DRAWINGSBQQSPWFE GJSF dmjofl!1901603132 Johnson Controls 1830 Park Lane South BQQSPWFE Jupiter FL. 33458 FMFDUSJD cbmvzpun!1901703132 INSTALLING CONTRACTOR: R CONTACT INFORMATION: Fire Alarm System BUILDING INFORMATION Scope of work General notes: Occupancy Type: A2 Add Sole Path cellular communicator to existing system 1.All fire alarm devices are to be installed according the the requirements of NFPA 72 and the Sprinkler System: NO manufactures instructions. Total Area 5320 sq ft 2.All fire alarm devices are to be mounted on back boxes. Occupancy Load 266 (+/-) 3.All fire alarm devices are to be UL Listed and compatible. Number of Stories 1 4.All wire is to be in conduit from the device back box to above the false ceiling or to the bar Construction Type VB joists. Wire may be run exposed horizontally but must be attached to the building structure Egress Doors NO or supported by approved hangers. Door Holders NO 5.All wire is to be Power Limited, Type FPLP unless otherwise noted. All wiring is to be Number of AHU 3 installed in accordance with the adapted NFPA 70 (NEC Section 760), NFPA 72 and all local codes. SHEET INDEX 6.Control panels and power supplies are to be mounted in the manager's office unless the FA1.1 = Cover Page & Notes AHJ requires otherwise. They are to be mounted no more that 72 inches above the floor to FA1.2 = Fire Alarm Initiation Layout the top of the cabinet. FA1.3 = Fire Alarm Notification Layout 7.Annunciator/Keypads are to be mounted at 54 inches above the floor to the top of the unit FA1.4 = Riser Diagram & Battery Calculations unless the AHJ requires otherwise. 8.Manual pull stations are to be mounted at 48 inches above the floor to the center of the box unless the AHJ requires otherwise. 9.Wall mounted horns and strobes shall be mounted at 80 inches to the bottom of the box Issue Date: 06.17.2020 above the finished floor.The candela rating is noted near the device on the drawings. 10.Ceiling mounted horns and strobes will be noted with a "C".The candela rating is noted near REVISION INFORMATION the device on the drawings. Added Cell Communicator 11.The Darden electrical contractor is to supply all required 120VAC to the fire alarm control panel and all power supplies on dedicated Circuit(s). The circuit(s) are to be locked and label "fire alarm do not turn off". 12.The Darden electrical contractor is to supply all conduit stub ups, back boxes, power supply inter connection conduit required and any under ground conduit and wiring to outside devices. The under ground wire is to be THHW or equal. 13.The Darden sprinkler contractor is to supply, install and adjust all sprinkler system supervisory switches. is to Supply the Mechanical contractor with addressble duct smoke detectors, & 14.Tyco sampling tubes. The mechanical contractor is to install the duct detectors, & sampling tubes. is to wire the duct smokes for proper monitoring, & connect the control relay to the fan Tyco shutdown points provided by the mechanical contractor. 15.Upon fire alarm activation the music system must be automatically disabled by the fire alarm Restaurant #: 5050 system. Tyco & music system contractor must coordinate and test shutdown feature. 16.Upon completion of the installation 2 sets of plans shall be marked up for as built. one set is LONGHORN to be left on site in a locked cabinet at the fire alarm control panel. The other set is to be returned to Tyco. 17.Tyco shall provide a point of connection only to the existing duct detectors. Detectors were 501 N Congress Ave installed by others at an earlier time. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Boynton Beach, FL FIRE ALARM COVER PAGE Tyco FA1.1 BQQSPWFE GJSF dmjofl!1901603132 FIRE ALARM LEGEND **NOT ALL DEVICES ON LEGEND APPEAR ON DRAWINGS** Johnson Controls Symbol Description 1830 Park Lane South BQQSPWFE Jupiter FL. 33458 FMFDUSJD Fire Alarm Control FACP cbmvzpun!1901703132 Panel Fire Alarm Annunciator FSA Alpha Keypad Sole Path Cell CELL Communicator Addressable Monitor AIM INSTALLING CONTRACTOR: Module Addressable Control AOM Module P Manual Pull Station P Smoke Detector P Photo Electric Heat Detector R of R R 135 deg or indicated Duct Smoke Detector Photo Electric Remote indicator Test/Reset RTS CONTACT INFORMATION: KHS Water Flow Switch POC Sprinkler Valve Tamper Switch Ceiling Horn Strobe Candella Indicated C Ceiling Strobe Candella C Indicated Wall Horn Strobe Candella Indicated Wall Strobe Candella Indicated Outdoor Horn Strobe Candella Indicated WP LOW VOLTAGE WIRING LEGEND **SEE GENERAL WIRING NOTES FOR EACH SYSTEM** Description Line Type AWGCONDSHIELDCLASS P Security System 184NOCMP Data loop / Device Wiring Fire Alarm System 18NOFPLP 4 Device Wiring Fire Alarm System 186NOFPLP Remote Test Switch Wiring Fire Alarm System 162NOFPLP Data Loop Wiring Fire Alarm System 2NOFPLP 14 Notification Device Wiring Security System 16NOCMP 4 Device Power Wiring Issue Date: xx.xx.xx REVISION INFORMATION P Restaurant #: xxxx LONGHORN P 501 N Congress Ave Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Boynton Beach, FL FIRE ALARM INITIATION LAYOUT Tyco FA1.2 BQQSPWFE GJSF dmjofl!1901603132 Johnson Controls BQQSPWFE 1830 Park Lane South FMFDUSJD Jupiter FL. 33458 cbmvzpun!1901703132 FIRE ALARM LEGEND **NOT ALL DEVICES ON LEGEND APPEAR ON DRAWINGS** SymbolDescription Fire Alarm Control FACP Panel Fire Alarm Annunciator FSA Alpha Keypad INSTALLING CONTRACTOR: Sole Path Cell CELL Communicator Addressable Monitor AIM Module Addressable Control AOM Module Manual Pull Station P Smoke Detector P Photo Electric Heat Detector R of R 15CD R 135 deg or indicated Duct Smoke Detector Photo Electric Remote indicator C Test/Reset RTS Water Flow Switch Sprinkler Valve Tamper Switch CONTACT INFORMATION: Ceiling Horn Strobe Candella Indicated C Ceiling Strobe Candella C Indicated Wall Horn Strobe Candella Indicated Wall Strobe Candella Indicated Outdoor Horn Strobe Candella Indicated WP 15CD15CD LOW VOLTAGE WIRING LEGEND **SEE GENERAL WIRING NOTES FOR EACH SYSTEM** Description Line Type AWGCONDSHIELDCLASS Security System 18NOCMP 4 Data loop / Device Wiring Fire Alarm System 184NOFPLP Device Wiring Fire Alarm System 186NOFPLP Remote Test Switch Wiring Fire Alarm System 162NOFPLP Data Loop Wiring Fire Alarm System 2NOFPLP 14 Notification Device Wiring Security System 16NOCMP 4 Device Power Wiring Issue Date: xx.xx.xx REVISION INFORMATION Restaurant #: xxxx LONGHORN 501 N Congress Ave Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Boynton Beach, FL FIRE ALARM NOTIFICATION LAYOUT Tyco FA1.3 BQQSPWFEBQQSPWFE GJSF dmjofl!1901603132 BQQSPWFE FMFDUSJD Johnson Controls cbmvzpun!1901703132 1830 Park Lane South Jupiter FL. 33458 FPLP INSTALLING CONTRACTOR: FPLP RJ- CELL PHONE LINE - 1 U.L. LISTED CENTRAL STATION 31X UNIT CONTACT INFORMATION: JOHNSON CONTROLS 14200 EXPOSITION AVE. RJ- PHONE LINE - 2 AURORA, CO. 80012 31X 1-800-428-7124 DEDICATED 120 VAC 20 AMP CIRCUIT(LOCKED) 4" (0.1m) CEILINGCEILINGCEILINGCEILING 4" (0.1m) MINIMUM MINIMUM CONDUIT PENETRATION U.L. C-AJ-1045 IF TOTAL HEIGHT IS LESS THAN ACCEPTABLE HERE 1 OR 2 HOUR RATED CONCRETE IF TOTAL HEIGHT IS LESS THAN3M FIRE BARRIER NEVER HERE 90", MOUNT 6" FROM CEILING BLOCK WALL ASSEMBLY 96", MOUNT 6" FROM CEILINGCP 25WB+ CAULK OR EQUAL BACKBOX BACKBOX BACKBOX 12" (0.3m) FIRE INSTALL HORN AT NFPA MAXIMUM 72 STANDARD TOP OF DETECTOR (ACCEPTABLE HERE) PACKING CONDUIT MATERIAL NOTES: STROBE WITH BACKBOX PULL STATION NOT HORN WITH BACKBOX WITH BACKBOX GREATER 1.CONDUIT SHALL BE RIGIDLY SUPPORTED ON BOTH SIDES OF WALL ASSEMBLY. THAN 96"INSTALL MANUAL PULL 2.THE ANNULAR SPACE BETWEEN CONDUIT AND PERIPHERY OF OPENING SHALL BE 0 TO 1-3/8 NOT LESS AFFSTATION 48" AFF TO THE NOT LESS INCHES. SIDEWALL THAN 80" OPERABLE PART THAN 90" 3.MAXIMUM OF (1) CONDUIT PER FIRESTOP SYSTEM. AFF AFF 4.PACKING MATERIAL - MINIMUM 4 INCH THICKNESS OF MINIMUM 8 PCF MINERAL WOOL BATT INSULATION SHALL BE FIRMLY PACKED INTO OPENING AS A PERMANENT FORM. PACKING MATERIAL SHALL BE RECESSED FROM BOTH SURFACES OF WALL AS REQUIRED TO Issue Date: xx.xx.xx ACCOMMODATE THE REQUIRED THICKNESS OF CAULK MATERIAL. FINISHED FLOORFINISHED FLOORFINISHED FLOORFINISHED FLOOR 5.CAULK MATERIAL - MINIMUM 1/2 INCH THICKNESS OF FILL MATERIAL SHALL BE APPLIED WITHIN THE ANNULUS, FLUSH WITH BOTH SURFACES OF THE WALL. NOTES:NOTES: NOTES:NOTES: REVISION INFORMATION H FIRE RATED CONCRETE BLOCK WALL 1. IF THE CEILING HEIGHTS ALLOW, AND UNLESS OTHERWISE1. WALL MOUNTED APPLIANCES SHALL BE MOUNTED SUCH THAT1.THE OPERABLE PART OF EACH MANUAL FIRE ALARM BOX SHALL1.FOR CEILINGS WITH BEAM DEPTHS OF LESS THAN 10% OF THE PERMITTED BY ( THROUGH ( WALL-MOUNTEDTHE ENTIRE LENS IS NOT LESS THAN 80" AND NOT GREATER THANBE NOT LESS THAN 3'-6" AND NOT MORE THAN 4'-6" ABOVE FLOORCEILING HEIGHT(0.1 H), SMOOTH CEILING SPACING SHALL BE Scale:NTS APPLIANCES SHALL HAVE THEIR TOPS ABOVE THE FINISHED96" ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR OR AT THE MOUNTING HEIGHTLEVELPERMITTED. FA 2.PER NFPA 72 (5.13.4)2.FOR CEILINGS WITH BEAM DEPTHS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN FLOORS AT HEIGHTS OF NOT LESS THAN 90" AND BELOW THESPECIFIED USING THE PERFORMANCE-BASED ALTERNATIVE OF NFPA 72 ( OF THE CEILING HEIGHT (0.1 H) AND BEAM SPACING EQUAL FINISHED CEILINGS AT DISTANCES OF NOT LESS THAN 6". TO OR GREATER THAN 40 % OF THE CEILING HEIGHT (0.4 H), SPOT-TYPE DETECTORS SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE CEILING IN EACH BEAM POCKET. 3.MEASUREMENTS SHOWN ARE TO THE CLOSEST EDGE OF THE CONDUIT PENETRATION U.L. W-L-1001 DETECTOR. 1 OR 2 HOUR RATED GYP. 3M FIRE BARRIER ABCD WALLBOARD ASSEMBLY HORN ONLY DETAILSTROBE OR STROBE/HORN DETAILPULL STATION MOUNTING DETAILDETECTOR MOUNTING DETAIL CP 25WB+ CAULK OR EQUAL Scale:NTSScale:NTSScale:NTSScale:NTS FAFAFAFA FIRE ALARM PANEL CONDUIT NOTES: 1.CONDUIT SHALL BE INSTALLED AT CENTER OF STUD CAVITY WIDTH AND SHALL BE RIGIDLY SUPPORTED ON BOTH SIDES OF WALL ASSEMBLY. 2.CAULK FILL MATERIAL SHALL COMPLETELY FILL ANNULAR SPACE BETWEEN CONDUIT AND CONDUIT WALL; AND WITH A WIDTH OF 1/4 INCH DIAMETER BEAD OF CAULK APPLIED TO PERIMETER OF CONDUIT AT ITS EGRESS OF THE WALL. FOR CONDUIT 1" DIAMETER AND SMALLER, ANNULAR DMARC SPACE SHALL BE 0 TO 3/16". FOR CONDUIT 4" DIAMETER AND SMALLER, ANNULAR SPACE LINE SHALL BE 0 TO 1-1/2". 3.MAXIMUM OF (1) CONDUIT PER FIRESTOP SYSTEM. DISTRIBUTION PANEL 4.CONSULT CURRENT U.L. FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY FOR DETAILS. DEDICATED LOCKED TELCO CIRCUIT BREAKER LINES I FIRE RATED GYPSUM WALLBOARD LINE TO PHONES Scale:NTS FA FIRE ALARM WIRE FIRE ALARM WIRE PRIMARY LINE CABLE PENETRATION U.L. W-L-3149 FIRE ALARM WIRE OR SECONDARY LINE 1 OR 2 HOUR RATED GYP. 3M FIRE BARRIER WALLBOARD ASSEMBLY Restaurant #: FD-150+ CAULK xxxx CONDUIT OR EQUAL PRIMARY PORT PRIMARY PORT BURGLAR FIRE ALARM PANEL SECONDARY PORT CABLE OR PANEL LONGHORN CABLE BUNDLE FIRE PANEL NOTES: CONDUIT 1.CABLES SHALL BE RIGIDLY SUPPORTED ON BOTH SIDES OF WALL ASSEMBLY. NOTES: NOTES: 2.THE ANNULAR SPACE BETWEEN CABLE/CABLE BUNDLE AND PERIPHERY OF OPENING SHALL BE 0 TO 1 INCH. FIRE ALARM DISCONNECT 1.CONDUIT SHALL BE USED FOR ALL EXPOSED FIRE ALARM CABLING INSTALLED 1.THE FIRE PANEL WILL NEVER SEE A LINE FAULT IF IT WIRED BEFORE 3.MAXIMUM OF A 1 INCH DIAMETER CABLE BUNDLE PER FIRESTOP SYSTEM. BELOW JOISTS AND BEAMS. THE BA PANEL 4.CAULK MATERIAL - MINIMUM 5/8 INCH THICKNESS OF FILL MATERIAL APPLIED WITHIN TO DEDICATED LOCKED BRANCH 2.CONDUIT SHALL BE A MINIMUM. OF 3/4 INCHES 2.THE BA PANEL WILL NEVER SEE A LINE FAULT IF IT IS WIRED TO THE ANNULUS, FLUSH WITH BOTH SURFACES OF THE WALL. MINIMUM 1/2 INCH DIAMETER BEAD CIRCUIT 120VAC/20AMP SOURCE FIRE SECONDARY LINE. OF CAULK APPLIED AT THE CABLE/WALLBOARD INTERFACE AT POINT CONTACT LOCATION ON 3.BA PANEL WILL SEE LINE FAULT IF UNIMODE SEIZES SECONDARY LINE 501 N Congress Ave BOTH SIDES OF WALL. FOR MORE THAN ABOUT TWO MINUTES, WHICH IS OK. 5.CONSULT CURRENT U.L. FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY FOR DETAILS. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 EFGJ PHONE CONNECTION DETAILPOWER DISCONNECTCEILING TO WALL TRANSITION AND FIRE ALARM OPEN WIRINGFIRE RATED GYPSUM WALLBOARD Scale:NTSScale:NTSScale:NTSScale:NTS FAFAFAFA Boynton Beach, FL FIRE RATED CABLE OR CONDUIT FIRE RATED CABLE BREAK WIRE OR CONDUIT STROBEHORN/STROBE DONT LOOP EOL RESISTOR EOL RESISTOR AT LAST DEVICE AT LAST DEVICE PRECEDING STROBE OR FROM LAST POWER SUPPLY DEVICE FIRE ALARM SQUARE JUNCTION BOX OCTAGON JUNCTION BOX K L DEVICE WIRING STROBE - HORN/STROBE WIRING RISER Scale:NTS Scale:NTS FA FA PAGE N.1N.2 J-BOX DETAILS ON DROP CEILINGJ-BOX DETAILS ON DROP CEILING Scale:NTSScale:NTS FAFA Tyco FA1.4