1,3,5,7 WINCHMORE LN:,C ~-ss: 1,3,5,7 Win~o:l'~ Lane BOYI~TON LAKES P~T III Legal: ~K: 29 ~B~R ~N 8 83-2152 ~T: 1,2,3,4 Con tro~ ~ A1]ow~ble Coverage ~ Set Backs - Bide S~de ~l]lowable Heigh~ ~ Lo~ Area Fr. R Use: res.M/~J' Zone:PUl) Sewer: 2,940. Water:2,660; Impact: 2,248. FFE: --F1Z: A-5 BFE: Structure Height 18' .No Steriem 1 Trna ~nnuna.nvmulti ~nita {~loereconc. Par~xona ~ood ~]~'~'~oo2asphal~ sh{hglee Type Construction V! Standpfpes ( ) Yes ~) No Location Elevator ( ) Yes ( ) No' Electric Shut Off Location Nearest Hydrant Roof Access Located At ~o', of Units Location of Stairs Date Contractor 'Architect Valuation 4/15/86 Lennar Homee Winick ~02,183. 6/23/86 ~oofing 6,338. Final Date Purpose 4 multi units,2/2eac~ vith 1 car garage covered patio I,ega 1: Con trol # Allowable Coverage A]lowable Hei§ht 1,3,5,7 Win~more Lane BOYNTON LAKES PLAT III BLK: 29 LOT: 1,2,3,4 MASTER PLAN # 83-2152 % Set Backs - Side Lot Area Side Fr. R Use: res.M/U'' Zone:PUD Sewer: 2,940. Water:2,660; Impact: 2,248. FFE: F1Z: A-5 BFE: 11' Structure Heigh~ 18' ,No. Storieal~Typo Occupancy multi units _.Hazar~oum Storage Floor, cone. Pa~~ ~ood T~oo~asphalt shthg'ies NO, o~ Uni~ 1 " Type Construction VI StandPipes ( ) Yes ~) No Location Elevator ( ) Yes ( ) No ' Electric Shut Off Location ~earest Hydrant Roof Access Located At Location of Stairs Issue Date 4115/86 6/23/86 Permit No. 86-1255 86-1255 Contractor Lennar Homes ]able RoofinG Architect Winick Owner Lennar Lennar Valuation ~02,183. 6,338. Fee 2,100 Final Date Purpose 4 multi units,2/2eac~ with 1 car garage w/ covered patio Roof Date No. 03n~r C~a~er Valt~a~ion Fee Da~e Purp3se 5/16/86 86-1255 ~eeo Corp. Lennar Homes s/f New Buildin9 g ~3t · OI1WA_~I~: V ~6/6 '~6/8 'ash 'I6/Z ~q .. ./_ /~ '(IAgN ~3 ..... uol~a~I~ aooI3 poqslu~a 'I uoT~a~I~ pooI3 ~swq w ~%~ 'ouoz pooI~ ~-v ~q% u~ p~s~apw ~q os~Id '96IOEI 'oN X~%unuauOD 'E86I ' q]0£ x~qm~d~$ pe~wp ~poD ~tv%%' ~ ·qDVO~ UO~UXO~ ' au~l ~xomqouTM L ss~appM 0V00-6~0-£0-90-~V-£~-90 ~qttrnN IOa~UO~ t 'id 366[ '§g aoqmo~ao$ 9~Q ON la'~ I ne