PERMIT WARNING TO OWNER: "YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COM- CITY~F B~Y]~I~O'~I'~ 9 3 BEACH MENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE BUILDING DIVISION FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANC- ING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN AIIORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR~(YTICE OF COMMENCEMENT." Dete ~le~: NOTICE I Prepared By: IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS 0F THIS PERMIT, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE I TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY AND THERE MAY~ BE ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES SUCH AS WATER MANAGEMENT { Date Issued: DISTRICTS, STATE AGENCIES, OR FEDERAL AGENCIES. ~ Permit Type: Permit No.: INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED: SEE BACK OF PERMIT CARD FOR REQUIRED INSPECTION. City Range Twnshp. Seotion Z7 Sub Dvsn. Block t Lot Plat/Book/Page Property Address Zoning Reviewed by Subdivision Narne Legal Address Owner's Name/Address/Telephone A~.:~c ~JF VIRGiNiA ?NC ASSOCIATED ESTATES REALTY CORP CLEVELAND OH %%1%3 Z!6 Z6!-5000 Additional Description TENANT: UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK Contractor's Name/Address/License/Telephone ATC GROUP SERVICES MIAMI FL %317~,~ General/Architect/Engineer Construction BFE FFE Sq. Ft. FLZ Valuation brJ~J Schedule of Fees Improvements ~J£'~':~:,~U ~-~~ "~" LJ- ~'£'{J ["f. AL~ ~ "-~, ~-,~.~ ..... ~., CREDITED .35:0O DATE- 7 .,." 15 ...-'" O 2 RECEIPT#- £'%5557 00000000..3 OTHER FEES: TYPE- FiRE AND L!e'~_~ SAFETY FEE Z.~O0 NO FINAL UNTIL ERC 15 AP'PROVED AND TYPE-- PLAN CHECK FEE 1,.5'0,~,~0 L~'r'ia~ ~:~':3 PEP: ANDREA TYPE- F'LAN CHECK FEE ~,:~,u ON HOLD AS <DF 8-i7-0i {2 ~: C: A .r. !'. 7 4. :~ - ~. q ~. 5 ~ .:~ ~ T ~,[ _q P '~ C' T T .3 ;,f ~ ~ .~ ,q' (q ~ ~' ~ ~ r t,r. ~ nit,? ~ ~,'( C W t' ;- :.7 ~ ~n ~ r~ ~ · P. ~7 '~ ',~t ~ THIS PERMIT SHALL BECOME NULL AND VOID UNLESS THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS COMMENCED WITHIN ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYs AFTER I~SUANcE, OR IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED HAS NOT RECEIVED AN APPROVED INSPECTION FOR A PERIOD OF ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS. Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above, must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. This permit fee is not refundable. WARNING TO OWNER: - U 3. - 2 4 9 3 "YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COM- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE BUILDING DIVISION FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANC- ING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN AIIORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOL~R~NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT." Date Applied: iNOTICE Prepared By: IN ADDITION T0 THE REQUIREMENTS 0F THIS PERMIT, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY AND THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL PERMITS REOUIRED FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES SUCH AS WATER MANAGEMENT Date Issued: DISTRICTS, STATE AGENCIES, 0R FEDERAL AGENCIES. Permit Type: BU~ n~.:,~ PERMV~ INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED: SEE BACK OF PERMIT CARD FOR RE(; OS i3 65 27 0i 000 ,0370 Property Address Zoning v~'~ ~ NE iST Av~' CONk* L ~rm~ ~.: 0 i0000 ~UIRED INSPECTION. Rat/Book/Page Reviewed by P C ."] SubdMsion Name Legal Address DEWEYS S U~ Owner's Name/Address/Telephone Contractor's Name/Address/Ucense/Telephone AERC OF ViRGiNIA iNC ASSOCIATED ESTATES REALTY CORP CLEVELAND OH ~i~3 216 261-5000 ATC GROUP SERVICES 27% MADEIRA CiR SAINT PETERSBURG 305 88£-8Z00 Additional Description General/Architect/Engineer TENANT: Construction BFE FFE FLZ Sq. Ft. Valuation I1L~ ~heduleofF~s ~ THIS PERM FL 33~";, ~¢ Improvements ET FEE IS NOT 5'fORAGE TANK REFUNDABLE = CREDir~u i,808.00 DATE- 9.--'2'7..,'"01 RECEIPT#- 25291 0O0000000 OTHER FEES: TYPE- FIRE AND LiFE SAFETY FEE 25.00 NO FINAL UNTIL ERr.2 i.S APPROVED AND LETTER RECD PER ANDREA (CSC) ~~C~,~ DO NOT i.SSUE PERMIT UNT!L TiM ,SAYS ON MOLD AS OF 8-17-01 DO NOT FINAL TANK UNTIL THE EMERGEN iS FINAL, PCS 08.,.'"i~/0i  . .SOIL TEST REPORT SHALL BE SUBMITTED THE ~LDG~iN~PECTOR PRIOR TO INSTALL IN ACCORDANCE Wl?H SEC, 180e. THIS PERMIT SH~L BECOME NUbCAND VOID UNLESS THE WO~ AUTHORIZED IS COMMENCED WI~IN ONE HUNDRED ~D EIG~ (1~) b~S A~R IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED HAS NOT RECEIVED AN APPROVED INSPECTION FOR A PERIOD OF ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS. Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above, must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. This permit fee is not refundable. WARNING TO OWNER: u z - Z 4 ~) 3 "YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COM- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE BUILDING DIVISION FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANC- ING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOI~R~3TICE OF COMMENCEMENT." Date Applied: 6/15.,.-"0 ! I NOTICE I Prepared By: G U T IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PERMIT, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE I TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY AND THERE MAY J BE ADOITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITLES SUCH AS WATER MANAGEMENT I Date Issued: DISTRICTS, STATE AGENCIES, OR FEDERAL AGENCIES. Permit Type: Permit No.: P L..~,-,B ~. NC PERMIT INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED: SEE BACK OF PERMIT CARD FOR REQUIRED INSPECTION. Property Address v~3, ~ NE lST AV~-~ Zoning 10/"03,-'"01 O 100002~93 Revk, wed by Subdivision Name Legal Address DEWEYS OwneCs Name/Address/Telephone Contractor's Name/Address/License/Telephone AERC OF VIRGINIA !NC ASSOCIATED ESTATES REALTY CORP CLEVELAND OH ~143 216 £61-5000 ATC GROUF SERVICES £74 MADEIRA CiR SAINT PETERSBURG 305 882-8200 Additional Description General/Architect/Engineer TENANT: Construction BFE FFE FLZ Scl. Ft. Valuation Schedule of Fees * THI~,~ PmRM~ Fr '~'37' 5 Improvements UNDERGROiJN~,~ STORAGE TAN.k: T FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE OTHER FEES: TYPE- FiRE AND LiFE SAFETY FEE 25.00 NULL AND VOID UNLE~~THE WORK AUTHORIZEr~ IS COMMENCED THIS PERMIT SHALL BECOME ~ NO FINAL UiCTiL ERC iS APPROVED AND LETTER x~CD ?~ ANDREA DO NOT iSSUE PERMIT UNTIL TiM SAilS ~'~ HOLD Ac ~'F 8- i~-n'~ DO NOT FINAL ~';"~" _ -- ~a,-,~. UNTi~. THE SHUT~J?~ AND AND PREFAB ATTENT~NCE iS FINAL. PCS 08....'"14./01 SOiL TEST REPORT S~ALL BE SUBMiTTE] THE ~LDG,iN~PECTOR PRio~ 'to FOUNDATi ~" _ ~'~ A~ PER SEC. i80~,2,2 AND EXAMiNATiON OF THE SUB~:OiL .~HAiL BOYNTO~,~ BEACH AMENMENTS. 8...'"15./01 WI~IN ONE HUNDRED~ND~IGH~ (1~0) D~I~U~E, IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED HAS NOT RECEIVED AN APPROVED INSPECTION FOR A PERIOD OF ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS. Any change in building plans or specifications must be record6d with this office. Any work not covered above, must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. This parmit fee is not refundable. WARNING TO OWNER: "YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COM- mTY OF BOYNTON BEACH MENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE BUILDING DIVISION FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANC- ING. CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOL]I~'~TICE OF COMMENCEMENT." Oa,~ ~.,~: NOTICE ] Prepared By: IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PERMIT, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE I TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY AND THERE MAY I BE ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED FROM OTHE~E~OVERNMENTAL ENTreES SUCH AS WATER MANASEMENTI Date Issued: OISTRICTS, STATE AGENCIES, OR FEDERAL ASENC . Permit No.: INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED: SEE BACK OF PERMIT CARD FOR REQUIRED INSPECTION. City ] Re .ng~_ I Twns_hp. I Section Sub Dvsn. Block Lot Plat/Book/Page Property ,Address Zoning 793 ME IST AVE CONKL!NC Z/ZI../~~ O!0000Z~3 Revi~,~--~d by PCS Legal Address Subdivision Name DEWEYS SUB Ow~r'sName/~d~/~lep~De AEKC OF Vi~zNi~ ASSOCIATED ESTATES REALTY CLEVELAND OH El6 Z6!-5000 CORP ~i~3 AS PER APPROVED Construction C~_-~jp~ncy I Schedule of Fees BFE STORAGE TANK PERMITTED PLAN FFE I FLZ Sq. Ft. THi3 PEEM Comraqqr~ ~me_/6~d~_ss / Ucen~/~lepho~ 18301 SW 50TH COURT FORT LAUDERDALE FL Irn~r,o~e,~eD .~, ..... ~T FEE 13 NOT REFUNDABLE 33331 OTHER FEES: TYPE- ~'~E AND LiFE SAFETY FEE Z NO FINAL UNTIL ERC iS' APPROVED AND NOTICE: CALL 7,~Z-6355 FOR INSPECTIONS Z~ HOURS IN ~ N . TH~S PSR~T SHALL 8~C0~5 NUb[ AND VOiD UNLSSS TM5 WORK AUTMO~IZSD ~S CO~SNCSD W~I]~N ON~ HUNDRSD AND ~MTY (180) DAYS A~-M ISSUANCe, OR ~F TH~ WOrK AUTMO~75D HAS NO]' RSOSIV~D AN APPROVSD ~NSPKCT~ON FOR A PSR~OD OF ON5 HUNDRSD AND 5~GHTY (180) DAYS. Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above, must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. This permit fee is not refundable. C/~/of ~oynton 8~ach Developmen! Department Building Division State of: ~,~t,~'/,'~ 10/03/2001 14:38:05 20010429827 County of: _ Palm Beach County, Florida 01-24' 3 l~o'oot~y H. Wilken, Clerk THE UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, fhe following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement: 1. Legal description of property.~,,,- c,?~_)~O, O ~ -- {~---~.4 - ~'~" (or attach legal description) ~ Lot Block Subdivision &"')/ 2. Street Address 7. 3. General description of improvement: 4. Owner Information: Name: Phone Number: _;~/~ ~¢'¢//~ O'"¢~'~'C:~ I Fax Number: Interest in property: Name & Address of Fee simple titleholder (if other than Owner ) .' 5. Contractor Information: Contact Person: -.~/~/~'Y/ I~ ~t~v~l~, Company Name /~C ~C[~ Phone Number: Ja~FFJ- W~ I Fax Number: 6. Suret InTormauon: ~t required~ Name: Address: Phone Number I Bond Amount I $ 7. Lender Information: Lender Name: Address: Bond Amount J $ Phone Number 8. Persons within the State of Florida, designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(11(a)17) Florida Statutes: Name: Address: Fax Number: Phone Number: 9. In addition to himself or herself, owner designates: to receive a copy of the Lienor'., Notice as provided in Section 713.~3(a)(b), Florida Statutes. EXPIRATION DATE OF THIS NOTICE: / (expires 1 year from'date of recording unless a different date is specified) Slgnature of Owner: .~/~'~=6 ~ l~.~e*l~-'l~/("~'~q~,~rintedName: ['~D~(Jt_Q /~.. SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED BEFOR~E THIS ~ ~' ~y of ~ I ' ~0 I . Who is personally know to me or~lo ~as pjo~identification / ' Type of Identification: ~ ]ff /J (~ Signature of Nota~: ~[~t. ~ ~ ~ ~f~Commsson~7~ Printed Name: .... ~ %~,"' Expires June 28.2~ S:XDcvcloplncnlXFOl{MS.docXN~ticc oI-Comn,cnconcnt lbrm.doc - 8/24/00~4 ~,. ~", ';; ~'.u:--- ~ xO~ ~/~ ~ ' ,'' ~"'~ ~ -~¢ '~ .... ~= nF FLORID~ ~ _; ~ ~ ~ '~ >; ~ PALM ~i~m ~. .... that the t0reg0ing' is a _ . _ ~.: :~. '~ ;~ .. , C .~<~o~cem~y --'d t,~' '- -. ,-%' ;, _-~ ~ . · """"~"?'.' ' DOROTHY H. . Clerk of Circuit Cog[t . ~/'. ' ASSOCIATES INC. 9955 NW 116 Way, Suite 1- Miami, Florida 3317 www. atc-enviro.cor 305.882.820 Fax 305.882.120 01-2493 September 7, 2001 Mr. Don Johnson, Building Official City of Boynton Beach Department of Development, Building Division 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Permit Plan Revisions Petroleum Storage System Project Boynton Beach Marina and Marketplace 743 Northeast 1st Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Plan Process No.012493 ATC Project No. 31.20939.0001 Dear Mr. Johnson: ATC Group Services Inc. (ATC), on behalf of AERC of Virginia, the property Owner, and The Bruce Group, the site developer, is hereby providing the attached plan revisions for the above-referenced project. The attached revised drawings Sheets 2A, 3A, 4A, 6A and 7A are intended to amend and supercede Sheets 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 respectively, previously submitted in support of our application for the installation of the marine fueling facility at the site. ATC, as licensed contractors, will assume responsibility for securing permits and scheduling required inspections. ATC is eager to receive permits for construction and look forward to working with the City of Boynton Beach on this project. If you have any questions or require an additional information, please contact ATC's Miami, Florida offices at (305) 882-8200. Sincerely, ATC Group Services, Inc. Stephen Paul Wiehe, PG Construction Division Manager Attachments Pc: Mr. Brace Jarvis, The Bruce Group BUlt V' ---------- 06/25/02 "[UP. 09:37 YA.~ ~002 S|mply Better. Bennett Commercial Pump C~, / 1 ~'18 t-, Pamaluml Road ! .~ps'inlj ECEIVED Mr. Steve Weihe ATC Associates JUN 2 5 2002 BUILDING Subject; Water Tightness a' Bennett 4000 ,~,eries Remote Dispenser Mr. Weihe: Please be advised that the hydraulic system in our 4000 series remote dispenser is leak fight for diapensing of gasoine and diesel products. Each unit is tested for leaks in accordance with our U.L. listing requirements prior to shipment from our factory, I understand that there is a concern about whether the dispenser would prohibit the entry o1: water from outside the dispenser. I was told that the project in question (Boynton Marina) lies in a "100 year flood plain' and that conceivably water could rise 2-feet above the dispenser base, While our dispenser is not designed to be in use in such an environment, ~e water will not enter the hydraulic system of the dispenser. The bead pressure of water at a 2-foot depth cannot ovacome the resistance of our gaskets/seals to resist such pressure and the hydraulic system will prevent wate~ from entedng the gasoline supply. At a 2-foot dep~ or lees, flood waters would not cause any harm to the Bennett 4000 series remote dispenser. The dispensers, below the metering heads, are designed to prevent water [rom entering the co~penenla'd{j-nh~ c~nclKi~'~$ of t'l~Xfihg." Following Such a flood, vJhe'n"the wa[ers recede, the dispenser shouJd ~quid soap and rinsed with clean water (not pressure sprayed, however). Painted panels should then be coated with a non-abrasive automotive paste wax. Please note that my comments above apply only to the dispenser manufactured by Bennett Commercial Pump Company or Bennett Pump Company in the 4000 series remote version. I cannot comment upon the accessories plumbed to our hose outlet elbow such as hoses, swivels, nozzles, etc. However, the lowest point of the hose outlet elbow in our dispenser is 25' above grade level. Please let me know if you need any further information. Sincerely, Ga~ D. H~BENNETT COMMER~.~~PANY. V.P. Sales & Marketing c: Wly Documer~ts~3istn'o & Cus't'~ THB Tampa. doc