SURVEY - marked upLot s , BI064 _Z , P laa zl _ :=I"':F.-;-,n SECn I�,i::. PALM BEACH LEISCREVILLE, Cit ,_`' so nton Reach Florida, acccrdinn to the pla`_ :.hee-op Q;; ; ila= in the office of the Clerk of the Ciresi_ Court in and for Palm Reach Counta•, Florida, in Plat Bock 29, Paces 145, 146, 147 n/ 'e ' I HEREBY CERTIFY Haat die peat %tuswaa bereuaa i, a true and corrcet representation al a suncn. talade uruier MV direction, and that v'ut wrier is accurate 10 the be l ul niv knoutedrr asui hcltct, and tlt:,t titetr aa: Ua ,0S2VSV'y 3urGcopy t SURD I V I S I ON : Ralm Wwit Ii -i vsret-i 1 l,• NAME OF MODEL: TYPE CONSTRUCT ION: I StorN. CBS FIh.FLR. ELEV.: 43.1' ADDRESS: B ROCKWAY, OWEN & ANDERSON ENGINEERS WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA PLOT FLAi4 OF THE A60VE DESCRIBED PROPERTY Frim Bc-ccst County, Florida f•.,r -Ro nioi 1,,..Corporott::-n ! 0