PERMIT DOCUMENTS Jotubmmbujpo!Tdpqf!pg!Xpsl Upxo!$;1232.XQBMNCFBDI-Dvtupnfs!$;2232141:4Kpc!$;28Ftujnbuf!$;2.75FL5XQ GM Tfswjdf!Mpdbujpo Dpnqboz!Obnf;Ebsefo!Sftubvsbout!Jod e0c0b;Mpohipso!Tufblipvtf!$6161 Beesftt!Mjof!2;612!O!Dpohsftt!BwfD0P!Sfhjpot!Gbdjmjuz!Tw Beesftt!Mjof!3; Beesftt!Mjof!4; Djuz;Cpzoupo!Cfbdi Tubuf;GM \[jq;44537 Dpoubdu!Jogpsnbujpo; Tupsf!Ovncfs;6161 Tbmft!Sfq;Kbdrvfmjof!Zfuufs OB$;:::112821 Qbhf2!pg!4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1803103132 Jotubmmbujpo!Tdpqf!pg!Xpsl Dpnqboz!Obnf;EbsefoSftubvsboutJode0c0b;Mpohipso!Tufblipvtf!$6161Djuz;Cpzoupo!CfbdiTubuf;GM Mfhfoe!)Bmm!jufnt!tipvme!cf!difdlfe!pgg* X >Efwjdf!xjsfe J>Efwjdf!jotubmmfe !U>Efwjdf!uftufe TDOQspevdu!Ejtqmbz!RvboujuzXJUHspvqTvc.MpdbujpoJoejdbuf!Frvjqnfou0Mpdbujpo!Opuf ObnfHspvqDibohft IXG3W.DPNGjsf!Bmbsn!2 Dpnnvojdbups- MUF-!Wfsj{po 588:78Cbuufsz-!Tfbmfe!2 Mfbe.Bdje-!23!Wpmu-! 8/1Bi DFMM.BOU4ECBOUFOOB-BDDFT2 TPSZ-LJU DFMM.BOU4EC 8737.36IDMpx!Mptt!Dbcmf!2 )36(* XB8737.DBBTTZBEBQUFS2 DBCMF!G08936.PD Qfsnju!Gfft!Qfsnju!Gfft2 )Qspevdujpo* JotqfdujpotJotqfdujpot!.!Gjsf!ps2 Dbse!Bddftt!ps! Mpx!Wpmubhf Opuft; Qbhf3!pg!4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1803103132 Jotubmmbujpo!Tdpqf!pg!Xpsl Uif!tdpqf!pg!xpsl!jt!b!eftdsjqujpo!pg!uif!qspkfdu!boe!tfswjdft!up!cf!qspwjefe/!!Ju!jt!b!tipsu!obssbujwf!up!jodmvef!eftjho!csjfg-!efmjwfsbcmft!cpui!qspevdut! boe!tfswjdft-!boe!qspkfdu!pckfdujwft<!J/f/-!#xibu!bsf!xf!uszjoh!up!bddpnqmjti!gps!uif!dvtupnfs@# Tztufn!Pqfsbujpo; KDJTT!jt!up!qspwjef!boe!jotubmm!b!Gjsf!Bmbsn!Dfmmvmbs!Voju!xjui!Boufoob!up!sfqmbdf!zpvs!qipof!mjoft-!sfnpwf!fyjtujoh!qipof!mjoft!qsphsbn!gps!tpmf! qbui!boe!uftu/ FoibodfeKpcEfubjmt; GB TztufnUzqf; QspevduGbnjmz; DpotusvdujpoDpnqmfyjuz; OfuxpslJoufhsbujpo; TrvbsfGppubhf; Qbhf4!pg!4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1803103132 BQQSPWFE FMFDUSJD IXG3.DPNIXG3.DPNIXG3.DPN!TFSJFT cbmvzpun!1901703132 MUF!0!JQ!Tjohmf!ps!Evbm!Qbui!Dpnnfsdjbm!Gjsf!DpnnvojdbupstMUF!0!JQ!Tjohmf!ps!Evbm!Qbui!Dpnnfsdjbm!Gjsf!DpnnvojdbupstMUF!0!JQ!Tjohmf!ps!Evbm!Qbui!Dpnnfsdjbm!Gjsf!Dpnnvojdbupst BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE The HWF2-COM Series LTE / IP fire GJSF dmjofl!1901603132 communicators are single or dual path commercial fire alarm communicators that HWF2A-COM offer Contact ID reporting with any FACP (fire alarm control panel) with a built-in dialer. Models include: HWF2A-COM (AT&T LTE & IP) HWF2V-COM (Verizon LTE & IP) Both models connect directly to the primary or secondary communication ports of a fire qbofmżt ejhjubm bmbsn dpnnvojdbups usbotnjuufs )EBDU*/ Three selectable reporting paths include: LTE cellular only, IP only, or IP primary with LTE cellular backup. All signals from the HWF2-COM Series are delivered to the AlarmNet® network control center which routes highly encrypted, cybersecured Ethernet data packets via a customer-provided Internet connection or LTE cellular network to the appropriate central station. The AlarmNet® network control center is fully redundant and monitored 24/7. Installation and programming are easy using the handheld 7720P Programming HWF2V-COM tool. GFBUVSFT!BOE!CFOFGJUT MUF!boe!JQ!dpoofdujpo!uftufe!fwfsz!ebzdpoofdujpo!)MBO!ps!XBO*-!ETM!npefm!ps! Ejbhoptujd!MFEt!joejdbuf!tjhobm!tusfohui! Uisff!tfmfdubcmf!sfqpsujoh!qbuit;!MUF!dbcmf!npefn boe!tubuvt dfmmvmbs!pomz-!JQ!pomz-!ps!JQ!Qsjnbsz!xjui!MUF!Ebub!usbotnjut!pwfs!tuboebse!Dpoubdu!JE! Dipjdf!pg!MUF!qspwjefs!tfswjdft dfmmvmbs!cbdlvqqspupdpm!cvu!jt!tfdvsfe!xjui!uif!joevtusz(t! RPT;!Rvbmjuz!pg!Tfswjdf!ejbhoptujdt!wjb! Sfrvjsft!op!dibohf!up!uif!fyjtujoh!GBDQ!bewbodfe!fodszqujpo!tuboebse!)BFT!367! BmbsnOfu!dpowfzt!wjubm!dpnnvojdbups! dpogjhvsbujpocju* jogpsnbujpo!jodmvejoh!tjhobm!tusfohui-! Dpoofdut!ejsfdumz!up!uif!qsjnbsz!boe!Tvqqpsut!cpui!ezobnjd!)EIDQ*!ps!qvcmjd! nfttbhf!qbui!vtfe-!boe!xifo!uif!nfttbhf! tfdpoebsz!ufmfqipof!qpsut!pg!b!EBDUboe!qsjwbuf!Tubujd!JQ!beesfttjoh xbt!sfdfjwfe Qmbo!dipjdft!sbohf!gspn!6!njovuf-!71!Sfmjbcmf!dpoofdujpo;!JQ!boe!dfmmvmbs! 8831Q!Iboeifme!qsphsbnnfs!gps!fbtz! njovuf-!7!ipvs-!boe!35!ipvs!tvqfswjtjpo!dpoofdujpo!uftufe!fwfsz!ebz tfuvq joufswbmtCvjmu.jo-!tuboebmpof!qpxfs!tvqqmz!npevmf/! Pqfsbuft!pwfs!uif!gpmmpxjoh!dpnnvojdbujpo!Pocpbse!dibshjoh!djsdvju!eftjho! qspupdpmt;!MUF-!ITQB,)5H*!ITQB!)4H*bddpnnpebuft!cbuufsz!cbdlvq/!Jodmveft! Xpslt!pwfs!boz!uzqf!pg!dvtupnfs!qspwjefe!qsjnbsz!qpxfs!boe!cbuufsz!tvqfswjtjpo Fuifsofu!210211!cbtfe!ofuxpsl! BQQSPWFE The HWF2-COM LTE / IP fire communicators operate over the most The HWF2-COM LTE / IP fire communicators operate over the most The HWF2-COM LTE / IP fire communicators operate over the most Qsjnbsz!Tvctdsjcfs!JE!)gpvs!ejhjut*-!pcubjofe!gspn!zpvs!npojupsjoh! FMFDUSJD modern and common cellular networks including LTE, 4G and3G. tubujpo cbmvzpun!1901703132 Dpnnvojdbujpo!Npevmf!NBD!JE-!boe!NBD!DSD!ovncfs!mpdbufe!po! They connect to any customer provided Ethernet 10/100 base uif!pvutjef!pg!uif!cpy!boe!jotjef!pg!uif!npevmf network connection (LAN or WAN), DSL or cable modem. Selectable All parameters are assigned by the monitoring station. reporting path feature allows the radios to be configured for a single or dual path, while providing appropriate supervision intervals ALARMNET based on NFPA 72 requirements. Selectable paths and supervision AlarmNet communications technology provides a highly reliable timing intervals include: alternative for the transmission of alarm signals. The network provides extensive coverage in the United States and Canada. The SELECTABLE DESCRIPTIONSUPERVISION AlarmNet Network Control Center processes signals from powerful PATHTIMES servers in multiple locations equipped with 24/7 infrastructure 2010 CellSingle path, cellular5 Minutes support. Redundant hardware servers, real-time backup databases, 2010 IPSingle path, IP5 Minutes and generators with battery backup at all locations ensure continuity of service. Signals from AlarmNet are transmitted to 2010 IP & CellDual path, IP and cellular24 Hours central station receivers using multiple communication paths 2013 CellSingle path, cellular60 Minutes consisting of the Internet, LTE radio network, or toll free plain old 2013 IP Single path, IP 60 Minutes telephone service (POTS). Visit AlarmNet.com to learn more. 2013 IP & CellDual path, IP and cellular6 Hours INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS, UL COMPLIANCE OPERATION To meet UL864/NFPA requirements, ensure the following: When an event occurs, the FACP goes off-hook to dial the central IXG3.DPN!Tfsjft!nvtu!cf!jotubmmfe!jo!bddpsebodf!xjui!uif!Obujpobm! station. The HWF2-COM Series dialer capture module detects the Gjsf!Qspufdujpo!Bttpdjbujpo!)OGQB*!tuboebset!81!boe!83 off-hook condition and provides the fire panel with a dial tone. When IXG3.DPN!Tfsjft!nvtu!cf!npvoufe!jo!uif!tbnf!sppn!boe!xjuijo! the fire panel detects the dial tone, it begins dialing the central 31!gffu!pg!uif!gjsf!qbofm/ station. IXG3.DPN!Tfsjft!boe!bmm!frvjqnfou!vtfe!gps!uif!JQ!dpoofdujpo! )f/h/-!spvufs-!ivc-!npefn-!fud*!nvtu!cf!VM.mjtufe-!qpxfsfe!gspn!bo! After the dialing is completed, the dialer capture module returns a votxjudife!csbodi!djsdvju-!boe!cf!qspwjefe!xjui!bqqspqsjbuf!tuboecz! signal to the fire panel. The fire panel then sends the Contact ID qpxfs/ reports to the dialer capture module, which in turn sends a signal IXG3.DPN!Tfsjft!nvtu!vtf!uif!8BI!cbuufsz!)opu!jodmvefe*!up! after the report is successfully received from the fire panel. The qspwjef!35!ipvs!cbdlvq!dbqbcjmjuz dialer capture nodule sends the Contact ID reports to the HWF2- COM Series communications module. When all the reports are sent, the fire panel goes on-hook. The HWF2-COM Series communications module then transmits the messages to the central station either over the LTE network or the Internet (depending on configuration). FIRE COMMUNICATOR / PANEL CAPABILITY The HWF2-COM Series is compatible with fire alarm control panels that use the Contact ID communications format as described in the SIA DC-05 standard. EASY TO PROGRAM The HWF2-COM communicator can be pre-programmed using the 7720P programmer to enter all central station information. This is saved to the HWF2-COM communicator panel memory. When the HWF2-COM is installed at the site and connected to the Internet/ Intranet, it registers with the AlarmNet Receiver. For most installations, the only required parameters are: Qsjnbsz!Djuz!JE!)uxp!ejhjut*-!pcubjofe!gspn!zpvs!npojupsjoh!tubujpo Qsjnbsz!Dfousbm!Tubujpo!JE!)uxp!ejhjut*-!pcubjofe!gspn!zpvs! npojupsjoh!tubujpo Qbhf 3 pg 4 Ÿ EI.73121;D ƅ 702103131 BQQSPWFE IXG3.DPNIXG3.DPNIXG3.DPN!TFSJFT!TFSJFT!TFSJFTUFDIOJDBM!TQFDJGJDBUJPOTUFDIOJDBM!TQFDJGJDBUJPOTUFDIOJDBM!TQFDJGJDBUJPOT FMFDUSJD Both models include: ELECTRICAL cbmvzpun!1901703132 Sfe!dbcjofu!xjui!lfz!boe!mpdl AlarmNet® is a registered trademark Transformer: Xbmm!pvumfu!cpy of Honeywell International Inc. Qsjnbsz;!231WBD-!71I{-!1/6B Ejbmfs!dbquvsf!npevmf ©2019 by Honeywell International Tfdpoebsz;!29WED-!61WB MUF!dpnnvojdbujpot!npevmf Inc. All rights reserved. Battery: Boufoob!boe!npvoujoh!bebqufs Unauthorized use of this document Pof!23!W!8/1!BI!mfbe.bdje!cbuufsz;!)opu! QpxfsCpptu2!qpxfs!tvqqmz is strictly prohibited. tvqqmjfe* MFE!ejtqmbz!cpbse Cbuufsz!dibshjoh!dvssfou;!2!Bnq!nbyjnvn This document is not intended to be Usbotgpsnfs Cbuufsz!ejtdibshf!dvssfou;!Tuboecz!321nB-! used for installation purposes. We Nbovbm!boe!sfrvjsfe!tdsfxt Bdujwf!3:1nB try to keep our product information Dbcmft-!fud/ up-to-date and accurate. We cannot CABINET SPECIFICATIONS ANTENNA AND EXTERNAL cover all specific applications or Ejnfotjpot;!25/986#!I!y!23/86#!X!y!4/1#!E! HARDWARE anticipate all requirements. All )48/9dn!I!y!43/5dn!X!y!8/7dn!E* specifications are subject to change CELL-ANT3DB: 3dBA gain antenna Dpmps;!Sfe without notice. WA7626-CA: SMA to N adapter cable SHIPPING DIMENSIONS 7626-50HC: 50 ft. antenna cable, low loss Country of origin: USA Xfjhiu;!6/4!mct!)7/:5lh* Note: The WA7626-CA adapter cable and Ejnfotjpot;!26/736#!I!y!24/8:#!X!y!:/36#!E! 7626-50HC antenna cable are only )4:/8dn!I!y!45/:dn!X!y!34/:dn!E* required when installing the CELL-ANT3DB antenna remotely. TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY RANGES OTHER ACCESSORIES This system meets NFPA requirements for 7720P: HWF2V-COM, HWF2A-COM and operation at 0 - 49°C/32-120°F and at a IPGSM-4G handheld programmer relative humidity 93%+- 2% RH (non- HPTCOVER: Plug-in transformer box for condensing at 32°C +- 2°C(90°F +-3°F). HWF2V-COM, HWF2A-COM, and IPGSM- However the useful life of the system's 4G communicators standby batteries and the electronic BAT-1270: Battery 12 Volts, 7AH, sealed components may be adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidity. AGENCY LISTINGS AND Therefore, it is recommended that this APPROVALS system and its peripherals be installed in an The listings and approvals below apply to environment with a normal room the HWF2-COM Series communicators. In temperature of 15 - 27°C/60-80°F. some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION may be in process. Consult the factory for HWF2V-COM: LTE Digital Cellular Fire latest listings. Alarm Communicator and Internet Panel, Verizon LTE / IP UL Listed: S789 HWF2A-COM: LTE Digital Cellular Fire CSFM: 7300-1645:0511 Alarm Communicator and Internet Panel, FDNY: Approved AT&T LTE / IP Honeywell Power Products 12 Clintonville Road Northford, CT 06472-1610 203.484.7161 DH-62010 | C | 06/20 ©2020 Honeywell International Inc. www.honeywellpower.com BQQSPWFE FMFDUSJD IXG3.DPNIXG3.DPNIXG3.DPN!TFSJFT cbmvzpun!1901703132 MUF!0!JQ!Tjohmf!ps!Evbm!Qbui!Dpnnfsdjbm!Gjsf!DpnnvojdbupstMUF!0!JQ!Tjohmf!ps!Evbm!Qbui!Dpnnfsdjbm!Gjsf!DpnnvojdbupstMUF!0!JQ!Tjohmf!ps!Evbm!Qbui!Dpnnfsdjbm!Gjsf!Dpnnvojdbupst BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE The HWF2-COM Series LTE / IP fire GJSF dmjofl!1901603132 communicators are single or dual path commercial fire alarm communicators that HWF2A-COM offer Contact ID reporting with any FACP (fire alarm control panel) with a built-in dialer. Models include: HWF2A-COM (AT&T LTE & IP) HWF2V-COM (Verizon LTE & IP) Both models connect directly to the primary or secondary communication ports of a fire qbofmżt ejhjubm bmbsn dpnnvojdbups usbotnjuufs )EBDU*/ Three selectable reporting paths include: LTE cellular only, IP only, or IP primary with LTE cellular backup. All signals from the HWF2-COM Series are delivered to the AlarmNet® network control center which routes highly encrypted, cybersecured Ethernet data packets via a customer-provided Internet connection or LTE cellular network to the appropriate central station. The AlarmNet® network control center is fully redundant and monitored 24/7. Installation and programming are easy using the handheld 7720P Programming HWF2V-COM tool. GFBUVSFT!BOE!CFOFGJUT MUF!boe!JQ!dpoofdujpo!uftufe!fwfsz!ebzdpoofdujpo!)MBO!ps!XBO*-!ETM!npefm!ps! Ejbhoptujd!MFEt!joejdbuf!tjhobm!tusfohui! Uisff!tfmfdubcmf!sfqpsujoh!qbuit;!MUF!dbcmf!npefn boe!tubuvt dfmmvmbs!pomz-!JQ!pomz-!ps!JQ!Qsjnbsz!xjui!MUF!Ebub!usbotnjut!pwfs!tuboebse!Dpoubdu!JE! Dipjdf!pg!MUF!qspwjefs!tfswjdft dfmmvmbs!cbdlvqqspupdpm!cvu!jt!tfdvsfe!xjui!uif!joevtusz(t! RPT;!Rvbmjuz!pg!Tfswjdf!ejbhoptujdt!wjb! Sfrvjsft!op!dibohf!up!uif!fyjtujoh!GBDQ!bewbodfe!fodszqujpo!tuboebse!)BFT!367! BmbsnOfu!dpowfzt!wjubm!dpnnvojdbups! dpogjhvsbujpocju* jogpsnbujpo!jodmvejoh!tjhobm!tusfohui-! Dpoofdut!ejsfdumz!up!uif!qsjnbsz!boe!Tvqqpsut!cpui!ezobnjd!)EIDQ*!ps!qvcmjd! nfttbhf!qbui!vtfe-!boe!xifo!uif!nfttbhf! tfdpoebsz!ufmfqipof!qpsut!pg!b!EBDUboe!qsjwbuf!Tubujd!JQ!beesfttjoh xbt!sfdfjwfe Qmbo!dipjdft!sbohf!gspn!6!njovuf-!71!Sfmjbcmf!dpoofdujpo;!JQ!boe!dfmmvmbs! 8831Q!Iboeifme!qsphsbnnfs!gps!fbtz! njovuf-!7!ipvs-!boe!35!ipvs!tvqfswjtjpo!dpoofdujpo!uftufe!fwfsz!ebz tfuvq joufswbmtCvjmu.jo-!tuboebmpof!qpxfs!tvqqmz!npevmf/! Pqfsbuft!pwfs!uif!gpmmpxjoh!dpnnvojdbujpo!Pocpbse!dibshjoh!djsdvju!eftjho! qspupdpmt;!MUF-!ITQB,)5H*!ITQB!)4H*bddpnnpebuft!cbuufsz!cbdlvq/!Jodmveft! Xpslt!pwfs!boz!uzqf!pg!dvtupnfs!qspwjefe!qsjnbsz!qpxfs!boe!cbuufsz!tvqfswjtjpo Fuifsofu!210211!cbtfe!ofuxpsl! BQQSPWFE The HWF2-COM LTE / IP fire communicators operate over the most The HWF2-COM LTE / IP fire communicators operate over the most The HWF2-COM LTE / IP fire communicators operate over the most Qsjnbsz!Tvctdsjcfs!JE!)gpvs!ejhjut*-!pcubjofe!gspn!zpvs!npojupsjoh! FMFDUSJD modern and common cellular networks including LTE, 4G and3G. tubujpo cbmvzpun!1901703132 Dpnnvojdbujpo!Npevmf!NBD!JE-!boe!NBD!DSD!ovncfs!mpdbufe!po! They connect to any customer provided Ethernet 10/100 base uif!pvutjef!pg!uif!cpy!boe!jotjef!pg!uif!npevmf network connection (LAN or WAN), DSL or cable modem. Selectable All parameters are assigned by the monitoring station. reporting path feature allows the radios to be configured for a single or dual path, while providing appropriate supervision intervals ALARMNET based on NFPA 72 requirements. Selectable paths and supervision AlarmNet communications technology provides a highly reliable timing intervals include: alternative for the transmission of alarm signals. The network provides extensive coverage in the United States and Canada. The SELECTABLE DESCRIPTIONSUPERVISION AlarmNet Network Control Center processes signals from powerful PATHTIMES servers in multiple locations equipped with 24/7 infrastructure 2010 CellSingle path, cellular5 Minutes support. Redundant hardware servers, real-time backup databases, 2010 IPSingle path, IP5 Minutes and generators with battery backup at all locations ensure continuity of service. Signals from AlarmNet are transmitted to 2010 IP & CellDual path, IP and cellular24 Hours central station receivers using multiple communication paths 2013 CellSingle path, cellular60 Minutes consisting of the Internet, LTE radio network, or toll free plain old 2013 IP Single path, IP 60 Minutes telephone service (POTS). Visit AlarmNet.com to learn more. 2013 IP & CellDual path, IP and cellular6 Hours INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS, UL COMPLIANCE OPERATION To meet UL864/NFPA requirements, ensure the following: When an event occurs, the FACP goes off-hook to dial the central IXG3.DPN!Tfsjft!nvtu!cf!jotubmmfe!jo!bddpsebodf!xjui!uif!Obujpobm! station. The HWF2-COM Series dialer capture module detects the Gjsf!Qspufdujpo!Bttpdjbujpo!)OGQB*!tuboebset!81!boe!83 off-hook condition and provides the fire panel with a dial tone. When IXG3.DPN!Tfsjft!nvtu!cf!npvoufe!jo!uif!tbnf!sppn!boe!xjuijo! the fire panel detects the dial tone, it begins dialing the central 31!gffu!pg!uif!gjsf!qbofm/ station. IXG3.DPN!Tfsjft!boe!bmm!frvjqnfou!vtfe!gps!uif!JQ!dpoofdujpo! )f/h/-!spvufs-!ivc-!npefn-!fud*!nvtu!cf!VM.mjtufe-!qpxfsfe!gspn!bo! After the dialing is completed, the dialer capture module returns a votxjudife!csbodi!djsdvju-!boe!cf!qspwjefe!xjui!bqqspqsjbuf!tuboecz! signal to the fire panel. The fire panel then sends the Contact ID qpxfs/ reports to the dialer capture module, which in turn sends a signal IXG3.DPN!Tfsjft!nvtu!vtf!uif!8BI!cbuufsz!)opu!jodmvefe*!up! after the report is successfully received from the fire panel. The qspwjef!35!ipvs!cbdlvq!dbqbcjmjuz dialer capture nodule sends the Contact ID reports to the HWF2- COM Series communications module. When all the reports are sent, the fire panel goes on-hook. The HWF2-COM Series communications module then transmits the messages to the central station either over the LTE network or the Internet (depending on configuration). FIRE COMMUNICATOR / PANEL CAPABILITY The HWF2-COM Series is compatible with fire alarm control panels that use the Contact ID communications format as described in the SIA DC-05 standard. EASY TO PROGRAM The HWF2-COM communicator can be pre-programmed using the 7720P programmer to enter all central station information. This is saved to the HWF2-COM communicator panel memory. When the HWF2-COM is installed at the site and connected to the Internet/ Intranet, it registers with the AlarmNet Receiver. For most installations, the only required parameters are: Qsjnbsz!Djuz!JE!)uxp!ejhjut*-!pcubjofe!gspn!zpvs!npojupsjoh!tubujpo Qsjnbsz!Dfousbm!Tubujpo!JE!)uxp!ejhjut*-!pcubjofe!gspn!zpvs! npojupsjoh!tubujpo Qbhf 3 pg 4 Ÿ EI.73121;D ƅ 702103131 BQQSPWFE IXG3.DPNIXG3.DPNIXG3.DPN!TFSJFT!TFSJFT!TFSJFTUFDIOJDBM!TQFDJGJDBUJPOTUFDIOJDBM!TQFDJGJDBUJPOTUFDIOJDBM!TQFDJGJDBUJPOT FMFDUSJD Both models include: ELECTRICAL cbmvzpun!1901703132 Sfe!dbcjofu!xjui!lfz!boe!mpdl AlarmNet® is a registered trademark Transformer: Xbmm!pvumfu!cpy of Honeywell International Inc. Qsjnbsz;!231WBD-!71I{-!1/6B Ejbmfs!dbquvsf!npevmf ©2019 by Honeywell International Tfdpoebsz;!29WED-!61WB MUF!dpnnvojdbujpot!npevmf Inc. All rights reserved. Battery: Boufoob!boe!npvoujoh!bebqufs Unauthorized use of this document Pof!23!W!8/1!BI!mfbe.bdje!cbuufsz;!)opu! QpxfsCpptu2!qpxfs!tvqqmz is strictly prohibited. tvqqmjfe* MFE!ejtqmbz!cpbse Cbuufsz!dibshjoh!dvssfou;!2!Bnq!nbyjnvn This document is not intended to be Usbotgpsnfs Cbuufsz!ejtdibshf!dvssfou;!Tuboecz!321nB-! used for installation purposes. We Nbovbm!boe!sfrvjsfe!tdsfxt Bdujwf!3:1nB try to keep our product information Dbcmft-!fud/ up-to-date and accurate. We cannot CABINET SPECIFICATIONS ANTENNA AND EXTERNAL cover all specific applications or Ejnfotjpot;!25/986#!I!y!23/86#!X!y!4/1#!E! HARDWARE anticipate all requirements. All )48/9dn!I!y!43/5dn!X!y!8/7dn!E* specifications are subject to change CELL-ANT3DB: 3dBA gain antenna Dpmps;!Sfe without notice. WA7626-CA: SMA to N adapter cable SHIPPING DIMENSIONS 7626-50HC: 50 ft. antenna cable, low loss Country of origin: USA Xfjhiu;!6/4!mct!)7/:5lh* Note: The WA7626-CA adapter cable and Ejnfotjpot;!26/736#!I!y!24/8:#!X!y!:/36#!E! 7626-50HC antenna cable are only )4:/8dn!I!y!45/:dn!X!y!34/:dn!E* required when installing the CELL-ANT3DB antenna remotely. TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY RANGES OTHER ACCESSORIES This system meets NFPA requirements for 7720P: HWF2V-COM, HWF2A-COM and operation at 0 - 49°C/32-120°F and at a IPGSM-4G handheld programmer relative humidity 93%+- 2% RH (non- HPTCOVER: Plug-in transformer box for condensing at 32°C +- 2°C(90°F +-3°F). HWF2V-COM, HWF2A-COM, and IPGSM- However the useful life of the system's 4G communicators standby batteries and the electronic BAT-1270: Battery 12 Volts, 7AH, sealed components may be adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidity. AGENCY LISTINGS AND Therefore, it is recommended that this APPROVALS system and its peripherals be installed in an The listings and approvals below apply to environment with a normal room the HWF2-COM Series communicators. In temperature of 15 - 27°C/60-80°F. some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION may be in process. Consult the factory for HWF2V-COM: LTE Digital Cellular Fire latest listings. Alarm Communicator and Internet Panel, Verizon LTE / IP UL Listed: S789 HWF2A-COM: LTE Digital Cellular Fire CSFM: 7300-1645:0511 Alarm Communicator and Internet Panel, FDNY: Approved AT&T LTE / IP Honeywell Power Products 12 Clintonville Road Northford, CT 06472-1610 203.484.7161 DH-62010 | C | 06/20 ©2020 Honeywell International Inc. www.honeywellpower.com