O68-230RD!]~CE NO. 6 8-2 ~
Section 1: That Chapter 9 of the Codified Ordinances of the
City of Boynton Beach, also known as the Electrical Code and the Outside
Television Antenna Code of said City, be, and the same is hereby repealed.
Section 2: That there is hereby substituted in lieu thereof a
new Elecfmi~ and ~tside Television Antenna Code for the City of Boynton
Beach, Florida, to read as follows:
A. The term "electrical construction", as used in this Code, is here-
by defined 'to. include and govern all work and materials used in installing,
maintaining and/or extending a system of electrical wiring for light, heat,
or power, and all appurtenance, apparatus, or equipment used in connection
therewith, whether outside, inside or attached to any building or structure,
lot or premises.
B. The tern "master electrician", as used in this ordinance, is defined
to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualifications, training and
technical knowledge to plan, lay out and supervise the installation of
elact~ieal ~ir/ng, ~pp~xtu~, or equipment for light, heat, or pcb;er am cou~r~d
by the terms and provisions of this ox.~nanc~, and m~s, haua had at least
five (5) yea~s experience the last year being in Florida,
C. The term "sign-master electrician", as used in this ordinance, is
defined to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualifications, training
and tebhnieal knowledge to plan, lay out and supervise the installation of
electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment in and on signs, as covered by the
terms and provisions of this ordinance.
D. The term "Journeyman electrician", as used in this ordinance, is de-
fined to mean a person .who possesses the necessary qualificatiorm, training
and technical knowledge to install electrical wiring apparatum or equipment
fora light, heat, or power, as covered by the terms and provisions of this
ordinance, and he must be capable of doing electrical work according to the
plans and specifieations furnished to ~Jm, ~nd in accordance with the stan-
dard rules and regulations governing wiring installations in the City.
E. The term "sign-journeyman electrician", as used in this ordinance,
is defined to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualifications,
training and technical knowledge to install electrical wiring, apparatus,
or equipment in and on signs, as covered by -the terms, and provisions of this
ordinance. Sign-journeyman electricians must be capable of doing electrical
sign work according to the plans and specifications furnished to him and in
accordance with the standard rules and regulatiop~ governing sign work in the
F. The term "maintenance electrician", as used in this ordinance, is
defined to mean a person who possesses the qualifications herein before pre-
scribed ibr a "journeyman electrician", but who must be regulamly employed
to maintain and m~ke repairs to the electrical wiring, apparatus, and equip-
merit which is installed, contained, and used upon premises or in buildings
owned, occupied, or controlled by the person, firm or corporation by whom
the n~nteuance electrician is employed. Such person shall possess a valid
journeyman' s card.
G. The te~~ electrical eontractoz~', as used in this ordinance, is de-
fined to mean a person, firm or comporation engaging in the business of
electrical contracting. The person Ln chamge of the eleetmical installations
fo~ said person, firm, or corporation shall have passed the master elec-
trician's examination according to the ter~z of this ordinance and possess a
master electrician's certificate issued hereunder and paid up-to-date.
H. The term "appliance electrician", as used in this Ordinance, is
defined to mean a person who possesses the necessary qualifications, train-
lng and technical knowledge to repair electrical appliances. He must also
be capable of connect~ electrical appliances to existing wiring in
accordauce with the ordinauce and with the standard rules and regulations
governing wiring, installations in the City.
I. Permit far Electrician's Helper. Every person engaged in or desiring
to engsge in work as an electrician's helper in the City of Boynton Beach,
shall secure from the( City Building Department, a helper's permit which will
entitle the applicant to work at electrical construction and installation
only under the direct supervision of a certified master electrician. No fee
shall be charged for each helper's permit.
J. The term "bosrd" or "electrical board", as used herein, is defined
as the electrical board hereinafter provided for.
K. The term "city", as used herein, means the City of Boynton Beach,
L. Service, or services, shall consist of that portion of an electrical
installation from the point of entrance to the poc~t~ of distribution. In
two or more meter installations each meter and its point of distribution shall
be considered as a service.
M. By nothing contained in this section or elsewhere in this ordinance
is it to be construed that an electrician's occupational license or permit
shall be required under this or other ordinances for any work involved in
the erection, installation, repairing, remodeling and maintenance of
elevators, durD waiters and moving stairways; such exception shall not,
however, extend to work on conductors and equipment for supplying power to
the control panels of such elevators, dumb waiters or moving stairways.
Elevators and simila~ installations shall be as required by the Florida
Industrial Commission.
N. Bmtenua elements - that portion or portions of The outside antenna
system for television receiving apparatus ar equipment which are electrically
connected to the receiver.
0. Antenna mast - that porT_ion of the outside antenna system for tele-
vision receiving apparatus or equipment to which the antenna elements are
P. Tower or mast support - the support or extension required to elevate
the antenna mast to a height deemed necessary for adequate operation.
Q. Antenna system- the combination of any antenna elements, mast and
tower or mast suppo~t as defined above.
Re. Height of antenna system- the overall vertical length of the
antenna system, as defined above, above the ground, or if such system be lo-
cated on a building, then, above that part of the level of such building
upon which the system rests.
There is her~_by created an electrical board for the City of Boynton
Beach. Such Board shall consist of five members to be appointed by the City
Council. One of such members shall be the Building Official or his duly
appointed deputy, of such city, another, the fire chief of such city, o~
his assistmnt; one of the ,~e~ tubers shall be a licensed contractor in such
city. One member shall be a journeyman electrician; and one shall be a
laym~. The present hoard shall hold office for the remainder of the yea~
in which this ordinance becomes effective, or until thei~ successors are
named and supplied. Subsequent thereto the members of the board, other than
the Building Official, shall be appointed by the City Council and shall
serve fora one yea~. Should either the master electrician o~ journeyman
eleetmieian meJmber fail to renew his certificate, or have same cancelled
or ~evoked, his membership on the electrical Boalxd shs21 ,be automatically
terminated~ and ~e City Council, by motion~ shall appoint a new me~_,ber
in his place as soon thereafter es practica!. 1',!o ~5e~ of ~ne .board
shall receive compensation for bis services as suah ~mber.' The board
shcdl elect its officers and adopt rules and procedure. A majority of the
nmmhar~ themeof shall be a quort~,.
The building official of such city ishall be named and appointed pum-
suant to the ~eg~lations of sud~ city and shall be paid a salary to be
determined by the pay plan of such city. The appointee ix) such office shall
be a pemson of good moral cha~acter~ possessed of sud~ executive ability
as is requisite to' the pemformmnce of his dtrties~ and he sh~ll have a
T3aorou~l know, ledge of the standard materials and methods used in the
installation of electrical equipn~nt. He shall he well ver~ed in approved
me~ods of ele¢i-~ical construction. It shall be unlawful for the Building
Official to engage in tl~ business of selling: installing om maintenance
of electrical equipment, directly om indirectly~ and he shall have no
financial inter~st in any concern engaged in such business in the city_, at
any time while holding office.
Section 6: BU~LDDNG 0FFICI~L - UUTIES ;~,~D P0%'~RS.
The duties and po~,~ers of the Building Official shall be:
a. To enforce the provisions of this ordinance under the general super-
vision of ~e city manager and the city comnission~
b. To receive applications: and g~snt permits ~ereon: for the installa-
tion or alteration of electrical eo. uipment in accordance with ~e provisions
of this or,finance.
c. To make inspections of electrical inst~2!ations as provided by this
ordinance and to issue a certificate of approval on ~?irdng installations,
appa~atnas~ equipment~ or liDht fixtures afte~ installation ~aereof~ puP-
suant to permit ~anted, provided ~e s~me comp. iy ~.?ith the rules and regu-
lations of this and o%her or~linances of ~%e city~ the per,its and ~e eu~r~nt
issue of the National Electrical Code. }io'~{ever: if defects~ omissions or
violations exis~ no certificate of approval will be issued until correc-
tions have been made.
d. To keep complete records of all permits issued, inspections and
reinspections made and o~er official ~ork performed in accordance ~i~h the
provisions of this ordinance.
e. To inspect any ~Jiring or equipment conducting or using electric
current for li~t, heat or pm,~er in the city, and if conductors and equip-
me,ut are found to be unss£e to life or property~ he shall notify, the per, on,
firm or corgoration o~ming or operating such wiring or equip.~ent to correct
the condition ~-,~ithin a forty-eight hou~ period or ~dthin such larger time
limit as he shall specify.
f. He shall have the authomity to disconnect service in ~ny buildinE
or premises containing defective o~ hazardous wi~ing or equipment upon
failure to correct the violations specified in the foregoing paragraph, fle
shall also have the authority to disconnect service in any building om
pr~mzises imn~diately upon J_nspection when emergencies om haza~dss such as
fires, stor~ d~mmge etc. ~ cecum.
g. To enforce all ~e provisions of this code~ and for such purgoses~
he shall have all th_e powers of a police officer of such ci~7. He or his
representative, may enter ~ny boil{ding or pr~pises for the purpose of
making etect~ica! inspections or to prevent violations of this code upon
presentation of proper credentials.
h. ~.~never any electrical ~.~rk is being done conteary to the
provisions of this ormtinance: or is being done in an tm~afe om dangerous
manner~ the eteci-~ical inspector may o~der ~he ~ork stopped by notice in
~i~ing served on any person engaged in ~e doing om causing such ~,¢oPk tO
be done and any such person shall for~awi~h stop such ~.ork until autho~-
~.~_th the work.
izod by %he elect~ical inspector to recom~nce and proceed H
If in the: judgement of the electrical inspector any electrical work
or porti°n thereof is deemed, unsafe, he shall cause all persons to be
excluded from access thereto or use thereof.
The buildJ_ug official shell notify the c~er or his agent of said
unsafe conditions and ~e ~mer or his agent shall within
(2~) hours correct said work.
i. Liability: ~he building official or !tis duly authorized assist-
ant: ~bers of the electnieal board~ or others, char~ed with the en-
forcement of %his Code~ acting for the City in the discharge of his
duties~ shall not thereby render himself liable personally and he is
hereby relieved from all personal liability for any damage that may occur
to persorm or property as a result of any act required or permitted in
~e disd~arge of his duties.
~lt persons, pazWcnerships, firms or corporations licensed to do
electrical contracting in ~e City of Boynton Beach, as of the passage of
This ordinance, shall have their license continue in force for as long as
sud~ license is properly renewed in accordance wi~% ~ae provisions of this
ordinance. Such license shall expire on the Slst day of October of ead~
year and must be renewed by December 1st of such year. A penalty of
twenty percent shall be charged to renew said license from December 1st to
January lst~ after whioh ti~, said license shall become null and void and
said person, partnership~ firm or cor~xr~ation shall then have to re-
apply for license and produce the qualifications as set for~ in this
From the date of passage of this ordinance, all persons,partner-
ships, firms o~ corporations desiring to perfrom electrical contracting,
shall be required to exhibit proof of having passed the [~, H. BLOQ< maste~
electrical, or sign-master electrical examination as given by the Palm_
Beach County Planning and Zoning Depar~nent. Such proof shall consist of
a Certificate of Competency bearing ~e stsz~p sh~ing ~ H. BLO~< and
UNLI~.ITED on the face. of such card.
In accordence ~.~%h Chapter 67-1878, Laws of Florida, such certificate
shall constitute competency for a license application.
License shall be issued: upon ~s proof of competency, provided
license fees, applicable proof of insurance, financial data etc., are
provided as called for on T]~e application for e!eetrical contractor, master
electrician or sign-master electrician.
The Electrical Board shall give ~journeymaW~ electrician ewmminations
from. time to tL~e as may be required by applications. Journeyman eleo-
tricians only, possessing a certificate of competency from Palm. Beach
County, or from cities with comparable electrical ordinauces~ ~ay obtain
their competency cards by reciprocity.
Applications for original certificate of comr~tency Shall be accom-
panied by fees as foll~.~s:
}~aster and sign-master electricians .............. $ 10.00
Jour~eym~, sign-journeDnan, maintenance
aud. appliance electricians
Applicants who pass the examination~ will he issued a certificate of
competency by the Board. ~2[1 suni certificates shall expire on the en-
suing ~October 31st ~ud may be rene~..~d at That time. C~rtificates for
maintenance electricians shall bear the na~e ~ud address of the person,
fi~. or corporation by whom such persons a~ regularly employed. Such
certificates shall become null and void if the ~ntenance electrician
changes his place of employment, but such .pemson WV have his certificate
endorsed to sh¢~,~ ~le ney? location of emptopT~ent b,y presentJ_ng same to the
Building Department.
The renewal fees for master and sigm-~master elect~rician certificates
shall be $5.00, .and for journeyman, sign journeyman, maintenance and
appliance electricians shall be $2.00.
All ,~onies paid for examination and rena~a! fees, shall be paid by
the Building De~nt daily as received, into the F.~ance Depamtn~nt of
the Ci~'.
Section 9:
OR EQI~P~,',~.
It shall be unlawful for any person, not qualified as ap. electrician, in
aceo_~iance wi~ the provisions of this ordinance, or who does not possess
a currently effective certificate, as provided by this ordinance, to do
any electrical construction in the City, or make any repairs, alterations:
additions, or changes to any existing syste~.~ of electrical wiring,
apparatus, o~ equipment, for light, heat o~ p~,er~ ~,~_thin the li~[ts of
the City. It is not the intent of this section to prohibit individuals
from repairing personally ~ed electrical appliances or apparatus on
a non-commercial basis.
Section I0:
It shall be unl~ut for ~ny pe~son to disconnect, alter, o~ t~mpe~ ~rith
auy service equipment, such as service drop, conductors, meters or pro-
tective devices ~med by the company or corporation holding a franchise
for electrical cu_~rent fora light, heat ~nd p~'er in the City, except duly
authorized agents, licensees, or employees of suni company°
,Section !!:
TELEPH0~ ~K~"BER ~,~
Before any elect_~ical contractor, firm om co-_rpomation may engage in'
the business of electrical construction in the City~ he om it may pay
the annual occupational license fee ~s provided by ~e currently effective
occupational liceoze oral/nonce for such city with reference to electrical
contractors. The supervision of all electrical work by such contractor
must be unde~ a maste~ electrician duly certified unde~ the provisions
of this code, Every electrical contractor doing electrical work in the
city shall supply %he electrical inspector wi~ an aocurate telephone
number and address of such business. No licensed master electrician,
firm or corporation shall all~ his or its na~e to be used by any persons
or party~ directly or indirectly for the purpose of obtaining a pe~t
for doing electrical work under the license of such master electrician,
firm or corporation. Conviction for violation of these pro-~isions,
after a hearing: shall be bounds for up to one year~s license and/or
certificate suspension or revocation by the Board.'
Section 12: All instep, siDu-master and ~aintenance electri-
cians must register ~,~th the Buil~.~g Depardm~nt, the name and address of
the person, firm or corporation by whom they are regularly employed,-
No master, electrician, firm~ corporation, or person shall employ any
person to vork in ~he capacity of an electrician in the city ~uless Such
employee has in his possession~ a currently effective certificate of
compe, tency zssued under the provzszons of thzs or.dinance~ or tempo.r.az,y
pe~it issued by the Secretary of the Board: pending the e~Loloyee taking
~]e next scheduled examination° No journeym~n electrician shall do
electrical ~,mrk for any character in the city, unless he is duly certified.
hereunder and employed by and works trader the provisions of %his code.
Plans, and specifications~ sb.~,.~ing location of utility pole with
complete description of all proposed electrical work~ shall be submitted
to the Building Officia][, at the same time application is made for a buS,d-
Lng permit. The plans must be legibly dra~m, or prJ=nted to a definite
seale~ by an ard.~iteot~ general contraetor~ electrical contractor, om
~mer, one floor plan being sufficient, if it can be made to show all the
proposed electrical work~ otherwise ~o or more plans shall be submitted.
The plans shall sh~ the total floor s_~ea, the square feet of the building
under consideration~ the point to %~ich the service connection is to be
made, ~%e size of service and sub-feed wires, the location of semvice
m;~tches and center of distribution~ and the arrangement of circuits show-
ing the number of outlets connected ~ereto. .The plans~ if fomnd in order,
must be st~mped '~approved~' by the Building Official~ or a duly authorized
assistant, before the building permit or the electrical perm. it can be
rained and before any electrical wof~ c~n be started. Copies of all blue-
prints and drawings of ~'~is r~ture must be filed in the office of %he
building departm~t of the city. 7he installation of the wiring, apparatus,
or equip~.t, for light, heat or p~,,?er, within or attached to any building
or prec~ses, whe~]er for private or public use, must be done strictly in
accordance with the plans and specifications submitted. Any chauges or
omissions in the ~.dring system sh~,.,m on the plans must first be approved
by ~e Building Departmemt and sud~ approval noted in ~miting.
Section 15:
~,,l~en a job has been roughed in, it shall be the du~, of ~he person taking
out the permit to notify the Building Department that such job is ready for
inspection, ~nd failure to nmke such notification shell be deemed a vio-
lation of this code.
It shall be ~tawful for any person, partnership, firm. om corporation,
their agents or employees to cover or conceal any ~;,olring until such elec-
tmical work has ,been inspected and approved. It shall be unlawful for any
corporation holding a franchise for the purpo_ se of furnishing current for
light, heat or p~er in the city to connect its source of power to any
electrical installation in the city~ ~ithout first having approval there--
for from the Building Official to the effect that such installation has
been inspected and approved.
~en a job is finally completed, it shall be the duty of the person
taking out the pern~it~ to notify the building depazWcment that sudl job is
ready for final inspection and failure, to m~(e suds. notification shall ~
deemed a violation of this code.
A permit must be secured from the buildinS department before any
electrical work in the city can be commenced, whether the installation s!~ll
be temporary or permanent, and whe~er for wiring, apparatus, equipment, or
for making ext~nsions or ~hanges to ewisting ~,iming system, s, or for light,
heat or p~r, and whether upon premises, or inside: outside~ or attached
to buildings, or structures of any character. It shall be unlawful for
any person to procured with sud~ work ~xlthout such permit, or to va_~y
tJae terms of such ~rmit, or of the requirements of this code, without ~e
written approval of ~e building official. }bwever, any corporation
holding a franchise from the city for the pm~pose of furnishing electrical
current for light, heat~ or power, shall have a rig~t to .~msta!l, connect~
disconnect: or remove meters, or their protective devices, wi~uout obtain-
lng a permit hereunder after a certificate of apuroval hs~ been issued on
the ~tallation.
Section 17: TO ~'~IOM SU~I PEP~iTSi NAY BE' ISSUED
Such electrical permits may be issued only to duly licensed electrical
contractors, to ~mster end sign-~aster electricians ~.,~b,o $~e qualified
under the provisions of ~%is ordiuance~ to o,,m.~ers who qualify according
to ~e provisions of this ordinance~ to duly" registered ms/ntenauce
electricians, but only to the e~taut provided J~. this code~ aud to duly
registered appliance electricians, but only according to the extent provided
by this code.
Section 18: PER~TS tSS~ED TO h~'~.I~,Yt'~'~'q'CE~, ELECTP, ICIAMS:
Permits may be issued to duly qualified n~intenance electricians, but
only to the extent of per~ttiug repairs to existing electrical apparatus
used upon premises, or in buildings o~ed or occupied by the person,
partnership, firm or corporation~ by %,,%ho~.~ such maintenance electrician
is regularly employed. Suah ~rk shall be of a minor character, and
shall be confined to existing branch-circuits and fixtures, apparatus
or equip~nt coonected thereto, but shall not include the installation
or replac~r, ent of service donductors~ service equipment or sub-feed
circuits up to the final canter of distribution. ?lo new work shall be
done, except unde~ supervision by a master electrician.
Section 19: PER, fITS TO ~.~,~RS: PROVISIONS.
Per~dts shall be issued to bona fide ~ers of proper~y permitting
]~n to install, personally, electrical ~'~'
~,~_zng on property ~,~ed by suah
person providing the foll~qing r~les and regulations a_~e followed:
a. Such owner must submit plans and specifications to the building
department for approval:
b. Such ~er must satisfy the building official as to ~e
ability and qualifications to install elect~ica! wiring~
c. Such o~er must make application for and secure sm electrical
perndt before conm~ncing such electrical work~
d. Such o~mer must file an affidavit that he is ld~e bona fide o~.a'~er
personally installing the work on his prerises only;
e. Such owner must pay the required permit fees hereins£ter set
f. Such ~ner must perfrom the electrical work according to the rules
and regulations contained in this ordinance and in the current issue of
~atzonal Electrical Code~
g. Such owne~ must notify ~%e building department when the work is
ready for each phase of inspection~
h. Such work must be done by the o~ner personally, without compen-
sation or pay fram. anyone for his labor, and such o,,mer shall not be
permitted to empl~ anyone else to assist him. ~,~n[tt~ such electrical installa-
tion, except a licensed master electrician.
Permits may be issued to duly registered ~opliance electricimus,
but only to permit connections of appliances to existing wiring.
Appliance electricimns shall take care not to install any equipment which
will overload existing circuits.
Section 21: PEP~IT FEES
1~ne buildir~ departrant, on behalf of the city, shall charge ~nd
collect for electmical permits (not including signs) at the following
rates, to wit:
The min~ fee for any pe~oit shall be $2,00.
Sign Outlet
Door bell
1 through 5 outlets ................................. $ 1.50
Each additional outlet ........................ .10
Water Heater outlet only (eaeh~ ................................................. . SO
Cable Heat Per K.W. or fraction thereof--. .50
Temporary and construction service ............................. 1.50
!00.-ampe_ re and under- ...........................................................1.50
Over 100-ampere to 200-ampere ............................ 2.00
Over 200--ampere to 400-ampere ............................................ 3.00
Over 400-&~.De~e to 600-an~e~e ............................................ 4.00
Over 600-ampere to 800-ampere .......................................... 5.00
Over 800-ampere ............................ 10.00
A cha~ge of $t.00 for each additional meter,
except for first meter.
Major Appliances .......................... $0.50 rou~ ...................... .50 fin.
Stoves: each connection .50 rough- .......................... .50 fin.
Watem Heaters: Each Connection .... .50 rough ........................ ,50 fin.
Space ,Heater~: Ead] installation up to 3 K.%L· ............................... 1,00
Ea~ motor
Ead~ notom
Each motor
Each motor
Each motor
Each ~otor
Each motor
Each motor over 100-h.p,-
Ai~ conditicning shall be according to compressor h.p.
up to and including t,b&~p, ................................ 1.00
over 1-h. p. through 3.-h.p. ~ ................................................ 2. O0
ove~ 3-h.p. ~Yax)ugh 5-h. p. - .................................... 3.00
over S-h.p. througJ~ 8-h.p. q-.O0
over 8-h.p. through 10-h.p.- .......................................... 5.00
over 10-,h.p. through 25--h.p,- ............................... 8.00
over 25-h.p. through !00-h.p.-- i0.00
- 15.00
(Determine }G~; and figure sa%~ as h.p. )
X-ray, Diathermic, electronic equipm~at, etc.
(From, $1,00 to $15,00, determined by 'inspector. )
(Determine the amperage as foll~qs)
Over 6-,,amperes to 12-ampere .......................................................... 2.00
Over 12-.-sz~4:ere to 18-~pe~ ...............................................3.00
Over 18~-a~pe~ to 25-~pe~
Over 25-~e~ to 30-~-~ ............................................................ 5.00
~er 30-..~p~ to 35-.,~e~ ...................................................... 6. O0
Over 35~~ to 40-~ ......................................................... 7.00
TOAS~R$: (each)
COFFEE I~-!S: (es. dO 1.50
(Determine number of li~,ts)
First t0 lights or ftc, etlon thereof .............................................. $ 1.50
Each ;dditional liR~t J_n case ....................................................................... .10
~IV.~LS ~ EIRCUSES ~ ROAD SI'..'.'~.'.,~S .~'~',~ SI~IL~ ~OP.~ ~'~STA~TIONS:
A ~T ~E OF $15.00 S!-~L BE P~D. ~'D$~E~"~ ~Q~S ~,~ CIR~T
~.~'"~E'('~8)' Ei~:~f ~D NO. 12 ~,SP~ SP~LL BE ?~NI.?~:~ 2I~. %~RE
~OSED TO ~~ SUni ~fP~G ~'~ALL .JE k~_Tf-~R PROOF.
~r~!: CTRIC SI~'~S: (each) .............................................................................................
Lights 1 through 10 bulb sockets o~
Fluo~esce~.t tu~e ............................................................................................ 1.50
Ead~ addition~ light b,~ sodqet o~ ~uo~sc~t t~ ........... .!0
but not to exceed ten doll~ (10.00) fora ~y
ele~ic~ si~ ~at ~nt~ ~ly b~b so.ets.
~F~ation of light ~~s ~d outlets up ~ 6 ~.~hen
completed fora ~e ~etion ................................................................. 1.50
S~e~ om fes~n ~[~ts:
Fi~t lO li~ts ................................................................................................. 1.50
Each ad~tionat !0 o~ ~action ........................................................... ,50
(Fee to be determined by electrical inspector)
~R]en extra inspection tr~ps are necessary~ due to any one of
the following reasons~ a ~harge of $t.50 shall be ~ade fora
earl% tmip:
~.Trop~ address
Condemned work resulting from faulty
Repair~ or correction not made w:p.en
inspection called for.
~'.b~k not ready for inspection when called.
%]~e pa~nent for reinspection fees shall be made before any further
permits will ?~ issued to the pe~som.. ~ing same.
All monies received for permit fees sba!! be paid over daily to
the Finance Department of the City.
Section 22: APP~LS
;my person whose application for Shy per~.it hereunder has been refused.,
or who feels aggrieved to any decision or action of the ._.Building Official
or the E!eetmical Board, or who may consider that the provisions of tb~s
code do not cover tJ~.e point raised, or that any particular provision
%~uld cause manifest injury ~o be done: may appeal to the Board of Adjust-~
sent in ~\~iting. The latter shall arrange for a hearing: with ~itten
notice to the appellant thereof~ within thirty days after receipt of such
notice of ai~eal.
Section 23: BOARD OF ADJUS~:.~,~:
a. The Board of Adjustment for ~e City of Boynton Bead~, as
presently constituted, shall act on all appeals from the electrical or-
dinance. The decisions of such Board of Adjustment shall be final and
binding, unless su~ decision is appealed to a court of law ~thin thirty
days fram the t~.m it is rendered.
b. The Board shall have the authority~ in addition to all other
authority provided for in this ordinance, to subpoena any one gmanted a
license ~.n accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, the Board may
revoke or suspend any type of electrical license granted under this ordin-
ance: if found guilty of any one or more of the folt~,~ing acts or
omissions: to~-wit:
(1) Fraud to deceit in obtaining nzs or its certificate or
license, om both;
Negligence, incompetency or ~isconduct in ~.ue practice of con-.
tracting or iustallLng electrical work contrary to the City or
Mational Electric Code.
Fraudulent departure from or disregard of plaus and specifica-
tions in any material respect~ without consent of ~e c~mer or
.,his duly authorized representative. Such dep~ ahall have
to have been approved by ~e BuildJ_ng Department in
c. Anyone w~hose license has been '~
revo~ed, may agein be licensed by
applying to ~e B ~oard and confor~,,/ng to Section 7 of the City Electrical
a. Service n:msts on new structures shall be galvanized or sher-
idized t~eaded conduit to ~e point of connection wi%h supply feed.
Weatherproof leads sbmll be installed on all masts at entry of service.
Underground service shall be as above to depth of supply
Prinm~y syst~ns may be installed usLug direct burial cable at
a minimum depth of forty (~0) inches and secondary systems at a depth of
not less than ~]irty (30) ind~es. Direct burial services may be installed
at a mdnimum depth of ~enty four (2g) inches to single fm'.~ly and duplex
dwellings only. Direct burial services, othem than listed above, shall
require special review by the Building Depsrtment before acceptance. Such
services shall be ia%stalled, operated and maintsiued by a public utility
company or a communications company. A plot pl~u sh~.~ing actual location
shall be filed wi~ the ~.~uilding Department on all sud~ services.
direct burial cable shall be installed under any construction. All other
services shall be Lustalled in U. L. approved raceways and non-metallic
raceways shall be provided with a bonding conductor in accordance with
Section 250-9~B of the l',tational Electric Code. ~
b. No fuse panels shall be located in baths, kitchens, closets or
othem closely enclosed or inaccessible areas.
c. Service wires or circuit wires ~all enter ~e meter cabinet or
switch without the use of concealed bacJcing box.
d. Service electrical conductors iustalled in or under slabs or
other type construction shall be laid in metal conduit, or approved PvC
conduit. In every instance a bond wire, sized to the service, shall be
placed in such installation.
e. All m~.__~n swit~hes~ end sub-main switches, must be plainly ~rked
so that the division, sub-<tivision, or separate occupancies of the building
which they control can be quickly and positively identified. No cer~
tificate of occupancy shall be granted until these provisions are nmt.
f. The master services for stores must provide at least one 100-ampere,
three wire~ l10-220-~olt, single-phase curnmnt for each store.
g. The sub-feeds to eac2z store must provide at least t00--am~pere,
three wire, llO-220-.volt, single-phase curr~nt to each store. Stores s}~lt
have a mird~mm% of 100A-C.B. panels.
h. In .m'~tiple hinter installations, only one set of service conductors
shall be Lustalled in service raceways beyond tb.e assembly or meter
sockets, gutters, or other approved wire enclosures used exclusively for
wiring of meters°
i. Service entrance cable ~ay be used only on ~e load side of m~ter
on residences classified as old houses Lu which non--metallic wiring is used,
when properly fused and switched at meter.
j. All equipment exposed to the weather, suah as switd:es, conduit,
and fittings, shall be of ~e raLu~ti?j~t~ or weather proof type.
k. Feeders to groups of meters and other devices shall be i~talled
in compliance ~.~ith the current issue of the ~m~ational Electrical Code.
I. In all stores, office buildings, ptuhlic assembly halls~ and
commercial buildings, receptacle circuits end lighting circuits amper-
age shall be figured in accordance with the current edition of the 7~!ational
Electric Code. Ln areas such as stores ~ where lighting ~.~ll continue for
a long period, lig3,.ting branch circuits shall not be loaded over eighty
m. 2/'%e max~. number of Mogul base light sockets shall not exceed
three per 1B-ampere circuit, or four per 20-a~pere circuit. ~o conven-
ience receptacles shall be permitted on a branch~circuit supplying Mogul
base light sockets.
n. Every ommmrcial building, o~er than warehouses, be provided
with a minimum 20-amp sign m~cuit race~-~ay and outlet to switch same.
o. Ail heaters, of any type, in bo~ residential and commercial
~ork, shall be on a separate branch circuit, l~iring shall meet namaplate
specifications and in no case shall it be less than #lg gauge.
Section 25: ELECTK[CAL - O~-~R ~P~L REQL~qlE.~I~S.
a. ~pproved rigid metal conduit, or surface n~ta! raceways, or
electrical metallic tubing, shall be. required to conduct current for
liDhts, heat, or power in ~Lring of all buildings. Approved P.V.C.
conduit may be used, provided a proper bond ~,.~re is installed for each
circuit or branch circuit. A bond wire shall be provided in all con-
St~uction unde~ slab, exposed to mDisture~ or where P.V.C. is used.
b. Mew outlets for all electric ranges, ovens and %-~ater-heaters
shall be equipped with an approved receptacle ,~%ich must be located
within three feet of the stove or water heater, and ~,~hid~ r~st be sized
in accordance wi~% nammplate specifications ,~ith a mlnimtm~ of #12 gauge
to be used. ~]ese units shell be connected to the receptacle provided by
use of proper detad~fole plug and cord.
c. B~I water-heaters: except the full automatic type, shall be
equipped with a pilot light and indicating s~.~itch. The s~n_'tch and pilot
light must be located in a conspicuous place inside the building, pre-
ferably in the kitchen or hall.
d. All wires used in underground conduit, or trapped conduit, must
be approved for installation in wet locations. Conduit ~ich is laid in,
or under, concrete floors, poured or laid on ground surfaces~ shall be
considered underground, whether sheltered or not.
e. A sufficient number of receptacles shall be installed in every
habitable room so that no point on the wall, as measured horizontally
along the wall, will be more than six feet distant from receptacle. Wall
spaces Jan excess of three feet and interrupted by a door opeoJng shall have
a receptacle installed within that area, even though it may be within the
six foot limit of another receptacle required by this section.
f. ~ny building to .be used for other than warehousing purposes and
residences: shall have receptaoles installed for each t%~enty feet of wall
space. Ail receptacles shall be installed at accessible locations and
this accessibility shall be retained regardless of wall fixtures or other
mDdifieations required by tenant,
g. All receptacles in any type building shall be of a grounded tSq~.
h. Bell or signalling transform.~rs s]~%ll not be installed in clothes
lockers. Bells~ Buzzers, ~himes, and other low voltage Lnstaltations,
must be made in workmanlike marker: with care being taken to protect the
circuit-conductors against mechanical injury end moisture.
i. Any kitchen, bathroom, utility room, ~ork shop, garage or equi-
va!ent cam storage space shall be provided with proper illumination.
j. Bathroom light outlets shall be controlled by a wall s~.,.~.tch not a
part of the li~ting fixtzure~
k. ~%ree-eights ind,. flexible metallic conduit (Greenfield) may
be used for show case li~,Ting~ boiler controls and motor tails, if over
three feet in len~ah~ special permission must be obtained. Flex~;le
metallic conduit (Greenfield) z.~y be used for flexible connections to
equipment on!y~ o~ler usage by special permission of ~he Building Official
1. A~red Cable (BX) shall not be used, ~ae to climatic conditions.
mo Only one short ,ninety degree (telephone) ell shall be used in
any one conduit r~n~ and it shall not be greater than six J.nches from an
accessible pull box.
n. Portable cords attad~ed to ~sic boxes, marble .machines, floom
or table l~ps, and other simila~ equipment, shall not exceed six feet
in length from the equipment to the outlet supplying its c~t, and
the cords must not be nailed dc~,.m, tacked or held with strings or oTJler
supports, but leff free em.d cle~.
o. Thb minimum wire capacity for ~^~nd~, display lighting shall not
be less than 200 watts per linear foot, and shall not exceed eigh~ out-
lets per circuit including the convenience receptacles, and not more.
than tm~ re.ceptacles wi~h each !igh~ing circuit. %?nen wind~ !ifnting
outlets are not installed in the original const~uction~ a raceway shall
be provided from. the panel to the window arem. of a sufficient size to
provide for future window lighting of not less than 200 watts per linear
foot~ and terminating in a suitable jmnction box.
p. The miuivum size residential service shsll be two number 1 and
one number 2 copper conductor (in 1-1/2" conduit) or three number 1/0
aluminum conduetor~ (in 2~ conduit).
~eme shall be installed, wf3bhln thre.e feet of
a meter, a weathe~proof~ 150A.~ fused disconnect
Each residence shall have a 150A. ~ fused om C.B,
Panel. Such p~nel shall have ~.zo extra bre. akems
for fu~ ~e with ~e e~ ~way te~aT~g
~ ~ access~!e attic s~ce ~d ~o~ ~O~
~way ~ to ~e e~erior of ~he b~l~ng ~d
Te~at~ !8~ ~ove ~ade.
(3) Apartments si~ll have a minimum of 100A., fused or
C.B. pane!~ with tw.~o spares as described for residences.
q. Any flood light sign or display so located, that they blind the
motorist on the public highway, or detract from. traffic signals, shall be
re.adjusted or r~noved by the order of the Building Depar~ent.
(1) All flood lights ~thin 7 feet of finish grade,
used for exterior lighting, shall be of the totally
enclosed type and properly ground~ed.
r. All major appliances, whether built-in or free standing, shall
have a separate branch circuit, properly sized mud fused. Tb,.ey shall be
connected to branch circuit conductors by approved receptacles, attach-
merit cap and cord.
s. In buildings where small appliance circuit must be installed, no
more than ~ outlets shall be connected to a circuit and wires shall be a
minimum of #l~ BgS gauge.
t. ~A1 air condition&r~ t'o ~ i n~atled on a. s~par~.t~' mire.~it.
u. All dishwasher~, garbage end washing mama_me disposals or
combination disb~'asher ~nd disposels to be installed on separate circuits.
Mo smaller ~an ~12 BgS gauge and sized to nameplate Specifications.
v. All lighting outlets over sinks and wash bowles or in toilets
shall be operated by a wall switch.
- 12 -
w. Ground wires shall be no smaller than number ~ A.~.LG. copper
wire and, shall be r%m to a cold water pipe (provided by a plum!.lng contractor)
within five feet of the meter. Ground wires shall be encased in conduit
for protection and shall be sectrceiy clamped to pipe with mn approved
clampin§ device. $ud% wires shall not be concealed in walls~ masonry, or
othe~,3ise hidden from view. Driven grounds for temporaries shall be no
less than ten feet in leng~% and the equivalent to S/4~ galvanized pipe.
Driven grounds will not be allowed for perm~ent installations, unless
special permission is obtained from The Building Official.
x. Table of outlets per circuit shsl! be:
light receptacles
Except %Dpliance outlets.
y. Hot water heaters shall not be allowed under counters or inothe~
inaccessible spaces.
z. Electric motor~, for spray booths shall be mounted on exterior of
such booths and out of line of exhaust opening. Such ~otors shall be in
conformance with N.F.P.A. standards.
Section 26: ;PPRO ~D ~ATERLALS
All electrical equipment shall be in conformity wi~a the provisions
of t5is ordinance~ the statutes of the State of Florida, and the rules and
regulations issued by the State ?~otel Commission. They shall be installed
and used so as to be reasonably safe to persons and property.
Conformity of electrical equipment with applicable standards of
Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. st~%ll be prima faeie evidence ~hat sud~
equipn~nt is reasonably safe to persons and property.
This section shall not apply to equipment o~med ~ud used b y electricity
suppliers or conmunication agencies in the genera±ion, transmission or
distribution of electricity~ or for the operation of signals or in the
transmission of intelligence.
The makers n~e~ traden~ark ~nd other identification symbols, inctud-,
ing equipment ratings, shall be placed on all electrical material, devices
~d appliances used or installed under ~is ordinance.
a. High pc~er factor designed for use in gas tube signs shall be used,
and shall be suiteDle for the psrticular application. D!i tr~nsformars
shall be of ~e fused type and rated in accordance wz~. the M.E.C.
b. A transform, er shall be secured in place in a reliable -maimer, to
withstand a 50 Lb, wind load and shall be so certified. They shall not be
mounted on a door~ nor hung so that the entire weight is suspended from
a single sheetmata! side, face: or top unless the ~mtal is No. 22 U.S.S.
gauge or heavier sa~d is reinforced at ~qe moun~ing points, or one dimen-
sion of the side, face, or top is less ~%an nine inches.
c. It is recon~nded that a tr~.sformer be supported by ,.the angle
iron framework rather than the sheet racial of the si~gn, I-{~,zever, a strap-
iron bracket or sheet metal channel, not li~lter than ~'~o. 2g U.S.S. gauge
in thickness, may be used as a support for the tr~nsformer: if accept-
able by the Building Department.
d. A transformer shall be so installed, ~at it will be readily
accessible, except in a snmll indoor or portable sign~ ~thi~ is sealed to
prevent access to uninsulated high~voltage parts.
e. An open~tsqpe transformer shall not be used, except ~ a small,
portable, indoor t~ype of gas~tube sign and then not more than ~o in a
sign. If ~o are used, each shall be Ln a separate compsrtment.
f. A transformer for an outdoor~types_gn~ sb~ll .be installed in
the sign enolosure or J~n a separate box of no lesser thickness on the
outside of %he sign enclosure, or shall be of the weatherproof type°
g. Each sign of the gas-tube shall be so wired, that not nore than one
~former will be dependent upon a single automati¢~ overload-protective
devioe~ unless the combined load is less than 1850 volt-amperes.
Only wind~,~type t~ansformers may be ptuM~ed in. All other
t~ansformers must be permanently J_nstalled ir, em approved method of %~L~ing.
i. Window=tTpe transformers must be used for eaoh individual ~.~ndow-
sign and must be especially desiDaed for ~is purpose.
j. Transformer wires must s~,,~ing clear in the air and not be supported
against any con~ustib!e matemial.
ko Drain holes must be provided in transform, ar enclosure exposed to
the weathem. Transformers shall be mounted on the parapet wall, and
m~ntain a ~rkable clearance between the box and the roof. Special
permission may be g~anted only by the Building Official to install the
enclosures on the roof. If mounted on the roof: enclosures must be ele-
vated two inches from the roof. Wood shall not be used for the elevation
or mounting of transformer cans, and holes must be so made that a pro~.
jection or rL~ is not left in the car. around the edge of ~e hole.
1. Portable neon signs shall be equipped with three-wire polar-
ized plug. Those signs must be provided with a three-wi~e polarized
~eceptac!e within six feet of the sign, and the green wire shall ground
the transforr~mr and the metal parts of ~%e si~ to the ~ounding system
of the building.
m. Any electrical sign: over 2g square feet in face area, shall bear
a registered engineer's seal.
Section 28: S~-'E: CONDUCTORS.
a. Not z~re than 20 feet of Cable from a single tp&nsformer shall be
r~n Ja~ metal raceway, where the potential be~een the c~ole and. the race-
way is more than S000V.
b. Conductors shall not be smaller than No. 1~ B and S gauge.
c. Open conductors indoors shall be ~ounted on a non-combustible
nonabsorptive ins,ulators. Insulators of porcelain shall be glezed on
all ex, posed surfaces. A separation of at least l-l/2 inch shall be
maintained between conductors ~nd beJ.~een conductor and any other object.
Conductors shall not be located where they will be subject to mechenical
d. Tubulation glass and tie-wire shall not be permitted on any
secondary wiring. Bare wire shall not be smaller than No. l~ wire, ~nd
may be used for wall signs on the outside of buildings when Lnstalled in
compliance with the follm~dng regulations.
Conductors must be supported on approved insulators
spaced at a distance not .to exceed ei~ateen inches
apal~t. These insulators must be at least one and
one-half inches long~ add all glass or bare con-
ductors must maJ~ntain a height of at least eight
and one-half feet from the ground.
Conductors or tubing of signs ~t not be J_ustalled
on walls where they eau be read,ed %~oufh windows,
doors~ fire escapes, or other si~..ilar openings or
platforms. Sudu conductors shall be fir~ly anchored
and able to wi~astand a minimum of 50 pounds wiud
e. ~ypes of wiring approved:
For sign and outline lighting operating at over 600 volts
be~¢een conductors, the omly types of wJ~ing approved are as foll~s:
Open ~,~ins ~n insulators.
Concealed ~.~ring on insulators.
Rigid metal ccnduit which shall be ~nded.
All wiring shall be grounded.
fo Tp~pes of Conductors.
Conductors shall be of a type approved for the purpose and fo~
~%e voltage of the circuit0
Section 29: %,~fD~4' SIG~S
a. In the exposed Type of show wind~, signs, tenninals slmmll be
(a) enclosed by receptacles approved for the purpose, o~ (b) where bang-
ing in the air, free fr~.% grounded surfaces: enclosed in sleeves of
vulcauized fibre, glass o~ other suitable material which overlaps all
live part by at least one-half inch.
b. Metal enclosure for electrodes shall be made of not less than
No. 26 U.S.S. gauge sheet metal.
c. All window signs of more than 3 square feet s]~ll be supported
by a metal frame so designed that tubes are suppomted to it. ~11 support-
Lng brackets or chains must he attached to metal frame. In no case
should brackets or d~ains be attached to the tubing.
d. All window signs of ~ sq~ feet or less shall have a glass
frame so designed as to reinforce tubing. In such case l~ey ~ay be hung
from fmmve.
e. %~en signs of l~is type a~ made up to ~o o~ more units, the
tubing shall be so designed that the electrode used to connect the 1~.~
~-~its shall be on the same plane and pu~ togethem with not more than a
foum inch space be=~een l~he electrodes and in sud~ nmnnem tha~ both
electrodes and connection can be covered by one stmaight glass alcove
or housing.
f. This straight glass sleeve or housing must be securely fastened
in place. Tmansforme~ ~.d~es feeding wind~, signs must drop in a vertical
plane from the transfo~ne~ ~:o The ~'~ndow signs. Electrodes o~ window
szgns %~ioh connect to l-rensforme~ w/res must be designed a~.d placed so
that wiTes from ~he %Tensf~m %~1t drop stuaight and ~ cove~ed by
straight glass sleeves of sufficient size.
Section 30: SAFE: CO~,~CTI~'[S 05%~R TE~N RECEPT~CLES
If tubes do not term/narc in receptacles designed for the purgose,
all live parts of the tube terminals and conductors shall be so supported
as to maintain a separmtion of at least 1-1/~ inches bet~men conductors
o~ be~,~een conductors and any grounded me,al.
Section 31: SA~: RECEPTACLES .&~ BUS%i~.G SEALS.
A flexible, non-conducting seal may be used to close the opening
be~.~een the tubing and the receptacles on bushing against the entrance ~f
dust o~ moisture.
S~n[tches, flashers, and simila~ devices controlling t~ansformers
shall be of a type specially approved fon the purpose or have a current
rating not less than twice The ~t rating of the transforme~.
All electric flashens and similar devices, if ~ of a sign, shall be
in a separate compartment. If not a part of the sign, they shall be enclosed
in approved metal boxes, ~d~e doors of ~id~ shall be arranged so they can be
opened without r~noving obstructicns om finished parts of the enclosure.
- 15 -
Section 3~: SAME: ~E T~I~,~ALS
The terminals shall be so designed so that the tubing can be ~eplaced
without the necessity of exposing uninsulated live par~s. If the sp~ing
contact type of receptacle is used, it shall be so designed that even
~] the ~ube removed, the live spring will be recessed.
Section 35: SAME: GRObT~DIN~-
Signs, troughs, tube terminal boxes, and other metal f2ames shall be
a, Material: Except for portable signs of the indoo~ type, signs and
outline liDhting shall be cGnstructed of metal or other non-combustible
matemial. %bcd may be used fop external decoration if placed at least
1-3/4 inches f~n the nearest c~t ~ing part.
b. Strength: Enclosure shall have ample strength end rigidity to
withstand 50 pounds of wind pressure when mounted.
c. Thid~ess of metal: Sheet copper shall be at least 20 oz.
Sheet metal may be No. 28 U.S,S. gauge.
d. Marking: All signs must be marked with the makers' name: Gas
tube si.gns with input rating in amperes. The ~w~rking shall he visible for
inspection after installation.
Section 37: WIRI~G TO SIGNS
All primary wiring in connection with the installation of all electric
signs shall be done by electrical contractors or maste~ electricians,
except where a cireui~ is provided on a building face for a sign. Such
circuit shall he within 6 feet.
Section 38:
Except as otherwise contained herein, it shall he unlawful for any
person to install, eithem as owner or as agent, servant or employee of the
owne~, or as an independent contractor for the ~ner, or otherwise, any
outside antenna system for television receiving, apparmtus or equivalent
om any additions to, or substitutions fop, such systems unless and until
a permit for such installation, or for such additions or substitutions
therefor, shall have been first obtained from the Building Departmmnt of
the City.
Section 39: ~.f4NNER OF OBTAIk~NG PERPfIT
No permit such as required by Section 3~ ~ of this ordinance will be
grsnted unless and until such proposed antem~a system and %he installation
thereof ~mets the following requirements.
a. Anter~m systems must be made of non-corrosive material and must be
consistent with the standards of the Underwriters' Imboratories, Inc., in
acco~ce with the ~nt issue of such standards, except as the same are
herein specifically varied. Anterma systems installed on roof tops must he
mounted on their own platform or plate covering two o~ more rafters of the
roof and securely anchored.
b. Antenna system~ must be adequately grounded fo~ prOtection against
a direct stroke of lightning ~u[th the proper ground wire as specified in the
material list. No such system may be mounted SO as to project over any
street, sidewalks alley o~ public thoroughfare o~ in such a manner as might
he a hazard to safety in periods of hurricane winds.
¢. Towers or mast supports constructed of a single pipe or series of
lengths of pipe telescoped shall require guy wires at each joint or at such
points as are considered to be adequate for support, within the concepts of
accepted engineeming p~actices.
guyed as
the City
T~vers of fabricated construction shall be erected secured and
necessary to conform with the requlrewmnts of the Building Code of
of Boynton Beach.
- 15 -
e. Anchor points for guy wires must be secured to Withstand a strain
of at least 600 pounds per guy wire, r~,;1 plugs may not be used for anchor
f. Guy wires must be of a non-cormosive material with a reptile
strength of at least 600 pounds,
g. Transmission lines must be of a type consistent with the
standards of Underwriters' Laboratories~ Inc~ in accordance With the
issue of such standards and must be kept at least two feet clear of
existing, telephone or electric wires. Rail plugs may be used only for
support of transmission lines~ Standoff !insttlator~ must be used at least
every six feet in z~nning the %-r~nsmission line do~ the building.
h. Lightning amrestors shall be of a type consistent ~th the stan-
dards of the Underwriter Laboratories, Inc. in accordance with the current
issue of such standards. Both sides of the line must be adequately pro-
tected with proper resistors or neon lamps to remove static charges
accumulated on the line and must match transmission line at television
frequencies. When lead-in conductors or polyenthylene ribbon-tS~ are
used, lightning arrestors must be installed in each conductor. If a
co-axial cable is used for the lead-in suitable protection may be provided
without lightning amrestor~ by groun ~ding the exterior metal sheath.
i. Ground wires .must be a n~um of No. 6 aluminum or copper for
grounding masts and lightning arrestors and must be installed in a
mechanical manner %~th as few bonds as possible, maintaining a clearance
of at least two inches from any combustible material.
jo Ground straps fora grounding masts and attaching a~restors to
water o~ othe~ pipes must be an approved fitting.
k. Miscellaneous hardware, sudz as brackets, tur~ buckles, thimbles,
clips, etc., must be hot dipped galvanized or similarly treated for weather
protection, and for protection against cormosion and electrolytic action.
Turnbuckles must be protected against tur~g by threading and guy %~ire
t2%rough ~%e t~uekle or by other similar locking device,
1, The antenna system., shall be so designed and erected as to conform
with %he wind pressure requirements of the Building Code of the City.
mo ~ere the height of any antenna system is 12 feet or over, a
detailed sketch thereof shall aceonl0anY the application for permit and
such sketch must comply with all the requirements of this ordinance.
n. The curTent issue of the National Electric Code is hereby adopted
and approved as a pa~t of this ordinance as a minimum standard fora any
item not specifically covered hereby.
o. The antenna system must fully comply with shy pertinent regula-
tions of the Civil Aeronautics Authority or the Federal Communications
~.~en any installation covered by a permit has been completed, the
person in whose nares the permit therefor has been grouted: shall immediately
notify the Building Department of the City that the work ms ready for
final inspection, whereupon, the santo shall be pronptly inspected by
representative of the latter dopant, and if the work complies in all
respects with the provisions of this ordinance and with the permit, a
certificate of approval shall be given.
Except as o~uer~ise provided herein, the fee for g~anting the permit
shall be a total of $8,00. A re-inspection fee of $1.00 shall be charged
and collected for each extr~ inspection~ when caused by any of the following
Wrong address on application.
Work found faulty upon first examination,
Repairs or coz~rections not made when reinspection is
- 17 -
Any television anterma permit issued hereunder shall be personal to
the applicant and if not exercised within three ~onths afte~ the date of
issuance shall become void.
Every television receiving antenna erected p~ior to the effective
date of this ordi'nance may be maintained and operated in its present con-
dition, unless the antenna is so constructed and maintained, as to be
unsafe and dangerous as determ/ned by the Building Department, in accord-
ance %z[Th tk[s ord/nance. There shall be no charge by the Ci%3~ for
inspecting any ewisting antem~a, prior to the date above mentioned.
t~thing herein contained, nor the fact that any person has there-
tofore obtained a certificate of approval, shall be construed to prevent
the city, through its duly authorized inspectors, from inspecting any
antenna system in use in such city in order to ascertain whether or not
the same continues to remain in a safe condition and in compliance with
this ordinance. In case any condition is found, which might result in
dange~ to life or property, or a violation of any provision of this
ordinance~ the building de~nt of such city is authorized to give
w~itten no, ice to the owner o~ operator of such antenna at his last
known address, pointing out such conditions and reql,~ing the correction of
same within 25 days from the date of such notice. If such conditions
are not corrected within such tiros, the maiutenance in place thereafter
or any such defective installation by the c~u~er or use~ thereof, shall be
The provision of this ordinance requiring a permit and cez~cificate
of approval shall not be applicable to antenna systems installed for
demonstration purposes where the duration of thei~ existence shall not
exceed three days~ provided, however, that before any such demonstration
antenna system is installed, oral approval therefor must be obtained from
the office of the building de~t. No fee ~ll be charged for such
oral approval.
Section ~5: REPAIRS TO A~H~MNA
Despite anything herein to the contrary, minor repairs to antenna
elen~n~s may he made ~i~hou~c the necessity of a permit or certificate of
approval, providing a prompt report thereof is made to the office of the
building official. However, should a check thereof by such inspection
deperlm~nt disclose defects, san~ must be pointed out and corrected.
Any person, firm or corporation convicted of the violation of any
of the te~s or provisions of this code shall be fined not more than
five hundred dollars or imprisoned Ln the city jail not more than sixty
days, or both.
The issuance cm granting of a permit or approval of plans and/or
specifications shall not be deemed or construed to be a permit for, or
au approval of any violation of any of the provisions of t~Xs code. No
permit presuming to give authority to violate, or fail to ccmply ~
~ th, the
provisions of this code, shall be valid except in so fa~ as the ~ork or
use ~,~ich it authorizes is lawful.
The issuance of a permit upon plans and specifications shall not
prevent the building official from thereafter requi~ing the correction of
errors in said plans and specifications or from preventing electrical
opez~a~ions being carried on thereunder when in violation of this code or
any other ordinance of the city of Boynton Beach.
Every permit issued by the building depar~r~nt under the provisions of
this code shall be personal to the applicant and shall expire by limitation
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and become null and void if the elect~.ical womk authorized by such permit
is not commenced within three months from the date of such permit, or if
the electrical work authOrized by such permit is suspended or abandoned,
at any tin~ after the work is commenced for a period of S0 days. Before
such work can be recomTenced~ a new pe~it shall be first obtained to do
so, and the fee the_~efor shall be one-half the amount required for a new
5he current edition of the National Electcic Code of the National Board
of Fire Under~iter~ shall be the standard by which electrical work shall be
done iu the city. All work done unde~ this chapter shall comply with
such National Electric Code, unless a different requiren~nt appears herein.
If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause or ph~'~se of this
ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision
shall not affect the validity of The remaining portions of this ordinance.
The City Council of Boynton Beach hereby declares that it would have passed
this ordinance and each section, sub-section~ sentence, clause and phrase
thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one o~ nore sections~ sub-sections,
sentence clause or phrmse be declared unconstitutional.
Section 50: REPEALING PROt~SIONS: All ordinances or parts
of ordinances ~i~' 6°n~C~ herewith are hereby repealed.
Section 51: AUTHORITY TO CODIFY': Specific authority is
hereby granted to codi~'kud' LncorPOrate this Ordinance in the City's
existing Code.
Section 52: PENALTY PROVISIONS: Any per~on, firm o~ cor-
poration convicted of violating' the proviSiOns of this ordinance shall be
punished by a fir~ not to ~xceed $500.00 or ninety (~0) days imprisonment,
or by both such fine and imprisonnent, ~ the discretion of the l,~nicipal
Judge. Any day upon which a violation exists or continues shell be deemed
to be a separate and distinct offense.
Section 5S: EFFECTIVE DATE: This ordinance shall become
effective in the manner and at t~ time provided by the Charter and ord~nsnces
of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida.
First read~ ng this 12 _ day of S~eptember, A.D. 1968.
Second, final reading and passage this 7th day of October 1968.
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