PERMIT DOCUMENTS15 HVAC 1100 Via Lugano Circle, Unit 104 Boynton Beach, FL Installed on 2/14/2020 at Building 11 Apartment 104. GOODMAN 2.5 Ton Air Handler. Model No, AWUF310516 Serial No. 1912042545 15 HVAC GOODMAN 2.5 Ton Condenser. Model No. GSX140301 Serial No. 1903213845 15 HVAC Labor Fee 15 HVAC Permit Fee 15 KVAC Miscellaneous Fees. {Drywall ---.--------_air) Thankyou for your business. Please sian and return. 1 430.00 430.00 1 B05.00 805.00 1 -2-40-00 210-.00- 1 60.00 60.00 By B�ethKi�nsley Assistant Secretary A *Please be advised if crew comes out for any SERVICE and it is canceled by property once we arrive, there will be a trip charge of $175.00. Thank you for your CCOP6.;ation* XER PLUS OF SOUTH FWRIrA INC 6810 Country Place Road West Palm Beach, FL 33411 US 561-371-0971 AIR PLUS info@airplusfl.com www.airplusfl.com 15 HVAC 1100 Via Lugano Circle, Unit 104 Boynton Beach, FL Installed on 2/14/2020 at Building 11 Apartment 104. GOODMAN 2.5 Ton Air Handler. Model No, AWUF310516 Serial No. 1912042545 15 HVAC GOODMAN 2.5 Ton Condenser. Model No. GSX140301 Serial No. 1903213845 15 HVAC Labor Fee 15 HVAC Permit Fee 15 KVAC Miscellaneous Fees. {Drywall ---.--------_air) Thankyou for your business. Please sian and return. 1 430.00 430.00 1 B05.00 805.00 1 -2-40-00 210-.00- 1 60.00 60.00 By B�ethKi�nsley Assistant Secretary A *Please be advised if crew comes out for any SERVICE and it is canceled by property once we arrive, there will be a trip charge of $175.00. Thank you for your CCOP6.;ation* Ph CITY OF BOYhTONAEAC`W1 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I BUILDING DIV 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard * Boynton Beach, FL 33425 At^ nu w wtr% IET W1742-6350 • Fax 742-0,457 The applicant is required to complete this form in order to receive a turn -around permit for an Exac! the now unit there will not be an increase in wire size. By signature below I verify that either a representative of my company or I have inspected the existing conditions and there is no upgrade of the electrical system or service wiring changes required for the new unit(s) being installed. The condenser/compressor unit, air handlertheat strips, and KW size will not increase. I also affirm that there is an electrical disconnect within sight, meeting the requirements of 2011 NEC, Article 440.14. Print legibly or type and fill out form completely. Owner's Phone SONIA ROJAS Owner's Cell Phone # 5613649070 Permit Number, New unit will be installed in what type of facility (check type of facility or M in Other): E] Single-family, detached [:1 Single-family attached M Multi -family, apartment E] Multi -family, rondo 10q El Commercial D Public facility 0 Industrial E] Other (o. L Job Address: (including unit number and gate code, if Lppkq SPL I T S YS TEMS PACK4GED SYSTEMS Existing Unit Information: GOODMAN Existlng_pr!it Information . ...... BTU/HR -tr BTLI/HRC�aci ..... . Heat kw:5 at kw: i SEER:10 SEER/EER: Rr qseq Unit Information: GOODMAN Proposed Unit Information: Condenser Make & Model., GSX1 40301 Make & Model: BTU/HR LSE R: 14 Heat Kw - 1 Air Handier Make & Model: AWUF310616 SEER/EER: I Heat Kw: 5 ------ Condenser SIDE OF BUILDING Air Handier CLO'ET_111-nnnn-­-11'1 Disconnect SIDE OF BUILDING (Note an electric s� permit complying with code is required for the installation of anew disconnect) Any alterations to existing curbs, stands or supports will require a building sub permit. I certify that the information entered on this for accurately represents the system installed. Qualifier (print) RORY RAMCHARAN License No. CAC1815149 Signature: -P� one No. 5613710971 Cell Phone 561313049-0 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd, PO Box 310 Boynton Fleich, Ro'rlda.M426-0 310 Phone; (W) 7.t2-050 Fax. (561) 742-6357 S.-4DevialopmentY3U]LDINGIForms-Templates-SignsUUr Cnnditiona I rChkinqe64t4'oriA4401,7ocx )0I;J?,04109,12109,08115;03116 n i Certiffica e of Product Ratin . L �..so Aa. � ..,. ... ., .tee'.. . .....,,. ...a ....�„ ..., a ,..,, ..,.,t v .... ...... ..... a .. ,.... , :i t ,r.. ...., t� ,.. .. mm Cerowd Referefwe Number. 7516243 Date: 11/19/2015 Product: Split System: Air -Cooled Condensing Unit Coll with Bkrmr outdoor Unit Model Number. GSX140301K" Indow unit i i>r e M&nufactww-.GOODMANCO., CONDITIONING Y' HEATING; ENERGI AIR g7W"T' i t t4 l i jj r_F xl s 1jwlt s AHN does ad m. TERMS AND CONVITIGMAW . t..1 1 1: / �m8,. hNnothIA and *i 1i 1 cERnFMM E. t i yk M _00 which1.'. 1 - kfisted abwjp, and the CUMICaW Na4wbkb ;A baftm righL 130924214407728260 02014s r%k kng. HeWng. and Reftwdfon !nr-k k 160 SW 12TH AVE SUITE 106, DEERFIELD BEACH, FL 33442 (954) 354-0660 1 ENGINEERING EXPRESS.COM REPORT HOLDER: GOODMAN MANUFACTURING COMPANY, L.P. 6151 SAN FELIPE STREET HOUSTON, TX 77056, USA 877-254-4729 1 GOODMANMFG.COM THIS IS A STRUCTURAL (WIND) PERFORMANCE EVALUATIOA ONLY. NO ELECTRICAL OR TEMPERATURE PERFORMANCE RATINGS OR CERTIFICATIONS ARE OFFERED OR IMPLIED HEREIN. This Product Evaluation Report is being issued in accordance with the requirements of the Florida Building Code Sixth Edition (2017) per FBC Section 104.11. 1, FMC 301.15, FBC Building Ch. 16, ASCE-7-1 0, FBC ExistingBuilding sections 707.1, 707.2, FBC Building 1522.2, and FBC Residential M1202.1, M1301.1, FS 471.025, including Broward County Administrative Provisions 107.3,4. The product noted on this report has been tested and/or evaluated as summarized herein. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THESE CODES EACH OF THESE REPORTS MUST BEAR THE ORIGINAL SIGNATURE & RAISED SEAL OF THE EVALUATING ENGINEER. SUBSTANTIATING DATA: - Product Evaluation Documents Substantiating documentation has been submitted to provide this TER and is summarized in the sections below. - Structural Engineering Calculations Structural engineering calculations have been prepared which evaluate the product based on comparative and/or rational analysis to qualify the following design criteriw 0 maximum allowable unit panel wind pressure connection integrity Maximum allowable uplift, sliding, & overturning moment for ground and roof applications Calculation summary is included in this TER and appears below. NOTE: No 33% increase in allowable stress has been used in the design of this product. Microsoft Excel was used to carry out thi calculations present in this report. INSTALLATION: The product(s) listed above shall be installed in strict compliance with this TER & manufacturer -provided model specifications. The product components shall be of the material specified in the manufacturer -provided product specifications. All screws must be installed in accordance with the applicable provisions & anchor manufacturer's published installation instructions. LIMITATIONS & CONDITIONS OF USE: Use of this product shall be in strict accordance with this TER. aS.1rJC1Le(,1 herein. See final page for complete limitations and conditions of us6. OPTIONS: This evaluation is valid for all GOODMAN models preserl ir. the. ',able located on the final page. FINISH: Baked enamel. NOTE- GRAPHICAL DEPICTIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE FOR ILLYSTRATIVE PYRFISES INLY ANI MAY 1IFFER IN-APPEARANC UNIT CASING MATERIAL: INSTAL LATION: Shall follow manufacturer specifications as well as the information provided Herein. STRUCTURALPERFORMANCE: Models referenced herein are subject to the following designlirnitatio ASCE-710 Exposure Categories C & D Up to and including 175mph (Vult) for up to See Page 2 MRH-. HVHZ'— Up to and including 170Mph (Vult) for up •to See Page 2 MRH**. HVHZ*** Up to 200mph (Vult) for up to 56'MRH**. Non-HVHZ*** EXP C Ground or Roof Application per installation instructions **Mean Roof Height —High Velocity Hurricane Zone I K-=- 119psf Lateral 93psfUplift (Aso) Sit6 S*o_cific wiA,�_'?Nalysis m2y Jr44Uqe 21tem,,2te liAkft?ti#1s provi .11 maximum rated wind pressure is not exceeded. I ORIGINAL SIGNATURE AND RAISED SEAL OR DIGITAL SEAL REQUIRE TORE VALID PER CODE REQUIRE Jul i 2019 i�i'ankl._Ber.nardo.' P_'E, B 0 Signed by If Checked EN'GINE61NG EXkESS Gordon DiBattisto, PE FL PE #0046549 FLCA #9885 FL PE #82328 K�E. IF AQE 2915AU I -THERE tSP DIWTASSlfNATURE ON PAGE 1, THIS DOCUMENT IS PART OF A DIGITALLY J `IGKD ;ME, 9JALL l.EMAIN IN DIGITAL FORMAT& PRINTED COPIES OFTHiS DOCUMENT I. ARE NOT COWMERED SiGINEDAND SEALED. Ir THERE 15 NO DIGITAL SIGNATURE ON PAGE I ORTHIS PAGE DOES NOT CONTAIN AN ENGINEER'S ORIGINAL SIGNATURE &SEAL, THIS L_!0_C_UME NT IS A COPY/DRAFT. Ttoe FIRC 17 defiries APPROVED SOURCE (section 2.2) as: "An independent per -on, firm or orp.)rat: 3 1 n, -ipp.-Dved "y(the builAing offi,:al, ryha le competent and experienced in the application of engneering principles to materials, methods or systems analyses! Engineering Exprers@ profe,slo-lals rr.aet the c6,nitE,benc7y re74uir,?nent.—.8 defi .rj in .7BC and can sea{ their work. Engineering Express® is regularly engaged in Conducting and providing engineering evaluations of Single -element and fur-zrale W101119 =YstRms tests. GOODMAN SPLIT SYSTEMS SECTION 2 PRODUCT INSTALLATION Condenser Unit is own clips. See Roof or ground tables below for structure I substrate sspecifications (concrete, steel, see schedule below) Ill, I'll 1 la STRAP, L -D a IPHEQ�ULE Roof Kelght*f. Exp D B TIE -DOWN CLIP (GROUND APPLICATION) rolled steel 0.072" thick for all cabinets tied down at ground (G,**fmv,y_2r2cket); f2stex cabiket using (2) anchors per clip from Table. Clip integrates into base pan slot. TER -16-3146.4 09=1' MAPPAW Miami Tech CUTD 1" wide and any length ASTM A653 galvanized steel Clip Schedule Table for dip amount. H urrica ne kit #DGACUTD36K I . . , . .. . 0• .4. . . Working Load Limit (WLQ is strap's manufacturer - specified per strap. A minimum strap width of 1' is required for all cabinets. Ve t on site. Clips should be placed at center on each side and equally spaced, for ground mounted condition. See details in page 3, for roof mounted condition. * The value shown in parentheses indicates the allowable roof height in 170mph conditions. i.e. 60' (80') indicates an allowable roof height of 60' for 175mph or 80'for 170mph Vult. Note: (Vertical Stra2ginng) I . Tie -down straps shall be wrapped around unit and roof stand rail and shall be tightened using the buckle. Provide two straps per unit. 2. Strap material shall be either high strength webbing and shall be compliant for exterior grade use if they contain plastic components, per FEC chapter 26. Or 1' v4de 22ga ASTM A653 steel strap secured with (2) #14 SS sms tL the bottom of the stand rail. 3For 200 MPH Non-HVHZ, use (2) metal straps, up to 56 MRH Exposure C. GOODMAN SPLIT SYSTEMS MECHANICAL UNIT M UNIT IDEPTH-­ STAND SPREAD Crt Engineering Expresso I TER -16-3146.4 NOTES 1. 3'X2'XI/B' ALUMINUM ANGLE SHALL BE 6061-T6 AND SHALL OVERHANG r MAXIMUN FROM STAND PAIL PER SIDE. 2. CONDENSER SHALL REST ON TOP OFTHE STAND RAILS, & CLIPS MAY NOT COINCIDE WITH RAIL BELOW, ATTACHED ANGLE USING (2) K" THRUBOLT W/ NUT AND 1.0 OD WASHER 4. TIE -DOWN CLIPS FOR CABINETS EQUAL OR SMALLER THAN 26- WIDE SHALL BE LOCATED V FROM EDGE MIM KrE_C1y1*E*L__ (2) #10 SIV CLIP, TYP m9swaz= STAND I -RAI L TYP. ATTACHED TO RAILS USING (BY SEPARATE (2) W DI ASS 316THRUBOLTW/ CERTIFICATION) NUT AND it WASHER MECHANICAL UNIT TIE -DOWN DETAIL (SECTION "MIN, SEENOTE 4 TYP.- - — -------- - - ------ N V — STEELSTRAP PER SCHEDULE MECHANICAL UNIT SECTION A -A STAND I -RAIL ISY SEPARATE 3-X2-X1/R" ALUMINUM MECHANICAL UNIT RESTING ON STAND RAILS CERTIFICATION) ANGLE, TYP. ATTACHED SECTION A - A' TO RAILS USING (2) W DIA SS 316 THRUBOET TIE -DOWN CLIP PER W/NUT AND I'OD (2) #10 SMS PER SCHEDULE, SPACED WASHER 'LIP TYP I SEE NOTE 3 I" MIM 1 1/2" MIN. SECTION "I MECHANICAL UNIT OF MOUNTED PLAN VIEW ATI qlrli I. TIE -DOWN CLIP 7- PER SCHEDULE, SPACED AT I' man 3"X2'XI/S' ALUMINUM ANGLE, T`P.;1TTACHED TO RAILS USING (1) 1/4- DIA SS 316 STA '117 I -RV, (�z) W CIA SS 316THRUBOLTW/ THRUSOLT WITH NUT *L,r LA III IME I U 11, �n (BYSEPARATE NUT AND I' OD WASHER AND WASHER, PER CLIP, T-- CERTIFICATION) - TYP. M zc'1.116AL UNIT RESTING ON STAND RAILS FotONT VIEW (SECTION B 3"X2-X1/8­&LUMINUM MECHANICAL UNIT RESTING OKSTAND RAILS' ANGLE, TYP. ATTACHED SIDE VIEW TO RAILS USING (7) V GJA SS 316 THRUBOIJ Note: installers must ensure that SrreWS used to fasten the fie -down clips with theunit base pan clo not . touch the coil preventing any damage. All W/NUT AND I'OD pieces and installation parts per Miami Tech Hurdcan_e kltW)GACLITI32bK WASHER ENGINEERING EXPRESS" 160 3W,12TP AVE..3U,TE.1r,5 DEERFIELD 137A+ :H, FL 33442 Page 3 (954) 35/1-ef-60 EN(-, - INE _. RRING_. r -_�� PRE-,-�.00_y, - - Upyright O2018 Engineering ExpressO All Rights Reserved GOODMAN SPLIT SYSTEMS EngineeringExpressO TER-16-3146. 22 CA (0.0299" MIN., - " =56 MIN.) STMIL , A/C HOUS[W UNIT' MX"TOR PADS SEMND MN. 4 PER UNIT,,,'ii( (QPTIONALSi , ` � (2) #14 SAE Gr 2 MIN 3A" LONG AND" I MIN, SMS AT EACH STRAP END RAX 3. '.. TO UNIDERSIDE OF I -BEAM T T FORCES ®. . .„.. Weight ; Roof Roof lateral Uplift max Max Max Uplift Cabinet Outside Dimensions Range ' Height*[HFp eight° Pressure Pressure Force ertu Tension Form m _ {I6sj Expt xD(Psf) (Psf} (Ibs} (Ibs-i") (Ifas) (Ihsj D(m� Wjin} H{m� ( Ground Ground 430 i 40 176.5 2268.1 986 0.0 23 .0 23.0 ... s 25 7 ----• .d .m...� 380.0 23 0 25 $ .a . 23.0 ,7 60 (84 } 25' (35'} 92 6 73.1 7970.2 346.5 269.5 Al 112 23 0 23.0 25.7 120' (1501) 60 (85 } 106.5 84.0. 4371 9166.3 398.5 309.6 F' 23.0 23.0 r 25.7 200' 254'}, 115 (150')� 118.3 93.4 485.6 c 10185.9 442.9 343.1 . . ----m. ,' .-.T.:,..,. - 325 Ground Ground 43.0 40 252.3 { 4100.3 157.7 04 260 L26.0 0 ...... ,.�.: --., , $1 $2 2fi.0 32.5 60 (80'} 25' (35'} 92 6 731 543.2 13287.0 511,0 3431 ,.. 25 0 32.5 103-131 120'(150" 64 {85 } 105.5 84.0 624 9 i 15281.7 567.8 394.3 �. .5a..w 325 200 (254 } 115 {7-50'}; 118.3 93.4 694.2 1698D.6 653.1 438 5� 26.0 ' 29 0 29 0 40.D : Ground Ground...:.: 43.0 4.0 346.4_ 6927.8... ; 238.9. 0.0 C1, C2 C3 t 29.0 29,0 40.0 6D (80'} 25'(35'} 1 „ 92,6 731 745.7 21142.8 727.7 426.8 C4 CS 29 4 29 D 40 0 142-184 120 (150'} 60'(85') 106.5 m�.. 84 4 857 9 24271.8 837 D 490.6 - ,,. �..._ .. ...dv 29.4 29.6 40A 200 (250 } 11S' {150' 118 3 93 4 - 953.0 26968 9 930.0 545 5 ., .. ,...,,�....-��...._ �.,.�..ro-- - 35 5 35 5 41.8 Ground Ground 1 43.0 0.0 442.6 9238.8 260.2 0.0 'D1, D2 D3, 35.5 35.5 41.8 60 80 } 25-135') 92.6 73.1 .,, 952.9 31241,8 890.0 639.6 w, 206-306�. _ . 5 D6 ' 35.5 35.5 41 $ [120'(150') 60' (85'} ( 106 5 84 0 1096.2 35931 1 1 1012.1 735 1.:: -..�.......�..._.......�... -a, ..8. .. ....,,�a ..,., s 35.5 355 41.8 200' j25D'} 115' (15D1} 118.3 93A 1217.6. 39926.6 1124.7 817.4 (dote: Calculations performed according to the information provided by the client. PANEL INTEGRITY SUMMARY ENG€NEFRING EYPR S. :+61 }TM DEERFIELD BEACH, FL 33442 Page ,, T (954)354-0660 ENGINEERINGEXPRESS.00M Copyright C]2018Engineering Express®All Rights Reserved r.6-3146.4 i. y 41 i 1 i `� i= } .a rr OR } } } •}, i +ff GSX140481 35.50 frl } }} }} } } }} } } rf f •I • r'If .f ►f1 rf• I � f i IMMIAW, �• Nrte: The model numbers on this page may be foliowed by up to two (2) alphanumeric i Ft - performance,structural a miF1rr1maj*rres A+t rel2t,21 r- tke c?rixel LIMITATIONS & CONDITIONS OF USE: Note: bust f(=n s;lected'fordimensional purposes Use of this product shall be in strict accordance with this TER as noted herein. The supporting host structure shall be designed to resist all superimposed loads as determined by others on a site specific basis as may be required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Host structure conditions which are not accounted for in this product's respect ve anchor schedule shall be designed for on a site-specific basis by_a regi,tered prQfessionat engineer No evaluation is offered for the host supporting structure by use of this document; Adjustment factors noted herein and the appiicabie,codes must bR considered, wheaa a;)pli-ab`a. All supporting components which are permanently,installed shaC b" pro ec%d agalast corsbsis n, contamination, and other Such damage at ail times. fasteners must penetrate the supporting members such that the full lengt i ot.the;threaded portion it embedded within thr main member. This evaluation does not offer any evaluation to meet targe missile impact debris requirements which typically are nrt requhad for this tyde of product. Ar T the Hind resisting exterior panels, individually meet m exceed their capacity to resist the design wind loads as stated in the calculations as required by the FBG. Due to the indeterminate nature of these units, distortion and deflection cannot be accurately evaluated, but with diaphragm action of external components and internal stiffeners, the base unit has the capacity to withstand these forces with individual extemal parts being contained. Yearly inspections, during equipment maintenance.or after a named storm; all screws, :-cabinef,co-ripments, clips, anchor, bolts, straps and cables are to be verified by the A/C contractor. All damaged cabinet components, I-ios^i, corrcde� bnke:i screw's o:'anchd,' bolts PiaG'be I'eplaced to ensure structural integrity for hurricane wind forces. ENGINF4RNG UPR S`o ,.60 SW t2TM PVE ;')ITE 106 DEERFIELD BEACH, FL 33442 Page (954) 354-0660 ENGINEERINGEXPRESS.COM Copyright O 2018 Engineering Expresso All Rights Reserved