87-ARESOLUTICN NO. 87-A A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OSt~CIL OF TfIE CITY OF BOYSFfON BF2~CH, FLORIDA, AME~IDING CIVIL SERVICE ~ AND BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COD%;CIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTCN BEACH, FLORIDA: That the Civil Service Rules and Regulations, Rule XI, Section 11, Paragraph A is amended to read: A date for elections to the Employee '.s Grievance Board shall be week-~i~-~ set by the Personnel Director with terms of those elected to be approximately two (2) years, The _existing Board will remain ,in effect unti~ the new Board is seated~ No person shall serve.more than one oonsecutive term on said Board whether as representative or alternate. No depart~ent head nor employee exercising, supervision over~ the work of others may be elected to the. Board. All elections__ shall be~ administered and supervised . by the Personnel~ Director and City Clerk. Representatives .~ and alternates shall take office immediately after election results are certified° In the event that the employment of any Unit representative or alternate~is terminated for any reason during his period of service on the .Board~ within four (4) weeks after vacancy, ~ cPlaeeme~%-~- sha~-not~y-the,f~e~sonnei-ffir ~ct or -of-such se~%&~ an election shall be held for the selection of r~eplacement from 'the appro?riate igroup on a date to be set the Notice Of ~any repla--cements on promptly reported to the City Manager, the City Council and to every department in the City. ~'~day of PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS _ , 1987. CITY OF BOYNT(lg BEACH, FLORIDA City~erk ~ (Corporate Seal )