CERT OF OCCU . . ALLTERRA ENGINEERING & TESTING 3866 PROSPECT AVENUE • SUITE 9 • WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33404 • (561 ) 881 -1939 REPORT OF CONCRETE TEST CYLINDERS Job No. 16-209 GENERAL INFORMATION: Project: Harbor Estates- LOTS#13 & #48- 848 EAST DRIVE- Boynton Beach, Fl Identification marks: HE 7/14 Client: RTG Construction, Inc. Date sampled: 7/14/20 Time sampled: N/S Sampled by: MDW Construction in which to be used: Auger Cast Piles SUPPLIER INFORMATION: —1 Concrete supplier: N/S Specified strength: 4,000 psi/grout Truck number: N/S Ticket number: N/S Quantity in load: N/S cubic yards Cumulative quantity: N/S cubic yards Time batched: N/S Admixture: N/A FIELD INFORMATION: Number of cylinders made: 4 Weather conditions: N/S Size of test cylinders: 4r"x 8" Ambient Air Temperature: N/S Slump of concrete: N/S Temperature of concrete: N/S Air content% by volume: N/A Water added on site(gallons): N/S Curing (Lab or Field): Lab Water added by: N/A Date received by lab: 7/15/20 Condition of cylinder: Good Remarks: I COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS: Date tested: 7/28/20 Break interval (age): 14 Days Type of break: Type 5 Maximum load (lbs): 136,670 Cross-sectional Area (sq. in.): 12.59 Compressive strength(psi): 10,860 TYPE OF BREAKS: V` .r .1 �rA ,: H T. t ... • il TYPE 1 TYPE 2 TYPE 3 TYPE 4 TYPE 5 TYPE 6 Reasonably wolblormed Well-formed cone on one end, Columnar vemrel cracking Diagonal fracture with no cracking cones on both ends c1' conical cracks running Through caps, through both ends,no well- bide mfr(occur et tam or Similareto Type 5 ug through the ends;lay 1 hemmer bottom(occurcommonly but end of cylinder of cracking through caps no well-defined cone on other end formed cones to distinguish from Type 1 with unbontled caps) is pointed ALL TERRA_ ENGINEERING & TESTING 3866 PROSPECT AVENUE • SUITE 9 • WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33404 • (561) 881-1939 July 17, 2020 RTG Construction 3300 South Congress Avenue Suite #5 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Subject: Report of Pile Installation — Proposed Two-Story Custom Residence 848 East Road, Boynton Beach, Florida Allterra Engineering & Testing respectfully submits this report on pile installation for the subject project. This report provides a summary of work performed on July 13-16, 2020. This report includes installation data for each pile. Reference Documents Allterra previously performed a subsurface exploration for the project. Recommendations for pile design and capacity were presented in Allterra's Report of Geotechnical Services dated May 12th 2020. RTG Construction provided Allterra's engineer a layout plan of pile locations by Randall Stofft Architects dated 4-30-20 (last revision). Observation of Pile Installation Matthew Watts, a Florida-licensed professional engineer, observed installation of augered cast-in- place piles on July 13-16 2020. The pile contractor's crew identified themselves as B & M Marine. Ground surface elevation is estimated as approximately +6 (NAVD) across the project building pad. Pile locations were field staked when Allterra arrived on site. The pile locations appeared to correspond to those presented on the drawings. A total of 89 14-inch diameter piles were installed. All piles were reinforced with 40-foot-long cages composed of 4 number-5 steel bars. The installed piles achieve the project specifications for depth, diameter and reinforcement. Grout Strength Allterra prepared four sets of compressive-strength test specimens of grout delivered to the project site. Samples were obtained on each day of augering. After curing in the field for one day, these specimens were transported directly to the laboratory to be tested at 14 and 28 days of curing. A compressive strength of 4000 PSI (pounds per square inch)was specified in Allterra's report. REPORT OF PILE INSTALLATION JULY 17, 2020 848 EAST DRIVE BOYNTON BEACH,FLORIDA RTG CONSTRUCTION 1 ALLTERRA Joe No. 16-209 • Engineer's Finding Subject to the variances and acceptable grout strength test results, the undersigned professional engineer finds the auger-cast piles were installed in material conformance to the approved plans cited in this report. Allpiles safely exceed the specified capacity of 36 tons (that Allterra presumed is the working capacity). Closing Thank you for engaging Allterra as geotechnical consultant on this project. Please call the undersigned if you have questions about this report or need other services. Yours truly, \` 0 I 1111,011 Allterra EngineetiH ' nkygTo, Certificate of Auttketi Sass T /Z _ IQ, • 81271 1. Matthew Watt3,lA Senior Engine pct STATE OF FL Lic. No. 8127,1.F' Rl rtoo?.•••G\*C Attachments �°/' 'ONAL u-,0\ ��\ REPORT OF PILE INSTALLATION JULY 17, 2020 848 EAST DRIVE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA RTG CONSTRUCTION 2 ALL TERRA JOB NO. 16-209 SUMMARY OF PILE INSTALLATION (table 1 of 3) 848 East Drive, Boynton Beach, FL E Date CO Grade Length Rib Grout Installation Elevation (feet) Elevation Factor 1 7/13/2020 6 40 -34 1.22 g 7/i1_4/,,2020 (3 CO 43 3 7/14/2020 6 40 -34 1.24 13 V/0/2020 (3 CO 413 5 7/14/2020 6 40 -34 1.16 a 9/,14/2020 (3 co 413 ME 7 7/14/2020 6 40 -34 1.18 E3 57/,4/2020 (3 CO 439 2S3 9 7/14/2020 6 40 -34 1.22 m V//2020 (3 CO 43 211) 11 7/14/2020 6 40 -34 1.22 a/L1/2020 (3 m 4.13 13 7/14/2020 6 40 -34 1.32 go 9//2020 0 130 4)9 2a3 15 7/14/2020 6 40 -34 1.16 m Ns,_4/2020 c3 CO 413 17 7/14/2020 6 40 -34 1.26 20 a//202o (3 CO 413 2430 19 7/14/2020 6 40 -34 1.22 m 77//2020 (3 . CO 43 21 7/14/2020 6 40 -34 1.36 igg 7/rl_4/,2020 1 d m 4:to [1 23 7/14/2020 6 40 -34 1.20 rail d C 43 2:M 25 7/15/2020 6 40 -34 1.20 EC 77//2020 d CO 42 MO 27 7/15/2020 6 40 -34 2.25 ge in d m 433 gj 29 7/15/2020 6 40 -34 1.34 m x/0/2020 (j CO 413 223 31 7/15/2020 640 -34 1.28 V/0/2020 (3 , CO 410 Notes. 1. Pile numbers assigned in order of installation. 2. All piles are 14-inch diameter with four#5 reinforcing bars. REPORT OF PILE INSTALLATION JULY 17, 2020 848 EAST DRIVE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA RTG CONSTRUCTION 3 ALL TERRA JOB NO. 16-209 • SUMMARY OF PILE INSTALLATION (table 2 of 3) 848 East Drive, Boynton Beach, FL GBbG9a Date di Grade Length G$bto Grout Installation Elevation (feet) Elevation Factor 33 7/15/2020 6 40 -34 1.68 l3 57/0/2020 o ci 4 35 7/15/2020 6 40 -34 1.32 A3 a/cls/2020 0 CO 411D 37 7/15/2020 6 40 -34 1.32 E0 57/0/2020 Q CO 4)3 39 7/15/2020 6 40 -34 1.22 57/1_5/2020 d co MG M3 41 7/15/2020 6 40 -34 1.53 as graym. 13 m 4n. MD 43 7/15/2020 6 40 -34 1.24 a) V/0/2020 13 C) 413 203 45 7/15/2020 6 40 -34 1.28 C.3 V/0/2020 13 CO 4)3 47 7/15/2020 6 40 -34 1.34 487,Ui5/2020 0 CD 4)3 223 49 7/15/2020 6 40 -34 1.28 OD x/0/2020 d CD 4D0 26CRI 51 7/16/2020 6 40 -34 1.32 ffi Winn (3 <3.) 4 Mi 53 7/16/2020 6 40 -34 1.22 nil 0 en 4)3 SO3 55 7/16/2020 6 40 -34 1.26 57/0/2020 6 CO 4 57 7/16/2020 6 40 -34 1.43 m In 3 CO 4)3 OOD 59 7/16/2020 6 40 -34 1.34 (3J 7Y 7x2020 13 CO 4)3 20§ 61 7/16/2020 6 40 -34 1.28 (337/�16/t2020 13 CO 4)3 2a3 63 7/16/2020 6 40 -34 1.24 131 57/0/2020 O in 4)9 2.1.25 Notes. 1. Pile numbers assigned in order of installation. 2. All piles are 14-inch diameter with four#5 reinforcing bars. REPORT OF PILE INSTALLATION JULY 17, 2020 848 EAST DRIVE BOYNTON BEACH.FLORIDA RTG CONSTRUCTION 4 ALL TERRA JOB No. 16-209 SUMMARY OF PILE INSTALLATION (table 3 of 3) 848 East Drive, Boynton Beach, FL Pile No. Date of Grade 1 Length 1 Pile Toe Grout Installation Elevation (feet) I Elevation Factor 65 7/16/2020 6 40 -34 1.22 66 I 7/16/2020 _ 6 40 -34 1.24 67 7/16/2020 6 40 -34 1.18 P01 I 7/13/2020 6 40 -34 1.18 P02 7/14/2020 6 40 -34 1.20 P03 I 7/13/2020 6 40 -34 1.20 PO4 7/13/2020 6 40 -34 1.16 P05 I 7/13/2020 6 40 -34 1.20 P06 7/13/2020 6 40 -34 3.59 P07 I 7/13/2020 6 40 -34 1.18 P08 7/13/2020 6 40 -34 1.20 P09 I 7/13/2020 6 40 -34 1.28 P10 7/13/2020 6 40 -34 1.24 P11 I 7/13/2020 6 40 -34 1.18 P12 7/13/2020 6 40 -34 1.28 P13 I 7/13/2020 I 6 40 -34 1.22 P14 7/13/2020 6 40 -34 1.20 P15 I 7/13/2020 6 40 -341.22 P16 7/13/2020 6 40 -34 1.20 P17 I 7/13/2020 6 40 -34 1.20 P18 7/14/2020 6 40 -34 1.36 P19 I 7/14/2020 6 40 -34 1.30 P20 7/14/2020 6 40 -34 1.24 P21 I 7/14/2020 6 40 -34 1.26 P22 7/13/2020 6 40 -34 1.22 Notes. 1. Pile numbers assigned in order of installation. 2. All piles are 14-inch diameter with four#5 reinforcing bars. REPORT OF PILE INSTALLATION JULY 17. 2020 848 EAST DRIVE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA RTG CONSTRUCTION 5 ALLTERRA JOB NO. 16-209 Sanchez, Jaime From:Margarett Charles <MCharles@pbcgov.org> Sent:Friday, June 18, 2021 3:10 PM To:Mora, Liz Cc:Willie Swoope; Derrek Moore Subject:RE: Impact fees 08-43-45-22-07-000-0130 Good afternoon Liz, Please see fee estimator below. Thank you, Margarett Charles Financial Analyst II, Palm Beach County Office of Financial Management & Budget Impact Fee Office nd 2300 N. Jog Road, 2 Floor West Palm Beach, FL 33411-2741 Office: (561) 233-5025 Fax: (561) 656-7965 Email: MCharles@pbcgov.org From: Mora, Liz <MoraL@bbfl.us> Sent: Friday, June 18, 2021 2:59 PM To: Derrek Moore <DMoore@pbcgov.org>; Margarett Charles <MCharles@pbcgov.org> Cc: Willie Swoope <WSwoope@pbcgov.org> Subject: Impact fees 08-43-45-22-07-000-0130 ****** Note: This email was sent from a source external to Palm Beach County. Links or attachments should not be accessed unless expected from a trusted source. ******* Good afternoon, 1 Please confirm the impact fees for the following address New 2 story Single Family home 848 East drive Please provide the impact fees for 2 story SF Home 4 bedroom Application date 05/05/20 Proposed sq ft under air 4815 Garage 770 Liz Mora Application Technician Development, Development Services Mailing Address: P.O. Box 310 | Boynton Beach , Florida 33425 Physical Address: 100 E. Ocean Ave. | Boynton Beach , Florida 33435 561-742-6353 MoraL@bbfl.us | boynton-beach.org/ \[boynton-beach.org\] \[twitter.com\] \[facebook.com\] \[instagram.com\] \[nextdoor.com\] \[boynton-beach.org\] \[boynton-beach.org\] Please be advised that Florida has a broad public records law and all correspondence to me via email may be subject to disclosure.Under Florida records law, email addresses are public records. Therefore, your e-mail communication and your e-mail address may be subject to public disclosure. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. 2