Agenda 02-23-23 City Of Boynton Beach EDUCATION AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD MEETING February 23, 2023, 6:00 P.M. City Hall, 100 E. Ocean Avenue AGENDA I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Approval of Agenda — February 23, 2023 V. Approval of Minutes — January 26, 2023 VI. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence VI I. Public Audience VIII. New Business A. Clarification from Legal —Sean Swartz (Via Zoom) IX. Old Business A. Fundraising Proposals & Outreach B. Goals and Objectives — Follow up C. Letter for Schools — Follow up D. Youth Summit Event - Updates E. Bob Borovy Student Citizen of the Year Award X. Future Meeting Dates: March 23, 2023 XI. Adjournment Account Summary: $1,943.55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Board (Committee) may only conduct public business after a quorum has been established. If no quorum is established within fifteen (15) minutes of the noticed start time of the meeting the City Clerk or designee will so note the failure to establish a quorum and the meeting shall be concluded. Board members may not participate further even when purportedly acting in an informal capacity. Speaking at Advisory Board Meetings: The public is encouraged to offer comment to the Advisory Board at their meetings during Public Audience,and on any regular agenda item,as hereinafter described. City Advisory Board meetings are business meetings and, as such,the Advisory Board retains the right to impose time limits on the discussion on an issue. • Public Audience:Any citizen may be heard concerning any matter within the scope of the jurisdiction of the Advisory Board -Time Limit-Three(3)Minutes. • Regular Agenda Items:Any citizen may speak on any official agenda item(s)listed on the agenda after a motion has been made and properly seconded -Time Limit-Three(3) Minutes. Addressing the Advisory Board:When addressing the Advisory Board, please step up to either podium and state your name for the record. Decorum:Any person who disrupts the meeting while addressing the Advisory Board may be ordered by the presiding officer to cease further comments and/or to step down from the podium. Failure to discontinue comments or step down when so ordered shall be treated as a continuing disruption of the public meeting.An order by the presiding officer issued to control the decorum of the meeting is binding, unless over-ruled by the majority vote of the Advisory Board members present. Notice If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and,for such purpose, he/she may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. (f.s. 286.0105). The City shall furnish appropriate auxiliary aids and services where necessary to afford an individual with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy the benefits of a service, program,or activity conducted by the City. Please contact the City Clerk's office, (561)742-6060 or(TTY) 1-800-955-8771, at least 48 hours prior to the program or activity in order for the city to reasonably accommodate your request. Additional agenda items may be added subsequent to the publication of the agenda on the City's web site. Information regarding items added to the agenda after it is published on the City's web site can be obtained from the office of the City Clerk. MINUTES OF THE EDUCATION AND YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 26, 2023, AT 6 P.M. AT CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS 100 E. OCEAN AVENUE, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PRESENT: Dr. Valerie Valcourt, Chair (Arrived 6:10 p.m.) Sherrie Claude, Recreation Administrator Lori Wikinson, Vice Chair Nicole Prado Chevette Gadson Pedro Macedo Jessica Wilkinson Kate Houseweart Chevette Gadson ABSENT: Frando Patterson I. Call to Order Vice Chair Wilkinson called the meeting to order at 6:04 P.M. II. Pledge of Allegiance The members recited the Pledge to the Flag, followed by a moment of silence. Ill. Roll Call A quorum was present. IV. Approval of Agenda —January 26, 3023 Motion Ms. Calixte-Dieuvil moved to approve the agenda. Mr. Macedo seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. V. Approval of Minutes — December 7, 2022 Motion Ms. Calixte-Dieuvil moved to approve the minutes. Mr. Macedo seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Meeting Minutes Education and Youth Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida December 7, 2022 VI. Announcements/Presentations/Correspondence Justin Johnson, Outreach Manager for Parks and Recreation, introduced himself. He advised that there are copies of FunFare in the back of the room, but some activities were not included which were: • A tree giveaway by Community Greening in Centennial Park on Saturday, January 28th at 10 A.M. in collaboration with the Kinetic Biennial Event. • Boynton Beach Gold Coast Band Concert on Sunday, January 29th at 2 P.M., at First Baptist Church. Tickets are $10. • Pickleball Court Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting at 10 A.M. on February 4th The event will be followed by an exhibition match and two pickleball clinics that day. On February 6th, regular admission charges will apply. • Magic Wheels and Special Deals, on Friday, February 10th at 8 P.M. at the Boynton Beach Arts and Cultural Center. (Chair Valcourt arrived.) • February 11th at 7:30 A.M., is the Barrier Free 5K commencing at Barrier Free, Park continuing into Hunters Run • The night of February 11 th is the Daddy Daughter dance with a photo keepsake at the Art and Cultural Center, from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. Vice Chair Wilkinson added that February 31d is the First Friday concert. She also added that the Magic Wheels event is being held indoors on the second floor of the Cultural Center. VII. Public Audience Vice Chair Wilkinson passed the gavel to Chair Valcourt who opened Public Audience. No one was present. VIII. New Business A. Board Purpose and Duties, Ordinance Review Mr. Macedo mentioned that Section 27.54, Purpose and Duties, was relevant to the discussion. He said that the rest of the information contained membership information and processes. 2 Meeting Minutes Education and Youth Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida December 7, 2022 Chair Valcourt suggested that the members concentrate on quality over quantity when selecting Goals and Objectives, so that they will be attainable this year. Ms. Houseweart recalled that there were prior conversations about creating relationships with schools and businesses, and going to the SAC meetings, but stated that they do not have a Facebook page, social media, or a contact number, if a member of the public has a question or comment or needs assistance. She questioned if there was a general email, or if people have to attend the meeting to ask a question. Vice Chair Wilkinson stated that there is a trail on the City website to access the Board, but she was unsure if there was a contact number. Vice Chair Wilkinson also commented that there is a form to fill out for those interested in soliciting funds. Ms. Claude explained that the form is not on the website, it has to be requested, and that a long time ago they set up an email for the Board, but it was never used and it may be deactivated. Mr. Macedo commented that there are ways to reach out to the Board, but they could be improved and he agreed with Chair Valcourt. He thought some of the 11 goals and objectives could be merged with other departments. He said that as for improving parks, he thought that it was something they were already doing, he was unsure if it was an objective for the Board to pursue. Chair Valcourt said that one goal that was aligned on the agenda was identification and dissemination of information that provides beneficial services to families, and that could be tied to the Youth Summit. Ms. Houseweart said that she thought businesses could be involved in the Youth Summit and be vendors. Chair Valcourt said she liked item 7, pertaining to developing strategies for communicating with the School Board. She said that this year, she would like two of the Palm Beach County School Board members, Erica Whitfield and Mr. Ferguson, to come to the Board and partner with them as a goal this year. She commented that another goal could be the development of child and youth advocacy programs and she thought that it could be part of the summit. Vice Chair Wilkinson also thought that items 7, 8 and maybe 9, which ties into Steve's Club, which is an effort to assist students grieving the loss of loved ones, should continue and the Board should support that organization and recommend it to the County. Ms. Houseweart suggested that they should have a Steve's Club for Boynton Beach students, perhaps at the Library. 3 Meeting Minutes Education and Youth Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida December 7, 2022 Vice Chair Wilkinson explained that Steve's Club is already in some schools and the founder is trying to get it statewide. Mr. Macedo asked if the Board ever mapped what type of support and advocacy groups are in the area for children. Ms. Claude replied that the Library has literacy and recreation programs, and she could ask what else is offered. Chair Valcourt thought that the Board should see what already exists so they could see where the need is, then provide that information on activities the City has, to the schools. Chair Valcourt said that the Board should start with three goals. There was discussion and agreement that the Youth Summit was a goal, and establishing solid relationships with Boynton Beach Schools was the second goal, and mapping and supporting child and youth advocacy programs within Boynton Beach was the third goal. Mr. Macedo said that after the work on the three goals comes to fruition, they should send a letter with their accomplishments or make a presentation to the City Commission. He asked about initiatives for fundraising. Chair Valcourt stated that the next steps were to create objectives for each goal. Mr. Macedo questioned if the fundraising initiatives would be tied to the goals. Vice Chair Wilkinson commented that she thought this may not be the venue to discuss it and that they should meet. She said that they can have another meeting in early February. Ms. Houseweart stated that she found information on planning a youth summit, giving examples of other cities that have held one, which she will email to Ms. Claude and she will distribute it to the Board Members. Mr. Macedo suggested that each member work on an objective and when they meet and discuss it. Chair Valcourt commented that she was willing to meet earlier than February 23rd, and as early as next week. B. Goals and Objectives for 2023 This item was discussed with the above. 4 Meeting Minutes Education and Youth Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida December 7, 2022 C. Introduction Letter for Schools Ms. Houseweart asked how the schools would contact the Board. Ms. Calixte-Dieuvil suggested that they use City letterhead. Discussion followed the letterhead has the City's contact information. Ms. Claude explained that in the past, when the Board sent correspondence, they used their personal email. Mr. Macedo suggested that at the end of the letter to the schools, the Board request that they be invited to attend a SAC meeting or other event, or request to be put on their mailing list and ask for the SAC dates. He stated that his second suggestion is to describe some of the things they have supported in the past, not necessarily associated with funding. He commented that he did not want the schools to think the Board was there for monetary support. Chair Valcourt said that they have attended school meetings in the past, or made presentations to the School Board, and that the Board is in an advocacy role. Chair Valcourt asked if they should they send a formal letter to introduce the Board to the School Board Members and invite them to a meeting. There was agreement to do so. D. Youth Summit Event Chair Valcourt stated that they need to establish a committee to meet as frequently as they can to plan the event. Ms. Claude explained she was informed the Legal Department recommended the Board vote to approve the event, and then they can coordinate on their own without having to do so in a public setting. Chair Valcourt asked for a motion to approve a Youth Summit Event in June 2023. Motion Vice Chair Wilkinson moved the EYAB put together a subcommittee to support and plan a Youth Summit in June 2023. Mr. Macedo seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. After discussion, the Board selected to meet on Wednesday February 1 st at 6 P.M. at the Library, in one of the meeting rooms. IX. Old Business 5 Meeting Minutes Education and Youth Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida December 7, 2022 A. Fundraising Proposals Vice Chair Wilkinson advised that SunFest was going through serious changes and have reduced the number of days of the event from four to three days, from Friday to Sunday and have two stages instead of three, with bigger headline names. She said that the event was still reeling from Covid and was trying to re-establish itself, so it is possible they may not have the beer tent at SunFest to use as a fundraiser. She also stated that she got a note from the person disbursing the money for the Sweets Foundation that was donating $5K to the Board, and they said to provide an address to send the check, but she did not receive it and was still waiting. She said that she sent a note informing them she has not received the check and to make sure it was not cashed. B. Outreach This item was previously discussed. C. Bob Borovy Student Citizen of the Year Award Vice Chair Wilkinson advised that the application is online. X. Future Meeting Dates: February 23, 2023 XI. Adjournment Motion There being no further business before the Board, Vice Chair Wilkinson moved to adjourn. The motion was duly seconded. The motion unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:06 P.M. Catherine Cherry Minutes Specialist 6