Vernon Thompson, Jr., Chairman
George Ampol, Vice Chairman
Ben Ridolfi
Paul Slavin
Serge Pizzi
Marilyn Czufin, Alternate
Bert Keehr, Asst. Building Official
Robert Gordon, Secretary
Frank Bauer
Carl Zimmerman, Alternate
Chairman Thompson called the meeting to order at 7:03 P. M.
He introduced the members Of the Board, Assistant Building
Official and Recording Secretary.
Chairman Thompson referred to Mr. Gordon and Mr. Zimmerman
being absent and stated they requested to be excused. How-
ever, we have not heard anything from Mr. Bauer as he doesn't
recall him asking to be excused for the entire month of August
and this is the third consecutive meeting he has missed. At
this time, he thinks we should do ouD duty and deleterMr. Bauer's
name from the Board. Mr. Ampol suggested requesting an appoint-
ment from the City Council and having an alternate moved up.
Mr. Slavin suggested tabling this and proceeding with the peti-
tion and Chairman Thompson replied it is just-a matter whether
to keep Mr. Bauer on the Board or delete his name. Mr. Slavin
stated this is beyond our control as according to the guide-
lines, if a member is absent for three consecutive meetings
without excuse, then he is removed from the Board. Mr. Pizzi
suggested that Mr. Bauer be notified of the Board's intention.
Mr. Slavin made a motion to table all discussion on Mr. Bauer
until the regular course of business is completed, seconded by
Mrs. Czufin. Chairman Thompson stated the first order of busi-
ness is to call the roll and this matter should be determined
at this time. Mr. Ampol advised that he tried to call Mr. Bauer
but his phone has been disconnected and Mrs. Kruse added the
City Clerk's office had the same response.
Mr. Slavin stated in all probability, Mr. Bauer is out of town
and did not notify anyone, so he moved to remove Mr. Bauer from
the Board. Mrs. Czufin reminded them that a motion was on the
floor and a second one was not in order. Chairman Thompson
clarified that he requested a motion to either remove Mr.
Bauer or not and this is not a discussion matter so there is no
reason to bypass it. Mr. Slavin clarified that his motion was
not to bypass it, but he saw no reason to take up Mr. Pisonero~s
time. Mrs. Czufin requested Mrs. Kruse to read the original
motion and she did. Mr. Slavin then withdrew his motion to table
and Mrs. Czufin withdrew her second.
Chairman Thompson stated again that there is no reason to bypass
the roll call and Mr. Slavin replied that he just suggested pro-
ceeding with the regular order of business. The roll call proved
that Mr. Bauer was not present for the third consecutive meeting
and his suggestion was to proceed with the regular order of busi-
ness and then come baKk to the problems of the Board.
Chairman Thompson referred to the right of t~e Chairman and re-
quested the City Council to removedMr. Bauer s name. Mrs. Czufin
made a motion to recommend to the City Council that Mr. Bauer~s
name be removed from the Board of Adjustment, seconded by Mr.
Ridolfi. As requested, Mrs. Kruse took a roll call vote and the
motion carried 6-0.
Chairman Thompson referred to having no corrections and compli-
mented Mr. Keehr's secretary-on the preparation. Mr. Ampol
moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as
read with no corrections or additions, seconded by Mr. Slavin.
Motion carried 6-0.
Parcel #11- South 7 ft. of Lot 22~& Lots 23 thru 27, Block 4
Recorded in Plat Book 10, Page 64
Palm Beach County Records
Request - Relief from 30 ft. rear yard setback,
when abutting residential district, to
3 ft. rear yard setback to build a storage
Address - 211 N. Seacrest Blvd.
Applicant - Ramon B. Pisonero
Mr. Ampol read the above application and the reason requested
because due to the loss of parking space, they are compelled to
remove the house on the corner to make parking space. The
house is presently used for storage, so when it is removed,
they would like to build a storage building on the rear of Lot
24. Mr. Slavin clarified the location was 211 N. Seacrest Blvd.
and not 210 S. Seacrest Blvd. as.read by Mr. Ampol. Chairman
Thompson noted all the information was in order.
Mr. Ray Pisonero, owner of the Blossom Shop at 211 North Seacrest
Blvd., came before the Board and advised that he also makes his
residenceat this address and would be glad to answer any ques-
tions from the Board. Chairman Thompson stated that he knows
the importance of the warehouse because of the business. He is
also aware the front of the building was lost with the widening
of Seaerest Blvd. The request is to reduce the 30' setback to 3'
Mr. Pisonero added the request-was made to allow a building to be
built. Years ago, there was a 3' easement along the alley but
when the post office was built, the alley was abandoned but he
will leave the 3' easement for utility servicing.
Chairman Thompson asked if all other requirements would be met
and Mr. Keehr replied affirmatively and added there would be no
problem with the other setbaeks.
Mr. Ampol referred to Mr. Pisonero p~ahasing the property on
January 26, 1966, and Mr. Pisonero agreed and advised that he
built the building originally. Mr. Ampol referred to the park-
ing being gone in the front and Mr. Pisonero informed him there
would be 11' inside of the sidewalk. Mr. Ampol referred to in-
specting the property and stated the building on the corner will
be removed and parking will be on N. W. 1st Avenue. He told
about talking to two n~ghbors who are in favor because this
will be an improvement. He also understands Mr. Pisonero gave
permission to the Methodist Church to use his parking.
Mrs. Czufin stated she thinks it would be extremely difficult
under the present circumstances with Seacrest Blvd. being widened
for anyone to approach this shop and be able to get out without
it being hazardous. Obviously an alternative is needed. Mr.
Pizzi added that he noticed no opening was left for a driveway.
Mr. Pisonero stated he has to do away with thebbuilding to make
room for parking.
Mr. Slavin stated there is no building on the corner and Mr.
Pisonero informed him the house is on the corner lot. Mr.
Ampol referred to being told that someone had been contracted
with to remove the building and Mr. Pisanero replied that he has
been in negotiations to have this done.
Chairman Thompson asked if the proposed storage building would
protrude any farther back than the existing building and Mr.
Pisonero replied negatively and advised it will be 3' shorter.
and will fall in line with the existing realtor's building.
Mr. Ampol stated in his opinion, this is a hardship because it
was brought on by the widening of Seacrest Blvd. With parking
on the corner, it will be out of the way of traffic on Seacrest
Blvd. The entranceway will be off Seacrest Blvd. and the exit
will be on 1st Avenue.
Chairman Thompson referred to there never being much room in
front of this building and Mr. Pisonero stated a 25f setback
was required in 1966 when he built the building. Mr. Ampol
referred to there originally being five or six parking spaces
in the front and Mr. Pisonero agreed and explained the parking
was shortened with the real estate and now everything has been
lost. Mr. Slavin asked howmmany parking spaces were planned
and Mr. Pisonero replied: twelve which will upgrade the area as
far as parking. Mr. Ampol agreed there was no question this
will improve the whole section. Mrs. Czufin asked if the real
estate company would also be able to use this area and Mr. Pisonero
replied a£f/rmatively and told about including provisions for park-
ing in the lease.
Chairman Thompson asked if any communications had been received
and Mrs. Kruse replied negatively.
Mr. Slavin stated there are no questions to ask in his opinion.
This is something not of Mr. Pisonero's doing. When a right is
relinquished, you should be compensated. He thinks Mr. Pisanero
should be compensated by giving him the variance he is asking for.
Chairman Thompson stated that he agrees this is an improvement
because there will be a problem with parking. The widening of
Seacrest Blvd. enhances the problem, but there has always been
a problem with parking.
Mrs. Czufin stated she realizes this is a hardship, but she is
wondering about the reaction of people living along Seacrest
Blvd. who have complained about the widening and not having a
place to park. How can a line be drawn? Mr. Ampol replied
this parking will be away from Seacrest Blvd.
Chairman Thompson stated it was a hardship when the building was
built because the back end of the cars were actually parking on
the sidewalk. This is definitely an improvement, but the hard-
ship was always there and it was a self-imposed hardship. Mr.
Pisonero stated the first building built was the real estate and
it was clos~mrto the line which met the requirements at that time.
When he built his building, he had to set it back further. At
that time, he had plenty of room to park, but now only has 11~
Chairman Thompson agreed this would definitely be an improvement
and explained. Mrs. Czufin added that it would also be safer.
Mr. Ampo! stated for the reasonthat this hardship was not brought
upon by the petitioner, he hereby moves we grant Mr. Pismmero the
variance he is seeking. Mr. Ridolfi seconded the motion. No
discussion. As requested, Mrs. Kruse took a roll call vote and
the motion carried 6-0.
Chairman Thompson stated we have been advised bythe City Attor-
ney, CityManager and others that'we should comply ~th complet-
ing the financial disclosure statements. After a lengthy discus-
sion~ it was agreed the members would comply with.filing the
financial disclosure statements as soon~as possible.
AUGUST 27, 1979
Chairman Thompson asked if the members wanted to make a suggestion
to the City Council to move up an alternate to replace Mr. Bauer?
Mrs. Czufin suggested notifying Mr. Bauer of the intended action
and Chaimman Thompson replied that Mr. Bauer has missed three con-
secutive meetings. Mr. Slavin added that the City Clerk or a
Board member should be notified when a member cannot attend as
we must have a quorum at all times or the Board cannot-function.
Chairman Thompson clarified that the request has been finalized
requesting the City Council to remove Mr. Bauer from the Board
and the question now is whether the Board wants to make a recom-
mendation to the City Council to place one of our alternates in
a regular position. Mrs. Czufin replied there is no reason even
to talk about this because Mr. Zimmerman is a more experienced
man and she is justlearning.
Mrs. Czufin moved that Mr. Zimmerman be appointed as a regular
member of this Board and another alternate member be appointed
by the City Council to fill the vacancy, seconded by Mr. Slavin.
Motion carried 6-0.
Mr. Ampol questioned when the next meeting would be held and
Chaimman Thompson informed him the next meeting is scheduled
for September 10. Also, another application has been received
and we were asked whether it should be heard on the fourth
Monday of the month. He referred to this pending application
being complicated and suggested that all the members do their
homework onit. After discussion, it was agreed to have a
meeting for the pending application on September 24 withall
others received to be held until the October meeting.
Mr. Ampol moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Slavin. Motion car-
ried 6-0 and the meeting was properly adjourned at 8:20 P. M.
Respectfully ~'submi tted,
Suzanne M. Kruse
Recording Secretary
(One Tape)