PERMIT APPLICATIONB?200101 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Application Inquiry 10/31/02 11:28:02 Application number ..... : 01 00004636 Application status, date : FINALED Property .......... : 3010 S FEDERAL HWY PCN ............. : 08-43-46-04-00-001-0131 Lot Number ......... : 10/30/02 Zoning ........... : R1AA SINGLE FAMILY (5.40) Application type ...... : DL DEMOLITION Application date ...... : 11/28/01 Tenant nbr, name ...... : Master plan nbr, revwd by : Estimated valuation .... : Total square footage .... : Public building ...... : NO Work description, qty . . . : Pin number ......... : 0621 SUN WAH & PARKING LOT JP 10000 0 Press Enter to continue. F3=Exit F5=Land inq F10=Fees F11=Receipts F7=Appl names F12=Cancel F8=Tracking inq F13=Val calcs F9=Bond inquiry F24=More keys DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION SCANNED BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 2003 I Please print. All lines MUST be completed, if not applicable, write _N/. A.. ........... ~.,,-, ~ , Date: F~ Sim~e T{le H~s N~e F~ Simple T{le Hoid~'s Addr~s City/State/Zip · Job Name ~ A~ C~t~p Lega Oeecdpt~n Bonding Company Bonding Company Address C~//State/ZJp Architect/Engineer's Name Architect/Engineer's Address C~/state/Z~p Mortgage Lender's Name Mortgage Lender's Address (Palm Beach County Property Control #) ~ ., o,.,.,,'.Pho,~# ,5--~-/ 733 OC~' (If other than owner's) (If other than owner's) City/State/Zip (Check one below) Single Family Duplex Multi-Family ~ Hotel Estimated Value of Cormlructton $ . I tlT).LDO Re{ail Off'me Industrial (Check Reviewer Required below) Electrical __ Mechanical ~~ __ Structural Fire Other Application is hereby required to obtain a permit to do work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all wod( will be perforated to mee{ the standards of all codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction in this jurisdiction. I undmstand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS and AIR CONDITIONING WORK, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction and zoning. Property Owner's or Agent's Signature Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (date) by Who is personally known to me or who has produced As identif'mation and who did (did not) take an oath. (SEAL) Signature of person taking acknowledgement Name of officer taking acknowledgement typed, printed or stamped Title or rank Serial Number, if any STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was '~:x~4 " ,m pro~uc~ J.~,~,~..~CE>~ co,u~Js~ ,'~,~ J AS identification and who did (did not) take an oath. Signature of I:~p,.t~,i~l~'ad~~,e~02 ' -- Title or rank Serial Number, if any (Cectificate of Compatency Holder) Contractor's State Certification of Registration No. ,.,~ f O~) ~ F/.J(' Liability Ins.rance Expiration Date ~ ~- 2~? ~' Workers' Compensation Expiration Date Application Approved by /,'-.~,~'~ ~ . (Perm~ Officer) Date NOTI~: This permit VOID efta' 180 DAYS UNLESS t~e work which it corem ha~ commenced. AJI Contractom must have valid State Certification o~ County Competency plus County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining parrnit. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF D~I=D RESTRICTION~ F~_F~ ARE NOT REFUNDABLE (For Office Use Only) Application Accepted By: Application # Type of Construction Occupancy Type Fence Type Roof Type Flood Zone Base Flood Elevation Finish Floor Elev. (Proposed) Number of Units Parking Spaces Required Parking Spaces Provided Area Square Feet (Gross) Area Square Feet (Nat) Number of Stodes Number of Bedrooms Remarks: IF THIS BOX IS NOT COMPLETED, THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO A FINAL INSPECTION ONLY. AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: Date AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: Date ADDITIONAL FEE(S) BCAIF Parks Fee Penalty Fee Public Building Fee Radon Fee Road Impact Fee School Fee Sewer Fee Water Fee Fire Department Fee Overtime Fee Sub-Total SINGLE FEE Building Cleadng & Grubbing Drainage Electrical Excavation Fill Fire Sprinkler Irrigation Landscaping Mechanical Paving Plumbing Roofing Sign Site Lighting Sub-Total TOTAL Less Plan Filing Fee Receipt Number Check/Credit Card Number Cash Received from: Accepted by: (Initials) BALANCE DUE VALUE FEE Receipt Number Check/Credit Card Number Cash Received from: Accepted by: (Initials) DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPM TAN N ED BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMIT APPLiCATION JAN 0 ? 2003 Please print. All lines MUST be completed. If not applicable, ~ lYg~ o. r~ ~ ~ / ~ ~ , r~ ~ ~ Date: Owner's Name ~~ L~ ~ ~.t~me~ P~ F~ Sim~ T~le ~ N~e F~ Simple T~le Holder's ~dr~s G~y/State~ip C~a~ ~n & e~y ~ ~ C~pany A~rms ~t ~ ,'~ ~. City/State/Zip Job Name Job Address City/State/Zip Legal Descriplion Bonding Company Bonding Company Address City/StatefZip Architect/Engineer's Name Amhitect/Engineer's Address C~y/state/Zip Mortgage Lender's Name Mortgage Lender's Address (Palm Beach County Property Control #) (If other(hah o~vner's) (If other than owner's) City/State/Zip (Check one below) Single Family Duplex Estimated Value of Consa:uction $ Detailed DeecdptJon of Work Multi-Family ~ Hotel Re, ail Office Industrial (Check Reviewer Required below) Electrical Mechanical v,/'-Plumbing __ Structural Fire Other Application is hereby required to obtain a permit to do work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of ail codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS and AIR CONDITIONING WORK, E'I'C. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN A'rrORNEY BEFORE RECORI31NG YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in c(~pliance with all applicable codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction and zoning. Property Owner's or Agent's Signature Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (date) by Who is personall~(.rl~l~.me or wh~lN FESSER h.. o uced MYCO U SS O,#D 2 As identification and who did (did not) take an oath. /1~:..~...;."~'~ EXPIRES: Jane 23, 2006 I~~ (SEAL) /i ~.~:~;~,..'~-' ~o~ ~,=.o.~ ~u~.~ ~*.~ Name of ofrmer taking acknowledgement ~ty~d., printed or stamped Title or rank . ~~ ? Serial Number, if any STATE F OR,DA, OF The foregoing instrument was Whoisj:~,l~'~.~"'~y"~-ut'~ntorneor~o i~?.¢~;,~"'0, co~.~o..u.s. ! As ibentir~..ation and who did (did nct) take an oath- Signature of person taking acknowledgement .~-- . .~ N~ne of officer taking acknowledgement typeD, pnnte~ or~tampe~ Title or rank ~ ~erim murr~er, · any (Ceffiflcate of Competency HoMer) .~ ~;~ / Contractor., State CerC, cat,or., of.ngis,rat,on,o. ~.fi~./'_.O I g'~::~-'-2 L.~ Liability Insurance Expiration Date ~- ~--..--, ;r--5~"% W~rkers' Compensation Expiration Date '~--( - ~ ~)~ Application Approved by NOTE: Thie permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it co.rs has commenced. A~I Contractors must have valid State CerlJflcafion or County Competency plus County and City Occupetio~al License~ prior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE FF-] HI--J (For Office Use Only) Application Accepted By: Application # Type of Construction Occupancy Type Fence Type Roof Type Flood Zone Base Flood Elevation Finish Floor Elev. (Proposed) Number of Units Parking Spaces Required Parking Spaces Provided Area Square Feet (Gross) Area Square Feet (Net) Number of Stories Number of Bedrooms Remarks: IF THIS BOX IS NOT COMPLETED, THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO A FINAL INSPECTION ONLY. AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: Date AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: Date ADDITIONAL FEE(S) BCAIF Parks Fee Penalty Fee Public Building Fee Radon Fee Road Impact Fee School Fee Sewer Fee Water Fee Fire Department Fee Overtime Fee Sub-Total SINGLE FEE Building Cleadng & Grubbing Drainage Electrical Excavation Fire Sprinkler Irrigation Landscaping Mechanical Paving Plumbing Roofing Sign Site Lighting Sub-Total TOTAL Less Plan Filing Fee Receipt Number Check/Credit Card Number Cash Received from: Accepted by: (Initials) BALANCE DUE VALUE FEE Receipt Number Check/Credit Card Number Cash Received from: Accepted by: (Initials) DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 01 -46 36 Date: Job Address City/Slate/Zip Legal Description Bonding Company Bonding Company Address City/State/Zip Architect/Engineer's Name Please print. All lines MUST be completed. If_niot applicable, write N/A. ~ _ ~ ~ _ o ~ Master Permit # g) [ L.[ (.~) (,~ ' Permit # ¢'L. PCN~ Owner's Name F~ Sim~e T~ H~s N~e F~ Simple T~le Hoider's ~dr~e C~y/St~Zip Job Name ~&~ kn~. (Palm Beach County Property Congo/#) z~ Code .~3 ff..v_5" Of other than owner's) (ff other than owner's) Company Phone # <~ 0..~- ~' r-~2 ~-4:3-~¢¢ ~ 30 / 8 Zoned Architect/Engineer's Address C~y/State/Zip Mortgage Lenders Name /~ I lC} Mortgage Lender's Address City/State/Zip (Check one below) Single Family Duplex Multi-Family EMimated Value of ConsUuc~on $10~;~ Detailed D__~_.'plJon of Work D,,"m ~'--~,Z", ~, -'- Hotel ~ Retell Off"me Industrial ~_~viewer Raguted below) (..~_ (~ Mechanical Plumbing Structural Fire Other Application is hereby required to obtain a permit to do work and installations as indicated, I certify that no work or installation has commenced pdor to the issuance of a permit and that all wo~ will be performed to meet the standards of all codes, laws, rules and regulations governing cormtruction in this jurisdiction. I un(ler~tand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS and AIR CONDITIONING WORK, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction and zoning. Property Owner's or Agent's Signature Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (date) by Who is pemonally known to me or who has produced (SEAL) As identification and who did (did not) take an oath. Signature of pemon taking acknowle~eme~t STATE OF F'O.IOA, COU4Y OF The foregoing instrument wa~ acknowledged before me this or ,stamped Serial Number, if any Date ACH hal ~~A.~.,~.~ I As identrcation and who did ((lid not) take an oath. 'l~~: ~o.~. I I '- ""- "-', Titl~ ~__~ ~vo' NOV. 2~;zuuZ__l x..._) SerTal Number, if any (CerUflcate of Competency Hoider) Contractor's State Certification of Registration NO. Liability Insurance Expiration Date .-~'~.z// ~.C,~-~, Workers' Compensation Expiration Date ::~"~.-~ 'ZOO "~ / Application Approved by , ~_~._ ,~____..__..p (Permit Officer) Date NOTI~: This peri. it VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has commenced. All Contractors must have valid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Occul~ional Licenses ixior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCE OF THI~ PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS FI~ES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE (For Office Use Only) Application Accepted By: Application # Type of Construction Occupancy Type Fence Type Roof Type Flood Zone Base Flood Elevation Finish Floor Elev. (Proposed) Number of Units Parking Spaces Required Parking Spaces Provided Area Square Feet (Gm&s) Area Square Feet (Net) Number of Stories Number of Bedrooms Remarks: .... IF THIS BOX IS I~OT COMPLET'ED, THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO A FINAL INSPECTION ONLY. AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: Date AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: Date ADDITIONAL FEE(S) BCAIF Parks Fee Penalty Fee Public Building Fee Radon Fee Road Impact Fee School Fee Sewer Fee Water Fee Fire Department Fee Overtime Fee Sub-Total SINGLE FEE Building .... Clearing & Grubbing Drainage Electrical Excavation Fill Fire Sprinkler Irrigation Landscaping Mechanical Paving Plumbing Roofing __ Sign Site Ughting Sub-Total TOTAL Less Plan Filing Fee Receipt Number Check/Credit Card Number Cash Received from: Accepted by: (Initials) BALANCE DUE VALUE FEE Receipt Number CheckJCredit Card Number Cash Received from: Accepted by: (Initials) DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION 01-4636 Please print. All lines MUST be completed. If not applicable, write N/A. Dat.: ~-2b~OZ- Master Permit # Permit# ~/' PCN# f~ c~ - Lt"~. ~ {~- Or.(- ~ 0 -00 ~- C)~> [ (Palm Beech County Property Con~l #)_.. Fee Simple Title H~ider's Name (If other than owner's) Fee Simpl~ Title Holder's Address (Il' other than owner's) City/State/Zip Contractor's Company ~~.~-~~-----~'-- Company Phone # Contact person & emergency phone # Company Address ~.~.~?._. /O ~,O ~.,,~ ~'lr, Pagee/Fax~ JobName ~x"~ ~-o'~,-' L.,~'-~[5, . Legal Deecfipl~m i?~ ~ 1 '~o,.~..~ c,. ~.~'-~¥~. Zoned Bonding Company Architect/Engineer's Address gFP 2 3 Mortgage Lender's Name ~, ~[ ~ Mo age LendeCs Add., i 6[JiLUil b _ City/State/Zip ! (Check one below) Single Family Duplex Multi-Family Ho~el Estimated Value of ConatncIkm $ f~ ~,~0~2~~ Retail j Office Industrial (Check Reviewer Required below) Electrical Mechanical ___ Plumbing ,,. Structural __ Fire __ Other Application is hereby required to obtain a permit to do work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work o~ installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that alii work will be performed to meat the standards of afl codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction in this jurisdictkm. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS and AIR CONDITIONING WORK, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction and zoning. Property Owner's or Agent's Signature Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The fm'egoing instrument wes acknowledged before me this (date) by Who is personally known to me or who has produced As identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (SEAL) Signature of pe~on taking ecl(nowledgement Name of offlce~ taking acknowledgement typed, printed or stamped Title or rank SePal Number, if any Contractor's Signature ~-.:~_./~-' ~ Date . STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PAU~I BEACH The foregoing instrument was VVho' R . .~1~ _ ,.~ ~ ~"~C'~':/495 ~ AS idantlfioaiJon and who did (did not)take an oath. Name ~ acl~nowledgement typed, printed f~tamped '~'~,~. C ,'~ Title o~ rank Serial Number, if any ,... (Celificate of Competency Holder) Liability Insurance Expiration Date b~- ~ --O '~ Workers' Compensation Expiration Date Application Approved by ~~- (Perm~ Officer) Date NOTI~: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work whic~ it covers ha~ commenced. All Co~tracto~ must have valid State Certification or County Compete~'y p~us County and City Occupational Licenses ~'ior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTION~ FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE FIJI Hr-] (For Office Use Only) Application Accepted By: Application # Type of Construction Occupancy Type Fence Type Roof Type Flood Zone Base Flood Elevation Finish Floor Elev. (Proposed) Number of Units Parking Spaces Required Parking Spaces Provided Area Square Feet (Gross) Area Square Feet (Net) Number of Stories Number of Bedrooms Remarks: IF THIS BOX 'iS NOT COMPLETED, THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO A FINAL INSPECTION ONLY. AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: Date AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: Date ADDITIONAL FEE(S) BCAIF Parks Fee Penalty Fee ' Public Building Fee Radon Fee Road Impact Fee School Fee Sewer Fee Water Fee Fire Department Fee Overtime Fee Sub-Total SINGLE FEE ,_. Building ... Cleadng & Grubbing Drainage Electrical Excavation Fill Fire Sprinkler Imgation __ Landscaping Mechanical Paving ,_, Plumbing __ Roofing ~ Sign Site Lighting Sub-Total TOTAL Less Plan Filing Fee Receipt Number Check/Credit Card Number Cash Received from: Accepted by: (Initials) BALANCE DUE Receipt Number Check/Credit Card Number Cash Received from: VALUE FEE Accepted by: (Initials) DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMEN BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Please print. All lines MUST be completed. If not applicable, write N/A. Date: Master Permit # Permit# O !-- ..... (Palm Beach County Property Control Owner's Name ~~ L~~ ~ ~~~C~ ~L~Owners Phone ~ ~necSAddresS IgS~ N~ tS~ 5~~ ' ~ ' Ci~ ~~~ ~~ -- ' State ~ ~ ZipCode Fee Simple Title Holder's Name '-~ t [ ~ ~ (If other than Fee Simple Title Holder's Address ~ ~ (If other than owner's) City/State/Zip Contractor's Company ~, .. ......... C~ . ._ Comj~any~ Phone~_~ # Contact person & emergency phone #. - - ~,J ~ Company Address q ~1~ Pager/Fax# City/State/Zip Job Name JOb Address City/State/Zip ~ ~ \ ~ Legal Description Bonding Company Bonding Company Address City/State/Zip Architect/Engineer's Name Architect/Engineer's Address City/State/Zip Modgage Lender's Name Mortgage Lender's Address City/State/Zip Zoned (Check one below) Single Family Duplex Multi-Family HotelV" Retail Office Industrial Estimated Value of Construction $ ~~) _Detailed Description3 o[,,~/.ork_. (C~ak Reviewer Required below) ..... Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Structural Fire Other Application is hereby required to obtain a permit to do work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for. ELECTR CAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANI<S and AIR CONDITIONING WORK, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FO.R IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY, IF YOU INTEND TQ OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING yoUR N~-I:~/M~NCEMENT. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing inf~;Fa~ti~:~..,~,c, ura'te and that all work will be done in compliance with all STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~L ~'1~ ~"'~~ ~0O I (date) by Who is per_sonally known [9 me or who .rod ce .... *s o th. (SEAL) ~ ¢...~~ Signature of person taking acknowledgement ~ /~~ ~ Title or rank ~~ ~ Serial Number, if any Contractor's Signature ~ /~ Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ~ The foregoing instrument was b~~ acknowledged before me this ~ ~ ~ ~ CO / (date) .~ho i¢ personally known to me or who ha~ produ~d As id~~~ ~ an oath. Signature of person taking acknowledgement ~~ ~ /~~ Name of officer taking acknowledgement typed, printed or stamped -'4~&~' ~c Bo~ ~., l~. Title or rank Serial Number, if any (Certificate of Competency Holder) Contractor's State Ce~ificat~at~ Liability Insurance Expi 'r~~~//. ~orkers' Compe~safio~ [xpir~tion ~ate Applier ion A pp roved b~.~~Z.~~~~ (Pe ~', 0 ~ced Da te o~e~ and building agree to ~ct ~cture in fu~c~pliance ~[h the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynlon Beech. NOTE: This permit VOiD after 180 DAYS U~SS the work which ii covers has commenced. All Contractors must have valid State CedJfication or County Competency plus Counly and Cily Occupational ticenses prior to oblaining permit. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE S:\DEVELOPMENT~FORMS&TEMPLATES\BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION-Igl. Rev 6/18/97, 11/4/97, 12/98, 6/99.8/99, 5/00, 8/00, 9/00, 10/01 Application Accepted By: Application # Type of Construction Occupancy Type Fence Type Roof Type Flood Zone Base Flood Elevation Finish Floor Elev. (Proposed) Number of Units Parking Spaces Required Parking Spaces Provided Area Square Feet (Gross) Area Square Feet (Net) Number of Stories Number of Bedrooms j~g~l~ ~.~ r IF THIS BOX IS NOT COMPLETED, THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO A FINAL INSPECTION ONLY. AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: Date AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: Date ADDITIONAL FEE(S) BCAIF Parks Fee Penalty Fee Public Building Fee Radon Fee Road Impact Fee School Fee Sewer Fee Water Fee Fire Department Fee Overtime Fee Sub-Total SINGLE FEE Building Clearing & Grubbing Drainage Electrical Excavation Fill Fire Sprinkler Irrigation Landscaping Mechanical Paving Plumbing Roofing Sign Site Lighting VALUE · Sub-Total TOTAL Less Plan Filing Fee Receipt Number (.12 ~, L-~'~ FEE Check/Credit Card Number Cash Received from: Accepted by: (Initials) BALANCE DUE Receipt Number Check/Credit Card Number Cash Received from: Accepted by: (Initials) S:\DEVELOPMENTtFORMS&TEMPLATES\BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION-Igl. Rev 6/18/97, 11/4/97, 12/98, 6/99, 8/99, 5/00, 8/00, 9/00, 10/01 DEC--05--01 SAT 0~ -'29 AM P. 02 ~:' , , :,tj/ ~,,_.-~r!,,, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ~ 00 East Boynlon Besr-,h l~Ivd. P. O, BOX 310 Eoynton Beach, Florida 3342~-0310 02'4~36 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EFFICIENCY BY WHICH YOU RECEIVE YOUR PEP, M~T DEPENDS ON YOUR RESPONSE TO THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. IT IS RE. COMMENDED THAT 'YOU CAP, F_FULLY READ AND CORRECTLY RESPOND TO ALL ASPECTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. COMMENTS: For permit application ~[Jmber / review: 0_~,.:_4~35 Project Name or Address'. SUN WAH REVIEWED Depattmerlt. and/or Division: _B_uildlng Division Name of Reviewe~ doh_._.p_n ,pa~lliarulo .... Trade; _Str_~_¢[uml ': Phone ~ [56~42-67~ e~. Review Date: Type of Review: S~UCT COMMENT DISTRIBUTION: Person identified on the application ~o receive commen~: /~'~" Name ADVANQE CONTR,.SERVICES PhOne ~ . (~ea~de:g54) 9~g-3200 ext, Person who received ~e call STAFF MEM~E~: Comment(s) recd. by print name and Plans/Comments recd, by print name and C'II~F'T f~r- ~-r~lT ,:,riLL:, ~,' r,~.,'~,,~ ~ SET DO NOT REMOVE TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME NAME FAX TEL 01-4636 12/07/2001 14:17 CITY OF BOYNTON BLDG 5617426357 DATE,TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 12/07 14:16 91954979388040678 00:00:43 03 OK STANDARD EOM SHEET OF PERMIT SET DO NOT REMOVE 'Page 2~0f 2 Plan Review Comments for Permit Application # 01-, 636 Your permit application and supporting documentation do not comply with the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Prior to receiving a permit to construct or install the requested improvements the plans and documents shall be amended to show compliance with the below listed comments. For questions regarding my review please contact me at the number listed above. If a conference is necessary, please schedule an appointment. Phone calls and appointments are received and scheduled during work days Monday through Friday 9:30 to 10:30 AM and 1:45 to 2:45 PM. Please note that additional comments may be generated following staff review of the amended plans. Timely approval of your project is dependent upon your prompt and correct response to the information provided in this document. 1- PLEASE SUBMIT DEMOLITION SIGN OFF SHEET FOR ALL UTILITIES TO BE DISCONECTED.I.E. FPL,GAS,WATER, SEWER ETC. 2- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 01'4636 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EFFICIENCY BY WHICH YOU RECEIVE YOUR PERMIT DEPENDS ON YOUR RESPONSE TO THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU CAREFULLY READ AND CORRECTLY RESPOND TO ALL ASPECTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. COMMENTS: For permit application number / review: 01-4636 Project Name or Address: SUN WAH REVIEWED BY: Department and/or Division: Building Division Name of Reviewer: John Pagliarulo Trade: Structural Phone # (561) 742-6754 ext. Fax # (561) 742-6357 Review Date: 11-30-01 Type of Review: STRUCT COMMENT DISTRIBUTION: Person identified on the application to receive comments: Name ADVANCE CONTR.SERVICES Phone # (area code:954) 979-3200 Fax # (area code:561 ) Date(s) reviewer called: Person who received the call ext. THE FOLLOWING AREA SHALL BE FILLED-IN IN THE PRESENCE OF A BUILDING DIVISION STAFF MEMBER: COMMENTS/PLANS PICKED UP: Comment(s) recd. by print name and date: OR Plans/Comments recd. by print name and date: Page 2 of 2 Plan Revie'w Comments for Permit Application # Your permit application and supporting documentation do not comply with the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Prior to receiving a permit to construct or install the requested improvements the plans and documents shall be amended to show compliance with the below listed comments. For questions regarding my review please contact me at the number listed above. If a conference is necessary, please schedule an appointment. Phone calls and appointments are received and scheduled during work days Monday through Friday 9:30 to 10:30 AM and 1:45 to 2:45 PM. Please note that additional comments may be generated following staff review of the amended plans. Timely approval of your project is dependent upon your prompt and correct response to the information provided in this document. 1- PLEASE SUBMIT DEMOLITION SIGN OFF SHEET FOR ALL UTILITIES TO BE DISCONECTED.I,.E. FPL,GAS,WATER, SEWER ETC. 2- Building Division FACSIMILE - 01-~636 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Department of Development City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33z[25 (561) 742-6350 (561) 742-6357 Fax TO: FR 0~: DA T£' NU/¥BER OF PA GES: (including cover) SHEET OF PERMIT SET DO NOT REMOVE If you receive this fax in error; or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office immediately, at (561) 742-6.350. Thank you. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EFFICIENCY BY WHICH YOU RECEIVE YOUR PERMIT DEPENDS ON YOUR RESPONSE TO THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU CAREFULLY READ AND CORRECTLY RESPOND TO ALL ASPECTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. COMMENTS: For permit application number / review: 01-4636 Project Name or Address: SUN WAH REVIEWED BY: Department and/or Division: Building Division Name of Reviewer: John Pagliarulo Trade: Phone # Fax # Review Date: Type of Review: Structural (561) 742-6754 ext. SHEET OF ?ER II SET (561) 742-6357 11-30-01 STRUCT REMOVE COMMENT DISTRIBUTION: Person identified on the application to receive comments: Name ADVANCE CONTR.SERVICES Phone # (area code:954) 979-3200 ext. Fax # (area code:561 ) ~_ ~-~z¢ Date(s) reviewer called: / - ' Person who received the call THE FOLLOWING AREA SHALL BE FILLED-IN IN THE PRESENCE OF A BUILDING DIVISION STAFF MEMBER: COMMENTS/PLANS PICKED UP: Comment(s) recd. by print name and date: OR Plans/Comments recd, by print name and date: