Agenda 01-26-23 City Of Boynton Beach EDUCATION AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD MEETING January 26, 2023, 6:00 P.M. City Hall, 100 E. Ocean Avenue AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Approval of Agenda —January 26, 2023 V. Approval of Minutes— December 7, 2022 VI. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence VI I. Public Audience VIII. New Business A. Board Purpose and Duties, Ordinance Review B. Goals and Objectives for 2023 C. Introduction Letter for Schools D. Youth Summit Event IX. Old Business A. Fundraising Proposals B. Outreach C. Bob Borovy Student Citizen of the Year Award X. Future Meeting Dates: February 23, 2023 XI. Adjournment Account Summary: $1,943.55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Board (Committee) may only conduct public business after a quorum has been established. If no quorum is established within fifteen (15) minutes of the noticed start time of the meeting the City Clerk or designee will so note the failure to establish a quorum and the meeting shall be concluded. Board members may not participate further even when purportedly acting in an informal capacity. Speaking at Advisory Board Meetings: The public is encouraged to offer comment to the Advisory Board at their meetings during Public Audience, and on any regular agenda item,as hereinafter described. City Advisory Board meetings are business meetings and, as such,the Advisory Board retains the right to impose time limits on the discussion on an issue. • Public Audience:Any citizen may be heard concerning any matter within the scope of the jurisdiction of the Advisory Board -Time Limit-Three(3)Minutes. • Regular Agenda Items:Any citizen may speak on any official agenda item(s)listed on the agenda after a motion has been made and properly seconded -Time Limit-Three(3) Minutes. Addressing the Advisory Board:When addressing the Advisory Board, please step up to either podium and state your name for the record. Decorum:Any person who disrupts the meeting while addressing the Advisory Board may be ordered by the presiding officer to cease further comments and/or to step down from the podium. Failure to discontinue comments or step down when so ordered shall be treated as a continuing disruption of the public meeting.An order by the presiding officer issued to control the decorum of the meeting is binding, unless over-ruled by the majority vote of the Advisory Board members present. Notice If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and,for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (f.s. 286.0105). The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program,or activity conducted by the City. Please contact the City Clerk's office, (561)742-6060 or(TTY) 1-800-955-8771, at least 48 hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate your request. Additional agenda items may be added subsequent to the publication of the agenda on the City's web site. Information regarding items added to the agenda after it is published on the City's web site can be obtained from the office of the City Clerk. MINUTES OF THE EDUCATION AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 7, 2022, AT 6 P.M. AT CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS 100 E. OCEAN AVENUE, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PRESENT: Dr. Valerie Valcourt, Chair Franky Lazo, Assistant Director Lori Wilkinson, Vice Chair (Arrived 6:16 P.M.) Recreation and Parks Nicole Prado Frando Patterson Pedro Macedo Jessica Wilkinson Kate Houseweart ABSENT: Francoise Calixte-Dieuvil Chevette Gadson I. Call to Order Chair Valcourt called the meeting to order at 6:02 P.M. II. Pledge of Allegiance The member recited the pledge to the Flag. III. Roll Call A quorum was present IV. Approval of Agenda Motion Mr. Patterson moved to approve the agenda as presented. Mr. Macedo seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. V. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence Franky Lazo, Assistant Recreation and Parks Director, announced that on December 10th, the Department is holding its Breakfast with Santa Event at the Intracoastal Park Clubhouse at 9 A.M. He advised that it is a good family event, with breakfast, Santa, and toys. He said that the fee is $15 for residents and $19 for non-residents. He also Meeting Minutes Education and Youth Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida December 7, 2022 mentioned that there will be a tree planting event at Fire Station 3 from 9 A.M. to 12 noon. He stated that at 9 A.M. on December 17t", the City is hosting its Ocean Front Bark Event at Ocean Front Park, which is a dog event and that there will be a Ribbon Cutting Event at Harvey Oyer Park the same day at 11:30 A.M. Mr. Lazo stated that the boat ramp renovations are complete, the City added a few cleaning stations, and the park will reopen. VI. Public Audience None. VII. New Business Chair Valcourt suggested that the members think, in the New Year, about reaching out to the School Advisory Committees (SAC) to introduce the Board to the Committee. Ms. Prado agreed to draft a generic letter, introducing the Board advising that they are present to support Boynton schools and the education of students and that they would like to attend a SAC Meeting, not necessarily to make a presentation, but to have a presence. Mr. Lazo advised that he had a meeting with Assistant City Manager Matos about Advisory Boards and the City Commission is requesting that each Board make a presentation on a designated date about what it does. He advised that this will be done annually and that he will provide the information as he receives it. Chair Valcourt noted that during Covid, there was not a lot occurring, but since then, they have participated in fundraisers. She noted that the Board has nearly $2K. Mr. Macedo asked if there were any partnerships with the Board. Mr. Lazo stated the Board has objectives, which he will provide. Chair Valcourt commented that they can set goals around the mission statement. Mr. Patterson suggested that they have an after-event survey to be used after every event so the event can be improved. Chair Valcourt commented that January's meeting should be dedicated to a strategic plan based on their goals to stay on track. She suggested that they review the material and approve it by February. (Vice Chair Lori Wilkinson arrived.) 2 Meeting Minutes Education and Youth Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida December 7, 2022 Vice Chair Wilkinson commented that the Board is supposed to advise the City Commission and Mayor on items pertinent to the education and youth of the City, which does not happen very often, but people come from organizations, like Steve's Club, and that is something the Board can bring to the City Commission to endorse. She explained what other projects they have done with local schools and what should be supported. She stated that over the years, the Board put ads in programs and provided needed school-related items. She explained that the overall mission was to ensure the community knows who the Board is. She commented that most schools know about the Board through word of mouth, and there is a donation request form on the website. She clarified that the Board does not authorize random donations, the request has to be valid and the recipient has to give a report of the event's outcome, via a summary or pictures afterwards. She explained the application process. Mr. Macedo asked if the City has any overall responsibility with the schools and education, as he thought it was a School Board function. Chair Valcourt explained the City is a partner with the School Board and could make proposals to the school. Vice Chair Wilkinson commented that sometimes the request is not within the Board's purview, but they can send a letter of support to the City Commission on behalf of an organization, asking the City to support the activity and to let the School Board know the City supports an initiative. She commented that if enough municipalities endorse an initiative, such as Steve's Club, the School Board may support it VIII. Old Business A. Fundraising Proposals Vice Chair Wilkinson stated that her Kiwanis Club is disbanding and will no longer man the beer tent at SunFest as a fundraiser, but she wanted other organizations to take the place of the Kiwanis Club. She said that she was considering a Martial Arts Club and this Board. She stated that it is a good opportunity for the Board, once a year, to make some significant easy money, but it requires about 75 people and two organizations to handle the task. She advised that in 2023, SunFest will be held on Thursday, May 4t" through Sunday, May 7t". There was consensus that the Board would participate. B. Outreach Jessica Wilkinson stated that she tried to think of events that the Board could piggy back on and suggested that they do something in June, which is Pride Month. She explained that it does not have to be a Pride event, but it could be something to get 3 Meeting Minutes Education and Youth Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida December 7, 2022 schools involved, including the Gay/Straight Alliance. She noted that there are clubs with the drive to support LBGTQ, and they could hold a poetry contest or slam. Vice Chair Wilkinson pointed out that Lake Worth has a huge Pride Festival and all Boynton Beach has is a Flag at a crosswalk. She commented that the Board does not have to do the same thing, but the event could be helpful for fundraising or outreach. Mr. Patterson stated that he would like to see a youth summit held as summits are typically for encouragement of the youth, having motivational speakers, including those things in it. Discussion followed that the Board could hold a six-hour event and dedicate an hour to Pride, and an hour each for five other topics, and have break-out sessions. They spoke about involving FAU and PBSC as they have financial literacy, leadership skills, and a career center and could send someone to speak to Boynton youth. Further discussion followed that the Board could discuss it when they discuss the strategic plan. Vice Chair Wilkinson stated that the Board will need more than four meetings between January and June to organize the event, and she suggested Mr. Lazo give additional meeting dates to the Members. She stated, in reference to event planning, that to not be able to talk to one another to ask who is bringing the water or other needed items is ridiculous. She expressed that there is a Committee they can contact that can advise what members can and cannot do without breaking the Sunshine Law. Mr. Macedo suggested that they reach out to other businesses to see who can partner with the Board. He noted that they have students on the Board to bring ideas and share what students are thinking. He suggested that they could send out surveys to the local high schools and ask administrators about different things that can help the Board. Ms. Wilkinson stated that holding a career fair is good, but cultural activities may not mix. She said that if it was an outside event, she thought it would be good to have outside vendors. She stated that the event can have two parts. Mr. Macedo commented that if they hold a Summit, they could have career, school, college components, and have a cultural component such as music with poems. Chair Valcourt suggested that they have a menu for breakout sessions. Mr. Patterson stated he thought that it could be a signature event. C. Bob Borovy Student Citizen of the Year Award Mr. Lazo stated that Ms. Claude is finalizing the application and will upload it. He said that the application will be in the next issue of FunFare Magazine. 4 Meeting Minutes Education and Youth Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida December 7, 2022 IX. Future Meeting Dates: January 26, 2023 Chair Valcourt asked to have an additional earlier meeting date in January and then meet on January 26th if possible. Mr. Lazo stated that he will send the members dates and the Board's Mission Statement and planning through e-mail. X. Adjournment Motion There being no further business before the Board, Vice Chair Wilkinson moved to adjourn. Mr. Macedo seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:56 P.M. Catherine Cherry Minutes Specialist 5 ARTICLE V1. EDUCATION AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD Sec. 27-52. Created. The City Commission, in accordance with the powers vested in it, merged the Children and Youth Advisory Board and-the Education Advisory Board and established the Education and Youth Advisory Board. All powers, duties, and responsibilities of the Education Advisory Board shall survive and be deemed merged and consolidated with the powers, duties and responsibilities of the Children and Youth Advisory Board. All previous actions of the Education Advisory Board shall survive this consolidation unless specifically revoked by the Children and Youth Advisory Board. (Ord. No. 20-016, § 10, 6-2-20) Sec. 27-53. Organization. The Education and Youth Advisory Board shall comprise seven permanent members, two alternate members and three student members. The three student members shall be appointed for a period of one year. (Ord. No. 20-016, § 10, 6-2-20) Sec. 27-54. Purpose and duties. The Education and Youth Advisory Board shall assist the city and local schools in: (1) Development of programs that promote ongoing relationships with caring adults and the recruitment of volunteers to assist students before, during and after school. (2) Formulation of long and short range programming to benefit the children and youth of the community by involving parents, the business community, civic and neighborhood organizations, including volunteer recruiting for before and after local school programs. (3) Contact community groups and businesses within the geographical boundaries of Boynton Beach for professional skills, materials, financial or education support for the schools and with the purpose of implementing programs at local schools that benefit students from Pre- K through grades and vocational schools. (4) Development of incentives and enhancements to encourage the development of safe places, including improved playgrounds at or near local schools and structured activities during non-school hours. (5) Coordinating with city's parks and recreation department to improve playgrounds at or near local schools. (6) Identification and dissemination of information on local, county, state and federal programs that provide beneficial services to children and their families. (7) Developing strategies for communicating with the School Board of Palm Beach County and its staff, advising the City Commission as to the activities of the School Board, and other federal, state and local legislative bodies which affect the needs of students, within the city. (8) Developing recommendations to the City Commission for forwarding to the School Board of Palm Beach County regarding actions which may be taken in support of schools in Boynton Beach and with respect to proposed legislation at the state level. (9) Development of child and youth advocacy programs. (10) Developing public relations that highlight successful programs within the schools to help improve their image in conjunction with local media. (11) Coordinating with the local police department to improve safety for students before, during and after school, and to promote and enhance the relationship between children and local police. (Ord. No. 20-016, § 10, 6-2-20) Secs. 27-55 -27-59. Reserved. ARTICLE IN GENERAL . Sec. 27-1. City boards and committees defined; generally. (a) Board, shall refer to a group of individuals appointed by the City Commission for the purpose of providing advisory assistance to the Commission. No board shall have administrative authority over any department of the city. (b) Committee shall refer to a group of individuals appointed by the City Commission to provide advisory authority on a single subject or issue matter. The City Commission may establish a sunset date for each Committee. Terms board or committee may be used interchangeably herein. (c) The provisions of Chapter 27, Article I, shall apply generally to all city advisory boards and committees unless stated otherwise within applicable law, Florida Statutes, or the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. (d) Retroactive effect. To the extent permitted by law, all of the provisions within Chapter 27, shall apply to acts and actions occurring or in progress prior to its adoption by the City Commission. All matters pending before the city boards and committees at the time of effective date of this chapter shall continue unabated and be taken up as scheduled before the respective board and committee. (Ord. No. 20-016, § 10, 6-2-20) Sec. 27-2. Board or committee member selection; organization; qualifications; term. (a) No person shall be appointed to a city advisory board or committee without the person first submitting an application for appointment. All applications for appointment to a city board shall be on a form authorized by the City Commission. The City Clerk shall review all applications for completeness and qualifying requirements prior to submitting them to the City Commission for consideration. (b) Selection of chair and vice-chair. The chairperson and vice-chairperson for each board shall be selected by majority vote of the City Commission. Neither the chair nor the vice-chair have fixed terms. The chair and vice-chair shall be annually reappointed. The duties of the chair shall be to preside at all board meetings. The vice-chair shall perform the duties of the chair in the chair's absence. (c) Alternates. The City Commission shall appoint two individuals to serve as alternate members for each board. Alternate members may participate at board meetings in the place of absent board members or recused members, to the same extent as regular members. In the event a vacancy occurs on a board, the alternate shall assume the role of a regular board member for the remainder of the abandoned term or until the City Commission appoints a replacement regular member, whichever occurs first. (1) The term for alternate members shall be for one year. (2) Alternate member appointees may be reappointed. (3) Notwithstanding any other provision of city code or procedural rule, no alternate member of any city board may serve in the capacity of chairperson, vice chair, or chair pro-tem. (d) Organization. Generally, city advisory boards and committees shall be composed of seven regular members and two alternate members, except as may be provided for by Florida Statutes, Special Act or Resolution of the City Commission or elsewhere within the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach. (e) Quorum. Four members shall constitute a quorum for each advisory board and committee with seven regular members. Where an advisory board or committee has less than seven regular members, a simple majority of regular members shall constitute a quorum. (f) Qualifications. Members serving on advisory boards and committees shall possess sufficient knowledge, experience,judgment or background necessary to competently serve the board or committee to which they are appointed. (1) In order to qualify for appointment to and to serve as a member of any board or committee of the city, an individual must be an elector of Palm Beach County, Florida. (2) In selecting individuals to serve on boards and committees of the city, preference shall be given to individuals who are residents of the City of Boynton Beach, provided however, non-residents who own property in the city, own a business within the city, or serve as an officer, director or manager of a business located within the city may also qualify for appointment provided they possess qualifications or experience uniquely suited to deal with the subject matter over which the board or committee has subject matter review or power. (3) In selecting individuals to serve on boards and committees of the city, preference shall be given to individuals who do not presently serve on one of the city's boards. (4) Concurrent service on city boards and committees shall be permitted only to the extent necessary. If a board member holds a position on a board that conducts "quasi-judicial proceedings" as defined by section 27-8 herein, such member shall not concurrently serve on another advisory board that has similar quasi-judicial powers. (g) Term of service. In general, all regular member appointments shall be for a two-year period. (1) Commencement of terms. All advisory board and committee appointments shall commence at 12:01 a.m. on April 1 and shall be for a period of two years. (2) Expiration of terms. All advisory board appointments shall expire at 12:00 midnight on March 30th of their second year of appointment, except as set forth in Section 27-5 herein. The City Commission shall review applicants and fill vacancies on city boards during the month of April following the city's March Commission elections or as soon thereafter as practicable. (3) The terms of office of the board members shall be staggered so no more than one third of the board is appointed or replaced in any 12-month period. (4) The current term of all board members whom have been appointed prior to the adoption of Chapter 27 shall continue uninterrupted until the expiration of said term. (h) Term limits. (1) No member shall be appointed for more than two successive terms (original term, plus one additional term). A member who has been appointed to fill an unexpired term shall remain eligible to serve two full two-year successive terms. (2) Upon completion of the maximum allowable two full terms of membership, no member shall be eligible for reappointment to the same advisory board, and committee for a period of one year unless otherwise approved by the Commission. (i) Reorganization. In the case of creation of a new board or committee or the reorganization or reconstitution of an advisory board or committee, three members shall be appointed for an initial term of one year, with the balance of the members being appointed for an initial term of two years. Thereafter, all appointments shall be for two years. (Ord. No. 20-016, § 10, 6-2-20) Sec. 27-3. Frequency of meetings. Unless otherwise stated in Chapter 27, all advisory boards and committees shall meet once a month. Special meetings may be called by the city manager or board chairman. (Ord. No. 20-016, § 10, 6-2-20) Sec. 27-4. Absences. (a) Members missing meetings. (1) When a member of any advisory board or committee that has regularly scheduled meetings once a month, has missed three regular monthly meetings for any reason within one annual board term, that member will be notified that one additional absence will cause his or her board membership to be terminated. Therefore, the fourth absence shall result in removal from the board. (2) Those boards or committees that have regularly scheduled meetings more than once a month shall be permitted to have six absences during any one annual board term. The seventh absence shall result in removal from the board by ministerial action of the City Clerk. (b) Excused absences. (1) A board member, to whom which any of the below mentioned instances apply, shall submit in writing to the board chairman, a request for an excused absence or absences. The board chairman shall have the power to excuse an absent board member. In the event the board chairman has excused the absence of one of the board members, the decision must be mentioned on the record at the applicable meeting. (2) An absence may be excused due to one of the following: a. Personal illness or injury; b. Illness or injury of a family member; c. Death in the family; d. Emergency; e. Maternity leave; or f. Military service. (Ord. No. 20-016, § 10, 6-2-20) Sec. 27-5. Removal; abandonment; vacancy. (a) All city board members serve at the pleasure of the City Commission and may be removed with or without cause at any time by a majority vote of the City Commission, unless otherwise provided by the Charter or Florida Statutes. (b) Notice of removal. A notice of removal shall be served upon the city board member who has been removed upon the direction of a majority of the City Commission. The notice of removal shall be prepared by the city attorney and signed by the mayor, or the city manager if so directed by the City Commission. (1) Service of notice. The notice of removal shall be served by personal delivery or by ordinary first class mail. Service shall be accomplished as soon as is practicable after the City Commission directs service of the notice of removal or, in the event of abandonment of office, after the city manager or designee issues the notice of removal. (2) Effective date of removals. Removal of a city board member shall have immediate effect upon the vote of a majority of the City Commission. (3) A person who is removed from a city board pursuant to the procedures set forth in this section shall not be subject to reappointment to any city board for a period of 36 months. (c) Abandonment. In the event of abandonment of office, the notice of removal shall automatically be issued by the city manager, or designee. Seven unexcused absences shall constitute abandonment of a board seat. (d) Vacancy. The City Commission shall fill any vacancy. Where a vacancy is caused by the resignation or removal of a member prior to the expiration of their term, a member shall be appointed to complete the unexpiredterm only, unless the unexpiredr is for a periodi less than sixmonths. In that event appointedmember shall then be allowedfollowing ll regular term withoutreappointment. r 20-016, - - ) Sec. 27-6. Rules and procedures. Each r r committee by-laws, rules regulations for their own guidance and for the government and performancef its duties. Subject the approval, supervision and control of the City i i t inconsistent withI . Boards ll keep minutesit proceedings; recorte on each question; records f their discussions, recommendations, ici I actions. (c) When a board issues an order, the order must be reviewed city attorney's office prior to issuance. An orderis rendered when signedchair and city clerk. ( ) All board meetingsII be open to the public. -016, § 10, 6-2-20) Powers. ( ) Nothing in thisarticle I construed restricting r curtailing r f the City Commission, r as a delegationr f any of the authority or discretionaryvested imposed by law in the CityCommission. it Commission cl rpublic interest, c v i and welfare requires the appointmentf the followingr r committees to acti radvisory capacity to the CityCommission r in thisarticle. Any powersIhere to the boardrules regulations shaII not be construeddelegation legislative authori , but purely of administrative aut member of a boardr committee ll receive an r compensation r any servicesrendered memberas a of suchboard. c) Each boardshall periodicallyvi it Commission its findingsi respect i delegated to eachr II make recommendationsi i i r referred it withinr within suchi cribed by the City Commissionspecific resolution. (Ord. - 1 , 6-2-20) decision.Sec. 27-8. Quasi-judicial proceedings before city board; procedure for reconsideration of ( r the purposei t r, the termij ici t proceeding shall mean hearings before the Historic Preservation Board, the Planningv r , or the BuildingrAdjustments and Appeals, related I ispecific types of proceedings: variances; rezoning requests; appeals from administrative decisions f the buildingofficial or the planningit c r; master plan approvals; site plan approvals; modifications i ; relief fromcode requirements; conditional use approvals; site plan extensions; applications; r land developmentmatters ced as quasi-judicial hearings. ( ) Quasi-judicial hearings shall be conducted in a manner which providesI interested partiwith the opportunityi , call witnesses, introduce evi cross-examine wit s i II be under oath or affirmation. When a proposeddevelopment r comes beforeit i ihaving first been affordedi ici [ hearing beforecity board, the testimonyn visubmitted city board constitutes i evidence ity Commission. quasi-judicial r c i II proceed until proof of noticethe proceeding, in affidavitform, has been filed i the officecity clerk. Proof of noticeinclude name and address of each property owner to whom notice was mailed and a photograph of each sign posted, as hereinafter required. The following notices must be paid for and provided by the applicant: (1) All property owners, homeowner associations, and condominium associations that own property within 400 feet of the boundary line of the property which is the subject of the quasi-judicial hearing shall be mailed, by first class mail, a notice of hearing postmarked no less than 10 calendar days prior to the hearing. (2) One sign for each street frontage of the property shall be posted no less than 10 days prior to the hearing. The sign shall be legible from a distance of 100 feet and shall contain a description of the approval being sought, the date, time and location of the hearing, and a statement that the application being considered is available for inspection in the Development Department of the city. (3) When a quasi-judicial hearing is tabled or continued at the request of an applicant, re-notice of the hearing shall be provided by the applicant in the same manner as original notice. (d) The City Commission may reconsider its decision arising from a quasi-judicial proceeding only upon a motion to reconsider made at the meeting at which the decision was rendered or during the next regular City Commission meeting. No quasi-judicial decision shall be considered final until the conclusion of the next City Commission meeting, or if a motion to reconsider has been made and passes, the conclusion of the reconsideration of the matter, and the entry of a written order approved by the City Attorney and signed by the City Clerk. (1) When a motion for reconsideration is made and approved at the Commission meeting at which the decision was rendered, the Commission may immediately reconsider the matter before them or, the Commission may reconsider the matter at a later time certain which shall be announced, at the meeting, to the applicant and the public. No additional notice of the matter shall be necessary. (2) When a motion for reconsideration is made following the close of the Commission meeting at which the decision is made, only the motion to reconsider shall be heard at the next regular City Commission meeting. If the motion to reconsider is adopted by the Commission, the matter which is the subject of the motion to reconsider shall be placed on the next regular City Commission meeting agenda. The agenda item shall be noticed in the same manner as the notice provided when the item was originally considered. (3) Any board may reconsider its decision arising from a quasi-judicial proceeding only upon a motion to reconsider at the meeting at which the decision was rendered. (Ord. No. 20-016, § 10, 6-2-20) Sec. 27-9. Boards and committees to follow CCNA. Any city boards or committees and the like which have purchasing authority independent of the City Commission, the purchases of such bodies which are subject to the Consultants' Competitive Negotiation Act ("CCNA") shall be processed in accordance herewith; however, the board or committee, or the like will itself perform the functions set forth herein that are otherwise applicable to the City Commission. (Ord. No. 20-016, § 10, 6-2-20) Secs. 27-10-27-19. Reserved. Letter of Introductionr City of BoyntonBeach c is BOYNTON BEACH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1234 EDUCATION RD BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33430 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA To Whom It May Concern, We wanted to introduce ourselves as leaders of the Education and Youth Advisory Board for the City of Boynton Beach. Our mission is to help our local schools and students flourish. Previously, we have been able to help surrounding schools who have found themselves short on their budget by helping fund projects such as acquiring football helmets, sensory activities for autistic children, a trip to a merit-based national event, etc. Our greatest joy is seeing how we've helped such deserving children. This letter is our formal way of us reaching out in show of our support to Boynton Beach schools and our intention to find out how we could help more of those in our community. We would be honored to be able to be present at your School Advisory Council to find out where we might be able to help and furthermore, to be an advocate for your school to the City of Boynton Beach. Hope to hear from you soon. Warm Regards, Valerie Valcourt EYAB President Lori Wilkinson EYAB Vice President