14-2948LEGEND A/C. = Air Conditioner B.M. = Bench Mark C.B.S. = Concrete Block Structure CHATTA = Chattahoochee CH = Chord CO. = Curb Cutter (C) = Cdculated f = Center Line CONC. = Concrete D.E. = Dra/nage Easement (D) = Deed A = Delta EL = Elevation FF = Finish Roor FAH = Found Drl( Hole FIR = Found Iron Pipe FIR. = Found Iron Rod FN. = Found Nal F.NAD = Found Nal & Disc F.N&T = Found Nal & Tab FAL =Florida Power & Ught FAK.N. = Found Parker Kalon Nal I.D. = Identification I.E.U. & DE = Ingress; Egress Easement Utlity Easement & Drainage Easement L= Arc Distance LA.E. = Lake Access Easement LME = Lake Maintenance Easement (M) = Measured N/A = Not Applicable N.G.VD. = National Geodetle Vertical Datum O.R.B = Official Records Book OIL =On Line O/S = Offset (P) = Rat P.B. = Plat Book RC. = Point of Curvature PG = Page P.O.B. = Pdnt of Beginning P.O.C. = Point of Commencement (R) = Record R = Radius R/W = Right of Way U.E. = Utility Easement U.D. & SE. = Utility Drainage & sidewalk Easement VG = Valley bitter x 0.00 = Elevation Spot SYMBOL CATCH BASIN ® WATER METER UTILITY POLE LIGHT POLE FIRE HYDRANT CA&t.E-80X NAMC 90 WATER VALVE HANDICAP — off — OVERHEAD UNE (OH) x CHAIN LINK FENCE (C.LF) WOO FENCE (WF) --o -- METAL FENCE (M.F) <— WIRE FENCE (W.R.F) CERTIFIED TO: 1. A W STERN 0 10 20 40 `1 1 1 inch = 20 ft. FIR. No LD r S LINE OF THE NW 0 OF THE NW. 0 OF SEC110N W SOO°06'46" W 186.13' P.0.8. SE. CORNER I.R. 5/8" i --FOUND OF LOT 11 o LD. EAST LINE OF LOT lf� P.R.M. — S00'06'4ti'"W 55.2Q' ASPHALT .PAVNENT w Z H. 150.0; ENERATOR .:L :.::: , ::. ; : ; : : ; (: RAIN. (_ : : : :. 15.10' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 11, BOYNTON BEACH DIS7RIBU770N CENTER, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 47, PAGES 100 AND 101, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. LESS, HOWEVER, THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL; BEGIN AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 11; THENCE, NORTH 87'45'50" WEST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 11, A DISTANCE OF 101.58 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAS7LrRLY RIGHT OF—WAY—UNE OF COMMERCE PARK DRIVE, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST, HA WING A RADIUS OF 50.0 FEET, A CEN7RAL ANGLE OF 85-40'J5- AND A CHORD BEARING OF NORTH 40 -06 -08 -WEST; THENCE NORTHW£STERL Y, ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, BEING THE NORTHERL Y RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF SAID COMMERCE PARK DRIVE, A DISTANCE OF 73.89 FEET, THENCE, SOUTH 8953'14" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 145.0 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 11, THENCE SOUTH 00-06'46- WEST, ALONG SAID EAST LINE OF LOT 11, A DISTANCE OF 55.20 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING C:\(Oravings)\BASELINE\13-10-058\13-10-058.dw9 11/20/2013 2:40:58 PM EST SCALE: 1" = 20' NOTES/REV MAP OF BOUNDAR Y SUR VEY15tONS COMMUNITY PANEL No. FLOOD ZONE BASIS OFBEARING. DRAWN BY- E.L.F. 120196-0004–C C NORTH LOT UNE (S87 -42'35 -E) CHECKED 8K. EW.D., DA 1E OF FIRM.• BASE FLOOD EL.: BENCHMARK REFERENCES. PAGE. i4/—A 0-913011982 N/A N/A FIELD BOOK: FOLDER PARTY CHIEF ERNIE PROPERTY ADDRESS 2901 COMMERCE PARK DRIVE, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 SURVEY DATE: 11/18/2013 AVIR PIAT, AO &"M MeWC M RES" &NM OMM"O'. WR&fY WAS PREPARED FAR CaVWYAW DRE AAS Ma?M4GE fAVAAM PUR°Mt IT B NOT INTENDED MR OCWST/il n0V AAT} pDwrIAVG AOA9//.1YAL A FMtImw MAY BE WTma FRw DAtY ABODE (A7O(/Nf ffAiris LxATm m maw FalA10wm NOT LOCATED GENERAL NOTES. CER7717CA7701V. FOUNDED 1993 atVAnpVS SWW HEREON ARE BASED ON 111 THIS SURYFY man MyvAwUM TECNN/CAL STANDARDS AS SET NAVON& droDrnC VVWW DAW OF 1929.' k NLM OI IDWSE N07W. LOCA 1a:WS ARE LWIED fggTH BY THE FZ0WA BOARD OF PROFESSMAL SURWYORS AND MAPPERS 9V ZHAP1ER 5J-17 FLORIDA ADWNISIR,I71W BASELINE NGINEE IN 70 WSWIEamRorF�uEflls CM A$ SNowv IMWON RNS 5rlRYE•Y Q'0ES NOT RfftECT OR xn c� ANT 7r1 472027, FLORIDA SU RIn v N I !:"::.:: LAND SURVEYING, INC. AAR EASWEVM R%Pir-OF-WAYS 1400 N. W. 1st COURT O111ER RfS1R1C7JOWS 0R RESE7?YARGWSs faeovRtm er a�Nr, oR z ERNEST W. DUNCAM PSM. State ofFlorida Date BOCA RA TON, FLORIDA 33432 RYE ACG/RACY EXQff.DS flfE'r Frac AN IA4BAN 37ARbf): FrAr, DEEDProfessional Nomm Surveyor &Mapper No. 5182 EB -6510 ('561) 417-07D0 LB -6439 gl/EM9'09YS ARE 1l1£ SANE UAYESS OVIERWSE JYO7ED. t1 Ays /T LEARS TME SI'AmnWE AMD Pr OMWAL RAW SEK CFA SArM T AVT JOB NO.: 13-10-0581 SHEET NO. 1 42? AW � WaW WV C,YW� ,s VA _ _.. I - Z H. 150.0; ENERATOR .:L :.::: , ::. ; : ; : : ; (: RAIN. (_ : : : :. 15.10' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 11, BOYNTON BEACH DIS7RIBU770N CENTER, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 47, PAGES 100 AND 101, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. LESS, HOWEVER, THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL; BEGIN AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 11; THENCE, NORTH 87'45'50" WEST, ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 11, A DISTANCE OF 101.58 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAS7LrRLY RIGHT OF—WAY—UNE OF COMMERCE PARK DRIVE, SAID POINT BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST, HA WING A RADIUS OF 50.0 FEET, A CEN7RAL ANGLE OF 85-40'J5- AND A CHORD BEARING OF NORTH 40 -06 -08 -WEST; THENCE NORTHW£STERL Y, ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, BEING THE NORTHERL Y RIGHT OF WAY UNE OF SAID COMMERCE PARK DRIVE, A DISTANCE OF 73.89 FEET, THENCE, SOUTH 8953'14" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 145.0 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 11, THENCE SOUTH 00-06'46- WEST, ALONG SAID EAST LINE OF LOT 11, A DISTANCE OF 55.20 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING C:\(Oravings)\BASELINE\13-10-058\13-10-058.dw9 11/20/2013 2:40:58 PM EST SCALE: 1" = 20' NOTES/REV MAP OF BOUNDAR Y SUR VEY15tONS COMMUNITY PANEL No. FLOOD ZONE BASIS OFBEARING. DRAWN BY- E.L.F. 120196-0004–C C NORTH LOT UNE (S87 -42'35 -E) CHECKED 8K. EW.D., DA 1E OF FIRM.• BASE FLOOD EL.: BENCHMARK REFERENCES. PAGE. i4/—A 0-913011982 N/A N/A FIELD BOOK: FOLDER PARTY CHIEF ERNIE PROPERTY ADDRESS 2901 COMMERCE PARK DRIVE, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 SURVEY DATE: 11/18/2013 AVIR PIAT, AO &"M MeWC M RES" &NM OMM"O'. WR&fY WAS PREPARED FAR CaVWYAW DRE AAS Ma?M4GE fAVAAM PUR°Mt IT B NOT INTENDED MR OCWST/il n0V AAT} pDwrIAVG AOA9//.1YAL A FMtImw MAY BE WTma FRw DAtY ABODE (A7O(/Nf ffAiris LxATm m maw FalA10wm NOT LOCATED GENERAL NOTES. CER7717CA7701V. FOUNDED 1993 atVAnpVS SWW HEREON ARE BASED ON 111 THIS SURYFY man MyvAwUM TECNN/CAL STANDARDS AS SET NAVON& droDrnC VVWW DAW OF 1929.' k NLM OI IDWSE N07W. LOCA 1a:WS ARE LWIED fggTH BY THE FZ0WA BOARD OF PROFESSMAL SURWYORS AND MAPPERS 9V ZHAP1ER 5J-17 FLORIDA ADWNISIR,I71W BASELINE NGINEE IN 70 WSWIEamRorF�uEflls CM A$ SNowv IMWON RNS 5rlRYE•Y Q'0ES NOT RfftECT OR xn c� ANT 7r1 472027, FLORIDA SU RIn ANENGINEERING OO `BY 8 S"'" AOMM GNE "M "UT ABSRLICTED BY BASIIJBYE' Svc at LAND �•'� ` j l --� LAND SURVEYING, INC. AAR EASWEVM R%Pir-OF-WAYS 1400 N. W. 1st COURT O111ER RfS1R1C7JOWS 0R RESE7?YARGWSs faeovRtm er a�Nr, oR z ERNEST W. DUNCAM PSM. State ofFlorida Date BOCA RA TON, FLORIDA 33432 RYE ACG/RACY EXQff.DS flfE'r Frac AN IA4BAN 37ARbf): FrAr, DEEDProfessional Nomm Surveyor &Mapper No. 5182 EB -6510 ('561) 417-07D0 LB -6439 gl/EM9'09YS ARE 1l1£ SANE UAYESS OVIERWSE JYO7ED. t1 Ays /T LEARS TME SI'AmnWE AMD Pr OMWAL RAW SEK CFA SArM T AVT JOB NO.: 13-10-0581 SHEET NO. 1 42? AW � WaW WV C,YW� ,s VA _ _.. J demolition plan ad -1 scale: 1/8° = 1'-0" W remove exist we and -1 lav cut and cap supply and drain tines as necessary (typ of 2) existing warehouse �/ office 9%! 89 SO. r"rrTTTT'TTT-f'-T-f �'T'l� IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIII1111111 IIIIIII1111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII1111111111111 �JJJ_I�I_LLLLLLL.LIIJ U Ell demolition scope of work: remove existing interior drywall partitions throughout remove existingflooring finish throughout remove existing wood stair to mezz. area remove existing suspended ceiling and assoc. light fixtures througout remove existing outlets: terminate wiring back to existing panel(s) remove existing ductwork as necessary refer to and -A F code information local code: handicap code: mechanical code: plumbing code: electrical code: fire &life safety code: Florida Building Code 2010 Florida Building Code 2010 chapter 11 Title III Americans with Disabilities Act (1997) Florida Mechanical Code 2010 Florida Plumbing Code 2010 National Electric Code (2008) Florida Fire Prevention Code 2010 genera[ notes general contractor to submit list of sub -contractors to owner for owner's review, approval or rejection. general contractor and sub -contractors to have all licenses and insurances required by the state of Florida and the pertinent county and city where the work shalt be done. contractor to obtain all required permits, Mess otherwise determined with owner. these drawings and all work performed by contractor(s) to comply with all building codes, life safety codes and applicable local codes. construction work and materials to be new and guaranteed against workmanship and materials. any work that develops defectrs in materials or workmanship within one year of final acceptance of the project shall be repaired or replaced by contractor(s) at their expense. contractor(s) to visit site to become familiar with all pertinent site conditions related to proposed works, including site characteristics, utilities, existing construction. existing products and finishes. contractor(s) to correlate site conditions with work proposed in ALL of these drawings in order to provide a complete and accurate bid. contractor(s) to familiarize themselves with all the drawings in this set and to report any discrepancies found to the architect for verification, including discrepancies with or between consultant drawings. subcontractors shall consultant ALL architectural and consultant drawings. contractor(s) to verify measurements. dimensions and field conditions in field before starting construction and shall immediately notify architect if any discrepancies. discrepancies include any potential conflicts with MEP and structural elements, or with required clearances. architect retains right to make minor adjustments to design to accommodate discrepancies with further compensation to contractor(s). the discovery of hazardous materials remains the sole responsibili of the contractor(s). if hazardous materials are found, contractor(s) to notify architect an owner before proceeding with pertinent works. contractor(s) to provide required barriers and opening/enclosure protection per applcoble safety rules, for both safety and protection of existing construction. contractor(s) to coordinate sequence and time of works with owner, particularly in occupied areas. if required, contractor(g) to provide temporary dust partitions and doors. contractor(s) to repair any damage to existing construction at their expense. contractor(s) to notify architect of damage to building site or adjacent structures. architect to judge quality of repaired construction. contractor(s) to store materials safely, in compliance with applicable regulations. contractor(s) to maintain a clean and orderly work site. required means of egress to be kept free of obstacles at all times. contractor(s) to coordinate garbage disposal means with owner. where required, contractor(s) to submit 3 copies of shop drawings for architect review. contractor(s) to submit shop drawings sufficiently in advance to allow adequate review by architect and processing to avoid time delays. a typical detail shown in these drawings applies to all similar conditions in the project, unless noted otherwise. areas where work is not being performed have not been inspected for code deficiencies. contractor(s) to present a clean jobsite for punchlist review and owner's acceptance. all glass to be ,!teaned, floor swept, carpets vacuumed, fixtures washed, labels removed, patches, dings and marks on watts and ceilings to > be repaired and properly painted. building information construction type: type VB occupancy: S-1 fully sprin klered: no alteration level: 2 total floor arev 9789 SF floor area undergoing reno: 9789 SF floor work being performed on: ground floor number of floors in entire building: 1 story will work result in penetration of a fire rated assembly: NO the scope of this project is demolition of interior area only there are no record drawings for this property: it is the owner's intent to restore the building to the original condition. we will submit the architectural and MEP drawings necessary for a permit for interior improvements after the demolition is completed and we can then determine the new suite layouts and restroom locations E -6 No r) N o' °N° O N LL M M Q )] UC3 Q c �� E C� •. x a� 3 o lei m I( II� � cN N N N E Lo l( )) EL ¢` Marcello Penso AR0016862 U V E E a U 0 • .> CD El! CD O 0 0Lf) UCL%-,- c� o�co o Q. P .� 0 OCD O 0 W +J 0 >,## U (N- C A-) in v o L U a. o t revised plan to address Plan rewew to 8/12/14 no. revision date Phase: issued for permit only Sheet: demoiltion plan Scale: as shown P*' 14-034 Drawn: WW Chk: W ad -1 sheet 1 of 1 Copyri htQ M Architectus, Incorporated rights reserved 6/23/14 cD 0 co O I O O I O 0 I O _o I 0 I 00 O z w m O 1 O O ry z w O w 0 I O O I O O_ 1 O _O I ry 0 ry 0 J w 0 ry 0 Y ry Q n W U ry W O U O O N I Ln 00 O O N V) U W D O ry W I x O m w O ry 0 / 0 ry O W CD z Q z S O D / cn ry w v w z w J w 1 x-085-DRW-100-100-00_00 01 OF 01