PERMIT DOCUMENTSFOR OFFICE U SIZE ONLY UNIVERSAL COUNDL--W M.UNICIPAL FBC Version, Permit Type: BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION FORMI Acceptec! ST _—A-pplication Date: LL 2013 EdWon AppR 'cation t Approved for use throughout Palm Beach County and Municipalities ECK ONE)1: EROPERT Y OWNER: /v PiUMARY Pi: IT k TENANT: "IUB-P;: RMFT - 1z Fee &'V.1ue of. a Sub- P&-mft a T-3 covere-I ur4er a ADDRESS, Y(- I /S Ap UNIT: ?r nary Permit corWate boxes I S hi. Ifinot 4, S. 6 & 8 or to ap-p], '3 d,� 4STATE- 14--f VP: covered unde-r a Primarper y rnft' CITY.-/ _Y/V t cor;iphste the areire ap Kcation to apply. PHONE., YL 7( FAX: EMAIL- I TRAD;E (CHECK ONE): PRO3EC-1 NAME: T7 STRUCTURAL ROOFING LECT-KiCALI I PCN: 21 z MIECHANICAL PLUMBING IRE GAS OTHER: PRIMARY PERMfT #: CITY: 77 - /T -4- LU.�RTIHER _WORK DESCRIP';ION: sE Type of V" New Addmor- = Alterat-on Repair = Demo Z T eirporary Other VALUE: - PERMIT FEE: NET S.F (for SFE),$)- CID NER BUILDER PER FL ST. 489(AS NAKIIEDABOVE, FORCONTACT !NFORMLATION SEE BOX 2) CONTRAC-IOR ,CERT. HOLDER). rp'll j CA License #: 000 0 N1 DSAJCOMP;;� NAME)- y ADDRESS: A:'F-f 0-1y: STATE-- zip.- g— PHONE EMAIL: / o Appi Itcation is hereby made to obtain a pe-mit to do the work and installatio-ns as €€F€ e. 1 certify thatno work or instalIation has comnm enced prior to the issuance of a perrmit and that al.' work will be peefformed to me_, thestandardsef all laws r4-.g Wating i corcuon in thisjuriselce-on. I Understand that a separate pernt�t. must be secureed for El ECTRICAL %NIORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS -EtiW AN S, POOLS, FURNACES� BOILERS, HEATERS, TASKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. aWNEWSAmm- VIT: I c--rff N that aN the foregoing L-forrnation is acvurate and thel. afl. -work w!7done incompliance With all Nvacae--- lay's owulating cortstructon, an�a zonitrt- 'A4 Print Name- Al printNarne: 'N NOTARY REQUIRED IF $ 2;SW OR MORE� OR FORALL OXVINER I fOT ARY R 2,SW OR MORE, 04 FOR ALL OWNER I BUILDERS REGARD S VALU ATE OF�Ff' RIDA BUILDER:--- REGA�PLFSS OF $ VALUE STATE OrFLORIDA COUN, -1O� COUNTYCIF 7, 1 7, T(�' C 7 1-- - eyl -fc '4- Sworn to for afffirmed) and subscrib-a-d b�fore rrie this Sworn to Cor affirrned) asd subscribed before me this zf Clay d- By 04 20 a-C by of 20 �O by z r *-f No'--y _ .Ec - to of Fia'ecia:l 1Sign-a-W-r a of .14 cl--: 1, Pub I C - stare of F 0 6 -da) zs ry 7---! (P�r-Lrt -type, P--S--tarnp come d'SdG'-.'fed Nam e of -Nos� ;�Ubklic`1 y . I Ewe et ROMAN RIon r Type of Identification Produced :DER 85i5l Page of 2 IRIS FK-W--'E HERDER EX0',�,S: March 20 2021 . 50'6&� T`'-" �4&:" pubk 202021 'U Thru N 11Afic Mike Lang Electric Contract Scope of Work. - Home Owner Contractor - 1 311,