PERMIT DOCUMENTS 612.291.3986 patrick.kirchberg@bestbuy.com x` 20-0389 EXHIBITA:STORELISTINGANDRATES /atЉЉЎАЉЍ TRANSFORMATION1FY21 PrimeRetailServices,Inc. ЌЉЋЏЉЊБЉБ.ƚǤƓƷƚƓ.ĻğĭŷtƩźƒĻwĻƷğźƌ{ĻƩǝźĭĻƭͲLƓĭ͵ЍΉЏΉЋЉЋЉЍΉБΉЋЉЋЉЌbźŭŷƷƭbźŭŷƷaƚƓķğǤ ЌЉ͵ЉυЋͲАЏЉ͵ЉЉ υЊͲАЎЉ͵ЉЉ υЍͲЎЊЉ͵ЉЉЌЉ͵ЉЉ͵ЉυЊͲЏЎЉ͵ЉЉ υЊͲЌЎЉ͵ЉЉ υЌͲЉЉЉ͵ЉЉЊЉ͵ЉυАЎЉ͵ЉЉυЉ͵ЉЉ υВЋ͵ЉЉυЎЎ͵ЉЉυЎЉ͵ЉЉυАЎ͵ЉЉ PrimeRetailServices,Inc.BestBuyStores,L.P. bğƒĻbğƒĻ Buddy Davenport Vice President źƷƌĻźƷƌĻ {źŭƓğƷǒƩĻ{źŭƓğƷǒƩĻ April 16, 2020 5ğƷĻ5ğƷĻ EXHIBITA:STORELISTINGANDRATES /atЉЉЎАЉЍ TRANSFORMATION1FY21 PrimeRetailServices,Inc. ЌЉЋЏЉЊБЉБ.ƚǤƓƷƚƓ.Ļğĭŷ υАЎЉ͵ЉЉЍ͵ЉυЌЏБ͵ЉЉυЉ͵ЉЉυЌЏБ͵ЉЉυЏЋЉ͵ЉЉυЎЉБ͵ЉЉυЉ͵ЉЉυЊͲЊЋБ͵ЉЉυЊͲЊЋБ͵ЉЉυЍЋЋ͵БЉυЉ͵ЉЉυЊЉͲЊАБ͵БЉ υВЋ͵ЉЉυЏЋЉ͵ЉЉυЎЉБ͵ЉЉυЎЉЉ͵ЉЉЊЉ͵ЉЉіЊЉ͵ЉЉіЉ͵ЉЉЉЉі April 17, 2020 City of Boynton Beach Building Permits Department 3301 Quantum Blvd. Suite 101, Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Reference:Best Buy #808 –Boynton Beach, FL Permit#: 20-0389 Interplan#: 2020.0028 Response to Building Plan ReviewComments To Whom It May Concern: Please accept the following in response to building plan review comments datedMarch 31, 2020: 1.Comment:Construction documents shall be in accordance with Sections 107.2.1 through 107.2.6. Response:Acknowledged. 2.Comment:Construction documents shall be dimensioned and drawn upon suitable material. Electronic media documents are permitted to be submitted when approved by the building official. Construction documents shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of this code and relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, as determined by the building official. Such drawings and specifications shall contain information, in the form of notes or otherwise, as to the quality of materials, where quality is essential to conformity with the technical codes. Such information shall be specific, and the technical codes shall not be cited as a whole or in part, nor shall the term "legal" or its equivalent be used as a substitute for specific information. All information, drawings, specifications and accompanying data shall bear the name and signature of the person responsible for the design. Response:Acknowledged. The scope of work has been coordinated and clarified with the correct electrical scope. Best Buy #808 –Boynton Beach, FL April 17, 2020 Page 2of 4 3.Comment:The building official may require details, computation, stress diagrams, andother data necessary to describe the construction or installation and the basis of calculations. All drawings, specifications and accompanying data required by the building official to be prepared by an architect or engineer shall be affixed with their official seal, signature and date, as state law requires. Response:Acknowledged. 4.Comment:The applicant for a permit shall provide an estimated permit value at time of application. Permit valuations shall include total value of work, including materials and labor, for which the permit is being issued, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing equipment and permanent systems. If, in the opinion of the building official, the valuation is underestimated on the application, the permit shall be denied, unless the applicant can show detailed estimates to meet the approval of the building official. Final building permit valuation shall be set by the building official. Response:A site specific copy of the contract has been included in this resubmittal. Structural Review -Robert Coady –561.742.6354 –coadyr@bbfl.us 1.Comment:Interior remodel of appliance section??? Please provide a narrative response letter to address all comments and to better assist with a more efficient plan review process. Please note the sheet for which the design was revised. If the narrative response letter contains an engineer evaluation or an engineering statement to address design comments, then the narrative response letter shall be signed and sealed. (advisory) Response:The scope was coordinated with the electrical drawings that have been submitted. The cover sheet was updated to indicate the removal of the F4 and F5 sheets from the drawing set. The A3.0 Demo plan was revised to coordinate with scope of work in electrical already submitted. The F4 and F5 sheets have been removed. Scope is replacing the Samsung Open House fixture with new in existing location and disconnecting existing I-wall display appliances to provide quads to plug in displays. Best Buy #808 –Boynton Beach, FL April 17, 2020 Page 3of 4 2.Comment:Provide an updated application with the TBD contractor of record and license required. per F.S. 489 not submitted. A) Provide an Electric Application, sub-permit and licensed contractor. (not submitted). NOT SATISFIED,provide a site-specific document between the contractor and the client, signed with all materials and labor for this project. Note: the copied contract submit appears generic for numerous locations, and not legible. Response:Acknowledged. Revised application and asite specific copy of the contract has been included in this resubmittal. 3.Comment:The Owner/Tenant and Contractor/Designer of record shall provide a copy of the VALUATION documentation per BBA 109.3 Incomplete submittal, provide (DELTA) and Bubble/locate areas of work on the plans, with details/scope of work. -appears GC to remove this FIXTURE for new work, (is this electric fixture?) -existing fixture to be modified for new product?is this electric? Response:The Samsung open house fixture is plugged in for display. The new fixture matches the existing requirements and will be plugged back in. It is not a hard wired display. The electrical work is disconnection of existing displays which have specific boxes to provide quads to re-plug display fixtures in. This is for ease of future display changes. 4.Comment:Provide a line item (DELTA) scope of work on the demolition plans. The fixture plan does not locate what is being completed in the scope of work on sheet F-1, Amend the plans, BUBBLE, locate the work area on the plans. Response:Delta indicated as revision 2 is shown on the plans to show the scope of work on A3.0 as listed in previous comment. 5.Comment:Provide, clarify the PROPOSED scope of work onthe plans for the (what appears to be Furniture Installation)??? A) Is the scope Electric only?The Narrative submittal is incorrect, there are electric plans sheets submitted. Response:Yes, the scope of work is electrical only. General Comment –Elizabeth Mora 1.Comment:Need contractor, need owner telephone and / or email. Response:An amended building permit application providing the contractor, owner’s telephone number and email has been included as part of this resubmittal. Best Buy #808 –Boynton Beach, FL April 17, 2020 Page 4of 4 Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or require additional information. If I am not available, Jennifer McKinneyis the Project Manager and she will be able to answer your questions. Sincerely, INTERPLAN LLC Andrea Cardo for Ashley Rosado Permit Coordinator Attachments cc:J. McKinney, Interplan LLC IP File