Minutes 10-22-79MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING HELD AT CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1979; 7:00 P.M. PRESENT Vernon Thompson, Jr., Chairman George Ampol, Vice Chairman Robert Gordon, Secretary Benjamin Ridolfi Paul Slavin Serge Pizzi Carl Zimmerman~ ~ Marilyn Czufin, Alternate Lillian Artis, Alternate Bert Keehr, Deputy Building Official ABSENT Suzanne M. Kruse, Recording Secretary MINUTES Mr. Ampol moved that the minutes of the previous meeting, September 10th, 1979, be accepted as read, with no corrections or additions, and Mr. Ridolfi seconded the motion. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING Parcel ~1 - Lot 2, Less East 12 Feet BARRETT HEIGHTS Recorded in Plat Book 24, Page 128 Palm Beach County Records Request - Relief from five foot (5') variance required on east side of lot. Zoning ordinance reflects twenty five foot (25') rear set-back requirements. Address - 101 South East 34th Avenue Applicant - Frank E. Bates It was brought to the attention of the board of the correction in the address, erroneously stated as 103 South East 34th Avenue, and should read 101 South East 34th Avenue. Mr. Bates initiated the meeting by stating that he is the owner of the home directly north of this lot. He additionally commented that the home he hopefully planned on moving onto this lot was to be his resi- dence, as his son planned on moving down to Florida, and would be taking possession of the home he presently resides in. Mr. Bates stated that this corner lot would appear as well as, or superior to his present residence, and consequently would improve this corner substantially. MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OCTOBER 22nd, 1979 Mr. Ridolfi addressed the board at this time and stated that he had contacted several of the neighbors in the locality and ascertained that they were all in favor of something being accomplished, in order to preclude this lot from being used as a dumping ground. Mr. Ampol questioned Mr. Bates as to whether the home being moved is the location next to the "Blossom Shoppe", and this was confirmed in the affirmative. Mr. Ampol additionally stated that the neighbor directly east of this location was indubitably in favor of this home being sit.uated there, in hopes of the debris and refuse being cleaned up. At this time it was confirmed by Mr. Zimmerman that this lot was indeed Lot 2, and that there were twenty-five foot (25') setbacks required both on Seacrest Boulevard and 34th Avenue. It was additionally deter- mined that Lot 2 had incurred a loss of twelve feet (12') on it's easterly property line, due to a former lot division. Chairman Thompson indicated at this time that the board had the opportu- nity to view the home that is hopefully to be moved onto this lot, and declared that it would be virtually inconceivable to reduce five feet (5') off one end of this home, and accordingly stated that it was a substantially sound structure. Marilyn Czufin addressed the board and commented tha~ she had visited this site and spoke with a neighbor and ascertained that at one time there had been some disagreement concerning the location of the porch, however Mr. Bates confirmed that this indeed had been resolved. Mr. Ampol and Mr. Pizzi engaged in conversation pertinent to this matter, and maintained favorable comments as such. At this time, Mr. Ampol made a motion to grant this variance to Mr. Bates, and this was seconded by Mr. Slavin. A roll call was taken by Chairman Thompson and determined that it was a unanimous vote, in that all members voted in the affirmative. Mr. Bates was informed of the decision and prior to his departure, he emphatically expreSsed his thanks to the board and thusly stated his appreciation. He commented that he was grateful of citizens who extend their time and efforts in resolving situations such as the one he was presented with. ' Mr. Gordon, Board Secretary, read a letter dated October 2nd, 1979, from Mrs. Eva E. Kroeck, pertinent to a pool screen variance. There was considerable discussion relating to same, and Mr. Keehr informed the Board that it is possible that Mr. Kroeck will reapply for a similar variance, in view of the circumstances thereto. MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OCTOBER 22nd, 1979 Mr. Keehr additionally stated and informed the Board that this case may reactivate itself, as it was so determined by the City Attorney that if. there were to be a change in the variance requested, it could once again be impaired by this Board. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was properly adjourned at 8:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Bert Keehr Recording Secretary BK:fs Bert Keehr, Deputy Building Official