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FOUJSF!BHSFFNFOU;!Uijt!Bhsffnfou!dpoubjot!uif!foujsf!Bhsffnfou!cfuxffo!Qspqfsuz!Pxofs!boe!DNS/!Uijt!Bhsffnfou!tvqfstfeft!bmm!puifs! xsjuufo!boe0ps!psbm!Bhsffnfout/!Boz!ejtqvuf!ps!dpouspwfstz!cfuxffo!uif!Qspqfsuz!Pxofs!boe!DNS!bt!up!uijt!Bhsffnfou!tibmm!cf!hpwfsofe!cz!uif!mbx! pg!uif!Tubuf!pg!Gmpsjeb!boe!sftpmwfe!jo!uif!Dpvsut!pg!Cspxbse!Dpvouz-!Gmpsjeb/! PremiumReport 7/2/2021 Claim:CHO-00101332 3567StrattonLane,BoyntonBeach,FL33436Report:41055888 AREADIAGRAM TotalArea=2,238sqft,with13facets. 74 50 50 279 320 502 113 194 143 12 180 162 N 156 E W S Note:Thisdiagramshowsthesquarefeetofeachrooffacet(roundedtothenearestFoot).Thetotalareainsquarefeet,atthetop ofthispage,isbasedonthenon-roundedvaluesofeachrooffacet(roundedtothenearestsquarefootafterbeingtotaled). ©2008-2021EagleViewTechnologies,Inc.andPictometryInternationalCorp.–AllRightsReserved– ProtectedbyEuropeanPatentApplicationNo.10162199.3–CoveredbyoneormoreofU.S.PatentNos.8,078,436;8,145,578;8,170,8 40; 8,209,152;8,515,125;8,825,454;9,135,737;8,670,961;9,514,568;8,818,770;8,542,880;9,244,589;9,329,749;9,599,466.OtherPatentsPending. 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The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER -Product Control Section to be used in Miami-Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (in Miami-Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami-Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. D ESCRIPTION: Estate ÐSÑ Tile L ABELING:Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. R ENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. T ERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. A DVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. I NSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA renews NOA No. 19-1021.03 and consists of pages 1 through 7. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Alex Tigera. NOA No. 21-0323.05 Expiration Date: 08/23/26 Approval Date: 05/20/21 Page 1 of 7 R OOFING A SSEMBLY A PPROVAL Category: Roofing Sub Category: Roofing Tiles Material: Concrete 1.S COPE This approves a roofing system using Boral Estate ÐSÑ Concrete Roof Tile, as manufactured by Boral Roofing, LLC in Okeechobee, FL as described in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, designed to comply with the Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone. For use in locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by applicable Building Code, do not exceed the design pressure values obtain by calculations in compliance with RAS 127 using the values listed in section 4 herein. The attachment calculations shall be prepared as a moment based system. 2.P RODUCT D ESCRIPTION Manufactured by Dimensions TestProduct ApplicantSpecifications Description Boral Estate ÒSÓ Roof Tile Length = 16-1/2" TAS 112 Low profile, interlocking, extruded Width = 13" Type 1b concrete roof tile equipped with two nail Class III hole and double roll ribs. For direct deck or battened nail-on, mortar or adhesive set applications. Trim Pieces l = varies TAS 112 Accessory trim, concrete roof pieces for w = varies use at hips, rakes, ridges and valley varying thickness terminations. Manufactured for each tile profile. 2.1 M ANUFACTURING L OCATION 1. Okeechobee, FL 2.2P RODUCTS M ANUFACTURED B Y O THERS Product NameProduct DescriptionManufacturer (With Current NOA) ® Two component polyurethane ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160 foam adhesive. TM TILE BOND Roof Tile Adhesive Single component polyurethane The Dow Chemical Company foam roof tile adhesive. DAP Foam Touch N Seal Two component polyurethane Dap Foam, Inc. ® foam adhesive. StormBond2 Roof Tile Adhesive NOA No. 21-0323.05 Expiration Date: 08/23/26 Approval Date: 05/20/21 Page 2 of 7 2.3 E VIDENCE S UBMITTED: Test Agency Test IdentifierTest Name/ReportDate Redland Technologies 7161-03 PA 102 Dec. 1991 7161-03 PA 102(A) Dec. 1991 7161-03 PA 108 Dec. 1991 P0402 Withdrawal Resistance Testing of Sept. 1993 screw vs. smooth shank nails P0631-01 PA 108 July 1994 Letter Dated Aug. 1, PA 108 Aug. 1994 1994 Professional Service Industries, Inc.224-47099 PA 112 Sept. 1994 The Center for Applied 94-060B PA 101 March, 1994 Engineering, Inc. 94-084 PA 101 May 1994 25-7094-1 PA 102 Oct. 1994 25-7094-7 PA 102 Oct. 1994 25-7094-4 PA 102 Oct. 1994 Project No. 307025 PA 100 Oct. 1994 Test #MDC-76 25-7183-1 PA 102 Feb. 1995 25-7183-2 PA 102 Feb. 1995 25-7214-2 PA 102 March, 1995 25-7214-6 PA 102 March, 1995 Celotex Corporation Testing Services 528454-2-1 PA 101 Sep. 1998 520109-2 Dec. 1998 Walker Engineering, Inc. Calculations Aerodynamic Multiplier March 1999 IBA Consultants, Inc. 2381-264 TAS 112 01/08/08 American Test Lab of South Florida RT0201.02-21 TAS 112 02/12/21 PRI Construction Material DAPF-004-02-05 TAS 101 07/26/18 Technologies DAPF-004-02-07 Static Uplift Resistance 07/26/18 (Adhesive Set) NOA No. 21-0323.05 Expiration Date: 08/23/26 Approval Date: 05/20/21 Page 3 of 7 3. L IMITATIONS: 3.1 Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. 3.2 For mortar or adhesive set tile applications, a static field uplift test in accordance with TAS 106 may required, refer to applicable building code. 3.3 Applicant shall retain the services of a Miami-Dade County Certified Laboratory to perform quarterly test in accordance with TAS 112, appendix ÒAÓ. Such testing shall be submitted to the Miami-Dade Product Control Section for review. 3.4 Minimum underlayment shall be in compliance with the applicable Roofing Applications Standards listed section 4.1 herein. 3.5 Minimum slope 4/12 for mechanically attached tile. 3.6 30/90 hot mopped underlayment applications may be installed perpendicular to the roof slope unless stated otherwise by the underlayment material manufacturers published literature. 3.7 This acceptance is for wood deck applications. Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with applicable building code. 3.7 All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. 4.I NSTALLATION 4.1 Boral Estate ÐSÑ Concrete Roof Tile and its components shall be installed in strict compliance with Miami Dade County Roofing Application Standard RAS 118, RAS 119, and RAS 120. 4.2 Data For Attachment Calculations. Table 1: Average Weight (W) and Dimensions (l x w ) Tile Profile Weight-W (lbf) Length-l (ft.) Width-w (ft.) Boral Estate ÒSÓ Roof Tile 10.0 1.375 1.08 3 Table 2: Aerodynamic Multipliers - (ft) 33 Tile Profile (ft) (ft) Batten ApplicationDirect Deck Application Boral Estate ÒSÓ Roof Tile 0.267 0.289 Table 3: Restoring Moments due to Gravity - M (ft.-lbf) g Tile 3":12"4":12"5":12"6":12"Greater than Profile 7":12" Boral Estate ÒSÓ Battens Direct Battens Direct Battens Direct Battens Direct Battens Direct Roof Tile Deck Deck Deck Deck Deck N/A 6.74 5.82 6.64 5.70 6.50 5.56 6.33 5.40 6.14 NOA No. 21-0323.05 Expiration Date: 08/23/26 Approval Date: 05/20/21 Page 4 of 7 Table 4: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - M (ft-lbf) f for Nail-On Systems Tile Fastener Type Direct Deck Direct Deck Battens Profile (min 15/32Ñ plywood) (min. 19/32Ñ plywood) Boral Estate 2-10d Ring Shank Nails 27.8 37.4 28.8 ÒSÓ Roof Tile 1-10d Smooth or Screw 8.8 11.8 4.1 2 Shank Nail 2-10d Smooth or Screw 16.4 21.9 7.1 Shank Nails 2 1 #8 Screw 25.8 25.8 22.9 2 #8 Screw 47.1 47.1 49.1 1-10d Smooth or Screw 24.3 24.3 24.2 2 Shank Nail (Field Clip) 1-10d Smooth or Screw 19.0 19.0 22.1 2 Shank Nail (Eave Clip) 2-10d Smooth or Screw 35.5 35.5 34.8 Shank Nails (Field Clip) 2-10d Smooth or Screw 31.9 31.9 32.2 Shank Nails (Eave Clip) 1 2-10d Ring Shank Nails43.0 67.5 50.9 1 Installation with a 4" tile headlap and fasteners are located a min. of 2½" from head of tile. 2 When using only one fastener use the hole that is approximately 4-3/4Ñ away from interlocking edge. Table 5: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment M (ft-lbf) f for Two Patty Adhesive Set Systems 3 Tile Tile Application Minimum Attachment Profile Resistance TM 4 Boral Estate ÒSÓ Roof Tile Dupont De Nemours TILE BOND Roof Tile Adhesive 26.1 5 ICP Adhesives Polyset® AH-160 26.1 6 DAP Foam Touch N Seal StormBond® 2 Roof Tile Adhesive 35 3 See manufactures component approval for installation requirements. TM 4 Dupont De Nemours TILE BOND Roof Tile Adhesive weight per patty 11.4 grams. 5 ICP Adhesives Polyset® AH-160 weight per patty 8 grams. 6 DAP Foam Touch N Seal StormBond® 2 Roof Tile Adhesive weight per paddy 8 grams. NOA No. 21-0323.05 Expiration Date: 08/23/26 Approval Date: 05/20/21 Page 5 of 7 Table 6: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - M (ft-lbf) f for Single Patty Adhesive Set Systems 7 Tile Tile Application Minimum Attachment Profile Resistance 8 Boral Estate ÒSÓ Roof Tile ICP Adhesives Polyset® AH-160 86.61 9 ICP Adhesives Polyset® AH-160 45 9 DAP Foam Touch N Seal StormBond® 2 Roof Tile Adhesive 60 7 See manufactures component approval for installation requirements. 8 ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160 Large paddy placement of 54 grams. 9 ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160 Medium paddy placement of 24 grams. 10 DAP Foam Touch N Seal StormBond® 2 Roof Tile Adhesive weight per paddy 60 grams. Table 7: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - M(ft.-lbf) f for Mortar or Adhesive Set Systems Tile Tile Application Minimum Attachment ProfileResistance Boral Estate ÒSÓ Roof Mortar Set 20.60 Tile 5.L ABELING All tiles shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo as seen below or following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved". OR B ORAL E STATE ÐSÑT ILE L ABEL (LOCATED ON UNDERSIDE OF TILE) 6.B UILDING P ERMIT R EQUIREMENTS: 6.1 Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance. 6.1.2 Any other documents required by Building Official or Applicable building code in order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. NOA No. 21-0323.05 Expiration Date: 08/23/26 Approval Date: 05/20/21 Page 6 of 7 P ROFILE D RAWING B ORAL E STATE ÐS"C ONCRETE R OOF T ILE END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA No. 21-0323.05 Expiration Date: 08/23/26 Approval Date: 05/20/21 Page 7 of 7 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) Miami, Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 www.miamidade.gov/economy NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) Tarco Specialty Products, Inc. One Information Way, Suite 225 Little Rock, AR 72202 S COPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER -Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (in Miami-Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami-Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. D ESCRIPTION: Tarco Roofing Membranes and Underlayments L ABELING:Each unit shall bear a permanentlabel with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. R ENEWALof this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there hasbeen no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. T ERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. A DVERTISEMENT:The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. I NSPECTION:A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revisesNOA No. 16-1116.09and consists of pages 1 through 15. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Freddy Semino NOA No.: 18-1105.05 Expiration Date: 01/25/22 Approval Date: 09/26/19 Page 1of 15 R OOFING C OMPONENT A PPROVAL Category: Roofing Underlayment Sub-Category: Asphalt, SBS, Polyester Material: S COPE: This acceptance is for Tarco Roofing Membrane and Underlayments, for use with approved prepared roof assemblieswhere the applicable TAS/ASTM specific underlayment is specified and installed with prescribed approved adhesives, fasteners and fastener densities,as described in this Notice of Acceptance; designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. T RADE N AMES OF P RODUCTS M ANUFACTURED OR L ABELED BY A PPLICANT: ProductDimensionsTest SpecificationProduct Description ASTM D226 Type IIAsphalt saturated felt underlayment 30# ASTM Specification Felt Manufacturing Location#1 & #2 ASTM D226 Type IISheet material comprising a polyester EasyLay substrate coated with bituminouscoating for Manufacturing use as an underlayment in roofing Location#2 applications. Designed as a shingle and metal roofing underlayment and for use in tile roofing assemblies when used with an approved TAS 103 tile underlayment cap sheet. ASTM D3909Mineral surfacedglass fiber reinforced, Fiberglass Mineral asphalt coated roll roofing for hot mop or cold Surfaced Roll process application. Roofing Manufacturing Location#1 ASTM D6380 Asphalt saturated granular surfaced felt ASTM Organic Tile Type IIunderlayment for hot mop application. Underlayment Manufacturing Location#1 TAS 104Granular surfaced polyester reinforced,SBS EasyMop SBS modified bituminous membrane for hot mop or Manufacturing cold process application. Designed as a tile Location#1 roofing underlayment. NOA No.: 18-1105.05 Expiration Date: 01/25/22 Approval Date: 09/26/19 Page 2of 15 TAS 103Granular surfaced, asphalt-impregnated Fast90 ASTM D249organic felt reinforced, bituminous sheet Manufacturing ASTM D6380material with a self-adhesive bottom layer, for Location#1 use as an underlayment in sloped roof assemblies. Designed as a tile roofing underlayment. HT TAS 103Fabric surfaced, fiberglass reinforced, SBS PS200 ASTM D1970modified bituminous sheet material with a Manufacturing self-adhesive bottom layer, for use as an Location#2 underlayment in sloped roof assemblies. Designed as ashingle,tile and metal roofing underlayment. MU ASTM D1970Film surfaced, fiberglass reinforced, SBS PS200 modified bituminous sheet material with a Manufacturing self-adhesive bottom layer, for use as an Location#1 & #2 underlayment in sloped roof assemblies. Designed as a metal and shingle roofing underlayment. ASTM D1970Fine granular surfaced, fiberglass reinforced, MS300 bituminous sheet material with a self-adhesive Manufacturing bottom layer, for use as an underlayment in Location#1 & #2 sloped roof assemblies. Designed as an ice and water shield, and a shingle roofing underlayment. ASTM D1970Smooth surfaced, fiberglass reinforced, SS400 bituminous sheet material with a self-adhesive Manufacturing bottom layer, for use as an underlayment in Location#1 & #2 sloped roof assemblies. Designed as an ice and water shield, and a shingle and metal roofing underlayment. HT ASTM D1970Film surfaced, non-reinforced, bituminous NR500 sheet material with a self-adhesive bottom Manufacturing layer, for use as an underlayment in sloped Location#3 roof assemblies. Designed as an ice and water shield, and a shingle and metal roofing underlayment. TAS 103Filmsurfaced, non-reinforced, SBS modified NR600 Ultra bituminous sheet material with a self-adhesive Manufacturing bottom layer, for use as an underlayment in sloped roof assemblies. Designed as ashingle, Location#1 tile and metal roofing underlayment. NOA No.: 18-1105.05 Expiration Date: 01/25/22 Approval Date: 09/26/19 Page 3of 15 M ANUFACTURING L OCATION: Greencastle, PA 1. Belton, TX 2. Coshocton, OH 3. E VIDENCE S UBMITTED: Test AgencyTest IdentifierTest Name/ReportDate Atlantic & Carribean Roof ACRC06-013TAS 10306/14/06 Consulting, LLC PRI Asphalt TechnologiesTOT-003-02-01ASTM D226 Type II08/22/02 TOT-029-02-01TAS 110, ASTM D249 & D 638007/05/05 TOT-030-02-01TAS 110, ASTM D249 & D 638007/05/05 TOT-041-02-01TAS 110, ASTM D226 Type II05/24/06 TOT-042-02-01ASTM D4798 & ASTM G15505/22/07 Trinity | ERDT3580.10.06-2TAS 10310/26/06 T3580.10.06TAS 103, ASTM D638010/12/06 T30160.08.09-R1ASTM D197010/12/10 T10550.07.08ASTM D4798 & ASTM D197007/30/08 T32530.08.10ASTM D197008/17/10 T33190.08.10TAS 10308/06/10 T43930.09.13-R2TAS 10409/11/13 T40790.04.12ASTM D638004/06/12 T40780.04.12ASTMD390904/06/12 T37610.07.11TAS 114-D07/29/11 IRT-ArconIRT07-0006ASTM D197007/11/07 IRT 07-0036ASTM D197002/22/08 IRT08-0002ASTM D197002/22/08 NEMO|etc.TAR-SC8020.06.18TAS 103, D479806/05/18 4j-TAR-19-SSUDL-TAS 11008/27/19 01.A NOA No.: 18-1105.05 Expiration Date: 01/25/22 Approval Date: 09/26/19 Page 4of 15 A PPROVED A SSEMBLIES-30#A STM S PECIFICATION F ELT: See Installation Requirements and General Limitations below. Deck Type: See Installation Requirements and General Limitations below. Deck Description: See Installation Requirements and General Limitations below. System E(1): I NSTALLATION R EQUIREMENTS 30#A STM S PECIFICATION F ELT: 1.30# ASTM Specification Felt shall be installed in strict compliance with applicable Building Codes. 2.Observe and comply with roofing practices and guidelines as outlined by the National Roofing Contractors Associations (NRCA) when installing 30# Felt. 3.During installation of 30# Felt, comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety standards; use common sense measures and adequate safety precautions to prevent accidents. 4. fastened as required by applicable system assemblies NOA or FBC 1518.2. G ENERAL L IMITATIONS 30#A STM S PECIFICATION F ELT: 1.Fire classification is not part of this acceptance; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 2.This acceptance is for prepared roofing applications. Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with applicable building code. 3.30# ASTM Specification Felt may be used with any approved roof covering Notice of Acceptance listing ASTM D226 Type II felt as a component part of an assembly in the Notice of Acceptance. 4.Allproducts lised herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3of the Florida Administrative Code. NOA No.: 18-1105.05 Expiration Date: 01/25/22 Approval Date: 09/26/19 Page 5of 15 A PPROVED A SSEMBLIES-E ASY L AY: Wood, Non-insulated Deck Type 1: 19 /" or greater plywood or wood plank Deck Description: 32 Anchor sheet mechanically fastened to deck. System E(2): Anchor Sheet: . Fastening: in the field (for Anchor/Base sheet).. Approved Roof Assemblies in lieu of FBC perscribed ASTM D 226 Type II felt Surfacing: I NSTALLATION R EQUIREMENTS -E ASY L AY: 1.EasyLay shall be installed in strict compliance with applicable Building Codes. 2.Observe and comply with roofing practices and guidelines as outlined by the National Roofing Contractors Associations (NRCA) when installing EasyLay. 3.During installation, comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety standards; use common sense measures and adequate safety precautions to prevent accidents. 4.EasyLay shall be acceptable for use with asphaltic shingles, wood shakes and shingles, quarry slate, tile and metal roofing assemblies. 5.Re-fasten any loose decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads prior to the application of EasyLay. 6.Place a full width piece of EasyLay, parallel to the eave (low) edge of the roof. 7.Unroll EasyLay 2 to 3 feet, with the lay lines facing up, and position the end of it to the edge of the eave and rake. 8.Install a few fasteners at the top, near the rake, and roll out the sheet to a manageable length. 9.Pull, straighten and align the sheet so that any wrinkles are eliminated and the sheet is even with the eave edge. 10.EasyLay shall be fastened with approved roofing nails and tin caps or approved cap nails, driven by hand or o.c. in the field of the sheet. 11.When installing nails, apply so that the head of the nail is flush with the EasyLay surface, without cutting into the EasyLay surface. 12.Fastening shall be done from the top to avoid walking or kneeling on unsecured sheet. 13.Continue on to the end of the substrate and fasten down. 14. 15.Then install the just placed sheet, per instructions above. 16.The bottom of the second course of EasyLay shall lay on top of the first course so that any water will flow over the top of EasyLay. 17. 18. NOA No.: 18-1105.05 Expiration Date: 01/25/22 Approval Date: 09/26/19 Page 6of 15 19. 20. 21.After installing EasyLay on the field of the roof, install drip edge at the eaves (if used). 22.When applying EasyLay in the valley, start at the low point and work to the high point, rolling the membrane from the center outward in each direction. Make sure there are no rips or large wrinkles in the EasyLay. 23.Before applying horizontal sections of EasyLay, install a vertical length of EasyLay down the center of the valley. 24.Several sections of EasyLay can be used, but be certain to overlapthe higher sections several inches so any water will flow over the top of the sheet. 25.EasyLay underlayment in the valley areas must be covered with code prescribed metal or other approved valley lining material. 26.orm layer of SBS trowel grade modified flashing cement to water proof areas of EasyLay where any cuts or tears have occurred. Seams or joints may require the application of an SBS trowel grade modified flashing cement. 27.Flash vent pipes, stacks, chimneys and penetrations in compliance with Roof Assembly current Product Control Notice of Acceptance and applicable Building Code. G ENERAL L IMITATIONS -E ASY L AY: 1.Fire classification is not part of this acceptance; refer to a current Approved RoofingMaterials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 2.This acceptance is for prepared roofing applications. Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with applicable building code. 3.EasyLay shall be applied to a clean and dry surface. 4. information. 5.EasyLay shall not be used on slopes less than 2:12, unless the slope is acceptable to the weather resistant covering. In general, on slopes less than 4:12, a double layer of EasyLay is recommended. shed water. 6.When installing EasyLay, the roof system must include proper ventilation. 7.Refer to prepared roofing system Product Control Notice of Acceptance for listed approval of EasyLay with specific prepared roofing products. EasyLay may be used with any approved roof covering Notice of Acceptance listing ASTM D 226 Type II felt as a component part of an assembly in the Notice of Acceptance. 8.All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3of the Florida Administrative Code. 9.EasyLay shall not be left exposed for longer than 30 days after application. 10.The manufacturer reserves the right to change product exposure period at any time; not to exceed the preceding maximum time limitations. NOA No.: 18-1105.05 Expiration Date: 01/25/22 Approval Date: 09/26/19 Page 7of 15 A PPROVED A SSEMBLIES-F IBERGLASS M INERAL S URFACED R OLL R OOFING: See Installation Requirements and General Limitations below. Deck Type: See Installation Requirements and General Limitations below. Deck Description: See Installation Requirements and General Limitations below. System E(3): I NSTALLATION R EQUIREMENTS F IBERGLASS M INERAL S URFACED R OLL R OOFING: 1.Fiberglass Mineral Surfaced Roll Roofing may be used with any approved roof covering Notice of Acceptance listing Fiberglass Mineral Surfaced Roll Roofing as a component part of an assembly in the Notice of Acceptanceor wherever a ASTM D3909 roof membrane is specified and installed with prescribed approved asphalt, adhesives, fasteners and fastener densitiesper applicable FBC requirements. 2.Observe and comply with roofing practices and guidelines as outlined by the National Roofing Contractors Associations (NRCA) when installing Fiberglass Mineral Surfaced Roll Roofing. 3.During installation of Fiberglass Mineral Surfaced Roll Roofing, comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety standards; use common sense measures and adequate safety precautions to prevent accidents. G ENERAL L IMITATIONS F IBERGLASS M INERAL S URFACED R OLL R OOFING: 1.Fire classification is not part of this acceptance; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 2.This acceptance is for prepared roofing applications. Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with applicable building codes. 3.All products lised herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. NOA No.: 18-1105.05 Expiration Date: 01/25/22 Approval Date: 09/26/19 Page 8of 15 A PPROVED A SSEMBLIES ASTMO RGANIC T ILE U NDERLAYMENT: See Installation Requirements and General Limitations below. Deck Type: See Installation Requirements and General Limitations below. Deck Description: See Installation Requirements and General Limitations below. System E(4): I NSTALLATION R EQUIREMENTS ASTMO RGANIC T ILE U NDERLAYMENT: 1.ASTM Organic Tile Underlaymentmay be used with any approved roof covering Notice of Acceptancelisting ASTM Organic Tile Underlaymentas a component part of an assembly in the Notice of Acceptanceor wherever a ASTM D6380roof membrane is specified and installed with prescribed approved asphalt, adhesives, fasteners and fastener densitiesper applicable FBC requirements. 2.Observe and comply with roofing practices and guidelines as outlined by the National Roofing Contractors Associations (NRCA) when installing ASTM Organic Tile Underlayment. 3.During installation of ASTM Organic Tile Underlayment, comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety standards; use common sense measures and adequate safety precautions to prevent accidents. G ENERAL L IMITATIONS ASTMO RGANIC T ILE U NDERLAYMENT: 1.Fire classification is not part of this acceptance; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 2.This acceptance is for prepared roofing applications. Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with applicable building codes. 3.All products lised herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3of the Florida Administrative Code. NOA No.: 18-1105.05 Expiration Date: 01/25/22 Approval Date: 09/26/19 Page 9of 15 A PPROVED A SSEMBLIES E ASY M OP SBS: Wood, Non-Insulated Deck Type 1: Deck Description: Anchor sheet mechanically fastened to deck, membrane adheredwith hot asphalt or System E(5): approved adhesive. Anchor/Base Sheet: Fastening: o.c. in the field (for Anchor/Base sheet only). EasyMop SBSapplied to Anchor/Base Sheetwith hot asphalt or with approved adhesive as Membrane: specified in RAS 118, 119 or 120. (See #13 in Installation Requirements for back nailing) Approved Roof Assemblies as specified below. Surfacing: I NSTALLATION R EQUIREMENTS E ASY M OP SBS: 1.Tarco EasyMop SBSshall be installed in strict compliance with applicable Building Codes. 2.Observe and comply with roofing practices and guidelines as outlined by the National Roofing Contractors Associations (NRCA) when installing EasyMop SBS. 3.During installation, comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety standards; use common sense measures and adequate safety precautions to prevent accidents. 4.EasyMop SBSshall be an acceptable underlayment for mechanically fastened roof tile and adhered roof tile applications. 5.Re-fasten any loose decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads prior to the application of EasyMop SBS. 6.EasyMop SBSshallnot be adhered directly over any pre-existing roof membrane. 7.All approved substrates are to be clean, dry and free of any loose debris or moisture prior to the application of the EasyMop SBS. Refer to applicable building codes prior to installation to verify acceptable substrates. 8.Prime all metal collars, flashing, valleys, liner, drip edge and concrete deck substrate with ASTM D 41 primer. 9.Applicator may cut EasyMop SBSinto sections for workability and allow to relax prior to application. 10.Place EasyMop SBSover metal drip edge in accordance with RAS 111. 11.Install the first course of EasyMop SBSparallel to the eave edge. 12.It is recommended that end laps be staggered a minimum of 18" from the preceding course. 1 13.EasyMop SBSshall be back nailed along the head lap. The nails shall be, 11 gauge 1/ 4 5 type applied with a minimum of a 1/ 8 Hurri layer of underlayment is to cover the area being back nailed. 14.Flash vent pipes, stacks, chimneys and penetrations in compliance with Roof Assembly current Product Control Notice of Acceptance and applicable Building Code. 15.Vertical strapping of EasyMop SBSmembranes is acceptable. NOA No.: 18-1105.05 Expiration Date: 01/25/22 Approval Date: 09/26/19 Page 10of 15 G ENERAL L IMITATIONS E ASY M OP SBS: 1.Fire classification is not part of this acceptance; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 2.This acceptance is for prepared roofing applications. Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with applicable building code. 3.Tarco EasyMop SBSshall not be installed when any form of moisture such as water, dew, rain, etc. is present on the substrate. 4.Tarco EasyMop SBSare to be applied to a smooth, clean and dry surface, with the deck free from irregularities. 5.Ensure roof has positive drainage prior to installation of Tarco EasyMop SBS. 6.Tarco EasyMop SBS shall not be applied over a pre-existing roof membrane or system. 7.Care should be taken during the loading procedure to keep foot traffic to a minimum and avoid dropping the roof covering directly on the underlayment. 8.All tiles shall be staged (two tiles perpendicular to slope, four tiles on top parallel to slope) as per -high, to the standard maximum roof pitch of 5 :12 for flat tiles and 6 :12 for lugged tiles (See Tile Staging Method diagram below). At roof slopes greater than the above limitations, the use of loading battens or toe boards are required to load the roof tile. Tile Staging Method Front View -Staged Tiles Side View - 9.The manufacturer reserves the right to change the tile staging method at any time as well as the number of tiles stacked, not to exceed the preceding maximum number of tiles limitation. 10.Tarco EasyMop SBS shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than 180 days after application. The manufacturer reserves the right to change product exposure period at any time; not to exceed the preceding maximum time limitations. 11.Refer to prepared roofing system Product Control Notice of Acceptance for listed approval of Tarco underlayments with specific prepared roofing products. Tarco EasyMop SBS may be used with any approved roof coverings Notice of Acceptance listing Tarco EasyMop SBS or TAS 104 standard as a component part of an assembly in the Notice of Acceptance. If Tarco EasyMop SBS or the TAS 104 standards are not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) or the Miami-Dade County Product Control Department for approval provided that appropriate documentation is provided to detail compatibility of the product, wind uplift resistance, and fire testing results. 12.All products lised herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. NOA No.: 18-1105.05 Expiration Date: 01/25/22 Approval Date: 09/26/19 Page 11of 15 A PPROVED A SSEMBLIES T ARCO S ELF-ADHERED U NDERLAYMENTS Wood, Non-Insulated Deck Type 1: d, wood plank Deck Description: Anchor sheet mechanically fastened to deck, membrane adhered. System E(6): One or more plies of ASTM D226 Type II, ASTM D2626, or EasyLay underlayment, with Anchor/Base Sheet: anically fastened to deck. Fastening: o.c. in the field (for Anchor/Base sheet only). All Tarco self-adhered membranes applied to an approved Anchor/Base Sheet. Membrane: (See #15 in Installation Requirementsfor back nailing) Approved Roof Assemblies as specified below. Surfacing: Concrete, Non-Insulated Deck Type 3: Structural concrete or concrete plank min. 2500 psi Deck Description: Membrane self-adhered to concrete deck. System F(1): The concrete deck shall be clean and dry and cured for a minimum of 28 days Deck Preparation: None. Anchor/Base Sheet: Fastening: c layer. No back nail fasteners or tin caps shall remain exposed). HT Tarco PS200self-adheredmembrane applied directly to concrete deck. Membrane: (See Fastening above for back nailing) Approved Roof Assemblies as specified below. Surfacing: NOA No.: 18-1105.05 Expiration Date: 01/25/22 Approval Date: 09/26/19 Page 12of 15 I NSTALLATION R EQUIREMENTS T ARCO S ELF-ADHERED U NDERLAYMENTS: 1.Tarco self adhering underlayments shall be installed in strict compliance with applicable Building Codes. 2.Observe and comply with roofing practices and guidelines as outlined by the National Roofing Contractors Associations (NRCA) when installing Tarco self adhering underlayments. 3.During installation, comply with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety standards; use common sense measures and adequate safety precautions to prevent accidents. HT 4.Fast90,PS200and NR600 Ultra shall be acceptable underlayments for mechanically fastened roof tile and adhered roof tile applications. MS300 and SS400shall be acceptable underlayments for asphaltic shingles, MUHT wood shakes and shingles, and slate or simulated slate roof assemblies. PS200and NR500shall be acceptable underlayments for asphaltic shingles, wood shakes, shingles, and metal roof panel assemblies. 5.Re-fasten any loose decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads prior to the application of the Tarco self adhering underlayments. 6.Tarco self adhering underlayments shallnot be adhered directly over any pre-existing roof membrane. 7.All approved substrates are to be clean, dry and free of any loose debris or moisture prior to the application of the Tarco self adhering underlayments. Refer applicable building codes prior to installation to verify acceptable substrates. 8.Prime all metal collars, flashing, valleys, liner, drip edge and concrete deck substrate with ASTM D 41 primer, water based acrylic or water based polymer modified primer. 9.Contractor may cut the underlayments into sections for workability and allow torelax prior to application. 10.Place the underlayments over metal drip edge in accordance with RAS 111. 11.Install the first course of underlayment parallel to the eave edge. 12.Apply the underlayment, working from the center of the material continuously to the ends of the sheet (half of the length of the sheet is the center); taking care to avoid wrinkles and ridges. 13.Remove the underlayments release film rapidly in a continuous fashion. Ensure the bottom adhesive side of the membrane doesnot adhere to its self. In the event this transpires,separate the two layers immediately. After some time, it may become impossible to do so without damaging the material. 14.It is recommended that end laps be staggered a minimum of 18" from the preceding course. 1 15.Underlayments are to be back nailed along the headlap. The nails shall be, 11 gauge 1/ 4 5 type applied with a minimum of a 1/ 8 Hurricane Zone of underlayment is to cover the area being back nailed. 16.end laps, T- steep slope applications. The use of a soft bristled push broom is acceptable on steeper slopes. The above mentioned procedures are necessary in order to apply uniform pressure and allow for contact of the membranes. 1 17.Apply / 8 fabric over fabric end laps. Once the aforementioned procedure has been completed, the membrane must then be hand rolled in place in order to th ensure contact of membrane and achieve a minimum of 1/8. 18.Tarco self adhering underlayments shall be applied to protrusions, slope changes, valleys, curbs, and other roof top penetrations before any other sections of the roof. 19.When applying underlayments in the valley, start at the low point and work to the high point, rolling the membrane from the center outward in each direction. NOA No.: 18-1105.05 Expiration Date: 01/25/22 Approval Date: 09/26/19 Page 13of 15 20.For ridge applications, center the underlayment and roll from the center outward in both directions. 21.Flash vent pipes, stacks, chimneys and penetrations in compliance with Roof Assembly current Product Control Notice of Acceptance and applicable Building Code. 22.All protrusions or drains shall be initially taped with a 6" piece of like kind membrane. The flashing tape shall be pressed in place and formed around the protrusion to ensure a tight fit. A second layer of like kind membrane shall be applied over the flashing detail. 23.Vertical strapping of Tarco self adhering membranes is acceptable. G ENERAL L IMITATIONS T ARCO S ELF-A DHERED U NDERLAYMENTS: 1.Fire classification is not part of this acceptance; refer to a current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 2.This acceptance is for prepared roofing applications. Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with applicable building code. 0 3.Tarco self adhering underlayments shall be applied only when material interface temperatures are 40F and rising. 4.Tarco self-adheredunderlayments shall not be installed when any form of moisture such as water, dew, rain, etc. is present on the substrate. 5.Tarco self-adheredunderlayments are to be applied to a smooth, clean and dry surface, with the deck free from irregularities. 6.Ensure roof has positive drainage prior to installation of Tarco self-adheredunderlayments. 7.Tarco self-adheredunderlayments shall not be applied over a pre-existing roof membrane or system. 8.After installation of Tarco self-adheredmembranes, wait a minimum of 48 hours before roof loading of tiles. 9.Care should be taken during the loading procedure to keep foot traffic to a minimum and avoid dropping the roof covering directly on the underlayment. All tiles shall be staged (two tiles perpendicular to slope, four tiles on top parallel to slope) as per 10. not to exceed 6-high, to the standard maximum roof pitch of 6 :12 for flat tiles and 6 :12 for lugged tiles (See Tile Staging Method diagrambelow). At roof slopes greater than the above limitations, the use of loading battens or toe boards are required to load the roof tile. Tile Staging Method Front View -Staged Tiles Side View -Staged Tiles NOA No.: 18-1105.05 Expiration Date: 01/25/22 Approval Date: 09/26/19 Page 14of 15 11.The manufacturer reserves the right to change the tile staging method at any time as well as the number of tiles stacked, not to exceed the preceding maximum number of tiles limitation. MUHT 12.EasyLay, PS200, MS300, SS400, and NR500shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than HT 30 days after application. PS200and NR600 Ultra shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than 180 days after application. Fast90 shall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than 180 days after application. The manufacturer reserves the right to change product exposure period at any time; not to exceed the preceding maximum time limitations. HT 13.NR500is not recommended for extreme high temperature environments such as under copper or zinc metal roofing. 14.Refer to prepared roofing system Product Control Notice of Acceptance for listed approval of Tarco underlayments with specific preparedroofing products. Tarco self-adheredunderlayments may be used with any approved roof coverings Notice of Acceptance listing Tarco self adhering underlayments or the ASTM standard which the self adhering underlayments meet as a component part of an assembly in the Notice of Acceptance. If Tarco self-adheredunderlayments or the ASTM standards are not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) or the Miami-Dade County Product Control Department for approval provided that appropriate documentation is provided to detail compatibility of the product, wind uplift resistance, and fire testing results. 15.All products lised herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. M ANUFACTURERS C ONSIDERATIONS: HT 1.When using Fast90,PS200and NR600 Ultra in tile roofing applications, use of loading battens or toe boards on roof slopes greater than 6:12 and higher is recommended. When using EasyMop SBSin tile roofing applications, use of loading battens or toe boards on roof slopes greater than 5:12 for Flat Tiles and 6:12 for Lugged Tiles and higher is recommended. 2.lines. B UILDING P ERMIT R EQUIREMENTS: Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 1.This Notice of Acceptance. 2.Any other documents required by the Building Official or applicable building code in order to properly evaluate the installation of these materials. L ABELING: All membranes or packaging shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo, city, stateand the following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved" or the Miami-Dade County Product Control Seal as shown below. E ND OF T HIS A CCEPTANCE NOA No.: 18-1105.05 Expiration Date: 01/25/22 Approval Date: 09/26/19 Page 15of 15