PERMIT DOCUMENTS MoraL 06/16/2020 Code Compliance Reviewed for MoraL 06/16/2020 Code Compliance Reviewed for Reviewed for MoraL Code Compliance 06/16/2020 PROPOSAL Wesworth Electric Wesworth Electric 2351 N Dixie Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL 33060 24/7/365 Florida 954.580.4070 24/7/365 Gerogia 470.344.3070 1 Version Professional Electrical Services - Serving Since 1981 05/14/2020 E002243 Billing Details Date: CORNERSTONE--Preserve Customer Phone:(561) 275-3156 Victoria Cotto Customer email:preserveatboyntoncm@theapartmentcorner.com PRESERVE - Unit 1930 NE 6th ST - NEW Meter 1866 NE 5th Street Job Description Reviewed for MoraL Code Compliance 06/16/2020 Main Replacement Boynton Beach, FL, 33435 SERVICES DESCRIPTIONPRICEQTYEXT. PRICE SCOPE PROVIDE& REPLACEone OUTSIDE 150AmpSqD MeterMain Combo $1,790.00 Subtotal ANTICIPATED LEAD TIME Scheduling Wecan schedule thisjobasfollows:4to6 WeeksDepending onFPLscheduling thePowerDisconnectand CityPermit Processinglead time PERMIT FEES DESCRIPTIONPRICEQTYEXT. PRICE Permit Fees on Jobs less than $2500 $490.001$490.00 INCLUDES: Municipality PermitFees,PermitDocuments and Drawings,drop off and PickupPermit Documents,On Site Inspections DOES NOTINCLUDE: Re InspectionfeesiftheRe Inspection wasrelatedto Customer Overtime fee charged bytheCityonanOvertime Inspection(if required) $490.00 Subtotal Proposal #E002243 v1Page: 2 of 5 OPP3540 PROPOSAL Wesworth Electric Wesworth Electric 2351 N Dixie Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL 33060 24/7/365 Florida 954.580.4070 24/7/365 Gerogia 470.344.3070 1 Version Professional Electrical Services - Serving Since 1981 05/14/2020 E002243 Billing Details Date: CORNERSTONE--Preserve Customer Phone:(561) 275-3156 Victoria Cotto Customer email:preserveatboyntoncm@theapartmentcorner.com PRESERVE - Unit 1930 NE 6th ST - NEW Meter 1866 NE 5th Street Job Description Reviewed for MoraL Code Compliance 06/16/2020 Main Replacement Boynton Beach, FL, 33435 PAYMENT TERMS 50/50 Payment Terms: 50% Down Payment,50% WhenjobisComplete(Permit fees tobe charged 50% DownPayment, 50%After FINAL INSPECTIONis PASSED) Upon Invoice Payment isdue whenInvoice isreceived Quote Summary DESCRIPTION AMOUNT SERVICES$1,790.00 PERMIT FEES$490.00 $2,280.00 Total: Wesworth ElectricCORNERSTONE--Preserve Signature:Signature: Marcos TraficanteVictoria Cotto Name:Name: Project Manager Title:Date: 05/14/2020 Date: Proposal #E002243 v1Page: 3 of 5 OPP3540 PROPOSAL Wesworth Electric Wesworth Electric 2351 N Dixie Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL 33060 24/7/365 Florida 954.580.4070 24/7/365 Gerogia 470.344.3070 1 Version Professional Electrical Services - Serving Since 1981 05/14/2020 E002243 Billing Details Date: CORNERSTONE--Preserve Customer Phone:(561) 275-3156 Victoria Cotto Customer email:preserveatboyntoncm@theapartmentcorner.com PRESERVE - Unit 1930 NE 6th ST - NEW Meter 1866 NE 5th Street Job Description Reviewed for MoraL Code Compliance 06/16/2020 Main Replacement Boynton Beach, FL, 33435 JOB SITE ADDRESS \[TYPE JOB SITE NAME\] \[TYPEJOBSITE ADDRESS\] ADDENDUMS Permit Unlessspecificallymentioned above,doesNOT Include Permit orPermitrelates fees,fanratedboxes, newgrounding service, load calculations,Engineering, new metercanormast, FPL Fees,Drywall repair.Any unpaid balanceisduewhen workiscompletedprior to finalInspection. IfPermitFeesare includedforonlyONE PERMIT andthe Cityrequiresmultiplepermits to bepulledfor this job, Customerwill be responsiblefor theextracostof issuingmultiplePermits. Wall Repair WesworthElectricIS NOT responsible foranydrywall and/ or stuccorepairs that maybeneeded after theelectricalwork iscompleted.PANELLABELING: Wesworthwillcopyany existinglabels tothe newpanel. IFNEWLABELINGis required, therewillbe an extrachargeof $4.00 pereveryCircuitthe Panel to be Labeledhas. Underground Conduit Runs WesworthElectricIS NOTresponsiblefortherepair ofanyundergroundlineorconduitthat is NOTmarkedby the PublicServiceslocatorcompany(example sprinklerlines,privatewater lines,private cableruns) Stipulations a)Allmaterialsare guaranteedtomeet and/orexceed specificationsofUL-certified standards. b)Allwork is tobecompletedin aprofessionalmanner pursuant to standardpractices. c)ThisProposal maybe supplemented,amended,ormodifiedonly by themutualwritten agreement ofthe parties. d)Uponacceptance the customeragreesto makepaymentpursuanttothe termsoutlinedherein. e)This proposal isvalidfor 30 daysfrom this Proposal dateandisvoidthereafter.f)If thereisanyextralaborperformedafterthescopeof this proposal,andthereisnoFIXED amountProposalfor it, Wesworthwillcharge itsregularratesfor Time& Materialjobstobe95$/HR perTechnician onsite. WARRANTY:Workmanship iswarrantedfor aperiodof1 year. Themanufacturer warrantsmaterialsfor at least oneyear, unlessspecifiedotherwise.Labor performedpursuanttomanufacturer'swarrantymay bebillable.ForWarranty calls to bescheduled, payment hastobe receivedIN FULL for theJobthewarranty isrequested.WESWORTHELECTRIC is adbaofPhase 2Electric,LLC CANCELLATION: CancellationofthisProposalisnot permitted. Shouldthecustomer cancel, Wesworthshall be entitled to110%of thevalueofall workperformed todatetogetherwiththe costsofallmaterialspurchased orotherwiseobtainedforthe worktobeperformed pursuant tothis Proposal. CITY/COUNTYPERMIT RELATED FEES:WesworthElectric Charges$65.00perhour foralltime associated intheacquisition of ElectricalPermits inadditionto thecostofthepermit. Thesecharges are in additionto the Fixed Contract Price listed above. FINALINSPECTIONS: OnPermitrelated feesInvoices, WesworthElectricwillbillforonly onehourallocatedto the FinalInspection. PANELCHANGES:GFI Breakersare NOTincludedinany Proposalunlessspecificallymentioned. OTHERTERMS:a)ThisProposalshall begoverned byand construedin accordancewiththe lawsofthe State ofFlorida.b)The Customeracknowledgesand agreesthat anyproceeding arisinginconnection withthis Proposalshall be triedandlitigatedexclusively in acourt of competent jurisdiction,whether inStateor Federalcourt,locatedin BrowardCounty, StateofFlorida. Theaforementionedchoice ofvenueisintended by thepartiestobe mandatoryandnotpermissivein nature,therebyprecluding thepossibilityof litigation between thepartieswith respect toorarising outofthisProposalin any jurisdiction otherthanthat specifiedin thisparagraph.c)TheCustomerherebywaivesall rightsto atrialbyjuryandagreesthatalllegal proceedingsshallbe tried beforea Judgeandnotajury.d)Inthe eventWesworthor theCustomerbringsaclaimto enforceany provisionofthisProposal, theprevailingparty shallbeentitled to recoverthereasonableattorneys’ feesandcostsitincurred insuchclaim.e)Accounts more than 30dayspast duearesubjectto a$50.00fee and shallbesubject to a monthlyfinancecharge of11% peryear,nottoexceed anylimitationsproscribedby FloridaorFederalLaw.f) LIENPROCESS:Any Invoice PASTDUEcan generate aLIENbeingfiledagainst the Proposal #E002243 v1Page: 4 of 5 OPP3540 PROPOSAL Wesworth Electric Wesworth Electric 2351 N Dixie Hwy, Pompano Beach, FL 33060 24/7/365 Florida 954.580.4070 24/7/365 Gerogia 470.344.3070 1 Version Professional Electrical Services - Serving Since 1981 05/14/2020 E002243 Billing Details Date: CORNERSTONE--Preserve Customer Phone:(561) 275-3156 Victoria Cotto Customer email:preserveatboyntoncm@theapartmentcorner.com PRESERVE - Unit 1930 NE 6th ST - NEW Meter 1866 NE 5th Street Job Description Reviewed for MoraL Code Compliance 06/16/2020 Main Replacement Boynton Beach, FL, 33435 propertywerethejob was performed.Wesworth willcharge $550.00tocover Lien filingfeesand that amountwill be addedtothe job amounttobecollectedin full tosatisfythedebt. g)CreditCardPayments are subjecttoa 3% fee. .JOBDESIGNLIMITATION: AsperFloridaStatue471.003Paragraph2(h) Part1and 2a:ElectricalContractorcan DESIGN and BUILDitsownworkiftheService is 800Ampand240V orLESS. AlsoJobvalue can be$125,000 orLess PANEL CLEARANCE Pleasemakesure thatatthetimewedothe work,panelto beREPLACEDhas aminimumof3 feet clearanceallaround,no appliances,cabinets, shelves,etcisblocking out TechniciansDIRECTaccess to it. IFthere isany objectblockingdirect Accessto thePanels,wemay 1)Postponethe workandcharge $350as a compensationfor the lostdayof workfor theTechnicianor2) Chargeanextra Timeof 90$/Hr until theobjects arerelocated byothers. AFCI Breakers THISPROPOSALDOESNOTINCLUDE AFCIBREAKERS IFREQUIRED, Theywillbe PRICEDSEPARATE Proposal #E002243 v1Page: 5 of 5 OPP3540 Reviewed for MoraL Code Compliance 06/16/2020