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TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 807EstanciaWay,BoyntonBeach City of Boynton Beach FenestrationVoluntaryWindLoadChart* PerASCE716Part1andFBC(2020)forRetrofittinginAccordancewithFormalInterpretation ForDetachedOneandTwofamilydwellingsandMultipleSingleFamilyDwellings(Townhouses)withMeanRoofHeight30feet Wind170mph(3secondgust)/ExposureC**/Kd=0.85/Kzt=1.0/PressuresareinPSF/NotforuseinCoastal(Exposure'D'areas) *UsingAllowableStressDesignmethodology(P=0.6w)/**ExposureCorDshallbedeterminedaccordingtoASCE716Section26.7(ExposureCategories) RoofandWallZoneChartDiagrams WallPressureChartFlatRoofUpliftChartGableRoofUpliftChartHipRoofUpliftChart InstructionsonhowtousetheseCharts:DetermineMeanRoofHeight,ŷ,whichistopofroofforflatroofsorthemeanroofheightforpitchedroofs.Findyourleast horizontaldimensionforyourbuilding,notincludingaoverhangifitoccurs.Calculatethevalueof,ğ,=10%ofleasthorizontaldimensionor0.4*h,whicheveris smaller,butnotlessthaneither4%ofleasthorizontaldimensionor3feet.Ifyourroofheightislessthan30feet,butnotexactly15,20,or25feet,youwillneedtogo tothenexthigherroofheight.IfyourMeanFoofHeightishigherthan30feet,thesechartsdonotapply.Reviewthediagramwhichillustratethewallandroofzones anddeterminethewindzoneinwhichthecomponentislocated.Determinethetributaryareaofthecomponent.Ifthetributaryareafallsinbetweenvalues,usethe valueofthesmallertributaryarea.Selectthepositiveandnegativewindpressurescorrespondingtothewallorroofzonewhereyourcomponentislocated.Door pressuresshownareforthemostcommondoorsizesandareworstcaseforheights<=30Feet. WallPressureForAllRoofTypesGarage/DoorPressures 15Ft20Ft<=30Ft MeanRoofHeight 10203550100500 EffectiveWindArea TributaryArea10203550100500 PositiveNegative WallPositivePressure40.338.537.036.134.330.1 41.239.538.137.235.531.58838.648.2 Zone4NegativePressure43.741.940.539.537.733.5 50.847.444.642.939.531.5101037.445.7 Zone5NegativePressure54.050.447.445.641.933.5 25Ft30Ft141435.441.8 MeanRoofHeight 10203550100500102035501005009738.748.3 TributaryArea 42.340.438.837.835.931.543.941.940.339.337.332.816737.045.0 WallPositivePressure 45.843.942.441.439.535.147.645.744. Zone4NegativePressure 67 56.652.849.747.843.935.158.854.751.749.645.736.539.850.6 Zone5NegativePressure BQQSPWFE Window Schedule TUSVDUVSF John BalderMean Roof Height 30' dpbezs!1901703132 807 Estancia Way Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Opening Area Design Pressures Design Pressures MarkSq ft LocationNOA #QTYType Sizes NOA'sBuilding Zone Marvin Coastlne Outswing 1Casement 1aLiving RoomFL34015.127" x 48"9+70 / -70+43.9 / -47.64 Marvin Coastlne Outswing 1Casement 1bLiving RoomFL34015.127" x 48"9+70 / -70+43.9 / -47.64 1Marvin Vertical Mull 1cLiving RoomFL34545.11 x 3 1/8 x 48"18+130 / -130+43.9 / -47.64 Marvin Coastlne Outswing 1Casement 2aDining RoomFL34015.127" x 48"9+70 / -70+43.9 / -47.64 Marvin Coastlne Outswing 1Casement 2bDining RoomFL34015.127" x 48"9+70 / -70+43.9 / -47.64 1Marvin Vertical Mull 2cDining RoomFL34545.11 x 3 1/8 x 48"18+130 / -130+43.9 / -47.64 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 PRODUCT APPROVAL EVALUATION RULE CHAPTER #61G20-3 • METHOD 1 OPTION D FL 34015 Detailed Product Description:Date: 9/18/2020 Manufacturer: MARVIN WINDOWS & DOORS Manufacturer Address: PO Box 100, 401 State Ave N, Warroad, MN 56763 Model Name: Coastline Casement IZ4 Maximum Load: +80 PSF,-80 PSF(Large Missile Impact) Installation Drawings# 20-72F This product complies with the High Velocity Hurricane Zone (HVHZ) testing requirements. For maximum sizes, combination of span vs loads and anchor type refer to installation drawings. Comparative analysis used _X Yes __ No Mandatory Tests (Tested in accordance with AAMA 101/I.S.2/NAFS/TAS-202) TestDescriptionTest LocationTest Report DateTest Report #Test Sealed By Blackwater Testing Inc.1/3/2020BT-SIW-19-002Constantin Bortes, PE Air Infiltration 8/15/2009HETI-09-2599Candido F. Font, PE ASTM E283 Hurricane Engineering & Leakage 8/15/2009HETI-09-2601 Testing 8/26/2009HETI-09-2608 Blackwater Testing Inc.1/3/2020BT-SIW-19-002Constantin Bortes, PE ASTM E331 or Water 8/15/2009HETI-09-2599Candido F. Font, PE ASTM 547 & TAS Hurricane Engineering & Penetration 8/15/2009HETI-09-2601 202 Testing 8/26/2009HETI-09-2608 Blackwater Testing Inc.1/3/2020BT-SIW-19-002Constantin Bortes, PE ASTM E330 & TAS Uniform Static Air 8/15/2009HETI-09-2599Candido F. Font, PE Hurricane Engineering & 202Pressure 8/15/2009HETI-09-2601 Testing 8/26/2009HETI-09-2608 Blackwater Testing Inc.1/3/2020BT-SIW-19-002Constantin Bortes, PE 8/15/2009HETI-09-2599Candido F. Font, PE ASTM F588Forced Entry Hurricane Engineering & 8/15/2009HETI-09-2601 Testing 8/26/2009HETI-09-2608 | T: 305.264.8100 | F: 305.262.6978| www.afceng.com | alfarooq@afceng.com 9360 Sunset Drive STE 220 | Miami, FL 33173 Supplemental Tests (Tested in accordance with TAS-201 and TAS-203)Supplemental Tests (Tested in accordance with TAS-201 and TAS-203)Supplemental Tests (Tested in accordance with TAS-201 and TAS-203) BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE TestDescriptionTest LocationTest Report DateTest Report#Test Sealed By TUSVDUVSF Blackwater Testing Inc.1/3/2020BT-SIW-19-002Constantin Bortes, PE dpbezs!1901703132 FBC 1626.28/15/2009HETI-09-2599BCandido F. Font, PE Large Missile Hurricane Engineering & TAS 201 & 2038/15/2009HETI-09-2602 Impact & Cyclic ASTM E1889/1996 8/26/2009HETI-09-2609 Testing 8/26/2009HETI-09-2610 Under the limitations of the attached installation drawings, to the best of my knowledge and ability, the above product conforms to the requirements of the 2020 Florida Building Code. Evaluation Report Engineer: PE # 81223 Jalal Farooq Sealed: 10/13/2020 Al-Farooq CorporationEB # 3538 | T: 305.264.8100 | F: 305.262.6978| www.afceng.com | alfarooq@afceng.com 9360 Sunset Drive STE 220 | Miami, FL 33173 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 Sealed: 10/13/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 Sealed: 10/13/2020 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 Sealed: 10/13/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 Sealed: 10/13/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 Sealed: 10/13/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 Sealed: 10/13/2020 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 PRODUCT APPROVAL EVALUATION RULE CHAPTER #61G20-3 • METHOD 1 OPTION D FL34545 Date: 09/14/2020 Detailed Product Description: Manufacturer: MARVIN WINDOWS & DOORS Manufacturer Address: PO Box 100, 401 State Ave N, Warroad, MN 56763 Model Name: CLIPPED, EXTRUDED ALUMINUM TUBE MULLION Maximum Load: +130.0 PSF,-130.0 PSF (Large Missile Impact) Installation Drawings#M15-06 This product complies with the High VelocityHurricane Zone (HVHZ) testing requirements. For maximum sizes, combination of span vs loads and anchor type refer to installation drawings. Comparative analysis used XYes No Mandatory Tests (Tested in accordance with ANSI/AAMA 101/I.S.2/NAFS/TAS-202) TESTDESCRIPTIONTEST LOCATIONTEST REPORT TEST Test DATE REPORT #Sealed by ASTM E283Air Infiltration Hurricane Engineering 03/26/2007HETI-07-4108Rafael E. Droz-Seda, PE Leakage& Testing, Inc. ASTM E331Water Hurricane Engineering 03/26/2007HETI-07-4108Rafael E. Droz-Seda, PE OR ASTM 547 Penetration& Testing, Inc. & TAS 202 ASTM E330Uniform Static Hurricane Engineering 03/26/2007HETI-07-4108Rafael E. Droz-Seda, PE & TAS 202Air Press.& Testing, Inc. Supplemental Tests(Tested in accordance with TAS-201 and TAS-203) TESTDESCRIPTIONTEST LOCATIONTEST REPORTTEST Test DATEREPORT #Sealed by FBC 1626.2Large MissileHurricane Engineering 03/26/2007HETI-07-4107Rafael E. Droz-Seda, PE (TAS 201 & 203)Impact & Cyclic& Testing, Inc.04/09/2007HETI-07-4115 ASTM E 1886 & ASTM E 1896 Under the limitations of the attached installation drawings, to the best of my knowledge and ability, the aboveproduct conforms to the requirements of the 2020 Florida Building Code. Evaluation Report Engineer: Jalal Farooq PE # 81223 SEALED: 10/15/2020 Al-Farooq Corporation EB # 3538 9360 Sunset Drive STE 220 | Miami, FL 33173 | T: 305.264.8100 | F: 305.262.6978 | www.afceng.com | alfarooq@afceng.com TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020 TUSVDUVSF dpbezs!1901703132 SEALED: 10/15/2020