DESIGN CRITERIA HANDBOOK & CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DESIGN CRITERIA HANDBOOK AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS TABLE OF CONTENTS Section and Description Page Preface Tableof Contents..............................................................................................................................i CHAPTER ONE --- GENERAL REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS I. GENERAL PROVISIONS.............................................................................................. 1-1 A. Purpose and Intent ............................................................................................... 1-1 B. Minimum Requirements...................................................................................... 1-1 C. Basis..................................................................................................................... 1-1 D. Standards and Responsibility for Required Improvements................................. 1-2 II. RULES OF CONSTRUCTION AND DEFINITIONS................................................... 1-2 A. Rules of Construction.......................................................................................... 1-2 1. Generally.................................................................................................. 1-2 2. Text.......................................................................................................... 1-2 3. And .......................................................................................................... 1-2 4. Computation of time................................................................................ 1-3 5. Day........................................................................................................... 1-3 6. Delegation of authority............................................................................ 1-3 7. Gender...................................................................................................... 1-3 8. Include ..................................................................................................... 1-3 9. May.......................................................................................................... 1-3 10. Month....................................................................................................... 1-3 11. Non-technical and technical words.......................................................... 1-3 12. Number.................................................................................................... 1-3 13. Or............................................................................................................. 1-3 14. Shall......................................................................................................... 1-3 i Section and Description Page 15. Tense........................................................................................................ 1-3 16. Week........................................................................................................ 1-3 17. Will .......................................................................................................... 1-3 18. Written..................................................................................................... 1-4 19. Year.......................................................................................................... 1-4 B. Definitions ........................................................................................................... 1-4 C. Abbreviations and Acronyms ............................................................................ 1-37 III. CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SUPPLEMENTAL ENGINEERING..................... 1-40 A. Plan Preparation and Approval.......................................................................... 1-40 B. Design Construction Plan Submission............................................................... 1-40 C. Computer Generated Drawings ......................................................................... 1-42 D. Stormwater Utility Management Plan............................................................... 1-42 E. Easements .......................................................................................................... 1-43 F. Plan Submittal ---Review Procedures............................................................... 1-44 CHAPTER TWO --- SUBDIVISION, PLATTING& DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS IV. GENERAL PROVISIONS.............................................................................................. 2-1 A. Authority.............................................................................................................. 2-1 B. Applicability........................................................................................................ 2-1 C. Purpose and Intent............................................................................................... 2-1 D. Interpretation........................................................................................................ 2-2 1. Minimum requirements ........................................................................... 2-2 2. Relationship to other agency requirements.............................................. 2-3 3. Conflicting requirements......................................................................... 2-3 E. General Requirements ......................................................................................... 2-3 ii Section and Description Page 1. Platting requirement................................................................................. 2-3 2. Required improvements installation requirement.................................... 2-3 3. Standards and responsibility for required improvements........................ 2-3 4. Conformity with land use, density, and concurrency regulations ........... 2-4 F. Previously Approved or Platted Subdivisions..................................................... 2-4 1. Active subdivision development.............................................................. 2-4 2. Non-conforming subdivisions ................................................................. 2-4 G. Planned Developments ........................................................................................ 2-4 1. General..................................................................................................... 2-4 2. Subdivision of commercial and industrial building sites......................... 2-4 H. Phased Developments.......................................................................................... 2-5 1. Phasing plan............................................................................................. 2-5 2. Improvements.......................................................................................... 2-5 3. Phasing controls....................................................................................... 2-5 4. Time limitation........................................................................................ 2-5 5. Sequence of phases.................................................................................. 2-5 I. Subdivision Plan.................................................................................................. 2-6 1. Preliminary plan....................................................................................... 2-6 2. Final plan................................................................................................. 2-6 J. Technical Compliance......................................................................................... 2-7 1. Purpose .................................................................................................... 2-7 2. Application .............................................................................................. 2-7 3. Review of submittal................................................................................. 2-8 4. Submittal fails to meet requirements....................................................... 2-8 5. Submittal meets requirements.................................................................. 2-8 6. Technical Compliance approval .............................................................. 2-8 7. Expiration of Technical Compliance....................................................... 2-9 K. Land Development Permit................................................................................... 2-9 L. Construction Plans and Supplemental Engineering Information......................... 2-9 1. Duties of developer's engineer................................................................ 2-9 2. Submittal requirements............................................................................ 2-9 iii Section and Description Page 3. Completeness of construction plans ...................................................... 2-10 4. Format and content of construction plans for required improvements.. 2-10 5. Stormwater management plan ............................................................... 2-11 M. Construction of Required Improvements........................................................... 2-11 1. Developer's duty.................................................................................... 2-11 2. Time of completion of required improvements..................................... 2-11 3. Completion after recordation................................................................. 2-12 4. Administration of construction.............................................................. 2-12 5. Acknowledgement of completion and maintenance of required Improvements ........................................................................................ 2-13 N. Supplemental Procedures................................................................................... 2-15 1. Construction and landscaping in lake maintenance easements and water management tracts................................................................. 2-15 2. Dredge, fill and construction in waters of the State............................... 2-16 O. Requirements for Certified Survey.................................................................... 2-16 1. General................................................................................................... 2-16 2. Alternatives............................................................................................ 2-17 3, Recordation............................................................................................ 2-17 P. Requirements for Preliminary and Final Record Plat........................................ 2-17 Q. Required Improvements..................................................................................... 2-17 1. Minimum required improvements for all subdivisions ......................... 2-17 2. General design requirements ................................................................. 2-19 3. Parks and recreation............................................................................... 2-19 R. Access and Circulation Systems........................................................................ 2-19 1. Vehicular circulation systems................................................................ 2-19 2. Pedestrian circulation systems............................................................... 2-23 3. Reduction of street width....................................................................... 2-24 4. Crosswalks............................................................................................. 2-24 S. Clearing, Earthwork and Grading...................................................................... 2-24 1. Minimum required improvements......................................................... 2-24 2. Unsuitable materials .............................................................................. 2-24 iv Section and Description Page T. Stormwater Management................................................................................... 2-24 U. Wastewater Systems.......................................................................................... 2-25 V. Potable Water Systems ...................................................................................... 2-25 W. Utilities .............................................................................................................. 2-25 1. Required improvements......................................................................... 2-25 2. Easements .............................................................................................. 2-25 3. Exceptions to underground installations................................................ 2-25 4. Installation in streets.............................................................................. 2-26 X. Fire-Rescue Services ......................................................................................... 2-26 Y. Subdivision Design and Survey Requirements.................................................. 2-26 1. Required improvement .......................................................................... 2-26 2. Buffering................................................................................................ 2-26 3. Blocks .................................................................................................... 2-26 4. Lots ........................................................................................................ 2-27 5. Minimum safe sight distances at intersections ...................................... 2-27 6. Survey requirements.............................................................................. 2-27 Z. Administrative Waiver...................................................................................... 2-28 V. RECORD PLAT FORMS.............................................................................................. 2-28 (Refer to the Section for contents listing.) CHAPTER THREE --- PAVEMENT, STREET, INTERSECTIONS AND CONNECTIONS VI. DESIGN CRITERIA....................................................................................................... 3-1 A. Street Sections ..................................................................................................... 3-1 1. In general ................................................................................................. 3-1 2. General design considerations................................................................. 3-1 3. Construction in muck or clay areas ......................................................... 3-1 4. Dead-end streets....................................................................................... 3-2 5. Sodding of stabilized shoulders............................................................... 3-2 6. Street grades............................................................................................. 3-2 V Section and Description Page 7. Street names............................................................................................. 3-3 8. Alignment, tangent, deflection, radii....................................................... 3-3 9. Landscaping of medians in public streets................................................ 3-4 B. Street Intersections and Connections................................................................... 3-4 1. In general ................................................................................................. 3-4 2. Street width transitions............................................................................ 3-4 3. Intersection sight distance........................................................................ 3-4 C. Pathways.............................................................................................................. 3-5 1. In general ................................................................................................. 3-5 2. Handicap considerations.......................................................................... 3-5 D. Sidewalks............................................................................................................. 3-6 1. Foundation............................................................................................... 3-6 2. Expansion joints....................................................................................... 3-6 3. Finishing surface requirements................................................................ 3-6 E. Traffic Calming Devices...................................................................................... 3-6 1. Forms of traffic control............................................................................ 3-6 2. Criteria for traffic calming measures....................................................... 3-7 3. Speed humps or tables............................................................................. 3-7 VII. STANDARD DETAILS.................................................................................................. 3-8 (Refer to the Section for contents listing.) CHAPTER FOUR--- PARKING, DRIVEWAYS AND OTHER TURNOUTS VIII. DESIGN CRITERIA....................................................................................................... 4-1 A. Off-street Parking ................................................................................................ 4-1 1. In general ................................................................................................. 4-1 2. Off-street vehicular circulation................................................................ 4-1 3. Off-street truck maneuvering................................................................... 4-1 4. Off-street vehicle reservoir areas............................................................. 4-1 5. Internal ring roads.................................................................................... 4-1 6. Terminal islands....................................................................................... 4-1 Vi Section and Description Page 7. Landscape strips....................................................................................... 4-2 8. Curbing around landscape strips.............................................................. 4-2 9. Canoes...................................................................................................... 4-2 10. Back-out parking restrictions................................................................... 4-2 11. Maximum length of parking aisles.......................................................... 4-2 12 Safe sight distance ................................................................................... 4-2 13. Pedestrian circulation............................................................................... 4-2 14. Handicap parking and passenger loading zones...................................... 4-2 15. Traffic control devices............................................................................. 4-3 16. Pavement ................................................................................................. 4-3 17. Pervious pavement................................................................................... 4-4 B. Driveways............................................................................................................ 4-5 1. In general ................................................................................................. 4-5 2. Pavement.................................................................................................. 4-5 3. Commercial driveways............................................................................ 4-6 4. Driveway locations and spacing.............................................................. 4-6 5. Driveway construction............................................................................. 4-7 C. Turn Lane Requirements for Driveways ............................................................. 4-8 1. Left turn lanes.......................................................................................... 4-8 2. Right turn lanes........................................................................................ 4-8 D. Traffic Signalization............................................................................................ 4-9 E. Signage ................................................................................................................ 4-9 1. In general ................................................................................................. 4-9 2. Private developments............................................................................. 4-10 IX. STANDARD DETAILS................................................................................................ 4-10 CHAPTER FIVE --- STORMWATER SYSTEM X. DESIGN CRITERIA....................................................................................................... 5-1 A. Stormwater Management..................................................................................... 5-1 1. Minimum required improvements........................................................... 5-1 2. General criteria ........................................................................................ 5-2 Vii Section and Description Page 3. Hydrologic design data............................................................................ 5-2 4. Design flood elevation determination...................................................... 5-3 5. Tertiary stormwater system design and performance.............................. 5-4 6. Secondary stormwater system design and performance.......................... 5-8 7. Drainage and maintenance access rights ............................................... 5-10 8. Certificate of compliance for lots.......................................................... 5-11 B. Dredge, fill and construction in waters of the State........................................... 5-11 1. Applicability.......................................................................................... 5-11 2. Easements or rights-of-way................................................................... 5-12 3. Permits................................................................................................... 5-12 C. Alternate design, construction standards and types of materials....................... 5-12 1. Applicability.......................................................................................... 5-12 2. Contents of application.......................................................................... 5-12 D. Stormwater system construction........................................................................ 5-12 1. Gravity stormwater line construction .................................................... 5-12 2. Trenching and retention areas................................................................ 5-16 3. Control elevation structures................................................................... 5-19 4. Pre-construction conference .................................................................. 5-21 E. Stormwater discharge permit............................................................................. 5-21 1. Purpose and Intent................................................................................. 5-21 2. Illicit discharges, spills and dumpings................................................... 5-21 3. Inspections and monitoring.................................................................... 5-21 4. Permit application.................................................................................. 5-22 5. When Permit Required .......................................................................... 5-23 6. Other Agencies ...................................................................................... 5-23 XI. STANDARD DETAILS................................................................................................ 5-23 (Refer to the Section for contents listing.) CHAPTER SIX ---ADMINISTRATION OF CONSTRUCTION AND RECORD DRAWINGS XII. MATERIALS AND SPECIFICATIONS........................................................................ 6-1 Viii Section and Description Page XIII. INSPECTIONS, REPORTS AND STOP WORK ORDERS.......................................... 6-2 XIV. MEASUREMENTS AND TESTS .................................................................................. 6-4 XV. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION AND RECORD INFORMATION....................... 6-4 A. Engineer's Certificate of Completion.................................................................. 6-4 B. The Record Drawings (As-built) Check List is Presented................................... 6-5 C. Accompanying the Record Drawings.................................................................. 6-6 XVI. STANDARD GENERAL DETAILS .............................................................................. 6-6 (Refer to the Section for contents listing) APPENDIX Exhibit A -- Abbreviations and Acronyms (Engineering& Surveying) Exhibit B -- Generic General Notes Exhibit C -- Generic Specific Notes Exhibit D -- General Specifications—Paving, Drainage, Conduit and Restoration Exhibit E -- Project Documentation Exhibit F -- Standard Plans Acknowledgement(Submittal)Letter Exhibit G -- Pre-Construction Meeting Prerequisite Checklist Exhibit H -- Contractor's License Verification Exhibit I -- Record Drawing Submittal Guide Exhibit J -- Engineer's Certificate of Completion Exhibit K -- Surveyor's Certification Exhibit L -- Application for Alternate Design to Department Construction Standards and/or Types of Materials Required Exhibit M -- Hold Harmless Agreement Exhibit N -- Bonding and Escrow Agreement Forms ix ENGINEERING DESIGN HANDBOOK AND CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS FOR THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION VOLUME ONE BOYNTON B E A C H ANDREW MACK, P.E. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS AUGUST 2020 ENGINEERING DESIGN HANDBOOK CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS CHAPTER ONE — GENERAL REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS I. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. PURPOSE AND INTENT: The purpose and intent of the specific provisions of this Handbook shall be applied and interpreted in a manner consistent with the City of Boynton Beach Department of Public Works, Engineering Division to: 1. Establish procedures and standards in support of the development of real estate; 2. Aid in the coordination of land development in accordance with orderly physical patterns; 3. Ensure provision of adequate utilities to support development, including safe, convenient legal and physical access to the utilities; and 4. Assure that necessary infrastructure improvements are being provided in accordance with acceptable engineering principles and practices, and that associated rights and obligations have been established for the use and maintenance of said improvements. B. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: The requirements of this Handbook shall be deemed to be the minimum requirements necessary for the promotion of public health, safety and general welfare. C. BASIS: The standards set forth in this Handbook are intended to provide a basis for design and construction. Applicable Federal, State, County and City laws and regulations should be considered concurrently with this text. Any variation from these standards shall be approved in advance by the City Engineer or his designated representative. The requirements of this document shall be applicable in all cases where the facilities being constructed or to be constructed are owned by the City, and operated and maintained by the Department of Public Works. For those developments that have elected to remain private, the standards set forth in this Handbook shall also apply, even though the operation and maintenance shall remain with private entities. Having constructed the improvements pursuant to the requirements of this document, future consideration of a petition for the City assumption of the constructed I - I improvements for operation and maintenance purposes would (in part) be a basis for acceptance. D. STANDARDS AND RESPONSIBILITY FOR REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS: All required improvements shall be designed pursuant to the standards and specifications as prescribed in this Handbook, the County Standards (if applicable), and the City's Code of Ordinances, as amended from time to time, in accordance with acceptable standards of engineering principles. Said County Standards shall be deemed to refer to "Article 8: Subdivision, Platting, and Required Improvements" section of the Unified Land Development Code of Palm Beach County, Florida, August 1995 Edition, and all amendments thereto. II. RULES OF CONSTRUCTION AND DEFINITIONS A. RULES OF CONSTRUCTION: In the construction of the language of this Handbook, the rules set out in this section shall be observed unless such construction would be inconsistent with the manifest intent of the City Commissioners as established in the Code of Ordinances. The rules of construction and definitions set out herein shall not be applied to any express provisions excluding such construction. 1. Generally: a) All provisions, terms, phrases and expressions contained in this Handbook shall be literally construed in order that the true intent and meaning of the City of Boynton Beach Department of Public Works, Engineering Division as established may be fully carried out. Terms used in these requirements, unless otherwise specifically provided, shall have the meanings prescribed by the statutes of the State of Florida for the same terms. b) In the interpretation and application of any provision of this Handbook it shall be held to be the minimum requirement adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare. Where any provision of this Handbook imposes greater restrictions upon the subject matter than a general provision imposed by the City's Code of Ordinances, the provision imposing the greater restriction shall be deemed to be controlling. 2. Text: In case of any difference of meaning or implication between the text of this Handbook and any figure, the text shall control. 3. And: All cases must apply. 1 -2 4. Computation of time: Computation of time means the time within which an act is to be done. Time shall be computed by excluding the first and including the last day; if the last day is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, that day shall be excluded. 5. Day: Day means a working weekday unless otherwise stated in reference to a violation. Violations shall be calculated on calendar days. 6. Delegation of authority: Whenever a provision appears requiring the head of the Department or some other City officer or employee to do some act or perform some duty, it is to be construed to authorize that Department head or other officer to designate, delegate and authorize professional-level subordinates to perform the required act or duty unless the terms of the provision or section specify otherwise. 7. Gender: Words importing the masculine gender shall be construed to include the feminine and neuter. 8. Include: Use of "include" shall not limit a term to the specified examples, but is intended to extend its meaning to all other instances or circumstances of like kind or character. 9. May: May means permissive. 10. Month: Month means a calendar month. 11. Non-technical and technical words: Words and phrases shall be construed according to the common and approved usage of the language. Technical words and phrases and such others as may have acquired a peculiar and appropriate meaning in law shall be construed and understood according to such meaning. 12. Number: A word importing the singular number only may extend and be applied to several persons or things as well as to one person or thing. The use of the plural number shall be deemed to include any single person or thing. 13. Or: Either or both cases may apply. 14. Shall: Shall means mandatory. 1 -3 15. Tense: Words used in the past or present tense includes the future as well as the past or present. 16. Week: Week means seven (7) calendar days. 17. Will: Will means the wish or purpose as carried out, or to be carried out. 1 -4 18. Written: Written means any representation or words, letters or figures whether by printing or other form or method of writing. 19. Year: Year means a calendar year, unless a fiscal year is indicated or 365 calendar days is indicated. B. DEFINITIONS: Terms in this Handbook shall have the following definitions if not previously accepted in the Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language. Supplemental definitions for specific technical terms should be defined at the reference location at which they first appear in this Handbook. If a conflict exist in terms of the supplemental definitions with these definitions, the specific definition for a specific applicable condition shall apply. Those definitions that are marked with an asterisk (*) are identified and duplicated from the Land Development Regulations (LDR) [Part III of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Chapter 1, Article II.] and are incorporated herein to complete those terms associated with the engineering matters undertaken by this Division. Absorption area means, the total surface area of the bottom of a drainfield. Absorption bed means the drainfield system in which the entire contents are removed and replaced with filter material and distribution pipe. Abutting property means lying immediately adjacent to and sharing a common property line with other property. Access means a way to enter or exit a facility or property. Access, legal means the principal means of access from a lot to a public street or to a private street over which a perpetual ingress and egress easement or right-of-way has been granted to the owners of any lot serviced by such street. Access way means a non-dedicated area, which is permitted, for ingress or egress of vehicles or pedestrians. An access way is permitted to traverse a landscape buffer. Acre means land or water consisting of forty-three thousand five hundred sixty (43,560) square feet. 1 -5 Affidavit of waiver means a document evidencing the grant of an exception to the platting requirement or the required improvements installation requirement. Agreement means a Development Agreement, public facilities agreement, or other binding agreement entered into between the applicant and the City of Boynton Beach or other service provided for the purpose of assuring compliance with the adopted level of service standards. The form of the Agreement may include, but not be limited to a Development Agreement pursuant to Sec. 163.3220, Fla. Stat. Aisle means the hard surface lanes in a parking lot which connect the parking stalls with a public or private street, alley or interior driveway. Alley means a right-of-way providing a secondary means of access to property and is not intended to be used for principal traffic circulation. Annular space means the space between two casings or between the outer casing and the wall of the well bore. Antenna means the arrangement of wires or metal rods used in the sending or receiving of electromagnetic waves. Antenna support structure means any structure, mast, pole, tripod or tower utilized for the purpose of supporting an antenna or antennas. Antenna height means the overall vertical length of the antenna and antenna support structures above grade, or if such system is located on a building, then the overall vertical length includes the height of the building upon which the structure is mounted. Applicant means the owner of record, the agent pursuant to an agent's agreement acceptable to the City Attorney or the mortgagor in the case of bankruptcy. Approved means to think or judge favorably of, pronounce or consider agreeable to, or to confirm or sanction formally, the use of a product, diagram, schedule or other data specifically prepared for a specified project that has been approved by the Division or other authority having jurisdiction. Approved equal or Approved or equal means that the designer, developer or contractor desires to submit a product, diagram schedule, method of construction or other data specifically prepared as a substitute that meets all of the base or material characteristics of the Division's specifications in place as currently established by the Division for the product, diagram 1 -6 schedule, generally accepted construction method or other specific data to which an alternate or substitution approval is being sought. The designer, developer or contractor will obtain the Division's approval of the proposed alternate or substitute product, diagram schedule, method of construction or other data specifically to be used on a specified project prior to ordering same or incorporating same into said project. See also Substitution. Approved source, when used in reference to a manufacturer, an assembly point, or a point of connection, shall be a location, a manufactured component, item or assembly, or specific product that has been inspected, tested, and analyzed in accordance with accepted testing standards of the ASTM, AWWA, AASHTO, U/L, established building codes, etc., and found to be of a safe and sanitary quality for the intended purpose for which the approved source is referenced. Architect means a person duly registered and licensed to practice architecture in the State of Florida. Area of shallow flooding means a designated AO or VO Zone on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM); the base flood depth ranges from one (1) to three (3) feet; a clearly designed channel does not exist; the path of flooding is unpredictable and indeterminable; and velocity flow may be evident. Area of special flood hazard means the land in the flood plain subject to a one (1) percent or greater chance of flooding in any given year. Arterial street, see Street, arterial. Asphalt or concrete plant means an establishment engaged in the manufacture, mixing or batching of asphalt, asphaltic concrete, cement or concrete products. Automobile (*) means an automobile or motorcycle as defined by the rules of the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles. Base building line means a line horizontally offset from and running parallel to the centerline of a street from which setbacks from front yard, corner side yard, and lot standards are measured as set forth in the City's Land Development Regulations. Base flood means the flood having a one (1) percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. Beach means the zone of unconsolidated sand that extends landward from the mean low waterline to the place where there is a marked change in material or physio-graphic form, or to the line of permanent vegetation 1 -7 (usually the effective limit of storm waves). "Beach" is alternately termed "shore". Benchmark means a relatively permanent material object, natural or artificial, bearing a marked point whose elevation above or below an adopted datum plan is known. Best Management Practices (BMP) means practices which are a technologically and economically feasible means of preventing or reducing amounts of pollution generated by point and non-point sources to a level compatible with the element quality and quantity objectives of the City. Bicycle path (*) means any road, path or way that is open to bicycle travel, which road, path or way is physically separated from motorized vehicular traffic by an open space or by a barrier and is located either within the highway right-of-way or within an independent right-of-way. Block means a parcel of land entirely surrounded by streets, railroad right- of-way, parks or other public space or a combination thereof. Boundary plat, see Plat, boundary. Bride * means a structure, including supports, erected over a depression or an obstruction, such as water or a highway or railway, and having a tract or passageway for carrying traffic as defined in Chapter 316, Fla. Stat., or other moving loads. Building Official M means the official in charge of the Building Division or his authorized representative. Bulkheads mean structures of concrete, wood, or other permanent material affixed to the land adjacent to a water management tract or other water body for the purpose of establishing a vertical surface at the waters edge and stabilizing the land behind the bulkhead; provided, however, that water control structures and end walls around outfalls and bridges shall not be considered bulkheads. Capital drainage facilities means the planning of, engineering for, acquisition of land for, or the construction of drainage facilities necessary to meet the Level of Service (LOS) for Capital Drainage Facilities. Capital facility costs means all cost directly associated with the acquisition, design, engineering, site preparation, construction and placement of a capital facility. It excludes operation and maintenance costs, and the repair, replacement, or renovation of existing capital facilities where the capital facility improvement does not add capacity. 1 -8 Capital Potable Water Facilities means the planning of, engineering for, acquisition of land for, or the construction of potable water facilities necessary to meet the LOS for Capital Potable Water Facilities. Capital Reclaimed Water Facilities means the planning of, engineering for, acquisition of land for, or the construction of reclaimed (or recycled) water facilities necessary to meet the goals and LOS established for Capital Reclaimed Water Facilities. Capital Road Facilities means the planning of, engineering for, acquisition of land for, or the construction of roads on the Major Road Network System necessary to meet the LOS for Capital Road Facilities. Capital Stormwater Facilities means the planning of, engineering for, acquisition of land for, or the construction of stormwater facilities necessary to meet the LOS for Capital Stormwater Facilities. Capital Wastewater Facilities means the planning of, engineering for, acquisition of land for, or the construction of wastewater (sanitary) facilities necessary to meet the LOS for Capital Wastewater Facilities. Catchment means a sub-area of a drainage basin, which contributes stormwater runoff by overland flow to a common collection point. Certified documents (I means drawings, estimates, warranties, etc. certified by a Florida registered architect, engineer and/or land surveyor guaranteeing that the documents are true, accurate and in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations. City means the City of Boynton Beach, a municipality established in the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida to be a political corporation under the name of the City of Boynton Beach pursuant to the Laws of Florida, 1947, Chapter 24398, Section 5. City Engineer means a Florida licensed professional engineer in charge of the Boynton Beach Engineering Division. City standards means standards as established by this Division as design criteria and incorporated into this Handbook, and/or adopted by Resolution by the City of Boynton Beach. City street system (I means the city street system of each municipality consisting of all local roads within that municipality, and all collector roads inside that municipality, which are not in the county road system. 1 -9 Coastal construction means the carrying out of any activity within jurisdictional boundaries specified as a coastal protection area; to modify or improve site conditions including, but not limited to, building, clearing, filling, excavation, grading, removal or planting of vegetation; or the making of any material change in the size or use of any structure or the appearance of site conditions, or the placement of equipment or material upon such sites. Coastal Protection Zone means an area of jurisdiction established by this section. This zone extends from the mean high waterline of the Atlantic Ocean to a line twenty-five (25) feet landward of the crest of the dune or the State of Florida Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL), whichever is more landward. Coastal high hazard area means the area subject to high velocity waters, including, but not limited to, hurricane wave wash or tsunamis. The area is designated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) as Zone VI-30. CODE or Code means the Laws and Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, a municipality established under the Laws of Florida. Collector street, see Street, collector. Commission (*) means the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Condition of Approval means a condition imposed as part of, or associated with, the issuance of a valid City development order. Cone of depression means an area of reduced water levels which results from the withdrawal of groundwater from a point of collective source such as a well, wellfield, or dewatering site. The area extent and depth of the depression is a function of the hydraulic properties of the aquifer, the pumpage rates and recharge rates. Construction means the placement, assembly, erection, substantial repair, alteration or demolition of a building or structure on land, the placement of concrete, asphalt, similar materials on land, the grading or earthwork of land, or the placement of utility support systems below the surface of the land. Construction plans (*) means certified documents from which a complete review and analysis can be made of all required improvements without research and/or additional data. 1 - 10 Construction work means any site preparation, assembly, erection, substantial repair, alternation, demolition or similar action to buildings or land, or the movement of composition of the land and the installation of utility support systems below the surface of the land. Contaminant means any physical, chemical, biological or radiological substance or matter in water, soil or air, creating an adverse or hazardous condition. Contiguous means, but is not limited to, lands separated only by streets, easements, pipelines, power lines, conduits, rights-of-way under ownership of the land owner of one of the subject parcels, a property owners association or a governmental agency, or a public utility. Contiguous means lots that share a common border. Control device means the element of a discharge structure, which allows release of water under controlled conditions. Control elevation means the lowest elevation at which water can be released through a control device. Cost estimate (*) means a certified estimate of the cost of surveying, testing, all required improvements, supervision, profit and overhead. County means Palm Beach County, Florida. County road system (*) means the county road system of each county consists of all collector roads in the unincorporated areas and all extensions of such collector roads into and through an incorporated areas, all local roads in the unincorporated areas, and all urban minor arterial roads not in the State Highway System. Covenant means a recordable instrument that runs with the land, binds the fee simple owner, heirs, successors, and assigns, and is recorded. It may include recorded Development Agreements or other agreements. Covenants may include the City and/or Palm Beach County as a party or intended beneficiary; shall recite the benefit intended; and shall include any terms or conditions under which it may be released. Crest of the dune means the highest point in elevation of the dune. Cross-connection means, any physical arrangement whereby any drinking water supply is connected, directly or indirectly, to any other water supply system, sewer, drain, conduit, pool, storage reservoir, plumbing fixture, or other device which contains or may contain contaminated water, sewage or other waste or liquid of unknown or unsafe quality, which may be capable of imparting contamination to the drinking water supply as the I - 11 result of backflow. Bypass arrangements, jumper connections, removable sections, swivel or changeable devices and other temporary or permanent devices through which or because of which backflow could occur are considered to be cross-connections. Crosswalk (*) means that part of a roadway at an intersection included within the connections of the lateral lines of the sidewalks on opposite sides of the highway, measured from the curbs or, in the absence of curbs, from the edges of the traversable roadway. Any portion of a roadway at an intersection or elsewhere distinctly indicated for pedestrian crossing by lines or other markings on the surface. Cul-de-sac means a dead-end street terminating in a circular vehicular turn-around. Current standards (*) means documents, drawings, specifications, details, laws, rules, regulations, ordinances and the like in effect on the date an application or amended application, whichever is later, is presented for consideration. Dead-end street, see Street, dead-end. Decision/order means an administrative act of the City Commission, unless otherwise noted, constituting final administrative action consistent with their powers as described herein. Department means the Public Works Department of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, which has been assigned the responsibility of administering and enforcing the requirements of this Handbook through its Engineering Division. Detention means the collection and temporary storage of stormwater runoff for the purpose of treatment and/or discharge rate control with subsequent gradual release directly to surface waters. Developer means any person, including a governmental agency, undertaking any development. Developer's agreement means an agreement entered into between the City, a service provider(s) and a person associated with the development of land pursuant to the terms of the Code. Developer's engineer means a single engineering firm or a professional engineer registered in the State of Florida, and engaged by the developer to coordinate the design and monitor the construction of the work required under the Land Development Regulations in the Code. 1 - 12 Development means the carrying out of any building activity or excavation operation, the making of any material change in the use or appearance of land, or the dividing of land into two (2) or more parcels. Development shall have the meaning given it in Section 380.04 Fla. Stat., pursuant to a development order or permit. Development agreement (*) means an agreement entered into between a local government and a person in connection with the approval of a development order or permit including, but not limited to, a development agreement pursuant to Chapter 163.3220, Fla. Stat., or an agreement on a development order issued pursuant to Chapter 380.01, et. seq., Fla. Stat. Development of regional impact means a specific type of development as defined in Chapter 380.06, Fla. Stat. Development order (*) means any order granting, denying, or granting with conditions an application for a development permit. A development order becomes effective upon approval by the City Commission and issuance, in writing, by the City Attorney. Development permit (*) means any permit for required improvements, building(s), zoning, rezoning, plat approval, certification, variance, or other action having the effect of permitting commencement of development as defined in Florida Statutes, Section 380.04, or any other official action or types of action by the City which, in the judgement of the City Manager, would permit the use or development of land similar to any of the listed actions. Director of Development means the unit head of the City of Boynton Beach Department of Development. Director of Planning and Zoning means the unit head of the City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Division of the Development Department. Director of Utilities means the unit head of the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department. Discharge structure means a structural device, constructed or fabricated from durable material such as concrete, metal or decay-resistant timber, through which water is released to surface water from detention. 1 - 13 Disposition, off-site means the transportation of excavated materials off the premises Disposition, on-site means the on-premise use of extracted or excavated materials. Disturbed excavated area means the total area altered by excavation activities. Division means the Engineering Division of the Department of Public Works, or a specific division of another Department (i.e., Building Division of the Department of Development). Domestic sewage means wastewater normally conveyed by drains and sewers, including, bath, toilet wastes, laundry and kitchen wastes from residential use and waste from other household plumbing fixtures. Drain trenches means, for the purpose of stormwater dissipation, a drainfield installation in which the effluent from the trench drain system or other treatment receptacle is distributed in designed separate trenches, whether in series or parallel. Drainage basin means a sub-area of a watershed, which contributes stormwater runoff to a watercourse tributary to the main receiving water. Drainage easement, see Easement, drainage. Driveway M means the paved area between a public street and private property intended to provide ingress and egress for vehicular traffic from the public streets or thoroughfare to a definite area of private property, or which connects parking aisles or provides access to parking aisles. Dry detention/retention means detention or retention of water in a storage facility which is designed, constructed, and operated to limit the duration of ponding within the facility so as to maintain a normally dry bottom between rainfall events. Dune means a hill or ridge of windblown sand and marine deposits lying landward of and adjacent to, the beach that is formed by natural and artificial processes. Dune profile means the cross-sectional configuration of the dune. Dwelling unit means one or more rooms designed, occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters, with only one (1) kitchen plus sleeping and sanitary facilities provided within the unit, for the exclusive 1 - 14 use of a single family maintaining a household. Specialized residences, such as accessory apartments for the elderly or handicapped, congregate living facility quarters, groom's quarters, migrant labor quarters or servant' quarters shall not be considered individual "dwelling units" in calculating the Equivalent Residential Connection (ERC), but the total population shall be calculated into the determination of the primary dwelling units ERC for property connection to the utility system. Easement means any strip of land created by a subdivider or granted by the land owner, for public or private access, utilities, drainage, sanitation or other specified uses having limitations, the title to which shall remain in the name of the land owner, subject to the right of use designated in the reservation of the servitude. Easement, drainage means an easement establishing rights to collect, drain or convey surface water by means of natural or man-made facilities, including, but not limited to water bodies, water courses, canals, ditches, swales, storm sewers and overland flow. It also includes any fee interest of a governmental entity in land to collect, drain, or convey water. Easement, lake maintenance means an expressed easement, created by plat dedication or other instrument of record, establishing access and use rights on or to the periphery of a water management tract for purposes of construction, maintenance, and repair of wet detention/retention facilities and appurtenance structures therein. Easement, limited access means an easement adjacent to a street for the purpose of prohibiting vehicular access to the street from abutting property except at those locations specifically authorized by the City Commissioners. Easement, public means an easement granted to a governmental entity, public agency, a utility or the public. Easement, quasi-public means an easement granted to a property owners association in which the City or other public authorities have some beneficial interest. Easement, utility means an easement established for the purpose of the installation, operation, repair, or maintenance of facilities and equipment used to provide utility services. Easement holder or beneficiary means the grantee of an easement or persons directly benefiting from the existence of the easement. Egress means exit. i - is Electrical power facility means a principal use of property for an electrical generation, or transmission voltage switching station. Emergency means any unusual incident which results in immediate danger to the health, safety, welfare or resources of the residents of the City, including damages to, or the erosion of, any shoreline resulting from a hurricane, storm, or other such violent disturbance. Emergency work means work necessary to restore land to a safe condition following a calamity, or work required to protect personnel or land from imminent exposure to danger. Eminent domain proceedings mean either (1) those formal court initiated civil actions to acquire fee simple, easement, or right-of-way interest in land for governmental purposes, or (2) a voluntary conveyance of such in lieu of formal court initiated action. Encroachment, vehicular means any protrusion of a motor vehicle outside of the boundaries of a vehicular use area into a landscape or other area. Encumber means to reserve or earmark funds for a specific expenditure or an identified development. Engineer means a person registered as a professional engineer in the State of Florida. Engineering Division means the Engineering Division of the Department of Public Works of the City of Boynton Beach. Excavate or excavation. The extraction of minerals from the earth necessary to (1) construct a single family dwelling; (2) support bona-fide agricultural production operations; (3) to implement a final site development plan; or (4) any act wherein the earth is cut into, dug, quarried, uncovered, removed, displaced or deliberately disturbed to create a temporary or permanent body of water, including the conditions resulting therefrom. Excavation includes the trenching requirements for the installation of utility systems in support of development. Excavation excludes agricultural plowing, site grading, dry retention/detention, demucking and canal dredging in preparation for construction. Excavated surface area means the area created to construct a permanent or temporary body of water measured from outside edge of the excavated area to outside edge of excavated area (top of bank to top of bank). 1 - 16 Excavation, commercial, see Excavation, Type III-A and Type III-B. Excavation, Type I-A means excavation necessary to create a pond to obtain fill for the construction of a single family dwelling or an accessory structure on a lot one (1) acre or greater in size, with an excavated surface area less than two-tenths (0.2) of an acre. Excavation, Type I-B means excavation necessary for the creation of a pond or lake for the construction of a single family dwelling or accessory use on a lot two and one-half (2.5) acres or greater in size, with an excavated surface area in excess of two-tenths (0.2) of an acre but less than two (2.0) acres. Excavation, Type II means excavation necessary to create a lake which is required to implement a development order for a final site development plan provided a minimum of 90% of the extracted material remains on-site. Excavation, Type III-A means mining activity, primarily for commercial purposes, that extracts materials from the earth and may require limited on-site processing by using mobile crushers, sifters and conveyor systems. A Type III-A excavation activity shall not include the use of explosive devices or permanent structures or equipment used to process material. Excavation, Type III-B means mining activity, primarily for commercial purposes, that extracts materials from the earth and may require extensive processing of the material on-site or off-site. The Type III-B excavation may involve the use of explosives and permanent heavy industrial structures or equipment to crush, sift and transport the material on site. Exfiltration system means any gallery, perforated or "leaky" pipe or similarly designed structure which is used to dispose of untreated stormwater by allowing the routed water to percolate by subsurface discharge directly or indirectly into the groundwater. Expressway (*) means a street shown or described as such according to the current or most recent functional classification contained in the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan, as adopted and amended. External trip means any trip that either has its origin from or its destination to the development site and which impacts the major road network system. FAC means the Florida Administrative Code. FDEP means the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 1 - 17 FDOT means the Florida Department of Transportation. FDPR means the Florida Department of Professional Regulation. Fence means an artificially constructed barrier of any material or combination of materials erected to enclosed or screen areas of land. Fill or Filling means the placement of any material in, on, or over a jurisdictional wetland, or the placing of material removed from another area on and/or off site. Final site plan means the most recent site plan approved by the City of Boynton Beach's Planning and Zoning Board, and ratified by the City Commission. Final subdivision plan means the most recent subdivision plan approved by the City of Boynton Beach's Planning and Zoning Board, and ratified by the City Commission. Flood or flooding means a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land areas from the overflow of inland or tidal waters; or the unusual and rapid accumulation or runoff of surface waters from any source. Terms associated with flooding include: 1. Frequent, which means flooding which occurs more than once every two (2) years on the average; 2. Ten (10) year flood elevation, which means that flood elevation which has a ten (10) in one hundred (100) probability of being equaled or exceeded in any calendar year. Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM) means the official map of the City of Boynton Beach, produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency or by Palm Beach County, where the boundaries of the areas of special flood hazard have been designated as Zone A. Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) means the official report and map provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency that contains the flood contours for designated Zones AO, AV, A, B, & C. Flood Insurance Study means the official report provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency that contains flood profiles, as well as the Flood Hazard Boundary Map and the water surface elevation of the base flood. 1 - 18 Flood plain means the land area adjacent to the normal limits of a watercourse or water body, which is inundated during a flood event of specified magnitude or return period. Floodway means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one (1) foot. Floor means the top surface of an enclosed area in a building (including basement), i.e., top of slab in concrete construction or top of wood flooring in wood frame construction. The term does not include the floor of a garage used solely for parking vehicles. Florida Statutes, Fla. Stat. or F.S. means the Laws of the State of Florida generated by the Legislative Branch of the state government enacted to regulate various activities within the State of Florida. Frontage street (I see Street, marginal access. Functional classification (I means the assignment of roads into systems according to the character of service they provide in relation to the total road network. Basic functional categories include arterial roads, collector roads and local roads which may be subdivided into principal, major or minor levels. Those levels may be additionally subdivided into rural and urban categories. Functions means the role wetlands serve, including but not limited to flood storage, flood conveyance, ground water recharge and discharge, erosion control, wave attenuation, water quality enhancement and protection, nutrient removal, food chain support, wildlife habitat grounds for fishery species, and recreational values. Government (I means any direct agency of any federal, state, county or city government including schools and the U. S. Postal Service. Grade, finished (I means the average level of the finished surface of the ground adjacent to the exterior walls of the structure. Grade line means the design profile grade line for the finish surface of a roadway, swale, water course or other hard surface area design to direct overland stormwater runoff to a variety of collection points in keeping with Best Management Practices. 1 - 19 Grade separated intersections M means the use of the term grade separated intersections shall mean any intersection wherein one road passes over another road by means of a bridge or an overpass. Grassed parking means that portion of a development's required off-street parking requirement that meets the standards of Chapter 2 (Zoning), and Chapter 23 (Parking Lots) of the City's Land Development Regulations. Grease trap means a watertight receptacle or reservoir receiving wastewater from a kitchen or other source containing grease. Ground water means water beneath the surface of the ground within a zone of saturation where such water is at or above atmospheric pressure, whether within the voids between soil particles or within solution channels or fractures in rock. Grubbing means removal of vegetation from land by means of digging, raking, dragging or otherwise disturbing the roots of the vegetation and the soil in which roots are located. Guaranty means sufficient funds over which the City has control irrevocably committed by written instrument to secure complete performance of a contract for required improvements, condition of a Development Order or Utility Agreement. Handicapped person has the meaning of Sec. 393.063(6) and Sec. 760.22(5)(a)(6) Fla. Stat. Handicapped spaces means parking spaces designed, marked and reserved for exclusive use by persons properly registered as handicapped. Hardstand means a paved or stabilized area where (heavy) vehicles are parked, or an open ground area having a prepared surface and used for the storage of materials. Health hazard means, any condition, devise or practice in a water or sewer system or its operation which creates or may create an imminent or substantial danger to the health and well being of the consumer. Hold Harmless means that a contractor shall indemnify and save harmless and defend the City, its agents, servants, and employees from and against any and all causes, claims, demands, actions, losses, liabilities, settlements, judgments, damages, costs, expenses, and fees (including without limitation, reasonable attorney's and appellate attorney's fees) of whatsoever kind or nature for damages to persons or property caused in 1 -20 whole or in part by any act, omission, or default of the City, its agents, servants, or employees arising from a contract between the contractor and the City or its performance. The contractor and the City will agree and covenant that the contractor has incorporated a stipulated fee into its contract with the City that has a specified additional indemnification, noting that it is both parties full intention that this provision shall be enforceable and said provision shall be in compliance with Florida Statute §725.06. See Appendix Exhibit "M", Hold Harmless Agreement. Industrial waste means waste generated from commercial and industrial operations, other than agricultural, including but not limited to the processing, manufacturing, packaging, repair, maintenance or production of marketable goods. Construction and demolition debris shall be considered industrial waste. Industrial wastewater means, wastewater generated by commercial or industrial establishments as a result of manufacturing, preparation, processing, or handling of materials, chemicals and/or food products, and from cleaning or washing operations. Laundromats, food service establishments, bakeries and car wash facilities are specifically included in this definition. Ingress means entry. Inspector M means a city employee working as an inspector under the authority and direction of the Director of Public Works or the City Engineer. Intersection, see Chapter 316.003, Fla. Stat. Inundation means the presence of water, in motion or standing, of sufficient depth to damage property due to the mere presence of water or the deposition of silt of which may be a nuisance, hazard or health problem. Irrigation system means a system of pipes or other conduits designed to transport and distribute water to plants and ground cover. Laboratory means a designated area or areas used for testing, research, experimentation, quality control, or prototype construction, but not used for repair or maintenance activities (excluding laboratory equipment), the manufacturing of products for sale, or pilot plant testing. Lake, excavated means a body of water, excluding canals of conveyance, greater than one (1) acre in size or greater than six (6) feet in depth from (OWL) and which will remain open for longer than one hundred eighty 1 -21 (180) days. Multiple (more than one) bodies of water constructed on a parcel or parcels of property under common ownership or control shall be considered a lake when such water bodies have a combined surface area greater than one (1) acre. Lake, excavated-existing means a lake constructed, under construction or to be constructed under permit of a jurisdictional agency prior to January 1, 2002. Lake finger means that portion of a dead-end water body, which is less than fifty (50) feet in width, and longer than one and one-half (1.5) times its width, as measured from the point at which the dead-end water body is less than fifty (50) feet wide. Lake maintenance easement, see Easement, lake maintenance. Lake, mined means a lake created by the extraction of minerals from the earth for commercial purposes. Land means the earth, water, and air, above, below, or on the surface, and includes any improvements or structures customarily regarded as land. Land application means the application or disposal of effluent or sludge on, above or into the surface of the ground through spray irrigation, land spreading, or other methods. Land development permit means, the permit issued by the City Engineer prior to commencement of construction of required improvements, and after the final record plat approval by the City. Land Development Regulations (LDR) means Part III of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances which govern the development and improvement of lands lying in the jurisdiction of the city. Ordinances enacted by the City of Boynton Beach for the regulation of any aspect of development, and includes any zoning, rezoning, subdivision, health, environmental, or sign regulations controlling the development of land. Legal access (*) means a dedicated and recorded right-of-way, or easement, excluding utility or drainage easements, affording perpetual ingress and egress from a subject property to a public thoroughfare. Legal positive outfall means the permanently established connection of a stormwater discharge conveyance facility serving a development site to a watercourse or water body under the control and jurisdiction of one (1) or 1 -22 more public agencies, said connection being subject to all applicable agency permitting and approval requirements. Level of Service (LOS) means an indicator of the extent or degree of service provided by, or proposed to be provided by a public facility or service based on and related to the operational characteristics of the public facility or service. Limited access easement, see Easement, limited access. Limited access street, see Street, limited access. Littoral Zone means that region of the shoreline beginning at the Ordinary High Water (OHW) and extending waterward to a maximum depth of minus three (-3) feet OHW. Loading space means the off-the-street area designated for loading and unloading of trucks, in the form which may include one (1) or more truck berths located either within a building or in an open area on the same lot. Local Government means the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Local street, see Street, local. Lot means the smallest division of land identified as a single unit of ownership for conveyance and legal development purposes, and delineated by a closed boundary that is either: 1. Depicted on a record plat; 2. Depicted on a survey, map or drawing for which an affidavit or waiver or affidavit of exemption has been recorded; or 3. Described on a recorded deed or agreement for deed. The total area of abutting lands joined pursuant to a recorded unity of title shall be deemed a single lot for the purposes of this Handbook. As used herein, the term shall be synonymous with the terms "plot", "parcel', or "tract" when referring to lands within a closed boundary not further divided by one or more interior property lines. Major driveway (*) means a main ingress or egress to a public street from the site of any development generating more than 1,000 vehicular trips per 24 hour day or more than 250 trips in any single hour including, but not limited to, a shopping center, multiple-family development, industrial park, hospital or any other use. Major street, see Street, major. 1 -23 Major thoroughfares (*) means a main traffic artery connecting two (2) or more municipalities. Marginal access street, see Street, marginal access. Master Plan (*) means a drawing which shows the intended division of and improvements on real property. Master stormwater management plan (*) means documents outlining proposed primary and secondary drainage and stormwater treatment facilities. Material, excess means excavated material not required for backfill or grading of the premises as determined by a final site plan. Material (fill) (*) means sand, clay, rock, muck, gravel, loam or like materials existing or hauled to the site. Material, extractive or excavated, means earth, sand, gravel, rock, shellrock, muck, or other mineral or organic substance, other than vegetation, which naturally occurs upon a lot. Mean high water means the average height of tidal high water over a nineteen (19) year period. Mean sea level means the average height of the sea of all stages of the tide based on the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD). Mining * means the removal of materials from a site in quantities exceeding what is physically necessary to develop the site. Mining is prohibited in the City of Boynton Beach. Minor street, see Street, minor. Motor vehicle shall have the meaning ascribed by the statutes of the State of Florida providing for the regulation, registration, licensing and recordation of ownership of motor vehicles in the State of Florida. Mulch means non-living organic material customarily used in landscape design to retard erosion and retain moisture. Municipality means a general purpose local governmental entity created by the State Legislature and governed by Sec. 166.01, et. sec.., Fla. Stat. For the purpose of the local municipality, the City of Boynton Beach is the governing authority. 1 -24 New capital facilities means newly constructed, expanded or added capital facilities that provide additional capacity. New capital facilities shall not include that portion of reconstruction or remodeling of existing facilities that does not create additional capacity. "O" Horizon means the layer of organic matter on the surface of a mineral soil. This soil consists of decaying plant residues. Off-site improvements means improvements constructed outside of the boundaries of the project which are required as a part of a development approval. Off-street loading space means the stall and berth along with the apron or maneuvering area incidental thereto. Oil/water separator means a watertight receptacle or reservoir receiving stormwater runoff from a concentrated vehicle parking area or a vehicle washdown area or other source containing oily residue runoff. One-foot drawdown contours means the locus of points around a well or wellfield where the free water elevation is lowered by one (1) foot due to a specified pumping rate of the well or wellfield. Operating permit means the permit required of certain activities to operate within wellfield zones. Ordinary High Water (OHW) means, for areas with an established control elevation, the control elevation will be the OHW. For areas without an established control elevation, the wet season water table prior to the excavation activity will be the OHW. Ordinary Water Level (OWL) means the average level of water as determined by an engineer or by the applicant's appointee. The established water surface elevation shall consider seasonal fluctuations in the groundwater table and other factors that may cause fluctuations of the water level. Outfall means a pipe which discharges treated stormwater into waterways Owner means the owner of the freehold estates, as appears by deed of record, or agreement for deed. It shall not include short-term lessees, reversioners, remainderman, or mortgagees. It shall include lessees with a lease of more than twenty-five (25) years. Parcel means a unit of land legally established by property lines. 1 -25 Parking lot M means any outdoor or partially enclosed or enclosed space, plot, yard or any portion thereof, which is utilized for the parking or storage of vehicles, upon which two (2) or more parking stalls are constructed. Parking lots include access aisles, ramps, maneuvering and all vehicle use areas. (Parking facilities designed for detached single-family homes or duplex units with a maximum of four parking stalls are exempt from this definition.) Parking lot, commercial means a paved area intended or used for the off- street parking or storage of operable motor vehicles on a temporary basis, other than accessory to a principal use. Parking lot, shared or common means a parking lot or area that serves more than one (1) lot use or residential dwelling. Parking, off-street means the minimum number of parking spaces per land use as required by Chapter 2 (Zoning) of the City's Land Development Regulations. Parking space mean a surfaced or grassed area, enclosed or unenclosed, sufficient in size and approved to store one (1) motor vehicle. Parking stall M means a surfaced area, enclosed or unenclosed, within a parking tract sufficient in size to store one automobile with a minimum width and a minimum length per current city standards. Parking tract means a parking lot delineated on a plat or otherwise created by instrument of record for the purpose of providing common vehicular parking and legal access for owners of abutting lots. Percolation pond means an artificial impoundment similar to a holding pond for which the design and operation provides for fluid losses through percolation or seepage. Percolation test means a test conducted to determine the rate of percolation or seepage of water through soils in the area of the drainfield, the result of which test is expressed as time in minutes per one inch drop of water. Performance security means funds irrevocably committed by written instrument that are sufficient to secure the complete performance of a contract or condition of a development order, Development Agreement, or covenant. Performance securities shall be denominated in United States dollars. The form of the security shall be approved by the City Attorney, and may include: 1 -26 1. An irrevocable letter of credit; 2. A cash bond. Person means any individual, corporation, governmental agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association, property owners' association, two (2) or more persons having a joint or common interest, or any other legal entity. Phased development means development which is designed, permitted or platted in distinct, sequential stages to be constructed over a specified period of time. Planned Development means a planned development district or a previously approved planned development. A regulation containing the term "planned development" means that the regulation applies to a planned development district and a previously approved planned development. Plat means a map or delineated representation of the subdivision of lands, being a complete, exact representation of the subdivision and other information in compliance with all requirements of all applicable provisions of Chapter 177, Fla. Stat., and may include the terms `replat", "amended plat", or "revised plat". Plat boundary means a map or delineated representation for recordation of a single lot for development purposes prepared, approved, and recorded in accordance with the requirements and procedures for a plat pursuant to Chapter 177, Fla. Stat. Plat, final means a finished plat including all signatures required for recordation except those signifying approval by the City. Plat, preliminary means a copy of the plat in sufficient form to readily compare the plat with the subdivision plan and construction plans. Plat of record means a plat which conforms to the requirements of the applicable state laws, and Chapter 5 (Platting) of the City's Land Development Regulations, and recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Pond means a permanent body of water less than one (1) acre in size and less than six (6) feet in depth. 1 -27 Positive drainage means the provision of a stormwater management system, which conveys stormwater runoff to a point of legal positive outfall. Potable water facilities mean the planning of, engineering for, preparation of acquisition documents for, acquisition of land for, or construction of potable water facilities necessary to meet the LOS for potable water facilities. Private street, see Street, private. Project means a land use or group of land uses involving the development of a particular parcel of land at a particular density which was granted a valid City Development Order, or which substantially complies with applicable provisions of the City's Land Development Regulations. Property owners' association means an organization recognized under the laws of the State, operated under recorded maintenance and ownership agreements through which each owner of a portion of a subdivision, be it a lot, home, property or any other interest, is automatically a voting member, and each such member is automatically subject to a charge for a prorated share of expenses, either direct or indirect, for maintaining common properties within the subdivision, such as roads, parks, recreational areas, common areas and other similar properties. Within the text of this Handbook, a property owners' association is considered to be a single entity for property ownership. As used in this Handbook, the term "property owners association" shall also be deemed to include a homeowners' association, condominium association or cooperative (apartment) association, as defined in Chapter 711, Fla. Stat., as amended, having a life tenure of not less than twenty (20) years; as well as a third party having an agreement with a condominium or cooperative association as permitted by Chapter 711, Fla. Stat., as amended. Public agency means any government or governmental agency, board, commission, authority or public body of Palm Beach County, the State of Florida, or of the United States government, or any legally constituted governmental subdivision or special district. Public easement, see Easement, public. Public facilities means capital facilities, including but not limited to roads, parks and recreation, fire-rescue, library, law enforcement, public buildings, school sites and utility systems in support thereof. Public Facilities Agreement means an agreement entered into by the City of Boynton Beach or a Service Provider and a developer or landowner for 1 -28 the purpose of ensuring a public facility is reserved for a proposed development. Public Health Unit means the Palm Beach County Health Department. Public right-of-way (*) means the land which is dedicated for pedestrian or automotive traffic or which is dedicated for access to utilities and is, or is intended to be, permanently open for these uses. Public street, see Street, public. Public utility means an entity owning, operating, managing or controlling a system or proposing construction of a system that is providing or proposing to provide water or sewer service, electricity, natural or manufactured gas, or any similar gaseous substance, telephone, telegraph or other communication service to the public for compensation. Public works and/or utility projects means projects that may be conducted by government agencies or departments or are linear projects, such as paving and drainage, water and wastewater lines, pipelines, transmission lines, telephone lines, etc., that are constructed for no single property. Quasi-public easement, see Easement, quasi-public. Queuing area means a one-way aisle that provides a waiting area for a specified number of cars. Reclamation means increasing the land use capability to be made suitable for development or by changing the land's character or environment through drainage, fill or revegetation. Residence, see Dwelling unit. Residential access street, see Street, residential access. Retention means the collection and storage of a specific portion of stormwater runoff without subsequent direct release to surface waters of said portion or any part thereof. Retention or detention pond means any pit, pond, or excavation excluding canals of conveyance which creates a body of water by virtue of its connection to ground-water, and which is intended to receive stormwater. Right-of-way means a strip of land dedicated or deeded to the perpetual use of the public. 1 -29 Road facilities mean the planning of, engineering for, preparation of acquisition documents for, acquisition of land for, or construction of roads on the major road network system necessary to meet the LOS for road facilities. Roadway (*) means that portion of a highway improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel, exclusive of the berm or shoulder. In the event a highway includes two or more separate roadways, the term "roadway" as used herein refers to any such roadway separately, but not to all such roadways collectively. Sand means sediments having a distribution of particle diameters between 0.074 and 4.76 millimeters, as defined in the Unified Soils Classification System. Sand grain analyses shall follow the methodology described in Folk, Robert L. 1980, Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks to determine grain size distribution. Sanitary sewer facilities mean the planning of, engineering for, preparation of acquisition documents for, acquisition of land for, or construction of sanitary sewer facilities necessary to meet the LOS for sanitary sewer facilities. The term "wastewater facilities" is used interchangeably with the term "sanitary sewer facilities", and carries the same meaning. Service Provider means any agency that is responsible for the provision of public facilities to developments in the service area of the Utilities Department of the City of Boynton Beach. Sewer system, central means the regional sewerage system, owned and operated jointly by the cities of Boynton Beach and Delray Beach, which provides sewer service to several developments located within its service area. Sight distance means the extent of unobstructed vision in a horizontal and vertical plane. Stall or berth means the space within which vehicles are placed during actual loading or unloading operations. State road (*) means any highway designated as a state-maintained road by the Florida Department of Transportation. State standards means the most recent edition of all state standard indexes and specifications. Storm drainage (*) means a system sufficient to prevent inundation resulting from a three-year storm which conveys storm waters to publicly 1 -30 dedicated and maintained drainage canals or natural waterways acceptable to the agency having jurisdiction. Stormwater means the flow of water that results from and occurs immediately following a rainfall event. Stormwater management plan means an engineering drawing and written report outlining the proposed secondary and tertiary stormwater management system needed for the proper development of a specific increment of the developing area of the City and its perimeter service area, including details of drainage-related conditions and characteristics of the existing development site and surrounding lands. Stormwater management system means a comprehensive system designed and constructed or implemented to collect, convey, store, absorb, inhibit, treat, use or reuse stormwater in order to prevent or reduce inundation, flooding, over-drainage, environmental degradation, and water pollution, or otherwise affect the quantity and quality of stormwater runoff. Stormwater runoff means that portion of stormwater which occurs either as overland flow or subsurface lateral flow through normally unsaturated soils, and which is neither intercepted by vegetation, evaporated, nor recharged to groundwater. Stormwater system, primary means classified surface waters of the State which convey stormwater runoff toward the ocean or a major inland water body. Stormwater system, secondary means that component of a stormwater management system which consists of facilities and features primarily designed to provide for treatment and control of stormwater runoff generated by specifically delineated lands, in order to meet regulatory requirements governing the quality and quantity of stormwater discharged to the primary stormwater system. May also be known as retention or detention ponds. Stormwater treatment means removal of pollutants, debris, and other undesirable materials from stormwater runoff by means of natural, chemical, biological or physical processes, including, but not necessarily limited to, detention, retention, filtration, percolation, sedimentation, floatation, and skimming. This definition does not normally include active treatment processes requiring the consumption of electrical or mechanical energy. 1 -31 Stormwater system, tertiary means that component of a stormwater management system which consists of facilities and features designed to provide for rapid removal of stormwater from structures, building sites, streets, and other areas of development or uses sensitive to damage or disruption by inundation. This may also be referenced to as the collection system and include piping, inlets and swales. Street means a strip of land, owned privately or publicly, which affords legal access to abutting land and is designated for vehicular traffic. "Street" includes road, court, way, thoroughfare, parkway, avenue, boulevard, expressway, lane, throughway, place, circle and square, or however otherwise designated. Streets are further classified according to the function they perform. Street, arterial means a major street of higher classification than a plan collector street, used primarily for traffic traveling a considerable distance within or through an area not served by an expressway, and used primarily as a main traffic artery. Street, collector means a street which carries traffic from local streets to arterial streets. Collector streets have more continuity, carry higher traffic volumes and may provide less access to abutting properties than local streets. Street, collector, non-plan means a collector street which is not included on the Thoroughfare Plan and which is the highest classification of a minor street. Street, collector, plan means a collector street which is part of the Thoroughfare Plan, and which is the lowest classification of a major street. Street, dead-end means a street with only one (1) outlet. Street edge means a buffer used to define and continue a residential frontage line along the unbuilt portion of a lot. Street, frontage (*) means the property line adjacent to a public or private street. Street, limited access means a street to which access from abutting property is under the control and jurisdiction of the city pursuant to a limited access easement or other regulatory access restriction. Street, local (*) means a street shown or described as such according to the current or most recent functional classification contained in the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan, as adopted and amended. 1 -32 Street, local commercial means a street designed and maintained primarily to provide legal and vehicular access to abutting commercial or industrial lots. A local commercial street is of limited continuity, is not for through traffic, and is the middle order street of minor streets. Street, local residential means a street designed and maintained primarily to provide legal and vehicular access to abutting residential lots. A local residential street is of limited continuity, is not for through traffic, and is the middle order street of minor streets, being of a higher classification than a residential access street. Street, major means a street depicted on the adopted thoroughfare plan; a thoroughfare plan road. Major streets are further classified as collector street, arterial street, and expressway. Street, marginal access means a special purpose local street which is parallel and adjacent to a plan collector street, expressway, arterial street or other limited access street, and which has its principal purpose of relieving such streets from local service of abutting property by providing access to abutting property, and separation from the through traffic. A marginal access street may also be called a "frontage street". Street, minor means any street not classified as a major street, and includes streets providing traffic circulation within the development. Street, private means any street which: 1. Has not been dedicated for public use; 2. Is reserved to a property owner's association pursuant to recorded restrictions and covenants or a plat of record; or 3. Is dedicated for public use but has not been accepted for maintenance by the City, another local governmental or quasi-governmental entity, the State, the County or a special district. Street, public (*) means any street dedicated to the public and accepted for ownership and maintenance by the City Commission. Street, residential access means the lowest order of minor street, which is intended to carry the least amount of traffic at the lowest speed. Street, through means a street that serves more than one neighborhood, or that carries traffic between neighborhoods proper. Subdivision means the division of land, whether improved or unimproved, whether previously platted or not, into two (2) or more contiguous parcels 1 -33 for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership. The term shall include any modification of legal boundaries for the purpose of redividing or combining any lot(s) depicted on a record plat, or on a certified survey or other map recorded pursuant to any affidavit or exemption or affidavit of waiver. When appropriate to the text, the term refers to the process of subdividing of the land proposed to be or which has been subdivided. Substitution means that the Department will receive and consider the contractor's request for substitution when one or more of the following conditions are satisfied, as determined by the Department. If the following conditions are not satisfied, the Department will return the requests without action except to record noncompliance with these requirements: 1. Extensive revisions to the Contract Documents are not required. 2. Proposed changes are in keeping with the general intent of the Contract Documents or "Shop Drawings" (Appendix Exhibit "N"). 3. The request is timely, fully documented, and properly submitted. 4. The specified product or method of construction cannot be provided within the Contract time. The Department will not consider the request if the product or method cannot be provided as a result of failure to pursue the work promptly or coordinate activities properly. 5. The request is directly related to an "or equal" clause or similar language in the Contract Documents or "Shop Drawings" (Appendix Exhibit "N"). 6. The requested substitution offers the Department a substantial advantage, in cost, time, energy conservation or other considerations, after deducting additional responsibilities the Department must assume. The Department's additional responsibilities may include compensation for any redesign and evaluation services, increased cost of other construction by the Department, and similar considerations. 7. The specified product or method of construction cannot receive necessary approval by a governing authority, and the requested substitution can be approved. 8. The specified product or method of construction cannot be provided in a manner that is compatible with other materials and where the contractor certified that the substitution will overcome the incompatibility. 9. The specified product or method of construction cannot be coordinated with other materials and where the contractor certifies that the proposed substitution can be coordinated. 1 -34 10. The specified product or method of construction cannot provide a warranty required by the Contract Documents or "Shop Drawings" (Appendix Exhibit "N") and where the contractor certified that the proposed substitution provides the required warranty. 11. Where a proposed substitution involves more than one sub- contractor, each sub-contractor shall cooperate with the other sub-contractors involved to coordinate the work, provide uniformity and consistency, and assure compatibility of products. The contractor's submittal and the Department's acceptance of shop drawings, product data, or samples for construction activities not complying with the Contract Documents or "Shop Drawings" (Appendix Exhibit "N") do not constitute an acceptable or valid request for substitution, nor do they constitute approval. Surety means an irrevocable surety guaranteeing that all required surveying and construction improvements will be completed in full accord with approved documents and all conditions attached thereto. Surface water means water upon the surface of the earth whether contained within natural or artificial boundaries, or diffused. Surveyor means a professional land surveyor and mapper registered in the State of Florida. Suspension order means suspension of construction work directly over the potential archaeological find. During the initial site visit, a qualified archaeologist may extend the boundary of the suspension order based on the potential significance and geographic coverage of the find. Swale means a stabilized and graded depression designed to convey stormwater runoff and retain water for only a brief period following a rainfall event. Thoroughfare plan, thoroughfare right-of-way protection map or plan means that which is described in the traffic circulation Element of the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan, III; Existing Conditions; the Thoroughfare Right-of-Way Protection Map. Through street, see Street, through. Traffic means pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, and vehicles, streetcars and other conveyances either singly or together while using any street or highway for purposes of travel. 1 -35 Traffic control devices M means any mechanism used to regulate traffic, such as pavement striping, signs, etc, as specified in the US DOT/FHWA Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), excluding any mechanical or electrical device such as traffic lights. Traffic control signal M means any device whether manually, electrically or mechanically operated by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and permitted to proceed. Traffic impact analysis M (TIA) means a traffic statement prepared by a professional engineer competent in traffic engineering registered in the State of Florida. Such analysis should address at a minimum, daily and peak hour movements, turn lanes required, signalization, capacity of the street system and interior driveway lengths. Trailer means any vehicle with or without mechanical power, other than a pole trailer, designed for carrying persons or property and for being drawn by a motor vehicle. Trip means a one-way movement of vehicular travel from an origin (one trip end) to a destination (the other trip end). Trip generation means the attraction or production of trips caused by a given type of land development. Truck shall have the meaning ascribed by the statutes of the State of Florida, providing for the regulation, registration, licensing, and recordation of ownership of motor vehicles in the State of Florida. Ultimate right-of-way means an area set aside for future road widening or used as means of ingress, egress or approach as determined by the Florida Department of Transportation, the Office of the County Engineer, the City Commissioners, or by this Code whichever provides the widest right-of-way. Unit means a building or portion of a building, or a mobile home used primarily for human habitation purposes with separate bathing, cooking and/or dining facilities. In the case of a hotel or motel, or a congregate living facility, it shall mean the room and bathrooms. Unity of control means a covenant stipulating that a lot, lots or project with different owners shall be developed according to a common site or master plan, providing unified control, and the combined lots shall meet land development requirements as if they were one (1) lot. 1 -36 Unity of title means a document recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County stipulating that a lot, lots or parcel of land shall be held under single ownership, shall not be eligible for further subdivision and shall not be transferred, conveyed, sold or divided in any unit other than in its entirety. Upland Reclamation Area is the land area preserved or established around the perimeter of an excavated area created to insure useable end- use of the land. Use means any purpose for which a building, other structure, or a tract of land may be designed, arranged, intended, maintained, or occupied; or any activity, occupation, business or operation carried on, or intended to be carried on, in a building, other structure, or on a tract of land. Utility means a governmental or franchised provider of water, sewer, electric, gas, telephone, telegraph, cable television or similar service. Utility easement, see Easement, utility. Utility, minor means elements of utility distribution, collection, or transmission networks, other than electrical generation and transmission voltage facilities, required by their nature to be relatively dispersed through the service area. Typical uses include gas and water, electrical distribution substations, sewage lift stations, and telephone exchange buildings and substations. Variance means an abatement or relief of the terms of the Land Development Regulations for a use, where such variance will not be contrary to the public interest and where, owing to conditions peculiar to the property and not the result of the actions of the applicant, a literal enforcement of the Code would result in unnecessary and undue hardship. Waste means discarded material including but not limited to garbage, rubbish, yard trash, litter, non-combustible refuse and industrial wastes. Wastewater treatment facility means a facility designed for treatment and disposal of more that five thousand (5,000) gallons per day of wastewater, including large regional plants and above ground package treatment facilities. Water management tract means a parcel of land under single ownership, identified and created as a single unit on a plat or other instrument of record, established for the purpose of delineating a complete facility or 1 -37 unified area to be utilized for detention, retention, or groundwater recharge of stormwater runoff prior to discharge from a development site. Water system, central means a water supply system owned and operated by the municipality, which provides water service to several developments located within its service area. Water system, individual means a privately owned water supply system, which provides water service to a single development because of unavailability of a central water system. Water table elevation means the upper surface of the groundwater or that level below which the soil or underlying rock material is saturated with water. Water table elevation is measured from the soil surface down or up to the free water level. Water treatment facility means a facility designed for the treatment of ground or surface water for potable and sanitary purposes, with a design capacity of more than ten thousand (10,000) gallons per day. Water well means a source of water used for drinking, culinary, sanitary and other domestic purposes. Wells are classified as follows: private well, semi-private well, non-community well, community water well and non- potable well. Each relates to the number of dwelling units to be served from each type of well. For the purpose of this Handbook, all community water wells are owned and operated by the Utilities Department. Watercourse means any stream, canal, ditch, or other natural or artificial channel in which water normally flows within a defined bed, banks, or other discernible boundaries, either continuously or seasonally, whether or not such flow is uniform or uninterrupted. Waters of the state mean waters, as defined in Sec. 403.031(12), Fla. Stat., subject to compliance with State Water Quality Standards adopted pursuant to Chapter 403, Fla. Stat., and set forth in Chapter 17-3, F.A.C. Watershed means the land area which contributes to the total overland flow of water entering a receiving stream or water body. Waterway means any water body such as a canal, channel, ditch, drainage way, lake, stream, watercourse, etc. Well means an opening in the ground designed to conduct water from a ground water supply to the surface by pumping or natural flow when water from such opening is used or is to be used for a drinking water supply system or irrigation purposes. 1 -38 Wellfield means an area of land which contains more than one (1) potable well that is designed for a pumping rate of at least one hundred thousand (100,000) gallons per day. Wellfield Zones 1 and 2 means zones of influence delineated by iso-travel time contours around public water supply wellheads. Zone 1 is identified as the land area within a thirty (30) day travel time and Zone 2 is the land area within a two hundred ten (210) day travel time. Zone of influence maps, including zones 3 and 4 are developed pursuant to the Wellfield Protection Section (Section 9.3, Unified Land Development Code of Palm Beach County, last updated in October, 1996) and are on file and maintained by the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM). Wet detention/retention means detention or retention in a storage facility not designed, constructed, and operated so as to provide dry detention/retention. Wetland means any persistent or intermittent water body or area characterized by the dominance of those submerged or transitional wetland species listed in the F.A.C., Rule 17-301 or located within or up to three (3) miles directly offshore of Palm Beach County. Dominance shall be defined in accordance with F.A.C. Rule 17-301 and shall be determined in the appropriate plant stratum (canopy, subcanopy, or ground cover) as outlined in F.A.C. Rule 17-301. Wettest season means that period of time each year in which the groundwater table elevation can normally be expected to be at its highest elevation. Zones of Influence means zones delineated by iso-travel time contours and the one (1) foot drawdown contour within cones of depression of wells which obtain water from the unconfined or surficial aquifer system. These zones are calculated, based on the rate of movement of groundwaters in the vicinity of wells at a specified pumping rate. Zones of Influence Maps mean aerial photographs at scales determined by DERM showing the location on the ground of the outer limits of Zones of Influence for present and future public potable water supply wells and wellfields permitted for 100,000 gallons per day or more usage. Zoning Code (*) means Chapters 2 and 2.5 of the City's Land Development Regulations as adopted by the City Commission. 1 -39 C. ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS: AASHTO American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials ANSI American National Standards Institute ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers ASTM American Society of Testing and Materials AWWA American Water Works Association ACOE Army Corps of Engineers BM Benchmark BCCMP Bituminous Coated Corrugated Metal Pipe BO Blow off BHP Brake Horsepower BV Butterfly Valve CIP Cast Iron Pipe CB Catch Basin CL Centerline CO Certificate of Occupancy CV Check Valve CO Cleanout, Change Order CEB Code Enforcement Board CW Control Water Elevation CAP Corrugated Aluminum Pipe CASP Corrugated Aluminized Steel Pipe CMP Corrugated Metal Pipe CPEP Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe CSP Corrugated Steel Pipe CF Cubic Foot (Feet) CFM Cubic Feet per Minute CFS Cubic Feet per Second CU YD, CY Cubic Yard dB Decibel DBPUD City of Delray Beach, Public Utilities Department DEPT Utilities Department, City of Boynton Beach DERM PBC Department of Environmental Resource Management DHW Design High Water DRI Development of Regional Impact DE Drainage Easement DIP Ductile Iron Pipe ESMT Easement 1 -40 ECR I PBC Environmental Control Rule I (On-site Sewage Disposal Systems) ECR II PBC Environmental Control Rule II (Water Supply Systems) ERC Equivalent Residential Connection FPM Feet per Minute (unit of velocity) FPS Feet per Second (unit of velocity) FHBM Flood Hazard Boundary Map FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map F.A.C. Florida Administrative Code FDBPR Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation FDEP Florida Department of Environmental Protection FDOT Florida Department of Transportation FPL Florida Power and Light Company Fla. Stat. Florida Statutes GAL Gallon(s) GPD Gallons per Day GPM Gallons per Minute GV Gate Valve HP Horsepower (unit of power); 1 HP = 746 watts = 2545 BTU/HR HWL High Ground Water Level ICWW Intracoastal Waterway KW Kilowatts (units of power) LDR Land Development Regulations LOS Level of Service LF Lineal Foot (Feet) MSL Mean Sea Level MGD Million Gallons per Day NEC National Electrical Code NFC National Fire Code NGVD National Geodetic Vertical Datum NSF National Sanitation Foundation OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration OHW Ordinary High Water OLW Ordinary Low Water PBC Palm Beach County 1 -41 PBCED Palm Beach County Engineering Department PBCHD Palm Beach County Health Department PBCWUD Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department PCD Planned Commercial Development PID Planned Industrial Development PSI Pounds per Square Inch (unit of pressure) PSF Pounds per Square Foot (unit of pressure) PUD Planned Unit Development PVC Polyvinyl-Chloride Pipe RCP Reinforced Concrete Pipe RPM Revolutions per Minute ROW, R/W Right-of-way SP Sample Point SF Single Family SPRC Site Plan Review Committee SFWMD South Florida Water Management District SBCCI Southern Building Code Congress International SRAP Spiral Rib Aluminum Pipe SRASP Spiral Rib Aluminized Steel Pipe SRSP Spiral Rib Steel Pipe SF Square Foot (Feet) SBC Standard Building Code SFPC Standard Fire Prevention Code SIC Standard Industrial Code SMC Standard Mechanical Code SPC Standard Plumbing Code TRC Technical Review Committee TSSW Ten States Standards —Water TSSS Ten States Standards — Sewer tntc Too numerous to count TDH Total Dynamic Head TAP-0 Turnpike Aquifer Protection Overlay District USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency UE Utility Easement VCP Vitrified Clay Pipe v/c Volume to capacity ratio WPZ Wellfield Protection Zones Other abbreviations and acronyms for standard civil engineering and surveying terms can be found in the Appendix of this Handbook. 1 -42 III. CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SUPPLEMENTAL ENGINEERING GUIDELINES A. PLAN PREPARATION AND APPROVAL: It shall be the responsibility of the design engineer to secure proper existing line information, plan layout, size facilities and prepare plans, all in accordance with these minimum standards. It remains the design engineer's right to exceed these standards if deemed necessary or desirable. All construction plans shall be approved by the Division. No changes shall be made on approved plans without specific written Division concurrence. The Division shall enforce the approved construction plans to a level equal to our minimum standards, and to any additional level as required by the design engineer without concurrence. No construction shall start prior to a pre-construction conference. While every effort will be made to ascertain that the plans are in conformance with these standards, the right is reserved to enforce the minimum standards. B. DESIGN CONSTRUCTION PLAN SUBMISSION: The design engineer should apply the following prior to making a submission; all construction plan submittals for the installation of required improvements shall consist of and contain, but not limited to: 1. A cover sheet showing the applicable project name and project number, sheet index, category of improvements, and vicinity sketch; 2. Prepare design plans on 24" x 36" sheets using a scale no smaller than 1" = 50' for plans with one (1) utility system only; 1" = 40' for plans with two utility systems, 1" = 30' for plans with three utility systems unless specific approval for a smaller scale is obtained from the Department prior to initial plan submittal. Drawings submitted on other size sheets or at an unacceptable scale will be returned without review. The scale used shall be one that appears on a standard engineer's box scale. Like scales shall be used on plan & profile with correct grids, (i.e., V=50' horiz, V=5' vert.; V=40' horiz., V=4' vert.) Do not interchange scales nor grid count. Scale shall be shown in written and graphic format on each sheet. [Submit four (4) sets]. 1 -43 3. Obtain Fire Marshall approval of potable water system plans prior to plan submission to the Department. The Fire Marshall approved set shall indicate the minimum fire flow requirement for the project. 4. Submit Fire Marshall approved set, paving and drainage plan, preliminary plat or utility easement plan (at scale matching potable water plans), reclaimed water, and/or wastewater plans, landscaping plan, master plan for multi-phase project, cover sheet and all plan sheets with relevant and easily readable location sketch; see "Standard Plans Acknowledgment Letter". 5. Show clear phase lines and match lines where appropriate. Phasing shall be decided before review. 6. Use the Department's details or detail sheets to minimize review time and comments. If details are found to have been altered without the knowledge of the Department or without specifically stating in the transmittal which details are altered, the plans will be returned without review. 7. Provide all applicable detail drawings, including special profile sheets as required to show special or unique situations. 8. Benchmark, based on NGVD (1929); show the elevations of conflicting pipes with indication of top and bottom pipe elevations to show the clearance between pipes. 9. Piping shall be placed in the roadway right-of-way areas unless unavoidable. If easements are required, see sub-section E (Easements) below. 10. Notes regarding special conditions and specifications applicable to the construction, addressing: a) required compliance with construction requirements of this Handbook and the Department standards; b) required compliance with State standards applicable to the work; c) minimum standards for materials; d) test requirements for compaction or stabilization of subgrade, base, and backfill; e) required installation of underground utilities and storm drainage located throughout the development in an orderly and consistent 1 -44 manner and/or within the adjacent streets prior to construction of subgrade for pavement; f) special construction or earthwork requirements for site work in areas of nonpervious or unstable soils, or to cope with unsuitable soil conditions. 11. After the Department's plan approval, all revisions shall be noted in revision block. (Otherwise, plans will be returned with no review). C. COMPUTER GENERATED DRAWINGS: 1. Use only computer generated scales that can be read with a standard engineer's box scale. 2. Show profile grade between manholes. 3. Use appropriate symbols for natural ground, compacted earth and pavement. 4. Include one (1) set of electronic data files (if utilized) with your final submittal prior to sign-off approval. See Chapter Six, Section XV, and Exhibit "E" in the Appendix for requirements. 5. For as-built data submittal, please see Exhibit "I" in the Appendix. D. STORMWATER UTILITY MANAGEMENT PLAN: The design engineer preparing permit application shall include the final stormwater management plan, based upon and consistent with the preliminary stormwater management plan, in separate report form detailing the design of all secondary and tertiary stormwater management facilities, including, as a minimum, the following design data and information: 1. Pre-development and post-development drainage basin maps showing site topography, drainage basins, catchment areas, and stormwater inflow/outflow locations for the site; 2. Pre-development and post-development site characteristics affecting runoff such as ground cover, soil profile, wet season mean high water table elevations and recurring high water elevations in receiving water courses or waterbodies; 3. Individual catchment area characteristics used for design, including area, times-of-concentration, runoff factors, and quantitative breakdown of pervioushm pervious areas; 1 -45 4. A statement of applicable design and/or performance assumptions and criteria for each part of the system providing drainage, treatment, or discharge control; 5. Evidence of existing access to legal positive outfall(s); 6. Complete hydrologic and hydraulic calculations for design of storm sewers, retention/detention area, and discharge structures; 7. Identification of standard methods and/or proprietary models used for hydrologic and hydraulic analysis. Methods or models other than those of the Florida Department of Transportation, South Florida Water Management District, SCS, the rational method, the SBUH method, the Puls method or common modifications of such methods, may require additional documentation; 8. A listing of specific City and South Florida Water Management District requirements used as the design basis for street drainage, site grading, finished floor elevations, floodplain storage compensation, retention/detention volumes, and discharge limits; and 9. Requirements for construction and maintenance of any temporary or phased stormwater management facilities necessary to ensure proper stormwater control and treatment during site development. E. EASEMENTS: 1. Proposed Utilities Department facilities should not be constructed in areas that are to be landscaped. However, if the Department determines that there is no alternative, the Department may consent to the location of minimal plants with non-aggressive root systems within five (5) feet of a utility facility or potable water/wastewater/reclaimed water main. If plantings are allowed within five (5) feet of utility mains, customer shall execute a Hold Harmless Agreement, in the form provided for by the City's Clerk Office, which shall be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County and with the City Clerk. 2. Easements shall allow unhindered access to all Department facilities and mains. 3. Adjacent and parallel to roadway right-of-ways, a ten (10) foot wide easement may be sufficient. 1 -46 4. A twelve (12) foot easement may suffice for a single line in areas where zoning or other legal requirements would ensure that structures are not placed within ten (10) feet of facilities. 5. A twenty (20) foot easement will be necessary for a line that runs down the side property line of a single family type area or through areas not typically accessible (buffer zones, green areas, lakeside easements, golf courses, etc). 6. A thirty (30) foot utility easement will be necessary when two Utilities Department owned pipes parallel each other. 7. Wider easements may be required for deeper runs per Department's discretion especially where stormwater drainage outfalls are proposed. 8. Deviations from these requirements may be considered on a case by case basis. 9. "Access or Maintenance Easements" dedicated for construction and maintenance of utilities serving abutting lots are required for all "zero lot line" subdivisions. 10. Drainage easements shall be provided where necessary at a width adequate to accommodate the drainage facilities. A minimum width of twelve (12) feet shall be provided for underground storm drainage installations. Where swales are used, the width shall be adequate to accommodate the entire design section between tops of slope. Where canals or ditches are permitted, the width shall be adequate to accommodate drainage facilities plus twenty (20) feet on one side for maintenance purposes. Drainage easements shall be provided to accommodate existing drainage of surface waters from off-site contributory areas. Other requirements are delineated in Chapter Five, STORMWATER SYSTEM, of this Handbook. F. PLAN SUBMITTAL — REVIEW PROCEDURES: 1. The design criteria noted in the next four (4) Articles of this Handbook shall be used to review the utility design of the systems included in any project site development. However, when required by good engineering practice and/or economics, the design engineer shall request, in advance and in writing, deviations from these criteria. Deviations shall be approved, in writing, by the Engineering Director or his designated representative. 2. Provide the design plan(s) in accordance with Section III.B. above. 1 -47 a) The design engineer shall schedule a meeting to review the proposed submittal with the City's utility engineer prior to the formal submittal. b) An incomplete submittal will NOT be reviewed and will be noted as NOT APPROVED. c) If the submittal is reviewed and an excess of twenty (20) comments are noted on the submitted plans prior to the completion of the review, the entire submittal may be returned to the design engineer as incomplete due to lack of quality assurance check and shall be noted as NOT APPROVED. d) If upon resubmittal the reviewed plan(s) reveal an excess of ten (10) subsequent comments noted on the submittal plans prior to the completion of the review, the entire submittal may be returned to the design engineer as incomplete due to lack of quality assurance check and shall be noted as NOT APPROVED. 3. It is incumbent upon the design engineer that prior to any submission, the drawings (and corresponding applications) shall be thoroughly checked and coordinated. Quality control is the responsibility of the design engineer— not the Division's engineers. 1 -48 DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS DESIGN CRITERIA CHAPTER TWO—SUBDIVISION.PLATTING& DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS IV. GENERAL PROVISIONS A. AUTHORITY: ?. Sec. 166.021, Fla. Stat.,vested municipalities with the power to enable them to conduct municipal government,perform municipal functions, render municipal services and exercise any power for municipal purposes, including the development of building, housing and related technical codes and regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public and to perform other acts not inconsistent with the laws which are in the common interest of the people of the city and to exercise all powers and privileges not specifically prohibited by law. 2. The Land Development Regulations (LDR) constitutes Part III of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances which govern the development and improvement of lands lying within the jurisdiction of the city. Ordinances enacted by the City of Boynton Beach for the regulation of any aspect of development, and which includes zoning,rezoning, subdivision, health, environmental, or sign regulations controlling the development of land are the regulations for which land improvements are designed and implemented. This Handbook augments specific regulations and provides acceptable standards and practices to accomplish the requirements of the LDR. 3. It is in the public interest to ensure that adequate and necessary physical improvements are properly installed whenever land is developed. 4. It is in the public interest to establish procedures and minimum standards for the subdivision, development and improvement of land within the corporate limits of the City of Boynton Beach,Florida. B. APPLICABILITY: The regulations set forth in this Handbook shall be applicable to all subdivision of lands in the corporate limits of the City of Boynton Beach,Florida, or as hereafter established. C. PURPOSE AND INTENT: The specific provisions of this chapter shall be applied and interpreted in a manner consistent with the city's purpose and intent to put forth the development criteria for subdivisions, commercial properties, large and small tracts whether they are undeveloped or being redeveloped. To that extent, this chapter: 2- 1 1. Establishes procedures and standards for the subdivision of real estate; 2. Ensures proper legal description, identification,monumentation and recording of subdivisions; 3. Aids in the coordination of land development in accordance with orderly physical patterns; 4. Augments the City's LDR with respect to installation of on-site improvements for new development,which improvements are necessary to meet or maintain the levels of service required under concurrency requirements of the Comprehensive Land Plan; S. Ensures provision of safe, convenient legal and physical access to and circulation among lots for vehicular and pedestrian traffic; 6. Ensures provision of adequate utilities to support development of each lot; 7. Regulates the subdivision and associated development of lands subject to seasonal and periodic flooding and provide for adequate stormwater management to minimize adverse impacts of development on water resources while ensuring acceptable levels of protection from inundation for residents and improvements; 8. Ensures provision of public and private parks and recreation areas to accommodate the additional population of new subdivisions in accordance with LDR Chapter 7.5 (Environmental Regulation); 9. Ensures that the citizens and taxpayers of the City of Boynton Beach will not have to bear costs resulting from haphazard subdivision of land or failure by the developer to provide adequate and necessary physical improvements of lasting quality; and 10. Assures the purchaser of land in a subdivision that necessary infrastructure improvements have been provided in accordance with City standards for design and construction, and that associated rights and obligations have been established for the use and maintenance of said improvements. D. INTERPRETATION: 1. Minimum requirements. In their interpretation and application,the requirements of this Handbook shall be deemed to be the minimum requirements necessary for the promotion of public health, safety and general welfare. 2-2 2. Relationshi to other a enc recigirements. The requirements of this chapter are intended to complement and expand upon rules, regulations, and permit requirements of other state,regional, and local agencies applicable to the design, construction, and/or operation of facilities for access and circulation of vehicles and pedestrians, construction of streets and related facilities,power and communication services,wastewater and water services, and stormwater management and flood protection in the City of Boynton Beach. Compliance with the requirements of this chapter shall not relieve the developer,his successors or assigns from complying with the regulations of all other agencies. 3. Conflicting requirements.. In the event of conflict between a specific requirement of this chapter and that of another agency's rule, compliance with this chapter shall be interpreted by the City Engineer to avoid the conflict where such avoidance is not inconsistent with the general purposes and intent of this chapter and is affirmatively demonstrated as necessary to meet the purposes and intent of the conflicting rule. However, if the difference between said requirements is solely a matter of degree,the more restrictive requirement shall prevail and no conflict will be considered to exist. E. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: UIREMENTS: 1. Platting requirement. Any developer planning to subdivide land shall record a final Record Plat in accordance with the requirements of this chapter unless such requirement is specifically waived by the City Engineer in accordance with LDR Chapter 5 (Platting),Article II. 2. ReIuired improvements installation requirement. The adequacy of necessary public or private facilities and services for traffic and pedestrian access and circulation, solid waste,wastewater disposal,potable water supply, stormwater management, fire-rescue,parks and recreation and similar facilities and services, and potential adverse impacts on adjacent land uses and facilities shall be considered in the review of all development proposals. No final Record Plat or certified survey shall be recorded until all required improvements set forth in Sec. IV.Q of this Chapter,except those specifically waived pursuant to a determination by the City Engineer, are either completed in accordance with the requirements of Sec. IV.M of this Chapter or are guaranteed to be completed by the developer in accordance with the provisions of Sec. IV.K of this Chapter. 3. Standards and res.onsibili °for reAured improvements. All required improvements shall be designed pursuant to the standards and specifications as prescribed in this chapter and the City standards set forth throughout this Handbook, or as otherwise required by the City Engineer, 2-3 in accordance with acceptable standards of engineering principles. All such improvements shall be installed by and at the expense of the developer in conformance with approved construction plans as referenced by the applicable Land Development Permit. 4. Conformity with land use. densis and concurrenc re ulations. Prior to consideration of any subdivision for approval under the terms of this chapter,the land proposed to be subdivided shall: a. Be of sufficient land area to comply with the density and consistency requirements and provisions of the Administration and Land Use Elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan; b. Be in the proper zoning district and have the necessary zoning approvals required for the intended use; and C. Have received a Land Development Order,filed through the Planning and Zoning Department, from the City Commission, insuring all concurrencies. F PREVIOUSLY APPROVED OR PLATTED SUBDIVISIONS. 1. Active subdivision deveio Ment. All active subdivision development and all modifications to previously platted subdivisions shall be subject to the requirements of this chapter in accordance with the provisions of LDR Chapter 5 (Platting),Article VI (Previously Platted Subdivisions). b 2. Non-conformipS subdivisions, The official records of Palm Beach County contain plats recorded prior to March 25, 1959. Such plats show areas within the city which have been platted as subdivisions,but which have either been partially improved or developed or remain unimproved or undeveloped. These areas, if developed, or improved further as platted, would not conform to the policies and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan for such areas. G. PLANNED DEVELOPMENTS: 1. General. All planned development shall comply with the requirements of this chapter after approval of the City Commission Development Order. ,,sites. A building site 2. ,Subdivision of commercial and industrial building ....� which constitutes all or a portion of a pod designated for commercial or industrial use on the preliminary development plan of a planned development, and for which the detailed development configuration and building permit issuance are subject to prior approval of the TRC of a final site plan,may be exempted by the City Engineer from the subdivision 2-4 recordation requirement of the LDR Chapter 5 (Platting),Article II (Waivers and Substitutions). H. PHASED DEVELOPMENTS: 1. Phasing plan. The property encompassed by the final Subdivision Plan may be developed in two (2)or more increments pursuant to the terms of this chapter and applicable phasing provisions of LDR Chapter 2.5 (Planned Unit Developments). A final Subdivision Plan showing the proposed phasing_nlan must be approved by the TRC prior to submission of the first plat. � Construction plans and preliminary plat shall coincide with their respective phases as shown on the final Subdivision Plan. Construction plans or a preliminary plat for a partial phase will not be accepted. 2. I Myements. The improvements of each phase shall be capable of operating independently of any unconstructed phase with respect to drainage, access,utilities, and other required improvements, except as provided herein. A dependent phase may be platted only if the foundation phase plat has been recorded and required improvements have been completed or are under construction pursuant to a land development permit and are secured pursuant to a guaranty posted for completion of required improvements. A dependent phase shall not be acknowledged as completed until the improvements in the foundation phase are acknowledged as completed;provided,however,that such acknowledgement of completion may occur simultaneously and provided that the City Engineer may permit the posting of surety to guarantee the installation at a later time of those required improvements which are not deemed necessary to provide drainage, access, or utilities to such dependent phase. 3. Phasin controls. The phasing plan and all phased construction shall be completed in accordance with any phasing controls and time frames required by LDR Chapter 2.5 (Planned Unit Developments)which are applicable to the development. 4. Time, limitation. When the final Subdivision Plan is approved for development in phases requiring more than one (1)record plat,the duration of said approval shall be as specified by the subject to those provisions of LDR Chapter 2.5 (Planned Unit Developments) applicable to the development or phase thereof. 5. Sequence of phases. When the final Subdivision Plan is to be constructed in phases,the following sequence must be adhered to: 2-5 a. All required recreation areas and facilities to serve the entire development shall be platted or otherwise provided pursuant to the procedures and phasing provisions of Chapter 2.5 (Planned Unit Development). b. The gross density of an individual plat shall not exceed the maximum density permitted for the entire development unless the total of all previously recorded plats of record and the plan under review produces an average density less than or equal to the approved maximum density for the entire development. C. Where all or any portion of a water management tract is required to serve a proposed phase of development, and has not been previously recorded and constructed, said water management tract and its associated lake maintenance easement(s) shall be included and constructed in their entirety as part of the plat and required improvements for that phase. I. SUBDIVISION PLAN: 1. Preliminary Plan. a. The purpose of a preliminary subdivision plan is to provide adequate and necessary descriptive information regarding proposed subdivision layout and improvement for review of applications made under the requirements of LDR Chapter 3 (Master Plan Review). b. Professional services required;the developer shall retain the services of an engineer or surveyor and mapper to prepare the preliminary subdivision plan. The subdivision shall be coordinated with the major utility suppliers involved with providing services. 2. Final Plan. a. The purpose of the final subdivision plan is to provide a multi- departmental review at a level of detail adequate to identify and resolve basic errors,omissions, and conflicts in the proposed subdivision layout with respect to applicable departmental concerns, code requirements, and surrounding land uses,prior to the preparation of the detailed preliminary plat(s) and associated construction plans for required improvements. b. Contents of the application for final subdivision plan review shall follow the requirements as set forth in LDR Chapter 3 (Master 2. 6 Plan Review), and shall be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Director. J. TECHNICAL COMPLIANCE: 1. Purpose. The purpose of Technical Compliance is to provide a multi- agency review of the proposed subdivision plat and all applicable required construction plans for conformance with technical and legal requirements of this Handbook, other applicable provisions of the City's CODE,the City Standards, and the approved final Subdivision Plan(including any special conditions of approval)prior to application by the developer for issuance of a Land Development Permit and submittal of the final Record Plat for recordation. 2. Application. Prior to the expiration of the final Subdivision Plan approval and prior to commencing construction of required improvements, the developer shall have prepared and shall submit to the City Engineer an application for Technical Compliance review, which shall be accompanied by the required fee and the required number, as established by the City Engineer, of the following documents and information,as applicable to the subdivision or approved phase thereof. Within three (3)days of receipt of an initial application submittal for Technical Compliance,the City Engineer shall review the submittal for completeness and shall send written notification to the applicant if the submittal is determined to be incomplete. Failure by the applicant to complete the application submittal within thirty(30) days of the date of said notification shall be considered an abandonment of the application and any subsequent submittal shall require a new Technical Compliance application. a. Preliminga plat. The developer shall submit the preliminary plat meeting the requirements of Sec. IVY of this Chapter, and of LDR Chapter 5 (Platting), Article IV(Prerequisites to Platting). b. Certified surve ^. The developer of a parcel of land for which the requirement to plat has been waived pursuant to LDR Chapter 5 (Platting),Article II(Waivers and Substitutions), shall submit the applicable certified survey meeting the requirements of Sec. IV.O. of this Chapter. C. Construction plansrvrvandrvrvsuplemental en°ineerin� reoorts, Except for tl►ose required improvements, which have been specifically waived by the City Engineer, construction plans and supporting design information for all the required improvements shall be submitted for each subdivision. Construction plans and required engineering reports shall comply with the requirements of Sec. IV.L of this Chapter, and applicable LDR Chapters. 2-7 d. Certified opinion of cost. The developer's engineer shall prepare and submit a certified cost estimate of the required improvements pursuant to Sec. IV.Q.1. The City Engineer may, at his sole discretion, accept the contract price received by the developer for the construction of the required improvements. 3. Review of submittal. Upon receipt of a complete application,the City Engineer shall cause the applicatipn package to be reviewed within twenty (20)working days, inviting all applicable departments to comment, and the assembled comments forwarded to the developer in writing,with a copy to the developer's engineer,within five(5)days. 4. Submittal failstomeet re uirernents. When the City Engineer determines that the Technical Compliance application submittal does not meet the provisions of this Chapter,the written statement shall reference the specific section(s) or standard with which the submittal does not comply. Within sixty(60) days of receipt of the comments letter,the applicant shall address all the comments and shall resubmit the application.Failure to resubmit within the required time shall be deemed an abandonment of the application and any subsequent submittal shall require a new Technical Compliance application. 5. Submittal meets re_ uirements. When the City Engineer determines that the Technical Compliance application submittal meets the provisions of this Chapter,the submittal shall be deemed to technically comply with the provisions of this Chapter and a written statement of Technical Compliance shall be issued. 6. Technical Compliance ajamroval. The statement of Technical Compliance shall be in writing and furnished to the developer and the developer's engineer. The statement shall contain the following conditions and information: a. The name of the documents reviewed; b. The amount of surety for the construction of required improvements, established in accordance with Sec. IVX of this Chapter; C. The amount of recording fees due for recordation of the final plat or certified survey,which fees are payable to the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County; d. A requirement to submit with the Land Development Permit application a copy of all applicable property owners' association documents; and 2-8 e. Requirements for submittal of supplementary documentation deemed necessary by the City Engineer, such as deeds, easements, covenants and other recorded instruments creating rights or obligations for access, drainage,or utility services,which rights or obligations could not be established through dedications or reservations on the plat. 7. Expiration of Technical Campliance. The statement of Technical Compliance shall expire six(6)months after the date of issuance. Failure to proceed with a Land Development Permit prior to the expiration of the statement of Technical Compliance shall void the Technical Compliance approval and any subsequent submittal shall require a new Technical Compliance application. K. LAND DEVELOPMENT PERMIT: A Land Development Permit shall be required prior to commencement of construction of any required improvement except general clearing and grubbing. The effective date of the Land Development Permit shall be the date the City Engineer, signs it. The Land Development Permit shall expire not more than twelve (12) months from the effective date, unless extended by the City Engineer. Refer to LDR Chapter S (Platting),Article VII (Land Development Permit). L. CONSTRUCTION PLANS AND SUPPLEMENTAL ENGMERIlVG INFORMATION. 1. Duties of developer's engineer. When the development is to be engineered by more than one firm,the developer shall appoint a single engineering firm or engineer to coordinate submission of the construction plans and construction of the required improvements. 2. Submittal requirements. Construction plans and supplemental information shall be submitted under separate cover for each of the categories of improvements listed in this section. Plan sets shall be submitted in the number required by the City Engineer, as set forth in this Handbook, currently four(4) sets of each. a. The following construction plans, signed and sealed by the preparing engineer, shall be submitted for the required improvements, when applicable: 1) Paving, grading and drainage. 2) Bridges. 3) Water and sewage systems. 2-9 b. Other improvements. Construction plans shall be submitted for the following improvements,which the developer may elect to construct: 1) Landscaping, guardhouse, gates or other structures within streets. 2) Landscaping or structures in lake maintenance easements. 3. C9mp leteness of construction plans. All construction plan submittals shall be so complete as to be suitable for contracting and construction purposes. Design data, calculations and analyses shall be submitted to address important features affecting design and construction and shall include,but not limited to,those for design high water, drainage facilities of all kinds, subsurface soil data, alternate pavement and subgrade types,and any proposed deviation from City standard design requirements. 4. Format and content of construction plans for required improvements. All construction plan submittals for the. p � e installation of required improvements shall consist of and contain,but not be limited to: a. A cover sheet showing the applicable plat name, sheet index, category of improvements, and vicinity sketch; b. Typical sections; C. Construction details showing compliance with City standards, or with any alternate design approved by the City Engineer; d. Special profile sheets as required to show special or unique situations; e. Benchmark,based on NGVD (1929); if NGVD (1988) is used, show the relationship to the NGVD (1929)datum plane. f. Notes regarding special conditions and specifications applicable to the construction,addressing: 1) Required compliance with construction requirements of this Chapter and the City standards; 2) Required compliance with State standards applicable to the work; 3) Minimum standards for materials; 4) Test requirements for compaction or stabilization of subgrade,base,and backfill; 2- 10 5) Required installation of underground utilities and storm drainage located within the streets prior to construction of subgrade for street pavement; 6) Special construction or earthwork requirements for site work in areas of impervious or unstable soils, or to cope with unsuitable soil conditicus; g. Depiction of all parking areas requirod.to be constructed pursuant to LDR Chapter 23 (Parking Lots), clearly identifying and delineating each clustered lot and each parking area serving more than one clustered lot when such lots do not abut a street. 5. Stormwater Management Plan. Refer to Chapter 5 of this Handbook. M. CONSTRUCTION OF RE "UIRED IMPROVEMENTS: 1. Developer's duty. Upon issuance of the Land Development Permit,the developer shall coordinate the construction with the City Engineer or his designee. 2. Time of completion of re k uired improvements. a. The time of completion of all required improvements shall not exceed twelve(12)months from the date of issuance of the Land Development Permit unless an extension is granted pursuant to this Chapter. b. A one(1)year time extension may be granted by the City Commission, following a recommendation by the City Engineer, after review of the written application for extension of the developer. The developer should submit the application for extension, including but not limited to a statement of justification and proof that an acceptable guarantee will remain in place for the duration of the extension,not less than two (2)months prior to expiration of the initial twelve(12)month window to complete the required improvements. Applications submitted after expiration of the Land Development Permit will not be accepted. The City Engineer, shall review and advise the developer in writing of his decision within one(1) month from receipt of the application for said extension. C. Construction guarantee(surety) shall be in accordance with LDR Chapter 7 (Surety), after the remaining cost of construction has been verified and certified by the developer's engineer to the City Engineer. 2- 11 3. Corn Jetion after relation,. When the developer elects to guarantee the construction of the required improvements in order to complete same after recordation,the City Engineer may approve reductions of the amount of the guarantee and release the guarantee in accordance with the requirements and procedures prescribed in LDR Chapter 7 (Surety), Article I (In General). 4. dminis tratlon of corig ctlon. a. Construction standards. Construction standards shall be those prescribed in the current City Standards. If the project partially lies in County jurisdiction,the construction standards applicable to that portion of the project in the County jurisdiction shall be those prescribed in the current County Standards. b. Ins ;octions. re orts and„stoT work orders. The City Engineer shall be notified in advance of the date of commencement of construction pursuant to the Land Development Permit, and of such points during the progress of construction for which joint review by the City Engineer(or his designee) and developer's engineer are required. 1) Construction shall be performed under the surveillance of, and shall at all times be subject to,review by the City Engineer;however,this in no way shall relieve the developer of the responsibility for ensuring close field coordination and final compliance with the approved plans, specifications and the requirements of this Handbook. 2) The developer shall require progress reports of the construction of the required improvements from the developer's engineer. The developer's engineer may also be required to submit construction progress reports directly to and at points of progress prescribed by the City Engineer. The developer's engineer shall coordinate joint reviews of the construction with the City Engineer(or his designee)at points specified by the City Engineer. 3) The City Engineer(or his designee) shall have the right to enter upon the property for the purpose of reviewing the construction of required improvements during the progress of such construction. The City Engineer shall have the authority to stop the work upon failure to construct the required improvements as stated in this subsection. 2- 12 C. Measurements and tests. During construction, the developer's engineer shall make or cause to be made such measurements, field tests, and laboratory tests necessary to certify that the work and materials conform with the approved development plans and the provisions of this Chapter. The City Engineer may require, at his discretion, specific types and locations of tests and measurements, which he deems necessary, to demonstrate conformance with approved plans and specifications. ficate of completion. The required improvements d. En-�ineer's certi -� shall not be considered complete until a certificate of completion, certifying to construction in conformance with the approved plans, and that final project records have been submitted to, reviewed, and approved by the City Engineer. The certificate shall be signed and sealed by the developer's engineer and shall be in the form established by the City Engineer. Said certificate shall make specific reference to,and be accompanied by copies of measurements,tests and reports made on the work and materials during the progress of construction, along with a Record Drawing copy of each of the construction plans on a high quality, time- stable,reproducible mylar, showing the original design in comparison to the actual finished work with all material deviations noted thereon. If the construction plans design work was generated in electronic format, a copy of the electronic files will be submitted in AutoCAD R14 or R2000 format or compatible (i.e. DWG file(preferred)or DXF file)on CD Rom or 3.5" floppy disks. All fonts and linetypes shall be from the standard AutoCAD library or be AutoCAD compatible. Refer to Chapter b, Section XV of this Handbook for further requirements. 5. Acknowled Yement of completion and maintenance of reg wired imrpovements. a. Develol,,)er's Warrantyon workmanship and material. The developer shall execute and submit an acceptable warranty guaranteeing the required improvements against defect in workmanship and material for a period of one(1)year from the date of satisfactory completion of the required improvements pursuant to this Chapter. Said warranty shall be submitted to the City Engineer along with the completion certificate and project records. The warranty shall be in the form approved by the City Attorney. b. Acknowled ,ement of completion by the Cil,)) Enameer. Upon submittal of the documents and records required by°°....� Chapter 6, Section XV of this Handbook, and recorded copies of the approved Homeowner's Association Documents, the City Engineer shall 2- 13 determine the completeness of the required improvements in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter and the Land Development Permit. When the City Engineer determines that the required documentation is acceptable and the required improvements have been installed as required, and when a surety has been posted, release the surety in accordance with the provisions noted in LDR Chapter 7(Surety). C. Acce tance of dedications and maintenance of improvements. The approval by the City Commission of any dedication to the City of public space,parks,rights-of-way, easements or the like on a plat shall not in itself constitute an acceptance by the City of any responsibility to construct or maintain improvements within the dedicated area. Acceptance of dedications and maintenance responsibility for improvements within areas dedicated to the City shall be made as follows: 1) Acceptance of dedications. The recordation of a record plat, subsequent to the City Engineer's approval of said final record plat for recordation,and approval by the City Commission of any and all dedications to the City as noted on the plat. 2) Acceptance of dedications of real prop ert ;. For those dedications to the City of real property, including rights-of- way,parks, and other tracts, an executed deed transferring title to such lands,plus such documentation of title and absence of encumbrances as required pursuant to City policy for acceptance of deeds, shall be submitted to the City Engineer with the Final Record Plat for recordation. Said deed(s) shall be on a form approved by the City Attorney, and shall be recorded by the City subsequent to approval by the City Commission at a regular City Commission meeting. 3) Accu lance of improvements for Cit r maintenance,,. At such time as the City Engineer has issued a statement acknowledging completion of the required improvements and the applicable plat has been recorded,the City Manager or the Director of Public Works, on behalf of the City, shall approve maintenance responsibility for the required improvements to streets and to such other areas dedicated to the City in accordance with the dedications shown on said record plat, and shall issue a written statement confirming approval of said maintenance responsibility. 2- 14 N. SUPPLEMENTAL PROCEDURES: 1ake maintenance easements and water . Construction an ansca m m ........ management tracts. a. Purpose. It is the purpose of this subsection to allow for the construction or placement of structures and plants adjacent to, or over,water bodies within water management tracts, taking measures to ensure that such structures or plants shall not interfere with the proper functioning of the stormwater management system nor be otherwise detrimental to the health, safety,welfare, or convenience of the public or of persons responsible for or affected by a water body within a water management tract. b. Prohibition. The placement of landscaping within any water management tract established for purposes of wet detention/retention in an open body, or easement, or berm adjacent thereto for purposes of access for maintenance of the water body or water management tract or structures and facilities therein is hereby prohibited, except in strict conformance with the provisions of this subsection. C. A i.,lication requirements for bulkheads. docks„order . Persons desiring to construct bulkheads, docks, or piers over or along a water body contained within a water management tract shall apply to the Building Division in accordance with department procedures and City Standards. d. AV lication requirements for structures or planting an lake maintenance easements. m . . Persons desiring to place trees or shrubs or construct or place structures within a lake maintenance easement shall apply to the City Forester. The City Engineer shall ensure that adequate conditions are imposed, and appropriate documents are executed, and if appropriate,recorded to ensure compliance with the provisions of this subsection and in conformance with the requirements of LDR Chapter 7.5 (Environmental Regulation). e. Structures or pIggn . The provisions herein shall be applied to approvals of the City Engineer for the installation of structures or plantings in, on or over lake maintenance easements. No structures except those,which may be easily removed, shall be permitted in lake maintenance easements. Examples of impermissible structures are houses, garages, screened enclosures, concrete block walls, affixed permanent sheds, and pools. Examples of 2- 15 permissible structures are thatch sheds,wood decks, and non- concrete fences, contingent on said structures not being structurally affixed to the ground. Landscaping shall not be planted,nor structures placed, in the lake maintenance easement where the planting or placement of such would obstruct access by equipment to outfalls or water control structures. Trees or-shrubs planted pursuant to this subsection shall be limited to those species permitted pursuant to LDR Chapter 7.5 (Environmental Regulation). 2. Dred e, fill and construction in waters of the State. a. Applicability. Subdivision of lands containing or abutting existing or proposed waters of the State, including canals, lakes, streams, and wetlands, shall comply with and conform to the requirements of this subsection. b. Easements or riubts-of-wad. Where land within a proposed subdivision abuts existing or proposed waters of the State,there shall be provided a floodway or floodplain easement or a drainage right-of-way conforming substantially with the lines of such watercourse or water body and of such further width or construction, or both,as will be adequate for the purpose. In general,the requirements of LDR Chapter 6(Required Improvements),Article VII(Subdivisions Containing/Adjoirking Waterfront Property) shall apply.Required rights-of-way or easements where necessary for maintenance, safety and convenience shall be deeded or dedicated to the appropriate public agency. Maintenance responsibility and applicable limitations shall be in accordance with applicable permit conditions and shall be stated or referenced by note on the appropriate record plat(s). C. Permits. Where proposed dredging or filling activities affects waters of the State or sovereign land, said activities shall be approved by the governing agency having jurisdiction in such matters. Prior to the construction of any seawall, bulkhead, dock or pier,a construction permit shall be obtained from the City's Building Division in addition to all required permits or expressed exemption from permitting for construction in waters of the State. O. RE(-"UJREMENTS FOR CERTIFIED SURVEY: l. General. The City Engineer shall adopt and amend,from time to time,the criteria for the certified survey. As a minimum,the certified survey shall 2- 16 meet the requirements for surveys established by the Minimurn Technical Standards set forth by the Florida Board of Surveyors and Mappers in Chapter 61 GI 7-6, F.A.C.,pursuant to Sec. 472.027,Fla. Stat. 2. Alternatives. The City Engineer shall reserve the right to require a certified sketch and legal description in lieu of a certified survey. The certified sketch and legal description shall meet the requirement's for certified sketch`s and descriptions as set forth by Chapter 6 1 G 17-6.003 1, F.A.C., pursuant to See. 472.027, Fla. Stat. and the City's checklist pursuant to policies and procedures established by the City Engineer and make available to the public. 3. Recordation. The certified survey or sketch and legal description may not require approval of the City Commission prior to recordation(if deemed appropriate). P, REQUMEMENTS FOR PRELIMINARY AND FINAL RECORD PLAT: The preliminary and final record It shall follow the procedures and requirements noted in LDR Chapter 5 (Platting). Q. REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS: 1. MMM.IMinimum reijqired improvements for all subdivisions. The improvements set out in LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements) shall be the minimum required improvements for all subdivisions in order to provide the physical improvements necessary to implement certain performance standards, objectives and policies laid out in the city's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. These required improvements shall be installed prior to recordation aft e corresponding It or certified survey unless the developer furnishes a guarantee assuring installation in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Except as provided in this section, the cost of all required improvements shall be guaranteed. a. Access and circa ion sy& s. All streets and required "I'll"--""""",'ll""I'll""I'lI............... ..........qgm sidewalks, and when required under Sec. V. of this Chapter, parking areas, shall be constructed by the developer in accordance with the design and construction requirements of said Sec. W.R. The guarantee for these requirements shall be as follows: 1) The cost of installing all public and applicable private Street improvements shall require surety. 2) The cost of installing parking areas need not be guaranteed since the plat establishes legal access and such areas are 2- 17 required to be installed prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy. 3) The cost of installing all sidewalks and paths pursuant to the approved pedestrian circulation system shall be guaranteed, except that the required guaranty may be waived by the City Engineer for portions of local streets abutting residential lots when the paving, grading and drainage plans contain a note, acceptable to the City Engineer, stating that such sidewalks or paths will be constructed concurrent with construction of the dwelling unit for such abutting lot. Installation of sidewalks and paths in streets abutting open space, common areas, recreation areas,water management tracts, and other areas which will not have a dwelling unit constructed thereon shall be guaranteed. b. Land preparation. The developer shall grade and fill the land pursuant to Sec. N.S. of this Chapter. C. Stormwater mana'eme tww est„gym. The developer shall install the secondary and tertiary stormwater systems for the development in accordance with Chapter 5, Sec. 10 of this Handbook. d. Wastewaters r tem. The developer shall install the required s .mm wastewater collection and/or disposal system for the development in accordance with Article 3 of the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards”, as amended. e. Potable water s °stem. The developer shall install the required potable water distribution system for the development in accordance with Article 2 of the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards", as amended. f. Utilities. The developer shall satisfy the requirements for underground installation of utility services and for utility site location,when applicable. g. Firg-rescue services. The developer shall comply with the requirements of Sec. IV.X. of this Chapter. h. Subdivision design and survey re uiremonts. The developer shall install all required permanent control points in accordance with Sec. N.Y. of this Chapter . When the permanent control points are 2-18 to be installed after plat recordation,the cost of installing permanent control points shall be guaranteed via surety. 2. General desi it requirements. The design of the required improvements shall be in accordance with acceptable engineering principles. The design and construction of required improvements shall,at a minimum, be in accordance with the current City standards, including those contained in this Chapter. Should the developer elect to provide improvements of a type or design proposed to equal or exceed the minimum requirements, standards for design and construction of such improvements shall be evaluated for adequacy on an individual basis. All such alternatives shall be submitted for approval by the City Engineer in accordance with Exhibit "L" of the Appendix in this Handbook. 3. Parks and recreation,. The developer shall satisfy all applicable requirements for provision of parks,recreation areas, and recreational facilities to serve residents of a proposed subdivision in accordance with the approved master plan or preliminary Subdivision Plat. The means of complying with said requirement shall be fully addressed on the final development plans. Any land to be dedicated to the City, or monies to be paid in lieu of,will be required prior to issuance of any building permits being issued by the Building Division. R. ACCESS AND CIRCULATION SYSTEMS: 1. Vehicular circulation s stems. a. Reuired improvement to be constructed by devel, ober. All streets, alleys, and related facilities necessary and required to serve the proposed development shall be constructed and paid for by the developer. Construction shall consist of,but not be limited to, grading,base preparation, surface course, and drainage. All streets, whether public or private, shall be constructed to the minimum standards established by this Handbook, and the City standards. Additionally, the developer shall construct any parking tracts which provide access to any clustered lots that do not have direct,primary access from a local street or residential access street. Construction of such parking tracts shall be completed prior to issuance of any Certificate of Occupancy for any dwelling unit located on a clustered lot served by such parking tract. Construction of the parking tract may be done in conjunction with building construction on the lot the tract is to serve provided, however,that such construction shall be noted on the approved paving, grading and drainage plans in a form acceptable to the City Engineer. When the parking tract is to be completed in conjunction with building construction,the developer shall execute 2- 19 a certificate of compliance on a form approved by the Building Official prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy for any dwelling unit or building served by such parking tract. Said certificate of compliance shall state that the parking tract was completed in accordance with the requirements of this Manual. b. Minimum 1 .al access re°uirement. Each lot shall abut or have access to a,local street to provide legal access consistent with the standards set forth in the established hierarchy of legal access noted in the LDR Chapter 4 (Site Plan Review). 1) When legal access to a lot is permitted by the LDR to be by a common parking area which serves more than one(1) lot, it shall be dimensioned and depicted on the construction plans and reserved on the plat as a"parking tract". Said tract shall be reserved for parking and access purposes to the property owners association, condominium, etc.having jurisdiction over the parking area and the abutting lots. 2) A common driveway may,with prior approval of the City Engineer,be utilized for legal access to a group of not more than four(4) abutting lots situated adjacent to a curve on a residential access street where said lots would otherwise have no reasonable means of obtaining direct access to the required frontage on the adjacent residential access street. Said driveway shall be delineated and resented on the applicable plat for purposes of perpetual access to the lots served. 3) A common parking lot may be utilized for legal access to individual parcels created by development of a shopping center or similar building site developed solely for commercial or industrial uses where all lots within the boundary of such subdivision are served by said access and are subject to recorded shared access,maintenance,and use covenants approved by the City Attorney pursuant to legal requirements. Where such access is utilized, direct lot access on any street adjacent to the boundary of the subdivision shall be prohibited except at common access points approved for the subdivision as a whole. C. General design considerations. The proposed street layout shall be integrated with the City's traffic circulation network, and shall be coordinated with the street system of the surrounding area. Streets shall be classified and designed in accordance with the Traffic 2-20 Circulation Element of the Comprehensive Plan, and City standards. Consideration shall be given to: 1) The need for continuity of existing and planned streets; 2) Barriers imposed by topographical conditions and their effect on public convenience or safety; 3) The proposed use of the land to be served by such streets; '4) The need for continuation of existing local streets in adjoining areas not subdivided; S) The proper projection of non-plan collector and plan collector streets; 6) The feasibility of extending the proposed street system to the boundary of the proposed subdivision to promote reasonable development of adjacent lands and to provide continuity of street systems; and 7) Discouraging through traffic in the design of local and residential access streets. d. Double frontsa lots. Double frontage lots are discouraged, and will only be considered when no other alternative is available, and only when access to said lot will be by a local street. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements),Article IV (Design Requirements for Required Improvements). e. Construction in muck or clay° areas. Construction in muck or clay areas shall be performed in accordance kith the City standards. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements),Article IV (Design Requirements for Required Improvements). et jogs. Street jogs are prohibited. Street„intersections arl stre,,,,,,,.,. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 {Required Improvements), Article IV (Design Requirements for Required Improvements). g. Through and local traffic. Through traffic shall be directed along non-plan collector streets within the subdivision. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements),Article IV(Design Requirements for Required Improvements). h. Railroads in or abuttin subdivisions. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements),Article IV(Design Requirements for Required Improvements). L Alleys. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements), Article IV(Design Requirements for Required,lmprovements). 2-21 j. Bridges and culverts. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements),Article III (Identification of Required Improvements). k. Street Markers, Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements),Article IV (Design Requirements for Required Improvements). 1. Traffic control devises. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements), Article III (Identification of Required Improvements). in. Pavement widths. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements),Article IV(Design Requirements for Required Improvements), and Standard Drawing#P-I in Section VII of this Handbook. n. Dead-end streets. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements),Article IV(Design Requirements for Required Improvements). o. Materials and construction. Refer to LDR Chapter 6(Required Irn rovements -�� p ),Article IV(Design Requirements for Required Improvements). P. Shouldc;rs. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements), Article IV(Design Requirements for Required Improvements). q- Street wades; Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements), Article IV(Design Requirements for Required Improvements). r. Swales. Refer to Chapter 3 of this Handbook, Standard Drawings #P-4 and P-15 for street swales. n-confornnin ,streets. Streets which do not meet the design and S. No,,n- , _ construction standards of this Chapter shall not be permitted except where satisfactory assurance for dedication of the remaining part of the street or reconstruction of the street in accordance with current standards is provided. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements),Article IV(Design Requirements for Required Improvements). t. Street names. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required improvements), Article IV(Design Requirements for Required Improvements). 2-22 U. Alignment,tangent, deflection, radii. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements), Article IV (Design Requirements for Required Improvements). V. Street lighting. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements), Article IV(Design Requirements for Required improvements). W. Median strips. Median strips which are part of a public street may not be utilized for any purpose other than by the City or public utility. However, a developer or property owner may install landscaping in a median strip subject to permitting requirements as established by the City Engineer. Median strips shall not be developed solely for the purpose of creating decorative entrances to subdivisions served by public streets. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements),Article IV (Design Requirements for Required Improvements). X. Subdivision entranceways. Subdivision entranceways consisting of walls, fences, gates, rock piles or other entrance features are not permitted within the median strip or other areas in a public street. Decorative entranceways must be constructed upon plots of land adjacent to the public street in compliance with applicable City codes and places so as not to constitute a traffic hazard. Y- Guardhouses. A guardhouse, located so as not to create a traffic hazard,may be constructed in the median of an entrance to a subdivision having only private streets. The minimum setback to a guardhouse shall be one hundred fifty(150)feet,measured from the extension of the intersecting street lines, unless waived by the City Engineer. Two(2) lanes shall be required on each side of the median in the area of the guardhouse. 2. rculation s stems. Pe estrian ci ,,�... a. ReQuirements for sidewalks. Except asp rovided in this section, sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of all streets. Refer to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements), Article N(Design Requirements for Required Improvements), Sec. 10.T. b. Master 12edestrian circulation flan. The requirement for sidewalks within the street of a subdivision, or portion thereof,may be waived, in whole or in part,when it finds that the alternative pedestrian circulation system provides accessibility, convenience, continuity and safety equivalent to or greater than that which would be provided by the required sidewalks. The Master Pedestrian Circulation Plan shall be submitted by the developer for 2-23 approval concurrently with, and shall be considered part of,the Final Subdivision Plan. C. Maintenance reswonsibili, ,� of sidewalks and�athss, The control, jurisdiction and maintenance obligation of paths not located wholly within a street and of sidewalks within private streets shall be placed with a property owners association,a condominium, or an improvement district. Wliere such control and maintenance obligation is to be placed with an improvement district,the district shall expressly accept said obligation upon the plat or by a separate instrument filed in the Public Records. 3. Reduction of street width. When pedestrian circulation is to be accomplished solely by paths constructed outside the right-of-way,the Planning and Zoning Director may approve a concurrent request by the developer to reduce local street right-of-ways from those required in this Chapter by no more than eight(8) feet if such reduction would neither reduce the vehicular carrying capacity and safety nor compromise the safety of pedestrians. 4. Crosswalks. When a block length exceeds nine hundred(900) feet, crosswalks between streets may be required when deemed essential by the City Engineer to provide convenient pedestrian circulation or access to schools,playgrounds, shopping centers,transportation and other community facilities. S. CLEARING EARTHWORK AND GRADING: I. Minimum required improvements. The developer shall be required to clear all rights-of-way and to make all grades for streets,parking tracts, lots, and other areas proposed to be developed, compatible with on-site tertiary drainage patterns established by the approved drainage design. 2. Unsuitable materials. The Developer shall remove and replace unsuitable materials,as determined pursuant to LDR Chapter 6 (Required Improvements),Article II (Applicability), Sec. 4, and Article IV (Design Requirements for Required Improvements), Sec. 10.E. Backfill method of material placement shall be in accordance with City standards. T. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: Minimum Refer to Chapter 5 of this Handbook for the stormwater minimum required improvements for all developments. 2-24 U. WASTEWATER SYSTEMS: Minimum required iml rovements. Refer to Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards"Manual, Article 3. V. POTABLE WATER SYSTEMS: k Mimimum re,aired improvements. Refer to Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering ineerin Design .... Handbook and Construction Standards"Manual, Article 2. W. UTILITIES: 1. Rewired im rovernents. All utilities, including power and light, telephone and telegraph, cable television,wiring to street lights, and gas shall be installed underground, unless such requirement is waived by the City Engineer. Utilities shall be constructed in easements as prescribed in this Chapter. The developer shall make arrangements for utilities installation with each person furnishing utility service involved. 2. Easements,. Utility easements twelve (12)feet wide (as a minimum) shall be provided where necessary to accommodate all required utilities across lots and shall have convenient access for maintenance. Where possible easements shall be centered on lot lines. Where possible,utility easements should be provided for underground utilities across the portion(s) of lot abutting a street or parking area. When a utility easement abuts a right-of- way,the width may be reduced to ten (10) feet. Additional utility easements may be required by the City when, in the opinion of the City Engineer, such easements are necessary for continuity of utility service between subdivisions or other development and where necessary for maintenance and service. Utility easement and drainage easements shall not be combined. Where crossings occur,the drainage easements shall take precedent. Easements shall be coordinated with requisite utility authorities and shall be provided as prescribed by this Chapter for the installation of underground utilities or relocating existing utilities in conformance with the respective utility authority's rules and regulations. 3. Exceptions to underground installations. This sub-section shall apply to all cables, conduits, or wires forming parts of an electrical distribution or communication system, including service lines to individual properties and main distribution feeder electrical lines delivering power to local distribution systems. This section shall not apply to wires, conduits or associated and supporting structures whose exclusive function is to transmit or distribute electricity between subdivisions, generating stations, substations and transmission lines of other utility systems, or perimeter lines located adjacent to a subdivision. All other proposals for above- ground installation of utilities shall be submitted to the City Engineer at 2-25 the time of preliminary submittal. All requests shall be made in writing and noted on the construction plans, including all pertinent and relevant information in support of the request. Any approval or denial pursuant to this sub-section shall be set forth in writing,which may be by separate statement to the developer and the developer's engineer,or may be a part of the Director's response to the preliminary review. 4. Installation in streets. After the subgrade for the street has been completed, and before any material is applied,all underground work for the water mains, sanitary sewers, stormwater conduits,gas mains, telephone, electrical power conduits and appurtenances and any other utility shall be installed completely within the right-of-way or provisions made so that the street will not be disturbed for utility installation. All underground improvements installed for the purpose of future service connections shall be properly capped and backfilled. X. FIRE-RESCUE SERVICES: Re°uired im rovement. Fire hydrants shall be provided where central water systems are provided. Fire hydrants shall be provided as prescribed in the manner outlined in the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards"Manual,Article 2. Y„ SUBDIVISION DESIGN AND SURVEY REUIREMENTS: 1. Required improvement. The Developer shall install the required buffering and,when recording a plat, shall comply with this subsection for setting of "P.R.M.s"and"P.C.P.s". 2. Buffering. Residential developments shall be buffered and protected from adjacent expressways, arterials and railroad rights-of-way with a five(5) foot limited access easement,which shall be shown and dedicated on the plat, except where access is provided by means of a marginal access road or where such expressway, arterial or railroad right-of-way abuts a golf course. 3. Blocks. a. General considerations. The length,width and shape of blocks shall be determined with due regard to: 1) Provision of adequate building sites suitable to the special needs of the type of use contemplated; 2) Zoning requirements as to lot size and dimensions; 3) Need for convenient access,circulation, control and safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic; and 2-26 4) Limitations and opportunities of topography. b. Maxi . Block lengths shall not exceed one thousand three hundred twenty(1320)feet between intersecting streets. Greater lengths may be approved by the City Engineer on an individual basis after considering such Tactors as lot size, the ADT, number of through streets, street configuration and other engineering considerations, in accordance with accepted engineering principles. 4. Lots. a. Existing structures. When a subdivision is proposed upon land with existing structures that are proposed to be retained, lots are to be designed so as not to cause said existing structure to become nonconforming. b. Lots,,ahutting„major„streets. When lots are platted abutting a major street or non-plan collector street, access shall be provided by and limited to local streets or residential access streets. No access from individual lots shall be permitted directly to a collector or higher classification roadway. C. Through lots. Double frontage lots or through lots shall be avoided except where essential to provide separation of residential development from major streets or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography or orientation. Where double frontage lots are developed,they shall be buffered as required by City standards and regulations. 5. Minimum safe shtwdistancewwatwwintersections. Refer to Chapter 3, Section VI.B.3 of this Handbook. 6. ryea r,q�uirements- a. Permanent Reference Monument "P R.Mms" When monuments occur within street pavement areas,they shall be installed in a typical `water valve' type frame and cover as approved by the City Engineer. b. Permanent Control Points 1"P.C,P.s"), Permanent control points shall be installed as follows: 1) Installation prior to plat recordation. Where required improvements are constructed prior to recordation,the permanent control points shall be set prior to submission of 2-27 the Record Plat and certified by the surveyor in accordance this Chapter. 2) installation after plat recordation. Where required improvements are constructed after recordation,the permanent control points shall be set under the guarantees as required Sec.N.Q. In such case,the surveyor's certificate shall comply;with Sec. N.P. The signing surveyor shall provide the City Engineer with a copy of the recorded certification required by Chapter 177.091 Fla. Stat. as to his placement of the permanent control points. Z. ADMINISTRATIVE WAIVER: An administrative waiver from the literal or strict enforcement of the requirements of this Handbook may be granted by the City Engineer in accordance with City standard procedures. V. RECORD PLAT FORMS [SEE SEPARATE LISTING FOR THIS SECTION.] 2-28 RECORD PLAT FORMS PLAT REVIEW CHECK LIST (Ch. 177,F.S. CITATIONS PROVIDED WHEN APPLICABLE) (City's 2010 LDR, CH. 2,ART.III, SEC. 2 CITATIONS PROVIDED WHEN APPLICABLE) DEVELOPMENT[SUBDIVISION]NAME: 1. BOUNDARY SURVEY. 177.041; Ch. 2,Art. III, Sec. 2.B. 2. ORIGINAL DRAWING BLACK PERMANENT DRAWING INK ON FILM. 177.091(1). 3. SHEET SIZE—CORRECT PER LOCAL REG./TOP-BOTTOM-RIGHT/3"LEFT MARGIN. 4. INDEX SHEET IF MULTIPLE PAGES WITH MATCHLINES. 177.091(3). 5. CLEARLY LABELED MATCHLINES TO SHOW WHERE SHEETS MATCH OR ADJOIN. 177.091(3); Ch. 2, Art. III, Sec 2.13. 6. PLAT NAME ON EACH SHEET, 177.091(5); Ch. 2,Art. III, Sec.2.13. 7. SECTION, TOWNSHIP AND RANGE UNDER THE NAME OF THE PLAT WITH REPLATTING INFORMATION, IF ANY. 177.091(10) & 177.091(17). 8. NAME OF THE CITY, TOWN, VILLAGE, COUNTY AND STATE THAT THE LAND BEING PLATTED IS IN 177.091(10). 9. NAME OF SURVEYOR OR SURVEY BUSINESS, STREET AND MAILING ADDRESS ON EACH SHEET. 177.091(5). 10. STATED AND GRAPHIC SCALE. 177.091(4); Ch,2,Art.III, Sec. 2.13. IL SUFFICIENT SIZE LETTERING AND SCALE TO SHOW DETAIL. 177.091(4); Ch. 2,Art III, Sec. 2.13. 12, NORTH ARROW. 177.091(6); Ch. 2,Art.III, See.2.13. 13. BEARING REFERENCE TO A WELL ESTABLISHED AND MONUMENTED LINE. 177.091(6); Ch. 2,Art III, Sec. 2.C. 14. PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENTS AT EVERY CORNER WITH APPROPRIATE SYMBOL OR DESIGNATION(LB OR LS NUMBER)PRIOR TO PLATTING. 177.091(7); Ch.2,Art. III, Sec. 2.C. 15, PERMANENT CONTROL POINTS ON THE CENTERLINE OF R/W WITH APPROPRIATE SYMBOL OR DESIGNA'T'ION (LB OR LS NUMBER) WITHIN ONE (1) YEAR OR BEFORE BOND EXPIRATION. 177.091(8); Ch, 2,Art. III,Sec.2.C. 16. MONUMENTS AT LOT CORNERS — BEFORE THE TRANSFER OF ANY LOT OR BOND EXPIRES. 177.091(9), 17, COMPLETE DESCRIPTION—SO COMPLETE THAT FROM IT, WITHOUT REFERENCE TO THE PLAT, THE STARTING POINT AND BOUNDARY CAN BE DETERMINED. 177.091(11); Ch. 2,Art.111, Sec. 2.C. 1 S. VERIFY PLAT NAME IS CORRECT IN ALL CERTIFICATES AND THE A&D. -, 19. ADOPTION AND DEDICATION WITH NOTARY. 177.081(2)& 177.091(12). Issued January 2008 SUPP. #1 Page 1 of 3 JUNE 2010 20. CHECK THAT ROAD NAMES LISTED IN THE A&D MATCH THE MAP SHEETS. Ch.2,Art III, Sec.2.13. 21. CHECK THAT TRACTS AND EASEMENTS ARE ADDRESSED IN THE A&D. Ch 2,Art. III, Sec. 2.13. 22. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL AND ACCEPTANCE BY GOVERNING BODY. 177.071 & 177.091(12); Ch. 2, Art III, Sec.2.B. 23. CERTIFICATE OF CLERK. 177.091(13). _ a 24. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 177.091(13)SIGNED/SEALED/AND RAISED SEAL NOTE. 25. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE INCLUDES "THAT THE PLAT WAS PREPARED UNDER HIS OR HER DIRECTION AND SUPERVISION AND THAT THE PLAT COMPLIES WITH ALL OF THE SURVEY REQUIREMENTS OF CHAPTER 177,PART 1,PLATTING." 177.061. 26. PRINTED NAME OF THE SURVEYOR; LICENSE NUMBER; SURVEY BUSINESS NAME, IF ANY; LB NUMBER,IF ANY;AND ADDRESS UNDER THE SURVEY'S CERTIFICATE. 177.061, 27. CERTIFICATE OR REVIEW BY SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. 177.081(1); Ch. 2,Art.III, Sec. 2.B. 28. SECTION LINES AND '/4 SECTION LINES. 177.091(14); Ch.2,Art.III, Sec.2.8. 29. POINT OF REFERENCE,IF ANY. 177.091(14); Ch.2,Art.III, Sec.2.B. 30. POINT OF BEGINNING. 177.091(14); Ch.2,Art,III, Sec.2.B. 31. BEARINGS AND DISTANCES AROUND BOUNDARY SAME AS DESCRIPTION. 177.091(14) Ch. 2, Art. III, Sec.2.B. 32. STREET NAMES, 177.091(15). 33, R.O.W.WIDTHS. 177.091(15). 34. WATERWAYS. 177.091(15). 35. LOCATION AND WIDTH OF PROPOSED EASEMENTS. 177.091(16). 36, LOCATION AND WIDTH OR EXISTING EASEMENTS I.D.IN THE TITLE OPINION, 177.091(16). 37, BEARINGS AND DISTANCES FOR NON CONCENTRIC OR NON PARALLEL EASEMENTS. 177.091(16). 38. I.D.CONTIGUOUS PROPERTIES BY SUBDIVISION-PB-PG ORIF UNPLATTED. 177.091(17). 39. LOT AND BLOCK NUMBERS MUST BE PROGRESSIVE. 177.091(18); Ch.2,Art.III, Sec.2.B. 40. BEARINGS AND DISTANCES ON ALL TRACTS. 177.091(19). 41. BEARINGS AND DISTANCES ON ALL LOTS. 177.091(19). 42. BEARINGS AND DISTANCES ON ALL ROADS. 177.091(19). 43. IF LOT OR BOUNDARY IS IRREGULAR,SHOW WITNESS LINE. 177.091(19). 44. CURVILINEAR LOTS—SHOW RADIUS,ARC AND DELTA. 177.091(20). Issued January 2008 SUPP.#1 Page 2 of 3 JUNE 2010 45. RADIAL LINES WILL BE SO DESIGNATED. 177.091(20). 46. SUFFICIENT DIMENSIONS ON ALL LINES. 177.091(21) 47, CURVED CENTERLINES SHOW ARC,DELTA,RADrUS, CHORD AND CHORD BEARING. 177.091(22). 48. TABULAR DATA MUST APPEAR ON SHEET TO WHICH IT APPLIES. 177.091(26); Ch. 2,Art.III, Sec.2.13 49. DESIGNATE PARK AND RECREATION PARCELS,IF ANY. 177,091(23); Ch. 2,Art.III, Sec.2.13. 50. INTERIOR EXCEPTIONS, AS DESCRIBED IN THE DESCRIPTION, LABELED "NOT A PART OF THIS PLAT'. 177.091(24); Ch. 2,Art. III, Sec. 2.13. 51. SHOW PURPOSE OF ALL AREAS DEDICASTED ON THE PLAT. 177.091(25); Ch. 2,Art, III. Sec. 2.13. 52. "NOTICE: THIS PLAT, AS RECORDED IN ITS GRAPHIC FORM, IS THE OFFICIAL DEPICTION OF THE SUBDIVIDED LAND DESCRIBED HEREIN AND WILL IN NO CIRCUMSTANCES BE SUPPLANTED IN AUTHORITY BY ANY OTHER GRAPHIC OR DIGITUAL FORM OF THE PLAT. THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS THAT ARE NOT RECORDED ON THIS PLAT THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY." 177.091(27). 53. EASEMENTS REFERENCED FOR CABLE TELEVISION USE. 177.091(28); See Standard Engineering Notes. 54. LEGEND OF ALL SYMBOLIZED ABBREVIATIONS. 177.091(29); Ch. 2,Art.III, Sec.2.B. k Issued January 2008 SUPP.#1 Page 3 of 3 NNE 2010 V. RECORD PLAT FORMS FORM NO. SUBJECT V— 1A Dedication and Reservation Formats V— 1B Dedication and Reservation—Special Formats V— IC Dedication and Reservation—Tracts &Easements V- 113 Dedication and Reservation—Guidelines V-2 Acceptance of Reservations V-3 Mortgagees' Consent V-4 Title Certification V-5 Surveyor's Certification V-6 City Approval Block V-7 County Approval Block (as needed) V-8 Acknowledgements V-9 Preparing Surveyor Statement V— 10 Surveyor's Notes B I FORM V— lA DEDICATION AND RESERVATION FORMATS (LDR Chap. 5, Art. V, Sec. I.D.6.a.) STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) (CORPORATE) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that '-,-,-(, name„ a [Florida corporation] [(State) corporation, licensed to do business in Florida], owner of the land shown hereon, being in Section , Township_South,Range East, Palm Beach County,Florida, shown hereon as � ,anbeing more particularly described as follows: -OR- (INDIVIDUAL) KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that ­(,names(s . w„,......� owners(s) of the land shown hereon, being in Section , Township!South, Range East, Palm Beach County, Florida, shown hereon as ( plat name) being more particularly described as follows: [Legal Description] (Sec LDR Chap. 5, Art. V, Sec. i.D.5) have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as shown hereon and do hereby dedicate as follows: [Dedications/Reservations as applicable] (See Form V— i C) Page 1 of 2 (CORPORATE) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above-named corporation has caused these presents to be signed by its a Pres dent V ce-Presidents and attested by its (other cor 7017 rate officers`) and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto by and with the authority of its Board of Directors,this day of 20_• (corporate name), a [Florida corporation] [a rrState°� corporation, licensed to do business in Florida] WITNESS: BY I, ignature of Pres. Or V,-Pres."I (print name)—(title) WITNESS: BY: (°sigaiature of other officers ___ (print name)—(title) -OR- (INDIVIDUAL) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, [I][We] (name(s))_ do hereunto set [my][our] hand(s) and seal(s)this day of , 20 WITNESS: i 1`i_. BY: (1) (printed name) I' WITNESS: `2) BY: (2) sib:°iature'q (printed name) 1 [ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS—See Form V—S] Page 2 of 2 FORM V— 1 B DEDICATION AND RESERVATION SPECIAL SIGNATURE BLOCK FORMATS (LDR Chap. 5,Art. V, Sec. 1.D.6.a. & 1.D.1 1.) (PARTNERSHIP) I IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the above-named [general][limited] partnership aW (�ndiv�Rdual lartner'smnamer [ �o orate rate partner's named _1 a (State �n ..,, .,. corporation, licensed to do business in Florida, this day of 0 (si�o�ature (partnership name) a State [general][limited] partnership. (INDIVIDUAL PARTNER) WITNESS: BY: (,sign Atpre�ivydual (print name) as general partner OR- (CORPORATE PARTNER) c [porate name k a State corporation, as general partner WITNESS: BY: Pres _ Cs�ta��ature of or V Pres 'h (print name)—(title) �� (CORPORATE SEAL) [ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS —See Form V— 8] Page 1 of 1 n FORM V— 1 C DEDICATION AND RESERVATION—TRACTS &EASEMENTS (LDR Chap. S,Art. V, Sec 1 D.6.a. & 1.D. 10, 11.) 1. Streets, Parking,, and Driveway Tracts: Tract , as shown hereon, is hereby dedicated`�,to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for the perpetual use of the public for public street purposes. Tract as shown hereon, is hereby reserved for the name of its successors and assigns, for private street purposes and other purposesinconsistent not in ent with this reservation and is the perpetual maintenance obligation of said association, its successors and assigns,without recourse to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Tract y Jgame � a as shown hereon, �s ere reserve or the name of its successors and assigns, as a residential access street for private street purposes and other purposes not inconsistent with this reservation and is the perpetual maintenance obligation of said association, its successors and assigns, without recourse to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Tract , as shown hereon, is hereby reserved for the `name„of POA its successors and assigns, as a [driveway][parking] tract serving abutting lots for ingress, egress, utilities, drainage, and other purposes not inconsistent with this reservation, and is the perpetual maintenance obligation of said association, its successors and assigns, without recourse to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. 2. ester Managementwmc"t—s": Tract , as shown hereon, is hereby reserved for the name, its successors and assigns, for stormwater management and drainage purposes and is the perpetual maintenance obligation of said association, it successors and assigns, without recourse to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. Drainaze and Lake Maintenance/Access Easements: The drainage easements as shown hereon are hereby dedicated in perpetuity for drainage purposes. The maintenance of all drainage facilities located hereon shall be the perpetual maintenance obligation of the.,,,, (name of POA) , its successors and assigns, without recourse to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The [lake maintenance][lake maintenance access] easements as shown hereon are hereby reserved for the Inam„e of POA„ , its successors and assigns, for access to stormwater management and drainage facilities located within the associated water management tract(s) for purposes of performing any and all maintenance activities pursuant to the maintenance obligation of said association, its successors and assigns,without recourse to the City of Boynton Beach,Florida. Pagel of 3 The City of Boynton Beach, Florida, shall have the right, but not the obligation, to maintain any portion of the drainage system encompassed by this plat which is associated with the drainage of public streets, including the right to utilize for proper purposes any and all drainage, lake maintenance, and lake maintenance access easements associated with said drainage system. 4. Utility Easements: The utility easements as shown hereon are hereby dedicated in perpetuity for the construction and maintenance of utility facilities, including cable television systems. The installation of cable television systems shall not interfere with the construction and maintenance of other utilities. The lift station easement as shown hereon is hereby dedicated in perpetuity to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, its successors and assigns, for lift station related purposes. No buildings or structures shall be placed within the depicted easements. S. 'Limited Access Easements: The limited access easements as shown hereon are hereby dedicated to the [State of Florida, Department of Transportation][Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County][the City of Boynton Beach, Florida], for the purposes of control and jurisdiction over access rights. 6. Littoral Zone/Preservation/Conservation Areas: Tract --- as shown hereon, is hereby reserved for littoral zone and water management purposes for the, n.ame o„f POA),, its successors and assigns, and is the perpetual maintenance obligation of said Association, it successors and assigns, without recourse to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. it is a punishable violation of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida laws, ordinances, codes, regulations and approvals to alter the approved slopes, contours or cross-sections, or to chemically or physically remove, damage, destroy, cut or trim any plants within said tract without the prior written consent of the [Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management][City of Boynton Beach, Florida][Florida Department of Environmental Regulation]. [NOTE: Dedications establishing conservation and/or preservation areas shall be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis due to the variability of covenants, restrictions, and responsibilities associated with the requirements for creation,protection, and ownership of such areas.] 7„ Recreational Areas: Tract , as shown hereon, is hereby reserved for the name of P4A,) , its successors and assigns, for recreational purposes and is the perpetual maintenance obligation of said association, its successors and assigns, without recourse to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Page 2 of 3 8. Tract ................., as shown hereon, is hereby reserved for the �n its successors and assigns, for open space purposes and is the perpetual maintenance obligation of said association, its successors and assigns, without recourse to the City of Boynton each, Florida. Tract . , as shown hereon, is hereby reserved for the dna q_oQQAj_, .................................--, its successors and assigns, for landscape purposes and is the perpetual maintenance obligation of said association, its successors and assigns, without recourse to the City of Boynton each, Florida. Tract ...................... -, as shown hereon, is hereby reserved for the . name of POA its successors and assigns, for buffer purposes and is the perpetual maintenance obligation of said association, its successors and assigns, without recourse to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Page 3 of 3 FORM V- 1 DEDICATION/RESERVATION GUIDELINES 1. Generally, utility and drainage easements may not overlap. However, crossing and for overlapping may be allowed with the Director of Engineering's approval when no other satisfactory location can be found and there is a note on the plat giving the drainage easement first priority. The note shall state that: "In those cases where easements of different types cross or otherwise coincide, drainage easements shall have first priority, utility easements shall have second priority, access easements shall have third priority, and all other easements shall be subordinate to these with their priorities being determined by use rights granted." 2. Drainage easements and water management tracts generally serve the entire development and must be reserved for a master property owners association. Reservations for sub- associations will not be allowed unless the developer can clearly prove that the part of the drainage system he wishes to reserve for a sub-association is not connected in any way to the drainage system for the rest of the development. 3. Any private street that is intended to provide access to lots in more than one plat must be reserved fora master property owners association. 4. Landscape easements should be maintained by a property owners association and not by the individual fee simple owners of underlying lots. 5. Reservations for private streets shall not use the to "right-of-way" in referring to the street or its tract boundaries. 6. Standard utility easements required pursuant to See. IV. . of this Chapter, and the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Criteria and Construction Standards" Manual, are not to be dedicated to a particular utility company. If an individual utility company requires a dedication to it, the easement must be in addition to minimum City-required utility easements and the company must sign the plat to show its acceptance of the dedication. 7. Residential areas on plats of condominium and rental projects may be reserved by, and be the maintenance responsibility of the title holder as identified on the plat, its successors and assigns, without recourse to the City of Boynton each, Florida, The reservation language must include the full name of the title holder as it appears in the Title Certification. 8. Golf course tracts may be reserved by, and be the maintenance responsibility of the title holder as identified on the plat, its successors and assigns, without recourse to the City of Boynton each, Florida. If any lakes or other areas in the golf course are incorporated in the stormwater management system serving any other part of the development, the Page I of 2 reservation language must state that the master property owners association (or other specifically named approved maintenance entity) has the right to maintain those lakes or other areas should the title holder fail to do so, including the right of access to those lakes or other areas as necessary to accomplish such maintenance. 9. Execution of dedications and reservations by a corporation may also be accomplished by signature of the corporation's president or vice-president plus attestation by another corporate officer in lieu of two (2) witnesses. The attesting corporate officer may be the corporation's president, secretary, treasurer, of.,another vice-president, but must not be the same natural person as the president or vice-president signing for the corporation. If this option is selected, both the signing and attesting officers' signatures must be acknowledged by a notary public. 10. The notary public acknowledging the signature of a person executing a Dedication & Reservation, Consent, or other form contained herein shall not act as either of the two required witnesses to that signature. Page 2 of 2 FORM V-2 ACCEPTANCE OF RESERVATIONS (LDR Chap. 5, Art. V, Sec. 1.D.6.a.) STATE OF FLORIDA } COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) The Owner's Association ame+ 1e hereby accepts the dedications or reservation Pro��ert ; q n.,, to said Association as stated and shown hereon, and hereby accepts its maintenance obligations for same as stated hereon, dated this day of .m, , 20 Pro y„ertv Owners Association name} a Florida corporation noGa,,,, t for profit BY: signature of Pres.,0r V.-Pres,,i (printed name)—(title) WITNESS: WITNESS: (CORPORATE SEAL) [ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS —See Form V— 8] Page I of 1 FORM V-3 MORTGAGEE'S CONSENT (LDR Chap. 5, Art. V, Sec. I.D.6.b.) STATE OF ,,, w COUNTY OF The undersigned hereby certifies that it is the holder of [a] mortgage(s), upon the property described hereon and does hereby join in and consent to the dedication of the land described in said dedication by the owner thereof, and agrees that its mortgage(s) which [is][are] recorded in Official Record Book at Page(s) of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, shall be subordinated to the dedications shown hereon. (CORPORATE) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said corporation has caused these presents to be signed by its [President][Vice-President] and its [Secretary][Assistant Secretary], and its corporate seal to be affixed hereon by and with the authority of its Board of Directors this—day of 20 ry �rnco �orate named ,, a State corporation WITNESS: ,,mnnnnnn BY tsi ature of Pres. or (printed name)—(title) WITNESS: to BY: �,,si gl2ature of Sec. or Asst Sqc� (printed name)—(title) (CORPORATE SEAL) –OR– (INDIVIDUAL) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, [I][We] rnted namesi'i do hereunto set [my][our] hand(s) and seal(s)this day of , 20 . WITNESS: BY: tsi� (printed name) [ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS– See Form V–8] Page 1 of 1 FORM V-5 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE (LDR Chap. 5, Art. V, Sec. 1.D.6.c.) (When "P.C.P.s" are to be installed prior to platting) This is to certify that the plat shown hereon is a true and correct representation of a survey made under my responsible direction and supervision; that said survey is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief, that Permanent Reference Monuments ("P.R.M.s") and Permanent Control Points ("P.C.P.s") have been placed as required by law; and, further, that the survey data complies with all the requirements of Chapter 177, Part I, Florida Statutes, as amended, and with the applicable sections of 61G17-6, Florida Administrative Code, and the ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. -OR- (When "P.C.P.s" are to be installed after platting) This is to certify that the plat shown hereon is a true and correct representation of a survey made under my responsible direction and supervision; that said survey is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief, that Permanent Reference Monuments ("P.R.M.s") have been placed as required by law and that Permanent Control Points ("P.C.P.s") will be set under the guarantees posted with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for the Required Improvements; and, further, that the survey data complies with all the requirements of Chapter 177, Part I, Florida Statutes, as amended, and the ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. (printed name), P.L.S. or P.S.M. License No. State of Flor����,.W.�,."_ 'da (SEAL) Page 1 of 1 FORM V-6 CITY APPROVAL BLOCK (LDR Chap. 5,Art. V, Sec. 1.D.6.d.) CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH APPROVAL: STATE OF FLORIDA } COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) This plat is hereby approved for record pursuant to the ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and in accordance with Chapter 5, Land Development Regulations,this day of,,,,,.,,,_ , 20_, and has been reviewed by a Professional Surveyor and Mapper under [employment][contract] with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, in accordance with Chapter 177.081(1), Florida Statutes. (print name of reviewer) City Surveyor and Mapper ,,)rant name of the record plat w„ is hereby approved for record this day of — � -,.' 20— — BY:..—,---- (print Y: —,—-(print name), City Engineer BY: m (print name), Mayor ATTEST (as to both): (print name), City Clerk (CITY SEAL) Page 1 of 1 FORM V-7 COUNTY APPROVAL (2010 LDR Chap. 2 Art III Sec. 2) COUNTY ENGINEER APPROVAL: STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) This plat is hereby approved for record pursuant to Palm Beach County Ordinance 95-33, as amended, and in accordance with Chapter 177.071(2), Florida Statutes as amended, this—day of , 20_. (printed name)–County Engineer (SEAL) SUPP.#1 Page 1 of 1 NNE 2010 FORM V-8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (CORPORATION) STATE OF l COUNTY BEFORE ME personally appeared_,_,"I ranted name) and rinsed name who are personally known to me, or have produced and respectively as identification, and who executed the foregoing instrument as [President][Vice-President]and [Secretary][Asst. Secretary] of coTorationname,_, a corporation, and severally acknowledged to and before me that they executed such instrument as such officers of said corporation, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it is affixed to said instrument by due and regular corporate authority, and that said instrument is the free act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal this_day of , 20_ My commission expires: s mature Notary Public (SEAL) -OR- (INDIVIDUAL) STATE OF COUNTY OF BEFORE ME personally appeared (printed name(s)) who [is][are] personally known to me or[has][have] produced ,,,,»»„ respectively] as identification, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged before me that [he][she][they] executed said instrument for the purposes expressed therein. WITNESS my hand and official seal this_day of 20_. My commission expires: , ,, J s nature),,,,, Notary Public (SEAL) [NOTE: The acknowledging notary public shall not also act as a required witness to the applicable signature(s).] Page 1 of l FORM V-9 PREPARING SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT (See. IV.O.) This instrument was prepared by if surve j,or's namp of............ located at _(,�Mrvqyqr s addreg) Page 1 of I FORM V— 10 SURVEYOR'S NOTES Surveyor's notes shall address the following items as a minimum: 1. Plat Position and Orientation. The plat position and orientation shall be identified by a suitable note indicating conformance to the State Plane Coordinate System in the following manner: a. Using the National Ocean Service in NOAA Manual NOS NGS 5, State Plane Coordinate System of 1983, show State Plane Coordinates on all Permanent Reference Monuments. These coordinates shall represent a balanced position of the plat relative to the two (2) nearest pairs of Palm Beach County (or N.G.S.) control stations. These coordinates shall be derived from field measurements which meet or exceed the requirements for the Minimum Technical Standards for surveys as defined by Chapter 61G17-6 et al, for Commercial High Risk surveys of the Florida Administrative Code. [In those instances where angular closures within the control network cannot be obtained due to the absence of an azimuth mark, then additional ties from the plat to more than two (2) control stations shall be required.] b. A single direct line tie from the plat to each of the network control stations that was used to coordinate the plat shall be shown. C. Distances shall be shown and noted as being ground distances. d. The appropriate scale factor(s) used shall be shown clearly on each sheet of the plat. 2. Leizend. All symbols and abbreviations used on the plat map shall be identified by a suitable legend. 3. Report Notes. All original survey report notes applicable to the plat shall be shown and indicated on the plat. Page 1 of 1 i� PAVEMENT, STREET, INTERSECTIONS AND CONNECTIONS DESIGN CRITERIA CHAPTER THREE—PAVEMENT STREET INTERSECTIONS AND CONNECTIONS VI. DESIGN CRITERIA A. STREET SECTIONS: I. The drawings contained in this Chapter are intended to illustrate acceptable typical design concepts of the required improvement(s). These attached drawings are not intended to be used directly as details for construction plans. If they are incorporated into any construction plan set, they must be modified to contain complete detail and notations pertaining to the specific project element. 2. General design considerations: All street design shall be in accordance with LDR Chapter 4, Article VIII (Roadway, Utility and Infrastructure Design Standards) of the Land Development Regulations. Roadway (street) right-of-ways, lane configurations and minimum pavement widths shall follow the criteria as shown in Standard Drawing #P-1. Section 4 (Streets) of this Article details the companion regulations for project considerations. 3. Constructioninmuck or elan areas: When streets or alleys are to be constructed in muck area, the muck or peat shall be completely removed from the centerline of the street or alley to ten (10)feet beyond the edge of pavement on each side. When gumbo or other plastic clays are encountered, they shall be removed within the roadway area one (1) foot below the subgrade extending horizontally to the outside edge of the shoulder area (or 2 feet beyond the curbing if curb and gutter is included in the street typical section). The design of streets proposed in excessive muck areas shall be considered on an individual basis. 4. Dead-end streets: [ref. 2010 LDR Chapter 4,Article III, Sec. 3] a) Non-plan collector streets: Turnaround design for a temporary dead-end shall comply with the"T" Turnaround standard as shown in Standard Drawing#P-10. b) Local streets,: Turnaround designs for permanent dead-ends shall comply with the street terminations reflecting the cul-de-sac design as shown in Standard Drawing #P-10. Turnaround design for a temporary dead-end shall comply with the "T" Turnaround standard as shown in the same Standard Drawing#P-10. C) Residential access streets: Special turnaround designs for permanent dead-ends on residential access streets are provided to SUPP,#1 3 - 1 NNE 2010 accommodate clustering of units and encourage efficient land use. Dead-ends may be designed with a Shunt Turnaround (Standard Drawing #P-11) or Wye Turnaround (Standard Drawing #P-12). Residential access street dead-ends may also be designed with a standard cul-de-sac or the standard "T" turnaround adapted from Standard Drawing#P-10. 5. Sodding of stabilized shoulders: In areas on streets to be maintained by the City, which do not abut either a residential lot or a common area planned for building construction, the developer shall sod with Argentine Bahia. Where areas will have irrigation systems, the sodding may be Floratam, Saint Augustine, or other acceptable species. 6. Street grades: Street grades shall be shown on the construction plans by the direction and percent of fall, along with the centerline lineal distance between the high and low points,and the elevation of each PVI. Longitudinal grading for swale section streets shall be a minimum of 0.32%. Longitudinal grading for curb and gutter section streets shall be a minimum of 0.24% for a maximum distance of 200 lineal feet, or a minimum of 0.32%for longer grade lines. Refer to Standard Drawing#P- 1 for other design parameters. 7. Street names: [ref. 2010 LDR Chapter 4, Article VIII, Sec. 31 Street names shall be approved by the Engineering Division, prior to submission of the Final Subdivision Plan or the Preliminary Record Plat for approval. Proposed streets that are in alignment with other existing and named streets shall bear the same name as the existing street. All other street names shall include a modifier such as street, lane, avenue, boulevard, drive,place, court, etc. and shall not duplicate or be phonetically similar to existing street names regardless of the use of the modifier. 8. Alignment tangent deflection radii: [ref 2010 LDR Chapter 4, Article VIII, Sec. 3] a) Horizontal curves: The minimum allowable pavement centerline radius for horizontal curves on local and residential access streets shall be ninety-five(95)feet. The minimum allowable radius for horizontal curves on non-plan collector streets shall be determined in accordance with FDOT "Green Book" (current edition), Figure III-2, based on a design speed of forty-five (45) m.p.h. for public streets. The City Engineer may, on a case-by-case basis, approve the use of a lower design speed, but not less than thirty (30) m.p.h., for a non-plan collector street which is to be reserved as a private street. Requests SUPP.91 3-2 JUNE 2010 for such determination must include justification based on limitation of traffic volume and nature of development served by the street. When the centerline, of a local street deflects by more than ten degrees (10'), it shall be curved with a radius adequate to assure safe sight distance and driver comfort. Property lines at street intersections shall be a minimum of thirty-five (35) feet along the street right-of-way line. Said eomer lots at street intersections shall be the long chord of a twenty-five foot radius or of a greater radius where deemed necessary. Street pavement edge radii shall be a minimum of thirty(30)feet. b) Stoppin& sight distance: The stopping sight distance, measured along the line of sight from any location along a local residential access street, shall be no less than the minimum distances specified in the FDOT "Green BooV Table III-14, based on a design speed of thirty (30) m.p.h. for a local street and twenty (20) m.p.h. for a residential access street. All required stopping sight distances shall be accommodated wholly within the limits of the street right-of-way or tract, as applicable. Line of sight shall be measured from points along the center of the travel lane to points along the centerline of pavement, in the direction of travel. Refer to Standard Drawings# -1 and P- 14 for safe sight distance triangles. See Subparagraph B — STREET INTERSECTIONS AND CONNECTIONS below for intersection sight distance requirements. 9. Landscarting of medians ,i ��Zqb Lq streets: [ref.f 2010 LDR Chapter 4, _ Article VIII (Roadway, Utility and Infrastructure Design Standards)] When the developer proposes to install landscaping within medians of streets to be maintained by the City of Boynton each, the landscaping shall be installed (or bonded) in accordance with approved plans prior to acknowledgement of completion and acceptance. of the street for City maintenance. As a condition of landscape plan approval, the developer shall be required to execute a maintenance and hold harmless agreement and may be required to record said agreement in the public records. B. STREET INTERSECTIONS AND CONNECTIONS: 1. The drawings contained in this Chapter are intended to illustrate acceptable typical design concepts of the required improvement(s). These attached drawings are not intended to be used directly as details for SUPP.#1 3-3 j JUNE 2010 construction plans. If they are incorporated into any construction plan set, they must be modified to contain complete construction detail and notations pertaining to the specific project element. 2. Street width transitions: Except as otherwise approved by the City Engineer to accommodate a guardhouse median or turn lane(s),transitions involving the width of the right-of-way or private street tract, as applicable, shall occur only at intersections. .6 3. Intersection si&hA distance: [ref. 2010 LDR Chapter 4, Article VIII, (Roadway, Utility and Infrastructure Design Standards)] Except as otherwise approved by the City Engineer to accommodate a new intersection on an existing street, all required turning and crossing safe sight distance triangles (i.e. clear areas) shall be accommodated within the limits of the street right-of-way or street tract, as applicable. Examples of the safe sight distance triangles are shown on Standard Drawing#P-13 and #P-14. Intersections shall be designed to provide turning and crossing sight distances in accordance with the MOT"Green Book" Section III-C.9.b.4. and Figure III-11,based on a design speed of twenty-five (25)m.p.h.,for a intersection with a residential access street, thirty (30) m.p.h. for a intersection with a local street, and forty-five (45)m.p.h. for a intersection with a non-plan collector street. A sight distance setback of fifteen (15) feet shall be used in all cases. C. PATHWAYS: 1. The drawings contained in this Chapter are intended to illustrate acceptable typical design concepts of the required improvement(s). These attached drawings are not intended to be used directly as details for construction plans. If they are incorporated into any construction plan set, they must be modified to contain complete construction detail and notations pertaining to the specific project element. 2. Handicap accessibility: In order to make pathways accessible to and usable by individuals with disabilities, the requirements as set forth in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction, latest edition, shall be followed. The longitudinal grade for pathways and their street connection segments shall be no steeper than 12(H):1(V) with smooth transitions at all changes in grade. a) Passingspace:space: If an accessible route has less than 60 inches clear width, then passing spaces at least 60 inches by 60 inches shall be located at reasonable intervals not to exceed 200 feet. SUPP.91 3-4 JUNE 2010 b) Slope: an accessible route with a running slope greater than 1:20 is a ramp and shall comply with all ramp criteria. Nowhere shall the cross slope of an accessible route exceed 1:50. c) Surfaces: Ground or pathway surfaces along accessible routes and in accessible rooms and spaces including floors, walks, ramps., stairs and curb ramps, shall be stable, firm, and slip-resistant. d) Changes in level: Changes in level up to 1/4 inch may be vertical and without edge treatment. Changes in level between 1/4 inch and %z inch shall be beveled with a slope no greater than 1:2. Changes in level greater than 1/2 inch shall be accomplished by means of a ramp that complies with FDOT Specifications and Standards for curb ramps, and sub-paragraph b) above. e) Gratings: If gratings are located in walking surfaces, then they shall have spaces no greater than 1/i inch wide in one direction. If gratings have elongated openings, then they shall be placed so that the long dimension is perpendicular to the dominant direction of travel. f) Parking spaces: Parked vehicle overhangs shall not reduce the clear width of an accessible route. Parking spaces and access aisles shall be level with surface slopes not exceeding 1:50 (2%) in all directions. Refer to Standard Drawings #K-3 and #K-4 for parking space criteria. g) Islands: Any curbed island across an accessible route shall be cut through level with the street and have ramps at both sides with a level area at least 48 inches long between the ramps in the part of the island intersected by the crossings. D. SIDEWALKS: i. Foundation: Compact fill areas, to a minimum of 95% of AASHTO T-99 density. The area to be compacted is defined as that area directly under the sidewalk and one (1) foot beyond each side of the sidewalk when right-of-way allows. 2. Expansion Joints: Form 1/4 inch expansion joints between the sidewalk and the curb or driveway or at fixed objects and sidewalk intersections with a preformed joint filler meeting the requirements of FDOT Specification, 2000 Edition, No. 932-1.1.2. Refer to Standard Drawing #P-15 for joint types and where to use each type. SUPP.#1 3-5 ]UNE 2010 3. Finishing surface requirements: Provide the concrete with a broom finish. Ensure that the surface variations are not more than'/a inch under a 10-foot straightedge, or more than 1/8 inch on a 5-foot transverse section. Finish the edge of the sidewalk with an edging tool having a radius of/a inch. Apply a tine finish by an approved hand method to curb cut ramps in lieu of a broom finish. Ensure that the tine finish consists of transverse grooves which are 0.03 to 0.12 inch in width and 0.10 to 0.15 inch in depth, spaced at approximately `/2 inch center-to-center. Alternate curb cut ramp finishes will be considered on a case-by-case basis. E. TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES Forms of Traffic Control: Two (2) basic tools are used for the control of traffic, especially in local neighborhoods. These are regulatory traffic control devices and traffic calming measures. Both tools, when properly used, can significantly enhance safety in local residential neighborhoods and can also improve resident perception about traffic flow in their immediate neighborhood. Regulatory traffic control devices include stop signs, yield signs, traffic signals, pedestrian crosswalks, lane markings, warning signs and others. Regulatory traffic control devices should only be placed according to warrants and standards set forth in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (M[JTCD). The latest edition is the Millennium Edition printed in December, 2000. This nationally recognized manual is published by the Federal Highway Administration and is adopted by all states throughout the country. The FDOT has adopted this manual and enhanced it with additional standards used on its highways. The second form of traffic control now being used by traffic engineers throughout the country is traffic calming. These types of measures are inherently based upon changing motorists driving traits and habits through a series of physical modifications to a roadway's design. Traffic calming can include measures as simple as reducing roadway width to more extreme considerations such as road closures and/or redirecting traffic in local neighborhoods. Traffic calming measures also include intersections diverters (round-a-bouts), speed humps, chicanes, intersection bump outs and others, all with the intent to physically change the roadway characteristics to instill a psychological change in motorist driving habits. The various traffic calming measures are not currently regulated with respect to need (warrants) in the MUTCD. Rather, traffic calming measures are regulated in how they are signed and striped in order to maintain and insure proper identification to the motorists of the presence of a traffic calming measure. This will insure a national standard and uniformity so that motorists will recognize the presence of traffic calming SUPP.#1 3-6 JUNE 2010 measures on all roadways throughout the country. This standardization has been an essential development for traffic calming in particular with respect to speed humps. 2. Criteria for Traffic Cal mjnjjjosures: Currently, the city has not formulated a policy for implementation of traffic control and traffic calming measures, and the Division does not support a "formalized" approach to traffic calming. However, if certain private neighborhoods or `contained' developments are desirous of instituting traffic calming measures, the Division does support establishing thresholds that must be met for traffic calming measures, and certain standards for traffic calming devices such as speed humps. Speed humps should be designed so that they are cost effective solutions to speeding in an area. The Division would only consider any potential for traffic calming measures on local streets where the traffic volume is greater than 500 vehicles per day, and where the 85'h percentile speed is greater than 30 MPH for those streets posted at 25 MPH, and where the 851 percentile is greater than 35 MPH for those streets that are posted at 30 MPH. Signing, striping and other devices identifying traffic calming measures shall conform with the current edition of the M-UTCD. 3. Speed UmmgLor Tables: A new development should not require traffic calming devices as original planning design considerations took into account the city's speed limits and intersection stopping sight distances. In older neighborhoods or those developments that are operated and maintained by a property owner's association, driving habits sometimes exceed the original planned design considerations. In those cases, traffic calming measures may be warranted. The criteria for traffic calming measures set forth in the above noted paragraph should be reviewed and adhered to in determining any traffic calming measures under consideration. Speed Humps shall conform to the arc segment of a circle measuring 12 feet in length of which the maximum height is dependent on the speed limit desired. It generally is constructed of asphalt placed in layers with no layer more than 1 V2 inches thick in any one lift. Refer to Standard Drawings #P-30, P-31, P-35 and P-36 for details. Speed Tables shall contain a level area (table)measuring 10 feet in length, with either asphalt or paver brick approaches which are 6 feet in length. The level area can be used for a crosswalk or a decorative table area with landscaping on either roadway side. The total length of the table concept SUPP 1 3 -7 JUNE 2010 shall be 22 feet. Refer to Standard Drawings#P-30,P-32,P-33,P-34,P- 35 and P-36 for details. VTI. STANDARD DETAILS [SEE SEPARATE LISTING FOR THIS SECTION.] sUPP.#1 3-8 JUNE 2010 PARKING, DRIVEWAYS AND OTHER TURNOUTS DESIGN CRITERIA CHAPTER FOUR—PARKING,DRIVEWAYS AND OTHER TURNOUTS VIII. DESIGN CRITERIA A. OFF-STREET PARKING: The City's Land Development Regulations (LDR), Chapter 23 (Parking Lots)as adopted by the City Commission and amended from time to time, describes the general purpose, objectives and required improvements for off-street parking facilities. The following design criteria augments the requirements of said Chapter 23, and offers additional considerations and clarity with the subsequent standard drawings. 1. This section provides criteria for off-street parking facilities and for safe, efficient traffic circulation within the facilities. This section also sets forth criteria not elsewhere defined in the City's Land Development Regulations (LDR). 2. Off-street vehicular circulation: An off-street parking facility shall have full circulation and storage. Vehicular circulation shall be completely contained within the facility, and vehicles located within one portion of the facility shall have access to all other portions without using the adjacent street or roadway system. 3. Off-street truck maneuvering: Where the use of a site includes truck loading, unloading,parking or servicing, adequate space shall be provided such that all truck maneuvering is performed on site. 4. Off-street vehicle reservoir areas: Adequate reservoir capacity shall be provided for both inbound and outbound vehicles to facilitate safe and efficient movement between the street and parking facility. An inbound reservoir shall be of sufficient size to ensure that vehicles will not obstruct the adjacent street, sidewalk, and circulation within the facility. An outbound reservoir shall be required to eliminate backup and delay of vehicles within the facility. 5. Internal rin �roads: Internal perimeter accessways or ring roads shall be required for all shopping centers with building areas totaling 250,000 square feet, or larger. Parking should not be provided on any part of the perimeter accessways or ring roads. 6. Terminal islands. Terminal islands shall be provided at the ends of all parking aisles. The design of such terminal islands shall conform with the guidelines shown in Standard Drawing 4K-5. w. 4- 1 7. Landsc.4g stn s: Intermittent landscape strips shall be provided between parking tracts to discourage traffic from cutting through parking lots at unsafe speeds, and shall be spaced so as not to exceed two (2)parking tracts between landscape strips. Refer to Standard Drawing#K-6 for typical example. 8. Curbing around landsca astri ps: Curbing installed around landscape strips shall be concrete and shall be of the type classified as vertical curb or curb and gutter as shown on Standard Drawing#P-7, or ds FDOT Types "D"or"F". No surface mounted curbs shall be permitted. 9. Canoes: The use of"canoes"is recommended to encourage the distribution of traffic entering parking facilities. Such barriers also serve to discourage nigh speed entering traffic through aligning parking tract aisles. Refer to Standard Drawing 4K-7 for an example of"canoes". 10. Back out harking restrictions: Generally,back-out parking shall not be permitted opposite driveways. Refer to Standard Drawing#K-8 for an example of this restriction. 11. Maximum len�ofarkingaisles: The length of parking aisles shall not exceed 350 feet without a break to allow for the circulation of traffic. 12. Safe sight distance: Safe sight distance shall be provided in all parking lots and internal circulation designs. Refer to Standard Drawing#K-9 for general design feature.3 that enhance sight distance. 13. Pedestrian circulation: Provisions for the safe movement of pedestrians to and from buildings shall be provided to the greatest extent possible in all parking area designs. 14. Handica Parkin and Passers ger Loadin Zones; All areas of newly designed or newly constructed buildings and facilities shall be required to be accessible as per the "Florida Accessibility Code far Building Construction", latest edition. Accessible parking spaces serving a particular building shall be located on the shortest safely accessible route of travel to the accessible entrance. In parking facilities that do not serve a particular building, accessible parking shall be located on the shortest accessible route of travel to an accessible pedestrian entrance of the parking facility. In buildings with multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking, accessible parking spaces shall be dispersed and located closest to the accessible entrances. The minimum number of accessible parking spaces shall be in accordance with the table located in Section 4.1.2(5)of the said Florida Accessibility Code noted above. In general, the minimum,,requirement is one space for every 25 regular parking spaces or fraction thereof. 4-2 Each parking space must to no less than twelve(12) feet wide. Parking aisles must be no less than five(5) feet wide and must be part of an accessible route to the building or facility entrance. Two (2) accessible spaces may share a common aisle. The access aisle shall be striped Tonally to designate it as a no parking zone. Curb ramps must be located outside of the disabled parking spaces and access aisles. Refer to Standard Drawing#K-3 for signing and striping details. Parking vehicle overhangs shall not reduce the clear width of an accessible route. Parking spaces and access aisles shall be level with surface slopes not exceeding 1.50 (2%) in all directions. If access aisles are not required, such as for parallel parkin&curbs adjacent to such spaces must be of height that will not interfere with the opening and closing of motor vehicle doors. All spaces must be located on an accessible route no less than 44 inches wide so that users will not be compelled to walk or wheel behind parked vehicles. -street parallel parking spaces must be located either at the beginning or end of a block or adjacent to alley entrances. Each accessible parking space must be prominently outlined with blue paint, and must be repainted as necessary,to be clearly distinguishable as parking space designated for persons who have disabilities and must be posted with a permanent above-grade sign bearing the international symbol of accessibility, meeting the requirements of color and design approved by the FDOT. Van accessible parking spaces located within a parking structure shall have an additional sign"Van-Accessible" mounted below the symbol of accessibility. Such signs shall be located so they cannot be obscured by any vehicle parking in the designated space. 15. T' raffic..control devices. Traffic control devices that are required to provide for the safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic within the facility shall conform with e "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways", latest edition, and other requirements of the Engineering Department. 1 . Pave et: The paving standards reflected on Standard Drawings P-1 and -2, and LDR Chapter 22 (Parking Lots), Article II(Required Improvements), Section Q, apply only to on-site driveway construction beyond the limits of the abutting street. How the parking lot is configured or structured will deterraine how the pavement composition will be designed. general, an asphaltic concrete surface or a reinforced concrete surface is desired. The designer can utilize the"sheet flow" concept, inverted crown concept, offset inverted swale concept, etc. which best utilizes the best management practice (BMP) in addressing stormwater runoff. 4-3 17. Pervious Pavement: Portland cement(p.c.)pervious pavement is an alternative to reduce or eliminate expensive retention areas and is a logical design alternative for the creative site planner(designer). P.c.pervious pavements allow for the storage and transmission of surface water to the underlying soils. This design method is considered a layered storage method with each successive layer above the seasonal high water elevation having a measurable storage capacity a. Design procedures: The p.c. pervious pavement must provide the reservoir capacity to store the first one-half(%a) inch of untreated runoff and recover that volume within a seventy-two (72)hour time period following a storm. In lieu of meeting this"first flush" criteria,the designer may demonstrate the ability to store eighty (80%)percent of the runoff from a three (3) year, one(1)hour design storm to demonstrate equivalent level of treatment in comparison to other acceptable practices such as the use of swales, n-site retention, swales or overland flow. b. Stormwater quantity: Test Borings are recommended to determine the soil classification, seasonal high ground water elevation, any impervious substrata, and an initial estimate of permeability. Since the top six(6)inches of the subgrade is to be compacted to a maximum density of 95%of AASHTO T-180 specifications,a double ring infiltrometer test should be conducted at subgrade elevation to determine permeability prior to placement of the p.c. pervious pavement. The designer shall determine not only the required water storage,but also the quantity of the storage capacity of the overall stormwater retention system being considered. The use of p.c.pervious pavements could result in part or all of the required detention storage volume being provided in the soil profile over and above the"first flush" or retention volume requirement provided within the voids of the pervious pavement. Typically, detention is required to limit post-developed runoff rates to pre-developed runoff rates for the twenty-five(25)year,twenty- four(24)hour storm event C. Stormwater containment: The storage capacity of the entire system should include the void space of the soil above the seasonal high water table and any storage of the p.c.pervious pavement. This soil storage may not be used for stormwater quali calculations. The void space of a p.c.pervious pavement using three-eighths(318)inch top size coarse aggregate has generally been observed to be in a range of fifteen(15%)to twenty-two (22%)percent,with a design percentage of eighteen(180/0) conservatively recommended. This means for a pavement of five 4-4 (5) inches in thickness, 0.9 inches of water may be stored within the pavement itself. Water storage above the pavement surface(on a temporary basis)would add to the storage volume to meet the volume normally required. d. Application: When applying this design technique,the water height anticipated from the infrequent storm may cause the water to rise above the pavement surface. Building finish floor elevations will need to be set accordingly. If this concept is considered,the property entrance(off the roadway)will require its elevation at the right-of-way to be set above normal (at the height of the perimeter retainer curb)to contain surface water on site. Another technique is to provide an overflow device in addition or in lieu of the perimeter retainer curb or bermed section. This so called"pop-off'device may be a single inlet located near the perimeter of area, opening in curb with paved flume to retention area,or an underground perforated pipe drainage outfall to retention. All these techniques and devices are designed to flow to shallow retention basins to accommodate partial above pavement volumes. e. Design options: Where it is apparent that the soil conditions are the restricting factor in planning and design of any stormwater management for a building/parking area site, a combination of a wide variety of proven supplemental drainage designs may be considered in combination with the p.c.pervious pavement storage capacity. They are: (1) Portland cement pervious subbase course. (2) Rock filled trench. (3) V-trench water removal to surface pond. (4) Sand underdrain. B. DRIVEWAYS: 1. The drawings contained in this Chapter are intended to illustrate acceptable typical design concepts of the required improvement(s). These attached drawings are not intended to be used directly as details for construction plans. If they are incorporated into any construction plan set, they must be modified to contain complete construction detail and notations pertaining to the specific project element. 2. Pavement: The paving standards reflected on Standard Drawings#P-1 and #P-2, and LDR Chapter 23 (Parking Lots),Article II(Required 4-5 Improvements), Section Q,apply only to on-site driveway construction beyond the limits of the abutting street. 3. Commercial drivewa s: Unless otherwise specified herein, or by prior approval from the City Engineer for alternative design,driveways shall be constructed in accordance with FDOT Standard Index No. 515 or 516,as applicable. Dimensions at the right-of-way line shall comply with the minimum widths set forth in LDR, Chapter 6 (Required Improvements), Article W(Design Requirements for Required Improvements), Sec. 1, and Standard Drawing#K-16. . 4. Driveway locations and spacing;: The following minimum standards shall apply to the location and spacing of street connections for all driveways. These minimums are sketched on Standard Drawing#K-15. Where it is deemed necessary by the City Engineer for traffic safety and operational reasons,the following distances may be increased or decreased as a result of site specific conditions. The construction of turn lanes and physical barriers, such as medians,may be required by the City Engineer on adjacent streets, after his review of the specific site access proposal. a) Corner lots. 1) Along local streets,driveways to corner lots shall be located to provide a minimum of 30 feet from the intersection of the projection of the right-of-way lines to the near edge of driveway pavement. On zero lot line corner lots,driveways shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from the intersection of the projection of right-of-way lines to the near edge of driveway pavement. 2) Along collector streets, driveways to corner lots shall be located to provide a minimum of 50 feet from the intersection of the projection of the right-of-way lines to the near edge of driveway pavement. It is desirable to minimize the number of driveways connecting to a collector street. However, if required for access or circulation,a second driveway may be permitted on the side of the lot adjacent to the lanes departing the intersection, as long as the edge-to-edge distance between driveways is such that the pavement return radii are separated by at least 10 feet. In general,it is preferred to locate such driveways as far away from the street intersections as possible. 4-6 3) Along arterial streets, driveways to comer lots shall be located to provide a minimum of 120 feet from the intersection of the projection of the right-of-way lines to the near edge of driveway pavement. It is desirable to minimize the number of driveways connecting to an arterial street. However, if required for access or circulation, a second driveway may be permitted on the side of the lot adjacent to the lanes departing the intersection, as long as the edge-to-edge distance between driveways is such that the pavement return radii are separated by at least 10 feet. b) Mid-block lots. 1) Along local streets, driveways serving abutting lots shall be located such that flares or returns are separated by at least 5 feet. 2) Along collector streets,driveways shall be located such that the near edge of driveway pavement is at least 15 feet from the shared property line. Flares or returns for the proposed driveways shall be separated from the flares or returns for existing driveways on abutting lots by at least 10 feet. 3) Driveways serving shopping centers shall be well spaced, and the number of driveways shall be the minimum number practical to serve the site. 5. privewa consW pfign: Except for those driveways serving individual single family or duplex residential lots, each driveway shall be classified as one of the following types and constructed in accordance with the following requirements. Where it is deemed necessary by the City Engineer for traffic safety and operational reasons,the applicable requirements may be increased or decreased as a result of site specific conditions. The construction of physical barriers, such as medians, may be required by the City Engineer on adjacent streets, after his review of the specific site access proposal. a) Minor driveway: A minor driveway is one that serves an average daily traffic volume of not more than 500 vehicles(trips)per day. The minimum distance from the street right-of-way line at any driveway to any interior service drive or parking space shall be 25 feet,measured on a line perpendicular to the street right-of-way line. Minor driveways shall provide minimum single lane widths of 10 feet and provide minimum pavement return radii of 25 feet. In cases when minor driveway connections are to be made to 4-7 curbed streets,the connections may be constructed using drop curb instead of radial returns. Minor driveways may have left and right turn lanes and/or median modifications as required by the City Engineer. b) Intermediate drivew : An intermediate driveway is one that serves an average daily traffic volume greater than 500 vehicles "trips)per day,but not more than 2,000 vehicles (trips)per day. The minimum distance from the street right-of-way line at any driveway to any interior service drive or parking space shall be 50 feet,measured on a line perpendicular to the street right-of-way line. Intermediate driveways shall provide minimum ingress lanes 13 feet wide and minimum egress lanes 12 feet wide. Where left and right turn egress is allowed, dual egress lanes may be provided and marked appropriately for use and left and right turn lanes. Intermediate driveways shall provide minimum pavement return radii of 30 feet. Intermediate driveways may have left and turn lanes and/or median modifications as required by the City Engineer. c) Ma'or dry ivew A major driveway is one that serves an average daily traffic volume in excess of 2,000 vehicles (trips)per day. The minimum distance from the street right-of-way line at any driveway to any interior service drive or parking space shall be 100 feet,measured on a line perpendicular to the street right-of-way line. Major driveways shall provide minimum ingress lanes 14 feet wide and minimum egress lanes 12 feet wide. Where left and right turn egress is allowed, dual egress lanes shall be provided and marked appropriately for use as left and right turn lanes. Intermediate driveways shall provide minimum pavement return radii of 40 feet. Major driveways shall have left and right turn lanes and/or median modifications as required by the City Engineer. C. TURN LANE REQUIREMENTS FOR DRIVEWAYS: L Left turn lanes,: A 12 foot wide left turn lane with appropriate storage and transitions shall be provided at each driveway where inbound peak hour left turning traffic is 30 vehicles or more. This requirement may be waived by the City Engineer when, in his opinion,the speed and volume of opposing traffic is not sufficient to require a left turn lane,or where prior reviews have no requirement. 2. Right turn lanes: A 12 foot wide right turn lane with appropriate storage and transition shall be provided at each driveway where the street average daily traffic (AADT)volumes exceed 10,000 vehicles (trips)per day,and 4-S driveway volume exceed 1,000 vehicle(trips)per day, with at least 75 right turns inbound within the peak hour. D. TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION: Traffic signalization if warranted for driveway entrance(s), and determined by the City Engineer, shall be installed at the sole expense of the project's developer. The developer will be responsible to contract and pay fpr any traffic studies deemed appropriate by the City Engineer. E. SIGNAGE: 1. Standards for conventional roadway guide signs as prescribed in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), latest edition, as published by the FHWA and AASHTO shall apply to any road or street other than an expressway(the Interstate). a) For most guide signs the legend is so variable that there can be no rigidly standardized size. Size of signs must be fixed primarily in terms of length of the message and the size of the lettering and spacing necessary for property legibility. However, for signs with standardized designs, such as route markers, street signs, etc. it is practicable to fix standard sizes which are universally accepted. In the City,the standard street name signage ranges from 24"x 6"to 3699 x 6". b) Except where otherwise specified in the MUTCD for individual signs or groups of signs or markers, guide signs on conventional roads and streets shall have a white message on a green background. Requirements for relIectorization or illumination are stated under the specific headings for individual guide signs or groups of signs in the MUTCD. C) The standard lettering for conventional roadway signs is uppercase letters. For guide signs with varying legend, sign legibility is a direct function of letter size. However,when letter height exceeds 8 inches,placing names on guide signs should be composed of lower-case letters with an initial upper-case letter. For abbreviations,refer to the Federal Highway Administration (FHA)'s "Standard Alphabets for Highway Signs and Pavement Markings" guidelines. For generally accepted signage and traffic markings used in the State for Florida,refer to FDOT Standard Indexes 9535 through 17360. d) The size standards set forth are related to the type of roadway and/or street rather than to variable speeds on any class of 4-9 highways. The minimum sizes specified should be exceeded where conditions indicate a need for greater legibility. 2. Standards for private developments or special signage for gathering areas or off-street parking areas shall follow the requirements as set forth in LDR Chapter 21 (Signs),Article I(In General),Article III(Special Conditions),and Article IV(Signs Allowed). IX. STANDARD DETAILS [SEE SEPARATE LISTING FOR THIS SECTION] 4- 10 STORMWATER SYSTEM, DESIGN CRITERIA I CHAPTER FIVE - STORMWATER SYSTEM X. DESIGN CRITERIA A. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT: 1. Minimum required improvements: The following shall be the minimum required improvements for all developments to provide the level of service required to support the goals and objectives of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES)and the criteria of the South Florida Water Management District(SFWMD). a) A complete, fully functional tertiary stormwater drainage system, including necessary lot grading, ditches, canals, swales, storm sewers,drain inlets, manholes,headwalls, endwalls, culverts, and other appurtenances, shall be required for the positive drainage of stormwater runoff in conformance with the approved drainage plans. b) A complete and fully functional secondary stormwater system shall be required in conformance with the approved stormwater management plan. C) A means to convey all stormwater discharge from the development site to at least one (1)point of legal positive outfall shall be provided as an integral part of the required stormwater management system, including construction of all necessary conveyance facilities and establishment of appropriate easements for operation and maintenance of said off-site facilities. d) Adequate physical and legal means shall be provided to ensure the continued conveyance of all pre-development flow of surface waters into or through the development site from adjacent lands. Unless otherwise specified by ordinance, regulation, or condition of development approval, such conveyance may be accomplished by incorporating the inflow into the on-site stormwater management system or diverting the inflow to its pre-development location of outflow from the development site, including construction of all necessary conveyance facilities and establishment of appropriate easements to accommodate said inflow. e) All facilities necessary to meet requirements for stormwater treatment, off-site discharge control, and conveyance of existing inflows applicable to that portion of the site under construction 5 - 1 must be in place and operational at the time of commencement of construction of required improvements,and shall be maintained by the developer until such time that all required improvements are complete and approved.. 2. General criteria: Secondary and tertiary stormwater facilities for each subdivision, and for each lot, street, and other development site within the subdivision, shall be designed and constructed so as to: a) Prevent flooding and inundation to a degree consistent with levels of protection, adopted by the City, for buildings, streets,lots, parking areas,recreational areas, and open space; b) Maintain stormwater runoff rates at levels compatible with safe conveyance and/or storage capacities of drainage facilities and established legal limits applicable to receiving waters at the point of discharge; C) Mitigate degradation of water quality and contravention of applicable state water quality standards in surface and groundwater receiving stormwater runoff; d) Provide facilities for conveyance to legal positive outfall of all allowable discharges of stormwater runoff from each development site without causing or contributing to inundation of adjacent lands; e) Provide for continued conveyance of pre-development stormwater runoff and surface waters that flow into or through the development site from adjacent lands; f) Provide for long-term, low maintenance, low cost operation by normal operating and maintenance methods; g) Provide for necessary maintenance of the pre-development range of groundwater levels to prevent adverse impacts on land uses and water resources of the development site and adjacent lands; and h) Promote percolation,recharge, and reuse of storrawater. 3. Hydrologic desi data:Unless otherwise specified by a particular design or performance standard, or approved by the Division based on justification submitted by the developer's engineer for an individual case, hydraulic and hydrologic data used in design of stormwater management facilities shall be based on: 5-2 a) Rainfall intensity-duration-frequency curves for FDOT-Zone 10; b) Rainfall hyetographs of 24-hour total rainfall as published in South Florida Water Management District-Management and Storage of Surface Waters Permit Information Manual-Volume N; c) Rainfall quantity(or intensity)vs.time distribution in accordance with those published by SFWMD,FDOT, or the SCS - Type II (South Florida Modified)distribution; d) Post-development runoff characteristics, such as slopes, available soil storage, runoff coefficients, ground cover, channelization, and overland flow routing, applicable to the development site and contributory off-site areas after complete development has occurred; e) Maximum operating tailwater elevations at the outlet of each conveyance or discharge facility, determined as the maximum hourly average receiving water surface elevation resulting from a 24-hour duration rainfall with a return period equal to that of the design storm applicable to the facility, or as otherwise established by the agency having operational jurisdiction over the receiving water elevation. 4. Design flood elevation determination: Unless otherwise specified by a particular design or performance standard,the 100-year flood elevation applicable to a development site shall be determined as the highest of: a) The base flood elevation specified for the area of development located within zones designated A, AH, or Al-30 as delineated on the appropriate Federal Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM); b) The wind or current driven wave elevation specified for the area of development located within zones designated V1-V30 as delineated on the appropriate FIRM; c) The inundation elevation obtained by adding the depth of shallow flooding to the area-weighted mean pre-development elevation of the area of development located within zones designated AO as delineated on the appropriate FIRM; d) The 100-year inundation elevation established by SFWMD within specific sub-areas of the C-15 Canal and C-16 Canal watersheds pursuant to Chapter 40E-41,F.A.C.; or 5-3 e) Where not otherwise established by Chapter 40E-41, F.A.C.,or by a City drainage plan adopted pursuant to the Comprehensive Plan, the maximum inundation elevation resulting from the total on-site storage of runoff produced by the 100-year, 3-day rainfall event assuming fully developed site conditions and no discharge of surface water from the development site. 5. Tertia, stormwater system desi ri,andperformance: The tertiary system shall consist of all drainage features such as storm sewerage, swales, gutter, culverts, ditches, erosion protection,and site grading necessary for the immediate drainage and rapid removal of stormwater from building sites, streets, and areas of other land uses subject to damage or disruption by inundation in accordance with acceptable levels of service as established by the City's drainage plan. a) Lot and buildm-g s tewwdraina q: In order to provide for such levels of service,tertiary drainage for lots and buildings shall meet the following minimum requirements: 1) The minimum finished floor elevation of the principal building(s)to be constructed on a lot or portion thereof shall be at or above the 100-year flood elevation applicable to the building site. 2) Site grading immediately adjacent to the perimeter of each building shall be sloped so as to drain away from the structure. However,under no condition will a site(or lot) be allowed to be graded to drain to any adjacent privately held property. 3) Each single family residential lot shall be graded to drain along or within its property lines to the street or parking area providing immediate access,unless adequate common drainage facilities in expressed drainage easements with an established maintenance entity are provided to accommodate alternative drainage grading. 4) Each residual lot with gross area of one-quarter acre or less shall have a finished grade not lower than the maximum water surface elevation produced by the 3-year, 24-hour rainfall event in any detention or retention facility receiving stormwater runoff from the lot. 5) Each residential lot with a gross area greater than one- quarter acre shall have a finished grade as specified in Sec. X.A.5.a.iv.within twenty(20)feet of any principal 5-4 building site. The remainder of the lot shall be graded at sufficient elevation to ensure that inundation does not persist for more than eight(S)hours following cessation of the 3-year,24-hour rainfall event, unless such area is designated for stormwater management purposes and included in an expressed easement for drainage, floodplain, or the like. b) Minor street drainage: Except as provided in Sec. X.A.5.c.,minor streets shall have tertiary drainage meeting or exceeding the following minimum requirements: 1) The minimum edge of pavement elevation of any street section shall be no Iower than two (2) feet above the control elevation of any detention or retention facility receiving runoff from the section. 2) Roadside swales shall conform to applicable City standards and shall be designed and constructed such that: (a) The flowline gradient is at least 0.32%, but not greater than 2.4%, unless approved erosion protection is provided; (b) The flowline gradient is equal to or slightly exceeds the longitudinal gradient of adjacent pavement; (c) The water surface elevation of swale flow resulting from peak runoff based on the 3-year rainfall event shall not exceed the adjacent edge of pavement at any point along the swale run.. However, at least one storm sewer inlet or other acceptable discharge facility shall be provided for every six hundred (600) linear feet of swale, and no single swale run shall exceed four hundred(400) feet to an inlet; and (d) The soil adjacent to each inlet is protected from local scour by installation of a four(4)foot wide perimeter apron of sod or concrete. 3) Curb and gutter drainage shall conform to applicable City standards and shall be designed and constructed such that: (a) The flowline gradient is at least 0.24%; 5 -5 (b) The water surface elevation of flow resulting from peak runoff based on the 3-year rainfall event shall not exceed the adjacent centerline elevation of pavement at any point. However, at least one storm sewer inlet or other acceptable discharge facility shall be provided for every six hundred(500) linear feet of pavement, and no single gutter run shall exceed four hundred(400)feet to an inlet; and (c) Surface flow of runoff across street intersections is prevented by provision of corner inlets and cross drains or by grading of gutters to flow away from the intersection. C) Non-Plan collector street drainage:Non-Plan collector streets shall have tertiary drainage meeting all appropriate requirements for minor streets except that: 1) Conveyance capacity of road drainage facilities shall be based on peak runoff resulting from the 5-year rainfall event; and 2) The water surface elevation of gutter flow resulting from peak runoff based on the 5-year rainfall event shall not exceed the adjacent centerline elevation of the outermost travel lane at any point. d) Parking tract and 1 arking area draingo:Each residential parking area serving three or more dwelling units and all non-residential parking areas shall have a finished grade elevation not lower than the maximum water surface elevation produced by the 3-year,24- hour rainfall event in any retention,detention, or conveyance facility receiving stormwater runoff from the lot. However,where detention or retention is provided by subsurface exfrltration systems the finished grade shall be no lower than the maximum storage elevation produced by the 5-year, 24-hour event. Storm sewerage: Storm sewerage shall be designed and e) Sto constructed so as to meet or exceed the following requirements: 1) Where not otherwise specified, all storm sewer system capacity design shall,at a minimum,provide for conveyance of peak inflow from the applicable catchment, based on the 3-year rainfall event, such that the hydraulic gradient elevation does not exceed the grate or cover 5-6 elevation at any inlet or manhole ander tailwater conditions pursuant to Sec. X.A.3.e. 2) Inlet times assumed for determining required street drainage system capacity shall not exceed ten (10) minutes, unless adequate justification for use of longer times is submitted. 3) Storm sewer pipe shall have a nominal diameter of not less than fifteen(15) inches, or equivalent oval pipe size. 4) Storm sewerage shall be designed to attain flow velocities of not less than two and one half(2.5) feet per second in all pipe runs serving two (2)or more inlets, nor greater than ten(10)feet per second in any pipe run. 5) A suitable access structure such as a manhole,junction box, or inlet must be installed at each junction or change in pipe size, slope, or direction. 6) The maximum pipe run between access structures shall be: 300 ft. for 15" and 18"pipe 400 ft. for 24"to 36"pipe 500 ft. for 42" and larger pipe. 7) All pipe used in the storm sewer system shall be either reinforced concrete, metal or HDPE pipe covered by and conforming to current ASTM,AASHTO, or ANSI standard specifications for materials and fabrication of barrel and joints, and shall meet current FDOT standard specifications and policies applicable to the intended use. 8) Concrete pipe shall have gasket joints. 9) When metal pipe is used beneath pavement within a street, it shall be designed to provide a joint-free installation or, where joint-free installations are not feasible, shall be jointed with a twelve-inch wide band having a mastic or neoprene gasket providing a watertight joint. Other jointing techniques meeting or exceeding these requirements may be used upon submittal to and approval by the Division. 10) All pipe used in storm sewer systems within a tract development may include corrugated polyethylene pipe 5 -7 (double wall), covered by and conforming to current ASTM,AASHTO or ANSI standard specifications for materials and fabrication of barrel and joints,and shall meet current FDOT standard specifications and policies applicable to the intended use. 11) Drainage pipe shall be fitted with headwalls,endwalls, inlets and other appropriate terminating and intermediate structures. Structure design shall meet or exceed City standards. 6. Secoq4. stormwerforrrfance: The secondary system, including all facilities and appurtenant structures for detention, retention, discharge, and conveyance to legal positive outfall, shall be designed and constructed to provide the degree of treatment and control of all stormwater runoff discharged from a development site necessary to meet the requirements of the agency having jurisdiction over receiving waters at each point of legal positive outfall. a) In addition to requirements expressly stated herein: I) Secondary facilities for each residential, commercial, and industrial development exempt from South Florida Water Management District permitting pursuant to Chapters 40E- 4, 40E-40,or 40E-41, F.A.C., shall meet all requirements of issuance of the applicable permit; and 2) Secondary facilities for each residential, commercial, and industrial development exempt from South Florida Water Management District permitting pursuant to Chapter 40E-4, F.A.C.,except for a individual residential lot containing not more than two (2)dwelling units, shall be designed and constructed on site, or otherwise be provided through authorized connection to off-site secondary facilities, so as to limit the discharge rate at the point of legal positive outfall.to not more than the peak runoff rate produced by the site under pre-development conditions for both the 3- year, 1-hour and the 25-year, 72-hour rainfall events, and either: (a) Detain the greater of the first one (1)inch of runoff or the total runoff from the 3-year, 1-hour rainfall event; or (b) Retain the initial portion of runoff in an amount equal to one-half of that required to be detained. 5-8 b) No discharge of stormwater runoff resulting from rainfall up to and including the 25-year, 72-hour event shall take place from a development site except by means of one or more approved discharge structures, other than those existing inflows from off-site for which separate, approved means of conveyance through the site have been provided. c) Facilities for conveyance of dischi%rge to each point of legal positive outfall shall be designed and constructed with adequate capacity to accommodate the combined flow from the applicable discharge structure(s) and all inflows from other contributory areas resulting from the 25-year, 72-hour rainfall event without overflow to adjacent lands. d) Except where bulkheading is approved in accordance with the City's Land Development Regulations, Chapter 6,Required Improvements, each wet detention/retention facility designed for storage of stormwater runoff in an open impoundment shall have: I Side slopes no steeper than 4(H): I(V) extending to a depth of at least two(2) feet below the design control elevation; 2) Side slopes no steeper than 2(H): I(V) from two (2)feet below control elevation to the bottom of the facility; and 3) A continuous berm, at least twenty(20) feet wide with a cross-slope no steeper than 8(H): 1(V), graded adjacent to the shoreline. Where said be abuts any residential lot, it shall be graded at an elevation not lower than the maximum design water surface elevation resulting from the 3-ye , 24-hour rainfall event. Along portions of the impoundment where the design water surface is less than forty(40)feet wide at control elevation, a berm shall be required on only one side,provided that adequate legal and physical access is established from a minor street to each separate segment of the remaining berm. e) Dry detention/retention facilities designed for storage in open impoundments shall have side slopes no steeper than 4(H): 1(V). f) All normally exposed side slopes and maintenance berms of open impoundments shall be fully grassed or otherwise protected from erosion. g) Each piped inlet to an open impoundment shall have a concrete or sand-cement rip-rap endwall designed and constructed with a 5-9 suitable foundation for installation on the slope or bed of the impoundment as applicable. However,the endwall may be eliminated on inlets to wet detention impoundments where the pipe is installed with the crown at least two (2)feet below the control elevation and with the pipe invert protruding as least two (2)feet beyond the side slope. h) Stormwater runoff from pavement,roofs, and unpaved areas of compacted soil surfaces with no significant vegetative cover shall be directed over grassed,pervious soil surfaces as diffused flow prior to entering wet detention/retention facilities or dry detention facilities in order to promote infiltration,particulate deposition, nutrient removal,and interception of debris or other undesirable material which may overload,pass through, cause nuisance conditions in, or increase maintenance needs of said facilities. i) In order to protect against over-drainage of surrounding lands,no control elevation shall be lower than the pre-development average annual mean water table elevation of the detention facility site. 7. Drainage andmaintenance access rights: a) Each secondary system facility for detention or retention of stormwater runoff in an open impoundment shall be placed entirely within a water management tract dedicated or deeded to an acceptable entity responsible for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system. b) Except as otherwise provided pursuant to this article,there is hereby required around each water management tract established for purposes of wet detention or retention in an open impoundment a lake maintenance easement a minimum of twenty(20)feet in width and graded at a slope no steeper than 8 (H): 1 (V), coinciding with the required maintenance berm. The width of the easement shall be measured from the point at which the grade is not steeper than 8 (H): 1 (V). Lake maintenance from an abutting local street may be permitted by the Division in accordance with good engineering practices. Access to a lake maintenance easement from at least one (1) local street shall be established as part of said easement or,when necessary, by separate expressed easement or other instrument of record. A lake maintenance easement shall be required on only one(1) side of the water body or water management tract where the water surface at control elevation does not exceed forty(44) feet in width; provided, however,that elimination of said easement does not isolate any remaining lake maintenance easement from proper access. If the s - ia water surface at the control elevation is greater than forty (40)feet wide,a lake maintenance easement shall be required on both sides. No lake maintenance easement shall be required behind bulkheads; provided, however, an easement not less than ten (10)feet in width shall be provided behind bulkheads where necessary to provide access to outfalls and, further,that elimination of said portion of lake maintenance easement does not result in isolating any remaining lake maintenance easement from required access. In a residential subdivision, lake maintenance easements, including required access, shall be established over common areas only, and shall not encroach residential lots. C) Drainage easements: Drainage easements shall be provided where necessary at a width adequate to accommodate the drainage facilities. A minimum width of twelve(12) feet shall be provided for underground storm drainage installations. Where swales are used,the width shall be adequate to accommodate the entire design section between tops of slope. Where canals or ditches are permitted,the width shall be adequate to accommodate drainage facilities plus twenty (20) feet on one side for maintenance purposes. Drainage easements shall be provided to accommodate existing drainage of surface waters from offsite contributory areas. When a subdivision is traversed by existing canals,watercourses, streams, drainage ways or channels,there shall be provided a drainage easement or right-of-way conforming substantially with the lines of such watercourse and of such further width or construction or both as may be needed for access,maintenance, and floodplain purposes. $. Certificate of co Aiance for lots: When the finished lot grading required by the City's Land Development Regulations and Section X.A.5.d)above, is to be completed in conjunction with building construction,prior to issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy the developer shall submit to the Building Official,a Certificate of Compliance from a Florida registered professional surveyor, engineer, or landscape architect. Such statement shall be in a form approved by the City's Building Division and shall state that lot grading was done in accordance with either the approved grading plan for the subdivision or, in the absence of each plan, in accordance with the applicable requirements of City's Land Development Regulations and Section X.A.5.d) above. B. DREDGE FILL AND CONSTRUCTION IN WATERS OF'ISE STATE: I. Applicability: Subdivision of lands containing or abutting existing or proposed waters of the State, including canals, lakes, streams, and 5 - 11 wetlands, shall comply with and conform to the requirements of this subsection. 2. Easements or rips-of-wad: Where land within a proposed subdivision abuts existing or proposed waters of the State,there shall be provided a floodway or floodplain easement or a drainage right-of-way conforming substantially with the lines of such water course or water body and of such further width or construction or both as will be adequate for the puLpose. Additional easement or right-of-way width may be required where it is necessary for maintenance, safety and convenience. Each required easement and right-of-way shall be deeded or dedicated to an appropriate public agency. Maintenance responsibility and use limitations applicable to said easements and rights-of-way, or any facilities placed therein, shall be in accordance with all applicable permit conditions and shall be stated or referenced by note on the appropriate plat(s). 3. Permits: Where proposed dredging or filling affects waters of the State or sovereign land, said activities shall be approved by the governing agency having jurisdiction in such matters. Prior to the construction of any seawall,bulkhead, dock or pier, a construction permit shall be obtained from the City's Building Division or Engineering Division, in addition to all required permits or expressed exemption from permitting for construction in waters of the State. C. ALTERNATE DESIGN CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS,AND TYPESF MATERIALS: 1. Applicability:Alternate designs,construction standards,and types of materials which, in the opinion of the Division,are equal or superior to those specified may be approved in accordance with this subsection. 2. Contents of a ,lication: The application shall be submitted in a form established by the Division prescribed in the Appendix of this Handbook, and made available to the public. Said application shall be accompanied by written data,calculations and analysis, and drawings which are necessary to show,by accepted engineering principles,that the proposed alternates are equal or superior to those specified, or are necessary due to environmental considerations. Within forty-five (45)days of receipt of such application,the Division shall either approve or deny the application and shall advise the developer's engineer and the developer in writing of the decision. D. STORMWATER SYSTEM CONSTRUCTION: 1. Gray a stormwater line construction: 5- 12 s a) Installation: Gravity stormwater lines shall be laid accurately to both line and grade. The Division will generally not accept any line laid with a slope varying by more than 15%of its design slope, especially for lines laid at minimum gradients where scouring velocity cannot be achieved. The Division reserves the right to independently verify questionable as-built survey results. Visible leakage (unless designed for a percolation system), deflections, horizontal misalignment,,.vertical joint sagging shall be grounds for rejection of the storm lines. The minimum design depth of a stormwater line shall be 4.0 feet to invert. The minimum cover over the stormwater line shall be 2.2 feet. Prior approval shall be obtained if either of these minimums cannot be met. Trenches and excavations shall be kept dry while work is in progress. The contractor shall be responsible to ensure that all safety requirements are met. Unsuitable material such as boulders and logs shall be removed from the site. The pipe barrel shall be uniformly supported along its entire length on undisturbed soil or bedding material. Proper bedding shall be supplied if the existing material includes rock, organic material or other sharp or unsuitable material. b) Inlets: Inlets (and catch basins) shall be set according to construction plans and shall be precast in accordance with approved shop drawings and specification detail drawings accompanying this text. The bottom inverts shall be carefully shaped to conform to the pipe flow channel where possible (providing that the inlet is not the sump type)on all in-line structures. Where roadway inlets are design into the stormwater management system,the construction of the structures (including grates and frames) shall be in accordance with the FDOT Standard Index drawings for the designated structure on the plans, and be constructed in accordance with said FDOT Specifications, 2000, Section 425 and ASTM C478. When percolation inlets are called for on the plans, they shall be the required FDOT Specifications type inlet modified to allow for either horizontal or vertical perforated CMP as shown on the inlet detail,backfilled.with granular material(ballast rock)to the designated depth. c) Manholes: Manholes shall be set according to the construction plans and shall be precast reinforced concrete storm sewer manholes as indicated on the plans, complying with ASTM C478, 5 - 13 and in accordance with approved shop drawings and specification detail drawings accompanying this text. The manhole invert shall be carefully shaped to conform to the pipe flow channel. Flow channels with the manholes involving changes of direction or side slopes shall smoothly direct the flow in accordance with detail drawings. Precast concrete tap, of concentric cone, eccentric cone,or flat slab reinforced top type, and indicated on the plans shall be in accordance with the FDOT Standard Index details. Precast concrete base,with base riser section and separate base slab, or base riser section with integral floor as shown on the plan details and having shop drawing approval shall be the only structure component permitted. All concrete irregularities shall be plastered with cement mortar in such a manner as to give a neat and water-tight product. Manholes shall be core-drilled to provide a pipe opening when a precast hole is not available. Ram-nek or equivalent shall be used at all riser joints. Structures with any leakage will not be accepted. Ductile-iron 26"diameter cover,heavy-duty, indented top design with lettering casted into the top reading"STORM SEWER" shall be required,unless an alternate design is approved by the Department Director. Such alternate design could be the City's logo on manhole cover in addition to the top reading. d) Materials: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,d Concrete Pipe 'LQP : The pipe shall conform 1 Reinforce with the requirements of Table III of ASTM C-76-82b,and with the FDOT Specifications, 2000, Section 941. Bell and spigot with round rubber gasket shall be required. Fittings for RCP shall be of the same strength as the adjoining pipe, tongue-and-groove gasketed joints shall comply with ASTM C-443. If slotted concrete pipe is used, the slots shall be a maximum of V wide, spaced 12"o.c. staggered on opposite sides of the pipe. The length of the slots is dependent on the pipe diameter; refer to Exfiltration Trench Detail for this dimension. 2) Corrugated Metal Pie ,CMP : The pipe shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M-196 with bituminous coating, and with the FDOT Specifications,2000, Section 5- 14 943. If aluminum pipe is used(ALCMP),the pipe shall conform with the requirements of AASHTO M-196 and to the FDOT Specifications, 2000, Section 945. Installation of Corrugated Metal Pipe: All joints on storm sewer pipe shall be made up with either 1/2"neoprene or'/4" strip sealant gasketed material. All bands shall have the same corrugated design as the pipe. Width of the bands shall be as follows: 12"up to 48"diameter pipe, 24"over 48" diameter pipe. 3) Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP): This pipe shall conform to the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C1511A21.51-86 unless otherwise noted on the plans. Glands for mechanical joints shall be of ductile iron or cast iron. Fittings shall conform to the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10-87. Flange fittings are not permitted on underground installations. Joints shall conform to the requirements of ANSI/AWWA CI I I/A21.11-85. 4) Polyyinyl Chloride Pipe (PVC): Pipe 12"or larger in diameter shall conform to the requirements as set forth in AWWA C900-81 with dimension ratio SDR 18 and ASTM D-3034-85b. The pipe shall be made of PVC plastic having a cell classification of 12454-B or 12454-C or 13364-B with a minimum tensile modulus of 3450 M Pa (500,000 PSI) as defined in ASTM D-1784. Provisions must be made for contraction and expansion at each joint, or with rubber ring and an integral bell as part of each joint, or by a rubber ring sealed coupling. Clean, reworked material generated from the manufacturers own pipe production may be used. Fittings shall be cast or ductile iron. Pipe shall have cast iron pipe equivalent outside dimensions. 5) Corru hated Pol eth°ylene PiPemm(CPEP :Provide high density corrugated polyethylene or heavy duty polyethylene (HDPE) smooth interior pipe with annular exterior corrugations. Provide pipe fittings and accessories of same material and weight/class as pipes,with adjoining method as indicated. All roof drain connections shall be made with a pre-manufactured welded tee fitting. All materials shall comply with AASHTO MP-6, ASTM D-2412, and/or AASHTO M-294, Type S, or M-252. All pipe and fittings shall be"N-12, HC 42 or 48"HDPE" as 5- 15 manufactured by Advance Drainage Systems, Inc., "HI-Q" as manufactured by Handor, Inc.,or as approved by the City Engineer. e) Exfiltration Trench: The exfiltration trench(or drainfield)may use either slotted concrete pipe,perforated metal pipe or perforated PVC or CPEP pipe as the distribution conduit within the trench. Pipe shall terminate 12 inches from the end of the trench rock or connect to an additional inlet as required(see plan detail for configuration). Cover pipe ends with#10 galvanized or aluminum screen. The openings in the end screens shall be no larger than 1/2" square. Trench rock shall be 3/4"washed ballast rock. The trench shall be lined on all sides with a plastic filter blanket(geotextile fabrics)and shall comply with FDOT Specifications, 2000, Sections 514 and 985. f) Outfalls: Construct cast-in-place or precast concrete as indicated on the plans,with reinforced headwall, apron, and tapered sides. Provide rip-rap as indicated to prevent washout of outfall discharge. g) Inspection: Initial piping interior inspection shall be made after lines between catch basins and manhole,or manhole locations, have been installed and approximately two (2) feet of backfill is in place,and again at completion of the installation. Lamping of the completed stormwater system will be performed after complete backfilling,the paving of the roadway base, and accurate record drawings are received. The Tamping will determine that the lines have been laid to accurate line and grade. At the time of lamping, the line shall be clean and dry. A final inspection will be held after the roadway is completed to verify that the system has not been damaged. All lines and appurtenances not meeting specifications or reasonable standards shall be repaired or replaced. If inspection indicates poor alignment, debris,displaced pipe, infiltration or other defects,the contractor shall correct such defects and a re- inspection shall be performed. 2. Trenching and retention areas: Perform all excavation of every description and of whatever substances encountered,to depths indicated on the plans or as specified. During excavation,pile material suitable for backfilling in an orderly manner a sufficient distance from banks of trench to avoid overloading and to prevent slides or cave-ins. OSHA Trench Safety Compliance: The use of trench box or other 5- 1s approved.means to comply with the Florida Trench Safety Act (Chapter 90-96,Laws of Florida), and OSHA Trench Safety Standards, shall be used where excavation exceed five(5) feet in depth. Remove all waste and excavated materials not required or suitable for backfill. Do such grading as may be necessary to prevent surface water from flowing into trenches of other excavations, and remove any water accumulating therein by pumping or by other approved methods. Do such sheeting and shoring as may be necessary for protection of work and for safety of personnel. Acquire all local permits necessary for dewatering operations and disposal of water. a) Trench excavation: Provide trenches of minimum necessary width for proper laying of pipe. Accurately grade bottom of trenches to provide uniform bearing and support for each section of pipe on undisturbed soil at every point along its entire length, except for portions of pipe sections where it is necessary for bell holes and for proper sealing of pipe joints. Dig bell holes and depressions for joints after trench bottom has been graded and only of such length,depth,and width as required for properly making particular type of joint, so that pipe rests on prepared bottom for as nearly to its full length as practical. Except where rock is encountered,take care not to excavate below depths indicated. Where rock excavation is required, excavate to a minimum overhead of 8"below trench depths indicated on drawings or specified. Backfill over-depths in rock excavation with loose, granular, moist earth which shall be thoroughly tamped. Where wet or unstable soil that is incapable of properly supporting the pipe, as determined by the Division is encountered in the trench,remove such soil to depth required by the Division and backfill trench to proper grade with appropriate material, as specified. Do not make widths of trenches for drainage pipe greater than necessary to permit satisfactory jointing and thorough tamping of bedding material around pipe. Prepare bedding surface to provide firm foundation of uniform density throughout entire length of culvert or storm sewer. Carefully shape and round bottom of trench to a shape of lowest S/4 of the outside circular portion of pipe for its entire length. When over-excavation occurs,place a minimum of 4" of sand, stone or gravel below the pipe, then 6" lifts of backfill material, hand placed,to approximately two-thirds 5- 17 of the pipe diameter and compact. b) Protection or removal of utility lines:Prior to construction,the contractor shall locate and adequately uncover existing utilities, (within the path of the proposed work),to determine possible conflicts. Information provided on the plans may be used as an approximate guide to assist the contractor,however,the contractor shall rely on actual field investigation to assure that all of the existing utilities are accurately located prior to commencement of his work. Existing structures reflect the best available information, but it shall be the contractor's responsibility to acquaint himself with all information and to avoid conflict with existing conditions. Protect all existing utility lines that are to be retained, or utility lines constructed during excavation operations, from damage during excavation and back-filling; if damaged,repair shall be at contractor's expense. C) Detention/retention facility:Each wet detention/retention (impoundment)facility designed for storage of stormwater runoff in an open impoundment shall have side slopes no steeper than 4(H):1(V) extending to a depth of at least two (2)feet below the design control elevation;the side slopes no steeper than 2(H):1(V) from the two (2)feet below the control elevation to the bottom of the facility. There shall be a continuous maintenance berm at least twenty(20)feet wide with a cross-slope no steeper than 8(H):I(V), graded adjacent to the top of the bank of the facility. The area between design control elevation and the top of bank,and from the top of bank to a minimum of twenty(20) feet landward of the detention/retention facility shall be sodded, or seeded and mulched,anchored with a jute matting,to insure stabilization of the facility slopes until maturity of the ground cover protection intended for this purpose, or otherwise protected from erosion. Dry detention/retention facilities designed for storage in open impoundments shall have side slopes not steeper than 4(H):I(V), and shall be fully grassed or otherwise protected from erosion. Each pipe inlet to an open impoundment shall have a concrete or sand-cement rip-rap endwall designed and constructed with suitable foundation for installation on the slope or bed of the impoundment as applicable. However,the endwall requirement may be eliminated on inlets to wet detention/retention impoundments where the pipe is installed with the crown at least two (2)feet below the control elevation and with the pipe invert protruding at least two (2)feet beyond the side slope. 5- 18 3. Control elevation structures: a) Modified FDOT Type "E"Inlet with weir: 1) A Type"E"inlet with a concrete weir wall constructed along the longitudinal axis shall be constructed. The weir wall may either be precast separately from the inlet structure and inserted into the structure, or as an integral part of the structure. A detailed shop drawing will be required reflecting how the weir wall is to be constructed. A sump opening shall be precast into the intake side of the control structure. This opening is to be an 8"x 8" square, centered on the baffle side of the weir. The grate shall be chained to the structure in accordance with FDOT Standard Index No. 201. 2) The weir wall shall incorporate the bleed down orifice (usually consisting of a 6"high by 6"wide inverted triangular notch,the bottom point being set at the normal control elevation). On the inlet side of the wall, a half- round corrugated aluminum pipe (CAP)baffle shall be installed, extending 6"above the top of the triangular notch to 6"below the bottom of the triangular notch. The top of the weir wall shall be set at the design elevation,the top shall be between 6"and 12" below the bottom of the inlet grate. b) Modified FDOT Type"C"Inlet with skimmer& orifice: 1) A Type"C" inlet with a 6" inverted triangular orifice at the design control elevation shall be precasted. The grate and frame shall be the Irving Q steel grate or approved equivalent as set forth in the FDOT Standard Drawing Index for this structure. 2) A 3116"aluminum plate skimmer shall be fabricated in a rectangular shape that will stand off of the inlet structure by 6", extend above the top of the inlet structure by 6"and extend below the bottom of the precasted inverted triangular orifice of the inlet structure by 6". It shall be fastened to the inlet structure by the installation of a bracket (consisting of two aluminum angles 5"x 5"x%")which are welded to the skimmer, bolted together and anchor bolted into the inlet structure at 12"o.c. There shall be two (2)brackets on each side of the inlet structure. All bolts and anchors shall be %z" diameter stainless steel. 5 - 19 A shop drawing shall be submitted and approved prior to the fabrication of the skimmer. 3) Outfall pipe shall be as called for on the design plans. The exit of the outfall pipe into the receiving waters shall terminate via a headwall,endwall, or submerged pipe extension beyond the water body earthen bank. c) MOT Type"C"or"E" Inlet discharge stracture: This structure is a free-standing structure within a water body. 1) On-site storage elevation shall be for the greater of the first one-inch(1") of runoff or total runoff produced by 3-year, 1-hour rainfall event from the total area drained by the outfall connection. 2) Peak on-site storage elevation for runoff produced by the 3- year,24-hour rainfall event from the total area drained by the outfall connection shall be considered; it shall not exceed the hydraulic gradient line elevation for the design peak flow at the point of connection to the receiving water body system. 3) The top of the control structure will be set for the peak on- site storage elevation produced by the 25-year, 3-day rainfall event,not to exceed the lower of site perimeter berm elevation or the outside pavement edge elevation of a thoroughfare street. d) Erosion and sedimentation requirements: 1) The contractor shall make every effort during construction to control wind and water erosion of the soil on site. 2) The contractor shall control excessive runoff from the project by excavating the proposed swale areas during the preliminary,cleaning and grubbing operation of the project. 3) Should the site become excessively dry, and wind and soil erosion becomes prevalent and/or a nuisance, the contractor shall water and/or seed and mulch the area, and/or provide erosion control fencing as necessary. 4) Type I bale barriers shall be placed around all existing ditch bottom inlets in accordance with MOT Standard Index No. 102. 5 -20 4. Pre-construction conference: A pre-work conference is required before the start of any new construction. Refer to previous reference for pre-work checklist. E. STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT: 1. Pu ose and Intent: Pursuant to the Federal Water Quality Act of 1987, and its regulatory requirements to meet the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES) criteria,the City has established regulations to promote the health, safety and general welfare in order to comply with the federal and state law and promulgated regulations regarding water quality within the City's jurisdiction. These regulations are located in Chapter 26 (Water, Sewers and City Utilities),Article VI(Storrnwater System), Section 26-300, et seq., of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Stormwater systems of conveyances used for collecting, storing and transporting stormwater runoff into facilities owned by the City of Boynton Beach (but not including any facilities intended to be used in accordance with applicable law for collecting and transporting sanitary or other wastewater),which are in violation of any federal, state, county, city of other law,rule or regulation are prohibited without a discharge permit issued by the City. This includes any industrial activity stormwater runoff from sites generating runoff which require a permit in accordance with the applicable law(s). Any person or firm who holds an NPDES permit shall provide a copy of such permit to the City Engineer no later than sixty(60)calendar days after the issuance of this permit. 2. Illicit discharges. spills and dum,in�s: Any stormwater discharges into facilities owned by the City that are not entirely composed of stormwater is prohibited. This means that discharges containing any sewage, industrial waste or other waste materials, or containing any materials in violation of federal, state, county, municipal, or other laws, rules, regulations, orders or permits, is prohibited. If any person becomes aware of any prohibited discharges into a stormwater system,that person shall notify Code Compliance of such discharge, and if such person is directly or indirectly responsible for such discharge,that person shall also take immediate action to ensure the containment and cleanup of such discharge is implemented and that the action taken reported to Code Compliance. 3. Inspections and monitoring: Whenever it is necessary to make an inspection to enforce any of the City's regulations or permit conditions s-21 issued, or whenever an authorized official has reasonable cause to believe there exists a condition constituting a violation of any of the permit provisions issued for a particular site,the authorized official(with proper identification)may enter any property,building or facility at any reasonable time to inspect the same or to perform any duty related to enforcement of the permit provisions. If any random sampling and sampling in areas with evidence of stoinwater contamination,non-stormwater discharges or similar factors are suspected,any authorized official may establish on any property such devices as are necessary to conduct sampling or metering of discharges to the stormwater systems owned by the City. 4. Permit Application: Submit four(4)copies of the Permit and Application form(refer to the City's Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards,Appendix Exhibit"W'),along with four(4) copies of the following: a) A neatly drawn site plan showing: 1) Property boundaries and dimensions; 2) The name and location of any adjoining streets or roads; 3) Location and dimensions of any improvements including buildings, docks,paved or limerock areas,pipes, ditches, etc. (distinguish between existing and proposed improvements; 4) For projects involving dredging or filling in wetlands or work in uplands: arrows indicating the direction of drainage from the proposed improvements; 5) All impervious areas and pervious areas (indicate their size [in square feet]); 6) Dimensions for all proposed works; b) A topographic map showing the site boundaries and a minimum of 300 feet adjacent thereto; c) A street map showing the location of the proposed project site, with written directions and addresses (if applicable); d) Information that shows that the applicant qualifies for the storm- water discharge permit and that the application addresses all the parameters and thresholds required in the design criteria and general requirements of the permit; e) Documentation of ownership evidencing that applicant(either owner or authorized agent)owns the property that is subject to the 5-22 permit(i.e., warranty deed, etc). If authorized agent is the applicant, submit a notarized statement from the property owner signifying that the authorized agent is submitting on the property owner's behalf; f) Submit the site master stormwater management plan, including the supporting drainage calculations. 5. When PermitRgquired: A Stonnwater Discharge Permit will not be __ required from the Department if- a) fa) The subject property is a 'stand alone' (no discharge), and b) The subject property is less than 10 acres in size,and c) The subject property contains less than 2 acres of impervious area; and d) No wetland area is present; and e) No dredge and fill permit is required; and f) The subject property will be used for a single family residence or a duplex residence. State standards will have to be met which call for the retention of the first Rush(i.e.,retention of the first 1/2" of rainfall runoff)or the detention of the first V of rainfall runoff. Generally,the water quality parameters of FDEP Chapter 17-25 need to be adhered to for the head of the pipe system (inlet)and the tail of the pipe system(outlet)used in any stormwater management system. A Stormwater Discharge Permit may be required for those properties exceeding non-permit thresholds noted in the preceding paragraph, properties discharging into those water bodies(canals)being maintained by the City or City's rights-of-way, and properties being developed of an industrial nature which would manufacture and handle materials or liquids that would be deemed to generate illicit discharges,pursuant to Section X.E.2 above. 6. Other Agencies: The proposed activities may also require approval by other federal and state agencies. This Department informs other agencies about notices and permit applications received,but the responsibility for requesting approval from other agencies rest with the owner. XI. STANDARD DETAILS [SEE SEPARATE LISTING FOR THIS SECTION.] 5 . 23 ti APPENDIX J : ° INDEX OF APPENDICES f SHTS. EXHIBIT. TITLE A Abbreviations and Acronyms (Engineering& Surveying) 8 sheets B Generic General Notes 2 sheets C Generic Specific Notes 3 sheets D Generic Specifications—Paving, Drainage, Conduit and Restoration 3 sheets E Project Documentation 2 sheets F Standard Plans Acknowledgement(Submittal)Letter 1 sheet G Pre-construction Meeting Prerequisite Checklist I sheet H Contractor's License Verification 1 sheet I Record Drawing Submittal Guide 3 sheets J Engineer's Certificate of Completion 1 sheet K Surveyor's Certification 1 sheet L Application for Alternate Design to Department Construction Standards and/or Types of Materials Required 3 sheets M Hold Harmless Agreement 2 sheets N Bonding and Escrow Agreement Forms "N" Reflects where in the LDR surety is required 2 sheets "N-I" Clean Irrevocable Letter of Credit 2 sheets "N-2" Cash Bond 3 sheets "N-3" Performance Bond 4 sheets "N-4" Escrow Agreement 5 sheets l EXHIBIT "A" ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS (ENGINEERING & SURVEYING) EXTUBI 1 "All 11 ABBREVIATIONS and ACRONYMS 1st Edition Effective 03/20/98 Standard Civil Engineering and Surveying Terms ABB ABBREVIATION ACCORD ACCORDANCE ADD ADDENDUM ADJ ADJACENT AIC AIR CONDITION ALT ALTERNATE AL, ALUM ALUMINUM ALCMP ALUMINUM CORRUGATED METAL PIPE AASHTO AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS ASTM AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING MATERIALS ANCH ANCHOR A, L ANGLE APPROX APPROXIMATELY A/E ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING ARCH ARCHITECTURAL ACP ASBESTOS CONCRETE PIPE ASPH ASPHALTIC CONCRETE ASSY ASSEMBLY @ AT AVE AVENUE AVG AVERAGE ABT AUGER BORING TERMINATED BOC BACK OF CURB BL, B BASE LINE BRG BEARING B.R. BEARING REFERENCE BM BENCHMARK BETW BETWEEN BIT BITUMINOUS BCCMP BITUMINOUS COATED CORRUGATED METAL PIPE BLK BLOCK BO BLOW OFF BOT BOTTOM A- 1 BLVD BOULEVARD BLDG BUILDING BE BURIED ELECTRIC CONDUIT BT BURIED TELEPHONE CABLE CATV CABLE TELEVISION CALC CALCULATED CALIF CALIFORNIA CI CAST IRON CIP CAST IRON PIPE CB CATCH BASIN CTR CENTER CL, C CENTERLINE CLF CHAIN LINK FENCE CV CHECK VALVE CIR CIRCLE CO CLEANOUT, CHANGE ORDER COL COLUMN CCC CONCENTRIC CONC CONCRETE CBS CONCRETE BLOCK AND STUCCO C.M. CONCRETE MONUMENT CONN CONNECTION CONST CONSTRUCTION CJ CONSTRUCTION JOINT CONT CONTINUOUS CONTR CONTRACTOR CW CONTROL WATER ELEVATION COORD COORDINATE CMP CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CPEP CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE CT COURT CU FT, CF CUBIC FEET CFM CUBIC FEET PER MINUTE CFS CUBIC FEET PER SECOND CU IN CUBIC INCH CU YD, CY CUBIC YARD C&G CURB & GUTTER CRV CURVE A DELTA DEPT DEPARTMENT DERM P.B.C. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT DHW DESIGN HIGH WATER DET DETAIL A-2 DIAG DIAGONAL DIA DIAMETER DIM DIMENSION DIR DIRECT DIV DIVISION DBL DOUBLE DN DOWN DS DOWNSPOUT DE DRAINAGE EASEMENT DIF DRAINFIELD DWGS DRAWINGS DR DRIVE DIP DUCTILE IRON PIPE EA EACH ESMT,EASE EASEMENT E EAST ECC ECCENTRIC EOP,EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT EOW EDGE OF WATER ELEC ELECTRIC EHH ELECTRIC HAND HOLE EL, ELEV ELEVATION ERCP ELLIPTICAL REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE END ENDWALL, HEADWALL ENGR ENGINEER ENT ENTRANCE EQUIP EQUIPMENT EXIST,EX EXISTING EXP EXPANSION EJ EXPANSION JOINT FOC FACE OF CURB FT FEET FPS FEET PER SECOND FF FINISH FLOOR FH FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY FW FIRE WATER F.A.C. FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FB V FLORIDA BEARING VALUE FDEP FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION FDOT FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FPL FLORIDA POWER&LIGHT F.S. FLORIDA STATUTES FLR FLOOR FAR FLOOR AREA RATIO A-3 FL FLOW LINE,FLANGE, FLORIDA FTG FOOTING FM FORCE MAIN FD FOUND,FLOOR DRAIN FDN FOUNDATION FUT FUTURE GA GAGE GPD GALLONS PER DAY GPM GALLONS PER MINUTE GPS GALLONS PER SECOND GALV GALVANIZED G GAS GV GATE VALVE GEN GENERAL GRD GRADE GND GROUND GFA GROSS FLOOR AREA GWL GROUND WATER LEVEL GUT GUTTER HDCP HANDICAP HD HEAD HDR HEADER HDWL HEADWALL,ENDWALL H HIGH HGWL HIGH GROUND WATER LEVEL HW HIGH WATER ELEVATION,HIGH WATER LEVEL I IWY HIGHWAY HP HORSEPOWER HORIZ HORIZONTAL HB HOSE BIBB IAW IN ACCORDANCE WITH INC INCORPORATED ID INSIDE DIAMETER IN INCH INV INVERT I.E. INVERT ELEVATION I.P. IRON PIPE I.R. IRON ROD JT JOINT JCT BX, JB JUNCTION BOX IN LANE A-4 LAT LATITUDE LT LEFT L, LEN LENGTH LS LIFT STATION, LUMP SUM LBR LIMEROCK BEARING RATIO L/A LIMITED ACCESS LF LINEAR FEET LG LONG LONG LONGITUDE MAINT MAINTENANCE MH MANHOLE MUTCD MANUAL OF UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MFR MANUFACTURER MATL MATERIAL MAX MAXIMUM MHWL MEAN HIGH WATER LEVEL MLWL MEAN LOW WATER LEVEL MEAS MEASURED MECH MECHANICAL MJ MECHANICAL JOINT MI MILE MIN MINIMUM M.T.S. MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS MISC MISCELLANEOUS MES MITERED END SECTION MOD MODIFIED N&TT NAIL& TIN TAB N&W NAIL& WASHER NAVD NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM-(198 8) NGVD NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM-(1929) N NORTH NE NORTHEAST NW NORTHWEST NIA NOT APPLICABLE NIC NOT IN CONTRACT NTS NOT TO SCALE NO, # NUMBER O.R.B. OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK OC ON CENTER OCEW ON CENTER EACH WAY OPNG OPENING OPR OPERATE ORIG ORIGINAL A-5 OD OUTSIDE DIAMETER OS&Y OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE OH OVERHEAD PBC BCC PALM BEACH COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PBCED PALM BEACH COUNTY ENGINEERING &PUBLIC WORKS PK NAIL, PK PARKER-KALON NAIL PG PAGE PS PARKING SPACE PKWY PARKWAY PVMT PAVEMENT PERF PERFORATED PCP PERMANENT CONTROL POINT PRM PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT PERP, 3 PERPENDICULAR P.B. PLAT BOOK PNT POINT POB POINT OF BEGINNING POC POINT OF CONNECTION,POINT ON CURVE,POINT OF COMMENCEMENT PC POINT OF CURVATURE PI POINT OF INTERSECTION PCC POINT OF COMPOUND CURVE PRC POINT OF REVERSE CURVE PT POINT OF TANGENCY POL POINT ON LINE POT POINT ON TANGENT PVI POINT OF VERTICAL INTERSECTION PVC POLYVINYL CHLORIDE PIPE PIV POST INDICATOR VALVE LB,# POUND PSF POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOT PSI POUNDS PER SQUARE INCH P POWER PP POWER POLE PL, P PROPERTY LINE PO PUBLIC OWNERSHIP PUE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT R,RAD RADIUS RGE RANGE RED REDUCER REF REFERENCE REINF REINFORCED RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE REQ'D REQUIRED A-6 RM RESIDENTIAL MULTI-FAMILY REV REVERSED,REVISED, REVISION RPM REVOLUTIONS PER MINUTE ROW,RIW RIGHT-OF-WAY RD ROAD RDWY ROADWAY RT RIGHT SP SAMPLE POINT SAN SANITARY SS SANITARY SEWER SCHED,SCH SCHEDULE SEC, SECT SECTION S SEWER SH SHEET SS&W SHIP SPIKE & WASHER S/W, SDWK SIDEWALK SLP SLOPE SO SOUTH SE SOUTHEAST SW SOUTHWEST SBT BELL SOUTH (SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE) SPEC SPECIFICATION SPR SPRING SQ SQUARE SQ FT, SF SQUARE FEET SQ IN, SI SQUARE INCH SQ YD, SY SQUARE YARD STAB STABILIZE STD STANDARD SDR STANDARD DIMENSION RATIO STA STATION STL STEEL STOR STORAGE SD STORM DRAIN, STORM SEWER ST STREET SURF SURFACE SUR SURVEY SYM SYMBOL, SYMETRICAL SYS SYSTEM TAN TANGENT TELE TELEPHONE TEMP TEMPORARY TEN TENSION TERM TERMINATING, TERMINATION A-7 TERR TERRACE, TERRITORY TB TEST BORING THK THICK THRU THROUGH TOD TIME OF DRILLING TOE TOE OF SLOPE TOB TOP OF BANK TOW TOP OF WALL TWP TOWNSHIP TR TRAIL TYP TYPICAL U/G UNDERGROUND UNIV UNIVERSITY UP UP UTIL UTILITY UE UTILITY EASEMENT VERT VERTICAL VOL VOLUME W WATER, WEST,WIDE WM WATER MAIN, WATER METER WAY WAY WWF WELDED WIRE FABRIC W/ WITH W/O WITHOUT x X-RAY, CROSS SECTION, CUT SECTION X-OVER CROSSOVER X-SECT CROSS SECTION YD YARD YLD YIELD A-8 EXHIBIT "B" GENERIC GENERAL NOTES DaHBIT `B" GENERAL NOTES (Generic for Plan Title Sheet) 1. Benchmark data is National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD— '29). 2. Any NGVD — '29 monument within the limits of construction is to be protected. If in danger of damage,the project manager should notify: Geodetic Information Center Attention: Mark Maintenance Section Department N/CG-162 6001 Executive Boulevard Rockville, Maryland 20852 Telephone No. 1-(301)-443-8319 3. Existing section corner, quarter-section corner, and county survey control monuments located within the proposed construction areas are to be referenced prior to construction and reset after construction by a professional land surveyor and mapper. Any monument reset requires coordination with the Palm Beach County Department of Engineering and Public Works, Engineering Services Division, Surveying Section, Telephone No. 684- 4070. 4. Grades shown are finished grades unless otherwise noted. 5. Dimensions and offsets refer to the centerline of conduit or structure unless otherwise shown and noted on the plans. 6. The location of the existing utilities shown on the plans are approximate only; the exact locations shall be determined by the contractor prior to construction. In addition, the contractor shall be responsible to verify if"other" utilities (not shown on the plans) exist within the area of construction. Should there be utility conflicts, the contractor shall inform the engineer and notify the respective utility owners to resolve those utility conflicts and utility adjustments, as required. 7., Utility locations may be determined by calling Sunshine State One-Call Center of Florida (Sunshine) and the specific utility company. Forty-eight (48) hours prior to construction, the contractor shall contact Sunshine to located underground utilities: B - l Utility phone numbers: Sunshine 1-(800)-432-4770 After hours numbers: FPL (NO-CUTS) 743-9171 or (WPB) 697-8000 Bell South 611 AT&T 1-(800)-252-1133 Sprint 1-(800)-521-0579 LDDS Worldcom 1-(800)-492-3100 MCI 1-(800)-MCI-WORK Peoples Gas (WPB) 694-1130 Florida Public Utilities Co. (WPB) 832-0872 Adelphia Cable (WPB) 848-1600 or 478-8300 8. Utilities to be adjusted by others, as directed by the engineer, unless otherwise noted. 9. Prior to commencement of any excavation, the contractor shall comply with Florida Statute Section 553.851 for the protection of underground gas lines and underground telecommunication lines. 10. OSHA Trench Safety Compliance — The contractor shall use trench boxes or other approved means to comply with the Florida Trench Safety Act (Florida Statute Sections 553.60—553.63), and OSHA Trench Safety Standards 11. The contractor shall schedule his operations to minimize any inconvenience to adjacent walkways or bikeways where pedestrians access public right-of-ways. 12. Maintenance of traffic shall be in accordance with current Florida D.O.T. Standards and the "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways," and any standards of local jurisdictions (as applicable). 13. Double rock (double the existing thickness) shall be used in areas where the cover for underground conduit is less than 20 inches in paved areas. 14. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to secure all permits necessary to complete the work in accordance with required regulations. 15. Refer to the project manual for additional requirements concerning materials, workman- ship,testing and installation as noted in the technical specifications. 16. The contractor shall warranty all work including materials and labor for a minimum period of one (1) year from the date of acceptance of the project by the Engineering Department. B-2 EXHIBIT "C" GENERIC SPECIFIC NOTES h EXHIBIT "C" SPECIFIC NOTES (Generic for Plan or Detail Sheets) 1. The contractor is to use extreme caution when working in or around overhead trans- mission lines for the installation of underground utilities. 2. It shall be the contractor's responsibility to determine the location of existing utilities whether shown or not shown on these drawings and shall verify all elevations before starting construction. 3. Once construction has begun, the contractor shall be solely responsible for any and all damages to any and every utility of every kind located within the limits of construction, and all,such damages shall be repaired at the sole expense of the contractor. 4. All areas disturbed during construction shall be restored to their original condition at the sole expense of the contractor,to the satisfaction of the Engineering Department, 5. All dimensions shown on these drawings are scaled distances. The contractor shall confirm all measurements in the field and notify the engineer in writing of any discrepancy with the drawings prior to performing the work. All quantities shall be paid on the basis of field measurements of completed work unless otherwise noted in the contract documents. 6. Elevations shown are finished elevations, based on the NOS NGS — 1983 bench mark datum. Refer to symbol legend for clarity. 7. Office Site — The contractor shall provide a centrally located project field office site equipped with electricity,telephone service, facsimile service and a computer station that can develop, modify or update scheduling and cost loaded CPM programming to be issued by the contractor as his expense. Such scheduling programs are Primavera, Time Line, etc., which present an easily understood chart or graph depicting the construction schedule. Refer to contract documents for specific requirements. 8. Pedestrian and vehicular traffic shall be maintained at all times during construction. It will be the contractor's responsibility to provide temporary ramps, barricades and/or temporary railing where required. The contractor shall submit a maintenance of pedestrian and/or vehicular plan to the Engineering Department for approval prior to beginning construction. Folding barricades and/or orange vinyl fencing not permitted for pedestrian or vehicular traffic control. Cwt 9. The limits of sodding indicated on the plans are approximate and are to be adjusted where necessary as directed by the engineer to provide for continuity of construction or to suite the actual requirements. 10. Equipment — All construction equipment necessary and required for the proper construction of this project shall be on the construction site, in first-class working condition, and shall have been approved by the engineer before construction is permitted to proceed. 11. Sites — The contractor shall furnish a suitable area for field offices, material storage and equipment service and storage as necessary per City Codes and Ordinances. The contractor shall maintain these areas in a clean, orderly condition so as not to cause a nuisance in the area. 12. Laboratory Tests — Unless as otherwise required, sampling and testing of all materials, the laboratory methods and testing equipment required under these specifications shall be in accordance with the latest standards or tentatives of the American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM), or the latest standards or methods of the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor. 13. Water — All water used in conjunction with the testing and sterilization of the project shall be of drinking water quality. Should utility water be required, the contractor shall have a hydrant meter installed for all construction water. 14. Electricity — All electricity needs in conjunction with the construction, testing and finishing of the project shall be furnished by the contractor or purchased from the utility authority at the current unit charge for electricity. Should utility power be required, the contractor shall make provisions for a temporary electric meter installed for all construction needs. Telephone service may be provided as an auxiliary utility and installed adjacent to the temporary electric meter location. 15. Noise — The City of Boynton Beach has noise ordinances as they relate to construction hours and decibel levels. Contractor is responsible for complying with any and all noise ordinances in effect during the duration of this project. 16. Shop Drawing Submittals -- Prior to any fabrication or installation, the contractor shall furnish to the consultant for review and approval, a minimum of three (3) sets of shop drawings for all structures (precast or cast-in-place), mechanical items, piping and reinforcing steel placement. 17.. Excess Excavated Material — Where directed by the engineer, all clean excess excavated material will be disposed of off-site at an approved disposal area unless otherwise authorized. However, no extra monies to the contractor will be paid for the disposal of excess excavated material which will require hauling to any off-site disposal area. C-2 18. Measurement and Pati,iient— Payment shall be made at the contract unit prices or lump sum prices as outlined in the contract documents. These prices shall be full compensation for all costs associated with completion of all the work in full conformity with the requirements as stated, shown both by the plans and specifications. The cost of any item(s) of work which is not covered by a definite contract unit price or lump sum price shall be considered subsidiary to other contract items. r, C-3 a EXHIBIT "D" n EXHIBIT "D" GENERIC SPECIFICATIONS PAVING, DRAINAGE, CONDUIT AND RESTORATION (Generic for Plan or Detail Sheets) 1. Subgrade— Subgrade shall be compacted to meet the density requirements as determined by AASHTO T-180-86 Specifications. Subgrade shall extend 12" beyond the proposed edge of pavement, and the total 12" shall be compacted to 98%of maximum density. 2. Base (Limerock) —Approved local limerock base material shall be compacted to not less that 98% maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-180-86 Specifications and as called for in the FDOT Specifications, 2000, Section 200. 3. Base (Shellrock)—Approved local shellrock base material shall be compacted to not less than 98% maximum density as determined by AASHTO T-180-86 Specifications and as called for in the FDOT Specifications, 2000, Section 250-7. Shellrock shall be placed and compacted in two (2) equal layers. 4. Prime Coat — Bituminous prime coat shall conform with the requirements of the FDOT Specifications, 2000, Section 300, and shall be applied at the rate of 0.25 gallons/square yard, unless a lower rate is approved by the engineer. _.... 5. Tack Coat — Bituminous tack coat shall conform with the requirements of the FDOT . Specifications, 2000, Section 300, and shall be applied at the rate of 0.08 gallons/square yard, unless a variation in rate in approved by the engineer. 6. Surface Course — Type S-1 asphaltic concrete or Type II asphaltic concrete surface course shall conform to the requirements of the FDOT Specifications, 2000, Section 331 and 332 respectively. The minimum compacted thickness shall be as noted on the plans. 7. Concrete — All non-structural concrete shall develop 2,500 psi (minimum) 28-day compressive strength. Class I concrete shall conform with the MOT Specifications, 2000, Section 345. If structural concrete, development shall be 4,000 psi (minimum) 28- day compressive strength. This is considered as Class II concrete. Structural as used in this paragraph shall mean appurtenances such as flush concrete header curb, inlets, manholes, access boxes, and similar uses. 8. Hcav Structure Con9r ete — All heavy structural concrete shall develop 3,400 psi (minimum) 28-day compressive strength. Class III concrete shall conform with the FDOT Specifications, 2000, Section 345. For details on concrete type and reinforcing, refer to the structural plans for the use and requirements specified. D- 3 9. Concrete etWalk — All concrete walks, new or replacement, shall be 4" thick except at vehicular crossings which shall require 6" (minimum) thickness reinforced with 6" x 6"x W 1.4 x W 1.4 W.W.M., or fiber mesh. 10. Concrete Curb —New or replacement concrete curb, curb and gutter, or separators shall be the type designated on the plans and shall be constructed in accordance with the requirements of the FDOT, Specifications,2000, Section 520. 11. Inlets — All inlets shall be the type designated on the plans, and shall be constructed in accordance with the FDOT Specifications, 2000, Section 425. When percolation inlets are called for on the plans, they shall be the required FDOT Specifications type inlet modified to allow for either horizontal or vertical perforated CMP as shown on the inlet detail,backfilled with granular material (ballast rock)to the designed depth. 12. Corrugated Metal Pi ie —The pipe shall conform to the requirements of AASHTO M-36 with bituminous coating, and with the FDOT Specifications, 2000, Section 943. 13. Corrugated Aluminum Pip,e—The pipe shall conform with the requirements of AASHTO M-196 and with the FDOT Specifications, 2000, Section 945. 14. Installation of Corrugated Metal Pike —All joints on storm sewer pipe shall be made up with either %" neoprene or 1/4" strip sealant gasketed material. All bands shall have the same corrugated design as the pipe. Width of the bands shall be as follows: 12"up to 48" diameter pipe, and 24" over 48" diameter pipe. 15. Reinforced Concrete„Pi„pe—The pipe shall conform with the requirements of Table III of ASTM C-76-82b, and with the FDOT Specifications, 2000, Section 941. If slotted concrete pipe is used, the slots shall be a maximum of 318” wide, spaced 12" on centers staggered on opposite sides of the pipe. The length of the slots is dependent on the pipe diameter; refer to Exfiltration Trench Detail for this dimension. 16. Corru�dated,Po�Jene Pipp —The pipe shall be a double-wall conduit, smooth wall on the inside and have high density corrugated polyethylene annular exterior corrugations. Pipe fittings and accessories shall be of same material and weight/class as pipes, with a joining method as indicated. All roof drain connections shall be made with a pre- manufactured welded tee fitting. All materials shall comply with AASHTO MP-6, ASTM D-2412, and/or AASHTO M-294, Type S, or M-252. All pipe and fittings shall be "N-12, HC 42 or HDPE" as manufactured by Advance Drainage Systems, Inc. or approved equal. 17. Manholes—All manholes (and junction boxes) shall be the type designated on the plans, and shall be constructed in accordance with the FDOT Specifications,2000, Section 425. 18. Exfiltration Trench — The exfiltration trench (or drainfield) may use either slotted concrete pipe, perforated metal pipe or perforated HDPE pipe. Pipes that are slotted or perforated shall terminate 12" inches from the end of the trench rock or connect to an D-2 additional inlet as required (see plan for configurations). Cover pipe ends with #10 galvanized or aluminum screen. The openings in the end screens shall be no larger than 1/2" square. Trench rock shall be 3/4"washed ballast rock. The trench shall be lined on all sides with a plastic filter blanket (geotextile fabrics) and shall comply with the FDOT Specifications,2000, Sections 514 and 985. 19. Utilities— Contractor shall be responsible for all underground utilities whether shown or not shown on the plans. Notify all utilities involved prior to construction. 20. Conduit or Casing Backfill — Requirements for pipe backfill crossing roads or parking areas shall be as defined in the FDOT Specifications, 2000, Section 125-8. Pipeline backfill shall be placed in 6" lifts and compacted to 100% of the Standard Proctor (AASHTO T-99-86 Specifications). 21. Clearances — The horizontal distance of 10 feet (minimum) shall be maintained between and from water, sewer or storm drainage lines. Conduits shall pass over all of the utility lines with a vertical clearance of 18" minimum. 22. Sodding — Sodding replacement shall be Floratam (in irrigated areas) and Argentine Bahia (in non-irrigated areas), and shall conform to the requirements of the FDOT Specifications,2000, Section 575. 23. Retention Facility — Wet detention/retention facility utilized for storage of stormwater runoff in an open impoundment shall have side slopes no steeper than 4:1 (horizontal to vertical) extending to a depth of 2 feet below the water control elevation, side slopes no steeper than 2:1 from 2 feet below the control elevation to the bottom of the facility. A continuous berm at least 20 feet wide with a slope no steeper than 8:1 shall be graded from 2 feet above the control elevation. All areas above the control elevation for a minimum distance of 20 feet shall be either seeded and mulched or sodded to protect the new facility side slopes from erosion. 24. Guaranty —All material and equipment to be furnished and/or installed by the contractor under this contract shall be guaranteed for a period of one (1) year from the date of final acceptance thereof, against defective materials, design and workmanship. Upon receipt of notice from the owner of a failure of any part of the guaranteed equipment or materials during the guaranty period, the affected part, parts or materials shall be replaced promptly with new parts or materials by the contractor, at no expense to the owner. In the event the contractor fails to make the necessary replacement or repairs within seven (7) calendar days after notification by the owner, the owner may accomplish the work at the expense of the contractor. 25. Progect Manual — When a Project Manual is assembled to become a part of the project documents, all technical specifications in CSI format pertinent to the tasks and bid items called for on the construction plans, shall be included into the Project Manual. The Project Manual will take precedent when the specifications noted above are in conflict with the technical specifications included therein. D-3 EXHIBIT "E" PROJECT DOCUMENTATION D. PRIOR TO PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING(See Exhibit"G"for detailed description of requirements). 1. Roadway permit(s) [if applicable], i.e.,FDOT, PBCED, etc. 2. Contractor's licenses. 3. Water and Wastewater system Permits. E. FINAL DOCUMENTATION 1. Reproducible mylar of recorded plat. 2. Copy of certification of mains/collection system in right-of-ways and/or easements. 3. Release of Liens—Engineer-of-Record,Underground Contractor,Fire Sprinkler Contractor, Specialty Contractor, General Contractor. 4. Record drawings prints, signed and sealed by PSM (see Exhibit"I"). 5. Reproducible mylar of record drawings; if original drawings were electronically generated,the record drawings shall be submitted on 3 '/a"diskettes or CD Rom in AutoCAD R14 or R2000 format in addition to the reproducible mylars. 6. On-site easements including title insurance policy(if not plat dedicated). 7. Other documentation as may be pertinent to the particular project such as: a. Sign off on roadway permits. b. Indemnity agreements. C. Sign off of aerial or submersible crossing of water bodies. 8. Once all of the above have been completed,then surety release can proceed. E-2 EXHIBIT "F" STANDARD PLANS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (SUBMITTAL) LETTER u EXHIBIT "F" THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 STANDARD PLANS ACKNOWLEDGMENT LETTER Date: Re: Project Name: Location: Sec:— _...Twp: .... , Rge: W/in City The plans that were submitted on (are)(are not) complete. The review of this project (wiil)(will not) start since the submittal (is)(is not) complete with the following items (submitted [dated items are received])(not received): Plans: Two (2) sets Paving and Drainage. Plans: One (1) set Potable Water with vicinity/location map. Plans: One (1) set Wastewater with vicinity/location map. Plans: One (1) set Reclaimed Water with vicinity/location map. Fire Marshall approval (original copy) stamped on all applicable copies. Preliminary plat or easement dedication (2 copies). Landscape Plan Contract(Developer's Agreement)No. _ FDOT Permit Form(s) (if applicable) PBCED Permit Form (if applicable) Diskettes to be included in the final plan submittal prior to approval (if utilized) COMMENTS: Plans submitted to the Engineering Division are to be rolled. If you have any questions, please contact at telephone number (561)742- Respectfully, Plan Reviewer m F- 1 EXHIBIT "G" PRE-CONSTRUCTION MEETING PREREQUISITE CHECKLIST MUBIT "G" THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 PRECONSTRUCTION MEETING PREREQUISITE CHECKLIST No pre-construction meeting may be scheduled until all of these items are in hand and approved by the Department. 1. FDOT, FDEP, PBCHD and PBCED, permits and approved plans. 2. Three (3) copies of the Department's "Shop Drawings" (see Exhibit "N") with selected items highlighted and acknowledged/approved by the Contractor and Design Engineer. 3. Three (3) copies of shop drawings for manholes and any other appurtenances not covered by the "Shop Drawings" requiring submittal approved by the Contractor and Design Engineer. 4. Completed Contractor's License Verification Form (see Exhibit "H") along with a copy of the license. 5. Contractor's work history, if applicable. 6. All other applicable permits, including but not limited to roadway right-of-way and canal right-of-way construction permits (FDOT, PBC, LWDD and/or the state, as applicable), railroad crossing permits, and dewatering permits. The Engineer-of-Record (EOR) shall notify all applicable other utilities and agencies of jurisdiction whose presence will be required at the meeting. Preconstruction meetings will be scheduled at appropriate times at the Engineering Division, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435. Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned at telephone number(561) 742- ....... By: Department Representative G-3 EXHIBIT "H" CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE VERIFICATION EXHIBIT "H" THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE VERIFICATION Date: Project Name: Name of Company: Address: Telephone No.: The undersigned does hereby certify that the above named company is licensed by the State of Florida to perform ROADWAY AND/OR STORMWATER UTILITY INSTALLATIONS as required by Florida Statutes and as defined in Florida Administrative Code. Licensee: President: (Signature) (Signature) Name: Name: (Please Type) (PIease Type) State License Na County License No.: [Attach copy of license to this form] H- 1 EXHIBIT 61199 RECORD DRAWING SUBMITTAL GUIDE EXIIIBIT "119 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 RECORD DRAWING SUBMITTAL GUIDE Date: Phase No.: Project Name: The following shall be used as a guide for submittal of record drawings to the Department: 1. As-built information and data must be certified by either/or a registered professional engineer or professional land surveyor (surveyor & mapper) licensed in the state of Florida. 2. The drawings will be reviewed by the Department for deficiencies. Deficiencies will be indicated on one (1) set of prints which will be returned to the EOR for necessary corrective action. 3. Upon correction, two (2) sets of prints (signed and sealed by a Florida registered land surveyor) and one set of mylars shall be submitted. Complete set includes the title sheet and construction details. The attached list of required information is to be used as a guide for submittal of Record Drawings to the Department. Additional information may be required by the Department if it is determined by the Department that the information supplied would be insufficient for a public works maintenance worker, or a utility worker, with no surveying experience,to be able to locate mains, valves, etc. SUPP.41 I- 1 RUNE 2010 ERFi.JTRED INFORMATION ON RECORD DRAWINGS , �rvrvry GENERAL 1. Drawings on 24"x 36" size, 3-mil mylar single-matt that will reproduce legibly. 2. Label drawings "RECORD DRAWINGS"with date. 3. Complete title block with current file name (including f/k/a, a/k/a/,plat name,etc.). 4. Location sketch with dimensions to section corners,right-of-lines, etc. 5. Correct street/road names are required with street addresses for each lot, bay,tract, etc. [if available]. 6. Electronic files submitted must be AutoCAD R14 or R2000 format or compatible (ie, DWD file or DXF file) on 3.5" floppy disks or CD Rom. PAVEMENT I. As-built distance of pavement at a maximum of 100-foot intervals reflecting the centerline and pavement edge locations within the rights-of-way, or as required by the Department. Extension of an' centerline will not be accey table as a reference line. 2. Stationing of each PI, POC, POT, PCP, intersection point, etc., including any radial dimensions from permanent fixed points is required. 3. Reflect all pavement returns in relation to any intersection. 4. Reflect all sidewalks, pavement crossings, turnout lanes, roadway lighting, and roadway signage. 5. As-built elevations of pavement at a maximum of 100-foot intervals including any vertical PIs or other deviation points, reflecting the centerline and pavement edges within the rights-of-way. Original design elevation shall be crossed-through and the as-built elevation placed directly above the design elevation in some distinguishable fashion, clearly identifying it in the legend as the as-built elevation as determined by a registered professional land surveyor(surveyor and mapper) in the state of Florida.. STORM SEWER ..mm. 1. As-built distance of drainage conduits from centerline of road or easement, right-of-way line, buildings, or as determined by the Department. Extension of an imaginary line will not be acceptable as reference points. Exception could be pipe outfalls located in retention/detention ponds or to Drainage District water bodies which cannot be readily tied to existing features; extension of centerlines or triangulation to known reference points may be acceptable. 2. Types of materials installed—mains and appurtenance leads. 3. Stationing and offset of each manhole, inlet, control structure,junction box, etc. 4. As-built elevations—each invert, and rim or grate elevation. 5. As-built conduit slope. 6. Complete outfall details, including extended pipe, headwall, endwall, control structure including weir characteristics, etc. 7. Pumping station [if applicable]. 8. Utility easements. SUPP.#1 1-2 JUNE 2010 PRESSURE PIPE I. As-built distance of mains at 100-foot intervals from centerline of road, easement, right- of-way, buildings, sewer main or as determined by the Department. Extensions of an imaginary, line will not be acre Mable as reference .ioints 2. Stationing of each valve, fitting, air release valve, service line, tap, etc. and radial dimensions from a nearby permanent object where possible. 3. Type of materials installed—pipe and appurtenances. Indicate all locations of change of material including joint type (mJ, slip, restrained). 4. Valve type (butterfly, gate,plug). 5. As-built length of all jack and bore casings indicating distance from centerline of paving to each end of casing. The as-built invert elevation of each end of casing, and as-built distance from each end of casing to limits of mechanical joint pipe is also required. 6. As-built elevations at 100-foot intervals as well as any major changes in direction and/or elevation. Elevations shown at these intervals and changes must show top of pipe elevation and finish grade elevation at that location. 7. As-built lengths of water service lines. 8. As-built fire hydrant locations. 9. Show all flush hydrants and size, if any. 10. Utility easements. Y GRAVIT SEWER 1. As-built distance of gravity main from centerline of road or easement, right-of-way line, buildings, or as determined by the Department. Extensions of an imaginIline will not be acceptable as reference„points,. 2. Type of materials installed—mains and services. 3. Stationing of each manhole. 4. Stationing of each sewer service wye from sewer nearest manhole (downstream) and distance and stationing of cleanout from sewer main. 5. As-built elevations—each invert. 6. As-built rim elevation. 7. As-built sewer slope. 8. Complete lift station details, including private lift stations that discharge into the Department's force mains. 9. Lift station location, orientation and utility easements. [FOR DEPARTMENT USE] Verified By. Date: Location: File No.: Rack No.: SUPP.91 1-3 JUNE 2010 EXHIBIT "J" ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION EXHIBIT "J" ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS,that the undersigned, . ... .. ......., ........... ... ..._._.-._ .._...., .... as a registered professional engineer in the State of Florida, to the best of my knowledge, infor- mation and belief, it is my professional opinion that the subdivision required utility improve- ments for the project known as . based on field reviews under ...............__.____.. ... __ .... my responsible charge, have been constructed in substantial accord- ance with the approved construction plans and the Land Development Regulations of the City of Boynton Beach, in effect on the date of plan approval. Attached, as itemized below, are copies of measurements, tests and reports made on the work and materials during the progress of con- struction, along with a Record Drawing copy of each on the construction plans on a high quality, time-stable, reproducible mylar, showing the original design in comparison to the actual finished work with all material deviations as noted thereon. In my professional opinion, the deviations, if any, noted will not impair the intended functioning of the required improvement(s). Attachments to this completion statement are as follows: [Reports, measurements, test results, reproducible mylars, sealed record drawing prints and electronic record drawings in AutoCAD R-14 or R-2000 format on 3- 1/2" diskettes or CD Rom shall be listed, and submitted with this Certification.] Signed: Florida Registration No.: Name: AFFIX SEAL Company Name Address: Telephone No.: 7 --I EXHIBIT "K" SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION EXHIBIT 'W' SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, w.._._...._._............................... ... , ... has prepared record drawings for stormwater,water and/or wastewater facilities and does hereby CERTIFY, in his professional opinion, that the stormwater, water and/or wastewater mains, conduits and all related appurtenances shown on the RECORD DRAWINGS, sheets dated and observed by w w ..... .. . in their constructed locations at the project known as being dedicated to THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH for ownership and maintenance, were installed within the limits of the following parcels of land: TRACT , PLAT OF UTILITY EASEMENT RECORDED IN PLAT BOOKp ,PAGE , OR IN O.R.B. PAGE EASEMENT DESCRIPTION(s) INDENTIFIED ON EXHIBIT"A"ATTACHED HERETO and that the facilities that have been located and depicted on the record drawings do not encroach onto adjacent parcels of land. Signed: Florida Registration No.: Name: AFFIX SEAL Company Name: Address: Telephone No.: K- 1 EXHIBIT "L" APPLICATION FOR ALTERNATE DESIGN TO DEPARTMENT STANDARDS AND/OR TYPES OF MATERIALS REQUIRED M EXHIBIT "L" THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 APPLICATION FOR ALTERNATE DESIGN TO DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS AND/OR TYPES OF MATERIALS REQUIRED Part I. Applicant Information: A. This application is made by: [ ] Property Owner(Developer) [ ] Agent for Owner B. Applicant's Name: If Owner,please print or type name(s) as it appears on you deed or other instrument of title. If Agent, attach a sheet labeled "list of owners" with each owner's name, address and telephone number and check here [ ]. Address (to be used for all correspondence): City: _ State: Zip: C. If Applicant is an Agent, attached original power of attorney or agency authorization, and check here [ ]. Part IL Property Information: A. Property Data:Project Name: ,,,,,__ System No.: Location: Sec T , Rge: Win City: L- 1 B. Planned Development: The property described in the Preliminary Plat has received Zoning approval as a Planned Development. Yes [ ] No [ ]. If yes, complete the following: 1. Zoning Petition No. 2. Type of Planned Development: PUD PRD PCD CBD Special Exception OTHER(Specify) .,,.,....,.,...,,.n,,,,. Part III. Ap,rlication Submittal RDIuirements: Application for alternate design to the Department's Construction Standards and/or types of materials required must be accompanied by all the following items, or a written statement explaining the exclusion of each missing item. A. Documentation Required: 1. One (1) original Application Form(Exhibit"L"). 2. Two (2)sets of Paving & Drainage Pians (signed and sealed). 3. Two (2) copies of storm drainage system hydraulic design calculations (signed and sealed). 4. One (1) copy of the Final Stormwater Management Plan (signed and sealed), if not previously submitted for entire development. S. One (1) copy of the Soils Report (signed and sealed), if not previously submitted for entire development. 6. One (1) copy of Engineer's Opinion of Project Cost (signed and sealed), with delineation of all items that are pertinent to this application in seeking alternate design approval of standard construction items and/or types of materials required by the Department Handbook. 7. Original power of attorney or letter of agency (if applicant is agent) [refer to Part I. C. above]. 8. One (1) copy of the most current approved (signed) Final Subdivision Plan/Site Plan, if the Planning and Zoning Division approval date is less than thirty (30) calendar days prior to submittal of this application, OR if the most current Final L-2 Subdivision Plan/Site Plan is an administrative approval of revisions subsequent to the Planning and Zoning Division approval. 9. A check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, for the appropriate application fee (refer to current Fee Schedule for applicable amount). B. Specify those item(s) listed in Exhibit "N" (Shop Drawings) or other documentation that this Application is seeking approval for. Provide a justification for the request(s) and comments: (Provide additional sheets as necessary) I hereby certify that the information set out in this Application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. ® ..... .......... Signature of Applicant Prmte.--_..___....m___._. ..._._------------------------- _._---------- d Name of Applicant ...... . .____ ... .... .. ....----_ __ Date [FOR DEPARTMENT USE] Received On; Reviewed By: [ ] All required items were received. [ ] All required items were not received. Application incomplete and returned to Applicant on: —_11 [ ] Enclosures as noted. L-3 EXHIBIT "M" HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT IIWE, ...._.........................._. am/are the property owner(s) of the real property located at, .......------_—____ ................ Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida,having the following legal description: Property Control Number: As the Property Owner(s), agree(s) to protect, defend, indemnify and hold the City of Boynton Beach, its officials, employees and agents, or successors thereof, harmless from and against any and all lawsuits, penalties, damages, settlements, judgments, decrees, legal costs, charges, removal, excavation, and replacement costs, any damages associated with removal and/or excavation, and other expenses or liabilities of every kind in connection with or arising from the installation, maintenance,repair, removal, or excavation of utility equipment, lines or structures of any kind whatsoever. Property owner(s) agree(s) and acknowledge(s) that should the City of Boynton Beach, or its successor have to remove any structures, driveways, pools, patios, walls, trees,vegetation, dirt or gravel in order to conduct necessary maintenance, repair, or installation of utilities on said property, the restoration costs associated therewith shall be the sole responsibility of Property Owner(s). This Hold Harmless Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and shall encumber the above-described property, the property owner(s) and his or her successors and assigns. M .. I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, IIWE have hereunto set my/our hand and seal this day of Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: X. h....,....._..... _ .,. _....__._ .............___ Printed Name X._. ...... _ ..... ... � _ �v .._........ Printed Name STATE OF 1 SS: COUNTY OF I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments,personally appeared as of known to me to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, who acknowledged before me that he/she/they executed same, is/are personally known to me and an oath was not taken. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this day of ARY FUBLIC Panted Name My Commission Expires: M-2 R EXHIBIT "N" BONDING and ESCROW AGREEMENT FORMS EXHIBIT"N" BONDING AND AGREEMENTS The Land Development Regulations (LDR)requires some form of surety, bonding or an escrow guaranteeing that all required surveying and construction improvements will be completed in full accord with approved documents and all conditions attached thereto. This is stated in various forms throughout the LDR. The following current references are noted that require such a guarantee: Chapter 1 (General Provisions), Article V (Impact Fees and Dedications), Sec. 3 (Boynton Beach fees/dedications): As a condition of a development order, sub-divider shall dedicate land, pay a fee in lieu thereof, or both (at the option of the city) for recreational purposes. Chapter I (General Provisions), Article VII (Appeals), Sec. 1: Post 110%of acceptable surety of potential costs or delays and damages of all work on the project premises and all proceedings in furtherance if the action appealed from will be stayed. Chapter 1.5 (Planning and Development Generally),Article VI (Concurrency Requirements), Sec. 6.A.3 (Public facilities availability): Surety to guarantee public facilities are or under construction at time of development permits are issued. Chapter 5 (Platting), Article II (Waivers and Substitutions), Sec. I.D. (Requirements in lieu of platting): Post surety as required in lieu of platting. Chapter 5 (Platting),Article V (Plat Preparation and Approval), Sec. 1. (Preparation of final plat): Post(construction) surety as noted in Sec. 2.A.2. and restoration surety as noted in Sec. 2.A.3. of this Article. Chapter 5 (Platting), Article V (Plat Preparation and Approval), Sec. I.D.6.c. (Certificate of surveyor): Development surety shall include cost of P.C.P.s. Chapter 5 (Platting), Article V (Plat Preparation and Approval), Sec. 2.A.2. (Surety): Surety required for all work dedicated to the city. Chapter 5 (Platting), Article V (Plat Preparation and Approval), Sec. 2.A.3. (Restoration): Restoration surety required. Chapter 6 (Required Improvements), Article III (Identification of Required Improvements), Sec. 1 I.B. (Sidewalks): Alternative sidewalk or paths cost to be included in development surety. Page 1 of 2 pages Chapter 6 (Required Improvements),Article V (Construction of Required Improvements), Sec. 4.C.3. (Technical compliance): Written statement from the City Engineer on construction plan acceptability and establishment of surety. Chapter 6 (Required Improvements), Article V (Construction of Required Improvements), Sec. 7 (Obtaining Certificates of Occupancy): Requirement to post surety for work to be completed later to obtain a C.O. Chapter 6 (Required Improvements), Article VI (Acceptance and Maintenance of Required Improvements), Sec. 1 (Workmanship and material agreement): Deliver surety guaranteeing required improvements good for one(1)year. Chapter 7 (Surety),Article I (In Genera): Addresses Letter of Credit, Cash or Check types. Chapter 7.5 (Environmental Regulation),Article I (Tree Preservation), Sec. 18 (Exemption for betterment plans): Guarantee by surety that landscape plan shall be adhered to and completed. Chapter 7.5 (Environmental Regulation),Article II (Landscape Code), Sec. 7 (Performance surety): Surety required for landscaping not completed at time for C.O.s. Chapter 7.5 (Environmental Regulation),Article III (Central Business District Landscape Code), Sec. 7 (Performance surety): Surety required for landscaping not completed at time for C.O.s. Chapter 8 (Excavation and Fill Regulations), Article III(Permitting), Sec.,A.1.d. (Surety): Suitable surety required for excavation/fill permit. Chapter 8 (Excavation and Fill Regulations),Article VI(Restoration Surety): Must submit surety for restoration of site. Chapter 10 (Telecommunication Towers and Antennas), Sec. 3.C.17.c.(3): Requires a bond to cover city option for removal of abandoned equipment if provider fails to do so. Chapter 22 (Streets and Sidewalks), Article 11 (Construction, Repair or Alteration), Sec. 6 (Surety): City Engineer has authority to require surety for work permitted under this chapter. Page 2 of 2 pages EXHIBIT "N-1" (LDR, Chap. 2, Art. III, Sec. b.C.) CLEAN IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT TO: City Commission of Boynton Beach c/o City Engineer, Agent for the City 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 RE: Our Letter of Credit No. Building Permit No. or Land Development Permit No. for name ofillat) Date: Amount: USD $ Expiration Date We hereby open our Clean Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. „in favor of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida ("City") for the initial amount of U. S. Dollars ($ ) effective as of this date, which shall remain effective until released by a Resolution adopted by the City Commission at a regular City Commission scheduled meeting. This Letter of Credit is issued pursuant to the terms of that certain [ specify -permit tune Permit] [Land Development Permit] Number (hereinafter, "Permit"), issued to (develog~er's named _ as Developer, by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, to develop a [project] [subdivision] to be known as—m . m, . m . (hereinafter, called the "Project"), and to construct and install the required public improvements [to support the Project] [subsequent to recordation of said plat for the Project] pursuant to the terms of the Permit. This Letter of Credit, however, is independent of said Permit and reference herein is for information only. The initial amount of funds available under this Letter of Credit and stated above be reduced from time to time by the City Engineer, as the agent for the City of Boynton Beach, in accordance with the requirements of the Subdivision, Platting and Required Improvements Regulations, Chapter 2, Article III, Section 2 C.2.c, and Chapter 4, Article VIII, Section 2 and 3 respectively of the Land Development Regulations. We hereby agree that such reduction shall not be effective until we have furnished a written amendment to this Letter of Credit. Such amendment shall reference this Letter of Credit as well as the Permit Number and Project Name, as set out herein, and the new amount requested. Funds under this Letter of Credit are available to the City hereunder, not to exceed the current available amount subsequent to any authorized reductions of this Credit against the City's Page 1 of 2 pages demand, by its authorized agent named above, for payment to us mentioning our Letter of Credit No. When the City's demand for payment is received at (street address, with city, state and zip code where draw to be made), on or prior to the Expiration Date, it will be promptly honored. Venue for any and all legal actions necessary to enforce the terms of this Letter of Credit shall be in Palm Beach County, Florida. Kindly address all correspondence regarding this Letter of Credit to the attention of Letter of Credit Department mentioning specifically our Credit Number. twned bank's name' Authorized signature: ,,,,,,,,mm,,,,,,,,., mn Name (typed):. Title: Except as is inconsistent with the express provisions hereof,this Letter of Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practices For Documentary Credits (1993 Revisions), International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 500. Page 2 of 2 pages EXHIBIT'N-2" (LDR, Chap. 2,Art. I1I, Sec. 6.C.) CASH BOND KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That [1] [we],m _ (developer's name) , hereinafter called PRINCIPAL, tenders unto the City of Boynton Beach, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called CITY, the full and just sum of U. S. Dollars ($ ), lawful money of the United States of America, to which payment well and truly made, bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: [WHEREAS, the above bound PRINCIPAL has received approval from the CITY for the recording of a certain subdivision plat known as .. plat name) and such recording is prior to completion of construction of the Required Improvements as prescribed by the Subdivision, Platting and Required Improvements Regulations, Chapter 2,Article I11, Section 2 C.2.c, and Chapter 4, Article VIII, Section 2 and 3 respectively of the Land Development Regulations of the City of Boynton Beach, hereinafter the REGULATIONS, pertaining to said subdivision;] or [WHEREAS,the above bound PRINCIPAL has received approval from the CITY for the construction of a certain project known as ftlroject name, and such project shall construct and install the required public improvements to support the Project pursuant to the terms of the Permit,] and WHEREAS, PRINCIPAL has been issued that certain [ specify permit type Permit] [Land Development Permit] Numberhereinafter the PERMIT, far construction of said Required Improvements, a copy of which is attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof; and WHEREAS, it was one of the conditions of said REGULATIONS and PERMIT that this bond be executed. NOW, THEREFORE, the conditions of this obligation are such that if the above bound PRINCIPAL shall in all respects comply or cause others to comply with the terms and conditions of said PERMIT, within the time specified, and shall in every respect fulfill [its][his][her][their] obligation thereunder and under the pians therein referred to, then this obligation to be void; otherwise, to be and remain in full force and effect. The PRINCIPAL and CITY agree that the City Engineer may, in writing, reduce the initial amount stated above in accordance with the requirements of said REGULATIONS. Page 1 of 3 pages The PRINCIPAL unconditionally convenants and agrees that if the PRINCIPAL fails to perform within the time specified by the PERMIT, all or any part of [its][his][her][their] obligation established by said PERMIT and the REGULATIONS, the CITY, upon thirty (30) days written notice from the CITY or its authorized agent to the PRINCIPAL or its authorized agent or officer, shall, at CITY'S option, have the right to complete the PRINCIPAL'S obligation or, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt of bids, cause to be completed these aforesaid improvements in the case the PRINCIPAL should fail to or refuse to do so in accordance with the terms of the PERMIT. In the event the CITY should exercise and give effect to such right,the PRINCIPAL shall be liable and the monies tendered hereby shall be used to reimburse the CITY the total cost thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal, and contingent costs, together with any damages either direct or consequential, which may be sustained on account of the failure of the PRINCIPAL to carry out and execute all the terms and provisions of the PERMIT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the PRINCIPAL has executed these presents this day of .. .:,........,.. 20 . (CORPORATE SEAL) a Florida co oration a (state) corporation, licensed to do business in Florida] BY: (si nature of Pres or Vice-Pres,.,! , t�aed name' — title'L ATTEST: sig°nature of other coy, oration officer), ) ped name)—(title',m, (Impressionable corporate scal) ADDRESS: STATE OF COUNTY OF BEFORE ME personally appeared „m _ rint nqMe.t who is personally known to me, or has produced as identification, and who executed the foregoing instrument as Vic.nn „ g ' g ' [Vice] President of �fco�I�ppN Hamel _ a corporation, and severally acknowledged to and before me that [he][she] executed such instrument as such officer Page 2 of 3 pages of said corporation, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed to said instrument by due and regular corporate authority, and that instrument is the free act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of 20 My commission expires: ....,...., W. . Ls�mm �nture),..,­­,,,,,,.�, Notary Public (Seal) -OR- (INDIVIDUAL PRINCIPAL) WITNESS: BY: ADDRESS: STATE OF COUNTY BEFORE ME personally appearedrint name)_ _who [is][are] personally known to me or [has][have]produced [and , respectively] as identification, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged before me that [he][she][they] executed said instrument for the purpose expressed therein. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of.__,, 20_. My commission expires: , si :ature'i`- „....... Notary Public (Seal) Page 3 of 3 pages EXHIBIT"N-3" (LDR, Chap. 2, Art. III, Sec. 6.C.) PERFORMANCE BOND KNOW ALL NMN BY THESE PRESENTS: That [I] [we], (developer's named ............ e, hereinafter call PRINCIPAL, and ,,,.,mm , a surety company authorized to do business in the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as SURETY, are held and firmly bound unto the City of Boynton Beach, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called CITY, the full and just sum of _, U. S.Dollars lawful money of the United States of America, to be paid to the City of Boynton Beach, to which payment will and truly be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents: [WHEREAS,the above bound PRINCIPAL has received approval from the CITY for the recording of a certain subdivision plat known as (,plat named _ and such recording is prior to completion of construction of the Required Improvements as prescribed by the Subdivision,Platting and Required Improvements Regulations, Chapter 2, Article III, Section 2 C.2.c, and Chapter 4, Article VIII, Section 2 and 3 respectively of the Land Development Regulations of the City of Boynton Beach, hereinafter the REGULATIONS, pertaining to said subdivision;] or [WHEREAS,the above bound PRINCIPAL has received approval from the CITY for the construction of a certain project known as ..M.M .. ro iect name , and such project shall construct and install the required public improvements to support the Project pursuant to the terms of the Permit,] and WHEREAS, PRINCIPAL has been issued that certain (specify permit type) Permit] [Land Development Permit] Number , hereinafter the PERMIT, for construction of said Required Improvements, a copy of which is attached hereto and by reference made a part hereof, and WHEREAS, it was one of the conditions of said REGULATIONS and PERMIT that this bond be executed. NOW, THEREFORE, the conditions of this obligation are such that if the above bound PRINCIPAL shall in all respects comply or cause others to comply with the terms and conditions of said PERMIT, within the time specified, and shall in every respect fulfill [its][his][her][their] obligation thereunder and under the plans therein referred to, then this obligation to be void; otherwise, it shall remain in full force and effect. Page i of 4 pages The PRINCIPAL and CITY agree that the City Engineer may, in writing, reduce the initial amount stated above in accordance with the requirements of said REGULATIONS. The SURETY UNCONDITIONALLY COVENANTS AND AGREES that if the PRINCIPAL fails to perform all or any part of the construction work required by said PERMIT and REGULATIONS within the time specified, the SURETY, upon thirty (30) days written notice from the CITY or its authorized agent or officer, of the default, to the PRINCIPAL or its authorized agent or officer, will forthwith perform and complete the aforesaid construction work and pay the cost thereof, including, but not limited to, engineering, legal, and contingent costs, together with any damages either direct or consequential. Should the SURETY fail or refuse to perform and complete the said improvements, CITY, in view of the public interest, health, safety and welfare factors involved and the inducement in approving and filing the said plat, shall have the right to resort to any and all legal remedies against the PRINCIPAL and/or SURETY,or both at law and in equity including specifically the specific performance, to which the PRINCIPAL and SURETY unconditionally agree. The PRINCIPAL AND SURETY FURTHER JOINTLY AND SEVERALLY AGREE that the CITY, at its option, shall have the right to construct or, pursuant to public advertisement and receipt of bids, cause to be constructed the aforesaid improvements in case the PRINCIPAL should fail or refuse to do so in accordance with the terms of said PERMIT. In the event CITY should exercise and give effect to such right, the PRINCIPAL and SURETY shall be jointly and severally liable hereunder to reimburse the CITY the total cost thereof, including but not limited to, engineering, legal, and contingent costs, together with any damages, either direct or consequential, which may be sustained on account of the failure of the PRINCIPAL to carry out and execute all the obligations for construction of Required Improvements pursuant to the REGULATIONS and PERMIT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the PRINCIPAL has executed these presents this day of 20 (CORPORATE SEAL) [a Florida corporation][k (statet�,____ corporation, licensed to do business in Florida] BY: (sigiatureof Pres. or Vice-Pres namem-fitrtle�la � ATTEST: j(ig�,,Iature of other,coil2grgfillon officer') �,,,,,, ped name' —,(title) (Impressionable corporate seal) Page 2 of 4 pages ADDRESS: STATE OF COUNTY OF BEFORE ME personally appeared�»m............., �irint naax�e —who is personally known to me, or has produced as identification, and who executed the foregoing instrument as [Vice] President of coiL),orate name) a corporation, and severally acknowledged to and before me that [he][she] executed such instrument as such officer of said corporation, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed to said instrument by due and regular corporate authority, and that instrument is the free act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of „„„ , 20`. My commission expires: siV"'aature) —.— Notary Public (Seal) -OR- (INDIVIDUAL PRINCIPAL) WITNESS: BY: ADDRESS: (SURETY SIGNATURE BLOCK) SURETY WITNESS: BY: (typed name) its attorney-in-fact-- (power of attorney must be attached) Page 3 of 4 pages ADDRESS: STATE OF COUNTY OFw BEFORE ME personally appearedint name),,, who[is][are] personally known to me or [has][have] produced [and ... respectively] as identification, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged before me that [he][she][they] executed said instrument for the purpose expressed therein. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of .� 20 Mycommission expires: sia:�iature°� Notary Public � (Seal) Page 4 of 4 pages EXHIBIT "N-4" (LDR, Chap. 2,Art. III, Sec. 6.C.) ESCROW AGREEMENT THIS ESCROW AGREEMENT, entered into this ,__,__,_ day of , 20 , by and between l developer's name m , hereinafter referred to as the DEVELOPER, and bank's named of city° and state_ , hereinafter referred to as ASSOCIATION, wit � .� h the City of Boynton Beach, hereinafter referred to as CITY, being the beneficiary of this Agreement. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, DEVELOPER proposes to plat the development under the name of Ilat named and WHEREAS, certain development work is required to be done on said real property in d accordance with the pians and specifications prepared by engineer or-recor,, together with any amendments or modifications thereto and together with any other approved drawings and/or plans therefor or approved amendments to same; and WHEREAS, in order to satisfy the requirements of the City's Subdivision, Platting, and Required Improvements Regulations as stated in Chapter 2, Article 111, Section 2 C.2.c, and Chapter 4, Article VIII, Section 2 and 3 respectively of the Land Development Regulations of the City of Boynton Beach, hereinafter referred to as the REGULATIONS, as to the securing of said development work with the surety requirements, hereinafter the REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS, before the City of Boynton Beach will approve the recording of the said plat, p lat the DEVELOPER as deposited with e ASSOCIATION the sum o U. S. Dollars ($ .....J,, representing one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the total cost of the said REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS, which escrow funds are to be released to the DEVELOPER pursuant to the terms hereof. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The deposited funds are to be segregated in a special account, which are not to be merged with bank assets,to carry out the terms of the agreement. 2. The deposited funds shall be released to the DEVELOPER only upon written approval of the City Engineer as the authorized representative of the CITY. Such approval shall be issued by the City Engineer in accordance with the requirements of the REGULATIONS and shall not be more frequently than one a month. Upon completion of the REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS in accordance with the requirements of the REGULATIONS, the CITY, by the City Engineer as its authorized agent and in accordance with the requirements of the Page 1 of 5 pages REGULATIONS, shall approved the release to the DEVELOPER of any remainder of said funds. 3. In the event, however, the DEVELOPER shall fail to complete the REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS in accordance with the REGULATIONS and the terms and conditions of the [Building Permit] [Land Development Permit]No. issued to the DEVELOPER by the CITY, then the ASSOCIATION agrees to pay to the CITY, immediately upon demand, the balance of the funds held in escrow by the ASSOCIATION, as of the date of the demand, provided that upon payment of such balance to the CITY, the CITY will have executed and delivered to the ASSOCIATION in exchange for such funds a statement to be signed by the City Engineer to the effect that: (a) DEVELOPER has failed to comply with the requirements of the REGULATIONS and the [Building Permit] [Land Development Permit] for construction of the REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS above mentioned; (b) the CITY, or its authorized agent, will complete the work called for under the terms of the above-mentioned PERMIT to the extent of the funds than held in escrow; (c) the escrow funds drawn down by the CITY shall be used for, but not limited to, engineering, legal and contingent costs and expenses, also to offset any damages, either direct or consequential,which the CITY may sustain on account of the failure of DEVELOPER to carry out and execute the above-described development work; and (d) the CITY will promptly repay to the ASSOCIATION any portion of the funds drawn down and not expended in completion of the said REQIRED IMPROVEMENTS. 4. It is agreed that written notice to the ASSOCIATION by the CITY, specifying what amounts are to be paid to the DEVELOPER shall constitute authorization by the CITY to the ASSOCIATION for release of the specified funds to the DEVELOPER. Payment by the ASSOCIATION to the DEVELOPER of the amounts specified in a letter of authorization by the CITY to the ASSOCIATION shall constitute a release of the ASSOCIATION for the funds disbursed in accordance with the letter of authorization from the CITY. 5. It is further agreed that should the funds held in escrow be insufficient to complete the REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS that the CITY, after considering the public's interest, health, safety and welfare, may at its option complete the REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS and resort to any and all legal remedies against the DEVELOPER. 6. Nothing in the Agreement shall make the ASSOCIATION liable for any funds other than those placed on deposit by the DEVELOPER in accordance with the foregoing provisions; provided that the ASSOCIATION does not release any monies to the DEVELOPER except as stated in this Escrow Agreement. 7. By execution of this Agreement, the ASSOCIATION acknowledges receipt from the DEVELOPER for deposit in escrow in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement the sum of. a�. U. D. Dollars ($ S. This Escrow Agreement shall remain in full force and effect until all obligations are met and a written release is authorized by the CITY, or until the funds are paid to CITY in accordance with paragraph 3. Page 2 of 5 pages 9. The ASSOCIATION and DEVELOPER agree that venue for any litigation arising under or as a result of this Agreement, shall occur in Palm Beach County, Florida. IN WITNESS WHEEOF,the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this day of a 20 (CORPORATEDEVELOPER) rp [a Florida corporation][a state co oratio�n��, licensed to do business in Florida] BY: sit,,nature of Pres. or Vice-Pres. &ped name)—(title) , ATTEST: (s„g ature„of other corporation officerl_ m�i:N, aed name) ititle 1_ (Impressionable corporate seal) ADDRESS: STATE OF COUNTY OF BEFORE ME personally appeared sprint name) who is personally known to me, or has produced „F as identification, and who executed the foregoing instrument as [Vice] President of d,cogiorate name m a corporation, and severally acknowledged to and before me that [he][she] executed such instrument as such officer of said corporation, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed to said instrument by due and regular corporate authority, and that instrument is the free act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of ,,,,,,,,,;,;,;,;,,,;,,,,,,,,,,u, 20 My commission expires: (sigpiature �n Notary Public (Seal) -OR- Page 3 of 5 pages (INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPER) WITNESS: BY: ADDRESS: STATE OF COUNTY OF BEFORE ME personally appeared m a; ADDRESS: STATE OF jw COUNTY OF BEFORE ME personally appeared rint name who is personally known to me, or has produced as identification, and who executed the foregoing instrument as the ��'title„i of association name) , a association, and severally acknowledged to and before me that [he][she] executed such instrument as such officer of said association, and that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the association seal of said association and that it was affixed to said instrument by due and regular association authority, and that instrument is the free act and deed of said association. WITNESS my hand and official seal this day of , 20_. My commission expires: .. . (ssi ' nature) Notary Public (Seal) (CITY) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Boynton Beach, Florida City Commission has authorized its Mayor, attested to by the City Clerk to executed this Agreement this day of.. 20 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA By. (print name of person signing) ATTEST: int .......... .W,,.mm �,.,,,,�..m, (pt' ..,.,.,name of City Clerk) APPROVED AS TO FORM: (print name of City Attorney (City Seal) Page 5 of 5 pages I