PERMIT DOCUMENTS JOSE D. GARCIA Consulting Engineer, LLC th 17440 NE4Avenue North Miami Beach, FL 33162 Telephone (305) 903-5706 June 16, 2020 City of Boynton Beach Building Department RE: Oyer residence. Roof mounted photovoltaic system. th 140 SE 27Way. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Dear Sir: This letter serves to verify my digital signature appearing on plans and calculations signed by me. The structural plansand calculations for the above referenced project have been designed by me. The method used to digitally sign and seal the drawings is a third party web based method by Identrust.com.This method and software used to sign and seal the drawings complies with the intent of the Florida Board of Professional Engineers rules for signing and sealing drawings. Drawings include sheets S101, S102 ands include sheets S101, S102 ands include sheets S101, S102 andS501S501S501signed on signed on signed on June 16, 2021June 16, 2021June 16, 2021and 10 pages of calculationssigned on June 16, 2021. BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF You can verify my digital signature by doing right-clicking on the digital signature, dpbezs!1703603132 BE ADVISED THAT PRINTED COPIES OF DIGITALLYSIGNED DOCUMENTSARE NOT CONSIDERED SIGNED AND SEALED AND THE SIGNATUREMUST BE VERIFIED ON ANY ELECTRONIC COPIES. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions on this matter. Sincerely, Jose D. Garcia, P.E., President Florida Registration Number PE78456 Ejhjubmmz!tjhofe!cz!Kptf!E!Hbsdjb; B12521D11111288D634C5C7111228CB! EO;!d>VT-!p>Kptf!E/!Hbsdjb!Dpotvmujoh! Fohjoffs!MMD-!do>Kptf!E!Hbsdjb; B12521D11111288D634C5C7111228CB! Ebuf;!3132/17/27!2:;46;27!.15(11( FMFDUSJD cbmvzpun!1703503132 FMFDUSJD cbmvzpun!1703503132 BQQSPWFE FMFDUSJD cbmvzpun!1703503132 Q.PLUS L-G4.1 330-340 Q.ANTUM SOLAR MODULE Uif!R/BOUVN!tpmbs!npevmf!R/QMVT!M.H5/2!xjui!qpxfs!dmbttft!vq!up! 451Xq!jt!uif!tuspohftu!npevmf!pg!jut!uzqf!po!uif!nbslfu!hmpcbmmz/! Qpxfsfe!cz!83!R!DFMMT!tpmbs!dfmmt!R/QMVT!M.H5/2!xbt!tqfdjbmmz!ef. tjhofe!gps!mbshf!tpmbs!qpxfs!qmbout!up!sfevdf!CPT!dptut/!Pomz!R!DFMMT! pggfst!Hfsnbo!fohjoffsjoh!rvbmjuz!xjui!pvs!vojrvf!usjqmf!Zjfme!Tfdvsjuz/ MPX!FMFDUSJDJUZ!HFOFSBUJPO!DPTUT! Ijhifs!zjfme!qfs!tvsgbdf!bsfb!boe!mpxfs!CPT!dptut!uibolt!up &/ JOOPWBUJWF!BMM.XFBUIFS!UFDIOPMPHZ Pqujnbm!zjfmet-!xibufwfs!uif!xfbuifs!xjui!fydfmmfou!mpx.mjhiu boe!ufnqfsbuvsf!cfibwjps/ FOEVSJOH!IJHI!QFSGPSNBODF 2 Mpoh.ufsn!zjfme!tfdvsjuz!xjui!Bouj.QJE!Ufdiopmphz- YIELD SECURITY Ipu.Tqpu.Qspufdu!boe!Usbdfbcmf!Rvbmjuz!Usb/Rš/ ANTI PID TECHNOLOGY (APT) HOT-SPOT PROTECT MJHIU.XFJHIU!RVBMJUZ!GSBNF (HSP) TRACEABLE QUALITY (TRA.Q™) ijhi!topx!)6511!Qb*!boe!xjoe!mpbet!)3511!Qb*/ B!SFMJBCMF!JOWFTUNFOU Jodmvtjwf!23.zfbs!qspevdu!xbssbouz!boe!36.zfbs!mjofbs! Best polycrystalline solar module 2013 3 qfsgpsnbodf!hvbsbouff/! Q.PRO-G2 235 151 modules tested 2 BQU!uftu!dpoejujpot;!Dfmmt!bu!.2111W! bhbjotu!hspvoefe-!xjui!dpoevdujwf!nf. ubm!gpjm!dpwfsfe!npevmf!tvsgbdf-!36±D-! UIF!JEFBM!TPMVUJPO!GPS; 279i 3 Tff!ebub!tiffu!po!sfbs!gps!gvsuifs! Hspvoe.npvoufe jogpsnbujpo/ tpmbs!qpxfs!qmbout BQQSPWFE FMFDUSJD MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION cbmvzpun!1703503132 Format 78.5in × 39.4in × 1.38in (including frame) 78.5'' (1994 mm) (1994 mm × 1000 mm × 35 mm)51.5'' (1308 mm) 5.91'' 15.7'' (400 mm) (150 mm) Weight 52.9 lb (24kg) 6 × Grounding holes, Ø 0.18'' (4.5 mm)4 × Drainage holes 0.47 × 0.47" (11.9 × 11.9 mm) Front Cover Frame 37.4'' 37.4'' Back Cover (950 mm) (949 mm) 47.24'' (1200 mm) 39.4'' Cable with Frame (1000 mm) connectors Junction bo× Cell 4 × Mounting slots system Tracker (DETAIL B) Junction box 3.35-4.13in × 2.36-3.15in × 0.59-0.67in (85-105 mm × 60-80 mm × 4 × Mounting slots (DETAIL A) 8 × Drainage holes 0.12 × 0.24" (3 × 6 mm) 0.63" (16 mm)0.39" (10 mm) Cable 47.24in (1200 mm), (-) 47.24in (1200 mm) 1.38" (35 mm) DETAIL ADETAIL B 0.28" (7 mm) 0.33" (8.5 mm) 1.0" (25.5 mm)0.98" (25 mm) Connector FMFDUSJDBM!DIBSBDUFSJTUJDT QPXFS!DMBTT441446451 2 NJOJNVN!QFSGPSNBODF!BU!TUBOEBSE!UFTU!DPOEJUJPOT-!TUD!)QPXFS!UPMFSBODF!,6X!0!.1X* 3 330335340 Qpxfs!bu!NQQQ\\X^ NQQ 9.499.549.59 Tipsu!Djsdvju!Dvssfou+J\\B^ TD 46.5546.8147.07 Pqfo!Djsdvju!Wpmubhf+W\\W^ PD 8.918.979.03 Dvssfou!bu!NQQ+J\\B^ NQQ 37.0237.3337.63 Wpmubhf!bu!NQQ+W\\W^ NQQ 3 Fggjdjfodz\\&^27/627/928/2 4 NJOJNVN!QFSGPSNBODF!BU!OPSNBM!PQFSBUJOH!DPOEJUJPOT-!OPD 3 244.7248.4252.1 Qpxfs!bu!NQQQ\\X^ NQQ 7.657.697.73 Tipsu!Djsdvju!Dvssfou+J\\B^ TD 43.4443.6843.92 Pqfo!Djsdvju!Wpmubhf+W\\W^ PD 6.997.047.09 Dvssfou!bu!NQQ+J\\B^ NQQ 35.0135.2935.56 Wpmubhf!bu!NQQ+W\\W^ NQQ 23!4! 2111!X0n³-!36±D-!tqfdusvn!BN!2/6HNfbtvsfnfou!upmfsbodft!TUD!²4&<!OPD!²6&911!X0n³-!OPDU-!tqfdusvn!BN!2/6H+!uzqjdbm!wbmvft-!bduvbm!wbmvft!nbz!ejggfs QCELLS PERFORMANCE WARRANTYPERFORMANCE AT LOW IRRADIANCE 100 110 Q CELLS * Industry standard for linear warranties 97 * Industry standard for tiered warranties - 95 100 At least 92% of nominal power after 90 90 At least 83% of nominal power after 85 80 80 2004006008001000 IRRADIANCE \[W/m²\] 75 0510152025 Uzqjdbm!npevmf!qfsgpsnbodf!voefs!mpx!jssbejbodf!dpoejujpot!jo!dpnqbsjtpo!up * Evaluation of the 10 PV companies with the largest production YEARS 3 capacity in 2014 (Status: September 2014) TUD!dpoejujpot!)36±D-!2111X0n*/ UFNQFSBUVSF!DPFGGJDJFOUT Ufnqfsbuvsf!Dpfggjdjfou!pg!J\\&0L^,1/15 Ufnqfsbuvsf!Dpfggjdjfou!pg!W\\&0L^1/3: TDPD Ufnqfsbuvsf!Dpfggjdjfou!pg!Q\\&0L^1/51 Opsnbm!Pqfsbujoh!Dfmm!UfnqfsbuvsfOPDU\\±G^224!²!6/5!)56!²!4±D* NQQ PROPERTIES FOR SYSTEM DESIGN Maximum System Voltage V\[V\]Safety Class II 2611!)JFD*!0!2111!)VM* SYS Maximum Series Fuse Rating\[A DC\]15 Fire Rating C / Type 1 22 Max Load (UL)\[lbs/ft\]75 (3600 Pa)Permitted module temperature-40°F up to +185°F on continuous duty(-40°C up to +85°C) 22 2 Load Rating (UL)\[lbs/ft\]33 (1600 Pa) see installation manual PACKAGING INFORMATION QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATES IEC 61215 (Ed.2); IEC 61730 (Ed.1), Application class A Number of Modules per Pallet 29 This data sheet complies with DIN EN 50380. Number of Pallets per 40' Container 22 Pallet Dimensions ( L × W × H )81.3 × 45.3 × 46.9in (2065 × 1150 × 1190mm) Certified UL 1703 Pallet Weight 1671lbs (758kg) (254141) NOTE: Installation instructions must be followed. See the installation and operating manual or contact our technical service department for further information on approved installation and use of this product. Hanwha Q CELLS USA Corp. TELEMAIL Job Name: S. Oyer Residence Job Address: 140 SE 27th Way Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Job Number: 21-003 GS Job Name SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DESIGN OF CONNECTIONS OF THE PV MODULES RAIL SYSTEMDESIGN OF CONNECTIONS OF THE PV MODULES RAIL SYSTEMDESIGN OF CONNECTIONS OF THE PV MODULES RAIL SYSTEM TO THE EXISTING STRUCTURETO THE EXISTING STRUCTURETO THE EXISTING STRUCTURE BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1703603132 Job Address 140 SE 27th WAY BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 THESE CALCULATIONS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE HVHZ PROVISIONS OF THE FBC 7th EDITION (2020) CODE,THE ASCE 7-16 ADOPTED STANDARD AND THE NSD FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION - 2015 EDITION tğŭĻ Њ Job Name: S. Oyer Residence Job Address: 140 SE 27th Way Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Job Number: 21-003 GS AS PERMITTED BY THE FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, SECTION 61G15-23.002(2), THIS COVER HAS BEEN SIGNED, SEALED AND DATED ASSUMING RESPONSIBILITY FOR 10 PAGES OF CALCULATIONS LISTED BELOW. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER DESCRIPTIONPAGE NUMBER DESIGN LOADS 13 2DESIGN OF SCREWS CONNECTING 4 BASES TO EXISTING STRUCTURE 3BACKWARD CALCULATION TO DETERMINE MAXIMUM6 WIND LOAD CAPACITY 4VERIFICATION EXISTING STRUCTURE WILL6 ACCOMMODATE ADDITIONAL DEAD LOAD 5PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS ACTING UPLIFT LOAD7 WIND LOAD CALCULATIONSWIND LOAD CALCULATIONSWIND LOAD CALCULATIONS 68 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1703603132 Jose D. Garcia State of Florida, Professional Engineer, License No. 78456 This item has been digitally signed and sealed by: Ejhjubmmz!tjhofe!cz!Kptf!E!Hbsdjb; B12521D11111288D634C5C7111228CB! EO;!d>VT-!p>Kptf!E/!Hbsdjb!Dpotvmujoh!Fohjoffs!MMD-! do>Kptf!E!Hbsdjb;B12521D11111288D634C5C7111228CB! Ebuf;!3132/17/27!2:;41;24!.15(11( Printed copies of this document are not considered signed and sealed and the signature must be verified on any electronic copies. tğŭĻ Ћ Job Name: S. Oyer Residence Job Address: 140 SE 27th Way Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Job Number: 21-003 GS CHAPTER 1: DESIGN LOADS PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULE SPECIFICATIONS PV Module Brand =See panel Cut Sheet Document Type =Solar Module Series = See panel Cut Sheet document PV Module Height (H) =0.125 ft PV Module Width (W) =3.42 ft PV Module Depth (L) = 5.75 ft Operating Weight (Wt) =41.89 lb All Structural calculations are made for worst case condition Uplift Weighted Ave. for pressure=psf 56.14 FIND UPLIFT FORCE (U) Tributary Area each base (worst case) (At) =Tributary Area each base (worst case) (At) =Tributary Area each base (worst case) (At) =2'x2.83'2'x2.83'5.675.67 sf BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE Dead load Rooftop-mounted PV system=Dead load Rooftop-mounted PV system=Dead load Rooftop-mounted PV system=3.003.00 lb/sflb/sflb/sf TUSVDUVSF Weighted Ave. for pressure (Wu)=56.14 psf dpbezs!1703603132 Net Uplift Force = U = (Wu - PW)53.14 psf FIND TOTAL TENSION APPLIED TO EACH CONNECTION (Tt) Total Tension = Tt = U * At 301.29 lb Base type and Manufacturer:Snapnrack umbrela L foot Manufacturer Allowable Tension 802 lb Safety Factor = FS = 2.66 FIND TENSION APPLIED EACH SCREW ( Tscrew) Number of screws per connection (# screws) = 1.00 u Tension each screw= Tscrew = Tt / # screws =301.29 lb/ per screw with wind load in tension Per section 2.4.1 of ASCE 7-16, Basic Load Combinations for Allowable Stress Design: Applicable load combination #5 (D+0.6W) tğŭĻ Ќ Job Name: S. Oyer Residence Job Address: 140 SE 27th Way Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Job Number: 21-003 GS FIND LATERAL FORCE (Ph) Lateral Wind Pressure W =63.46 psf Lateral Trib. Area (each base) = 4' X 0.125' = 0.5 sf Lateral Force = Ph = W * At = 52.99 lb Base type and Manufacturer:Snapnrack umbrela L foot Manufacturer Allowable lateral Capacity 356 lb Safety Factor = FS = 6.72 FIND SHEAR STRENGTH APPLIED TO EACH SCREW (Vscrew) Number of screws per connection (# screws) =1.00 u Shear each screw = Vscrew = Ph/ # screws =52.99 lb/ per screw CHAPTER 2: DESIGN OF SCREWS CONNECTING BASES TO EXISTING STRUCTURECHAPTER 2: DESIGN OF SCREWS CONNECTING BASES TO EXISTING STRUCTURE BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF USING1.0LAG SCREW(S) PER BASE dpbezs!1703603132 Diameter =5/16in Minimum thread penetration = 2.5in Existing structure= 2" X 4" wood trusses at 24" o.c. tğŭĻ Ѝ Job Name: S. Oyer Residence Job Address: 140 SE 27th Way Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Job Number: 21-003 GS LAG SCREW DESIGN NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOR APPLICABLE CODE(S)WOOD CONSTRUCTION ( 2015 EDITION) SOUTHER PINE EXISTING SPECIES COMBINATION (2" x 4" WOOD truses @ 24 in o.c.) G = 0.55 SPECIFIC GRAVITY (G) (TABLE 12.3.3A) LAG SCREW DIAMETER (IN)5/16 DESIGN VALUES WITHDRAWAL LATERAL 307 LB/IN (Table 12.2A)140 LB (table 12J) PRELIMINARY DESIGN VALUE LAG SCREW THREAD PENETRATION (MIN.) FOR A 3" LENGTH SCREW2.5" (APPENDIX L - TABLE L2) PRELIMINARY DESIGN VALUE767.50 lb Cd - LOAD DURATION FACTOR1.61.6 (SECTION 2.3.2) Cm - WET SERVICE FACTOR1111 (TABLE 11.3.3) BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE Ct - TEMPERATURE FACTOR TUSVDUVSF T < = 100 F11 dpbezs!1703603132 (TABLE 11.3.4) Cg - GROUP ACTION FACTORN/A0.98 Cc - GEOMETRIC FACTORN/A1 (SECTION 12.5.1) Ceg - END GRAIN FACTOR 11 (SECTION 12.5.2) Cti - DIAPHRAGM FACTORN/A1 (SECTION 12.5.3) Ctn - TOE NAIL FACTOR11 (SECTION 12.5.4) LAG SCREW PENETRATION FACTORN/AN/A FINAL DESIGN VALUE1,228 lb219 lb (TABLE 11.3.1) SCREWS NEEDED0.24535 = 10.242 = 1 1 SCREWS PROVIDED MINIMUM EDGE DISTANCE REQUIREMENTSL/D = 2.5"/ 5/16" = 8 AND 8 > 6 FOR SCREWS WHEN L/D>=6REQUIRED SPACING = 1.5 * D = 0.47" (TABLE 12.5.1C)PROVIDED = 1.0" MINIMUM SPACING REQUIREMENTSL/D = 2.5"/ 5/16" = 8 AND 8 > 6 FOR SCREWS WHEN L/D > = 6REQUIRED SPACING = 5 * D = 1.56" (TABLE 12.5.1D)PROVIDED = 2.5" tğŭĻ Ў Job Name: S. Oyer Residence Job Address: 140 SE 27th Way Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Job Number: 21-003 GS CHAPTER 3: BACKWARD CALCULATIONS TO DETERMINE MAXIMUM WIND LOAD CAPACITY 1.0lag screw(s) with 2.5" penetration into SYP = 307 lb/in * 2.5 in = 767.5lb (withdrawal) Tributary area for the worst case. = 5.67sf Net uplift wind load W = 767.5/5.67 W = 135.36psf Net Uplift That is why 1.0lag screw(s) (5/16" dia.) with 2.5" penetration to SYP at5.67sf A trib. per group of screw(s) have a wind load capacity of = 135.36psf (Net Uplift) Actual wind load with mph at 19.67sf area 170 Zone 1 = 53.06 OK psf Zone 2r = 68.45 OK psf Zone 2n =68.45 OK psf Zone 2e=53.06 OK psf Zone 3r =81.4 OKOK psf Zone 3e = 68.45 OKOK psf BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF CHAPTER 4: VERIFICATION EXISTING STRUCTURE WILL ACCOMMODATE ADDITIONAL dpbezs!1703603132 DEAD LOAD Existing structure superimposed loads (estimated design loads): Dead load = 25+10=35psf Live load = 30psf Photovoltaic system superimposed loads Dead Load =psf 3 Life Load =psf 0 Assume Design Parameters: The exist. Structure has been built under a building permit and is in its original condition. The existing roof structure is capable of its code required loads and the ability of the roof structure to support LL & DL loads has not been substantially reduced by age of the structure. Contractor shall make an inspection of the existing roof framing system prior to installation of the roof mounted solar system to verify that the existing roof is capable of supporting minimum roof live loads. tğŭĻ Џ Job Name: S. Oyer Residence Job Address: 140 SE 27th Way Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Job Number: 21-003 GS CHAPTER 5: PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS ACTING UPLIFT LOAD. All Structural calculations are made for worst case condition Panel uplift pressure calculated as a weighted average of wind pressures FOR THE MOST LOADED MODULE IN THE ARRAY. See module location sheet S102 PERCENT OF AREAS DISTRIBUTION (Ax) - WORST CASE CONDITION. Panel area inside wind zone 1 =sf 30% = 5.90 Panel area inside wind zone 2r =sf 20% = 3.93 Panel area inside wind zone 2n =sf 0% =0.00 Panel area inside wind zone 2e=sf 50%=9.83 Panel area inside wind zone 3r=sf 0% =0.00 Panel area inside wind zone 3e=sf 0.00 0% = Total=sf 19.67 100% = WIND LOAD VALUES WITH WIND LOAD VALUES WITH mph AT mph AT 19.6719.67sf AREA (PZx)sf AREA (PZx) 170170 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF Zone 1=psf 53.06 dpbezs!1703603132 Zone 2r=psf 68.45 Zone 2n=psf 68.45 Zone 2e=psf 53.06 Zone 3r=psf 81.4 Zone 3e=psf 68.45 CALCULATION OF THE WEIGHTED AVERAGE FOR PRESSURE ACTING ON THE PANELS (Pave) Pave= AutoSum (Ax% * PZx) 100% Pave= psf 56.14 PROPOSED PANEL (PROPERTIES FOR SYSTEM DESIGN) Panel type: (See panel Cut Sheet attached with the original set of plans) tğƓĻƌƭ ƦƌźŅƷ 5ĻƭźŭƓ \[ƚğķ ƦƩĻƭƭǒƩĻ ΛtķĻƭźŭƓΜ ƒǒƭƷ ĬĻ Ѣў ƦƭŅ ЎЏ͵ЊЍ tğŭĻ А MecaWind v2383 Software Developer: Meca Enterprises Inc., www.meca.biz, Copyright © 2020 Calculations Prepared by: Calculations Prepared For: JDG CONSULTING ENG., LLC Client: 0 17440 NE 4th AVE Project #: 20-045 MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33162 Location: MIAMI DADE COUNTY Date: May 22, 2021 Description: Designer: JOSE D. GARCIA, PE Building File Location : C:\\Users\\jgarc\\Downloads\\test w ProjInfo.wnd Basic Wind Parameters Wind Load Standard = ASCE 7-16 Exposure Category = D Wind Design Speed = 170.0 mph Risk Category = II Structure Type = Other Other Structure Type = Solar Panels General Wind Settings Incl_LF = Include ASD Load Factor of 0.6 in Pressures = True DynType = Dynamic Type of Structure = Rigid NF = Natural Frequency of Structure (Mode 1) = 1.000 Hz Zg = Altitude (Ground Elevation) above Sea Level = 0.000 ft Bdist = Base Elevation of Structure = 0.000 ft Reacs = Show the Base Reactions in the output = False MWFRSType = MWFRS Method Selected = Ch 29 Topographic Factor per Fig 26.8-1 Topo = Topographic Feature = None Kzt = Topographic Factor = 1.000 Building Inputs hny : Gap between Panel & Roof (-Y)= 0.022 ft hpy : Gap between Panel & Roof (+Y)= 0.022 ft Lp : Panel Chord Length = 5.750 ft Wp : Panel Width = 3.420 ft Nrows : Number of Rows = 1 Ncols : Number of Columns = 10 Sr : Spacing Between Rows = 0.022 ft Sc : Spacing Between Columns= 0.022 ft Xstart: X distance to Corner = 5.000 ft Ystart: Y distance to Corner = 5.000 ft Exposure Constants per Table 26.11-1: Alpha: Table 26.11-1 Const = 11.500 Zg: Table 26.11-1 Const = 700.000 ft At: Table 26.11-1 Const = 0.087 Bt: Table 26.11-1 Const = 1.070 Am: Table 26.11-1 Const = 0.111 Bm: Table 26.11-1 Const = 0.800 C: Table 26.11-1 Const = 0.150 Eps: Table 26.11-1 Const = 0.125 Gust Factor Calculation: Gust Factor Category I Rigid Structures -Simplified Method G1 = For Rigid Structures (Nat. Freq.>1 Hz) use 0.85 = 0.85 Gust Factor Category II Rigid Structures -Complete Analysis Zm = 0.6 * Ht = 7.000 ft= 7.000 ft Izm = Cc * (33 / Zm) ^ 0.167 = 0.194 Izm = Cc * (33 / Zm) ^ 0.167 = 0.194 Lzm = L * (Zm / 33) ^ Epsilon = 535.472 Lzm = L * (Zm / 33) ^ Epsilon = 535.472 Q = (1 / (1 + 0.63 * ((B + Ht) /Lzm)^0.63))^0.5 = 0.961 Lzm)^0.63))^0.5 = 0.961 BQQSPWFE G2 = 0.925*((1+1.7*lzm*3.4*Q)/(1+1.7*3.4*lzm)) = 0.906 G2 = 0.925*((1+1.7*lzm*3.4*Q)/(1+1.7*3.4*lzm)) = 0.906 Gust Factor Used in Analysis TUSVDUVSF G = Lessor Of G1 Or G2 = 0.850 dpbezs!1703603132 Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) Calculations for Solar Panels per Ch 29: LF = Load Factor based upon ASD Design = 0.60 hs = Overall height of structure = 9.750 ft h = Mean Roof Height above grade = 9.750 ft Kh = Z < 15 ft \[4.572 m\]--> (2.01 * (15/zg)^(2/Alpha) {Table 26.10-1}= 1.030 Kzt = Topographic Factor is 1 since no Topographic feature specified = 1.000 Kd = Wind Directionality Factor per Table 26.6-1 = 0.85 qh = (0.00256 * Kh * Kzt * Kd * Ke * V^2) * LF = 38.87 psf Wind Loads on Solar Panel(s) Per Sec 29.4.4 h = Mean Roof Height = 9.750 ft a = Width for Zone 2 and 3 determination (Per C&C Figure) = 3.000 ft h/2 = Width used to determine if Exposed: h / 2 = 4.875 ft h1 = Dist from Roof to Lower PanelEdge: Min(hny, hnp) = 0.022 ft h2 = Dist from Roof to Upper Panel Edge: Max(hny, hnp) = 0.022 ft d1_limit = d1 limit for adjacent panels: 4 ft \[1.2 m\] = 4.000 ft hpt = Height of Parapet = 0.000 ft w = Slope of panel relative to roof: ASIN((h2-h1)/Lp) = 0.0 Deg Gap_Min = Minimum gap between Panels: Min(Sr, Sc) = 0.2640 in The Gap_Min is at least 0.25 in\[6.4 mm\] and so it is acceptable Gap_Max = Maximum gap between Panels: Max(Sr, Sc) = 0.022 ft The Gap_Max can be no more than 6.7 ft \[2.04 m\] and so it is acceptable 1.5Lp = Distance from end considered exposed: 1.5 * Lp = 8.625 ft LF = Load Factor based upon ASD Design = 0.60 Slope = Roof Slope = 18.43 Deg A = Area of One Panel: Lp * Wp = 19.67 sq ft Ga = Solar Panel Press Equalization Factor {Fig 29.4-8} = 0.683 The array shall be located 2*h2 (0.044 ft) from roof edge, a gable ridge, or a hip ridge. Solar Panel Exosure Criteria: Due to complex solar arrays, the software does not automatically determine if a panel is exposed. The following criteria must be used by the designer to determine if a panel is considered 'Exposed'. If any one of these criteria are met then the panel is considered Exposed: 1) The distance to adjacent solar array or building edge 'd1' is > 4 ft \[1.2 m\] 2) The distance to adjacent panel 'd2' > 4 ft \[1.2 m\] Wind Pressures for Solar Panel(s) per Sec 29.4.4 All wind pressures include a load factor of 0.6 Zone Exposed Ge Ge GCp GCp_Neg GCp_Pos p p Uplift Down Fig Uplift Down Uplift Down psf psf ----- ------- ------ ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ----- 1 Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2B -2.000 0.466 -79.59 12.37 1_OH Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2B -2.500 0.000 -99.49 0.00 2e Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2B -2.000 0.466 -79.59 12.37 2e_OH Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2B -2.500 0.000 -99.49 0.00 2n Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2B -2.580 0.466 -102.67 12.37 2n_OH Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2B -3.185 0.000 -126.75 0.00 2r Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2B -2.580 0.466 -102.67 12.37 2r_OH Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2B -3.185 0.000 -126.75 0.00 3e Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2B -2.580 0.466 -102.67 12.37 3e_OH Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2B -3.554 0.000 -141.43 0.00 3r Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2B -3.071 0.466 -122.23 12.37 3r_OH Yes 1.500 1.000 30.3-2B -3.995 0.000 -158.99 0.00 1 No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2B -2.000 0.466 -53.06 12.37 1_OH No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2B -2.500 0.000 -66.33 0.00 2eNo 1.000 1.000 30.3-2B -2.000 0.466 -53.06 12.37 2e_OH No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2B -2.500 0.000 -66.33 0.00 2n No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2B -2.580 0.466 -68.45 12.37 2n_OH No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2B -3.185 0.000 -84.50 0.00 2r No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2B -2.580 0.466 -68.45 12.37 2r_OH No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2B -3.185 0.000 -84.50 0.00 3e No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2B -2.580 0.466 -68.45 12.37 3e_OH No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2B -3.554 0.000 -94.29 0.00 3r No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2B -3.071 0.466 -81.49 12.37 3r_OH No 1.000 1.000 30.3-2B -3.995 0.000 -106.00 0.00 Notes: Zone = Zone based upon 'GCP Fig' Exposed = Exposed panel per Eqn 29.4-6 Ge = Factor per Eqn 29.4-6 GCrn_nom= Nominal press coeff per Fig 29.4-7 GCrn = Gp*Gc*Ge*GCrn_nom \[Eqn 29.4-6\] p = qh*GCrn \[Eqn 29.4-5\] Area = Area of Zone is based upon area of one panel: 19.67 sq ft + Pressures Acting TOWARD Surface -Pressures Acting AWAY from Surface Origin of X/Y system is at the geometric center of the building The array shall be located 2*h2 (0.044 ft) from roof edge, a gable ridge, or a hip ridge. The roof shall be designed for both of the following: 1) The case where solar collectors are present. Solar panel loads applied simultaneously with roof wind pressures per normal roof design without those roof pressures applied to sections of the roof where solar panels are not covering roof. 2) Case where solar arrays have been removed. BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1703603132 MecaWind v2383 Software Developer: Meca Enterprises Inc., www.meca.biz, Copyright © 2020 Calculations Prepared by: Calculations Prepared For: JDG CONSULTING ENG., LLC Client: 0 17440 NE 4th AVE Project #: 20-045 MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33162 Location: MIAMI DADE COUNTY Date: May 22, 2021 Description: Designer: JOSE D. GARCIA, PE Building File Location : C:\\Users\\jgarc\\Downloads\\test w ProjInfo.wnd Basic Wind Parameters Wind Load Standard = ASCE 7-16 Exposure Category = D Wind Design Speed = 170.0 mph Risk Category = II Structure Type = Other Other Structure Type = Solid Sign General Wind Settings Incl_LF = Include ASD Load Factor of 0.6 in Pressures = True DynType = Dynamic Type of Structure = Rigid NF = Natural Frequency of Structure (Mode 1) = 1.000 Hz Zg = Altitude (Ground Elevation) above Sea Level = 0.000 ft Bdist = Base Elevation of Structure = 0.000 ft Reacs = Show the Base Reactions in the output = False MWFRSType = MWFRS Method Selected = Ch 29 Topographic Factor per Fig 26.8-1 Topo = Topographic Feature = None Kzt = Topographic Factor = 1.000 Solid Sign Inputs h : Height to Top of Sign = 12.500 ft B : Horizontal Width of Sign= 4.000 ft Lr : Dimension of return corner= 3.000 ft s : Vertical Height of Sign= 0.130 ft e : Solidity Ratio = 1.000 t : Thickness of Sign = 0.000 ft Att : Attached to Wall = False Dbl : Double Faced & all sides enclosed= False IsCol: Is the Sign Supported on Columns= False Exposure Constants per Table 26.11-1: Alpha: Table 26.11-1 Const = 11.500 Zg: Table 26.11-1 Const = 700.000 ft At: Table 26.11-1 Const = 0.087 Bt: Table 26.11-1 Const = 1.070 Am: Table 26.11-1 Const = 0.111 Bm: Table 26.11-1 Const = 0.800 C: Table 26.11-1 Const = 0.150 Eps: Table 26.11-1 Const = 0.125 Gust Factor Calculation: Gust Factor Category I Rigid Structures -Simplified Method G1 = For Rigid Structures (Nat. Freq.>1 Hz) use 0.85 = 0.85 Gust Factor Category II Rigid Structures -Complete Analysis Zm = 0.6 * Ht = 7.500 ft= 7.500 ft Izm = Cc * (33 / Zm) ^ 0.167 = 0.192 Izm = Cc * (33 / Zm) ^ 0.167 = 0.192 Lzm = L * (Zm / 33) ^ Epsilon = 540.109 Lzm = L * (Zm / 33) ^ Epsilon = 540.109 Q = (1 / (1 + 0.63 * ((B + Ht) / Lzm)^0.63))^0Q = (1 / (1 + 0.63 * ((B + Ht) / Lzm)^0.63))^0.5 = 0.967 .5 = 0.967 BQQSPWFE G2 = 0.925*((1+1.7*lzm*3.4*Q)/(1+1.7*3.4*lzm)) = 0.909 G2 = 0.925*((1+1.7*lzm*3.4*Q)/(1+1.7*3.4*lzm)) = 0.909 Gust Factor Used in Analysis TUSVDUVSF G = Lessor Of G1 Or G2 = 0.850 dpbezs!1703603132 Main Wind Force Resisting System (MWFRS) Calculations for Solid Sign per Ch 29: LF = Load Factor based upon ASD Design = 0.60 hs = Overall height of structure = 12.500 ft h = Mean Roof Height above grade = 12.500 ft Kh = Z < 15 ft \[4.572 m\]--> (2.01 * (15/zg)^(2/Alpha) {Table 26.10-1}= 1.030 Kzt = Topographic Factor is 1 since no Topographic feature specified = 1.000 Kd = Wind Directionality Factor per Table 26.6-1 = 0.85 qh = (0.00256 * Kh * Kzt * Kd * Ke * V^2) * LF = 38.87 psf MWFRS Pressures on Solid Sign per Fig 29.3-1: R = Reduction factor to account for openings: (1-(1-e)^1.5) = 1.000 Rc = Reduction factor for Case C not applicable since s/h <= 0.8 = 1.000 As = Gross Area of Sign: B * s = 0.52 sq ft B/s = Aspect Ratio: B / s = 30.769 s/h = Clearance Ratio: s / h = 0.010 Cf = Net Force Coefficient for Case A and B per Fig 29.3-1 = 1.900 e = Not Double Faced, Case B eccentricity is 0.2 = 0.2 Case A: Resultant force acts normal to face through geometric center F = Design Wind force: qh * G * Cf * As * R = 33 lb Case B: Resultant force acts normal to face at a distance from the geometric center toward the windward edge equal to e times the average width Dx = Force Offset from Center toward windward edge: e * B = 0.800 ft F = Design Wind force: qh * G * Cf * As * R = 33 lb Case C: Since B/s >= 2 then Case C must also be considered Forces act normal to the face and therough the geometric center of each region MWFRS Pressures per Fig 29.3-1 on Solid Sign All wind pressures include a load factor of 0.6 Range Start End Xl Cf Rlr A P F M Dist Dist ft ft ft sq ft psf lb lb-ft --------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- ----- 0 to s 0.000 0.130 0.065 4.170 0.600 0.02 82.67 1 -2.7 s to 2s 0.130 0.260 0.195 2.570 1.000 0.02 84.92 1 -2.6 2s to 3s 0.260 0.390 0.325 1.970 1.000 0.02 65.09 1 -1.8 3s to 4s 0.390 0.520 0.455 1.690 1.000 0.02 55.84 1 -1.5 4s to 5s 0.520 0.650 0.585 1.630 1.000 0.02 53.86 1 -1.3 5s to 10s 0.650 1.300 0.975 1.010 1.000 0.08 33.37 3 -2.9 >10s 1.300 4.000 2.650 0.550 1.000 0.35 18.17 6 4.1 --------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -- ----- Total 0.000 0.52 15 -8.6 Notes: Cf = Force Coefficient from Fig 29.3-1 A = Area Of Region: (End Dist -Start Dist) * s Page 1 of 12 PHOTOVOLTAIC (SOLAR) INSTALLATION AGREEMENT th 9 of April, 2021, by and between Goldin Solar, LLC, Florida State license no. CVC56965 Susan Oyer Contractor and the Owner for the consideration named agree as follows: ARTICLE 1. SCOPE OF THE WORK The Contractor shall furnish all the labor and materials to perform all of the work shown on the described detailed engineering and associated product specifications referenced and incorporated herein to install a Photovoltaic (solar) System 140 SE 27th Way, Boynton Beach, FL 33435, USA 1. Design, procure and install a 18 panels, Hanwha Q-Cells (340 W/Panel) modules (6,120 Total Watts) grid-tied photovoltaic system, utilizing SolarEdge inverter(s) and 18 SolarEdge DC power optimizers. If the specified panels become unavailable in the South Florida market at a commercially reasonable price, Goldin Solar reserves the right to substitute the panels to provide required total kW of power as outlined in this contract. Tree removal/trimming/relocation not included. Contract includes SolarEdge Inverter with warranty extended to 25 years. 2. The number of PV modules and power capacity in kW as described in provision 1 of Article 1 above is based on the initial site visit. If during the detailed engineering and design phase or permitting with the local building department it is found that fewer modules can fit on the premise than originally planned or design requires modification for any other reason, the contract amount will be adjusted in the form of a change order, modifying from payment 2 as outlined in Article 4 (or from total if financed), in the appropriate dollars per watt amount that this contract is based on ($2.29/W). ARTICLE 2. TIME OF COMPLETION The work to be performed under this Contract shall be commenced after a) contract signature by Owner, and b) receipt of the initial payment by Owner or Notice to Proceed from finance company. The Work shall be substantially completed within reasonable time for the construction and solar industries in the local Florida market. The completion date may vary due to project conditions, changes in the work, weather, material availability, force majeure, etc. Owner agrees that Contractor shall not be liable for any form of delay damages based upon Contractor caused delay or delay caused by others and any such delay damages are waived and released by Owner against Contractor. ARTICLE 3. CONTRACT PRICE The Owner shall pay the Contractor for the work to be performed under the terms of the Contract the sum of $14,020.00 (Fourteen Thousand Twenty and 00/100 Dollars) subject to additions and deductions pursuant to authorized change orders. ARTICLE 4. PROGRESS PAYMENTS Project is financed with: Cash 25% Due on signing $3,505.00 50% Due on permit issuance $7,010.00 25% Due on permit close-out $3,505.00 Final payment will be due after completion of on-site installation of the solar modules and inverter. Interconnection with utility company may take several weeks after installation of system. The Owner understands that final payment will not be Owner Initial: _______ Rev. 2-11-2020 Page 2 of 12 withheld by any person or entitydue to utilityinterconnection.It is the sole responsibility of Owner to fulfill its obligations to financing company. Owner is obligated to ensure payment to Contractor irrespective of Owners account standing with its financing company. The Owner is exclusively responsible for timely making all payments due hereunder to Contractor. Time is of the essence regarding all payment obligations of the Owner. This contract will remain in full effect regardless of owners standing with financing company. ARTICLE 5. GENERAL PROVISIONS Plans/Permitting/Licensing 1. All work shall be completed in a workman like manner and in compliance with all building codes and other applicable laws as governed by the local AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction). 2. To the extent required by law, all work shall be performed by individuals duly licensed and authorized by law to perform said work. Goldin Solar, LLC is a licensed solar contractor: Florida license #CVC56965, licensed electrical contractor: Florida license #EC13008547, and licensed roofing contractor: #CCC1331878 3. Contractor, may at its discretion, engage subcontractors and others to perform work hereunder, provided contractor shall fully pay said subcontractor and in all instances remain responsible for the proper completion of this contract. 4. The expense of the building permit is included in the total contract amount stated on page 1, Article 3. If existing portions of the building are inconsistent with the records of the AHJ and the AHJ requires reconciliation of existing building documentation, contractor will not be liable for reconciliation of existing building documentation with AHJ. Moreover, Owner shall be responsible for any and all code upgrades or modifications and all costs related thereto, regarding its existing property, including but not limited to, the roof or electrical system should any such upgrades be required by the AHJ. 5. Expense associated with solar permits is included in contract price, and the solar permit will be obtained by contractor. permits is a service that improves real property as defined by Chapter 713 of the Florida Statutes. OWNER will pay assessments and charges required by public bodies and utilities for financing or repaying the cost of sewers, property site survey, storm drains, water service, and other utilities including charges for sewer and storm drain reimbursement, revolving funds, hookup, and other similar charges. Unless otherwise specified, work does not include any changes or alterations from the drawings or specifications that may be required by any public body, utility, or inspector. CONTRACTOR, at CONTRACTOR's option, may alter specifications only so as to comply with requirements of governmental agencies having jurisdiction over same. The cost of any alteration undertaken to comply with any such requirements shall be in addition to the Contract price specified herein. 6. Contractor will cause a licensed design professional to prepare engineering and design as required by AHJ to commence construction in compliance with all appropriate codes as otherwise required for the Work hereunder and as specified herein. If additional structural support is needed as determined by structural engineer, with an associated cost, Contractor will obtain a change order from the Owner for the additional amount. 7. Contractor will call for final inspection as required by AHJ. Additional work/Contract Modification 8. If Owner, Construction Lender, or any public body or inspector directs any modification or addition to the work covered by this Contract, the charge for that extra work shall be determined in advance and the cost shall be added to the Contract price in addition to Contractor's usual fee for overhead and profit. Owner shall make payments for all extra work as that work progresses, concurrently with regularly scheduled payments. Contractor shall do no extra work without the prior written authorization of the Owner. Any authorization for extra work shall show the agreed terms and shall be approved and signed by both parties. If Owner directs any employee or agent of Contractor to perform additional work directly and said work is performed prior to execution of signed approval. Cost for additional work will 9. Unless specifically included in this Contract, electrical work shall not involve a change to any existing service panel other than the addition of circuit breakers or fuse blocks to distribute electric current to new outlets. This Contract does not Owner Initial: _______ Rev. 2-11-2020 Page 3 of 12 include changes to existing wiring in areas undisturbed by alterations. All existing electrical wiring systems are assumed to be, and Owner represents them to be, adequate to carry the load imposed by existing work. Any work necessary to correct these existing conditions shall be an extra work item subject to Paragraph 6 of this Contract. The contract includes the cost for conduit and wire run on the exterior of building. If Owner requests interior conduit run, it may be subject to additional charge. 10. There shall be a reasonable allowance on all dimensions specified in work plans. All sizes are outside approximate sizes. If there is any conflict between sketches, renderings, views, pictures, plans, blueprints, etc., and the terms of this Contract, then this Contract shall be controlling. Contractor is not responsible for any existing illegal conditions. Contractor is not responsible for any unusual or abnormal concrete footings, foundations, retaining walls, or piers required, or any unusual depth requirements, such as, but not limited to, conditions caused by poor soil, lack of compaction, hillside, or other slope conditions. Contractor may, but is not obligated to, correct those conditions. All work necessary to correct abnormal conditions that is required by public bodies shall constitute an extra work item and the cost shall be in addition to the Contract price specified herein. Insurance and Liabilities 11. Contractor is presently insured under the following types of insurance policies: 1) commercial general liability; 2) workers compensation, and 3) automotive liability. 12. The liability of the Contractor shall be limited to the area of installation for the photovoltaic system as outlined by the plans permitted by the AHJ. a. Contractor shall also not be liable for the present condition of or existing damage to the existing property, including but not limited to old, deteriorated or improperly installed sub-roofing, roof covering or supports, siding, exterior covering/painting. b. Contractor aggregate monetary liability shall be limited to amounts paid by the Owner to Contractor under this agreement. Any claims or alleged damages above and beyond said contract price are hereby waived and released by Owner. c. Contractor specifically disclaims and disavows any alleged claims or representations of any guaranteed output of the installed system, including any claims made orally or in writing by the Contractor or its employees or agents. This Agreement, along with any exhibits, schedules, and amendments hereto, encompasses the entire agreement of the parties, and supersedes all previous understandings and agreements between the parties, whether oral or written. The parties hereby acknowledge and represent, that they have not relied on any representation, assertion, guarantee, warranty, collateral contract or other assurance, except those set out in this Agreement, made by or on behalf of any other party or any other person or entity whatsoever, prior to the execution of this Agreement. The parties hereby e on such representation, assertion, guarantee, warranty, collateral contract or other assurance. d. The Owner waives all claims against Contractor for all consequential damages arising out of or relating to this Contract. This waiver includes but is not limited to: damages incurred by the Owner for rental expenses, for losses of use, income, profit, financing, business and reputation, and for loss of management or employee productivity or of the services of such persons. e. Contractor has at the time of site visit informed Owner that area proposed for solar is subject to partial shading, and some tree trimming (not performed by Contractor) will be required for maximum output performance. f. Contractor will not be liable for any default, delay or failure in the performance under this contract due to Force Majeure. Force Majeure cannot be attributable to fault or negligence on the part of the party claiming Force Majeure and must be caused by things beyond parties reasonable control. Use of Premise 13. Owner shall grant free access to work areas for workers and vehicles and shall provide areas for storage of materials and debris. Owner agrees to keep driveways clear and available for movement and parking of trucks during scheduled working hours. Owner shall be responsible for securing all entrances to the jobsite in a manner adequate to prevent persons other than Owner, Contractor, and any authorized workers or material suppliers from gaining access to that site. Contractor shall be responsible, at the end of every workday, for storing all equipment and materials in the facilities provided by Owner. Owner Initial: _______ Rev. 2-11-2020 Page 4 of 12 Contractorshall keep Owner advised as to the hours during which work is scheduled to be performed at the jobsite. If Owner denies access to any worker or supplier of materials during scheduled working hours, then Owner will be deemed in breach of this Contract and subject to liability for any damages caused by the breach. 14. During the term of this Agreement, Goldin Solar may erect one temporary sign showing its name, service mark, trade name or other commercial name, identifying Goldin Solar as performing services on the construction project. The sign must be appropriate in appearance, style and size, and must conform to all applicable federal, state and local laws. 15. Contractor agrees to remove all debris and leave the premises in broom clean condition upon project completion. 16. The Owner represents and warrants to the Contractor the following: a. Owner represents and warrants that its property complies with the current Florida Building Code, all prior permits for work at the Property have been inspected, approved, and closed out and there are no existing permit violations regarding the Property. The Owner further represents and warrants that no unpermitted work has taken place at the Property. b. Owner represents and warrants that there are no existing roof leaks and the roof is in adequate condition to receive the Work hereunder. c. Owner represents that there is no termite damage or structural problems with the Property that may prevent the installation or operation of the Work hereunder. d. The Owner represents and warrants that there shall be no other contractors working at the job site who may Owner will not execute an additional contract with a different solar contractor after hiring Goldin Solar during the life of the project except upon proper termination of this Contract by either party as otherwise described herein. The Owner shall hold harmless, indemnify and defend Contractor from any violation or breach of the above referenced representations and warranties. The Owner shall further pay Contractor any damages incurred by or on behalf of the Contractor for breach of the above referenced representations and warranties. Additional Time/Work Stoppage 17. CONTRACTOR shall start and diligently pursue work through to completion, and shall not be responsible for delay damages. The following delays, among others, shall entitle contractor to a time extension and potential damages, failure of the issuance of all necessary building permits within a reasonable length of time; funding of loans; disbursement of funds into funding control or escrow; acts of neglect or omission by OWNER or OWNER's employees or agents; acts of God; stormy or inclement weather; strikes, lockouts, boycotts, or other labor union activities; extra work ordered by OWNER; acts of public enemy; riots or civil commotion, inability to secure material through regular recognized channels; imposition of Government priority or allocation of materials; OWNER's failure to make payments when due; delays caused by inspection or changes ordered by the inspectors of authorized governmental bodies; acts of independent CONTRACTORs; holidays; or any other circumstances beyond CONTRACTOR's control. Under no circumstances shall Contractor be responsible for delay damages. Contractor may at any time and for any reason terminate this Contract and all services and Work hereunder at ence after written notice to Owner. Upon receipt of the written notice of termination for convenience notice, Contractor shall immediately discontinue the work and placing of orders for materials, facilities and supplies in connection with the performance of this Contract. If Contractor serves said written notice of termination for convenience to Owner, Owner shall be entitled to pick up any materials purchased by Contractor on its behalf and plans designed for its Project which have been received by Contractor prior to the service of the Notice for Termination for Convenience. Owner shall be entitled to no consequential or incidental damages hereunder. Contractor will refund owner for deposit received minus the expenses that contractor has incurred in the process of fulfilling contract. Expenses incurred by contractor until point of termination will be calculated at the sole discretion and determination of contractor. Contractor shall specifically not be liable for any damages or greater cost to complete with another contractor. 18. CONTRACTOR shall have the right to stop work and keep the job idle if payments are not made to CONTRACTOR when due. Time is of the essence regarding all payment obligations by Owner. If the work is stopped, for any reason, for a period of 60 days, then CONTRACTOR may, at CONTRACTOR's option, on five days written notice, demand and receive payment for all work executed and materials ordered or supplied and any other loss sustained, including CONTRACTOR's normal overhead plus a profit of 10 percent of the Contract price. Thereafter, CONTRACTOR is relieved Owner Initial: _______ Rev. 2-11-2020 Page 5 of 12 from any further liability. If work stops for any reason, OWNER shall provide for protection of all material on the premises and shall be responsible for any damage, warpage, racking, or loss of that material. Payment Policy/Litigation 19. Payments are due as outlined in Article 4 of this agreement. In the event that Owner shall fail to pay any periodic or installment payment due hereunder, Owner will be considered in default and/or Contractor may cease work. In this event Owner would be considered in breach of contract pending payment or resolution of any dispute. A rate of 1.5% interest per month or maximum allowable by law, whichever is greater will be assessed to the outstanding balance. In the event contractor engages an attorney for collection of past due amount, Owner shall be liable for all reasonable attorney fees. If any payment remains unpaid for a period of 120 days, Owner grants to contractor the right to enter the property and remove the system or any part thereof. Contractor will provide 15-day written notice of its intent to remove the system and allow this time for Owner to cure the defect. If Owner is found to be in default and in breach of contract, contractor reserves the right to litigate in accordance with the laws and rules of the courts in the appropriate jurisdiction. Prior to litigation contractor may attempt, but is in no way obligated, to resolve any dispute by mediation. 20. Early contract termination: The Owner has the right to terminate this agreement without incurring any cost or consequence within (3) business days of signing this agreement see last page of this agreement. Should the Owner elect to terminate this agreement after the aforementioned (3) business day right to cancel and prior to the contract fulfilment/payment early contract termination will take place as follows: Owner will notify Contractor in writing of his or her intention to terminate the agreement. intent to terminate has been received and will note the project stage at the time the request to terminate was received. Upon early termination, Owner will be liable to pay Contractor for work performed, including the price and cost for any service and time expended to obtain, secure and/or register any permits, plans, drawings or the like that was procured in order to satisfy the contract and for set up to accepted termination date. The termination date will be considered the date that Contractor has replied to Owner acknowledging their intent to terminate. The Owner financial liability to contractor resulting from early termination will be in accordance with the following table: Project Phase of Early Termination Financial Liability of Owner to Contractor 1. Prior to performance of site survey $500 onboarding Project Overhead, and 20% contract value - project acquisition 2. After site survey has taken place, prior to commencement of $500 onboarding Project Overhead, and detailed engineering $300 Site survey, and 20% contract value project acquisition 3. After site survey and detailed engineering have taken place, $500 onboarding Project Overhead, and prior to submission of plans to building department for $300 Site survey, and permitting $1,500 engineering 20% contract value project acquisition 4. After site survey and detailed engineering have taken place $500 onboarding Project Overhead, and and plans have been submitted to permitting $300 Site survey, and $1,500 engineering, and Note: if Owner cancels at this phase, they will be entitled to the $2,000 Management/permitting and materials purchased for them for this project, but will be required to 20% contract value project acquisition pick up said materials from Goldin Solar, Central FL location After construction has commenced, contract cancelation will not be accepted, and Contractor will fulfil its obligations to complete work and close out permit subject to the terms and conditions herein. Owner will grant Contractor free and clear access to the property to allow Contractor to complete construction. Should Owner elect to terminate the agreement early as outlined in steps 1-5 above, Contractor will send Owner invoice for expenses incurred per the above table. Owner will have (10) calendar days to issue payment to Contractor upon invoicing, and this payment will be due in full regardless of any financing intentions. If payment is not received in (10) calendar days, a rate of 1.5% interest per month or maximum allowable by law, whichever is greater will be assessed to the outstanding balance. Owner Initial: _______ Rev. 2-11-2020 Page 6 of 12 21. Failure to respond in a reasonable time to requests for information or unreasonable delays on part of Owner, determined at the sole discretion of Contractor, will be deemed to constitute early contract termination. Once contractor has received a permit from building department, Contractor will notify Owner that the permit has been received and will schedule a date to commence construction work. Owner may delay said construction commencement date a maximum of (30) calendar days from the original commencement date requested by contractor. If Owner either commencement, the contract will be deemed in default and subject to the cancelation terms outlined in article 18 above. In particular, if owner does not permit construction commencement within (30) days of permit issuance and notification by contractor, early project termination phase number 4 above will be deemed, without the service of any written notices If the Owner schedules a delivery date with Contractor, and the materials cannot be delivered on said date due failure caused by the Owner, and the Owner fails to reschedule a delivery date in advance of the prior date, a redelivery fee of $500 will be assessed by Contractor against Owner. Corrective or Repair Work 22. If minor items of corrective or repair work remain to be accomplished by Contractor after the project is ready for occupancy, Contractor shall perform the work expeditiously and Owner shall not withhold any payment pending completion of that work. If major items of corrective or repair work remain to be accomplished after the building is ready for occupancy, and the aggregate cost of that work exceeds one percent of the gross Contract price, then Owner, pending completion of the work, may withhold payment of a sufficient amount to pay for completion of the work, but shall not withhold any greater amount. Warranty 23. Warranty begins following the conclusion of installation, starting on the day that the AHJ grants the final inspection approval. This warranty does not cover force majeure, damage caused by others which shall include but not be limited to, falling trees or branches, power outages, or normal wear and tear or the roof, roof shingle failure, sub-structure failure, siding or electrical system failure. The warranty does not cover damage caused by animals or by improper maintenance of the structure or the system or by any action of parties other than the Contractor. In the event the Owner discovers a defect within the warranty period, Owner shall notify Contractor in writing describing the nature and extent of the defect. Contractor will correct the defect covered by the warranty and repair the system at no additional cost to the Owner. Warranty is broken out into the following components: Goldin Solar Workmanship Warranty (Electrical/Structural): 25 years - This warranty is provided to the homeowner by Goldin Solar directly. It warrants against defects in any workmanship in work performed by Goldin Solar for electrical work and/or structural racking. Examples of items that would be covered by Goldin Solar Workmanship Warranty (Electrical/Structural): o Wires become loose at the point of connection and need to be reconnected o Issues with structural racking such as panel not properly clamped to rail or rail clamped to bracket Goldin Solar Warranty on Roof Penetrations: 25 years Maximum or up to the Current Roof Warranty - This warranty is provided to the homeowner by Goldin Solar directly. It warrants against water intrusion through the roof penetrations, which are installed for the structural anchoring of the solar system. Goldin Solar will warrant against leaks caused by penetrations for the solar system. Water intrusion through the roof that is worn or deteriorated, but unrelated to the solar roof penetrations is excluded. Goldin Solar Warranty for Service Wor25 years - This warranty covers the labor cost to perform a physical replacement of a part, which is covered under a ing the labor cost for the service work to replace the part is covered under this item. 24. If a part repair or replacement is required, Owner shall cooperate fully with Contractor for a safe and efficient repair. Contractor makes no express or implied warranty, except as expressly outlined in this contract. Installed PV system parts (PV modules and the inverter) have their own manufacturer warranty for a period greater than the warranty specified under this provision. In the event that PV modules or the inverter require repair or replacement beyond the Owner Initial: _______ Rev. 2-11-2020 Page 7 of 12 process of repair or replacement of the manufacturer warranted materials, however an appropriate labor cost will be assessed. 25. Goldin Solar is proud to offer best in class warranty durations, a highly responsive service department and fast turn- around times to warranty requestsime effectively and minimize calls about items not related to our work. False warranty claims such as leaks which are unrelated to work by Goldin Solar, claims about defective equipment which is actually working correctly, or claims about work that was modified or tampered with are not valid warranty claims. Since Goldin aspires to respond ASAP to any warranty request, we reserve the right to require a deposit, or a credit card authorization prior to evaluating a warranty claim request. If the warranty claim is valid, Goldin Solar will reimburse the deposit in full and/or not run a credit card authorization. However, if during the site evaluation it is found that the issue requested for evaluation is a false warranty claim, the credit card authorization will be charged for time/travel spent to evaluate the issues and/or the deposit will be charged. Owner understands that Goldin Solar is not responsible to respond to warranty requests until a deposit and/or credit card authorization is received by Goldin Solar. Furthermore, owner understands that Goldin Solar is responsible to fulfill its warranty obligations only so long as owner is on good financial standing with Goldin Solar in regards to contract payment, including change orders and/or invoicing for site evaluations issues found to be unrelated to Goldin Solar. No Consequential Damages & Limitation of Liability 26. event shall Goldin Solar be liable for any consequential, incidental, exemplary, special, indirect, punitive or liquidated damages. Indemnity 27. To the fullest extent permitted by law, you shall indemnify, defend, protect, save and hold harmless Goldin Solar, its employees, officers, directors, agents, successors and assigns from any and all claims and third party claims, actions, cost, expenses (i injuries, demands and liens of any kind of nature arising out of, connected with, relating to or resulting from your negligence or willful misconduct; provided, that nothing herein shall require you to indemnify Goldin Solar from its own gross negligence or willful misconduct. The provisions of this Paragraph shall survive termination or expiration of this Agreement. This indemnity shall be limited in amount to $250,000.00, which the parties agree is a commercially reasonable amount. This provision shall be deemed to be Severability 28. The provisions of this Agreement shall be severable in the event that any of the provisions hereof (including any provision within a single section, paragraph or sentence) are held by a court of competent jurisdiction, to be invalid, void or otherwise unenforceable, and the remaining provisions shall remain enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. Furthermore, to the fullest extent possible, the provisions of this Agreement (including, without limitations, each portion of this Agreement containing any provision held to be invalid, void or otherwise unenforceable, that is not itself invalid, void or unenforceable) shall be construed so as to give effect to the intent manifested by the provision held invalid, illegal or unenforceable. Notice 29. Any notice required or permitted under this Contract may be given by ordinary or electronic mail at the addresses specified in this Contract. If either party changes his or her address, that party shall provide written notice of the change to the other party. Notice shall be considered received one day after it is deposited in the mail with postage prepaid. Contract Integration Clause 30. This document and all documents incorporated by reference constitute the parties' entire Contract. No other Contracts, oral or written, regarding the work to be performed under this Contract exist between the parties. Jurisdiction, Choice of Forum and Applicable Law 31. This agreement shall be governed and construed according to the laws of the State of Florida without giving effect to its choice of law principles. The parties agree that all actions and proceedings arising out of directly or indirectly to this Agreement or any ancillary agreement or any other related obligations shall be litigated in solely and exclusively in the Owner Initial: _______ Rev. 2-11-2020 Page 8 of 12 Courts of State of Florida and that such courts are the convenient forum. Each party hereby submits to the personal jurisdiction of the Courts within the State of Florida. The parties further agree that venue shall lie exclusively within Miami-Dade County, Florida irrespective of where the work was to be performed or where the property being improved may lie. Technical Disclosures 32. There is great deal of information to understand about solar energy science, technology, power production and rules, and policies that govern solar locally before deciding to go solar. We feel that there are a few items that are critical to understand. Please initial next to each of the following to indicate that you have been informed about said item and attained understanding of it. By initialing each item, you acknowledge that you have had sufficient opportunity to ask and learn about these items. a. - system. This means that battery backup is not included, but may be added on a future date. Grid-tied solar systems will receive a net-meter from the local utility after the installation is complete and permit has been closed out. A grid tied solar system without battery backup may be net-zero but does not provide the home with energy in the event of a power- outage, as the solar inver- -feed of current to a grid that is down and worked on). For the solar system to function as a power source for backup in a power outage, backup batteries will be necessary. Initial: ________ b. The net- and the utility. The Interconnection Agreement will govern the terms of the net metering relationship between the Owner and utility. The particular details of the interconnection agreement will vary from utility to utility, and based on the size of the solar system in kW (Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3) that is being interconnected. The interconnection agreement required by the utility may be accompanied by a one-time fee for the net meter and insurance requirements. Owner has reviewed and understands the interconnection agreement required by their local utility for their relevant solar system size. Initial: ________ c. Solar insolation is an inconsistent energy source which varies seasonally and with daily weather fluctuation. The power output of the solar array is also a function of the tilt and orientation (azimuth) of the solar installation. For maximum energy production, it is important to keep the solar panels free of shade caused by trees, buildings or other sources. Contractor is not responsible for tree trimming or any other shade prevention. For this reason, contractor does not guarantee system power output. However, contractor does provide estimated annual energy output in kWh based on system power rating in kW. To understand the total annual kWh energy output for the system contracted herein, match the system power rating as outlined in Article 1, Item 1, with the annual energy output in kWh in the following table: Power Rating of System (kW) Expected Annual Energy Production (kWh) 5 7,592 7 10,629 10 15,184 12 18,221 15 22,776 20 30,368 25 37,960 The above table is based on 5.2 Peak Sun Hours per day, which is the average daily solar insulation for South Florida, and 80% conversion factor from DC to AC power. Monetary value of energy savings expressed as avoided cost of energy not purchased from utility will vary depending on retail price of energy from the local utility. Initial: ________ d. The solar Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) grants a liability. Eligibility for this tax credit will vary on a case-by-case basis. Owner Initial: _______ Rev. 2-11-2020 Page 9 of 12 eligibility. In addition, the tax credit amount, as a percentage of the contract, will vary depending on what year the tax and placing the energy property in servic extension what percentage of the solar contract Owner will be able to claim the tax credit for. Goldin Solar does not give tax advice and makes no guarantees as to your eligibility to this tax credit. Initial under this paragraph to confirm that you have consulted with your accountant and understand your eligibility to the federal ITC. Initial: ________ e. Contractor makes no representations as to the expense that a homeowner can expect to have on their power bill after the solar system is installed and operational. with energy usage habits. For example, a homeowner may use more energy on existing appliances or buy new electrical appliances, an electrical car, etc. A home may still receive an energy bill with a higher balance even if the solar system was designed for net zero if energy consumption has gone up relative to the baseline when the solar system was sized. Initial: ________ f. The scope of work included in this contract is accompanied by a warranty, which is outlined in section 23 of the contract. Goldin Solar also offers optional service plans, which are not included with this contract and can be purchased separately. These service plans, which can be purchased anytime are as follows: o Silver Plan Extension of the standard warranty beyond the term included in the contract o Gold Plan For customers who wish to have Goldin Solar actively monitor the performance of the solar system and notify them if there is any issue with any part of the solar system. o Platinum Plan For customers who wish to ensure the savings of the energy production and receive reimbursement for down time of the solar system if any part of the solar system does not work. Owner understand that if Silver, Gold or Platinum plans are not purchased, their benefits will not be received with the contract. Unless Gold Plan is purchased, Owner is responsible to monitor the performance of their solar system and is responsible to notify Contractor if there are any issues with production. Unless Platinum Plan is purchased, energy production lost while in the time it takes to replace a part will not be reimbursed. Initial: ________ g. Goldin solar is a Florida certified construction company possessing an electrical license (#EC13008547), solar license (#CVC56965) and roof projects in the scope under the structure that Goldin Solar is under contract with owner and employs qualified individuals. The employees of Goldin Solar themselves are not license holders. Therefore, it would be illegal for an employee to enter into a contractual agreement directly with owner (verbally or in writing). If an employee requests to perform any scope of work outside of this contract and/or to be compensated directly by owner, Goldin Solar requests to be notified immediately. Be advised that should Goldin Solar learn that owner has entered into direct business relations of any kind with an employee of Goldin Solar, this contract will be considered breached and all warranties considered voided. Initial: ________ Owner Initial: _______ Rev. 2-11-2020 Page 10 of 12 713.001-713.37, FLORIDA STATUTES), THOSE WHO WORK ON YOUR PROPERTY OR PROVIDE MATERIALS AND SERVICES AND ARE NOT PAID IN FULL HAVE A RIGHT TO ENFORCE THEIR CLAIM FOR PAYMENT AGAINST YOUR PROPERTY. THIS CLAIM IS KNOWN AS A CONSTRUCTION LIEN. IF YOUR CONTRACTOR OR A SUBCONTRACTOR FAILS TO PAY SUBCONTRACTORS, SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS, OR MATERIAL SUPPLIERS, THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE OWED MONEY MAY LOOK TO YOUR PROPERTY FOR PAYMENT, EVEN IF YOU HAVE ALREADY PAID YOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL. IF YOU FAIL TO PAY YOUR CONTRACTOR, YOUR CONTRACTOR MAY ALSO HAVE A LIEN ON YOUR PROPERTY. THIS MEANS IF A LIEN IS FILED YOUR PROPERTY COULD BE SOLD AGAINST YOUR WILL TO PAY FOR LABOR, MATERIALS, OR OTHER SERVICES THAT YOUR CONTRACTOR OR A SUBCONTRACTOR MAY HAVE FAILED TO PAY. TO PROTECT YOURSELF, YOU SHOULD STIPULATE IN THIS CONTRACT THAT BEFORE ANY PAYMENT IS MADE, YOUR CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO PROVIDE YOU WITH A WRITTEN RELEASE OF LIEN FROM ANY PERSON OR COMPANY THAT HAS PROVIDED TO YOU A YOU CONSULT AN ATTORNEY. _______________________________ __________________ Date RECOVERY FUND PAYMENT, UP TO A LIMITED AMOUNT, MAY BE AVAILABLE FROM THE FLORIDA PERFORMED UNDER CONTRACT, WHERE THE LOSS RESULTS FROM SPECIFIED VIOLATIONS OF FLORIDA LAW BY A LICENSED CONTRACTOR. FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE RECOVERY FUND AND FILING A CLAIM, CONTACT THE FLORIDA CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LICENSING BOARD AT THE FOLLOWING TELEPHONE NUMBER AND ADDRESS: Construction Industry Licensing Board 2601 Blairstone Road Tallahassee, FL 32399-1039 850-487-1395 The Owner Yes _____ No _____ Owner Initial: _______ Rev. 2-11-2020 Page 12 of 12 NOTICE OF RIGHT TO CANCEL DATE: The date Owner signs agreement You may CANCEL this transaction, without any Penalty or Obligation, within THREE BUSINESS DAYS from the above date. If you cancel, any property traded in, any payments made by you under the contract or sale, and any negotiable instrument executed by you will be returned within TEN BUSINESS DAYS following receipt by the seller of your cancellation notice, and any security interest arising out of the transaction will be cancelled. If you cancel, you must make available to the seller at your residence, in substantially as good condition as when received, any goods delivered to you under this contract or sale, or you may if you wish, comply with the instructions If you do make the goods available to the seller and the seller does not pick them up within 20 days of the date of your Notice of Cancellation, you may retain or dispose of the goods without any further obligation. If you fail to make the goods available to the seller, or if you agree to return the goods to the SELLER and fail to do so, then you remain liable for performance of all obligations under the contract. To cancel this transaction, mail or deliver a signed and dated copy of this Cancellation Notice or any other written notice, or send a telegram to Goldin Solar 3447 Percival Ave Miami, FL 33133 Not Later than Midnight of: Three (3) business days after the date owner signs agreement I HEREBY CANCEL THIS TRANSACTION. _______________________________ __________________ Date Owner Initial: _______ Rev. 2-11-2020