Dr. Valerie Valcourt, Chair (Arrived at 6:08 p.m.
Lori Wilkinson, Vice Chair Franky Lazo, Assistant Director
Francoise Calixte-Dieuvil (Arrived 6:08 p.m.) Recreation and Parks
Nicole Prado
Frando Patterson
Pedro Macedo De Lima Quinto
Chevette Gadson
Jessica Wilkinson, (Arrived 6:15 p.m.)
Tarynnicolle Rhodes
I. Call to Order
Vice Chair Lori Wilkinson called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and observed a moment of
III. Roll Call
A Quorum was present.
IV. Approval of Agenda
Lori Wilkinson requested to add an introduction of new members. Mr. Lazo requested
the minutes for July 28th meeting to be tabled to the next meeting.
Mr. Patterson moved to approve the agenda as amended. Ms. Prado seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 25, 2022
The members briefly introduced themselves.
(Chair Valcourt and Ms. Calixte-Dieuvil arrived.) Vice Chair Lori Wilkinson passed the
gavel to Chair Valcourt.
V. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence
A. Parks System Master Plan Presentation by Perez Planning, LLC
Franky Lazo, Assistant Director, Recreation and Parks, introduced himself and
announced the consultants for the Parks Master Plan would make a presentation on the
Department's 10-year vision.
George Gentile, President 2GHO Inc., landscape architects, planners and
environmental consultants introduced himself. He also introduced Carlos Perez, who is
a landscape architect was also an expert on Parks Master Plans, having completed his
first Master Plan years ago for Boynton Beach.
The goal is to get the department accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of
Recreation Facilities. The second goal is to set up a short and long-term goal to provide
recreation services, programs and facilities based on population projections and the
wants of the City and its residents. He advised they were in the process of data
collection and have analyzed 51 City parks.
Mr. Perez , Perez planning and Design, provided an overview of what they are doing; its
purpose and process and then hear input. He stated that they branded the project
"Reimagine Recreation"
Mr. Perez explained that the purpose is assess the existing conditions of the system,
identify parks and recreation trends, and determine the needs and priorities for the next
10 years. They will provide strategic and resilient recommendations for the
improvement and provision of facilities, programs, services, park land acquisition, and
He advised they use a five-step process which includes a cost analyses, a needs and
priorities assessment, as long-range vision, an implementation strategy and a final plan
for adoption.
Mr. Perez explained the needs and priorities assessment and qualitative techniques
He advised they received input from elect officials staff interviews, steering committee
members, community needs, focus group interviews, intercept interview, online survey,
social media input and project web-site
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 25, 2022
Mr. Perez also reviewed the quantitative techniques and explained that they use a
statistically valid survey, and have assessed acreage of parkland, facilities and funding
capacities and benchmarked against other communities. They reviewed park site
evaluations, national, regional and local trends, population and demographic overview.
He reviewed the project schedule sating that they started the process in March and will
complete by the week of February 2023.
Mr. Perez asked the members what are you hearing and seeing about Parks and
Recreation needs in the community.
The following comments from the Board were received:
• Canterbury by Quantum does not have any play equipment.
• Residents want more green space. The trails, parks and equipment in general
are great, but they are not always environmentally green.
• The City has some amazing playgrounds, but some areas don't even have a
slide. Park equipment should be more equitable in the City.
• It would be helpful to have more shade in parks.
• Pence Park has become a trash pit. Additionally, the majority of the playground
equipment was removed and the park looks sad.
• More dog parks and shade at dog parks
• Bathrooms in the parks are disgusting, and unfit to change an infant.
• Need Splash Parks.
• Lighted walking trails
• The City does not have an indoor park. If so, it would bring revenue to the City.
Mr. Perez noted Park and Recreational systems can help communities. He asked the
members what are some social, economic or environmental challenges the City is
facing they may be able to explore.
Chair Valcourt commented the world, overall, is overcoming Covid and parks are a
great opportunity to resume interactions. People have lost their sense of how to
Vice Chair Lori Wilkinson suggested having more things done with solar across the
Mr. Lazo stated that some of the CDBG funds were identified for solar panels on the
Hester Center. They will issue an RFP and move forward. This project could be a pilot.
He noted that they have solar trees at Ocean Front Park, but it could be used for a
major recreation center.
Mr. Perez asked the Board to select Recreation and Parks top three needs.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 25, 2022
Mr. Patterson suggested playgrounds, outdoor exercise areas and lighted walking trails.
The members thought they had already addressed that question..
Mr. Perez asked the members what types of funding sources would community support,
i.e. pay as you go or using general obligation bond.
• Vice Chair Lori Wilkinson and Ms. Prado thought bonds would be used.
• Mr. Patterson noted the Vounty instituted a penny surtax to use for parks.
• Vice Chair Lori Wilkinson was not opposed to either.
• Ms. Caliexte-Dieuvil favored pay as you go.
Mr. Lazo commented the survey is online now. He requested the members take it.
VI. Public Audience
Ernest G. Mignoli, 710 NE 7th Street, Unit 407, gave his contact information. He
stated that he can see all the crime from his fourth-floor unit and that as far as the
accreditation, that he went to all the parks and the parks are filled with crime, drugs, filth
and dirt. He said that he takes pictures and complained, but no one will talk to him. He
commented that the Police and Fire Departments block his emails. He said that he finds
gun cartridges on site, the bathrooms are filthy dirty and parks are a crime scene. He
thought what the FBI says about the City qs true, it is one of the most dangerous cities
in Florida. He asked the board to take note of the United and American Federation of
Teachers report about the schools. He thought it was a shame.
VII. New Business
A. Approval of Minutes of July 28, 2022
VIII. Old Business
A. Fundraising Proposals
Chair Valcourt stated at the last meeting, they discussed continuing the pumpkin
decorating contest. Vice Chair Lori Wilkinson also commented that she submitted the
check from the Gold Coast Kiwanis Club to the City and it was $400. She had another
potential opportunity to make money. One of the Foundations she volunteers for, the
Sweets Foundation, disbanded and they are giving money away to non-profits. She
spoke to the Greater Boynton Beach Foundation, which is a 501(3) Corporation. They
will write the check to Boynton Beach Foundation and they can write the check to the
Board. The mission of the Greater Boynton Beach Foundation is to support education,
recreation and culture.
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 25, 2022
Mr. Lazo stated that Mary DeGraffenreidt and Frank Ireland walked the site today for
the Fall Festival, which will be held at City Hall this year. They may be able to get the
event into Funfare as its publication it was delayed. He will check tomorrow. Vice Chair
Lori Wilkinson will still work on the flyer. Justin Johnson, Recreation and Parks
Outreach Manager is working on these events.
Mr. Lazo stated that the Breakfast with Santa may not be the best event for the Board to
fundraise. He noted the Basketball tournament at the Hester Center is December 10th
and the Board can run the concessions if they like. He suggested selling easy
foodstuffs. He advised that Ms, DeGraffenreidt is trying to get a hot dog maker, so they
would have to check with management because if serving unpackaged foods, they will
need a safe serve certificate. About 200 people will be attending the event. Chair
Valcourt suggested when the members have time, they volunteer for a shift, with two
members for each shift.
Mr. Lazo will email information about the Fall Festival and Basketball tournaments to the
Nicole Prado will be the point of contact for the Fall Festival and Ms. Gadson will be the
Point of Contact for the basketball tournament.
Vice Chair Lori Wilkinson explained the pumpkin carving contest to the new members.
She thought it would be good to get restaurants or breweries to participate. They could
tell people to go vote for the pumpkin of their choice and then get a free beer. Its two
streams of money, first to enter the pumpkin, and the other to vote on the pumpkin.
This has been used in other places successfully. It can become a big event, but it
needs to be advertised and a lot of people have to participate. It was suggested the
members try to get groups they are involved in to participate. It can be a competition.
Mr. Macedo inquired if the members can you ask representative to come to this meeting
to get them involved and learned they could as the meetings are open to the public. He
thought that they should send invitations to different clubs and motivate them to
participate in a contest.
Last year they wanted to contact businesses, and each member was responsible to
contact businesses or organizations. If the Board wants, the Bity can send an invitation
it to attend the meeting to their groups. The prize last year was a free pavilion rental, or
a free class. Each member is responsible for bringing at least three businesses or
entities to the event.
Vice Chair Lori Wilkinson suggested charging $10 to enter a pumpkin and thought the
$5 entry fee was too low last year, and to charge $2 for each ticket to vote. The event
will be on October 15th and the shifts will be an hour each in teams of two.
B. Outreach
Meeting Minutes
Education and Youth Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida August 25, 2022
Chair Valcourt stated these events are the Board's outreach. Mr. Lazo stated that the
Senior Advisory Board is using events as a forum to take seniors as a way to see what
seniors need in the community. He noted the Recreation and parks department
developed a survey and was tying it to the master plan. At next meeting, the members
can think if ideas for a survey and so is Rec and Parks. Vice Chair Lori Wilkinson
suggested sending an email to all advisory boards indicating they should send a
pumpkin and all City departments should send a pumpkin. Mr. Lazo will help read the
Ms. Prado reached out to the Library and learned the Library cannot fundraise, so all is
free. She agreed to find out if the Board could fundraise at Library events.
C. Bob Borovy Student Citizen of the Year Award
IX. Future Meeting Dates: September 29, 2022
October 27, 2022
Chair Valcourt announced the next two meetings and stated she will not be at the
October meeting.
X. Adjournment
There being no further business, Vice Chair Lori Wilkinson moved to adjourn. Ms.
Prado seconded the motion. The motion unanimously passed. The meeting was
adjourned at 7:12 p.m.
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Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist