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LAGUERRE NATHALIE LAPLANTE JEAN & 3554 DANBURY CT 33436 FL BOYNTON BEACH (561) 632-6597 jeanlaplante65@yahoo.com LAPLANTE Residence 08-43-45-07-17-000-3360 NAUTICA SOUND PL 2 LT 336 3554 DANBURY CT BOYNTON BEACH Re-roof tile to tile w/ tear off 51,111.72 2,441 CCC1327587 Steven Soule Tyler Daugherty CMR CONSTRUCTION & ROOFING Naples 1429 Don Street 34104 AFL (855)766-3267 tdaugherty@cmrconstruction.com 30 30 JUNE 21 JUNE 21 PremiumReport BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF 5/24/2021 TzmwftusjK!1801803132 Claim:CHO99613 3554DanburyCt,BoyntonBeach,FL33436Report:40411420 LENGTHDIAGRAM TotalLineLengths:Valleys=27ftFlashing=19ft Ridges=28ft Rakes=18ftStepflashing=38ft Hips=170ftEaves=267ft Parapets=0ft N WE S Note:Thisdiagramcontainssegmentlengths(roundedtothenearestwholenumber)over5.0Feet.Insomecases,segmentlabels havebeenremovedforreadability.Plussignsprefacesomenumberstoavoidconfusionwhenrotated(e.g.+6and+9). ©2008-2021EagleViewTechnologies,Inc.andPictometryInternationalCorp.–AllRightsReserved– ProtectedbyEuropeanPatentApplicationNo.10162199.3–CoveredbyoneormoreofU.S.PatentNos.8,078,436;8,145,578;8,170,8 40; 8,209,152;8,515,125;8,825,454;9,135,737;8,670,961;9,514,568;8,818,770;8,542,880;9,244,589;9,329,749;9,599,466.OtherPatentsPending. PAGE4 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) Miami, Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 www.miamidade.gov/economy NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) Boral Roofing, LLC 7575 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92618 S COPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER -Product Control Section to be used in Miami-Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (in Miami-Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami-Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. D ESCRIPTION: Estate ÐSÑ Tile L ABELING:Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. R ENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. T ERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. A DVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. I NSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA No. 19-1021.03 and consists of pages 1 through 9. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Freddy Semino NOA No. 21-0107.03 Expiration Date: 08/23/21 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 1 of 9 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 R OOFING A SSEMBLY A PPROVAL Category: Roofing Sub Category: Roofing Tiles Material: Concrete 1.S COPE This approves a roofing system using Boral Estate ÐSÑ Concrete Roof Tile, as manufactured by Boral Roofing, LLC in Okeechobee, FL as described in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, designed to comply with the Florida Building Code for High Velocity Hurricane Zone. For use in locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by applicable Building Code, do not exceed the design pressure values obtain by calculations in compliance with RAS 127 using the values listed in section 4 herein. The attachment calculations shall be prepared as a moment based system. 2.P RODUCT D ESCRIPTION Manufactured by Dimensions Product Test ApplicantSpecifications Description Boral Estate ÒSÓ Roof Tile Length = 16-1/2" TAS 112 Low profile, interlocking, extruded Width = 13" Type 1b concrete roof tile equipped with two nail Class III hole and double roll ribs. For direct deck or battened nail-on, mortar or adhesive set applications. Trim Pieces l = varies TAS 112 Accessory trim, concrete roof pieces for w = varies use at hips, rakes, ridges and valley varying thickness terminations. Manufactured for each tile profile. 2.1 M ANUFACTURING L OCATION 1. Okeechobee, FL 2.2P RODUCTS M ANUFACTURED B Y O THERS Product NameProduct DescriptionManufacturer (With Current NOA) ® Two component polyurethane ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc. ICP Adhesives Polyset AH-160 foam adhesive. TM TILE BOND Roof Tile Adhesive Single component polyurethane DuPont de Nemours, Inc. foam roof tile adhesive. ® Two component polyurethane DAP Foam, Inc. Touch ÒN Seal StormBond2 Two- foam adhesive. Component Polyurethane Roof Tile Adhesive NOA No. 21-0107.03 Expiration Date: 08/23/21 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 2 of 9 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 2.3 E VIDENCE S UBMITTED: Test Agency Test IdentifierTest Name/ReportDate Redland Technologies 7161-03 PA 102 Dec. 1991 7161-03 PA 102(A) Dec. 1991 7161-03 PA 108 Dec. 1991 P0402 Withdrawal Resistance Testing of Sept. 1993 screw vs. smooth shank nails P0631-01 PA 108 July 1994 Letter Dated Aug. 1, 1994 PA 108 Aug. 1994 Professional Service 224-47099 PA 112 Sept. 1994 Industries, Inc. The Center for Applied 94-060B PA 101 March, 1994 Engineering, Inc. 94-084 PA 101 May 1994 25-7094-1 PA 102 Oct. 1994 25-7094-7 PA 102 Oct. 1994 25-7094-4 PA 102 Oct. 1994 Project No. 307025 PA 100 Oct. 1994 Test #MDC-76 25-7183-1 PA 102 Feb. 1995 25-7183-2 PA 102 Feb. 1995 25-7214-2 PA 102 March, 1995 25-7214-6 PA 102 March, 1995 Celotex Corporation Testing 528454-2-1 PA 101 Sep. 1998 Services 520109-2 Dec. 1998 Walker Engineering, Inc. Calculations Aerodynamic Multiplier March 1999 IBA Consultants, Inc. 2381-264 TAS 112 01/08/08 American Test Lab of South RT1210.03-15 TAS 112 12/17/15 Florida PRI Construction Material DAPF-004-02-05 TAS 101 07/26/18 Technologies DAPF-004-02-07 Static Uplift Resistance 07/26/18 (Adhesive Set) NEMO ETC, LLC 4c-DPBS-20-LSOTM-01.C.R1 TAS 101 12/17/20 3. L IMITATIONS: 3.1 Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. 3.2 For mortar or adhesive set tile applications, a static field uplift test in accordance with TAS 106 may required, refer to applicable building code. 3.3 Applicant shall retain the services of a Miami-Dade County Certified Laboratory to perform quarterly test in accordance with TAS 112, appendix ÒAÓ. Such testing shall be submitted to the Miami-Dade Product Control Section for review. 3.4 Minimum underlayment shall be in compliance with the applicable Roofing Applications Standards listed section 4.1 herein. 3.5 Minimum slope 4/12 for mechanically attached tile. NOA No. 21-0107.03 Expiration Date: 08/23/21 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 3 of 9 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF 3.6 30/90 hot mopped underlayment applications may be installed perpendicular to the roof slope unless stated TzmwftusjK!1801803132 otherwise by the underlayment material manufacturers published literature. 3.7 This acceptance is for wood deck applications. Minimum deck requirements shall be in compliance with applicable building code. 3.7 All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. 4.I NSTALLATION 4.1 Boral Estate ÐSÑ Concrete Roof Tile and its components shall be installed in strict compliance with Miami Dade County Roofing Application Standard RAS 118, RAS 119, and RAS 120. 4.2 Data For Attachment Calculations. Table 1: Average Weight (W) and Dimensions (l x w ) Tile Profile Weight-W (lbf) Length-l (ft.) Width-w (ft.) Boral Estate ÒSÓ Roof Tile 10.0 1.375 1.08 3 Table 2: Aerodynamic Multipliers - (ft) 33 Tile (ft) (ft) Profile Batten ApplicationDirect Deck Application Boral Estate ÒSÓ Roof Tile 0.267 0.289 Table 3: Restoring Moments due to Gravity - M (ft.-lbf) g Tile 3":12"4":12"5":12"6":12"Greater than Profile 7":12" Boral Estate ÒSÓ Battens Direct Battens Direct Battens Direct Battens Direct Battens Direct Roof Tile Deck Deck Deck Deck Deck N/A 6.74 5.82 6.64 5.70 6.50 5.56 6.33 5.40 6.14 (ft-lbf) Table 4: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - M f for Nail-On Systems Tile Fastener Type Direct Deck Direct Deck Battens Profile (min 15/32Ñ plywood) (min. 19/32Ñ plywood) Boral Estate 2-10d Ring Shank Nails 27.8 37.4 28.8 ÒSÓ Roof Tile 1-10d Smooth or Screw 8.8 11.8 4.1 2 Shank Nail 2-10d Smooth or Screw 16.4 21.9 7.1 Shank Nails 2 1 #8 Screw 25.8 25.8 22.9 2 #8 Screw 47.1 47.1 49.1 2 #8 Screw 47.1 47.1 49.1 1-10d Smooth or Screw 24.3 24.3 24.2 2 Shank Nail (Field Clip) 1-10d Smooth or Screw 19.0 19.0 22.1 2 Shank Nail (Eave Clip) 2-10d Smooth or Screw 35.5 35.5 34.8 Shank Nails (Field Clip) NOA No. 21-0107.03 Expiration Date: 08/23/21 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 4 of 9 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF 2-10d Smooth or Screw 31.9 31.9 32.2 TzmwftusjK!1801803132 Shank Nails (Eave Clip) 1 2-10d Ring Shank Nails43.0 67.5 50.9 1 Installation with a 4" tile headlap and fasteners are located a min. of 2½" from head of tile. 2 When using only one fastener use the hole that is approximately 4-3/4Ñ away from interlocking edge. Table 5: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment M (ft.-lbf) f for Two Patty Adhesive Set Systems Tile Tile Application Minimum Attachment Profile Resistance 3 Boral Estate ÒSÓ Roof Tile Adhesive 3 See manufactures component approval for installation requirements. TM 4 Dupont de Nemours, Inc, TILE BOND Roof Tile Adhesive weight per patty 8 grams. * SEE NOTE* 2a 35 5 ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc, ICP Adhesve Polyset® AH-160 two-component foam weight per patty 8 grams 26.1 ® 6 DAP Foam, Inc. Touch ÒN Seal StormBond 2 Two-Component Polyurethane Roof Tile Adhesive two-component foam weight per paddy 8 grams. 35 TM 7 Dupont de Nemours, TILE BOND Roof Tile Adhesive weight per patty 16 grams. 67 * SEE NOTE* 2b *NOTE* SEE 2A- page 8 of 9 for details/data. SEE 2b- page 9 of 9 for details/data. Table 6: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - M (ft.-lbf) f for Single Patty Adhesive Set Systems Tile Tile Application Minimum Attachment Profile Resistance 7 Boral Estate ÒSÓ Roof Adhesive Tile 8 See manufactures component approval for installation requirements. 9 ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc, ICP Adhesve Polyset® AH-160 two-component foam weight per patty 54 grams. 86.6 10 ICP Adhesives and Sealants, Inc, ICP Adhesve Polyset® AH-160 two-component foam weight per patty 24 grams 45.5 ® 11 DAP Foam, Inc.Touch ÒN Seal StormBond 2 Two-Component Polyurethane Roof Tile Adhesive 60 two-component foam weight per paddy 60 grams. Table 7: Attachment Resistance Expressed as a Moment - M(ft.-lbf) f for Mortar or Adhesive Set Systems Tile Tile Application Minimum Attachment ProfileResistance Boral Estate ÒSÓ Roof Mortar Set 20.6 Tile NOA No. 21-0107.03 Expiration Date: 08/23/21 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 5 of 9 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 5.L ABELING All tiles shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo as seen below or following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved". OR B ORAL E STATE ÐSÑT ILE L ABEL (LOCATED ON UNDERSIDE OF TILE) 6.B UILDING P ERMIT R EQUIREMENTS: 6.1 Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance. 6.1.2 Any other documents required by Building Official or Applicable building code in order to properly evaluate the installation of this system. NOA No. 21-0107.03 Expiration Date: 08/23/21 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 6 of 9 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 P ROFILE D RAWING B ORAL E STATE ÐS"C ONCRETE R OOF T ILE NOA No. 21-0107.03 Expiration Date: 08/23/21 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 7 of 9 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 SET 2A B ORAL E STATE ÐS"C ONCRETE R OOF T ILE NOA No. 21-0107.03 Expiration Date: 08/23/21 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 8 of 9 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 SET 2B B ORAL E STATE ÐS"C ONCRETE R OOF T ILE END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA No. 21-0107.03 Expiration Date: 08/23/21 Approval Date: 03/04/21 Page 9 of 9 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street, Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES (RER) Miami, Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T (786) 315-2590 F (786) 315-2599 www.miamidade.gov/economy NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NOA) Polyglass USA Inc. 1111 W. Newport Center Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 S COPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER -Product Control Section to be used in Miami-Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). This NOAshall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (in Miami-Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami-Dade County) reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke, modify, or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. D ESCRIPTION:Polyglass Polystick Underlayments L ABELING:Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless otherwise noted herein. R ENEWALof this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in theapplicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. T ERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. A DVERTISEMENT:The NOAnumber preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. I NSPECTION:A copy of this entire NOAshall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA renews and revises NOA No.15-0410.04 and consists of pages 1 through 8. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Freddy Semino. NOA No.: 17-0614.22 Expiration Date: 09/13/21 Approval Date: 07/06/17 Page 1of 8 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 R OOFING C OMPONENT A PPROVAL Roofing Category: Underlayment Sub-Category: SBS , APP Self-Adhering Modified Bitumen Material: P RODUCTS D ESCRIPTION: TestProduct ProductDimensionsSpecificationDescription 3 65'x 3'3-/"ASTM D 1970A fine granular/sand top surface self-adhering, APP Polystick IR-Xe 8 Or 65'x 3'polymer modified, fiberglass reinforced, bituminous Manufacturing 60 mils thicksheet material for useas an underlayment in sloped roof Location#1 & #2 assemblies. Designed as an ice & rain shield. 3 61'x 3'3-/"TAS 103 and A rubberized asphalt self-adhering, glass-fiber/polyester Polystick Dual Pro 8 60 mils thickASTM D 1970reinforced waterproofing membrane. Designed as a Manufacturing metal roofing and roof tile underlayment. Location#2 3 61'x 3'3-/"TAS 103 and A rubberized asphalt self-adhering, glass-fiber/polyester Polystick Tile Pro 8 60 mils thickASTM D 1970reinforced waterproofing membrane. Designed as a metal Manufacturing roofing and roof tile underlayment. Location#2 65'8"x 3'3-3/8"TAS 103 and A rubberized asphalt self-adhering, polyester reinforced Polystick TU Max 60 mils thickASTM D 1970waterproofing membrane. Designed as a a roof tile Manufacturing underlayment. Location#1 & #2 3 32'10"x 3'3-/"TAS 103 and A rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass- Polystick TU P 8 130 mils thickASTM D 1970fiber/polyester reinforced, with a granular surface Manufacturing designed for use as a tile roof underlayment. Location#2 3 65'x 3'3-/"TAS 103 and A rubberized asphalt self-adhering, glass-fiber/polyester Polystick TU Plus 8 (Surface Printing)80 mils thickASTM D 1970reinforced waterproofing membrane. Designed as a metal roofing and roof tile underlayment. Manufacturing Location#1 & #2 3 65'8"x 3'3-/"TAS 103A homogeneous, rubberized asphalt waterproofing Polystick MTS 8 60 mils thickmembrane, glass fiber reinforced with polyolefinic film Manufacturing on the upper surface for use as an underlayment for metal Location#2 roofing, roof tile, slate tiles and shingle underlayment. 3 65'8"x 3'3-/"TAS 103A homogeneous, rubberized asphalt waterproofing Polystick MTS Plus 8 60 mils thickmembrane, glass fiber reinforced with polyolefinic film Manufacturing on the upper surface for use as an underlayment for metal Location#2 roofing, roof tile, slate tiles and shingle underlayment. 32'10"x 3'3-"TAS 103 and Polyester reinforced, SBS modified bitumen membrane Elastoflex S6 G ASTM D 6164with a sanded back face and a granule top surface. For Manufacturing use in roof tile underlaymentsystems. Location#2 NOA No.: 17-0614.22 Expiration Date: 09/13/21 Approval Date: 07/06/17 Page 2of 8 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF M ANUFACTURING P LANTS: TzmwftusjK!1801803132 1. Hazelton, PA 2. Winter Haven, FL E VIDENCE S UBMITTED Test AgencyTest IdentifierTest Name/ReportDate Trinity | ERDP10870.09.08-R1TAS 10312/04/08 P10870.04.09TAS 103/ASTM D4798 & G15504/13/09 P33360.06.10ASTM D197007/01/10 P33370.03.11TAS 10303/02/11 P33370.04.11ASTM D 162304/26/11 P36900.09.11TAS 103/ASTM D4798 & G15509/01/11 P37300.10.11TAS 110/ASTM D4798 & D197010/19/11 P40390.08.12-2ASTM D 162308/07/12 P37590.07.13-1ASTM D616407/02/13 P45270.05.14TAS 103, TAS 110 & ASTM D162305/12/14 P46520.10.14ASTM D162310/03/14 P44360.10.14TAS 103 & TAS 11010/07/14 P43290.10.14ASTM D 1970 & TAS 11010/17/14 PLYG-SC10130.06.16-3TAS 103 & TAS 11006/27/16 PLYG-10130.06.16-1ASTM D1970 & TAS 11006/27/16 PRI Asphalt TechnologiesPUSA-035-02-01TAS 10309/29/06 PUSA-055-02-02TAS 10312/10/07 PUSA-089-02-01TAS 103/ASTM D4798 & G15507/06/09 Momentum Technologies, Inc.JX20H7ATAS 103/ASTM D4798 & G15504/01/08 RX14E8ATAS 103/ASTM D4798 & G15511/09/09 DX23D8BTAS 103/ASTM D4798 & G15502/18/10 DX23D8ATAS 103/ASTM D4798 & G15502/18/10 L ABELING: 1.All membranes or packaging shall bear the imprint or identifiable marking of the manufacturer's name or logo, city and state of manufacturing facilityand the following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved" or the Miami-Dade County Product Control Seal as shown below. B UILDING P ERMIT R EQUIREMENTS: Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 1. This Notice of Acceptance. 2. Any other documents required by the Building Official or applicable building code in order to properly evaluate the installation of this materials. NOA No.: 17-0614.22 Expiration Date: 09/13/21 Approval Date: 07/06/17 Page 3of 8 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 I NSTALLATION P ROCEDURES: Wood, non-insulated Deck Type 1: Min. 19/32"plywood or wood plank Deck Description: Anchor sheet mechanically fastened to deck, membrane adhered System Type E(1): One or more plies of ASTM D 226 Type II or ASTM D 2626. Anchor/Base Sheet: Per FBC 1518.2 & 1518.4 Nails and tin caps 12" grid, 6" o.c. at a minimum 4"head lap. (for Fastening: base sheet only) Membrane:Polystick IR-Xe, Polystick Dual Pro, Polystick Tile Pro, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick MTS or Polystick MTS Plus,self-adhered. See General Limitations Below. Surfacing: Wood, non-insulated Deck Type 1: Min. 19/32"plywood or wood plank Deck Description: Anchor sheet mechanically fastened to deck, membrane adhered System Type E(2): One or more plies of ASTM D 226 Type II or ASTM D 2626. Anchor/Base Sheet: Per FBC 1518.2 & 1518.4 Nails and tin caps 12" grid, 6" o.c. at a minimum 4"head lap. (for Fastening: base sheet only) Membrane:Elastoflex S6 G, hot asphalt applied See General Limitations Below. Surfacing: Wood, non-insulated Deck Type 1: Min. 19/32"plywood or wood plank Deck Description: System Type E(3): Base sheet mechanically fastened to deck, subsequent cap membrane self-adhered. One or more plies of ASTM D 226 Type II or ASTM D 2626. Anchor/Base Sheet: Per FBC 1518.2 & 1518.4 Nails and tin caps 12" grid, 6" o.c. at a minimum 4"head lap. (for Fastening: base sheet only) Ply Sheet:Polystick MTS Plus, self-adhered with minimum 3"horizontal laps and minimum 6" vertical laps. Membrane:Polystick TU Plus, self-adhered. See General Limitations Below. Surfacing: NOA No.: 17-0614.22 Expiration Date: 09/13/21 Approval Date: 07/06/17 Page 4of 8 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 I NSTALLATION R EQUIREMENTS: All nails in the deck shall be carefully checked for protruding heads. Re-fasten any loose deck panels, and 1. sweep the deck thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application. Place the underlayment over metal drip edge in accordance with RAS 111. 2. Place the first course of membrane parallel to the eave, rolling the membrane to obtain maximum contact. 3. Remove the release film as the membrane is applied. All sidand end laps shall be a minimum of 6". Roll the membrane into place after removing the release strip. Vertical strapping of the roof with Polystick is acceptable. Membrane shall be back nailed in accordance with applicable building code. When applying the membrane in the valley, start at the low point and work to the high point, rolling the 4. membrane from the center outward in both directions. For ridge applications, center the membrane and roll from the center outward in both directions. 5. Roll or broom the entire membrane surface so as to have full contact with the surface, giving special attention 6. to lap areas. Flash vent pipes, stacks, chimneys and penetrations in compliance with RoofAssembly current Product Control 7. Notice of Acceptance. All protrusions or drains shall be initially taped with a 6" piece of underlayment. The flashing tape shall be 8. pressed in place and formed around the protrusion to ensure a tight fit. A second layer of Polystick shall be applied over the underlayment. G ENERAL L IMITATIONS: Fire classification is not part of this acceptance. 1. 2.Polystick Dual Pro, Polystick Tile Pro, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick MTSandPolystick MTS Plusmay be used in asphaltic shingles, wood shakes and shingles, non-structural metal roofing, roof tile systems and quarry slate roof assemblies. Polystick TU Pmay be used in all the previous assemblies listed except metal roofing. Polystick IR-Xemay be used in all the previous assemblies listed except metal roofing and roof tile systems. Polystick TU Maxmay be used in non-structural metal roofing and roof tile systems. Elastoflex S6 Gmay be used in roof tile systems only. Deck requirements shall be in compliance with applicable building code. 3. 4.Polystick IR-Xe, Polystick Dual Pro, Polystick Tile Pro, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick MTSandPolystick MTS Plusshall be applied to a smooth, clean and dry surface. The deck shall be free of irregularities. 5.Polystick IR-Xe, Polystick Dual Pro, Polystick Tile Pro, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick MTSand Polystick MTS Plusshall not be adhered directly over a pre-existing roof membrane as a recover system. 6.Polystick IR-Xe, Polystick Dual Pro, Polystick Tile Pro, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick MTSand Polystick MTS Plusshall not be left exposed as a temporary roof for longer than the amount of days listed in the table below after application. Polyglass reserves the right to revise or alter product exposure times; not to exceed the preceeding maximum time limitations. Exposure Limitations (Days) MTSIR-XeElastoflexTU TU PTile ProDual ProTU MaxMTS Plus S6 GPlus 18090180180180180180180180 Winter Haven, FL N/A90N/A180N/AN/AN/A180N/A Hazelton, PA All products listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and 7. NOA No.: 17-0614.22 Expiration Date: 09/13/21 Approval Date: 07/06/17 Page 5of 8 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF Rule 61G20-3of theFlorida Administrative Code. TzmwftusjK!1801803132 In roof tile application, data for the attachment resistance of roof tiles shall be as set forth in the roof tile 8. Polystick Tile Pro, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU Plusor ElastoflexS6 Gmay be used in both adhesive set and mechanically fastened roof tile applications. Polystick Dual Prois limited to mechanically fastened roof tile applications. Polystick MTSand Polystick MTS Plusare limited to mechanically fastened with the limitations outlined in Section 9. Polystick TU Pmay be used in mechanically fastened roof tile applications with the exception of mortar set tile applications. When loading roof tilesonroof tile underlayment for (direct-to-deck) tile assemblies,the maximum roof slope 9. shall be as follows: (See Table Below) Tile Polystick Elastoflex Polystick TU Plus,Polystick Polystick System (E3) ProfileMTSS6 GTUP, Tile Pro, TU MaxMTS PlusMTS Plus with Dual ProTU Plus Flat TileProhibited 4:126:126:125:126:12 without battens Profiled Prohibited 4:126:126:124:126:12 Tilewithout battens The above slope limitations can be exceeded only by using battens in accordance with the Approved Tile System Notice of Acceptance and applicable Florida Building Code requirements.When battens are required, they shall be utilized duringloading and installation of tiles. Care should be taken during the loading procedure to keep foot traffic to a minimum and to avoid dropping of 10. tile directly on the underlayment.two tiles laid perpendicular to slope followed by a maximum four tile stack parallel to the slope, for a total of 6 tiles for all underlayments except Polystick MTSwhich shall be loaded onto battens. NOA No.: 17-0614.22 Expiration Date: 09/13/21 Approval Date: 07/06/17 Page 6of 8 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 Refer to prepared roofing system Product Control Notice of Acceptance for listed approval of this product with 11. specific prepared roofing products. Polystick IR-Xe, Polystick Dual Pro, Polystick Tile Pro, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick MTS, Polystick MTS Plus or Elastoflex S6 Gmay be used with any approved roof covering Notice of Acceptance listingPolystick IR-Xe, Polystick Dual Pro, Polystick Tile Pro, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick MTS, Polystick MTS Plusor Elastoflex S6 G as a component part of an assembly in the Notice of Acceptance. If Polystick IR-Xe, Polystick Dual Pro, Polystick Tile Pro, Polystick TU Max, Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick MTS, Polystick MTS Plusor Elastoflex S6 Gare not listed, a request may be made to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) or the Miami-Dade County Product Control Sectionfor approval provided that appropriate documentation is provided to detail compatibility of the products, wind uplift resistance, and fire testing results. P OLYGLASS G ENERAL A PPLICATION G UIDELINES FOR P OLYSTICK M EMBRANES P LEASE CHECK WITH LOCAL BUILDING CODES REGARDING LIMITATIONS OF SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS. L OCAL CODES MAY SUPERSEDE P OLYGLASS REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. 1.Polyglass does accept the direct application of Polystick underlayment membranes to wood decks. Installers are cautioned to refer to applicable local building codesprior to direct deck installation to ensure this is acceptable. Please also refer to applicable Product Data Sheets of the corresponding products. 2.All rolls, with the exception of Polystick TU Plus should be back-nailed in selvage edge seam as per Polyglass Back Nailing Guide. Nails shall be, 11 gauge ring shank type, applied with a minimum 1"metal disk as required in Miami-Dade County or simplex type nail as otherwise allowable in other regions, at a minimum rate of 12" the face of membrane, with the above stated nails and/or disks. The head lap membrane is to cover the area being back-nailed. (Please refer to applicable local building codes prior to installation.) 3.All seal lap seams (selvage laps) must be rolled with a hand roller to ensure full contact. 4.All fabric over fabric; and granule over granule end laps, shall have a 6"wide, uniform layer of Polyglass Polyplus 55 Premium Modified Flashing Cement, Polyglass Polyplus 50 Premium MB Flashing Cement, XtraFlex 50 Premium ModifiedWet/Dry Cement, Polyglass PG500 MB Flashing Cement, applied in between the application of the lap. The use of mastic between the laps does not apply to Polystick MTS. 5.A maximum of 6 tiles per stack are allowed when loading tile on the underlayments. Refer to the Polyglass Tile Loading Guidelines. See General Limitations #9 and #10. 6.Battens and/or Counter-battens, as required by the tile manufacturers NOA, must be used on all projects for pitch/slopes of 7"/12"or greater. It is suggested that on pitch/slopes in excess of 6 ¼"/12", precautions should be taken, such as the use of battens to prevent tile sliding during the loading process. 7.Minimum cure time after membrane installation & before loading of roofing tiles is Forty-Eight (48) Hours. 8.Polystick membranes may not be used in any exposed application such as crickets, exposed valleys, or exposed roof to wall details. 9.Repair of Polystick membranes is to be accomplished by applying Polyglass Polyplus 55 Premium Modified Flashing Cement, Polyglass Polyplus 50 Premium MB Flashing Cement, XtraFlex 50 Premium Modified Wet/Dry Cement, Polyglass PG500 MB Flashing Cement to the area in need of repair, followed by a patch of the Polystick material of like kind should be set and hand rolled in place over the area needing such repair. Patching membrane shall be a minimum of 6 inches in either direction. The repair should be installed in such a way so that water will run parallel to or over the top of all laps of the patch. NOA No.: 17-0614.22 Expiration Date: 09/13/21 Approval Date: 07/06/17 Page 7of 8 BQQSPWFE TUSVDUVSF TzmwftusjK!1801803132 10.All self-adhered membranes must be rolled to ensure full contact with approved substrates. Polyglass requires a minimum of 40 lbs for a weighted roller for the rolling of the field membrane. Hand rollers are acceptable for rolling of patches or small areas of the roof. Brooming may be used where slope prohibits rolling. 11.All approved substrates should be dry, clean and properly prepared, before any application of Polystick membranes commences. An approved substrate technical bulletin can be furnished upon request. It is recommended to refer to applicable building codes prior to installation to verify acceptable substrates. 12.The Polyglass Miami-Dade Notice of Acceptance (NOA) approval for Polystick membranes can be furnished upon request by our Technical Services Department by calling 1 (800) 894-4563. 13.Questions in regards to the application of Polyglass products should be directed to our Technical Services Department at 1 (800) 894-4563. 14.Polyglass recommends that applicatorsfollow good roofing practices and applicable procedures as outlined by the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA). P LEASE CHECK WITH LOCAL BUILDING CODES REGARDING LIMITATIONS OF SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS. L OCAL CODES MAY SUPERSEDE P OLYGLASS REQUIREMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE NOA No.: 17-0614.22 Expiration Date: 09/13/21 Approval Date: 07/06/17 Page 8of 8