Minutes 12-14-22 Minutes of the Library Board Meeting Held on
Wednesday, December 14, 2022, at 6:00 PM at
City Hall Commission Chambers, 100 E. Ocean Avenue
Boynton Beach, Florida
George Feldman, Chair Craig Clark, Library Director
Ace Tilton Ratcliff Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Director
Thomas Devlin Mary Cassell, Senior Librarian
Marcia Levine
Margaret Newton
Lindsay Karten
Nicole Prado
I. Call to Order— George Feldman, Board Chair
Chair Feldman called the meeting to order at 6:04 P.M.
Self-Introductions were made. A quorum was present.
II. Approval of Minutes — October 26, 2022
Chair Feldman moved to table the minutes to the next meeting. Mr. Devlin seconded the
motion. The motion unanimously passed.
III. Correspondence and Communications
Mr. Devlin stated that at the last meeting, he spoke about Civil Air Patrol youth programs.
He said that it would be a good way to expand youth programs in the Library and to other
groups. He stated that there is an entire set of books for grades 1 through 6, that will be
sent for free to the educators for the students and have STEM kits for appropriate grade
levels. He explained that the educator will then fill out a survey indicating how many
students they originally had, how many participated and finished, and then they can
request the next class. He noted that this program is used for home schooling, and the
Palm Beach County Library signed up two of their employees to be educators. He
reviewed the paper airplane class for the youngest students.
Mr. Clark stated that they are without a Children's Librarian at the moment and that when
they hire a replacement, they can look at it and either order the kits for home schoolers
here or find a volunteer to teach it.
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 14, 2022
Discussion ensued regarding Mr. Clark and Ms. Taylor signing up as educators and
reviewing the lessons, and then delegate to a volunteer.
Mr. Devlin advised that when students become 11 and 12, they become cadets and they
will teach students the materials.
Mr. Clark said he would pay the $35 fee.
Ms. Levine advised that the City has free movies and concerts. She said that she mans
the information booth and Mr. Clark provided her with a lot of Library materials about the
different departments. Anytime there are new materials pertaining to the City, she will
pick it up and bring it. She also thanked the Library staff. She announced that she put in
an order to get a book that is difficult to get, but she got the book quickly.
IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations)
V. Chair's Report— George Feldman, Board Chair
VI. Unfinished Business:
Staffing Update — Craig Clark
Introduce Mary Cassell, Senior Librarian-Customer Relations
Mr. Clark introduced Mary Cassell, Senior Librarian for Customer Relations Ms. Cassell
stated that she lives in Delray, and worked in Broward County, but she is excited to be
part of the City Library, its local efforts and organizations.
Career Online High School Program Update — Jeannie Taylor
Ms. Taylor announced their 15th graduate from the Career Online High School Program
who will celebrate the event at the City Commission meeting in January. She said that
the student finished the program in four months, when it usually takes 18 months. She
stated that they have nine students in the program. She explained the graduates receive
a Certificate of Achievement and that some students are from other countries, but their
education does not translate here. She elaborated that it is very expensive for foreign
students to have their transcripts evaluated, so the diploma really helps. She noted that
the program provides a fully accredited high school diploma and graduates work on one
of eight career certificates in different fields, certifying them in a vocation.
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 14, 2022
Mr. Clark explained that the cost of the course is over $1,295, but students are awarded
free scholarships and information on the program is on the website. He advised that the
State funding for the scholarships is depleted and funding will not occur until June.
Ms. Taylor explained that hopefully, they will have two scholarships left and when, but
when the Library funds a scholarship, the student must be a City resident; when the State
funds it, the student can be from anywhere.
AmeriCorps Program Update —Jeannie Taylor
Ms. Taylor stated that the Afterschool Homework Help Program is going strong. She
mentioned that she has other volunteers who need more hours, so when they are done
at the school, they come to the Library to help. She explained how volunteering with the
ESL class works.
VII. New Business
Holiday Food Drive — Sponsored by the Friends of the Boynton Beach City
Library and City of Boynton Beach
Mr. Clark stated that the City is having a holiday food drive, as noted above. He included
a flyer in the packet regarding the needed items. He said that the City is accepting
donations until Friday and they will help put the baskets together.
Chair Feldman spoke about volunteer opportunities to give Library tours.
Mr. Clark explained that staff gives the tours and if a volunteer wants to offer a tour, they
should contact staff and they will arrange it.
Ms. Taylor announced that they had a tour for 22 women from Palm Chase who wanted
to know about the Library and there were several presentations made during the tour.
She said that by the end of the tour, they had 21 new card holders. She advised that now
tours are limited to 25 people.
Ms. Levine recalled that last year, they had a women's group tour for 40 or 45 women of
the downtown, including the Library, and all were amazed. She noted that with the Kinetic
Event being held on January 28th and 29th, they can showcase the art and Library.
VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics
October, November 2022 Monthly Reports
Mr. Clark reviewed the October and November reports, and he stated that Library visits,
in general, were increasing.
Meeting Minutes
Library Advisory Board
Boynton Beach, Florida December 14, 2022
Chair Feldman said he thought they needed a bigger sign for the Library, since some
people do not know where it is located..
IX. Announcements
Free Youth education programs available from Civil Air Patrol
Next Library Board Meeting — January 25, 2023
Mr. Devlin said that on Saturday, at the South Florida National Cemetery, they will be
holding a Wreaths Across America Event, which is comprised of a short ceremony and
then they place wreaths on the graves of all of the Veterans. He invited the members to
attend early to sign up to participate.
X. Adjournment
There being no further business to discuss, Mx. Ratcliff moved to adjourn. Ms. Levine
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:48 P.M.
Catherine Cherry
Minutes Specialist