PERMIT DOCUMENTS NFDIBOJDBM KfssbijboN!1703403132 TechnicalEvaluationReport BQQSPWFE NFDIBOJDBM DIVISION: KfssbijboN!1703403132 E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM |(866)396-9999 FL 37637.2 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS (15) PAGES. C ORP.O FFICE:160SW12 TH A VE S UITE 106, D EERFIELD B EACH,FL33442 Lennox Merit Series, Elite Series, & Dave Lennox Signature Collection EVALUATIONSUBJECT:TER-20-32211 Florida Building Code Seventh Edition (2020) REPORTHOLDER: LENNOX INDUSTRIES 2100 LAKE PARK BLVD RICHARDSON, TX 75080, USA 1-866-953-6609 | WWW.LENNOX.COM SCOPEOFEVALUATION(compliancewiththefollowing codes): THIS IS A STRUCTURAL (WIND) PERFORMANCEEVALUATION ONLY. NO ELECTRICAL OR TEMPERATUREPERFORMANCE RATINGS OR CERTIFICATIONSARE OFFERED OR IMPLIED HEREIN. NOTE: THE GRAPHICAL DEPICTIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE FOR This Product Evaluation Report is being issued in accordance with the ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY AND MAY DIFFER IN APPEARANCE. requirements of the Florida Building Code Seventh Edition (2020)per ASCE 7, FBC Building Ch. 16, FBC Building Sections 104.11 & 1522.2, FBC OPTIONS: Existing Building Sections 707.1 & 707.2, FBC Mechanical 301.15, FBC This evaluation is valid for all Lennox Merit, Elite, and Dave Lennox Signature Collection units described herein. Any structural changes Residential M1202.1 & M1301.1, FS 471.025, and Broward County outside of the design as described herein would void this certification. Administrative Provisions 107.3.4. The product noted on this report has been tested and/or evaluated as summarized herein. STRUCTURAL PERFORMANCE: Models referenced herein are subject to the following design limitations: SUBSTANTIATINGDATA: ProductEvaluationDocuments Substantiating documentation has been submitted to provide this product Maximum Rated Wind Pressures*: evaluation and is summarized in the sections below. ± 148 psf Lateral, 117 psf Uplift StructuralEngineeringCalculations Structural engineering calculations have been prepared which evaluate the -Required design pressures shall be determined according to the guide shown product based on rational analysis to qualify the following design criteria: in the Appendix (see last page of this report) or on a site-specific basis in Maximum unit dimensions and weight range certified herein accordance with ASCE 7 and applicable sections of the building code(s) being referenced in accordancewith ASD methodology. Maximum allowable lateral and uplift pressures certified herein -Required design pressures shall be less than or equal to the maximum Tie-down clip/strap configuration and anchor spacing pressures listed herein. Anchor capacity for various substrates -*Maximum Rated Wind Pressures indicate the maximum pressures that all Calculation summary is included in this product evaluation. NOTE: No 33% units listed herein are approved for. Valid for at-grade and rooftop applications. increase in allowable stress has been used in the design of this product. See limitations herein. -Valid inside and outside the High-Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) INSTALLATION: -Site-specific wind analysis may produce alternate limitations provided The product(s) listed above shall be installed in strict compliance with this maximum rated wind pressures stated herein are not exceeded. product evaluation & manufacturer-provided enclosure model specifications. The product components shall be of the material specified in the manufacturer- VISIT ECALC.IO/32211 provided product specifications. All fasteners and anchors shall be installed in accordance with the applicable provisions specified herein in addition to the FOR SITE-SPECIFIC DEVIATIONS & MORE ructions. INFORMATION ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT OR SCAN THE QR CODE TO THE RIGHT > VISIT ENGINEERINGEXPRESS.COM/STOREFOR LIMITATIONS&CONDITIONSOFUSE: ADDITIONAL PLANS, REPORTS & RESOURCES Use of this product shall be in accordance with this product evaluation as noted herein. The supporting host structure shall be designed to resist all ENGINEER SIGNATURE AND SEAL: superimposed loads as determined by others on a site-specificbasis as required by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Host structure conditions which Ejhjubmmz!tjhofe! are not accounted for in these products' respective anchor schedule shall be designed on a site-specific basis by a registered Professional Engineer. No cz!Gsbol! evaluation is offered for the host supporting structure by use of this document; Cfoobsep! adjustment factors noted herein and the applicable codes must be considered where applicable. All supporting components which are permanently installed Ebuf;!3132/15/26! shall be protectedagainst corrosion,contamination, and other damage at all times. 26;36;6:!.15(11( _______________April 15, 2021_______________ UNIT CASING MATERIALS: Unit casing materials and fasteners are dependent on the Product Line. See Frank Bennardo, P.E., SECB next page for further descriptions. E NGINEERING E XPRESS® TERMINOLOGY: FL PE #0046549 FLCA #9885 See herein for definitions of abbreviations used in this evaluation. ® Lennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionEngineeringExpress|TER-20-32211 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE NFDIBOJDBM UNIT CASING MATERIALS, CONTINUED KfssbijboN!1703403132 Product LineUnit Casing MaterialsFastener Information Unit Base: 18 GA, Fy = 15 ksi min. galv. EDDS steel Top Panel: 18 GA, Fy = 25 ksi min. galv. DDS steel Control Box: 18 Ga, Fy = 30 ksi min. galv. CS Type B steel Control Box Cover, Control Box Bottom (4 Sided Unit): Merit Series 18 Ga, Fy = 20 ksi min. galv. DDS steel Corner Posts, Mullion, Piping Panel: 24 Ga, Fy = 30 ksi min. galv. CS Type B steel Louvered Panels, Coil Guard: 24 GA, Fy = 30 ksi min. galv. CS Type B steel Unit Base, Top Panel: 18 GA, Fy = 15 ksi min. galv. EDDS steel Unit casing components Control Box: 18 Ga, Fy = 30 ksi min. galv. CS Type B steel are fastened together with #8-18, 1575 lb min. Control Box Cover: 20 Ga, Fy = 20 ksi min. galv. DDS steel tensile strength (ultimate) and 1000 lb Control Box Bottom (4 Sided Unit): 20 Ga, Fy = 25 ksi min. galv. min. shear strength Elite Series CS Type C steel (ultimate) SMS. Corner Posts, Mullion, Piping Panel: 20 Ga, Fy = 30 ksi min. galv. CS Type B steel Louvered Panels, Coil Guard: 22 GA, Fy = 30 ksi min. galv. CS Type B steel Unit Base, Top Panel: 18 GA, Fy = 15 ksi min. galv. EDDS steel Control Box, Control Box Cover: 18 Ga, Fy = 30 ksi min. galv. CS Type B steel Dave Lennox Signature Corner Posts, Mullion, Piping Panel: 20 Ga, Fy = 30 ksi min. Collection galv. CS Type B steel Louvered Panels, Coil Guard: 22 GA, Fy = 30 ksi min. galv. CS Type B steel NOTE: See manufacturer for more information on unit construction. TH C ORP.O FC:160SW12A VENUE S UITE 106,D EERFIELD B EACH,F LORIDA 33442 Page2of 15 (954)354-0660 | (866)396-9999 | TEAM @E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM | E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM ® Lennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionEngineeringExpress|TER-20-32211 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE NFDIBOJDBM MODEL INFORMATIONSee Next Pagesfor Additional Models / Product Lines KfssbijboN!1703403132 Product Line: Merit SeriesProduct Line: Merit Series UnitUnitUnitUnitUnitUnit Coil Coil Model NumberWidth Depth Height Model NumberWidth Depth Height ProtectionProtection (in)(in)(in)(in)(in)(in) ML14XC1-018*ML14XC1-047* ML14XC1S018*ML16XP1-036* 24.2524.2529.25 14ACX-018*Louver16HPX-036* 32.2532.2533.25 Louver 14ACXS018*16HPX-048* 16ACX-024*14ACX-047* 24.2524.2533.25 16HPX-024*Louver14ACX-060* ML14XC1-024*ML14XP1-042* ML14XC1-024*ML14XP1-042* ML14XC1-036*ML14XP1-042* 28.2528.2529.2532.2532.2537.25 ML14XC1S036*LouverML14XP1-048*Louver 14ACX-024*ML14XP1-048* 14ACXS024*ML14XP1-048* 16ACX-036*14ACX-059* ML14XC1-036*ML14XC1-059* ML14XC1S036*ML14XC1-060* ML16XP1-024*ML14XP1-060* 28.2528.2533.25 Louver ML16XP1-030*ML14XP1-060* 14ACX-042*ML14XP1-060* 32.2532.2543.25 Louver 14ACXS042*ML16XP1-042* ML14XC1-030*ML16XP1-048* ML14XC1S030*ML16XP1-060* ML14XC1-041*16ACX-060* ML14XC1-042*16HPX-060* ML14XC1S042*TSA036S* ML14XC1-048*TSA036S* 24.2524.2529.25 Wire Guard ML14XP1-036*TSA036S* ML14XP1-036*TSA036S* 28.2528.2537.25 Louver ML14XP1-036*TPA036S* 24.2524.2533.25 Wire Guard 14ACX-030*TPA036S* 14ACXS030*TSA042S* 14ACX-036*TSA042S* 14ACXS036*TSA042S* 28.2528.2529.25 Wire Guard 14ACX-041*TSA042S* 14ACX-048*TPA036H* 16ACX-048*TPA036H* ML14XP1-018* MODEL INFORMATION NOTES: All unit net weights shall be between 100 lb and 375 lb. Model numbers, ML14XP1-024* 28.2528.2543.25 Louver dimensions, and weights listed herein are based on information provided ML14XP1-030* by the client. Please contact Report Holder and/or manufacturer for more information. Louver directions may be horizontal of vertical. See herein ML16XP1-018* for unit views and definitions of dimensions. Model number characters following the asterisk (*) do not pertain to this structural certification and may be any combination of numbers or characters. See next page for link to full list of model numbers without asterisks. TH C ORP.O FC:160SW12A VENUE S UITE 106,D EERFIELD B EACH,F LORIDA 33442 Page3of 15 (954)354-0660 | (866)396-9999 | TEAM @E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM | E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM ® Lennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionEngineeringExpress|TER-20-32211 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE NFDIBOJDBM MODEL INFORMATION, CONTINUED See Previous / Next Page for Additional Models / Product Lines KfssbijboN!1703403132 Product Line: Merit SeriesProduct Line:Dave Lennox Signature Collection UnitUnitUnitUnitUnitUnit Coil Coil Model NumberWidth Depth Height Model NumberWidth Depth Height ProtectionProtection (in)(in)(in)(in)(in)(in) TSA060S*XP21-024* TSA060S*XP21-036* TSA060S*XP25-024* 28.2528.2533.25 Louver TSA060S*XP25-036* 39.535.537 Louver TPA036H*SL18XP1-024* TPA036H*SL18XP1-030* TSA048S* SL25XPV-024* TSA048S* SL25XPV-036* 28.2528.2537.25 Louver TSA048S*SL18XC1-030* TSA048S*SL18XC1-036* 39.535.541 TPA042H*SL18XC1-042*Louver TPA042H*SL18XP1-036* TPA042H*SL18XP1-042* TPA042H*SL18XC1-024* 32.2532.2537.35 Louver TPA048H*SL18XC1-048* TPA048H*SL18XC1-060* TPA048H*SL18XP1-048* TPA048H*SL18XP1-060* TPA060H*SL25XPV-048* TPA060H*SL25XPV-060* 32.2532.2543.25 Louver TPA060H*SL28XCV-024* TPA060H*SL28XCV-036* SL28XCV-048* MODEL INFORMATION NOTES: SL28XCV-060* All unit net weights shall be between 100 lb and 375 lb. Model 39.535.547 XC21-024* Louver numbers, dimensions, and weights listed herein are based on information provided by the client. Please contact Report Holder XC21-036* and/or manufacturer for more information. Louver directions may be XC21-048* horizontal of vertical. See herein for unit views and definitions of dimensions. Model number characters following the asterisk (*) do XC21-060* not pertain to this structural certification and may be any combination XP21-048* of numbers or characters. All unit net weights shall be between 100 lb XP21-060* VISIT ECALC.IO/32211 and 375 lb. Model numbers, dimensions, XC25-024* and weights listed herein are based on FOR A LIST OF APPROVED MODEL NUMBERS XC25-036* STATED IN FULL (NO ASTERISKS), OR SCAN XC25-048* THE QR CODE TO THE RIGHT > XC25-060* XP25-048* XP25-060* TH C ORP.O FC:160SW12A VENUE S UITE 106,D EERFIELD B EACH,F LORIDA 33442 Page4of 15 (954)354-0660 | (866)396-9999 | TEAM @E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM | E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM ® Lennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionEngineeringExpress|TER-20-32211 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE NFDIBOJDBM MODEL INFORMATION, CONTINUED See Previous Pages for Additional Models / Product Lines KfssbijboN!1703403132 Product Line: Elite SeriesProduct Line: Elite Series UnitUnitUnitUnitUnitUnit Coil Coil Model NumberWidth Depth Height Model NumberWidth Depth Height ProtectionProtection (in)(in)(in)(in)(in)(in) 282731 Louver EL16XC1-018*XC16-024* XP16-024*XC16S024* EL18XCV-024*EL16XP1-018* EL18XCVS024*EL18XCV-048* 3530.545 Louver 282735 Louver EL18XCV-036*EL18XCVS048* EL18XCVS036*EL18XCVS060* EL18XPV-024*EL18XPV-048* EL18XPV-036*EL18XPV-060* EL16XC1-024*EL16XC1-047* EL16XC1-036*EL16XC1-060* EL16XC1S036*XP16-036* 3530.53139.535.535 LouverLouver XC16-036*SPB036H* XC16S036*XP16-048* SSB036H*SPB048H* SSB036H*EL16XP1-036* EL16XC1-036*XC20-024* EL16XC1S036*XC20-036* EL16XC1-041*EL15XP1-042* 39.535.539 Louver EL15XP1-018*EL15XP1-048* 3530.535 Louver EL15XP1-024*XP20-024* EL15XP1-030*XP20-036* EL16XP1-024*XC16-060* EL16XP1-030*XC16S060* XC16-048*SSB060H* XC16S048*SSB060H* EL16XC1-030*XP16-060* EL16XC1-042*SPB060H* 3530.539 Louver EL16XC1-048*EL15XP1-060* 39.535.545 Louver SSB048H*EL16XP1-042* SSB048H*EL16XP1-048* EL15XP1-036*EL16XP1-060* EL18XCV-060* MODEL INFORMATION NOTES: XC20-048* All unit net weights shall be between 100 lb and 375 lb. Model numbers, dimensions, and weights listed herein are based on XC20-060* information provided by the client. Please contact Report Holder XP20-048* and/or manufacturer for more information. Louver directions may be horizontal of vertical. See herein for unit views and definitions of XP20-060* dimensions. Model number characters following the asterisk (*) do not pertain to this structural certification and may be any combination of numbers or characters. See previous page for link to full list of model numbers without asterisks. All unit net weights shall be between 100 lb and 375 lb. Model numbers, dimensions, and TH C ORP.O FC:160SW12A VENUE S UITE 106,D EERFIELD B EACH,F LORIDA 33442 Page5of 15 (954)354-0660 | (866)396-9999 | TEAM @E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM | E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM ® Lennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionEngineeringExpress|TER-20-32211 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE NFDIBOJDBM KfssbijboN!1703403132 TH C ORP.O FC:160SW12A VENUE S UITE 106,D EERFIELD B EACH,F LORIDA 33442 Page6of 15 (954)354-0660 | (866)396-9999 | TEAM @E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM | E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM ® Lennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionEngineeringExpress|TER-20-32211 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE NFDIBOJDBM KfssbijboN!1703403132 TERMINOLOGY, CONTINUED clarifications, please contact this office. REMAINDER OF PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK TH C ORP.O FC:160SW12A VENUE S UITE 106,D EERFIELD B EACH,F LORIDA 33442 Page7of 15 (954)354-0660 | (866)396-9999 | TEAM @E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM | E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM ® Lennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionEngineeringExpress|TER-20-32211 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE NFDIBOJDBM KfssbijboN!1703403132 TH C ORP.O FC:160SW12A VENUE S UITE 106,D EERFIELD B EACH,F LORIDA 33442 Page8of 15 (954)354-0660 | (866)396-9999 | TEAM @E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM | E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM ® Lennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionEngineeringExpress|TER-20-32211 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE NFDIBOJDBM KfssbijboN!1703403132 TH C ORP.O FC:160SW12A VENUE S UITE 106,D EERFIELD B EACH,F LORIDA 33442 Page9of 15 (954)354-0660 | (866)396-9999 | TEAM @E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM | E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM ® Lennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionEngineeringExpress|TER-20-32211 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE NFDIBOJDBM KfssbijboN!1703403132 TH C ORP.O FC:160SW12A VENUE S UITE 106,D EERFIELD B EACH,F LORIDA 33442 Page10of 15 (954)354-0660 | (866)396-9999 | TEAM @E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM | E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM ® Lennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionEngineeringExpress|TER-20-32211 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE NFDIBOJDBM KfssbijboN!1703403132 TH C ORP.O FC:160SW12A VENUE S UITE 106,D EERFIELD B EACH,F LORIDA 33442 Page11of 15 (954)354-0660 | (866)396-9999 | TEAM @E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM | E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM ® Lennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionEngineeringExpress|TER-20-32211 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE NFDIBOJDBM KfssbijboN!1703403132 TH C ORP.O FC:160SW12A VENUE S UITE 106,D EERFIELD B EACH,F LORIDA 33442 Page12of 15 (954)354-0660 | (866)396-9999 | TEAM @E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM | E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM ® Lennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionEngineeringExpress|TER-20-32211 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE NFDIBOJDBM KfssbijboN!1703403132 TH C ORP.O FC:160SW12A VENUE S UITE 106,D EERFIELD B EACH,F LORIDA 33442 Page13of 15 (954)354-0660 | (866)396-9999 | TEAM @E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM | E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM ® Lennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionEngineeringExpress|TER-20-32211 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE NFDIBOJDBM KfssbijboN!1703403132 TH C ORP.O FC:160SW12A VENUE S UITE 106,D EERFIELD B EACH,F LORIDA 33442 Page14of 15 (954)354-0660 | (866)396-9999 | TEAM @E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM | E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM ® Lennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionLennox Merit, Elite, & Dave Lennox Signature CollectionEngineeringExpress|TER-20-32211 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE NFDIBOJDBM APPENDIX A: DESIGN WIND PRESSURE GUIDE KfssbijboN!1703403132 DIRECTIVE:This design pressure guide is for reference only and shall be Required Design Max. Ult. approved for use by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). If the design Max. MRH Wind Pressures (ASD) Wind Exposure pressures listed in this guide are not used, required design pressures shall (Roof Speed Category be calculated on a site-specific basis byothers. For site-specific scenarios Height) Lateral Uplift classified as Exposure Category B, the required design pressures stated (V) ult PressurePressure for Exposure Category C in the above guide shall be used or design pressures shall be calculated separately. For heights and parameters C26 psf21* psf At-Grade beyond the above values, consult with an engineer for a site-specific (0 ft) D31 psf25* psf analysis. C67 psf53 psf 140 mph100 ft The required ASD design pressures listed in the above guide were D75 psf59 psf calculated based on the parameters listed below. The project design C76 psf60 psf professional or permitting contractor shall verify that the site-specific 200 ft conditions are equal to or less than the design parameters listed below. D84 psf67 psf C40 psf32* psf*Note: Per the codes and standards referenced herein, uplift is optional At-Grade for mechanical equipment at-grade. At the discretion of the AHJ, uplift may (0 ft) D49 psf39* psf be taken as 0 psf or as the value listed in the guide. C104 psf82 psf 175 mph100 ft At-Grade (0 ft MRH) Required Design Pressures: D117 psf93 psf o C119 psf94 psf o Structure Shape = Square, flat terrain 200 ft D131 psf104 psf o Height of structure (unit + stand or curb, if used) = 6 ft max. o Width of unit = 1 ft min., Depth of unit = 1 ft min. C46 psf36* psf At-Grade o Uplift Pressure = Lateral Pressure x 1.5 / 1.9 (if considered) (0 ft) D55 psf44* psf Rooftop (>15 ft MRH) Required Design Pressures: C117 psf93 psf 186 mph100 ft o D132 psf105 psf and Equipment for B C135 psf106 psf o Structure Shape = Square, flat terrain 200 ft D148 psf117 psf o z = up to 7 ft, where z = height of stand or curb + ½ unit height o Lateral GC= 1.90; Uplift GC= 1.50 f f indicates a design wind pressure that is not 100 psf approved for use by this evaluation. Seek VISITECALC.IO/FORCES additional engineering or contact this office for design solutions. FOR HELP DETERMINING DESIGN PARAMETERS AND TO SEE MORE EXAMPLES, OR SCAN THE QR CODE TO THE RIGHT > UNIT REACTIONS FROM WIND GUIDE DIRECTIVE: This guide is intended for use by a design professional. Design parameters shall abide all specifications and limitations stated in this report. Design professional shall consider all forces, including seismic and snow loads, per governing building code. Unit reactions obtained from this guide shall be verified by a registered Professional Engineer. Reactions are applicable for unit-to-host connections only. Sample calculations are provided below. Design Parameters: - Lateral Wind Pressure, P_lat- Uplift Wind Pressure, P_up - Unit Height, H- Unit Depth, D - Unit Width, W- Unit Weight, Wt - Support Spacing across Depth, sd- Support Spacing across Width, sw Unit Reaction Equations: Long Side (Width x Height): Short Side (Depth x Height): - Sliding Force, L = P_lat x W x H - Sliding Force, L = P_lat x D x H - Uplift Force, U = P_up x W x D - Uplift Force, U = P_up x W x D - Total Tension per Long Side = - Total Tension per Short Side = ( L x H/2 + U x sd/2 Wt x 0.6 x sd/2 ) / sd ( L x H/2 + U x sw/2 Wt x 0.6 x sw/2 ) / sw Example:A ( stand, shall have the following unit reactions: Long Side (Width x Height): Short Side (Depth x Height): 1.Sliding Force, L = P_lat x W x H 1. Sliding Force, L = P_lat x D x H 2 22 2 = (120 psf) x (48 in) x (42 in) x (1 in/ 144 ft) = 1680 lb = (120 psf) x (36 in) x (42 in) x (1 in/ 144 ft) = 1260 lb 2.Uplift Force, U = P_up x W x D 2. Uplift Force, U = P_up x W x D 2 22 2 = (95 psf) x (48 in) x (36 in) x (1 in/ 144 ft) = 1140 lb = (95 psf) x (48 in) x (36 in) x (1 in/ 144 ft) = 1140 lb 3.Total Tension per Long Side = 3. Total Tension per Short Side = = ( L x H/2 + U x sd/2 Wt x 0.6 x sd/2 ) / sd = ( L x H/2 + U x sw/2 Wt x 0.6 x sw/2 ) / sw = ( (1680 lb x 42/2 in) + (1140 lb x 24/2 in) = ( (1260 lb x 42/2 in) + (1140 lb x 48/2 in) (250 lb x 0.6 x 24/2 in) ) / 24 in = 1965 lb (250 lb x 0.6 x 48/2 in) ) / 48 in = 1046 lb IN ALL CONDITIONS IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMIT HOLDER TO ENSURE THE HOST STRUCTURE IS CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING THE RATED GRAVITY, LATERAL, AND UPLIFT FORCES BY SITE-SPECIFIC DESIGN. NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IS OFFERED BY ENGINEERING EXPRESS AS TO THE INTEGRITY OF THE HOST STRUCTURE TO CARRY DESIGN FORCE LOADS INCURRED BY THIS UNIT. TH C ORP.O FC:160SW12A VENUE S UITE 106,D EERFIELD B EACH,F LORIDA 33442 Page15of 15 (954)354-0660 | (866)396-9999 | TEAM @E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM | E NGINEERING E XPRESS.COM