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7,9,11,13 WALCOTT DR
Address: 7,9,11,13 Walcot Drive Le~ ' BOYNTON LAKES PLAT 3 1: Blk: 30 Lot: 10~11~12~13 Control # Allowable Coverage % Set Backs - Side Allowable Height Lot Area Side , - __ Use: 4 u~t~ -~, Zone:PUD ~"~ ~ Sewer:2,940. Water:2,660. Impact: 2,248. Fr. R FFE: 14.5' FlZ: BFE:ll'O ruc:ure Height 18'O.No. StorieslType Occupancy residnece x°°re~.an~..__Par~x~Xonm Wood T~-Hoof 'fype Construction VT Siandpipes ( ) Yes (~)-~ Location Elevator ( ) Yes ( ) No Electric Shut Ofi Location Nearest Hydrant on ppnp~rey ROO~ Access Located At ~ss~e Date 1/15/86 1/17/86 Permit No. contractor *Architect Owner Valuation 86-0100 Lennar Homes S.H.Winic Lennar 202,183. 86-1000 Gable Roofin same 6,338. Hazardous S~o~age no No.of Units Location of Stairs Final Date 4/3/86 Purpose 4 multi units,2/2each walks & drives roof Address: 7,9,11,13 Walcot Drive :~ BOYNTON LAKES PLAT 3 Legal: ' Blk: 30 Lot: 10,11,12,13 Control # Allowable Coverage Allowable Height % Set Backs = Side Lot Area PUD Side Use: 4 un'i~s ~'~? Zone: PUD Sewer: 2,940. Water: 2,660. Impact: 2,248. Fr._ R FFE: 14.5' FlZ: A-5 Structure Height_ !8'O,No. Stories 1 Tyne Occupancy residne,ge FloorSonnc. PartXtXofi~ ~ood ~o~ shingle~-- Type Construction v{ Standpipes ( ) Yes (X) No Location Elevator ( ) Yes ( No Nearest Hydrant Issue Date 1/15/86 1/17/86 Permit No. 86-0100 86-1000 Electric Shut Off Location an nnnn~rtv Roof Access Located At Contractor Lennar Homes Gable Roofing Architect S .H.Winic~ Hazardous S~orage no NO, of Units .... Owner Lennar same Valuation 202,183. 6,338. Fee 2,03£ S/FEE Location of Stairs Final Date 4/s/86 Purpose 4 multi units,2/2each walks & drives roof Issue Permit F~na~ Date No. Oontra~tor Owner Valuation Fe~ Date Purpose 1/17/86 86-0100 Aweco Corp. Lennar S/FEZ 4/2/86 new elec/ MECHANIC AL Issue Permit Final Date No. Contractor Owner Valuation Fee Date Purpose 1/17/8~ 86-~00 Fls.Htg.&A/C Lennar S/FEI 4/9/86 new A/C PLL~B~ Issue Permit Final Date No. Contractor Owner Valuation Fee Date Purpose 1/~7/8~ 86-0~00 Boynton Plbg, Lennar S/FEE 4/2/86 new plbg. STOp WOR , BETWEEN ~'00- ~. ~' CA~.k 734~8~ AT"v~ ~: CORRE~ ~ NOTED REINSPE~ION FEE OF $~5.00 MUST BE PAID DEPARTME~ CTION ! White. File Copy / Canary. Inspector,s Copy / Pink INSPECTOR '~ ' Office Copy / White Tag - Job Copy