property owners in the immediate
area approving the building of a residence on this lot.
Mr. Blum commented that the party living on the right of
this lot was very happy to see plans for a house being built
because the lot has been used for discarding junk. The
neighbors feel if this is built, it will do something for the
Mrs. Bruce Strnad, 808 S.E. 3rd Street, stated it would be
very nice to have a house built on this lot and she is in
favor of it. It has been used as a junk area. It would
help the neighborhood a lot. When they sell within the next
couple years, it will help their land value increase. She
is in favor of this request.
Chairman Thompson ascertained there were no further speakers
in favor and then requested those in opposition to come for-
Mr. Edward Mathes, 719 S.E. 3rd Street, referred to the
frontage not being 60 feet and told about when it was being
surveyed, the stakes were placed in the middle of his drive-
way to get the 60 feet frontage. Chairman Thompson informed
him a survey was submitted by O'Brien, Suiter & O'Brien which
shows the frontage to be 60 feet. Mr. Mathes stated there is
60 feet in the rear, but no5 in the front. He owns the south
30 feet of Lot 8 and the north 30 feet of Lot 7. Mr. Gordon
asked if the final survey was measured from the stake in his
driveway and Mr. Mathes replied that they finally took the
stake out of his driveway, but there is a marker in the
street. Mr. Ridolfi told about seeing ~wo stakes when he
visited the property. Mr. Mathes clarified that he has no
objections as long as the setbacks meet the requirements.
FEBRUARY 11, 1980
Mr. Keehr referred to this area being platted many years ago
and stated he would have to say the certified survey of this
lot should be accurate. There is 60 feet left here for sale
according to the legal descriptions around it. An additional
survey will be required when the foundation of the house is
poured. It will be checked again during construction.
Mr. Zimmerman stated according to the plat, the lots were
originally platted as 50' lots and Mr. Mathes agreed, but
advised they were split up into 60' lots. Mr. Zimmerman
clarified that sin~Mr. Mathes has 30' of Lot 8, that leaves
20' for Mr. Holm and that is what he is claiming.
Chairman Thompson ascertained there were no further comments
from the audience and no correspondence had been received.
He opened discussion for the Board members.
Mr. Thompson commented that if he was a home owner in this
area, he certainly would want a single family home built in-
stead of a duplex as it is zoned for. If a duplex was built,
it would be the only one in the area. Mr. Keehr agreed that
it is zoned for a duplex, but advised a variance would be re-
quired. Chairman Thompson added that this lot is landlocked.
Mr. Gordon added that he thinks this will be an asset to this
location and thinks it is a hardship inasmuch as it~'is land-
Mr. Zimmerman moved to grant this variance with the same stip-
ulation that it be for this owner only. Mr. Blum seconded the
motion. No discussion. As requested, Mrs. Kruse took a roll
call vote on the motion and the motion carried 7-0 with all
members voting in favor.
Parcel #3
The South 5 feet of Lot 6 and all of Lots 7 and
8, less the East 17 feet thereof, Block 1,
Lake Addition to Boynton Beach
Recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 71, Palm
Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 10~ ft. lot depth re-
quirement to 82 feet lot depth to
construct commercial business in
accordance with C-4 zoning require-
Address - 915 North Federal Highway
Applicant - Donald C. Walker, Agent for Frank and Louise Strazzula
FEBRUARY 11, 1980
Mr. Gordon read the above application and the reason for this
request noting the property in this area all suffers this pro-
blem and is unusable without a variance. He also read a
letter from Frank and Louise Strazzulla designating Donald C.
Walker as their agent to represent their interest in this
Mr. Donald C. Walker, 251 Royal Palm Way, Palm B~ach, in-
formed the Board there is a contract purchaser for this pro-
perty. As stated in the petition, it is unusable:unless a
variance is granted because the frontage has been taken for
U. S. 1. The railroad is in the rear and it cannot be ex-
tended deeper. The contract purchasers are ready to pull a
building permit within 30 days of approval. To the north is
a fairly new structure occupied by Meineke Mufflers and it is
his understanding they had the same problem and went through
the same procedure and obtained a variance. This will meet
or exceed all the other requirements of the C-4 zone. The
only area which is deficient is the depth which resulted by
taking frontage for the highway.
Mr. Ridolfi questioned wh~ type of building was planned and
Mr. Walker informed him it would be a one story CBS. Mr.
Ridolfi asked if it would be a store and Mr. Walker replied
it would be retail automobile parts. Mr. Ridolfi questioned
the location of the parking and Mr. Walker informed him it
would be on the north side and will meet the code requirements.
Mr. Blum referred to the location of the driveways entering
the other two stores in this area possibly conflicting and
Mr. Walker informed him the building will be on the south side
of the lot and the location of the driveway will be as required.
Mr. Gordon asked how much footage was taken for the highway
and Mr. Keehr informed him that 18 feet was taken and added
that actually the hardship was imposed by the state. He
added that the zoning was changed in 1975 and there is a
possibility this may have changed the lot to non-conforming.
Mr. Blum asked if parking would be allowed along U. S. 1 and
Mr. Keehr replied affirmatively, but explained that it could
not be included in the parking calculation.
Mr. Zimmerman asked if the purchasers were ready to start
construction fairly soon and Mr. Walker replied affirma-
tively. Mr. Zimmerman suggested possibly including in any
motion to grant this that it be for the duration of possibly
one year. He thinks it is an important stipulation for com-
mercial property. Mr. Walker stated this would create no
problem as they are ready to move forward.
FEBRUARY 11, 1980
Chairman Thompson ascertained that nobody wanted to speak in
regards to this request and no communications had been re-
ceived. He opened discussion to the Board members.
Mr. Ridolfi commented that he doesn't think there are too
many questions on this because it is going to be commercial.
Everything in the area is commercial and this will complete
the area. Mr. Gordon added that it is a hardship,. Chairman
Thompson agreed and added that Meineke Mufflers d~d have to
obtain a variance for the same thing.
Mr. Gordon made a motion that this variance be granted and
Frank and Louis Strazzula use this variance for the building
they applied for. Mr. Walker clarified that Mr. & Mrs.
Strazzula are actually selling the property. They can live
with the one year stipulation, but this property will be sold
to the purchasers as explained. Mr. & Mrs. Strazzula have a
contract purchaser for the property. The buyers will build
the building he described. Mr. Gordon asked who it was being
sold to and Mr. Walker replied to a construction company who
will build the building. Mr. Gordon asked if the construc-
tion company will own the building and Mr. Walker replied
affirmatively. Chairman Thompson ascertained there was no
second to the motion.
Mr. Zimmerman suggested solving the problem of this possibly
being a speculation deal by putting a year's limit on it.
Chairman Thompson clarified that the present owners will
transfer the property to the new owners, which is the con-
struction company. Mr. Walker advised that it is Overland
Construction Company.
Mr. Bob Constant, Commercial Associates, informed the Board
he was also involved in this transaction and the purchasers
have the right to examine this contract. They are not sure
exactly how they will take title to it. If the variance is
restricted to one name, it may cause a technical problem on
closing. Mr. Walker added that the contract purchaser on
the contract is Phil Marlesi and they are entering ah agree-
ment to assign construction to Overland Construction Company,
who will build the building and lease it to Philmar ~uto
Parts. Attaching a name to the variance may create s pro-
blem. The contract purchase has to be closed in 30 ~ays.
Mr. Keehr added this is not an unusual situation where the
contractor purchases and leases.
Mr. Gordon moved that this variance be granted and a building
be erected within a period of one year. Mr. Zimmerman seconded
the motion. No discussion. As requested, Mrs. Kruse took a
roll call vote and the motion carried 7-0 with all members
voting in favor.
FEBRUARY 11, 1980
Mr. Gordon referred to the surveys submitted not having an
embossed seal and asked if they ~re valid, and Mr. Keehr in-
formed him that the original submitted does have a seal, but
it does not show up with the copy.
Mr. Ridolfi questioned the progress being made with Holiday
Inn and Mr. Keehr informed him that it is proceeding and
discussion about this followed together with plans for the
mall construction.
Mr. Gordon made a motion to adjourn, secOnded by Mr. Zimmerman.
Motion carried 7-0 and the meeting was properly' adjourned at
8:20 P. M.
Respectfully submitted,
Suzanne M. Kruse
Recording Secretary
(Two Tapes)