PERMIT APPLICATIONBP200101 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Application Inquiry 12/09/02 09:56:50 Application number ..... : 02 00001437 Application status, date : CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION 11/12/02 Property .......... : 33 WOODS LN PCN ............. : 08-42-46-01-16-000-0330 Lot Number ......... : Zoning ........... : PUD PLANNED ZONED DISTRICT Application type ...... : SA S/F - ADDITION-BLANKET Application date ...... : 4/19/02 Tenant nbr, name ...... : Master plan nbr, revwd by : Estimated valuation .... : Total square footage .... : Public building ...... : NO Work description, qty . . . : Pin number ......... : 1608 SIDE ADDITION BD 19340 0 Press Enter to continue. F3=Exit F5=Land inq F10=Fees F11=Receipts F7=Appl names F12=Cancel F8=Tracking inq F13=Val calcs F9=Bond inquiry F24=More keys PCN# DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION- 0 .BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (Please Print) 2-!437 Owner's Name Owner~Address -'~% City ~ ~ Fee Simple Titlle H°lder's Name Fee Simple Title Holder's Address Contractor's Company'~ ~ ~?~_ Contact person and emergency phone Company Address .~ ~ City ~ ~"~ Job Name ~ (.~~ Job Address ~ Legal Description ', ' Bonding Company Bonding Co. Address '~l/~-.%g architec~Engineer's N~ ' Architec~Engineer's Address S~GLE FAMILY ~ DUPLEX Rec. # ~ Permit# G./--) L).~. (FOR SUB PERMITS ONLY) (Palm Beach County Property Control #) Owner's Phone # Slate _Company Phone # Zip --~-~-~'-{' .~ ~ (If other than owner's) (If other than owner's) Pager/Fax# State City Zoned State :~'-:~'~ MULTI-FAMILY HOTEl, RETAIL (check one) ESTIMATED VALUE OF CONSTRUCTION $ 2/~--~.' "c~ DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ' ,J.~!:"r-' .~'~'-WXO'"~C ) <:z. OFFICE INDUSTRIAL Application is hereby required to obtain a permit to do work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS AND AIR CONDITIONING WORK, ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT, Property Owner's or Agent's Signature Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before mc this who is personally known to me or who has produced take an oath. (date) by as identification and who did (did not) (SEAL) Signature of person taking acknowledgement Name of officer taking acknowledgement - typed, printed or stamped ~~~ .~ ~ Title or-r.a~k Serial Number, if any ~ STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF P~M BEACH ' / ~akh; ;snT:ts~.nally known to me or who has produced ~.'~' % ,_-~, - c.~ ~_~.>~ (,~'-~ '~_,~.gT,_~as idcnti"c.A~ and w' "~ho did Signatureofpersontakingacknowledgemen'~,,, {,I ~ J~[-~_) ~ ', er ta j..~wledg ment - printed or stumped Contractor's State Cenificat~n of R~istration No Liabili~ Insurance Expira~on Date ..... Wo~em' Compensa~on Expiraaon Date Applicat~n ~~ _Pe~it Officer Date: Approv~ By Any cha'~e in building plans or specifications must be recorded wi~ this office. Any wo~ not covered a~ve must have a valid permit prior to s~ing. In ~nsideration of granang this pe~it, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full ~mpliance wi~ ~e Building and Zoning Codes of the Ci~ of ~ynton Bea~. NOTE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has commenced. All Contraclors must have valid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCE OF THI~ PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE S:\{3FVEI.OPMENT~FORMS~OC\PERMIT APPIICATION D(3C Irh'vi~od R/1R/q7 11/4/37 l?/qR R/qq R/qq ~/OFI R/Rd APPLICATION # APPLICATION DATE: SETBACKS: LEFT MASTER PLAN # RECEIVED BY: RIGHT FRONT REAR ZONE: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY TYPE FENCE TYPE ROOF TYPE FLOOD ZONE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION FINISH FLOOR ELEV. (PROPOSED) NUMBER OF UNITS PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PARKING SPACES PROVIDED AREA SQUARE FEET (GROSS) AREA SQUARE FEET (NET) # OF STORIES # OF BEDROOMS ADDITIONAL FEE BCAIF PARKS FEE PENALTY FEE PUBLIC BLDG. FEE RADON FEE ROAD IMPACT FEE SCHOOL FEE SEWER FEE WATER FEE FIRE DEPT. FEE OVERTIME FEE SUB-TOTAL FEE REMARKS: SINGLE FEE Building Clearing & Grubbing Drainage Electrical Excavalion Fill Fire Sprinkler Irrigation Landscaping Mechanical Paving Paving/Drainage Plumbing Roofing Sign Site Lighting VALUATION SUB-TOTAL REQUIREMENTS ~r CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY CER~FICATEOFCOMPLETION FINALS: SITE SIGN ' FIRE ____ FENCE/BUFFER WALL DRAINAGE PAVING OTHER SITE LIGHTING OTHER TOTAL LESS PLAN FILING FEE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE RECEIPT NUMBER DATE ISSUED INTERIM SERVICES FEE CALCULATIONS: Residential: X = # of Units Applicable Monthly Fee AUTHORIZATION for CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: Date AUTHORIZATION for CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: Date Commercial: # of Sq. Ft Divided by 1,000 (rounded to Nearest tenth) x Base Sq. Ft Applicable Monthly Fee S:\DEVELOPMENT~FORMS.DOC\PERMIT APPLICATION.DOC - Revised 6/18/97, 11/4/97, 12/98, 6/99, 8/99, 5/00, 8/00 Interim Services Fee Base Sq. Ft Rate Interim Services Fee DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMIT APPDCA TION O2- 1437 Please print. All lines MUST be completed. If not applicable, write N/A. Date: Master Permit # PCN~ Fee Simple Title H(~ler'~ Name Fee' Simple Title Holder's Address City/State/Zip Contractor's Company Conta~ par#on & emeq~ncy phone # corn.ny c,y/Sta~/zip -j~,~/~- Job Name , -~Z.4~-I Bonding Company Bonding Company Address City/State/Zip (P~lm Beach County Prop#ny Control #) ArchitectJE ngineer's Name Architect/Engineer's Address City/State/Zip Mortgage Lender's Name (If other than owners) (If other than owners) Pager/Fmd~ Zoned Mortgage Lender's Address City/state/Zip (Check one below) Single Family Duplex ~ Value of Cormmclion $ Detailed Deecliplion ~Work Multi-Family Hotat Retail Office Industrial (Check Reviewer Required below) Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Structural Fire Other Application is here~y required to obtain a permit to do won~ and installations as indicated. I certify that no wod( or installation has c~mmenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be pedon~ed to meet the standard~ of all codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS and AIR CONDITIONING WORK, ETC. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing infom~ation is accurate and that ali work wilt be done in compliance with all applicable codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction and zoning. Property Owner's or Agent's Signature Date STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this (date) by Who is personally known to rne or who has produced A~ identification and who did (did not) taka an oath. (SEAL) Signature of person taking ecknow~igen)ent .., .._/' Name of olficer taking acknowledg~)~l~~atamped Title or rank . ,~'// /'/////' Sedal Number, if any /' ~ -- t//r/-- - STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF 'A~C' ,~ The foregoing instrument was ~" [ //,... ~--.~ Who is personally known to me or who ~hes produced ~ As identir~ation and who did (d~id not) take an oath. (SEAL) Signature of person taking acknowledgement Name of ofrmer taking acknowledgement typed, printed ~r sta~"fl~l ....... ')'"'~-'~-. ~ COMMISSION · Tiff# or rank Serial Number, if 4ny~',~.~' Co~trector'~ State C~'tif~:ation o~ Ragistr~on No. ~ Liability Insurance Expiration Date .,~~ ~~ (.~ /~ Wod(ms' Compensation Expiration Date Application Approved by [ ~ "~"~ (Perm~ ~ Date Any ctmnge in bu~l~g plans o~ spec~icatior~ muat be mconJed wi~ thi~ olfice. Any wo~ no~ cov~ ~e m~ ~e a v~ ~ff ~ to ~. In conrad#ration of grar~ tfli$ pem~it, t~e NOTE: Thi~ permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS t~e work which it corem has commenced. AJI Cordmctors must have valid State Certification or County Compe{ency plus County and City Occupa*~onal License~ prior to obtaining permit. I~SUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOE8 NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTION8 FEIE~ ARE NOT REFUNDABLE (For Office Use Only) Application Accepted By: Application # Type of Construction Occupancy Type Fence Type Roof Type Flood Zone Base Flood Elevation Finish Floor Elev. (Proposed) Number of Units Parking Spaces Required Parking Spaces Provided Area Square Feet (Gross) Area Square Feet (Net) Number of Stodes Number of Bedrooms Remarks: IF THIS BOX IS NOT COMPLETED, THIS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO A FINAL INSPECTION ONLY. AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION: ADDITIONAL FEE(S) BCAIF Parks Fee Penalty Fee Public Building Fee Radon Fee Road Impact Fee School Fee Sewer Fee Wa~er Fee Fire Department Fee Overtime Fee Sub-Total SINGLE FEE Building Clearing & Grubbing Drainage Electrical Fill Fire Sprinkler Paving Roofing Sign Site Lighting Sub-Total TOTAL Less Plan Filing Fee Receipt Number ChectdCredit Card Number Receivedfrom: Accepted by: (Initials) BALANCE DUE Receipt Number ~Credit Card Number Received from: Accepted by: (Initials) FEE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT 0 2 "1437 BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Rec. # - --,,75/-7 COMPLETE EACH BOXED ENTRY Permit # /~/~,-~ "%/'7' S (FOIl SUB PERMITS ONLY) .C.¢ 0 k-q ~ -q 6 - 0 i- J 6 ~¢0 -- 0~3 o (Palm Beach County Property Control ~r's Ad~ess~ ~ ~~ (~, ~ [~Oq~~ ~~ ~ State ~C~ Zip Fee Simple Title Ho~de~'s Name ~/~ (1[ other than owner's) Fee Simple Title Holder's Address (If other than owner's) Contractor's Compan~ ~-~A~ ~0~[~~ ~(~~any Phone ~ "~ ~- Contact person and emerg~n~e ~ Company address ~ ~ ~~~ Pager/FaxS ~-5--0~_ 9~ ~E6¢~ ~ ~O~ ' State F~ Zip ~'/A'I~ ~ ~ ~ Zoned Bonding Company Bonding Co. Address City ~ ~ ~ ~ J~ E g state ArchitecUEngineer's Name ~ ~j~ ~~_~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~- Architec~Engineer's Address ~ ~no 1 ~ ~ Mortgage Lender's Name ~ ~ ~ Mortgage Lender's Address ..... .,a~ SINGLE FAMILY ~DUPLEX ~ MULTI-FAMILY ~ tlOTELDUI~~ .... O~FICE ~ INDUSTEIAL check one) DETAILED DESCRIPTI°N OF WOR~:~ ~ ~l~O~ ~ ~.~~C ~5 CHECKREVIEWER ~QUIRED: .... / ~ Applica(ion is hereb~ required to obtain a per¢it to do work and installations as indicated. I cedify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed Io meet the standards of all codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS AND AIR CONDITIONING WORK, ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I cedify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU~END TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFOR~ECCRDING Y~g~E OF COMMENCEMENT. Property Owner's or Agent's Signaturo~ /~~//~ Date 2vho is ~~~ produced as identification and who did (did nol) Signature of person taking acknowlcdge~~~~' ~~ o:~cer ta~h]g a&nowlcdgement - t~cd, printed or stamped T~oz.)rank STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF PALM BEACII Serial Number, if any __ Date /7/L lq- O ~ who is Perso..~zdl.y~own to me or who has produced as identification and who did take an 6ath. (SEAL) Signature of person taking acknowledgement acknowledgement - typed, printed or sta,nped ~T~~.~a'~ ~ Serial Number, if any (Certificate of Competency H, older) Contractor's State Cedification of Registration No. ~'/¢.._~::~) qk(-4 ~'~j~ ! Liability Insurance Expiration Date '"~ J'"-~-'~ _ Workers' Compensation Expir.~n D/al(] ."."7~ ~'-~ '-(.D :"T~ Application Approved By ./~7 &/_,~.-"'"_?,,~ -- --- Permit Officer Date: Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above must have a valid permit prior to starling. In consideration of granting this permit, the owner aud builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach. NOTE: This permit VOID after 180 DAYS UNLESS the work which it covers has commenced. All Contractors must have valid State Certification or County Competency plus County and City Occupational Licenses prior to obtaining permit. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT AUTHORIZE VIOLATION OF DEED RESTRICTIONS FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE S:\DEVELOPMENT\FORMS.DOC\PERMIT APPLICATION MOD.A.DOC - Revised 6/18/97, 11/4/97, 12/98, 6/99, 8/99, 5/00, 8/00, 9/25/2000 (THIS SIDE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) APPLICATION # APPLICATION DATE: SETBACKS: ZONE: LEFT RIGHT MASTER PERMIT # APPLICATION ACCEPTED BY: FRONT REAR TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION OCCUPANCY TYPE FENCE TYPE ROOF TYPE FLOOD ZONE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION FINISH FLOOR ELEV. (PROPOSED) NUMBER OF UNITS PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PARKING SPACES PROVIDED AREA SQUARE FEET (GROSS) ~t~ t~_~ AREA SQUARE FEET (NC) # OF STORIES # OF BEDROOMS REMARKS: IF THIS BOX IS NOT COMPLETED, THiS PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO A FINAL INSPECTION ONLY. AUTHORIZED for CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: Date ADDIT{ONAL FEE BCAIF PARKS FEE PENALTY FEE PUBLIC BLDG. FEE RADON FEE ROAD IMPACT FEE SCHOOL FEE SEWER FEE WATER FEE FIRE DEPT. FEE OVERTIME FEE SUB-TOTAL J/f/ex VALUATION SINGLE FEE Building Clearing & Grubbing D, rainage Electrical Excavation Fill Fire Alarm Fire Sprinkler Irrigation Landscaping Mechanical Paving Paving/Drainage Plumbing \ Roofing Sign Site Lighting SUB TOTAL TOTAL LESS PLAN FILING FEE Cash Rec'd from: FEE Recpt :/it AcCepted by: (Initials) ..~ CK# V Cash Rec'd from: Accepted by: (Initials) S \DEVELOPMENT~FORMS.DOC\pERMIT APPLICATION MOD.A.DOC - Revised 6/18/97, 11/4/97, 12/96, 6/99, 8/99, 5/00, 8/00, 9/2512000 02-1437 PGT Industries. ACCEPTA~NCE No.: 99-0324.01 .AA~?~OVED : JUl ~ ~ t~39 EX.PIILES : . Jurt.27, 21102 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: STANDARD CONDITIONS SCOPE This renews t,he Notice of Acceptav. ce No. 95-1205.05, which was Lssued on Ju~.e 27, !996. Ir approves an aluminum hor~ontat rolling ~ndow, as desc,-ibed in Section 2 of r_h_is Notice of Acceptance, designed to comply with ~e South Florida Building Code, 1994 F_Mkian for Mia.mi- Dada Co-unry, ~or the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFBC Ctmp~er 23, do not exceed re Design Pressure Rating values indicated bx thc approved drawings. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Series I~ 201 Aluminum Horizontal Railing Window (3/16' Monolithic Glazin~ and component~ shall be constructed in xtrict compliance with the follow/rog documents: Drawing No. 260, Sheets I through 4 of 4, titled "HS-20[", preFared by the manuZacmrzr, dated 3/[709, and revised on &7/99, ~igned and sealed by Robe."'. L. Clark, bearing he Miami-Da.de CounE/Product Conu'ol Approval s~:q~-n~ w*iuh the Notice of Acaemance n~mber and approv~ data by ~nz Dado County Product Control Division. These documents si.all hereinv__~.er be referred ro as 3. LIMITATIONS 3.1 ~nis a.zpraval applies to single unit applications only, as shown in approved 4. INSTALLATION 4.1 The a[m,,in~"n horizontal rolling window az~d its components shall be ir,_qtal[ed [n strict '.vkh the approved &-awirtgs. 4.2 Hurricane projection system (sixutters): the [nsraI[at;.an of :his uni[ will require protection system. 5. LABELING 5.i Each unit shah bear a permanent iabel with the manufacturer's name or logo,,.t~:,~"~' st~.'.e ?.nd ,odowmg statement: Nuarm-Dadc Coumy Product Conwo[...p.~ ~ov:.a".~. BUILDING PER)flIT REQUIILE.MENTS Application for building .c~rrn. it shall be accompanied by copies of the fat!os,ring: 6.l.t 6.1.2 6.1.3 'Unis Nonce a f Acceor.?7.:.ce. .'-x. ccept'-.nce, clu-'~4¥ m~kcd to show [.he, comaonenm setccte'J roe abe proposed inst:dla.'.icn. Any other documents required by the Building ©fficiai or -'.he South Florida Buiiding Code (SKBC) ir', order to propeH7 evaluate the instaI!atien ofuhis system. SHEET OF PERMIT s~r , DO NOT REMOVE eFILIE COPye BUILDING DIVISION 02-1437 PGT Industries. ACCEPTANCE No.: 99-0324.fll EXPIRES : Jun 2.7, 2(162 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: STANDARD CONDITIONS Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be considered after a r~, ewal application has been flied and the original submit[ed documents, ~nc[~din~ t~st-suppo~ing data, ~ngin~ering d~umen~ ~e no older ~ elghr (~) y~s. A_ny and all approved product~ shall be permanently lal~led witch the manufacturer's name, ci~, state, and the roi]owing statement: "Mi~i-Dade County P~ucr Control Approval", or ~ spcciHcally smr~ in the specific conditions of this Acceptant. Renewals of A~ceptance-will not be considered it': a. There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code aff'.e, cring the evaluation of thi.~ product and the product is nor in compliance with the code changes. b. Thc product is no longer ',,he same product, (identical) as the one or/gir~tty approved. c. [f thc Aareptance [raider has not complied with all thc re~uir~rnenra cC this acceptance, including ~e correct irmtatlation oft,he product. d. Thc engin~r who origirmliy pr=pa.."~d, signed and seale~ me re,quir=d documentation initially submiaed, i.~ no long=: practicing Lhe engineering ..ra(ession. Any revision or change in uhe materials, use, and'or manufa~ure of ~,e 9m<i.uc.~ or prcme~ shah auromatically be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has !:m~-n requested (through the filing ora revision application with appropriate fee) and granted by this orTice. Any of the Following shall also be grounds for removal of'this Acceptar,.cs: a. Unsatisfactory pe~crmanc: or'this product or process. b. Misuse or` this Acceptance as an endorsement of any produc~ for sales, advertising or any other purposes. The Notice or` Acceptance number p~ceded by the words Mimmi-Dade County, Florida. and fo[lowed by the expiration date may be disp!ayed in adve,aislng literature. If any potion of the Notice of Acceptance is displayed, then it shall be done {n its entirety.. :\ copy of' this Acceptance ~ ,*'et1 as approved dr=wings and other dccumenu, where ir applies, shall be provided ro .'.he user by the manufacturer or its dis~'iburors and shall beaYa,a~"-~' .... fcc inspection ,~ tl~e job sk~ at at~ time. ~qe engineer need nor reseal thc copies. 9. This Notice ot"Acceptancc :m'.si.q~ of ~ag,:s ! through 3 END OF THIS ACCEPT-~";CE 7.,'" --/; A · SHEET OF PERMItt i, _Gz. ?.l.. Produc~ Conu-oI..ES~ mint? DO NOT REMOV co=or ' CEIV APR ! 9 2OO2 B eFILIE COP UILD/NG DIVII~N rage I "~FILE COPY* BdlLDING DIVISION ~H£ET OF P£R~IT $~r~ DO NOT RI~MOVE~ RECEIVED APR 1 9 2002 eFILE COPY,, ' BUILDING DIVISION I ~,RMIT SL:"r ~EMOVE' CEIVED .~PR 19 2002 :ILE COPYe DING DIVISION PREPARED 4/19/02, 11:25:25 PAYMENTS DUE RECEIPT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PROGRAM BP820L APPLICATION NUMBER: 02-00001437 33 WOODS LN FEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT DUE PLAN CHECK FEE 92.83 TOTAL DUE 92 . 83 OZ- 1l~JT- Please present this receipt to the cashier with full payment. SHEET OF PEi~N~IT SET DO ,~iOT REMOVE Ope~: ~LLEN; Da%e: 4/l~/&/B1 Total ~ende~d Receipt no: $~.83 ,M PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE I'GT Industries 1070 Technology.' Drive Noknm~s FL 34274 Your application tbr Product Approval or': Series SGD-2500,4 htminurn Sliding Glass Door 02-1437 MIAMI-DADE COUNT',.'. FLOR:!3 METRO-DADE FLAGLER BLILDING CODE COMPLi&NCE()FFICE xlETRO-D.,,DE FI.ACLER !~L ILD!}.G EST FLACLER STREET. 5L':TE t305~ 375.2%'1 FAX ~305, CONTRACTOR LIC. EN513 G ~30~ %?5.2527 ?-kX;h~5! CO~ FRACTOR E.'"iI.O~CE?,IE?,, l' PRODUCT CONTROL (305~ 37S.2902 F.,~"( i305~ 372-63~ under Chapter ,..q o.¢ thc Code of MiamNDadc County governing thc usc of Aitcmate Nlatcriais and T)'pc$ of ConslructJon, and completely described he:'ei;~., J:;:s been rzcomrp,¢ndcd ~i;r acczpranc.: b2; ~.hc .\,Jia:::i-D~2~' County fluilctiqg Code Compliance Or'ritz (BCCO) und¢:' the cotlditions spcciEed herein. This approval shatl not be valid aRer tt~c expiration date sta~cd below. BCCO reserves thc rigi~c [o secure d',.[s product or material at anytime from ajobsite or manufacturer's plant fbr quality cona'o[ testing. [ff this product or material t~ils to pertbrm in d~e approved manner, BCCO may revoke, mod i (y, or suspc~td the use of such product or material immediately, BCCO reserves the rigi~t to revoke this approval, i{ it is determined BCCO dmt tNs product or material Fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida Bui[ding Code. The expense oF such testing will be incurred b,:' the manuf'acturer, Acceptance No.: 00-0301.03 Expires:OS/22/2003 Chief Product Control Division THIS IS THE COVERSHEET, SEE ADDITIONAL PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENF. btAL CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE & PRODUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE Approved: 06/08/2000 This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved by' the Buitding Code and Product Review Committee to be used in Dade County, Florida under tt:e conditions set tUt'th above. . M:~ancisco ;t. Quintat{a. R.A. Director I of 3 Miami-Dade County Building Code Compiiance Of/icc SHEET OF PERMIT SET DO NOT REMOVE lnternet mail address: postmaster~buildingcodeoaline.com (~ RECEIVED APR 19 2O02 BUILDING DIVISION Homepage: htlp://www, buildingcodeonline.¢om PG'[' Industries 0 2- 1437 xCCEPTXNCE .'40.: 00-0301 APPROVKD : EXPIRF, S : --. May 22, 2005_ NO'rICE Oi,' ACCEPTANCE: SPECIFIC CONI){TIONS SCOPE This renews the Not/ce or' .4cceptaace No. 96-t022,.03, which t~'as issued orr LMa~' 22. i997. it approves an aluminum sliding glass door, as d~:scribed in Section 2 of Ehis Notice or' Acceptance. designed to comey with. the Sowh Ftor/.da Building Code. 1994, Edition for Miami-Dado County. for the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SI:fIG Chapter 23, do not exceed the Design Pressure Rating values indicated in the approved drawings. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Series SGD-2500 Aluminum Sliding Glass Door and its components shall be constructed in strict compliance ~vith the following document: Drawing No. 7al, Sheet I of 6 titled prepared by Progressive Glass Technology, dated February [4, 2000. bearing the Miami-Dado County Product Control Approval stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and approval date by the Miami-Dado County Product Control Division. These documents shall hereinafter be referred to as the approved drawings. 3. LIMITATIONS 3.1 This approval applies to single unit applications only, as shovm in approved drawings. 3.2 Other configurations allowed: OX, XO, X..X. OXO, XXX and XX~'GX. 3.3 Head receptor is not allowed to be used in this installation. 3.4 For Design Pressure Rating vs. Door Size, and Reinforcement. See Comparative Analysis Tables in approved drawings 4. INSTALLATION 4.1 The aluminum sliding glass door and its components shaf[ be installed in sir{ct comp£iance with the approved draxvings. 4.2 The installation of this product ,,,,'ill require a hurricane protection system. 5. LABELING 5.1 Each unit shall bear a permanent label xvith the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved". SHEET OF PERMIT' SET DO NOT REMOVE ~.'~ of 3 BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS Application tbr building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.l.1 This Notice of Acceptance. 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in Section 2 o~' this Notice or' Acceptance, clearly marked to show the components selected for the proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by the Building Official or the South giorida Budding Code (SFBC) in order to properly evaluate the installation of chis system. Mar{ie~/~}rez, P.~ ~r,,c~l~c~~miner Produ&L.C~ntrot Division APR l g 2002 BUILDING DIVISION PGT Industries ACCEPTANCE No.: APl)ROVED : 02-1437 00-0301.03 JUN 0 8 ZOO0 May 22~ 2003 EXPIRES : NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: STANDARD CONDITIONS Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and the original submitted documents, including test-supporting data, engineering documents, are nc older than eight (g) years. Any and all approved products shall be permanently labeled with the manut'acturer's name, ciD', state, and thc following statement: "MJami-Dade County Product Control A~proval" or as specifically stated in the specific conditions of'this Acceptance. Renewals of Acceptance wilt not be considered it': a. There has been a change in thc South Florida Building Code affecting thc evaluation of this product and the product is not in compliance with the code changes. b. The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one originally approved. c. If the Acceptance holder has not complied with all the requirements of' this acceptance, inc/ud/ng thc correct installation of the product. d. The engineer who originally prepared, signed and sealed the required documentation initially submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering profession. Any revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall automatically be cause for termination of this AcCeptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through the filing ora revision application with appropriate fcc) and granted by this office, Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal of this Acceptance: a. Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process. b. Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida. and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature, if any portion of the Notice of Acceptance is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. A copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other documents, where it applies, shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at all time. The engineer needs not reseal the copies. Failure to comply wi~h any section of trois Acceptance shall be cause for term/nation and removal oF Acceptance. This Notice of Acceptance consists of pages I, 2 and this last page 3. SHEET OF PERMIT SAT DO NOT REMOVE END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE //-'~ Manue~ Perez, P.E., Product--~E~aminer Produ&Ca.arrat Divii~t~ ! ~ 3 of 3 BUILDING DIVISION ...... ii~ i W iV, la_l ~J_II_ SHEET OF PERMIT DO NOT REMOVE / I ;RECEIV!ED APR l g 2002 BUILDING DIVI$10N L: SHEET OF PERMIT SET ~EC EIVED APR 19 2002 DONOT REMOV~ BUILDING ,..-' _ . ... ~ ~ APR 19 2~2 SHEET OF PERMIT SET BUll. DING DIVISION